How to set up an aid fund. How to create a charitable foundation: instructions and tips

With the development of a culture of charity in Russia, every year it is possible to resolve the issues of helping many people in need of material support and emotional contribution. This is a working tool that is implemented through the organization of charitable foundations and non-profit organizations. How to create such a structure? What is required for this? And, the main question, who will be interested in allocating funds for good purposes? We will reveal the answers to these questions in our article.

  • What are charitable foundations?
  • What does the charitable foundation do? What projects can be implemented?
  • How to open and register a fund to raise money?
  • Charitable foundation staff
  • Fundraising for a charitable foundation. What tools work best
  • Marketing tools to promote a charitable foundation
  • 5 recommendations for attracting philanthropists through the site
  • How much money do you need to start a charitable foundation

Why are charitable foundations created?

It would seem that the answer is obvious. Such organizations are created to provide assistance to needy individuals or special departmental organizations. For example, orphanages or nursing homes. In addition to the main task of helping those in need, the creation of a charitable organization solves a number of additional issues.

These include creating jobs and reducing the tax burden for legal entities that make material contributions. Therefore, it may be interesting for a potential philanthropist that in addition to solving an important and necessary mission to provide assistance, one can receive an additional advertising, reputational and tax bonus.

The structure of the charitable foundation

Let's look at the scheme of work of a charitable foundation. Who is involved in the processes and what functions are performed.

Correctly organizing the work and the system of interaction of all participants is an important component of the implementation of the activities of the charitable foundation.

There is an RPM rule that will allow you to succeed in your chosen direction and help more people.

Unfortunately, fraudulent schemes for the withdrawal of funds raised under the auspices of aid are becoming more common. Therefore, the issue of having a crystal clear reputation is extremely important in the field of charity.

Without qualified personnel it will not be easy to cope in this area. Competent legal consultants, marketers, managers and managers are needed.

To make your company known, you need a well-thought-out marketing campaign that will help gather benefactors and patrons.

Many people believe that successful business people do not know what pity and sympathy are. But among the entrepreneurs who have managed to reach the top, there are quite a few who are ready at any moment to come to the aid of a person in trouble. Usually they provide assistance through special organizations that are engaged in charity. How to create a charitable foundation in Russia, we will talk in this article.

Activity registration

Many citizens of our country are interested in how to register a charitable foundation in Russia? This is a non-profit organization that specializes in providing social services. It is much more difficult to formalize it than to open an IP.

Before you open a charitable foundation, you need to choose the right OKVED codes.

In addition, to register you will need:

  • Notarized application for registration;
  • Constituent documents and information about the founders;
  • A document confirming the payment of the state duty;
  • Legal address;
  • Room lease agreement.

After you submit all the documents, a decision will be made within 14 days. If it is positive, after this period you will be able to receive a certificate of registration, a certified charter of the organization and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Scheme: charitable activities

The founders of a charitable organization can be legal entities or ordinary citizens. After the registration procedure, you should register with various state organizations:

  1. Social insurance;
  2. Federal Statistics Service;
  3. Tax office.

If you do not have free time to go through all these instances, seek help from specialists who will help you solve all the problems associated with paperwork.

Where to get money?

Unfortunately, many domestic companies are in no hurry to donate funds to charity. Most of the money comes from individuals and small firms. However, assistance can also be intangible. For example, some people volunteer to help those in need.

Let's figure out how much money you need to open a charitable foundation, and where to get it. The founders of such an organization should be prepared for the fact that at the stage of formation they will have to spend their own funds on the needs of the organization. Despite the fact that you do not need to form the authorized capital of the organization, you still need to make some payments:

  • Office space rental;
  • Opening a bank account;
  • Registration costs.

This is almost everything you need to open a charitable foundation. Before starting work, it is necessary to find philanthropists in order to enlist their financial support. This will allow you to solve various social problems. Many novice organizers are frightened precisely by the stage of formation, since they do not really count on the fact that businessmen will allocate funds to solve the problems of socially unprotected segments of the population. But if the work is properly organized, one can convince patrons that without their help it is impossible to solve serious social problems.

