What is the best job for a girl. The most interesting professions for girls and guys

In modern society, there are specialties that are known to many people. However, there are also interesting professions that at first glance can seem absurd. It is about them that will be discussed in the review.

What should be guided?

Summer can be called a period of holidays and vacations. It is at this time that people are visited by sweet dreams of the seas, sun and beaches. However, there are people who are not able to enjoy the warm period in full. Life is not so beautiful for them. It's about graduates. It is in the summer that either admission to a higher educational institution or the selection of a profession begin. And the second case is a more difficult and decisive stage in the life of every person. What criteria should be used to make a choice? The most important principles should be noted.

  1. When analyzing interesting professions, it is necessary to take into account the material issue.
  2. We must try to find a job that will be in demand.
  3. Your future activity must be of interest to you.

What can be said about non-standard specialties?

It is during the selection period that the thought comes to mind whether interesting professions can be in demand and highly paid? In order to answer it, it is necessary to highlight the fact that the word "interesting" can have two meanings. From the first point of view, such specialties are meant with which every person is familiar. But it is these professions that help turn gray everyday life into bright and colorful days. From another point of view, an activity that may look ridiculous is understood as interesting.

What activities can be considered interesting?

What are some interesting professions? Photographers can be safely attributed to them. It's easy to explain. This activity can become quite creative. You will need to constantly look for new images and landscapes, travel, communicate with many people.

No less interesting can be considered the work of a psychologist. Especially if you make the right choice of direction in this area. Also interesting specialties include PR specialists, designers, managers. They are characterized by non-standard and originality. Tourism managers also get satisfaction from their activities. They independently understand the advantages of a particular resort place. Often they have to visit the country that they offer their clients.

There is no doubt that these particular professions can be called interesting. This was confirmed by those people who have been engaged in the above activities for a single year.

What professions are suitable for girls?

It is worth noting that when making a choice in favor of a particular specialty, some employers pay attention to the gender of the candidate. Interesting professions for girls and men may differ. It is no secret to anyone that the builder is a male activity. Just like a taxi driver or a plumber. Accordingly, there are professions that are suitable mainly for the fair sex.

So what are some interesting professions for girls? These are artists, designers, fashion designers, decorators. This is due primarily to the creative potential that girls have in large numbers. In addition, flight attendants and models can be distinguished among interesting professions. And such an activity as a yoga instructor will be able to harmoniously combine not only the opportunity for self-improvement, but also interest with a free work schedule.

The most unusual professions

However, there are also such specialties that can not only interest, but also surprise with their focus. It is worth highlighting in more detail the most interesting professions that can be very popular in different countries of the world. And it should be noted that few people are aware of their existence.

The following professions can be called interesting:

  1. Some companies have such a duty as an antiperspirant. Management selects a specific employee who must smell the armpits after applying the appropriate product. Thus, he observes the change in odors over a fixed period of time.
  2. What are the most interesting professions? Carpet care is an example. In this situation, elite carpets are subjected to a similar cosmetic procedure. The profession is in demand in many countries, but most of all - in Europe.
  3. There are high-class restaurants that hire people to sniff quail or chicken eggs. In this way, employees determine their freshness.
  4. In some countries of the world, managers are in demand, whose duties include determining the sex of chickens. There is such a theory that chickens of different sexes require, accordingly, different personal care.
  5. There are such professions as an ant breeder. The services of such specialists are usually used by the owners of ant farms specializing in the development of certain medicines.
  6. And a hired relative - isn't it an interesting profession? A person receives money for performing the functions of someone of your relative. In China, this specialty is prescribed at the legislative level.
  7. What could be interesting professions of the world? For example, a wrinkle smoother for shoes. This specialty is relevant in shoe stores. Wrinkles usually form due to a large number of fittings. So this specialty can be safely considered interesting and original.

Some interesting professions have been listed above. The list is quite original, and it can be listed indefinitely, since a person's fantasy has no boundaries.

Who are these specialties for?

But there are other interesting specialties. For example, air tasters. Assemblers of children's designers are considered no less popular. However, it should be understood that, regardless of its originality, the activity should be enjoyable. You will need to work every day. Therefore, those professions that are considered exciting for you can be called interesting. All original specialties are suitable for those people who strive for everything that is connected with originality, those who are not afraid to take risks and want to do everything so that life sparkles with new colors.

