The form of government characteristic of the Russian Federation. What is the form of government in Russia

This concept characterizes the organization of the supreme state power, the procedure for the formation and interaction of these bodies with citizens. In Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that Russia has a republican form of government. This means that the highest state power belongs to elected bodies, elected for a fixed term and responsible to the voters. The modern republican form of government is based on the principles of democracy (Article 3), recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (Article 2), separation of powers (Article 10).

Republics are divided into parliamentary and presidential. They differ mainly in which body - the parliament or the president - forms the government, and, accordingly, in whether the government reports to the parliament or the president. An analysis of the constitutional provisions makes it possible to characterize Russia as a presidential republic, where the Government is formed by the President and is responsible to him. In accordance with the provisions of Ch. 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Rice. 12.

The President of the Russian Federation is endowed with other very broad powers. Theoretically, this is justified by historical traditions, the mentality of the population, the need to stabilize social relations, and the formation of a national idea.

At the same time, the Federal Assembly - the Russian parliament - has a number of powers in this area. In particular, the State Duma gives consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, decides on the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation, hears the annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma, brings charges against the President of the Russian Federation to dismiss him. from office (Article 103 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). In this regard, it seems appropriate to continue discussing the problem of the possibility of using a presidential-parliamentary republic as a form of government in modern Russia, in which a strong, truly independent government is formed by both the president and the parliament with the participation of large political parties, and the government is controlled by the president and parliament.

The presidential-parliamentary form of government will increase the managerial capabilities of state power, strengthen the role of collegiate bodies - parliament, courts, and especially the Government of the Russian Federation, but will retain the essential, reasonable positions of the president.

Form of government

Russia in accordance with Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - a federal state, the features of which are a huge territory, a multinational population, many subjects of the Federation, significant differences in the socio-economic development of regions, political and legal asymmetry.

Russia includes 83 subjects of the Federation with different constitutional and legal status: 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 2 cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg), one autonomous region (Jewish) and 4 autonomous districts. Among them, only the republics are defined as states (Part 1, Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). They have a number of rights that other subjects do not have (for example, the establishment of their own state languages). At the same time, all constituent entities of the Russian Federation have equal rights in relations with federal government bodies.

The main problem here is the problem of finding and supporting the optimal balance between the activities of the federal government to ensure the territorial integrity, unity of the state and the desire of the regions for greater independence. Any distortions are very dangerous. The immeasurable strengthening of federal power is the path to super-centralism and unitarism. Separatism, weakening and destruction of statehood can become a consequence of excessive independence of the regions. From this follows the task of science and practice - to find a form of state structure in modern Russia that would ensure effective manageability, harmonious development and strengthening of the federal state as a whole and all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Russia is a constitutional federation based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The federal treaty of 19921, a number of bilateral treaties, agreements between state authorities of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation do not change the constitutional nature of the federation. Part 2 of the second section of the Constitution of the Russian Federation established the priority of the Constitution in relation to the norms of treaties.

The subjects of the Russian Federation have state independence, the limits of which are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They have their own territory, which is part of the territory of the Russian Federation. They adopt constitutions (republics), charters (other subjects of the Russian Federation), laws and other normative legal acts, establish their own bodies of state power, including the highest bodies of legislative (representative) and executive power. The subjects of the Russian Federation own the property necessary for the exercise of their own powers. They have the right to carry out international and foreign economic relations with subjects of foreign federations, administrative-territorial formations of foreign states, they have the right to participate in the activities of international organizations within the framework of bodies created specifically for this purpose.

The state independence of the subjects of the Russian Federation does not mean that they have sovereignty. They do not form a federation, but are part of it, without having the right to secession (unilateral withdrawal from the federation). The absence of state sovereignty among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was confirmed by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in a decision of June 7, 2000. The Court indicated that the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not allow any other bearer of sovereignty and source of power, in addition to the multinational people of Russia, and, therefore, does not imply the existence in Russia any other state sovereignty, in addition to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

State political regime

This is a system of ways, methods, ideological means of exercising political power in general and state power in particular. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes a regime of democracy in our country (Article 1), characterized by the belonging of state power to the people, the election of representative bodies of state power (Article 3), the consolidation of political and other rights, freedoms and their guarantees for citizens (Chapter 2), ensuring ideological and political diversity, multi-party system (Article 13), the presence of constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the proclaimed democratic regime.