Types of charitable foundations

Before you register an organization, you need to decide which charitable foundation to open. Let's look at the main types of charity:
  1. Commercial organizations are engaged in solving various financial issues, but at the same time, its activities may be of a non-commercial nature;
  2. non-profit associations. These include most of the various charitable organizations. People combine their property into a single governing body - the Board of Trustees. He deals with the distribution of funds for people in need;
  3. Religious charities. For example, in our country the Orthodox Russian Church is engaged in such activities;
  4. public organizations. These include medical, educational or religious associations. Such organizations have several founders;
  5. As mentioned above, private individuals can also engage in charity. Such an organization is run by one person and financed by large sources. They can also be state-owned;
  6. Operational organizations that are engaged in charity do not accumulate money in their accounts. They immediately transfer them to those people who need financial support;
  7. Non-operational organizations work in order to achieve a specific goal. Basically, they collect funds for some specific needs.

Before you open a charitable organization, you must first decide on the direction of its activities.

Charity in Russia and Ukraine

Let's talk about how to open a charitable foundation in Ukraine. This can be done by citizens of the country, foreigners or stateless persons, as well as legal entities. The cost of registration is 51 hryvnia.

For this you will need the following documents:

  • Charter;
  • Applications from the founder;
  • Information about the founders;
  • Receipt for payment of the fee.

All documents are checked by state bodies within 2 months. The applicant is then notified of the decision. We have already figured out how to open a charitable foundation in Russia from scratch. As you can see, these procedures do not have any significant differences. But there is one very important point. Before opening a charitable organization in Ukraine, it is necessary to obtain the status of non-profitability. To save yourself from the problems associated with paperwork, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists who, for a fee, will speed up the registration of the organization and the consideration of documents. As a rule, they guarantee clients 100% results.

What are charities for?

Some people believe that it is better to help those in need directly, without the participation of any charitable organizations. But they are wrong. There are often requests for help on the Internet, the media and on television. How to figure out who really needs it, and who just wants to cash in on people who are not indifferent to other people's grief? Charitable organizations solve all these problems. They are not easy to raise funds, but become real professionals in their field. Employees find people who need help and make sure that the money collected for them is spent strictly for its intended purpose. In addition, they combine numerous small donations into large sums that can save someone's life.

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If you are interested in how to create a charitable foundation and properly organize its work, follow these recommendations:

  • Do everything to ensure that sponsors believe in your good intentions. This will help you solve problems of any complexity;
  • Do not immediately take on the solution of serious problems. Start small and gradually expand your activities;
  • Assemble a dedicated team of top-notch experts to help you succeed.


We figured out what it takes to open a charitable organization. If you establish connections with large enterprises, banks and concerns, your organization will flourish. In order for donations to be regular, it is necessary to prove to investors that all funds are spent for their intended purpose.

It is known that in any more or less developed society they are distributed according to the principle of priority. However, it often happens that some important processes from a social point of view do not receive adequate funding. Fortunately, today anyone can contribute to the development of medicine, sports or culture. This became possible thanks to the existence of special charitable foundations. What is it?

Charitable foundations are special non-profit organizations that accumulate funds for the purpose of their further targeted distribution among those in need. From a social point of view, such movements are simply necessary. After all, the state cannot always ensure the normal functioning of individual mechanisms that are important for public life on its own.

Anyone can become a patron of a charitable foundation. In practice, this means that absolutely anyone can voluntarily donate money by sponsoring some particular area of ​​​​social life (for example, medicine, science or art) or even a specific group of poor citizens. And not only the society itself, but also special state structures will closely monitor that all the transferred finances reach their addressees.

Help Fund as a way of charity

For most large countries, such a problem as insufficient budget flexibility remains very relevant to this day. Due to the impossibility of a prompt response of those in power to current events, many important aspects of social life in such states remain without proper funding. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation is no exception in this sense. That is why the activities of charitable foundations in our country are so in demand.

Independently creating the relevant organizations, caring people take on the responsibility of supporting state culture, science and sports. They also promptly provide social protection to certain categories of needy citizens. Hundreds of millions of dollars annually pass through the hands of Russian philanthropists, which are then distributed by them to the most pressing needs of society.

Today, the following Russian funds have received the greatest fame, thanks to their activities:

  1. Vladimir Potanin Foundation (financial support for students);
  2. the Volnoe Delo Foundation (the Temples of Russia program and other well-known projects relating to various spheres of social life);
  3. Fund "Dynasty" (financing of educational programs and science in general);
  4. Victoria Foundation (support for orphans);
  5. Link of Times Foundation (preservation of Russian cultural heritage).

From a legal point of view

Relief Foundation - non-profit organization

From the point of view of legislators, a charitable foundation can be considered any non-profit (that is, founded without the purpose of making a profit) structure specializing in the provision of a particular type of social service.

According to Article 118 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any legal entity or individual can open such an organization. By the way, in the latter case, the benefactor does not even have to be a citizen of the country.