Fascinating activity

What could be interesting professions in Russia? At the present stage, the most popular in this area are three specialties. It is worth discussing them in more detail.

  1. System Administrator. There is nothing strange in the fact that this profession is in demand. Today, almost every company has a network of computers that needs to be maintained. Accordingly, a good administrator is needed. Naturally, anyone in such a profession will not be hired. However, gaining experience in this direction will not be difficult.
  2. Designer. In this situation, a person will need to think carefully about what kind of designer he wants to be. There are just too many directions. Accordingly, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the choice of the field of activity and find the one that best suits. In order to achieve something in this profession, you must have a sense of style.
  3. Nutritionist. At the present stage, the problem of obesity is quite common. This is facilitated by a variety of snacks and a sedentary lifestyle. Naturally, a person who is faced with a similar problem wants to get rid of it. To do this, he is ready to make almost any sacrifice. And it is nutritionists who can help with this with their advice and recommendations.


Naturally, there are other professions that can be considered interesting and in demand. And each of them may require attention. Therefore, if you decide to choose an interesting profession, then you should thoroughly approach its choice. Only by surrendering completely and completely to your activity, you can become a professional in your field.

Choosing a profession is a very responsible step, it is not only a choice of work and financial well-being, it is a choice of the soul, which helps to reach unprecedented heights in a career and can even make a girl's life happy!

See the list of interesting and in-demand professions:


Very good profession! Both in general terms and in terms of salary. But it is impossible to dream about it for those beauties who are afraid of heights and do not tolerate flights well.


This profession is in high demand. Designers are engaged not only in the selection of furniture. If someone likes to work with clothes and shoes…. Let's rejoice! There is also a clothing designer in the labor market.


It seems that the salary is not bad, and the schedule can be chosen more or less convenient .... There is one, but a huge "but"! Waitresses are often pestered by customers.


Nanotechnology is a great and bright future. Many girls strive to secure it for themselves. For this reason, the specialty rapidly "earned" demand. This profession in modern times is not only promising, but also popular.

The hairdresser

Quite an interesting and creative profession. There are several downsides to this profession. The first is that a person (who has associated himself with this area) gets tired of his legs very quickly. The second minus may appear along with allergic reactions to certain "components" contained in hair dyes.

Seller - cashier

So the stereotypes "ordered" .... If we see a man standing behind a counter or sitting at a cash register, we get a sneer in our voice or a smile on our lips. Therefore, male cashiers are rarely found in stores and hypermarkets (although they cope with their duties no worse than women).


An excellent "find" for those who love communication, travel and life diversity! True, people of this profession are rarely at home. Something always has to be sacrificed.

Secretary - referent

Luck! This profession does not always “require” higher education (enough courses). But the employer will only look for a specialist who speaks foreign languages ​​and is “friendly” with a computer.


This profession is one of the "relevant forever." Advice for those who will go to study as an accountant: do not chase for a high position and for a “fabulous” salary. The profession you have chosen will not “bring” you luck right away. If you have enough patience, the career ladder will "bring" you to the light of promotion.


The most demanded position is a taxi dispatcher. However, there is a high turnover of staff. Not everyone can do this job.

Call center operator

This job does not require special skills. Answering calls, negotiating, "fixing" the client base. Nothing complicated, right? But you also need to be able to do all this. And do well to pass an interview in a particular organization (company).


People in this profession are not treated with respect. The fact is that girls - secretaries "twist" novels with their bosses and sleep with them for the sake of promotion. But not the fact that this is always the case!


A person of this profession is the face of the company. At its core, the professional duties of which depend on the specialization of the institution in which the hostess works. This job is suitable for both girls and guys.

Stylist (beautician)

This profession gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively, make a lot of new acquaintances. A stylist-beautician is a person who understands fashion and sees it with different eyes.


The work is low-paid, but women who love children work in the educational field with great pleasure, trying not to think about “salary numbers”.