A democratic regime involves the creation of appropriate conditions for the manifestation of economic, political and legal activity of citizens and their associations, for freedom of creativity and publicity, the involvement of citizens in the discussion and resolution of various issues of state and municipal construction, ensuring the information openness of public life and the secrecy of private life, transparency and responsibility for spending budgetary funds, the activities of the bureaucratic apparatus.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Form of government in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

The form of government is the organization of power in the state in accordance with a certain model. Throughout history, the Russian Federation has had several forms of government.

The Russian Federation is one of the most developed and progressive countries in the world. Russia was both a monarchy and a republic. At present, the Russian Federation is a mixed republic in which a balance has been established between the president and parliament at the legal level.

Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

World experience shows that each form of government has pluses and minuses. Before considering features of the form of government in the Russian Federation, one should refer to the classification of forms of government.

Classification of forms of government

In modern legal science, the following is recognized classification of forms of government: republics and monarchies. Each form of government has subspecies, which are shown in the figure below. Each subspecies is endowed with a complex system of features that affect the development of society.

Types of forms of government

Form of government represents the structure of the highest bodies of state power, the order of their formation and the distribution of competence between them.

Monarchy considered to be an older form of government than the republic. Monarchy is characteristic of many early states. The word monarchy has Greek roots. For the first time it is found in the writings of ancient philosophers. In Latin, the term "monarchy" penetrates no earlier than the 2nd century BC. n. e. This is evidenced by the fact that this concept is found for the first time in Tertullian and Lactantius.

Republic known since antiquity. Of particular interest to jurists and historians is still the Roman Republic.

Roman Republic- the form of government of the Ancient Roman state in the period from 509 to 31 BC. The Roman Republic was a combination of democratic, oligarchic and monarchical elements.

In the modern world, there are other, atypical types of republics. For example, a theocratic republic (Iran, Afghanistan). Some African countries are characterized by a peculiar form of a presidential monocratic republic: under the conditions of a one-party political regime, the party leader was proclaimed president for life, while the parliament had no real powers (Zaire, Malawi).

Learn more about the types and their detailed characteristics.

History of forms of government in the Russian Federation

Russia is an amazing country. Throughout its history, it has experienced several forms of government. Monarchy in Russia existed until the Great October Socialist Revolution. Despite the fact that by the beginning of the 20th century most developed countries got rid of the monarchy or carried out reforms to update it, in the Russian Empire there was a stagnation in power and degradation of the monarchy as an institution. Reforms of the monarchy in Russia suggested themselves even under Alexander I. Inaction led to the overthrow of the tsar and the victory of the October Revolution.

The monarchy overthrown by the Bolsheviks was followed by a socialist republic. socialist republic that existed in the USSR is a unique historical experience for our country. The USSR had Constitutions, many laws and decrees. State administration was implemented with the support of deputies. The president was the secretary general, who had a wide range of powers.

After the perfidious collapse of the USSR, democracy and the so-called Western values ​​came to Russia. The Soviet republic turned into an inert state with an officially designated form of government - a republic. Chaos in public administration did not stop throughout the entire period of M.S. Gorbachev, and then B.N. Yeltsin. Uncontrolled pluralism, corruption in power and constant squabbles in the State Duma - this is what Russia lived until 2000.

The modern republic in the Russian Federation

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the form of government in Russia is republic. In the Russian Federation, the republic has a mixed character. The President is at the head of the state. He is the supreme commander in chief. In Russia, the parliament is endowed with broad powers, but no more than the President. Due to the balance of power, a mixed republic is realized in the Russian Federation.

The President of the Russian Federation is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and reports to him. The composition of the government is formed by the Prime Minister, not the President.

