The rapper from Buryatia gave an interview to the glossy magazine SNC. Biography Luxora Luxor singer biography

Who is Luxor?

Real name— Artur Shmygin

Native city— Ulan-Ude

Nickname- Luxor (Luxor)

Activity- Singer, rapper

Luxor singer biography

Artur Shmygin, better known as Luxor, is a popular Russian songwriter.

Luxor photo

Luxor rapper

Artur Shmygin, that is the name of the growing popularity of the Russian rap artist, performing under the stage name Luxor, was born on December 26, 1990, in the city of Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russia. Almost from birth, the boy was instilled with discipline. Since the father of the future musician was a military man, life was scheduled by the minute. Exactly at 8.00 rise, at 00.00 hung up.

But, despite all his strictness, the father had a positive attitude towards all the undertakings of his son, pointing out that it is better to make music than to walk through the doorways with a bad company.

Arthur was fond of sports at school, and he could hardly have imagined that someday music would become something more for him than just turning on the player and putting on headphones.

Luxor before he became famous

In 2006, the future rapper successfully passed school exams, and went to study at ESSTU, a real estate appraiser by profession. Arthur became interested in hip-hop culture when he was 17 years old, after getting acquainted with the work of such eminent musicians as "", "Eminem" and others. Training on the work of Western performers, the young man writes his first texts. Only after the passage of time did he decide to show his work to a childhood friend, Alaguy Yegorov. The composer liked the texts, he wrote music for them. So the first tracks were recorded.

Luxor singer and his work

Artur Shmygin and Alagui in less than half a year they recorded their first joint album, but after listening, the guys decided not to release it. So disappeared without appearing on the shelves, the debut collection Luxor. The second disc was more successful. 200 copies were published, but as he later recalled Artur Shmygin, all discs were sold out in one day, despite being sold only at one point.

Between the releases of the first two collections Luxor performed in various nightclubs in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. Most of all, Arthur remembered the concert at the Panorama club, where more than 2 thousand spectators gathered.

The first track that appeared on the Internet is dated April 4, 2015. It was named " You are under the influence". On April 27 of the same year, another song was presented to the public, “ running away". August 15 Luxor finishes work on the track “I would go to her”, and on August 16 the premiere of the song took place, entitled “ Wings«.

November 16 in the social network VC the song is published Asian", and on December 21, 2015, the video clip " My brother". Exactly four days later, Arthur Shmygin, together with Alagui, finishes working on the track " Pulse«.

On February 8, 2016, the premiere of the track took place, entitled " XXX“, and five days later a video clip was shot for the same piece of music. March 8 of the same year, in honor of the holiday "International Women's Day", Luxor delighted his fans with a new song, " Don't cheat...". On April 13, the premiere of the track took place, entitled " VIP«.

August 29, 2016 Artur Shmygin and Alagui finish shooting a video clip for the piece of music " Save Baikal". On November 18, the track "Sky for Two" was released.

Luxor and his personal life

Almost nothing is known about Artur Shmygin's personal life. Only once, in one of his few interviews, he said that he had found the love of his life, a girl who accepts him for who he is, regardless of his financial situation and career growth. But warm words were spoken in 2009. It is possible that a lot has changed over the years.

Luxor in our time

On March 8, 2017, the premiere of the video clip took place, for the song " LUV". On March 16, Artur Shmygin and Alagui present another video to the rap community, this time for a track called " Big slaughter". June 7 of the same 2017, on YouTube-channel Luxor video clip released Goddess". Exactly 20 days later, the track " Outro«.

In the last days of the summer of 2017, Artur Shmygin and Alagui finish working on the recording of the song " Demons", and on October 13, a track called" networks". At the end of the same month, the song "Ocean" was released.

On January 25, 2018, the joint work of Alaguy Egorov with Luxor was presented to the public, a track called " fashionable". On February 15, the guys finish recording the song " NZN", and on March 7 the track " Brunette«.

On March 16 of the same year, a joint work was published on the social network VK Luxor and Kel- song " Balenciaga". On April 3, fans of Artur Shmygin learned about the release of the musical work " Vesel and drunk«.

At the current time Luxor working on completion EP, the release of which, according to Artur Shmygin, was fairly delayed. You can learn more about the singer's work on the official YouTube channel, and there is also an Instagram account.