Tourism manager

More and more people want to go somewhere to relax, to forget about problems. Thanks to this hype, the tourism business is among the win-win employment options. To work in the tourism business, you need little: sociability, a friendly voice, goodwill, perseverance and patience. What do we have to do? Communicate with clients, book flights, advise travel routes .... Without a higher education in a travel agency, you can "finish" to the director's chair!


What can be said about this specialty? Those who have a good heart and iron nerves go to work as nurses. If this “combination” does not exist, the woman has chosen the wrong “path”.

Creative, unusual and interesting specialties (professions) for girls


The profession is suitable for those who cannot live without dancing and without everything connected with them.


Imagine! There are people who get tremendous pleasure from building and decorating nails.


How much positive in this profession! So much so that you can’t tell everything about her .... The artist earns respect from others.

Singer, model, actress

In these professions, there is a sea of ​​​​opportunities for the manifestation of one's "I". In addition, these are very prestigious and popular professions.


Unusual? Women like to call themselves angels. Who really lacks wings - they are looking for them in airplanes and helicopters!

Simple (and not very simple) professions for girls


What to do if a girl cannot choose a profession?

  • Keep looking

Until you find what you need. There must be patience and it must win!

  • Read (in detail) about each profession separately

There is enough information everywhere (both in the virtual world, and in books, and in newspapers, and in magazines).

  • See how others are doing...

Observation (in this case) is the “guarantee” of determination. It is hard to live when the decision is in some kind of "suspended" state.

  • Option: consult with relatives and friends

Maybe they will "push" something if it is impossible to make an independent choice.

When choosing a profession, a girl should know the following

  1. Finding a job is not so easy.
  2. They do not hire everywhere and not always.
  3. An interview (often) can be compared to the most difficult exam.
  4. You should not "swing" at anything supernatural in the first days of work.
  5. It is impossible to be good for all people.
  6. Professions for girls are never easy, especially technical specialties!

Funny photos of some professions for girls

Distract your attention and charge with positive. For you, we have prepared photographs of people who are very funny at their jobs.

Nowadays, a decent, well-paid profession can be the key to a successful, prosperous future for any girl.

However, in order to choose the right person to become, you need to carefully analyze the labor market, as well as pass tests to determine career guidance, individual talents, and abilities. According to statistics, in Russia in 2017 the most interesting professions for girls were related to travel, coaching, personal growth, law, medicine, and trade.

What are the most sought-after female professions in the tourism industry? According to the statistics of the most profitable specialties, the most financially attractive positions are the director of a travel agency and the commercial director of the destination, and the professions in demand for girls are a guide and a travel agent. If you love to travel, meet new people, visit unusual places or dream of living abroad, this job is just for you.

The most popular professions for girls related to self-improvement, career and personal growth are personal training, business mentoring and psychotechnics aimed at developing internal potential. To be honest, it is impossible to make a career in this direction instantly, but it is quite possible to achieve success in a year, two or three. Women trainers are especially in demand in the personal growth industry, in the areas of beauty, trade, and fashion business.

The most profitable professions for girls, of course, are related to medicine. The list of the best professions for women is traditionally headed by the specialties of a surgeon, pediatrician, dentist, plastic surgeon, cosmetologist. The positions of a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist are no less attractive - in these specialties, according to recent studies, there is an urgent need not only in medical institutions proper, but also in the public service.

The most popular professions in 2017 related to jurisprudence: judge, prosecutor, lawyer, legal adviser, as well as investigator and police officer. These are quite popular professions: according to 2016 data, the proportion of women employed here was approximately 43%. The number of female police officers is growing year by year, even among the special forces soldiers more and more beautiful ladies began to appear.

The most demanded professions in 2017, of course, are related to trade and the fashion business. This field of activity offers a wide variety of employment options for girls, the list is simply endless. If earlier there were restrictions on the intervention of men in this type of activity, now the young ladies have to fight for the positions of sales assistants of elite boutiques or fashion designers with a strong half of humanity.

Is there a place for the fair sex in high-tech business

The modern specificity is such that men's and women's professions are practically the same, the list of examples can be endless. The male chefs have replaced the ladies in the kitchens of famous Michelin-starred restaurants, and they have replaced them in laboratories producing high-precision research in the field of molecular physics. Let's talk about which technical professions for girls are in the top 5 most popular specialties in the Russian Federation.

