The history of creation and description of Rylov's painting "field ash". Composition based on the painting "Field mountain ash"

Russian nature has repeatedly become a source better feelings and impressions. So in the picture of the famous landscape painter Arkady Rylov, we see the summer time, a slope descending to the river. Hot afternoon. In the clearing there are dense thickets of white yarrow heads and yellow tansy inflorescences. It is her, among the people, who is called the field, wild mountain ash. It is very reminiscent of this beautiful plant with its inflorescences and carved leaves. Tansy stands out brightly on the canvas and is the center of the work. She concentrates on herself the whole color impression.

The composition is built very compactly, gathering on a "small heel" a huge variety of plants and the light and color collected on them. To the left and right, along the edges of the picture, as if being their frame, there are young, thin birch trees. From a light breeze, they slightly shake their foliage, welcoming the "signs" on the other side. The steep banks of the river are covered with lush vegetation. Flowers, herbs and bushes are painted carefully and thoughtfully. After all, each item is tied to a specific place and illuminated, so that all its pluses and minuses are visible: broken branches and leaves, grass. Trees and bushes are tired from the heat.

The far bank of the river is gently sloping and immediately from the coastal bushes flood lands begin, since a lot of moisture gets to them; they stand green from spring to late autumn. river with blue-green water slowly, unhurriedly, flows below. It flows along the plateau, bypassing islands and cliffs. It carries its waters far beyond the forests and mountains. A blue sky with lush, airy clouds racing against each other.

The clouds, dispersed by the breeze, will gather their strength for a long time - rain. He will not go soon, but he is already looking forward to dusty various herbs and flowers. When it rains, it will give everyone a drink and everything will come to life and give a lively aroma. Willow bushes, with whitish elongated leaves, are visible on the other side of the river, they lowered their branches into the cool water. They drink and can't get drunk. Their roots "live" in the water.

In the distance, on the other side, large trees stand out clearly in the background. There is a house under them, apparently someone lives there and admires these endless expanses every day. The narrow line goes beyond the horizon dark colors strip of forest. I think that it is free and easy to breathe here. The gamma of the palette changes from green to yellow-red, gradually turning to rich, brown, and dark orange. Nature pleases the eye with its simplicity and unpretentiousness, and this makes it even more dear to the Russian heart.

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In Rylov's painting " field mountain ash» we get acquainted with the idealistic world of wildlife, where there is a place only for the beautiful and kind.

The painting depicts a river hidden in dense thickets of grass. Meadow grasses amaze with their colors. I can't even believe that nature itself could create such a thing. But the most amazing thing in this picture is the mountain ash, which timidly bent over the water. Its heavy clusters hang down, bend under the weight of berries, so it seems that the mountain ash treats everyone with its fruits.

It is no coincidence that the artist chose a mountain ash for the image. Just in folklore mountain ash is mentioned as often as birch.

Rylov's painting "Field Rowan" conquered me with its beauty and abundance bright colors. At the same time, this combination does not look at all vulgar, but, on the contrary, touches the very depths of the soul with its amazing touchingness.

Composition on the painting "Field mountain ash" Grade 5

  1. Painting
  2. Warm day
  3. Autumn is coming
  4. Center of the painting
  5. Conclusion

I am examining a reproduction of the painting "Field Rowan". Arkady Rylov created it in 1922. The painter managed to capture the real splendor and brightness of the colors of domestic nature.

The picture depicts a warm summer day. The sun is at its zenith, so everything depicted is illuminated quite brightly. There are many herbs and flowers around, stretching far to the horizon. Creates a special harmony among this beauty and the bright surface of the river, as well as blue-pink clouds.

The artist also paid attention to the image of birches, willows, various shrubs and delicate wildflowers. In the distance, across the river, you can see a haystack in the middle of an endless meadow, which indicates the imminent approach of autumn.

The central part of the picture is the mountain ash, which is considered one of the symbols of Russian nature. Her heavy brushes contrast and enliven the emerald color that reigns all around.

The picture is saturated with airiness, lightness, and at the same time emphasizes the power of the native land.
Arkady Alexandrovich grew up in the village, and always had a warm attitude towards nature, conveying this through his work. The painting "Field Rowan" involuntarily fascinates with its brightness and fullness, appeals to people to appreciate the originality and uniqueness of nature, to protect it and preserve it.

