Scottish straight kitten 2 months old. How often and what to feed Scottish kittens, choosing the type of food

Pedigree Scottish kittens are usually under the care of their mother cat for at least two months. Breastfeeding ensures the development of the immune system in adorable fluffies. In this case, complementary foods are introduced long before the kitten is weaned from mother's milk.

If for some reason the cat is not able to feed her offspring, then the feeding of small lumps goes to literally on the clock.

  • every 2-2.5 hours it is necessary to give milk formula to kittens under 2 weeks of age;
  • until 1 month is completed - once every three hours. A one-month-old bottle-fed Scottish kitten will already need water. At the same time, complementary foods can be introduced;
  • After the pet turns 2 months old, even if it has a mother cat, it will not be able to do without proper nutrition. There is a Scotsman should about 7 times, in daylight hours day;
  • 3 months for all babies becomes turning point. There is no longer any mother's milk, and you need to feed food at least 6 times a day;
  • at 5 months the number of appointments is reduced to 5;
  • at 9 – 4 meals a day are enough;
  • By 12 months, the Scotsman should get used to the “adult” daily routine: 2 or 3 feedings a day.

What should you not feed?

Whatever the fate of the Scottish kitten - with its mother or breastfeeding, there are strict prohibitions on the use of certain categories of products in its diet. After all, the formation of the immune system and all organs in the body lasts almost up to a year. This fact dictates that you carefully weigh what to feed your lop-eared kitten.

The list of unacceptable ones includes:

  1. Budget food. Remember, you are laying the foundation for health. To make the Scots happy long years, make sure your food is of professional quality and be prepared for it to be expensive. Savings on the health of a purebred Scottish kitten will result in large costs for its treatment in the future.
  2. Bones. Fish or chicken - easily crushed. The kitten can swallow a fragment and injure internal organs.
  3. Fat meat. Proteins should prevail in the balance of nutrients. Therefore, pork, lamb or fatty poultry excluded from feeding.
  4. Fish. Primarily river. Under the strictest prohibition, raw and fatty.
  5. Cow's milk. IN pure form may cause stomach upset.
  6. Raw eggs - due to the danger of salmonella.
  7. Food from the human table. Spices, sweets, baked goods that have undergone special processing are prohibited: smoked, fried, canned foods. You can't even give it to a kitten baby food: Sugar, spices, and vegetables are also added to it, which his body does not perceive.
  8. Medicines for people. It is unlikely that you will be able to measure the dosage, and the active ingredients are designed for humans, and not for predators. For a Scottish kitten, taking them can be dangerous.

  • potatoes, tomato, rhubarb. Not absorbed by the body, causing problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • legumes Causes digestive problems. Undercooked beans or peas in a kitten will provoke fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • citrus. The kitten is unlikely to eat them, but if this happens, indigestion and allergies are possible;
  • onion and garlic. The substances in the composition destroy red blood cells. In large quantities they contribute to the development of anemia.

If the owner loves mushrooms, this does not mean that the cat can eat them: the body cannot cope with such a source of protein, and predators do not produce enzymes to digest them.

Selecting a power type

As a rule, breeders or nurseries give Scottish Fold kittens or their straight-eared cousins ​​to new family at about 3 months of age.

New pets are fully socialized, own good manners and already have their own eating habits. It is only important to ask about them. Relocating to a new place of residence will cause stress and it will be better if you continue to feed your Scottish kittens as before. You need to change your usual diet to a new one gradually, and choose it wisely.


Of course, natural feeding has its advantages:

  1. 100% confidence in the quality of cat food.
  2. Diet variety.

However, it is quite difficult to feed a Scottish Fold or Straight-eared cat with a diet prepared by yourself:

  1. It will take a lot of time to cook.
  2. A couple of times every 6-12 months with natural feeding Scottish kitten needs a course of vitamins and minerals.