Elections to the State Duma are regularly held in the country. Deputies are elected by the people in districts. The features of the republic in the Russian Federation are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote in 1993. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is regularly amended to update the basic law of the country.

The current President of the Russian Federation is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Russian Federation - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The Speaker of the State Duma for 2018 is Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
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The formation of Russian statehood is a long and multi-stage process. It went through several stages, but very soon the desire to implement the progressive ideas of reforming the state began to conflict with the real prerequisites for the formation of the Russian state. Nevertheless, new state forms were created, analogues of which cannot be found not only in post-revolutionary, but also in pre-revolutionary Russia. The permanent legislature, constitutional judiciary, the institution of presidential power have irreversibly changed the face of the country's state power.

According to the classification adopted in the science of constitutional law, in the Russian Federation there was a model of a semi-presidential or mixed form of government, i.e. combining features of both presidential and parliamentary republics. We sometimes call this model the French one, since it was this form of government that was initiated in 1958 by General de Gaulle. At that time, a similar form existed before the reform of the Constitution of the French Republic. Krasnov M.A. Russia as a semi-presidential republic // State and Law, 2003, No. 10. P. 16

Later the situation changed

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted on December 12, 1993, Article 1 reads: "The Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government." The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Art. one

The President of the Russian Federation is proclaimed the head of state, and not the head of the executive branch, despite the fact that executive power is directly vested in the government.

At the same time, the Constitution granted the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state, which has a number of functions that put him above other authorities, including the executive, extensive powers to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of the Government of the Russian Federation and other state authorities, as well as to form the government, direct it activities. The government resigns its powers before the newly elected President. The president appoints the chairman (with the consent of the State Duma) and members of the government, decides on his resignation and dismissal of individual members of the government, approves the structure of federal executive bodies, and has the right to cancel decisions and orders of the federal government.

The President is endowed by the Constitution and, on its basis, by federal laws with certain powers that allow him to assert that the head of state has the functions of executive power. These include, in particular, the leadership of a number of executive authorities, foreign policy, the right to chair government meetings, etc.

In addition, the president, exercising his constitutional powers to determine the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state, exercises executive power in practice, adopting numerous decrees due to the requirement of political, economic and social reforms, including decrees on issues within the competence of the government . Krasnov M.A. Russia as a semi-presidential republic // State and Law, 2003, No. 10. P. 18

The President may be removed from office by the Federation Council on the basis of an accusation brought by the State Duma of high treason or the commission of another grave crime, confirmed by the conclusion of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the presence of signs of a crime in the actions of the President and the conclusion of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on compliance with the established procedure for bringing charges.

The federal constitutional law "On the Government of the Russian Federation", adopted on December 17, 1997, fixed on the basis of the Constitution a new position of the Government of the Russian Federation in the system of state authorities of Russia as the highest body exercising executive power and heading a single system of executive power in the Russian Federation

The Constitution changed the principle of relations between legislative and executive authorities, as well as the nature of the government's responsibility to Parliament. The appointment of the chairman of the government is coordinated with the State Duma; this chamber has the right to pass a vote of no confidence in the government, and the chairman of the government to put before her the question of confidence. Artemyeva O.V. Formation of Russian statehood // State and Law, 2004, No. 4. P. 113

The constitution, proclaiming the principle of separation of powers, removed the government from direct subordination to parliament, while retaining control over the key area of ​​budget policy for the State Duma. The government submits to the Duma the federal budget and a report on its execution, informs the Duma about the progress in the execution of the federal budget, provides the necessary information to the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation when it exercises control over the execution of the federal budget. In accordance with the Constitution and the Federal Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”, the Government issues written opinions on draft laws that require funding from the federal budget, on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, on the issuance of state loans, on changing the financial obligations of the state and other projects .

The government, as the highest state body exercising executive power, must execute and enforce federal laws. At the same time, laws often not only determine the competence of the government in the relevant area, but also contain instructions for the implementation of laws. The activities of the federal government are also evaluated when the chambers of the Federal Assembly consider the practice of implementing specific laws.