The soloist of the rap group from Buryatia Luxor Artur Shmygin seems to be gaining momentum in the music world at the federal level. Not so long ago, he released new videos for the songs "Goddess" and "Luv". At the end of June, Artur gave an interview to the fashionable Russian edition of SNC media. And the other day, the rapper announced that his track “Luv” has now appeared in the rotation of the Love radio station.

SNC questions are answered by representatives of two different directions in music: Russian rap artist LUXOR (Artur Shmygin) and harpist and head of the Arfasound music project Yana Khurumova. Feel the difference.

SNCMedia:What is the hardest thing about being a musician?

LUXOR: It's hard to turn off the phone, disconnected from the outside world, collect your thoughts under a loud sound, start writing poetry...

Yana Khurumova: The most difficult thing is to combine an artist, manager and producer. If you concentrate only on one, the other is lame, so I try to work 24/7 and do everything.

SNCMedia: What are your creative plans for the rest of the year?

LUXOR: Until September, finish the long-running EP and give it to the masses well.

Yana Khurumova: To release the first Arfasound album.

SNCMedia: What inspires you?

LUXOR: Inspiration is a word from the past. Alas, now it looks like a chore that requires time and calmness. But creativity is an indescribable high, and there will always be time for a high!

Yana Khurumova: My main inspiration is the clouds covering the mountains at dawn, giant soaring stingrays in the Barcelona Aquarium, fantastic sunsets in Ibiza, balloon flights in Dubai, breakfasts in Paris at Cafe Des Deux Moulins, a colosseum in Rome. ..

SNCMedia: If you don't live in Moscow, then where?

LUXOR: In St. Petersburg, Sochi, Thailand or London - where it's warm or very romantic...

Yana Khurumova: In Italy.

SNCMedia:What do you care about money?

LUXOR: If you have money, then you don't feel sorry for them. If I had a lot of money, I would build a shelter for dogs, it hurts that I am not indifferent to these animals.

Yana Khurumova: For education and self-development.

SNCMedia. Your favorite performer.

LUXOR: Mikhail Gorshenev ("The King and the Jester").

Yana Khurumova: Sting. My dream is to perform on the same stage with him.

SNCMedia: What is the perfect vacation like?

LUXOR: I haven't been on vacation. And on weekends, it’s ideal to sleep until noon, wake up and drink Bacardi Black, snacking on mangoes, look at the smile of your beloved and the sea.

Yana Khurumova: For me it is peace and quiet. In order to gain impressions and strength for new concerts, I go on a journey where I draw inspiration. I see happy people who speak different languages, friendly and hospitable, amazing countries with their colors and I return home filled with impressions and images for the new program.

SNCMedia: Are you afraid of competition? And how many competitors do you have?

LUXOR: No, it seems to me that every musician has his own handwriting, everyone writes and hears in his own way ... Competition is inappropriate here, I am for creativity with all my heart, I am a music lover, I am happy when I hear something cool, something like that, what I wouldn't do.

Yana Khurumova: No.

SNCMedia: What did you want to be as a child?

LUXOR: As a child, I didn't have specific idols and goals, I lived, played football, messed up and really never thought that I would really live in those moments when music plays.

Yana Khurumova: Doctor.

SNCMedia: How many languages ​​do you know?

LUXOR: Russian, English, Buryat, the last two are weak, but with people who speak them, I will find common ground and resolve the issue with understanding. I'm working on it now because I feel like a Neanderthal.

Yana Khurumova: English, German, Latin and the language of music.

SNCMedia: What annoys you the most?

LUXOR: I get annoyed by people who try to appear bigger than they are. It's probably more fun though. In general, I am very calm, and I leave everything that annoys me in the gym. Oh yes! It annoys me for 2 months to eat boiled chicken, fish, buckwheat and rice so that my stomach goes away, and then drink beer, for example, or eat a burger and everything is down the drain, but I hold on. And why am I not an ectomorph?

Yana Khurumova: The unprofessionalism and frivolity in their work is very annoying in people.

Wednesday, January 29

5th lunar day with the element Wind. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Mouse, Cow, Dragon, Dog and Pig. On this day, you can order a prayer service, attend the Khural, perform the rites “һүlde duudaha”, “dallga abaha”, “zhabtuy”, study and comprehend science, open a bank deposit, build a house, make medicinal compositions, start treatment, bring a daughter-in-law, make new friends, be related, sew and cut clothes, for good deeds.

unfavorable for people born in the Year of the Snake and the Horse. Funerals and commemorations are not allowed. Going on the road is bad news.