Natural nutrition presupposes that the Scottish kitten's menu includes:

  • lean meat. The most commonly used is beef or chicken. Alternatively, rabbit or turkey is possible. Raw meat can only be served frozen to reduce the risk of helminthic infestation. By 6 months, be sure to feed your Scottish kitten offal: necks, hearts and navels, to prevent tartar. Liver only in boiled form, once a week;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs. Kittens are unlikely to eat them of their own free will. It is recommended to grate or cut into cubes and then add to chopped meat or cook in broth. Make sure you always have sprouted grass;
  • low-carb cereals. Only as a supplement to nutrition. They cannot be used as a basis;
  • milk. Only up to 3 months: in the form of porridge, always boiled;
  • fermented milk food. There should not be a lot - excess calcium can cause Scottish Folds to straighten their ears. Unlike kittens of other breeds, they are recommended to be given fermented milk products about once a week;
  • vegetable oil. A small amount to season vegetables or add to porridge;
  • boiled eggs - one yolk per week;
  • sea ​​fish. For variety and to provide the body with fatty acids, you can give it once a week. Low-fat and only boiled.

It is necessary to carefully check portions and feed only fresh food each time. Do not leave it in the bowl. Take care of the water, it should be in the public domain.

Industrial feed

If you don’t have time to look for delicacies and prepare the next meal from them for the Scottish aristocrat, take a closer look at ready-made food.

They come in dry and wet varieties, designed specifically for kittens. The packaging should detail the composition and consumption rates per kilogram of weight, as well as the frequency of feeding.

Please note that canned food is not always balanced for daily feeding and can only be used as a treat.

Wet food eliminates the problem of saturating the Scottish kitten's body with moisture, because some practically do not drink. However, this is a more expensive food option. Food should not be left in a bowl; a fresh portion is needed every time.

It is important that the food is of professional quality, original production. You shouldn't buy economy options. There is nothing in them except ballast substances and raw materials of dubious origin.

High-quality dry food has undoubted advantages:

  • guarantees the Scottish kitten a balance of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and amino acids. No need for additives;
  • prevention of tartar;
  • ease of use for the owner: the food is stored for a long time, is economical, and it is easy to measure the daily requirement.

The main thing in feeding a Scottish kitten with dry food is water. Clean and always available.

Mixed feeding

Some owners combine ready-made food and natural products. If you look from the point of view of diversity, this is justified.

Further difficulties are possible - it is difficult to establish the daily intake rate. Too much caloric content leads to obesity, and too little - dystrophy. Therefore, the Scotsman’s condition must be carefully monitored: the kitten must be active, mobile and cheerful. Everything else is a sign of imbalance.

When eating a mixed diet, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. You cannot feed your Scottish kitten ready-made food and a portion of natural food at the same time. This is due to differences in the digestion process of feed that has undergone completely different processing.
  2. When combining foods of different origins, the Scottish kitten will need additional vitamin supplementation. The norms must be agreed with the veterinarian.

Features of nutrition in adolescence

Up to 8-10 months food for Scottish fold cats a special one is selected, marked “for kittens”. After this, you can gradually switch to “adult” food.

By this time, you need to decide on the timing of castration or include your Scottish Straight or Scottish Fold in the mating program.

If the kitten does not participate in breeding, then castration is the only way for a purebred animal to live a long and happy life. However, before surgery, he must be switched to food for neutered pets. Gently and gradually so as not to cause stress. Subsequently, feed only special diets that take into account the characteristics of mature cats, but lacking basic instinct.

With natural feeding, the transition period is marked by the opportunity to feed the pet more fermented milk food. After 10 months, the ears have already formed and the exterior has stabilized. Therefore, calcium will only be beneficial.

General feeding rules

The general principles of how to feed a Scottish or any other kitten are actually the same. Cats are carnivores and need animal protein. Even the affectionate and touching Scots.

  1. The basis of the menu should be meat. Natural food or ready-made food: pay close attention to the composition and quality of raw materials.
  2. Artificial additives, dyes, spices, salt, stabilizers, flavors and sugar are prohibited. By excluding them, you will ensure the natural development and good health of your pet.
  3. Provide the Scot with water. This is the most important feeding rule.
  4. Make sure the food is at room temperature and the correct consistency. It is better to give crushed food to Scottish kittens up to 3 months old. Closer to 6 months, they switch to large pieces, which will ensure normal development of the jaw muscles.

The Scots, together with the British, have long dictated the rules of home etiquette. Not only its health depends on how carefully you pay attention to feeding a kitten, and then an adult cat. A satisfied pet who is satisfied with the contents of the bowl will become a source of peace and well-being in your family.

Scottish kittens - fold-eared or with straight ears - are lovely creatures that you want to pamper in every possible way and feed them with various delicacies. But it is much more important to take care of the normal development of the baby. What to feed a Scottish kitten so that it grows well and feels great? Breeders give several basic recommendations that must be followed.