As the subject of legislative initiative, the government ensures the preparation and submission to the State Duma of a significant part of the bills. The government may send official comments on federal laws and bills under consideration to the chambers of the Federal Assembly. The interaction of the government with the chambers of the Federal Assembly is provided by authorized representatives of the government in the respective chambers, appointed by the government, and secretaries of state - deputy heads of federal executive bodies. there, p. 114

The Prime Minister or his deputy shall give oral or written answers to parliamentary inquiries, inquiries and appeals of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma.

The government interacts with the judicial authorities, ensures, within its powers, the possibility of independent administration of justice, the execution of court decisions, and participates in the judicial reform.

If the courts recognize acts of the government or their individual provisions as not in accordance with the Constitution, federal laws and presidential decrees, the government makes decisions to bring these acts into line with federal legislation. The Constitution provides the government with the right to apply to the Constitutional Court with requests on the conformity of the Constitution with federal laws, normative acts of federal state authorities, constitutions of republics, charters, as well as normative acts of subjects of the Federation, some other legal acts defined by the Constitution, with requests for the interpretation of the Constitution, and also in connection with the resolution of disputes over competence.

The constitution defines the Federal Assembly as the legislative body. This means that the Federal Assembly is entrusted with the function of issuing legal acts of the highest legal force, higher than the legal force of only the Constitution itself and international treaties. The Federal Assembly is the sole body of federal legislative power. Its acts - federal laws - cannot be repealed or changed by any other state body, since they comply with the Constitution. In cases of their conflict with the federal Constitution, they lose their legal force by decision of the Constitutional Court. Acts of any other authorities must not contradict federal laws.

The courts embody the judicial power, which, in accordance with Art. 10 of the Constitution of one of the three branches of government. Justice in Russia is administered only by courts established in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal constitutional law. In Russia, there are federal courts, constitutional (charter) courts and justices of the peace of the subjects of the Federation, which make up the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Ibid, p. 116

The modern form of government in the Russian Federation was preceded by a short-lived symbiosis of the power of the Soviets and the emerging presidential power in the USSR. Two terms of the reign of the first Russian president have passed, he was legitimately replaced by another. This period was difficult, the presidential form of government withstood serious tests. It has stabilized, there has been a non-revolutionary transfer of power, although it is still successive. The president got the opportunity to influence the decisions of the parliament through a loyal majority in the factions of the State Duma, the heads of the subjects of the federation no longer form a powerful association in the Federation Council. In essence, the system of presidential power in Russia is an already formed structure, of course, developing, with its own contradictions, but already relatively well-established. Levakin I.V. Modern Russian statehood / / State and rights, 2003. No. 1, p. 5

According to Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

A republic is a form of government in which all the highest organs of state power are either elected or formed by a nationwide representative institution. Establishing a republican form of government in the Russian Federation, the Constitution fixes its following features: renunciation of any independent and long-term possession of state power based on individual law; the creation of state bodies on the basis of coordinating the interests of state administration with the inviolability of civil liberties; formation of state bodies through free elections and for a limited period.

Democracy is immanent in a republican form of government, and a republican form of government is inherent in democracy. Democracy as equal freedom for all complements the republican form of government.

The republican form of government has two main varieties: presidential and parliamentary form of government.

A presidential republic is characterized by the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head of state and the head of government. The formal hallmark of a presidential republic is the absence of a prime minister, as well as a strict separation of powers.

Features of the presidential republic are: extra-parliamentary method of electing the president; non-parliamentary method of government formation; lack of parliamentary accountability, i.e. the possibility of dissolving parliament by the president; the absence of the post of prime minister, i.e. The president directly leads the government.

The legal status of state bodies coincides with the actual one. In a presidential republic, parliament has significant powers; the government is generally stable; the judiciary is independent.

In a parliamentary republic, the principle of the supremacy of parliament is proclaimed, to which the government is politically responsible for its activities. The formal distinguishing feature of a parliamentary republic is the presence of the post of prime minister.