  • In the first place of the list of "the best women's specialties" are specialists in nanotechnology.
  • For more than 5 years, professions for girls related to the chemical industry have been in second place. Usually these are demanded specialties with good salaries, but rather aggressive working conditions.
  • The third place is occupied by such prestigious professions for girls as an IT specialist.
  • Some girls choose such a promising direction as engineering and design, related to the development of weapons and the space industry, as their future specialty.
  • Also, the list of professions for girls with a technical bias includes specialties related to oil refining and oil production.

The most highly paid specialties

If you list the highest paid professions for girls, then you need to start with top managers, pilots, flight attendants, lawyers, economists, high technology and marketing specialists. Highly paid women's professions are also associated with the oil industry, but the proportion of women here is very small.

Politics and public administration have traditionally been a male diocese, but competition has led to the fact that the most prestigious professions for girls today are associated with these areas. Many ministers, governors, deputies, heads of factions are women and young girls.

Let us dwell in more detail on some of the nuances of professions associated with the sky. According to a study by Expert magazine, pilots, stewardesses, as well as related specialties related to flights, are firmly included in the top 10 "Best Women's Professions - 2016". These specialties are associated with a certain risk, require increased attention and concentration, which does not have the best effect on the nervous system and the state of the body.

When wondering what profession to choose for a girl, do not forget about entrepreneurship. It is often much more profitable to work for yourself than to work for an enterprise, especially if you can think in an original and unconventional way. For people who decide to change careers at 30, this is the best way to start a new career and achieve dizzying success.

In the era of the rapid development of the Internet, the importance of specialties related to marketing services is growing, this is true for those who run an online business. So what are the professions for girls in this industry? Firstly, the most demanded are SEO-specialists involved in the optimization and promotion of sites. A novice specialist may enjoy earning a few hundred dollars a month, while a real professional receives a couple of thousand.

The second demanded specialty - SMM-manager - has replaced the system administrator in the popularity rating. Given the craze for social networks, the most interesting professions for girls are associated with this line of business.

You can do what you love in a comfortable environment: communicate with visitors to a site or page on a social network, create and post creative content, come up with entertainment and contests. Such creative professions for girls as an Internet designer, website developer, will remain in the top ten most profitable for a long time to come.

Do not forget about the writers, although it is difficult to associate representatives of this type of activity with big money. If you're wondering how to change careers at 40, consider writing a book. Most famous writers were able to achieve success precisely in adulthood.

The most unusual activities for women

What if suddenly you are temporarily unemployed, and the current working professions offered on the exchange do not inspire labor exploits at all? Let's talk about what unusual professions exist in Russia for girls. A webinar trainer is a fairly popular area: many successful women over 35 prefer to learn the basics of yoga, auto-training, and the art of makeup in this way.

A florist is a specialty full of romance that can please not only the eye, but also the soul. A bouquet, collected by skillful hands, can become a real masterpiece and seal the shaky relationship between two lovers. However, to start creating all this beauty, you will have to study at special courses for at least six months.

An etiquette specialist is an exotic, but, nevertheless, a very sought-after profession. Typically, employees of this profile can be found in schools of beauty and etiquette, as well as in institutions involved in organizing international events. To become a connoisseur of etiquette, you will have to not only get the appropriate education, but also live side by side with representatives of a different culture for a long time.

Fitness trainer and nutritionist are very popular professions, their representatives often blog and post videos on their social pages, gathering thousands of subscribers. Often they develop their own methods for losing weight and training that can bring the body into perfect condition in a short time. The earnings of such specialists can be tens of thousands of dollars per month. Author: Natalia Ivanova

Long gone are the days when men earned more than women. Modern representatives of the weaker sex often make a good career, because they show such qualities as stress resistance, perseverance and determination. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls, collected in this article, will help you choose the right direction of activity and achieve high financial results.

Advertising Manager

This is one of the highest paid professions for girls. If you learn how to competently build an advertising campaign, sell promotional products and select qualified personnel, you can earn good money. A good advertising manager receives about 100 thousand rubles a month.


Legal services are always in high demand. This area of ​​activity opens up wide prospects for career growth. In addition, your own legal advice is promising and sufficient. The monthly salary of qualified lawyers in the capital fluctuates between 20,000 and 500,000 rubles. Such a highly paid profession for girls will allow you to achieve complete financial independence in a short time.