Features of the “Scots”

Scottish cats are very popular due to their touching appearance and good character. This group includes breeds such as the Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold, as well as the Highland Fold and Highland Straight. All “Scots” are distinguished by a stable psyche, balanced character and even innate intelligence. It is easy to negotiate with such cats; they are docile and meek.

To the delight of the owners, Scottish cats They are quite hardy and do not require special care. They do not need to be combed for hours, and they themselves can cleanse their short but thick fur of dirt. It is enough just to periodically wash the kitten and comb its fur. And of course, it is very important to feed the baby correctly. If in the first months of life the mother cat takes care of this, then later the worries about the kitten’s nutrition fall on the shoulders of its owners.

What to feed your Scottish kitten: canned food, dry food or natural food?

The owner of any kitten must immediately decide what kind of food to feed the baby - natural or ready-made, designed specifically for cats. Veterinarians categorically do not recommend mixing food in your pet's diet. different types feed This is due to the fact that with a mixed diet it is very difficult to calculate portion sizes and organize nutrition in such a way that the kitten receives all the necessary nutrients in the right quantity.

Each owner decides for himself which option to prefer. Natural food has its advantages: it is usually inexpensive, always available, and allows you to organize a varied menu for your pet. At the same time, such feeding requires spending some effort on preparing food, and sometimes even persuading the baby to try a piece of this or that dish he doesn’t like.

Feeding your pet with special food is, of course, much easier. It usually takes a minimum of time to open the bag and measure out the required portion, and cats happily eat the food intended for them. In addition, such products are usually balanced in composition and satisfy all the needs of a growing cat's body. But good food is quite expensive, and sometimes it is difficult to find it on sale. Little kitty eats a little, but over time the portions increase, and feeding the pussy can be difficult. In addition, ready-made food is often counterfeited. As for not very good food, it can ruin the kitten’s health, since it is prepared from various waste flavored with flavorings. Often, kittens refuse to eat other food after such flavored foods, that is, they actually become addicted.

Veterinarians do not recommend giving cats exclusively dry food - it is advisable to combine it with special canned cat food that has a soft, moist consistency. In addition, it is very important that a cat that eats dry food always has access to water. This, however, also applies to natural food. There are cats that never drink, but this is very rare. Much more often, kittens and adult cats regularly visit the water bowl, so it is important to ensure that this bowl is not empty.

If artificial food is chosen, then it is necessary to carefully measure portions depending on the age and weight of the kitten. For babies, you should use special food that contains a large amount of vitamins and is easily digested by kittens. It is also necessary to take into account the individual recommendations of veterinarians: some breeds, which include Scottish cats, especially fold-eared cats, should follow a special menu.

For the first three months, the kitten should receive mother's milk. If this is not possible, then you need to offer the baby a special milk formula - 150 milliliters 6-7 times a day. Other dairy products are limited on the Scottish kittens' menu. Excess calcium in the diet negatively affects the health of cats of this breed, and in lop-eared kittens it can even lead to straightening of the ears.

It is enough to feed older kittens four times a day. Standard size portions – up to 250 grams of natural food. At this age, you should not give kittens raw food, and even less so. After six months, the number of meals is reduced to two or three. You can gradually introduce raw foods into your kitten's diet.

There is no need to salt food for kittens, and even less so to add spices. But it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the food. It is better if the food is lukewarm or at room temperature, but not hot or cold.

Scots diet

If your kitten eats natural food, you should consult your veterinarian regarding vitamin supplements for your baby. This is not necessary when consuming ready-made fortified feeds.

The basis of the Scottish kitten's diet is meat, vegetables (30% of the diet), cereals (10% of the total food). You can use beef or meat; rabbit or turkey are also suitable, but you will have to refuse. From time to time it is worth giving your baby by-products - for example, liver. Also, as a source of protein, you can give it occasionally - once a week, for example - deboned low-fat boiled fish.

The peculiarity of the diet of Scottish kittens is that the amount of calcium in the menu should be moderate. Digestive system These cats do not cope well with large amounts of calcium, and in addition, an excess of this mineral can cause the ears of fold-eared representatives of the breed to become straight. Of course, this does not mean that calcium-rich foods should be completely avoided, but consultation with a veterinarian regarding their amount in the diet is necessary.

What do you feed your kitten?