In a parliamentary republic, the government is formed only by parliamentary means from among the leaders of the party that has a majority in the lower house. The participation of the head of state - the president - in the formation of the government is purely nominal. The government remains in power as long as it has the support of a parliamentary majority.

The president in a parliamentary republic is not elected by the people, but, as a rule, by the parliament or by a special collegium created on the basis of the parliament. He does not have significant powers and does not influence the political process, the exercise of state power. All his actions must be authorized by the government.

In a parliamentary republic, the legal and actual status of state authorities does not coincide. Legally, in a parliamentary republic, there must be the supremacy of the parliament, to which the government is subordinate. In fact, state power is concentrated in the government, which, having the support of the parliamentary majority, can always pass the necessary bill through the parliament and even dissolve the parliament. The President has no right to issue any act without the signature of the Prime Minister.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not determine the form of republican government in Russia. An analysis of the text of the Constitution allows us to conclude that the form of government in Russia is mixed, combining the features of both presidential and parliamentary republics. By its essence the form of republican government in Russia is presidential-parliamentary, with the dominant position of the president in power structures. The President is a strong head of state with significant powers, elected by the people through universal, equal, direct elections. These features are typical for a presidential republic.

At the same time, Russia has the post of Prime Minister. In situations determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President may dissolve the State Duma, and the State Duma may terminate the powers of the President ahead of schedule. This is typical of a parliamentary republic.

Mixed forms of government have their positive aspects, which are the stability of government, reducing the possibility of frequent changes in government due to the collapse of party coalitions in parliament.

At the same time, negative aspects of a mixed form of government are also possible. Among them: a decrease in the role of institutional factors in the political system of the state, which is increasingly dependent on the person holding the position of president; the inclination of some representatives of the presidential power to authoritarianism, voluntarism; the emergence of new types of conflicts and inconsistencies that were absent in the classical forms of government.

Being a sovereign state, the Russian Federation independently establishes the form of government that determines the organization of public authorities and the procedure for their activities.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 1) establishes a republican form of government. Its main feature is the election and turnover of the head of state. This republican form of government differs from the monarchy, which is inherent in the inheritance of the status of the head of state.

If we consider the form of government from purely formal positions, then we can say that it does not have a decisive influence on the nature of the state system. After all, it is known that monarchical Great Britain has long been a democratic, constitutional state, while the republican Soviet Union has never been such a state. Conversely, monarchical Russia was neither a democratic nor a constitutional state, while republican France has been such a state for a long time.

The republican form of government, to a greater extent than the monarchical, corresponds to the nature of a democratic, constitutional state. For a monarchy, its constitutional version is the same distortion of its essence as for a republic - a totalitarian version. A constitutional monarchy is closer in essence to a democratic republic than a totalitarian republic. A totalitarian state with a republican form of government differs little in its essence from a state recognized as an absolute monarchy.

Establishing a republican form of government in the Russian Federation, the Constitution fixes its following features: renunciation of any independent and long-term possession of state power based on individual law; the orientation of the state system of the Russian Federation on reason and experience, and not on the achievement of ideal goals, which usually lead to totalitarianism of the right or left; the creation of state bodies on the basis of coordinating the interests of state administration with the inviolability of civil liberties; formation of state bodies through free elections and for a limited period.

Democracy is immanent in a republican form of government, and a republican form of government is inherent in democracy. Democracy as equal freedom for all complements the republican form of government. The Republic serves this equal freedom, contributes to its rise and development, including equally distributed social benefits, equal elections, equal access to public office, education, property, participation in the formation of political will, as well as the legal organization of forces claiming government power. The combination of features of the presidential and parliamentary republics in the Russian Federation is expressed in the presence of strong presidential power while maintaining some typical features of the parliamentary form (the presence of the Chairman of the Government, the possibility, although limited, of removing the Government from power by the Parliament and dissolving the Parliament by the President).

