Ornaments on glass New Year. We analyze various ways to decorate windows for the new year

New Year is a family celebration, a holiday that gathers all relatives and friends.

It is also a time of bright hopes, anticipation of gifts and, most importantly, fairy tales. After all, we were all told in childhood about good grandfather Frost, which will bring long-awaited gifts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that during the New Year's decoration of their home, many people want not only to create a festive theme, but to return, albeit not for long, to the very fairy tale that they have loved so much since childhood.

Of course, for home decor, you can find many different items in the store, such as stickers, garlands and figurines, including whole sets with ready-made stories.

But today the fashion for New Year's decoration of the house is returning again with hand-made items and with the help of the simplest and most affordable means.

In addition to the fact that the room can be decorated with the use of figurines, stickers and Christmas tree decorations, a method such as New Year's window painting is now gaining great popularity.

A distinctive feature of this decor is that all the images on the glass are exclusively drawn, and even with their own hands.

Naturally, such a process will take a lot of time, but it allows you to create a truly original entourage that will even better enhance the pre-holiday mood than just paper snowflakes pasted on the window.

Drawings on the window with toothpaste, 2 ways

In stores you can find special sprays for coloring glass.

But much more interesting, and at the same time economical, is the use of improvised means, such as soap or toothpaste. Some people even remember, since their childhood, how they decorated windows with such “paints”. Now it's time to teach this to your children.

  • If we talk about soap, then everything is simple here: you need to take white or laundry soap, which does not have dyes, and simply drive it along the glass, drawing the necessary patterns on the glass.
  • As for toothpaste, it allows you to carry out two types of painting - ornamental and negative, that is, one where bright places turn out to be dark, and dark ones, on the contrary, are light, like on photographic film.

ornamental painting

If you have imagination and at least the slightest skills in drawing, then you can create patterns on the window with toothpaste manually.

To do this, you need to make an impromptu brush. It is made with a stick, on one end of which a piece of sponge or foam rubber of the desired size is wound.

But if there is no stick, then you can simply twist the foam rubber into a tube and wrap it with tape. To create more complex images, it is recommended to prepare several brushes of different sizes in advance.

Now you need to squeeze the paste into a saucer suitable for work, perhaps for convenience it is worth adding a little water to the paste, but first you need to try to draw something with undiluted paste. By the way, it is also convenient because it is easily wiped off the glass surface with a slightly damp sponge.

So, when the paste of the desired consistency is ready, we get to work. An impromptu brush should be dipped in a saucer and, applying to the glass, draw a base consisting of lines, circles, triangles and other shapes that will be combined into common objects.

For example, sinuous thick lines can turn into fir branches, circles into snowmen or balls on branches, triangles into small Christmas trees, and squares into houses. The main thing is to initially understand the whole composition that will be drawn.

And you can also turn all the windows in different rooms into one single composition, where some story will be told in parts.

Now that the base is ready and the paste has dried a little, but not completely dry, take a thin stick of wood or plastic and start drawing out the details by creating contour lines by applying fine scratches on a paste base. Thus, the snowman will have eyes and a mouth, the house will have a window and a door, and needles will be visible at the spruce branch.

If the drawing skills are not very good, then you can use various stencils made of plastic, cardboard and just paper for the composition. There are many different samples in stores, they can also be found on the Internet, printed on paper, redrawn on cardboard and cut out the necessary pattern along the contour.

negative painting

Unlike the first option, you can’t do without a stencil here. But on the other hand, such a drawing can be made by a person even with a lack of drawing abilities.

Negative painting is when light objects are depicted as dark, and the background, which should be dark, on the contrary turns into light, which allows you to create the impression of a frosted window with incredibly beautiful frosty patterns.

You can take simple stencils on the Internet for this, since there should not be too many drawings on the window. It will be enough to have a snowflake on the window made of toothpaste, a Christmas tree, a crescent moon with stars or a bell with a bow.