The most common female profession is an accountant. She does not have a creative beginning, since such specialists work with dry numbers, but despite this, this sought-after and highly paid profession for girls opens up great prospects for personal growth. If you master such a specialty, you don’t have to worry about it, since accountants are in demand always and everywhere. It is also worth noting that leading specialists who work at large enterprises receive up to 200 thousand rubles a month.

Human Resources Manager

Many do not know that a personnel officer is one of the highest paid professions in Moscow for girls. Human resources professionals often have to communicate with different people, and women do it much better than men. An experienced HR manager receives up to 150 thousand rubles a month. If we talk about career growth, a responsible employee may eventually take the place of the head of the personnel department or enter the board of directors of a large company. Another option is to have your own recruitment agency. This is one of the most.

Top level manager

To take this position, you need to be a real workaholic. If you are ready to work around the clock, you can rise to the position of director of a company or chairman of a bank. Such vacancies occupy the first places in the list of the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. But to achieve such a career growth, you need to work hard.

In addition, high demands are usually placed on these positions:

  • Higher education;
  • Work experience;
  • Age restrictions;
  • Foreign language skills.

IT specialists

This profession is considered male, but despite this, many women achieve great success in this area. An experienced web specialist or the head of an Internet project earns 60-80 thousand rubles a month. Such prestigious highly paid professions for girls are in great demand nowadays, so the demand for IT specialists is constantly growing. If you know programming languages, try to realize your talents in this area.

Individual entrepreneur

If you don't want to work for the "master", open your own . This field of activity does not require special education. The most important thing is purposefulness and entrepreneurial spirit.

At the initial stage, you can implement some simple one, for example, in the service sector. Here you can receive financial resources for the purchase of materials as an advance payment from customers. The most important thing in this business is to create a good reputation. In this case, you will quickly develop your own client base and will receive a good profit. Over time, when the company reaches net income, you can find out which one and open your own company.


This is a line of activity in which you can find many prestigious high-paying professions for girls. If you are creative and have a wild imagination, you can try your hand at creating scripts for theatrical productions or entertainment events. But in order to get a job like this, you need to get some knowledge in the field of dramaturgy. Many theaters, film studios, advertising campaigns and holiday agencies need screenwriters. If you are able to think outside the box and creatively, try to master this interesting high-paying profession for girls. It is worth noting that in the field of advertising, earnings are much higher than in films or on television.

Creative individuals can also sell paintings, original souvenirs, exclusive clothes, and more. The main secret of success is diligence and patience. Choose one of the most and start your own business. If you constantly develop your enterprise, improve it and attract new customers, the business will bring excellent profits.

Show Business

Many girls dream of becoming famous actresses or singers. But unfortunately, breaking into show business is not so easy. If you manage to take some position in this area, the salary fully compensates for all your work.

Film and theater actresses, singers, dancers are the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. Show business stars receive huge fees for one concert or shooting. Develop your talents, participate in various competitions, that is, do everything to get noticed. In show business, you can achieve great success. But for this you need to be persistent, purposeful person, self-confident.

image maker

If you are looking for a high-paying profession for girls that can be mastered in a short time, try becoming an image maker. This is a specialist who helps a person to create an image corresponding to his status and position in society.

The services of image makers are often used by business people, as well as candidates for deputies who want to please their voters. The highest position in this area is Image Analyst. He analyzes the work of the enterprise in order to identify facts that have a negative impact on the work of the enterprise. The specialist develops a strategy that allows you to solve all problems and create a good reputation for the company. Image makers and political technologists who work in elections also receive a decent salary.

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in the World


Girls who wonder can complete florist courses. This is a very exciting creative activity that brings a good income. After you learn how to collect beautiful bouquets of different flowers, you can get a job in a flower shop. Over time, when experience appears, open your own salon or online store. Flower trade is one of the most profitable types of business for 2016, so this line of business should not be overlooked.


Such specialists are in demand in all companies related to trade. Marketers are engaged in product promotion, market analysis, developing new advertising strategies, in general, they are doing everything to promote the company's brand. It is not necessary to have a special education in order to occupy such a position. If you know,

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions in our time for girls, women and men.