From the moment of its formation as a constitutional state, the Russian Federation has constantly moved towards strengthening the features of a presidential republic in it. However, having ultimately become a presidential republic in character, it still retains some of the outward signs of a parliamentary state. Currently, the Russian Federation has a presidential-parliamentary, or, as it is sometimes called in legal literature, "semi-presidential" republican form of government: firstly, the President is elected by universal suffrage (this is its difference from the parliamentary form), and secondly, he has its own prerogatives that allow it to act independently of the Government, thirdly, along with the President, the Prime Minister and ministers form the Government, which is to a certain extent responsible to the parliament (this is its difference from the presidential form). It is these features that characterize the Russian Federation as a "semi-presidential" republic.

Inextricably linked. The study of the state and law should begin with the origin of the state. The emergence of the state was preceded by a primitive communal system, in which the basis of production relations was public ownership of the means of production. The transition from the self-government of primitive society to state administration lasted for centuries; in various historical regions, the collapse of the primitive communal system and the emergence of the state took place in different ways, depending on historical conditions.

The first states were slaveholding. Together with the state, law arose as an expression of the will of the ruling class.

There are several historical types of state and law - slave, feudal, bourgeois. The state of the same type may have different forms of structure, government, political regime.

State shape indicates how the state and law are organized, how they function, and includes the following elements:

  • form of government - determines who has power;
  • form of government - determines the ratio of the state as a whole and its individual parts;
  • political regime - a set of methods and ways of implementing state power and control in the country.

Form of government

Under form of government refers to the organization of the highest bodies of state power (the order of their formation, relationships, the degree of participation of the masses in their formation and activities). Under the same type of state, there can be various forms of government.

The main forms of government are the monarchy and the republic.

Monarchy- a form of government in which the supreme state power belongs to one person (monarch) and is inherited;

Republic- in which the source of power is the popular majority; The highest authorities are elected by the citizens for a fixed term.

Monarchy can be:

  • absolute(omnipotence of the head of state);
  • constitutional(the powers of the monarch are limited by the constitution).

Republic can be:

  • parliamentary(the president is the head of state; the government is responsible only to parliament);
  • presidential(the president is the head of state; the government is responsible to the president);

Presidential republic characterized by the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head of state and head of government. The formal distinguishing feature of a presidential republic is the absence of the post of prime minister, as well as a strict separation of powers.

The features of a presidential republic are: an extra-parliamentary method of electing a president and forming a government; lack of parliamentary responsibility, i.e., the possibility of dissolving parliament by the president.

AT parliamentary republic the principle of the supremacy of parliament is proclaimed, to which the government is politically responsible for its activities. The formal distinguishing feature of a parliamentary republic is the presence of the post of prime minister.

In the second half of the XX century. mixed forms of government appeared, combining the features of presidential and parliamentary republics.

Forms of government

State structure- this is the internal national-territorial organization of state power, the division of the territory of the state into certain constituent parts, their legal status, the relationship between the state as a whole and its constituent parts.

Form of government- this is an element of the form of the state, which characterizes the territorial organization of state power.

According to the form of government, states are divided into:

  • Unitary
  • Federated
  • Confederates

Previously, there were other forms of government (empires, protectorates).

unitary state

Unitary states- these are single states, consisting only of administrative-territorial units (regions, provinces, provinces, etc.). Unitary states include: France, Finland, Norway, Romania, Sweden.

Signs of a unitary state:

  • the existence of a one-tier system of legislation;
  • division into administrative-territorial units (ATE);
  • the existence of only one citizenship;

From the point of view of the territorial organization of state power, as well as the nature of the interaction between central and local authorities, all unitary states can be divided into two types:

Centralized unitary states - are distinguished by the absence of autonomous entities, that is, ATEs have the same legal status.

decentralized unitary states - have autonomous entities in their composition, the legal status of which differs from the legal status of other ATUs.

At present, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the number of autonomous entities and an increase in the diversity of forms of autonomy. This reflects the process of democratization in the organization and exercise of state power.

federal state

federal states- these are allied states, consisting of a number of state formations (states, cantons, lands, republics).

The federation imposes the following features:

  • a union state consisting of formerly sovereign states;
  • the presence of a two-tier system of state bodies;
  • dual taxation system.