Dry food is fine 26 171 171 0

Only natural products 90 171 171 0

Whenever, mixed nutrition 55 171 171 0

Oh, these ready-made foods, they cause nothing but problems. We feed natural food because our previous cat had a sad experience - liver problems, allergies and other “joys”. She lived with us for only 3 years and left for the rainbow. Now we are raising a kitten, and we will never buy any dry rubbish. Meat porridge is just the way to go. He is six months old, eats well, and we are very careful about his diet.

If you have already encountered side effects ready-made food, then of course it is useless to argue with you) Perhaps this is correct, but so that the pet is absolutely healthy and his appearance I shouted about it, I need a full complex of vitamins. And with the help of porridges with meat it is not so easy to provide it. Is it better to mix and match ready-made food and home-cooked food?

I agree, I combine ready-made soft food and natural food. only frozen meat (chicken, turkey, beef), RAW quail eggs, they love Belarusian milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, once a week - boiled sea fish, maybe cod. And 3-4 times a week - wet food (Almo Natur, Pro Plan, Berkeley....) Cats (I have 4 of them) with good shiny fur and a thick tail. Breed: Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold

Well, can you think of anything like that, what problems could there be with store-bought feed? On the contrary, animals can develop both cystitis and liver disease from homemade food. And the ready-made ones already contain a balanced complex of all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a kitten. Most likely, your kitten ate something wrong or you did not give him the right amount of water, so he went, as you put it, to the rainbow.

what nonsense? excellent food proplan! If you stuff your cat with all sorts of cereals, it won’t lead to anything good! There are different types of dry food, don’t waste your money!

Such little paws, I could squeeze them like soft toy. I love these fluffy creatures with claws. I have a Siamese kitten at home, and he is so playful that he has already torn off all my wallpaper downstairs)). I also dream of having a Scotsman, but, unfortunately, this breed is very expensive. You can buy it on our market for 200-300 bucks. But anyway, if it works out, I’ll save up the money and buy it. In the meantime, I’m reading what is needed to care for this beauty, getting ready, so to speak.

Julia, don’t worry, the Scots are no different from the rest in terms of food purebred cats. The main thing is not to feed them all sorts of nasty things, but to buy high-quality food. And it's the same with kittens. And don’t forget to add water so that they don’t get cystitis. Yes, and don’t forget about vaccinations, they are very capricious in this regard. And so, in principle, they are not very picky.

You have listed so many things - keeping an eye on water, vaccinations, and food. These are already capricious ones. How much further? No Scotsman will look decent if he is deprived of such care. If you consider him normal and behave the same way, then he will look the part. Only the drooping ears will remain as a reminder. So capricious, whatever one may say.

Today this breed is quite popular, which means that owners often ask questions about what to feed Scottish kittens. In order for these “plush” creatures to look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to satisfy their body’s needs for adequate nutrition. If the baby is fed by the mother, then her milk lasts for about 20 days. If even before this age he shows restlessness and cries constantly, it means that he no longer has enough milk and needs to start supplementing. This is probably the most difficult test - feeding newborn babies, but it is quite doable. What to feed Scottish kittens under three weeks of age? Warmed goat or cow's milk will do. This natural product is much better than baby formula.

Artificial feeding

If the cat died or abandoned its offspring, then all you have to do is bottle-feed the babies yourself. We have already noted what to feed newborn Scottish kittens. You should not take formula for feeding children; the organisms of humans and animals are significantly different. But goat's milk is considered the best option. The most the main problem is that it is necessary to feed the wards approximately every two hours, and sometimes even more often, because if one of them wakes up and starts crying, then all the other fluffy balls will soon wake up. Be patient: you will have to take almost maternity leave and take care of your pets!

The kittens are 2 weeks old

Around the 12th day, it is first time to offer the purrs real food. It can be pureed meat or boiled fish. Now the most important thing is not the result itself (how much the kids will eat), but to give them the opportunity to try so that their intestinal microflora gradually gets used to such products. We will tell you in detail what to feed Scottish kittens, and what you absolutely should not give. So you can be sure that you have composed your diet correctly.

Feeding a one-month-old kitten

We continue our conversation and smoothly move on to what to feed Scottish kittens at 1 month. Usually at this time, the furry beauties move to live with their new owners and begin to eat fully from a bowl. Now their diet should include meat. Mandatory after treatment with steam or boiling water. This can be pureed beef or chicken; in addition, it is very important to add vegetables and fruits to the diet.

