Proper execution of kriya shank prakshalana. How to do shank prakshalana: detailed instructions

It is no secret that waste and toxins accumulate in our body throughout our lives. They cause poisoning, which leads to many diseases. It is necessary to regularly clean the gastrointestinal tract. The most effective method is considered to be the emptying of the colon with a solution of one's own preparation. Such therapy will help get rid of harmful substances and tidy up the functionality of the internal departments.

Emptying the intestines in this way is a traditional practice of Indian yogis. The unusual therapy is called "Shankh-Prashalana". Our intestines are like a shell into which salt water is poured. Many have already tried the new yoga technique and were satisfied. Absolutely everyone can get rid of salts, undigested food and harmful elements with the help of the salt procedure.

The technique allows you to clean not only the colon, but the entire digestive passage. Many are attracted to this method, since it does not require the use of an enema or reception. The new technique provides for the patient to drink salty water and do special exercises. Passing through the digestive tube, the liquid washes out all harmful accumulations. The procedure must be carried out until clear water appears at the exit.

How to properly prepare for cleaning?

Yoga experts advise patients to thoroughly prepare for the session before the Shankh-Prakshalana procedure. These actions will help to carry out the technique in a lightweight version, and it will be easier for a person to transfer it.

It will be very easy to prepare for the procedure for vegetarians. If you are not, then you will need to adjust your diet. Limit your intake of animal products. These include meat, poultry, eggs, cheese and milk.

Remember to drink as much water as possible. Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid every day. The necessary intake of water can be easily checked by urine. It should come out in a light color.

Before starting therapy, it is very important to prepare the salt. For the procedure, a stone or food ingredient is suitable. For the best effect, you need to buy a special pharmacy or sea salt. That is, there are no specific rules when choosing a salt component, take any product.

Who needs a salt colon cleanse?

Everyone knows that regular cleansing procedures should be carried out, but many do not follow this rule. There are certain indications for the use of the new technique:

  1. The latest therapy helps people get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the release of harmful toxins. As a result of a useful session, the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism will improve, so a person quickly loses weight.
  2. The technique of Indian yogis helps to cope with frequent constipation. By conducting cleansing sessions with salt, you can improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Such manipulations prevent the occurrence of constipation.
  3. Saline cleansing is recommended for metabolism and bloating. This is usually done after a meal.
  4. Cleansing according to the new yoga technique will help maintain intestinal health for many years.

Carrying out the latest technique

Have you ever wondered why the devastation is carried out with a salty solution. Yes, all because salt is not absorbed into the walls of the colon and does not come out of it naturally. The solution should be slightly saltier than the intestinal environment. The salty composition will draw fluid out of the colon. All harmful accumulations will depart. Salt water is a laxative.

  • First you need to properly prepare a healing drink. In one liter of warm water, a large spoonful of salt should be dissolved. Stir the composition thoroughly so that not a single crystal remains. Such actions allow to reduce the density of the main component.
  • The aqueous composition should include as many salts as water cannot absorb, through penetration through the mucous membrane, in the form of urinary fluid. In water-salt concentration, reduce its level and bring it to a tolerable taste.
  • The process takes a lot of time, about an hour. Try to set aside at least two days off for the latest technique. It is advisable to conduct a session on an empty stomach.
  • After brushing your teeth, you can start emptying.
  • Salty solution should not be drunk immediately, but gradually over an hour.

The technique is carried out in several steps:

  1. The first step is to drink 250 ml of salt composition. Then do a couple of tilts and turns. You may need to do other exercises.
  2. Next time you will need to drink a whole glass of saline solution. After that, physical activity is carried out.
  3. Continue alternating the procedure inside and physical activities. Such actions are done until the entire liter of liquid is empty. This volume is calculated as approximately 12 glasses of salt water.
  4. After the end of the latest technique, the urge to defecate should appear. Continue brushing until the urine is clear.
  5. Then you need to induce vomiting on your own. In this case, the urge to defecate will be absent.
  6. It is forbidden to exceed the dose of saline solution consumption. That is, you should drink exactly 12 glasses of water per hour.

Don't worry if you don't feel the urge to go to the toilet after taking the first glass of the salt drink. Continue therapy, the body will react a little later.

Usually the first exit of fecal masses differ significantly from subsequent exits. They are dark in color and solid. With each successive discharge, the feces will soften and lighten. In a difficult situation, the urge to defecate may not appear. Then you need to repeat the exercises. If, after physical exertion, the feces did not come out, then you will have to resort to standard means. For these purposes, a pear is actively used.

Emptying of internal organs: how is the latest technique carried out?