Thursday, January 30

5th lunar day with the element Fire. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Chicken. On this day, it is good to order a prayer service, attend the Khural, pacify the enemy, sue, order “taban kharyuulga”, “zhinserig”, for a tough solution to some issues.

Adverse day for people born in the Year of the Cow, Dragon, Sheep and Dog. Funerals and commemorations are not allowed. Go on the road - to loss and theft.

Hair cutting - to increase livestock, things and money.

Friday, January 31

6th lunar day with the element Earth. Day favorable for people born in the Year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today you can perform virtue, offering to datsan and lamas, ask and honor the God of wealth - Namsaray, perform the rites "һүlde duudaha", "dallga abaha", arrange a holiday, play a wedding, register a marriage, put on new jewelry, new clothes, pacify the enemy, order "taban kharyuulga", for a tough solution to some issues.

Adverse day for people born in the Year of the Tiger and the Rabbit. You can not give your things for a while, lend money. Go on the road - to loss and theft.

Haircut - to improve appearance, to confidence.

Member Name: Artur Shmygin

Age (birthday): 26.12.1990

City: Ulan-Ude

Job: rapper

Family: married

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Reading this article:

Artur Shmygin, aka Luxor rapper, was born in Buryatia in the city of Ulan-Ude on December 26, 1990. His father was a military man, and therefore he grew up in accordance with strict rules and discipline. The rise was at 8 in the morning, and before 12 at night it was necessary to go to bed.

But his father always welcomed Arthur's passion for music. It seemed to him that it was better if his son spent time in creativity than contacted with a bad company, which would lead him to problems.

growing up

At school age, Shmygin went in for sports. He did not think that he would become a rapper, since he was not particularly interested in music. Only after graduating, he became a student at ESGTU with a degree in real estate appraiser and discovered the work of rap artists: "50 CENT" and "Eminem".

He began to train on their example and soon wrote the first texts. Only after some time did he pluck up the courage and show the work to Alagui Yegorov, who is his old friend. He appreciated them and wrote music for them.

As a child, Arthur played football and did not think about being like someone else. He managed to live here and now, not thinking about the future. He is fluent in Buryat, Russian and English.


Artur Shmygin and Alagui recorded their debut album in six months. Only then did they realize that it was not worth releasing it into circulation. The second attempt was more successful. They published more than 200 pieces of the album, which they bought in 1 day.

Luxor performed in clubs during this time. In 2015, his network track "You're Under the Influence" became very popular. Following this, he released a few more songs and history repeated itself. In 2015, the clip "My brother" was released.

After 4 days, he released the track “Impulse” with Alagui and presented the track “XXX” and shot a video for it. The year was very fruitful, Luxor continued to delight fans with his work, filmed videos and released songs.

Today Luxor is still in demand. He presented a video for the tracks "LUV" in 2017, as well as "Big Slaughter", published the video "Goddess", released the songs "Outro" and "Networks".

At the beginning of 2018, Luxor presented the work with Alagui "Fashion", "Balenciaga", in March presented the tracks "Brunette" and "Vesel and Drunk". Luxor is currently busy working on an EP that was supposed to come out much earlier, but Artur has been a little late.

He calls the most difficult thing in his work - the ability to turn off the phone, forget about the world around him and gather his thoughts in order to write new poems. He draws his inspiration from creativity, admitting that for him this activity brings incredible pleasure.

Personal life

It is known that Arthur is married to a girl named Alexandra. Their wedding took place on August 19, 2017. He does not often give interviews, and he does not really like to share news from his personal life, but once noted that he was very lucky, because next to him was the love of his life.

Alexandra accepts him as he is, turning a blind eye to financial problems, because a lot of money has to be invested in development in creativity.

Hobbies and interesting facts

  • Arthur believes that when he earns enough money that he realizes that there is already enough of it, he will build a shelter for dogs, as he has always been partial to them.
  • M. Gorshenev, leader of the Korol i Shut group, is considered his favorite performer.
  • Free time prefers to spend relaxed. He sleeps until noon.
  • He imagines his ideal vacation next to his wife at the sea with a glass of Bacardi Black and mango.
  • Arthur admits that he tries to stay away from people who pretend to be something more than they really are. He never understood those who play someone else's role, giving up their own "I".
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