If you don’t teach your pet healthy food now, you will never be able to do so. It is very important to gradually accustom kittens to eating pieces of meat in order to develop masticatory muscles and strengthen teeth. Instead of feeding Scottish kittens with dry food, it is better to work a little now, preparing fresh portions of food for your pets up to 10 times a day. Gradually, the kittens grow, and portions of meat and fish should increase accordingly. Don’t forget that fresh meat is something you absolutely cannot feed Scottish kittens at 1 month of age. To feed your baby raw meat, you must first freeze it in the freezer. At the same time, we must remember that it is undesirable to give fatty meat; chicken or beef is best.

Your pet is two months old

Surely the breeders gave you some information and told you what to feed Scottish Straight kittens. Indeed, to make your pet look chic, you need to provide a nutritious diet, and not scraps from your table. The baby is growing quickly, but you already know what to feed Scottish kittens (1.5 months).

The amount of food consumed has not yet increased, but the kitten still asks to eat at least 8 times a day. Usually sellers warn that by about 2 months the need for calcium in kittens increases greatly. If you don't give them cottage cheese and fish, their ears may not stand up and their bones will remain weak. Any kitten needs calcium, but in this case the breeders place an emphasis, apparently, so that if the ears don’t stand up, there will be no complaints about them. Sea fish can be given raw, but river fish can only be given boiled. Be sure to remove any bones from it. In large quantities, fish can harm a cat’s body, as it contains many mineral salts that can cause urolithiasis. But this problem is relevant only if you feed the cat alone. raw fish or for a long time.

Features of the diet at this age

Speaking about what to feed Scottish kittens (2 months), it is necessary to mention high need the body in vitamins. To replenish consumed microelements, you need to give kittens vitamin flour made from sprouted wheat or oats. Every breeder must know what to feed Scottish kittens at 2 months. The basis of the diet will continue to be raw frozen meat and boiled boneless fish 2-3 times a week. Dairy products are an important component of the diet, it can be kefir or yogurt, cottage cheese, but it is not recommended to give yogurts, as they contain sugar. The daily portion is still small, only 150 g. However, it needs to be divided into 6-10 meals.

Nutrition for a three month old kitten

Now the baby’s diet is changing somewhat, he has already grown significantly, become stronger and has become like an adult cat in miniature. Let's look at what to feed Scottish kittens at 3 months. The older a kitten gets, the less its body requires milk; moreover, with age, the number of enzymes responsible for processing milk decreases significantly. Therefore, now cottage cheese and kefir should be given little by little no more than three times a week.

Many people are interested in what to feed Scottish kittens (3 months), that is, continue natural feeding or buy good ready-made food? Every veterinarian has his own opinion on this matter. But most of all experts are in favor of giving the baby natural food. Now the number of feedings needs to be reduced to 4-6 per day, but the portions need to be increased. The amount of food fed in one day does not exceed 220 g. These rules must be followed for up to 6 months.

Scottish kitten after six months

You've already passed the most difficult stage, the pet has grown a lot and can now switch to the diet of an adult cat. You already know from your own experience what to feed small Scottish kittens, but now you can safely switch to feeding them three times a day. The daily portion is approximately 250 g, while the proportion of meat products should not be less than 40 g. By approximately 11 months, it will be possible to transfer the baby to two feedings a day, which is optimal for adult cats. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, vitamin supplements, and fish.

Natural feeding

Let's look at the recommendations of experienced veterinarians to know exactly what you can feed Scottish kittens. It must be raw frozen beef, approximately 30 g for a kitten and 120 for a cat. Chicken can be given every day, but offal - no more than twice a week. Can be given twice a week egg yolk, but it’s better not to feed protein at all. Milk - only for kittens up to 3 months. Milk porridge is also given only to kittens; it is better to offer vegetables to adults. But you can have fermented milk products every day. Vegetables and grains need to be alternated.

You cannot feed your cat from your table, give it soups and salads, and bones are strictly prohibited. Fatty meats, as well as spicy, salty and fatty foods, are not suitable for cats. Don’t forget about this, canned food and sausage are not at all what a handsome “plush” needs for full growth and development. Any sweets are contraindicated for cats, this applies to sweets and dried fruits, everything that contains sugar in large quantities. Don't forget that chocolate is poison for cats. If you want her to live a long and happy life, then forget about pampering her with fried, fatty and sweet foods. Better yet, give up this diet yourself. The cat should not eat legumes or potatoes. Do not salt food under any circumstances. Any spices are harmful to the animal.