Outstanding Artist At the beginning of the 20th century, Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov was born on January 17 (29) in the village of Istobenskoye, Vyatka province. Rylov's father was seriously ill, so the boy was brought up in his stepfather's family. Rylov's childhood and youth were spent in Vyatka. Since childhood, Rylov was very fond of nature, admired its beauty.

Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov is widely known for his wonderful landscapes: “In the blue expanse”, “ green noise". Pleases the eye and uplifts the mood of his landscape, written in 1922 - "Field mountain ash". In this picture by A. A. Rylov, all the symbols of truly Russian nature seem to have united: birches, willows, mountain ash, wildflowers, a blue river and a clear sky, endless meadows and fields that different times admired and inspired the work of the great Russian poets, writers and artists: S. Yesenin, I. A. Bunin, I. I. Levitan, A. I. Kuindzhi and many others.

In the painting by A. A. Rylov “Field mountain ash”, we see another corner dear to the heart of a Russian person native nature, so familiar and dear, illuminated by the rays of the bright summer sun. In the foreground are modest, but bright and pleasing to the eye wild flowers: tansy, which is popularly called field mountain ash, and chamomile. Yellow-orange tansy baskets scattered throughout the clearing stand out brightly among general landscape. Its dark green carved emerald leaves contrast with the light green of the meadow grass. White wild flowers give tenderness to the floral carpet, add light and enliven it.

To the left of the picture are rowan thickets. Its heavy branches in red clusters bent over the water surface of the river. On the right you can see a white-trunked Russian beauty - a birch. A light summer breeze gently sways its bright green leaves. In addition to birch, the artist depicted weeping willow, leaning over the river, which is located along the entire picture with a wide light blue ribbon. There are no waves on the river. The river surface, like a mirror, reflects white clouds floating across the sky. Cumulus clouds and sky blue. The opposite bank is decorated with numerous thickets of shrubs with foliage shades from dark to light green. Further, the artist depicted endless meadows of bright green color. In the background, you can see emerald green trees and expanses of fields, one of which is a haystack. The picture is filled with air, summer heat and unusual space are felt.

Looking at this simple, modest and, at the same time, wonderful landscape, you involuntarily admire the beauty of your native nature, you feel its charm and originality at any time of the year, and the sunny bright colors of summer cheer you up and make you smile, forgetting about all the hardships. With his wonderful landscape "Field Rowan" A. A. Rylov calls on all people to pay attention to the beauty and uniqueness of their native nature, encourages them to appreciate and protect it.

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  1. composition based on the painting by Rylov field ash
  2. essay based on the painting a a rylova field ash
  3. composition based on the painting field mountain ash
  4. Sochene Polevaya Radina A A Rylova
  5. Rylov field mountain ash essay

Composition based on the painting by A. A. Rylov “Field mountain ash” The outstanding artist of the early 20th century Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov was born on January 17 (29) in the village of Istobenskoye, Vyatka province. Rylov's father was seriously ill, so the boy was brought up in his stepfather's family. Rylov's childhood and youth were spent in Vyatka. Since childhood, Rylov was very fond of nature, admired its beauty. Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov is widely known for his wonderful landscapes: "In the Blue Space", "Green Noise". Pleases the eye and uplifts the mood of his landscape, written in 1922 - "Field mountain ash". In this picture by A. A. Rylov, all the symbols of truly Russian nature seem to have united: birches, willows, mountain ash, wild flowers, a blue river and a clear sky, endless meadows and fields, which at different times delighted and inspired the work of great Russian poets, writers and artists: S. Yesenin, I. A. Bunin, I. I. Levitan, A. I. Kuindzhi and many others. In the painting by A. A. Rylov “Field Rowan”, we see another corner of native nature dear to the heart of a Russian person, so familiar and dear, illuminated by the rays of the bright summer sun. In the foreground are modest, but bright and pleasing to the eye wild flowers: tansy, which is popularly called field mountain ash, and chamomile. Yellow-orange tansy baskets scattered throughout the clearing stand out brightly from the general landscape. Its dark green carved emerald leaves contrast with the light green of the meadow grass. White wild flowers give tenderness to the floral carpet, add light and enliven it. To the left of the picture are rowan thickets. Its heavy branches in red clusters bent over the water surface of the river. On the right you can see a white-trunked Russian beauty - a birch. A light summer breeze gently sways its bright green leaves. In addition to the birch, the artist depicted a weeping willow leaning over the river, which is located along the entire picture with a wide light blue ribbon. There are no waves on the river. The river surface, like a mirror, reflects white cumulus clouds floating across the sky and azure sky. The opposite bank is decorated with numerous thickets of shrubs with foliage shades from dark to light green. Further, the artist depicted endless meadows of bright green color. In the background, you can see emerald green trees and expanses of fields, one of which is a haystack. The picture is filled with air, summer heat and unusual space are felt. Looking at this simple, modest and, at the same time, wonderful landscape, you involuntarily admire the beauty of your native nature, you feel its charm and originality at any time of the year, and the sunny bright colors of summer cheer you up and make you smile, forgetting about all the hardships. With his wonderful landscape "Field Rowan" A. A. Rylov calls on all people to pay attention to the beauty and uniqueness of their native nature, encourages them to appreciate and protect it.