It is curious that, according to the same Russian legislation, the described funds can also engage in entrepreneurial activities. Moreover - to do this both on its own behalf, and through a joint-stock company specially founded for this, or -. There are only a few restrictions on this:

  1. at least 80% of all profits received by such entrepreneurs should be redistributed to finance charity;
  2. the scope of the foundation's business activities (as well as the specifics of the charitable services provided by it) must be clearly indicated in all documentation of the organization using OKVED codes;
  3. Entrepreneurial activities of a charitable foundation should not go beyond the charter of the organization (Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

How to open a charitable foundation?

Anyone can create a fund to help

As is clear from all of the above, purely theoretically, anyone can establish their own charitable foundation. In practice, however, certain conditions must be met for this to happen. More specifically, it is about securing funding for the fund.

In other words, before opening such an organization, a philanthropist must make sure that the social services he is going to provide will arouse the interest of prospective patrons. That is why the founders of foundations are usually people who already have some experience in philanthropic activities.

As soon as the philanthropist decides on the front of the upcoming work, he can begin to draw up a business plan for his organization. Not only a clear idea regarding the targeting of the fund's services is important here. The list of prospective patrons is also important. This moment can become critical, because without generous donations, the young organization simply cannot even provide for its own economic activity, because 80% of its income will be accumulated for charitable purposes.

One way or another, as soon as the business plan is ready, the founder of the fund will be able to register his offspring with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. According to the laws on charities and non-profit organizations, this step is strictly required. To carry out the procedure itself, the founder will need the following documents:

  1. for fund registration (form РН0001);
  2. a documented decision on the establishment of an organization and the approval of the relevant constituent papers;
  3. charter of the future fund (in triplicate);
  4. a receipt in the amount of 4 thousand rubles;
  5. proof that the fund has an actual address (certificate of ownership of the office space or a letter of guarantee from the landlord thereof).

As a rule, the decision to establish a charitable foundation is made by the Ministry of Justice within two weeks. The same amount of time is required for the mentioned state body to certify all necessary registration documents. As for, in fact, official activities, its organization will be able to start as soon as its founders have the following papers in their hands:

After that, the philanthropist will only have to register with the statistics service, as well as funds - pension and social insurance. Then he will be able to choose a bank to service the accounts of the organization and finally proceed with the planned activities.

As for, directly, the taxation of charitable foundations, it has some specifics. All payments are made within the so-called narrowed base. Thanks to this, any voluntary donations made to the fund will not be taxed. In order for this to work not only in theory, but also in practice, all charitable contributions received by the organization must be properly executed. Only a very experienced accountant with serious accounting experience can usually cope with such a task.

In this video, you will learn how the fund is created and how you can create a fund from scratch:

Today we will talk about a question that is not at all idle, namely: how to create a charitable foundation? I will say right away: the creation process itself is not so complicated, and we will describe it in the first chapter. Difficulties begin later, and the most important thing is to decide: are you ready for them? But for this you need to first get acquainted with them, which will be the subject of the subsequent parts of the article. However, if your intention is more than serious and constant, you will succeed.

How to register a charitable foundation

  • statement of intent to create a CF (may be submitted within 3 months from the date of the decision);
  • 3 copies of constituent documents and 2 copies of information about the founders;
  • document confirming the payment of state fees (receipt);
  • information about the address where the executive body of the BF will be located;

You may also need other documents, which will be reported to you by representatives of the registration organization. By the way, you can entrust the registration process to a third-party organization (however, you will have to pay extra), or you can do everything yourself. In this case, you need to apply with the specified package of documents to the local authority subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

How to organize a charitable foundation: problems

Well, now the promised difficulties. You are ready? Excellent. Difficulties are connected, first of all, with the effective promotion and conduct of the activities of the Charitable Foundation. Philanthropy and other qualities that motivated you to create a fund are great, but... if you have only this - the right, you should not even try to create a CF, it is better to offer your services to an existing one. And in order to organize the BF on your own, good intentions alone are not enough. Here you need, first of all, to think about the professional organization of activities, as well as about the management process and even about competition (do not be surprised, it is also in the field of philanthropy, which in fact cannot but rejoice). Starting capital is certainly your desire to selflessly do good, deeply rooted in your mind. But then your organizational skills, material assets and a deep understanding of the topic of charity should come into play. No matter how strange it may seem to you, but the management of the Charity Foundation is exactly the same business process as the management of any other organization, however, the difference is in the final product, namely, concrete assistance to those in need, which, as you understand, does not simplify the task at all - vice versa. And even if you have a successful experience in managing your own business, this does not mean at all that you will be able to manage (of course, effectively) a BF. There are, moreover, a lot of examples when people preferred other forms of providing benefits to society than the creation of a CF. This includes the free provision of various services to those in need, and teaching in orphanages or volunteering, as well as other forms. Even many famous people do not create their own CF, but join existing organizations - probably, they do this for a reason.