Feeding dry food

This is very convenient, especially if you are a busy person. It is very important that before purchasing a pet you inquire about who Scottish kittens are, what to feed, how to care for them, and how to treat them in case of illness. If you choose ready-made food, you can save your time and also be sure that your cat receives all the necessary minerals and vitamins. However, keep in mind that ready-made food, both canned and dry, can only be given to adult animals. Therefore, up to a year, you will still have to cook for your baby yourself.

Very important nuance: You need to choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers, because the health of your pet depends on it. Products from the brands Ekanuba, Hills, Purina Pro Plan, and Royal Canin can be considered good. Cheap food like Kitty Kat should not be given. They contain by-products (bones, wool, feathers, skins) as sources of protein and a lot of dyes, flavors and mineral salts.

Infant formula for artificial feeding kittens

12 g milk

3 g milk powder

12 g egg white
0.7 g glucose

0.3 g brewer's yeast

Beat the egg white and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Give a kitten under 1 week of age 5-7 g of freshly prepared mixture, heated to 38 °C.

Material taken from the site:

Milk formula for kittens according to the Tailig recipe
25 g milk
7 g milk powder
2 g glucose
7 g vitamin supplements
Combine all of these ingredients. It is better to prepare the milk mixture immediately before each feeding. If necessary, it can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 hours. In the first week of the kitten’s life, warm the mixture to 38-39 °C, in the second and third - to 30-32 °C, starting from the fourth - to 24-26 °C The consumption of the mixture per kitten at the age of 1-1.5 weeks is 5-10 g at a time.

In a new house

At the age of 2 months, kittens usually move to new owners. That is why, usually, feeding during this particular period arises greatest number questions.
The first thing that can be advised to the happy new owner of a kitten is to find out from the breeder what he feeds the kitten, and it is advisable to stick to the same for at least 7-10 days diet, which was set by the breeder (unless, of course, the breeder made serious mistakes, such as giving the kitten millet porridge cooked in broth from sprout heads, or giving sausages, etc.). Mother's milk can be safely replaced with 10% cream.
And then start diversifying your child’s menu:
Raw beef, cut into azu shape. Raw chicken breasts. Raw yolk, no more than 2 times a week. Cottage cheese, not fatty, not sweet, not sour and without berry and fruit additives (usually, kittens are very fond of “Agusha, creamy” cottage cheese). Ocean fish, for example, pink salmon, no more than 2-3 times a month. Chicken necks, beaten with a hammer. Poultry stomachs, well cleared of stones. It’s great if your kitten eats vegetables (except potatoes) and herbs (parsley, dill, celery, etc.). Here short list- menu for your new family member.
Please note that:

Kittens should not be given non-canned cat food. The same applies to sausages.

Cats over 3 months cannot digest whole cow's milk. It is better to give sour cream, cream, yogurt (if the kitten likes it), cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. An excellent product for both kittens and adult animals is goat milk.

Egg yolk contains vitamin E (biotin), which is extremely necessary for animals. In my opinion, it is better to give the yolk of a quail egg. You should not give kittens protein. It can only be used to stop diarrhea. Please note that the avitin contained in protein blocks the action of biotin, which is necessary for a growing, healthy body.

Vegetables and fruits. If the kitten eats them, great! You can give everything, but not salty, not pickled, not spicy: carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, cucumbers, watermelon, etc., any greens. Sprouted grains of oats, barley, and wheat, containing vitamins of groups B and C, are very useful. You can give young nettle shoots after scalding them with boiling water.

Mineral supplements are the main source of many groups of vitamins. Cats especially suffer from a lack of vitamins of groups A, B and H. The need for vitamin D is small, so fish oil should not be given, and vitamin deficiency in groups C and E is also rare. It is very good to give brewer's yeast. You can buy them in a regular store and add them to the kitten’s drink. You need to add them in the same way and as much as you would add salt to your soup. Table salt should also be included in the cat's diet (1% of the diet).
By product, the layout might look something like this:
120-150 g meat and fish
30-50 g fermented milk products
10-20 g cereals
20-50 g vegetables
1/2 teaspoon of yeast.