The artist Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov painted beautiful landscape paintings. Admiring them, once again you affirm your opinion about how he loved nature. native land. Rylov's painting "Field Rowan" also proves this. Like many of the artist's canvases, it depicts a warm summer day.

Biography of the creator

In the foreground on the right is a group of trees. Unlike mountain ash, they are located close to each other. But they also have enough space, and they are satisfied with the growing conditions. Otherwise, these trees would not please the eye with such lush greenery. This helps to understand Rylov's painting "Field Rowan" (the photo clearly illustrates this idea).

White birch stands look touching. These trees, like mountain ash, are directed towards the sun, which warms them and creates the necessary conditions for photosynthesis.

Let's raise our eyes up to see the sky.


Unfortunately, we will not see the daylight in this picture. Indeed, at noon the sun is high, and this part of the sky is not reflected on the canvas. But what we see here is quite enough.

White, fluffy clouds, as if made of light fluff, float across the blue sky. They cover trees and plants from scorching rays.

Looking at this picture, you feel how the soul is filled with joy because nature is so good, the world is beautiful. You can look at the pacifying landscape depicted by Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov and mentally give thanks to the artist, who teaches more and more generations to love their picturesque land and homeland even more.

Composition based on the painting by A. A. Rylov "Field mountain ash".
The amazing and beautiful landscape of Rylov in the painting "Field Rowan"; reminds me of a bouquet in places, because against the background of this nature, a bush of bright red and lush flowers looms very brightly and beautifully.
This picture causes a lot of positive impressions and emotions. In addition to all this, it also evokes a feeling of the onset of autumn: glimpses of the warm sun can be seen through the sky and at the same time rain clouds. We can also observe in this picture a beautiful, blue river, behind the already yellowed grass. And how beautiful the yellowed leaves of the tree are, despite the fact that they have already lost their summer color, they still remain beautiful.
I think that the landscape of this picture is calm, one might even say - thoughtful. Not all paintings give such a feeling as this one. Feeling speaks about it cold wind but nothing can ruin given impression this landscape touches the soul.
Looking at this picture, I just want to forget about everything, and just be in the place where the red mountain ash stands. In my opinion, this is a real Russian picture, we can observe such a beautiful view only in Russia. And since nature has decided to transform its clothes by autumn, a little sad, missing the past summer, the joy and exuberance of colors, the gentle blue sky, the gentle and warm sun.
This picture really leaves a warm mark on the soul. The landscape of this picture gives us the full feeling of autumn in Russia, at the same time, focusing on small touches, such as: a delicate field mountain ash, dressed up in this red robe.
This bush occupies the most important place in this landscape. Such a simple bush, but how much meaning, warmth, and most importantly soul. Everything else is just background. You seem to find yourself in a small place, and take your eyes off such great place, you simply cannot, because you have not yet seen such beauty.
This rowan bush makes the picture lively, warmer, despite the cold autumn winds. And you just don't want to take your eyes off him.

Composition-miniature based on the painting by Rylov "Field mountain ash".

In Rylov's painting "Field Rowan" we get acquainted with the idealistic world of wildlife, where there is only a place for the beautiful and kind.
The painting depicts a river hidden in dense thickets of grass. Meadow grasses amaze with their colors. I can't even believe that nature itself could create such a thing. But the most amazing thing in this picture is the mountain ash, which timidly bent over the water. Its heavy clusters hang down, bend under the weight of berries, so it seems that the mountain ash treats everyone with its fruits.
It is no coincidence that the artist chose a mountain ash for the image. It's just that in folklore, mountain ash is mentioned as often as birch.
Rylov's painting "Field Rowan" captivated me with its beauty and abundance of bright colors. At the same time, this combination does not look at all vulgar, but, on the contrary, touches the very depths of the soul with its amazing touchingness.

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