Federations can be classified:

  • according to the principle of formation of subjects:
    • administrative-territorial;
    • national-state;
    • mixed.
  • on a legal basis:
    • contractual;
    • constitutional;
  • by equality of status:
    • symmetrical;
    • asymmetric.


Confederation- a temporary union of states created to jointly solve political or economic problems.

The confederation does not have sovereignty, since there is no common central state apparatus and a unified system of legislation.

There are the following types of confederations:

  • interstate unions;
  • commonwealth;
  • community of states.

Political regime

Political regime- a system of methods, techniques and means by which political power is exercised and the political system of a given society is characterized.

The political regime can be: democratic and anti-democratic; state - legal, authoritarian, totalitarian.

Characteristics of the Russian state

Russian state It is a democratic federal state with a republican form of government.

The structure of Russia includes 89 subjects of the Russian Federation: republics, territories, autonomous region, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous districts. All these subjects are equal. The republics have their own constitution and legislation, the rest of the subjects of the Russian Federation have their charters and legislation.

In Art. 1 says: "The Russian Federation - Russia is a sovereign federal state created by the peoples historically united in it."

The unshakable foundations of the constitutional system of Russia are democracy, federalism, republican form of government, separation of powers.

The concept and main provisions of constitutional (state) law

Constitutional (state) law is fundamental to the Russian Federation.

Constitutional law establishes the principles, the basic starting points that should guide all other branches of law. It is constitutional law that determines the economic system of the Russian Federation, the position of the individual, fixes the state structure of Russia, the system of the judiciary.

The main normative source of this branch of law is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. The Constitution fixed the fact of the existence of Russia as an independent independent state, which, as you know, happened on December 25, 1991.

Fundamentals of the constitutional order enshrined in the first chapter of the Constitution. The Russian Federation is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

The democracy of the Russian Federation is manifested primarily in the fact that a person, his rights and freedoms are declared the highest value by the Constitution, and the state assumes the obligation to recognize, observe and protect human rights and freedoms. The democracy of the Russian Federation also lies in the fact that the power of the people is manifested during referendums and free elections.

Russia includes a number of equal subjects of the Russian Federation, each of which has its own legislation. This is the federal structure of Russia.

However, federal structure of Russia is based on the state integrity of the country and on the unity of the system of state power.

The Constitution emphasizes that federal laws have supremacy throughout the territory of Russia, and the integrity and inviolability of the very territory of our country is ensured.

The legal nature of the state and the law of Russia is manifested in the fact that all basic social relations, all the rights and obligations of citizens must be determined by law and fixed primarily at the level of law. In addition, compliance with the law should be mandatory not only for individual citizens and organizations, but also for all public authorities, including the highest authorities and administration.

The republican form of government in Russia is determined by the presence of three branches of power: legislative, executive and judicial. All of them are in mutual unity and at the same time control each other, ensure the equality of the various branches of power.

The most important principles of the country's economic life are also enshrined in constitutional law. This is, first of all, the unity of the economic space, the free movement of goods, services and financial resources, the support of competition, and the provision of freedom of economic activity.

The basis of economic relations are the rules relating to property. Private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized and given equal protection in Russia. This principle, which applies to property, applies to one of the most important wealth of the country - land. Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

In Russia, ideological and political diversity has been proclaimed and is being implemented. At the same time, no ideology can be established as a state or mandatory one.

Russia is a secular state. And this means that no religion can be introduced as a state or obligatory one, and the church is separated from the state.

The Constitution of Russia establishes the basic principles for the construction of the legal system and legislation.

The Constitution of Russia has the highest legal force. It is a law of direct action, that is, it can be applied in practice and in courts by itself.

All laws are subject to mandatory official publication, without which they do not apply.

Any regulations (and not just laws) affecting , cannot be applied unless they are officially published for public information.

Finally, since Russia is part of the community of states of the world, it applies generally recognized world principles and norms of law. The rules of an international treaty in which the Russian Federation participates are considered binding on the territory of Russia.

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