Nutrition from 10 months

The recipes given in this section are suitable for adults healthy cats. Vitamins and mineral supplements can be added to all dishes, but their dosage must be carefully observed.
Mixture of meat and zucchini
2 kg beef or veal pulp

1 kg chicken fillet

1 kg chicken hearts
1 veal heart
1 zucchini

300 g oatmeal

Finely chop the zucchini, cook for 5 minutes, then add oatmeal and cook until you get a medium-thick porridge. Cool the mass.
Boil the beef for 5 minutes, cool slightly, then finely chop.
Veal heart, remove the fat, and pass 300 g of hearts through a meat grinder with a large grid. Cut the chicken fillet into medium pieces. Trim the fat from the remaining hearts.
Mix the prepared ingredients, divide the mass into portions and freeze.
Thaw before feeding.

Mix of beef and chicken with liver
1 kg beef pulp

150-200 g each cauliflower with tendons and white cabbage

1 kg chicken pulp
150-200 g zucchini or rabbit
half a glass of oatmeal or other cereal
500 g liver
Boil the liver and cut into large pieces along with other meat products. Freeze in portions.
Cook the vegetables and porridge separately, puree them in a blender, and freeze them in portions (about 3 tablespoons each).
Before feeding, defrost the meat mixture and puree and mix.

Beef and chicken mixture with beans
200 g beef pulp
200 g chicken pulp
2 handfuls frozen green beans or cauliflower
2 handfuls of oatmeal
Add the above ingredients with water and cook until tender.
Pass the mixture through a meat grinder, divide into portions and freeze.

Mix of meat and vegetables (Carrot or cucumber)

50 g raw beef(or beef liver, or chicken fillet)

2 tbsp. spoons of boiled rice (or oatmeal porridge, or a small piece of bread crumb)

Chop the meat with a knife, then mash with a fork.
Grate the vegetables on a fine grater. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Chicken meatballs

1 kg chicken pulp

500 g carrots

1 cup cooked rice

1 egg white

Pass the chicken through a meat grinder along with boiled rice. Grate the carrots, add egg white. Combine both masses, form meatballs, put them in boiling water and cook until they float.
Feed the meatballs warm.

Liver cakes

1 glass of water

500 g wheat flour

300 g minced liver

Mix water and eggs with flour, add minced liver, mix to form a mass with a consistency reminiscent of soft dough.
Cut the dough into pieces and place them in boiling water in portions. Once the cakes float to the surface, they can be removed.
Feed the cakes warm.

Meat cutlets with vegetables
1 kg beef pulp
200 g hard cheese
250 g cabbage
4 boiled potatoes
1 boiled carrot
4 boiled eggs
1 cup oatmeal
Pass these ingredients through a meat grinder and mix. Form cutlets from the mixture. Store in the freezer. Before feeding, defrost and warm in the microwave or oven.

Chicken noodles
1 chicken fillet
1 handful of vermicelli or noodles
1 boiled egg or 4 quail
1 teaspoon sour cream
Pour chicken fillet into 2 cups hot water, cook until done. Add noodles, cook until done. Then add chopped egg and sour cream. Grind the mixture and divide into portions. Store in the freezer. Thaw before feeding.

Rice cutlets with cheese and cabbage
1 cup cooked rice
2 processed cheese
500 g cabbage
Pass the cabbage through a meat grinder. Mash the processed cheese with a fork and mix with rice. Form small cutlets.

Special diets

These recipes will come in handy if your pet needs to be put on a special diet.

Congee with chicken
This food is suitable not only for pregnant and lactating cats, but also for weakened cats and those with digestive problems. If the cat is very weakened, it can be fed with the mixture through a syringe.
1 chicken breast
1 cup rice
3-3.5 glasses of water
Pour water over the rice and cook until the broth has the consistency of viscous white mucus. Drain the mixture in a colander and collect the broth in a separate bowl (you should get approximately 300 g of broth). Chicken breast Boil and, removing the bone, grind together with the rice water into a homogeneous, thin mass.

Diet to stop lactation in a cat
Day 1: fasting (fasting), avoiding drinking liquid during the day
Day 2 - 1/4 daily serving of food
Day 3 - 1/2 daily serving of food
Day 4 - 3/4 daily portion of food
During the entire diet period, liquid is given in limited quantities.

Based on materials from the site:

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