road safety

traffic rules for children. Rules of the road for children.

Pedestrians must walk on sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence - on the sidelines.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles.

When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers

Groups of children are allowed to drive only along sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence, also along roadsides, but only in daylight hours days and only accompanied by adults.

Pedestrians must cross carriageway on pedestrian crossings, including on underground and overground, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence - a traffic light.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing a roadway outside pedestrian crossing Pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and leave from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

Rules traffic for pedestrians


An analysis of traffic accidents with children shows that it is not enough to teach a child to look to the left before crossing the street, and when he reaches the middle of the road - to the right. Too many unforeseen situations await children on the road, and it is necessary that the child is well oriented in them. The earlier the better.
Each of these seven rules must be learned separately. Only when the child learns to perform them completely consciously, you can allow him to cross the street on his own. But keep in mind that usually children under the age of seven cannot yet estimate the speed of approaching cars and the distance to them. Therefore, in preschool age the child should cross the street only holding the hand of an adult.

Rule one.
Choose a safe place to cross.
If there is no pedestrian or traffic light crossing nearby, choose a location where you can clearly see the road in all directions. Do not try to get on the road between standing cars. It is important that not only you have a good view of the road, but also that you are clearly visible to any driver. Having chosen a place suitable for the transition, wait, look around.
Rule two.
Before crossing, be sure to stop before stepping on the roadway and carefully inspect the road. You need to stand at the edge of the sidewalk, stepping back a little from the curb - so that you can see the approach of cars.
Rule three.
Look around and listen. The car may leave unexpectedly. But if you are careful, "keep your ears on top", you can hear the approach of the car even before it becomes visible.
Rule four.
If a car is approaching, let it pass, then look around again and listen for other cars nearby.
When the car passes, you need to look around again. In the first seconds, she can obscure a car that is driving towards her. Without noticing it, you can fall into the "trap".
Rule five.
Do not enter the road until you are sure you have enough time to cross. Just making sure you're safe
don't hesitate to cross the street. Cross it only at right angles.
Rule six.
When crossing the street, keep watching the road,
to notice changes in the situation.
The situation on the road is changing rapidly: parked cars can go, driving straight - turn; new cars may emerge from an alley, from a yard, or around a corner.
Rule seven.
If during the transition suddenly there is an obstacle to the view (for example, the car stopped due to a malfunction), carefully looking out from behind it, inspect the rest of the way. Step back if necessary. You need to behave in such a way that you can be clearly seen by passing drivers.

Traffic rules for cyclists

Driving a bicycle while driving on roads is allowed for persons not younger than 14 years old, and a moped - not younger than 16 years old.

Bicycles, mopeds should move only on the extreme right lane in one row, possibly to the right. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:

drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

move along the road if there is a bike path nearby;

turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

It is forbidden to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.
At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

(According to the newspaper good road childhood)

Dear parents!

In order to prevent child injuries, we kindly ask you not to park in front of the kindergarten building, because. Kindergarten does not have an authorized car park. Vehicles are left on the roadway and the adjacent roadside, which significantly reduces the road lane and leads to emergency situations.

Head of MBDOU Baranovsky

Kindergarten "Sun" Evtyushina N.V.

Road safety for children!

According to statistics, the number of accidents involving children and adolescents increases annually during the holidays: on days off from school, minors spend a lot of time on the street, often play near roads and major highways, run out onto them and get into accidents.

To keep your child safe, you need to regularly remind him of the basics of traffic rules. He must know how to cross the roadway correctly, remember that he must stop, look first to the left, then to the right, and only after that, making sure that there are no cars, start moving. Explain to the children that it is strictly forbidden to play near the roadway - violation of this rule can cost a life. Also, parents should not forget about the benefits of special retroreflective elements, thanks to which children become more visible on the road for drivers, especially in cloudy weather and at night.

Drivers should also be especially attentive during the holidays, they should be prepared for the sudden appearance of a child on the road. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly observe the speed limit, slow down in advance before pedestrian crossings, especially those located near various children's institutions and bus stops.

Major assistant

Zmeinogorsk Interdistrict Prosecutor

Artem Andrus


for parents to teach children

traffic rules

1. Carefully study the memo. She will help

you teach your child to behave properly on the road.

2. Always follow the requirements of the Rules of the Road yourself.

The child will only do what you do.

3. It is necessary to teach children not only to follow the Rules of the road,

but from the very early age teach them to observe and navigate.

It should be borne in mind that the main way of developing skills

behavior - observation, imitation of adults, before

all parents. Many parents, not understanding this, by personal example

teaching children wrong behavior.

4. When on the road with a child, do not rush, cross

the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to hurry there,

where it is necessary to observe and ensure safety.

5. Do not send a child to cross or run across the road ahead

you - by this you teach him to go across the road without looking at

parties. little child gotta hold on tight, be

ready to hold when trying to escape - this is a typical reason


6. Teach your child to look. The child must have developed

hard skill: before taking the first step off the sidewalk, he turns

head and scans the road in all directions. it

should be brought to automaticity.

7. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice

car or motorcycle from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

8. Teach your child to appreciate the speed and direction of the future

machine movements. Teach your child to determine which one is going straight,

and which is preparing to turn.

9. Firmly grasp for yourself and teach the child what to enter into any

mode of transport and you can get out of it only when it

costs. Explain to the child why it is impossible to jump on the go.

Memo. Become more visible on the road.

Dear pedestrian! Become more visible on the road!

More than 90% of severe pedestrian collisions occur at night or on cloudy or rainy days.

Pedestrian children are one of the most vulnerable categories of road users. In 2014, 211 traffic accidents were registered in the Altai Territory, in which 218 underage pedestrians were injured. Every fourth of these accidents occurred at night.

In most cases, at the time of traffic accidents, there were no reflective elements on the clothes of pedestrians, which did not allow the driver to react in a timely manner to a pedestrian road user.

From July 1, 2015, changes to the Rules of the Road come into force Russian Federation, according to which on country roads, outside settlements when driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians will be required to wear reflective elements on their clothing.

Reflective elements are those made of special materials that have the ability to return a beam of light back to the source.

In the form of finishing piping, stripes, reflective elements are used when sewing clothes, hats, shoes, and school backpacks. AT retail you can purchase reflective tapes, braid, chevrons and sew them on your clothes yourself. You can also use key rings, bracelets, badges, stickers covered with light reflecting material.

When using reflective elements, the risk of death for pedestrians is reduced by 70%.

So, when driving a car with dipped headlights, the distance at which the driver can notice a pedestrian is 25-30 meters, and if a reflector is used, then it increases to 130-140 meters. If the car is driving with high beams on, the driver can see a pedestrian wearing reflective clothing from a distance of up to 400 meters. This reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian.

It is necessary to place reflective elements on clothing at a height of 80 cm to 1 m from the surface of the roadway.

The most noticeable is a direct reflective strip less than 7 cm long, placed on clothing or a bag.

It is better to use several objects at the same time with reflective elements of various shapes and sizes.

Pedestrian, remember! Your safety and the safety of those around you depend on discipline on the road. We wish you a happy journey!

Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Analysis of the state of child road traffic injuries in the Altai Territory for 2 months of 2015

For 2 months of 2015, 53 road accidents were registered on the territory of the region (2014 - 58), in which 1 child died (2014 - 0) and 58 were injured of varying severity (2014 - 65).

During the current period, there were 26 (2014 - 25) accidents involving the children of passengers, in which 1 child died and 29 were injured. It should be noted that 7 total number Injured minor passengers who were injured were transported outside of child restraints.

In the region, 27 (2014 - 34) collisions with pedestrians were registered, as a result of which 29 (2014 - 35) minors were injured. Moreover, 9 minor pedestrians were injured due to their own negligence. In two cases, children crossed the roadway outside the pedestrian crossing. There was one fact of crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place, an unexpected exit due to a standing vehicle, disobedience to regulation signals, and playing on the carriageway.

An analysis of the distribution of the number of children injured in road accidents by age categories shows that adolescents aged 10 to 14 years old (23) are most often involved in road accidents; - 2.

The safety of the child on the road is, of course, important and actual topic. Every day in the news you can see the message about accidents involving children. Parents from a very early age should tell, acquaint their children with the rules that must be observed on the roads. And this must be done systematically. How to convey this information to the child in an accessible way, we will talk in the article.

Why do accidents happen?

Unfortunately, statistics show that most road accidents involving children are the fault of their parents. And this is not surprising, because in our country, adults are busy with other more important, in their opinion, problems: how best to dress a child for kindergarten and school, what gadget to give him, in which section to write? Undoubtedly, these issues are important, but not in the same way as the safety of the child on the road.

If you give the numbers of accidents, they will be simply stunning. 40% of kids die under the wheels of cars in their own yard, and 10% die in road accidents involving their drunken parents. Every year the numbers are inexorably growing. Child mortality on the roads makes you think about whether parents are raising their children correctly?

The number of accidents involving children increases in winter. It would seem, what is the logic? The answer is actually simple, the kids make slides in the wrong places, next to the highways, with the advent of the first snow. When descending, the sledges fly out onto the road, as a result of which accidents occur.

It is worth noting that children have a poorly developed sense of fear. It seems to them that they are fast, nimble, dexterous, they will have time to cross the road. Also, children under 10 years old cannot estimate the real distance left to a moving car. For many children, it is quite usual to ride out on the road on their bike or play near the road with active traffic.

Such a topic as the safety of children on the streets and roads should be studied by each parent and conveyed to the child in detail.

When should you start talking to your kids about road safety?

Many parents mistakenly believe that children should only get to know each other when they go to school. But this is not so. Psychologists have proven that the basic children's instincts, behavior are developed at an early age. Parents for a child are a standard and an example that needs to be imitated. Therefore, their behavior will also depend on whether the child will be able to comply with the rules of the road. Try to be an example for him, always voice, repeat the canons of behavior on the road, and then your baby will be completely safe.