What motives drive people who enter a query about the highest paid and most in-demand professions into a search engine? Ambition, lust for money, or job security? Or maybe future students need a hint before choosing a specialty? Or the confidence that the acquired profession will be in demand and relevant for many years after graduation?

  • Let's not betray unfounded condemnation of "progressive" trends, but try to compile a list of the most paid and profitable women's and men's professions.
  • Regardless of the ratings of the most successful and highly paid professions, a good specialist in any industry is one who constantly improves and reaches the heights of excellence. Whether it will be a service sector or accounting or surgery depends on the personal preferences and abilities of the future specialist.
  • High earnings can be both a photographer and a massage therapist. Only a bad specialist will be out of work for a long time, and a good specialist will not have even a minute of free time. A high-level massage therapist may have an income that exceeds the salary of a mediocre manager, accountant or lawyer. A dentist at a prestigious clinic in Paris can earn a salary that is significantly inferior to that of a beautician who removes warts with a laser.

Top 10 female and male popular, demanded and highly paid professions in Russia

  • When choosing the type of activity to which the whole life will be devoted, one should be guided by several criteria: future activities should not only bring pleasure and be well paid, but also lead the ratings of the most demanded.
  • This must be taken into account so that by the time of graduation, the young specialist does not have to think about changing the type of activity and start studying again, having already chosen another relevant specialty, since the diploma obtained with such difficulty is no longer useful.
A bad specialist will be out of work for a long time, and a good specialist will not have even a minute of free time
  • What specialists will be in the price of employers and which of them will not lose their relevance in the next 4-5 years? Today there are so many financiers and lawyers that it is very difficult for a graduate of this direction to find a job.
  • You have to accept a position not in your specialty, but this does not stop future students and they continue to storm educational institutions in order to get a crust of a specialist in the field of law or study the basics of financial literacy. A combination of factors is the reason for the recent trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education.

A combination of factors is the reason for the recent trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education

What field of activity should be “stormed” right now, so that during the job search there is no situation of “an extra specialist”. What solution will provide a decent salary in the future?

Top 10 professions for men and women in Russia:

The first profession on our list is an engineer.

  • Despite the relevance of the profession, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel in this area. In the construction spectrum, there is a great need for competent engineers. There is also a demand for process engineers, electrical engineers, but future students rely on other specialties.
  • Statistical forecasts are rather sad: according to the received data, 68% of professional engineers will retire within 5 years. There are no young specialists who could replace them. There will be only 3.7% of the required number of frames.

There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction spectrum

The second specialty is a specialist in the field of service

  • The rapid development of service in the country requires the presence of such workers as a service specialist. Any buyer likes attentive and fast service, whether it is a night beauty salon, round-the-clock delivery of products to the office or home, booking hotel rooms.
  • There are many requests, and the goal of the service workers is to respond quickly and be able to smooth out the conflict situation. After all, clients come across different, therefore employees with excellent communication skills and stress resistance are valued.
  • Among business owners in the service sector, specialists in interesting, rather unusual activities are becoming valuable. Among them are animators, guides, those who are close to the client during a business trip, meet at the airport.

The third specialty is an IT specialist

  • Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits. Even the simplest institution needs a competent system administrator: it is necessary to ensure the protection of information using new programs. The number of requests for the development of new software is also growing. Professionals in this industry have the highest income in the country.

Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits.

The fourth specialty is a doctor

  • The work of a modern medical worker is now adequately paid, because all areas in this area are again popular among future doctors and nurses.
  • There is a great demand for highly specialized specialists. Ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, speech therapists, nutritionists, allergists, good surgeons quickly find work with decent wages. There is a real “hunt” for good specialists in medical centers. They are offered high salaries, paid apartments and the opportunity to regularly exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries.

The work of a modern medical worker is now adequately paid

Fifth specialty - ecologist

  • Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation around the world, the specialty of an ecologist is gaining popularity. After all, the quality of life of people and their health are completely dependent on the environmental situation.