First, the sample needs to be printed and cut out. Now wet the resulting template with water a little, shake off all the drops so that there are no drips on the surface, and gently stick to the glass.

Excess moisture, carefully, so as not to damage the paper, wipe with a dry cloth.

After the template is ready, dilute in a plate toothpaste and start drawing.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. A regular sponge is used as a brush. It must be dipped into the paste, then shaken or blotted to get rid of excess liquid, and with slow movements, without pressing the sponge to the surface strongly, apply the paste on the glass.
  2. Drawings on the window with toothpaste splashes - carried out using an ordinary toothbrush. After soaking it in the paste, shake off the first splashes somewhere to the side, as they turn out to be too large and ugly. After that, running your finger over the brush, evenly cover the window with small splashes.

When the entire planned area is covered, you can remove the stencil, and the frosty pattern on the glass with toothpaste is ready!

Video on how to draw on the window with toothpaste

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. Doing this with kids Christmas decoration on all the windows in your apartment, you will not only give yourself a festive mood, but also all those who, passing by your house, will glance at your windows. Also, it's beautiful and very affordable way to and .

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on windows made with ordinary toothpaste is the easiest and most budgetary way that kids will really like, and you won’t worry about washing windows, because the paste is washed off well with water. There are two ways to draw with toothpaste on glass.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste white color;
  • water;
  • Bowl;
  • scotch;
  • stencils of New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and secure with tape. Squeeze toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip the resulting “brush” into the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can draw with or without stencils. After the paste dries a little, draw the details with a toothpick. And with a thin brush you can draw threads for toys.

For the next way to paint with toothpaste on glass, you will need slightly different materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

In this way, not only windows are often decorated, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. First, select pattern stencils. It can even be ordinary snowflakes cut out of paper. , you will find the link. Moisten the cut stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Liberally collect the resulting mixture on the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers over the bristles, thus spraying the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until the drawing is completely filled.

Leave the drawing together with the stencil until almost completely dry. When winter drawing is ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface and the pattern itself will not be smeared.

What else to draw on the windows: techniques for New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for drawing on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a can, ordinary soap, PVA glue and sparkles are also ideal.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make New Year's drawings on the windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the plot you like, download the picture to your computer, print and cut along the contour and in the right designated places. And then everything, as described above in the master class, to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can draw on the windows in winter. Such pictures with New Year's drawings on the windows can be looked at for hours and inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Christmas tree, decorated, hung around the house, " Frost patterns» on windows painted with my own hands- all this will create a feeling of a miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone strives to decorate their home as brightly and festively as possible. As for the windows, this is one of the most favorite places for decoration, as they will delight not only the inhabitants of the house, but also people passing by with their elegant appearance. One of the simplest and most effective decoration methods is New Year's drawings on the windows.

Before you start painting the window space, you need to stock up on some inventory. The following tools may come in handy (depending on the chosen decoration method):

  • jar for water;
  • Toothbrush;
  • brushes for drawing;
  • scraper or stick;
  • cloth for washing the window;
  • sponge.

In addition, pre-prepared paper stencils may come in handy. Although you can draw on your own if you have talent.

Before painting, clean the surface of the window with special glass cleaners. They contain degreasing components, thanks to which the pattern will hold tighter and look better on a clean one.

Drawing options

To create a New Year's drawing on glass, you can use:

  • artificial snow;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpaste;
  • gouache or finger paints;
  • stained glass paints.

Never use watercolor. Unlike gouache or children's finger paint, it is very difficult to wash it off.

The choice of stained glass paints should also be taken carefully. It will not be easy to clean the glass from the dried pattern. Therefore, it is best to use children's paints. However, it is worth considering that then you should not draw on the windows, but on a specially prepared surface. After the inks have thickened, the pattern can be easily removed and can be transferred directly to the glass.

Method 1

Using PVA glue, you can quickly and easily create simple drawings.