How to open a charitable foundation: reputation

It's good if you have a good reputation in society or even you are a famous person. However, if you do not yet have social achievements, you will have to work hard and go a long way to becoming in society, proving your professional suitability by deeds. Even worse, if your fame is questionable. Again, it is doubtful for society. It's just that our world is so arranged that if you, for example, are a model or have scandalous fame, no one will believe you at first. People, unfortunately, for the most part are very susceptible to the influence of stereotypes. Well, why didn't you lose the desire to organize your own BF? Move on! Earning authority in charity is a real, but not quick, achievement, so you need to be patient and start with small, but real projects. It's like a credit history in a bank - a person paid everything on time, which means he can be trusted. So it is here: we have carried out several small projects, which means that they will be able to entrust you with something bigger.

More about pitfalls

Do not forget that you are still a beginner in relation to both sponsors and donors. Try to get them to believe your even the best and purest intentions and knock out grants or private donations for some even small charitable projects! Even the most virtuoso possession of oratory will not help here, because to prove to a beginner that he is better than those BFs who have already taken on such tasks and solved them is very, very difficult, but what can I say - it is unrealistic. Therefore, moderate your appetites and try to solve at least feasible problems, and then move on to larger ones. Some non-standard approach to solving various social problems, as well as original solutions for implementing their ideas, can help here. But this is given to units, and I am not exaggerating at all. There are still very few real professionals in this field, and you will take a colossal step in this direction if you can assemble a competent and purposeful team and turn them into first-class experts, which I wish you with all my heart! You were not afraid of the difficulties I described in how to organize a charitable foundation? So, you will cope with this and the subsequent tasks!

For more productive work in the field of charity, you can create your own charitable foundation. It will help raise more money and distribute it to more needs and other social problems.

To get started, choose the scope of your fund. For example, helping needy or sick children, large families, soldiers, preserving nature, supporting young musicians, artists, etc. Based on this, you can create a non-state pension fund, a scientific fund, an investment fund, an entrepreneurship support fund, etc. There can be a lot of options. Based on the goals and direction of activity, develop the charter of the fund. If there are other founders, get together with them and create a charter. Come up with a name, logo of the organization, solve all organizational issues. Be sure to collect all the information about the other founders. By voting select the president of the foundation and the chairman of the board. Write an order for the entry of these persons into office.

If you have any difficulties, pay attention to two laws that regulate the creation and activities of charitable foundations: the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations" and the Federal Law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations". Rent a space for a charitable organization. Choose an object in the city center. You can choose a room in the building of the office center. If you don't have the funds for the premises, try writing a petition to the mayor of the city asking for help in obtaining free space for charitable purposes. Conduct the necessary communications - Internet, telephone, etc.

Hire staff and recruit volunteers. Do not attract too many employees - only 30% of donations can be deducted for wages to the fund. Start the copyright registration process with Rospatent. Register your charity with the Department of Justice Fed. You will be asked to provide the following documents - an application, the original and two certified copies of the charter, information about the founders in two copies, information about the location of the foundation, two certified copies of the minutes of the constituent assembly, a letter of guarantee from the landlord, minutes of congresses and conferences (if any), receipt on payment of the state fee, as well as documents confirming the use of copyright. You will receive a certificate of registration no later than 30 days from the date of application. Within 5 working days, the charitable foundation must register with the tax authorities, receive a TIN certificate and a ROSSTAT certificate. After that, open a bank account to transfer money to charity. Also, be sure to create several electronic wallets, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. Thus, people will be able to make transfers from different countries or choose the most convenient way. Place smart ads. Advertise in newspapers and popular magazines in your area. Add ads to the internet. Register groups in social networks. Be sure to create your own website and post specific issues that the foundation is working on. Leave details and contacts. Continually add activity and progress reports.

Ask for help in organizing a fund from famous people - deputies, entrepreneurs, etc. Perhaps one of them will want to make a financial donation or help solve organizational issues. This approach will attract more attention and participation to your foundation.

A charitable organization is a good opportunity to involve more people in social problems and learn how to solve them together. Develop a plan and program for the activities of the future organization and start preparing documents for registration.

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