Learning by playing

Many are interested in where to get information from parents about the safety of children on the roads? If you don't know how to present information correctly little child You can contact your preschool teacher. In all kindergartens, lessons are obligatory, in which teachers easily convey the rules of the road to children.

Classes are held in the form of a game. Bright, musical posters are used. Riddles are given to reinforce the material. Quatrains are learned about traffic lights, sidewalks and others.

As homework children are offered to draw a picture on the topic: "Children and the road." And here the participation of parents is already important. This is an ideal opportunity to speak again, to consolidate the studied material with the child. Joint creativity brings together.

Compulsory classes are held in Russian schools in September cool watch on the topic "For the children of the Moscow region - safety on the roads!". As guests, there are traffic police officers who talk in detail about the situations on the roads.

Parents, this information is for you!

The safety of children on the roads is extremely important. From right decisions taken your child's life depends. Therefore, you need to clearly convey information to him and, above all, do not break the rules yourself:

The child is a passenger

If parents have a car, it is necessary to observe certain rules when transporting children:

    From birth to the age of twelve, the child must be in the car only in a special chair. Make sure it is appropriate for your baby's age and weight.

    Explain to the child the rules for getting out of the vehicle: you can only do this on the right side, which is closer to the sidewalk.

    Never put a child in the front seat. According to statistics, this is the most traumatic area in an accident.

    Do not allow children to get out of the seat while the machine is in motion. At hard braking the child can fly over the seats and hit the glass.

And a separate tip for parents: never drive drunk, especially if there are children in the car. Remember, the road is a place where maximum attention is needed, even the slightest hitch can be deadly.

Children and railroad tracks

Do not forget that children are too inquisitive. In addition to the correct behavior on the roads, they need to be familiarized with how to behave on the railway track:

    cross only in a place specially equipped for this;

    if a locomotive is visible ahead, never cross the tracks;

    pay attention to special traffic lights;

Safety is also important. If you do not follow it, you can forever remain a cripple or die. Most important rule that needs to be conveyed to the child - do not play on railway because this is not a place for entertainment.

No need to claim too much

Child safety on the road is certainly an important topic for conversation. But you can not demand from a child knowledge of the rules of the road at an early age. Psychologists say the following:

Briefly about the main

Once again, I would like to recall the rules that both an adult and a child should know:

    You can only cross the road when the traffic light is green.

    Look carefully first to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.

    There is a pedestrian or underground passage, use only it.

    If you have to walk on the road, drive only in the direction of the cars.

    Do not play on or near motorways.

You need to prepare your child for adulthood in advance. Remember: road safety rules for children have been drawn up for a long time. At any educational literature they are the same. A kid from an early age should know that the road can only be crossed at a green light, through a pedestrian or underpass. Do not be lazy, repeat these dogmas with your children constantly, and then you will not be afraid to let them go for a walk or to school.

Poems on traffic rules for preschool children

Author: Snezik Alena Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Jubilee Kindergarten No. 19 "Crane", Totemsky district of the Vologda region
Work description: My poems can be used preschool educators when developing notes educational activities, game and leisure activities, presentations for preschoolers, parents, as well as children preschool institutions senior age.
Target: Consolidation of children's ideas about the rules of the road in a playful way.
- to expand children's ideas about the rules of behavior on the street;
- to promote the development of attention, prudence;
- educate the ability to behave correctly on the road.

Every child knows
There is no wiser rule:
"Rules of the road
You have to comply!"

Every young walker
Or "zebra" should know
And just walk on it.

There is an underground passage
And an overpass.
On it we go boldly
He will save from cars!

Traffic light - road friend-
Rules everything around.
Red light is a menacing sight.
He poses danger.
If the light is on like this
So, like a soldier, stop!
Yellow is like the sun
Warm, spring.
Offers to wait
Gives mood.
And green - do not yawn
And boldly move forward!

Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - yellow.
And the green light is "Go!"
Be careful and persistent
Don't run - wait for the signal!

We also have an assistant
This is our road sign.
He will advise and help
What should we do and how.

If the sign is in a red border -
So - you can't do that!
So - the action is dangerous!
Listen to him, friends!

In the blue border is the sign
Permission to do so.
Gives information about what and where
We are waiting for you!

Never near a car
Don't cross the road.
Remember, even super tires
Can't slow down fast!

Sledges, rollers, "cheesecakes" -
There are no toys on the road!

Don't ride on the roads
Do not cling to cars:
It's very dangerous
Pampering on the track!

If on a bike
You're walking on the sidewalk
Look around a little:
Is there a bike lane sign?
If there is a separate path
Gotta turn to him!
If you go to kindergarten
You are still small!
And ride down the road
You probably won't be allowed!
Can you ride safely
On the paths in the yard!
On the road it's not
Children show up!

On the roadway
It's dangerous for everyone to walk!
And on the sidewalk
We are marching bravely.
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