  1. Apply the picture to the glass with glue.
  2. Spread glitter or tinsel evenly on the glue base.

In this way, funny and fluffy holiday pictures are obtained.

Method 2

This method is suitable for painting on windows with gouache, artificial snow in aerosol cans or toothpaste.

  1. Roll a small piece of thin foam rubber into a tube. Secure it with tape so it doesn't unfold.
  2. Prepare toothpaste or paint by squeezing a little onto a saucer.
  3. Dip a foam brush into the paint and paint.
  4. When the drawing dries slightly, you can add strokes to it with a thin-ended stick.

In this way it is convenient to draw spruce branches or other contour drawings on the windows for the New Year. For some details, you can use ordinary paint brushes, creating fine strokes and details.

Method 3

For this method, you can also use artificial snow, paints or toothpaste.

  1. Prepare stencils for drawing.
  2. Pour some gouache into a bowl. If you use toothpaste, add some water to it.
  3. Now attach the paper stencil to the glass. To do this, the workpiece must be glued to the window, slightly dampened with water or using tape (preferably double-sided).
  4. Dip a sponge into the prepared paint and stamp it onto the prepared surface.
  5. After 10 minutes, when the drawing dries, you can remove the stencil. Under it there will be a beautiful New Year's drawing.

Using a sponge, you can whiten the entire background of the window with gouache or toothpaste with water. And in order to create overflows in the whiteness of the snow cover, you can spray it with a spray bottle with water on the glass surface before stamping. Then the background in these places will be more transparent.

Method 4

For the described method, it is best to use white toothpaste.

  1. Prepare paper stencils.
  2. Apply them to the glass, securing with tape or water.
  3. Dilute a small amount of toothpaste with water to a liquid consistency.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into the atomizer.
  5. Spray the resulting white mixture onto the glass.
  6. When the drawing dries, you can remove the stencils.

The first spray from the sprayer is large and can ruin the whole look, so shake it down the sink.

Method 5

This is another way to create an imitation of snow grains on the window. You can use this method to create a background with a stencil or simply to decorate the remaining unoccupied glass surface.

  1. Dilute some toothpaste with water.
  2. Dip the brush in the prepared mixture.
  3. Spread a layer of toothpaste on the glass with a spraying motion.

Method 6

This method is suitable for painting with stained glass paints, the advantage of which, in comparison with other drawing materials, is the ability to use different colors, as well as detailed drawing of small details.

You can create decor elements using such paint using stencils as described above, or you can use pattern templates. Applying a sketch of a picture, you just need to redraw the plot you like on the window. But if you do not have experience in drawing, then you can simply stick the template on the glass with reverse side windows in such a way as to draw along existing contours.

As already mentioned above, children's stained glass paints should not be painted on glass, but on a prepared surface, for example, on a dense file.

Pattern options

Decorating a window for the New Year is always a pleasant pastime. Starting this interesting lesson, you need to decide on the plot that you want to depict. Here are some drawing ideas:

  • snowflakes;
  • angels;
  • Christmas trees or forest landscapes;
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  • sleigh with reindeer;
  • candles;
  • present;
  • biblical stories;
  • houses.

If you are not an expert in drawing, then it is best to use a paper stencil. You can take it from the Internet, or you can make it yourself by simply transferring the picture you like from a book or magazine onto drawing paper or cardboard. It remains only to cut the drawing out of paper along the contour and apply the image to the glass. The main thing is that the process of decorating the window brings joy to you and your household.

Before the New Year, windows are painted in kindergartens. Perhaps the patterns on the glasses are not quite in your style ... Mom refined taste, and it’s not easy to wash all this beauty later. But there are at least two reasons to turn a blind eye to how “beautiful” it is: children simply adore this and Santa Claus will certainly not fly past your window (well, he likes all that ...). And one more thing: we offer you original ideas so, painters, dip your brushes and have fun!