The sixth specialty is a chemist

  • The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever. Especially if we take into account the emerging energy problem of the 21st century: there is less and less oil and gas in the bowels of the earth, and no replacement has yet been invented for them.
  • Since the efficiency of natural sources such as solar, wind, water energy is rather low, the problem of finding an alternative to gas and oil becomes a priority and a solution for it needs to be found in the near future.

The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever.

Seventh specialty - psychologist and personal consultant

  • Specialists in the field of psychology can be classified as medical professionals. But the problems of the mental state of a person that have recently arisen force an immediate solution.
  • In the staff list of educational institutions, polyclinics, there is always a psychologist. In any enterprise there is a demand for competent specialists. Private consultation is also becoming commonplace.
  • The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: it can be either an individual nutrition consultation or a shopper service.

The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: from individual advice on nutrition to shopper services

Eighth specialty - marketer

  • Many products that manufacturers offer us remain unclaimed. Other groups of goods, for which quite recently there was a great demand, are lost against the background of similar goods, which have a more favorable price-quality ratio.
  • One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services, as well as to forecast the demand for certain groups of goods after some time or right now. As in any other field, employers value competent marketers.

One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services

The ninth specialty is PR specialists

  • Such specialists today are worth their weight in gold. However, having a diploma in PR does not mean that a former student will become a specialist in his field. In the field of advertising, not only knowledge gained at the university is valued, but also personal flair, acumen and interest in one's work.
  • Only competent PR people who get good pay for their own creative ideas can count on a huge salary.

The tenth specialty is a specialist in nanotechnology

  • Specialists of all developing technologies are also highly valued by employers.
  • Scientists are working to expand the range of industries in which nanoparticles are used, and are also studying aspects regarding their use.

Video: u news. The most demanded professions in 2015-2020

The demand for various specialties in Belarus reflects global trends. Ratings of the most popular professions as cooks and sellers, as well as doctors of public clinics.

List of the most popular and highly paid professions in Belarus:

  • IT-specialists: the salaries of "IT specialists" are constantly growing, and among the requests of employers is the demand for a good specialist in the most sought-after profession.
  • In Belarus, graduates of law universities experience difficulties in finding employment, but an experienced specialist will not be left without work and good earnings.
  • In third place among specialties are office workers. The demand for secretaries, office managers is constantly growing. Payment for such work remains at an average level.
  • On the fourth position - sellers. The salary can be either the minimum or up to two average salaries in the country. Due to the constant turnover of staff in the catering industry and in the petty trade industry, there is a constant shortage of workers.
  • The next position is occupied by physicians from state clinics. Due to the medical reforms carried out, young doctors prefer to work in private clinics, and the positions of highly specialized specialists in the regions remain without candidates.
  • In sixth place are auditors and marketers. It is very difficult for a yesterday's graduate to find a well-paid job in this area, since employers demand for experienced professionals who can keep track of the absence of errors in financial statements, which are constantly changing.
  • The seventh place is occupied by advertising managers. Employers have the most requests for such specialists. This is explained simply: after 3 months, managers leave for another job.
  • Among the last positions are chefs. Now there is a great demand for sushi chefs.
  • In ninth place are HR specialists or personnel officers. Small organizations are gradually disappearing. And in large-scale selection of employees, an employee of the personnel service is engaged.
  • In tenth place are engineers. Specialists in this field are hired for high-paying jobs immediately after graduation from the university. Such workers can count on rapid wage increases.

Top 10 female and male popular, demanded and highly paid professions in Belarus

Top 10 female and male popular, demanded and highly paid professions in the world


  • Marketers
  • Nanotechnology Specialist
  • Business trainer
  • Sales Manager
  • Advocate
  • Assistant Secretary

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions in our time for girls

  • Manager
  • Accountant
  • Stewardess
  • Administrator
  • Realtor
  • Marketer
  • Designer

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions in our time for women

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions in our time for men

  • IT specialist
  • Bank employee
  • Lawyer
  • SMM specialist
  • Architect and engineer
  • Manager
  • Medics
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketer
  • Accountant

The most profitable job on the Internet: list

  • copywriter
  • Interpreter
  • Web Programmer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Architect
  • video editor
  • Social media administrator
  • Contextual advertising specialist
  • Internet project manager

Video: TOP 5 MOST needed / profitable PROFESSIONS on the Internet

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