Once upon a time, people used to draw on the windows with toothpaste, but here the magic happens! So, we take gouache (it is also easily washed) with sparkles or special stickers - and go! And, yes, about windows: observe safety precautions! By the way, take a break for tea, and when you return, find a gift on the windowsill with the inscription: “Impressive! Keep it up!"

Ideas for gifts that landed on the windowsill:

  1. Can of artificial snow
  2. Socks with toes
  3. Glowing plasticine

Task for parents:

A child under 3-4 years old will probably want to continue the “banquet” on the walls ... Perfect option- attach sheets of drawing paper around the perimeter of the apartment so that the child draws plenty. Is there no such possibility? Designate a specific place where you can do this. This "disgrace" from the point of view of a grandmother and a clean mother is a very useful thing from the point of view of psychologists. And even necessary for the development of creativity, a sense of the significance of one's own "I" ... Thus, the child tells the world: "I am!" If you already forbid drawing on the walls, then immediately show where you can turn around.

Task for the child:

Together with mom and dad, decorate the window so that Santa Claus will never fly by! We have prepared for you 8 best ideas to help create in the home fabulous atmosphere. Don't waste time - start pleasant chores now.

Snowflakes from PVA glue

For Christmas snowflake stickers you will need:

  • stencils for drawing
  • transparent files
  • PVA glue
  • syringe without needle
  • tassel

The huge advantage of such snowflakes is that PVA glue is non-toxic, so you can make as many of them as you like. In addition, such stickers are transparent, which means that during the day they do not block the view from the window, and in the evening they are beautifully illuminated with lights and flicker.

PVA snowflakes can be used several times: they are easily removed and glued back, they do not fall off the window. And if you decorate them with colored sparkles on top, the window will turn out just fabulous!

How to make snowflake stickers from PVA with your own hands, see the video instructions:

  1. After you have drawn the snowflakes, lay them out to dry in a place where no one will touch them.
  2. When the stickers dry, remove them from the sheet and stick them on your New Year's window.
  3. If the snowflakes are a little smeared during the drying process, don't worry: this can be corrected with nail scissors by cutting off uneven edges.

Paper snowflakes

This decoration method New Year's windows already proven over the years, but that doesn't mean it's boring! The pattern of paper snowflakes can always be varied, and to create them you only need scissors, napkins (or White paper), thin tape and fantasy.

Source: Instagram @yuli_palna

It is not necessary to cut out only snowflakes from paper: you and your child can create a whole fabulous composition on the window! Take white A4 sheets and cut out houses, Christmas trees, a month, stars, animals from paper!

Source: Instagram @katagera

Of course, Small child can't cut very intricate patterns and snowflakes of bizarre shapes. Start with simple patterns, and if the crumbs succeed, show how to complicate the drawing!

We offer some of the most simple options snowflakes for kids:

Source: YouTube Author: ADARA

Source: YouTube Author: ADARA

Garland on the window

If you don't like tearing tape off windows after the holidays, you can decorate it with a beautiful Christmas garland. For example, use the same snowflakes, but string them on a fishing line and attach to the cornice.

Source: themissidea.blogspot.ru

From old newspapers and magazines or colored double-sided paper, you can cut stars or Christmas trees and hang them on a thread from a cornice or curtains.

Source: Instagram @mamavkurse

A more colorful option would be to use a large snag, on which you can hang various garlands. Such a decoration will look very beautiful in the kitchen and make its interior very festive.

Source: Instagram @all4mammy

You can also use children's Christmas crafts or drawings as decoration. Just stretch a string along the window, fasten its ends to pushpins and hang any decor that fits into your interior on small wooden clothespins.

Source: plus.google.com

Decoupage technique

Decoupage window decoration looks no less beautiful. To do this, you just need to buy New Year's napkins (you can just white), cut beautiful patterns and stick to the window. In this case, you do not need to use decoupage glue, it will be enough to make a thick sugar syrup and apply it with a large brush over the napkins. The pattern will stick!

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