Indian yogis recommend cleansing the body with saline in the morning. After waking up, you have to drink a glass of the prepared salt composition and do a set of certain exercises. Active actions will help the fluid move through the intestines. Then drink water and repeat all the steps. By alternating, you need to drink the entire liter of salt drink.

Usually, after drinking 6 glasses of the remedy, there is an urge to defecate. The more water you drink, the clearer your urine comes out. Once you achieve this effect, you can finish the procedure.

During the session, try not to use toilet paper. After all, the saline solution will irritate the anus, and toilet paper will increase pain. It is best to wash in warm water. Then lubricate the anus with a fat cream. This will help relieve irritation after therapy.

Someone needs 12 glasses, and someone uses 15 glasses of the product. It depends on the degree of slagging. It is strictly forbidden to drink more than 3 liters of salt water in one session. When you achieve the effect of clear urine, you can drink a couple of glasses of plain warm water. Before you decide to end the procedure, empty the stomach and end the activity of the sphincter. To do this, you need to induce vomiting. You can eat in an hour.

As you can see, the cleansing method is unpleasant, but it brings great benefits. In addition to salt and water, you can add lemon juice. This will help increase the effectiveness of your homemade drink.

What exercises should be done with Shank Plakshalana?

During the procedure, it is necessary not only to drink salt water, but also to do special exercises. Such manipulations will help to empty faster.

Lesson option number 1

Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your upper limbs and close over your head. Now slowly bend to the left and right. With this exercise, salt water will pass into the stomach faster.

Lesson option number 2

Stand in the same position as in the first exercise. Stretch the right upper limb in front of you, and with the other hand touch the opposite collarbone. In this position, make turns so that the outstretched arm goes far back. Such manipulations will allow the salt composition to pass through the intestines faster.

Lesson option number 3

Lie on your stomach. In this case, the fingers on the lower extremities should rest directly on the floor. Spread your legs so that the distance is about 30 cm. You do not need to spread your lower limbs wide. Raise your pelvis and do a few different exercises. Turn so that you can see the opposite heel.

Lesson 4

You will need to stand up straight and place your legs shoulder-width apart. Squat down and place your upper limbs on your knees. Then turn over in turn in different directions, turning the knee in the opposite direction. During this exercise, the right thigh should be directed to the left side and vice versa. Such actions will help salt water to achieve a salty remedy to quickly pass through the intestines.

Lesson variant number 5

Become even, and place the lower limbs shoulder-width apart. The upper limbs, in turn, need to be gradually pulled up, standing on their toes. Then drop back down to your heels. Through this action, the saline solution enters the stomach.

Lesson option number 6

Squat down. Then twist your torso to the right side. The knee of the left lower limb should be directed to the foot of the right leg. That is, the right lower limb will stand firmly on the floor, and the left leg should be on the toe. Hands are also involved in the process. Further, the same actions must be done with the other side.

What troubles can be encountered during the procedure?

  1. You may encounter a situation where, after drinking 6 glasses, there was no urge to defecate. In such a situation, you can try to do certain exercises. If that doesn't help, then.
  2. Sometimes the feces do not come out due to a gas plug. If there is no urge to defecate, then you will need to press the upper limbs on the stomach and massage in a circular motion. You can lie on your back and place your arms along the body. As for the lower limbs, they should be thrown back behind the head. A minute will be enough, then unwind.
  3. Nausea may be felt after the procedure. This is a signal that water does not enter the intestines well. This can be prevented by stopping the solution. When at least a little you come to your senses, you can continue the session.
  4. A bowel movement often irritates the anus. For relief, it is necessary to wash with warm water after each exit of feces. Then try to lubricate the problem area with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.

How to eat after therapy?

After the latest technique, in an hour it will be possible to eat. To achieve the maximum effect, you will need to distribute products in a special way throughout the day. Immediately after therapy, it is advisable to enjoy boiled rice with a small amount of melted butter. You can add carrots or lentils to the porridge. Many people don't like to eat rice. An excellent alternative to this cereal is oats or pasta. It is allowed to eat wheat porridge.

Some prefer to sprinkle grated cheese on top of boiled pasta. But you need to do this while they are hot. As for drinks, it is allowed to take water, home-made mint drinks and mineral water without gas. Lime juice will give a beneficial effect after the procedure.

Include low-fat foods in your diet. Try to avoid milk, spicy foods, vegetables and fruits. That is, it is forbidden to eat those foods that have laxative properties.

Who is not allowed to clean with a salt composition?

Cleansing with a saline solution of its own preparation has practically no contraindications. It is better to limit yourself from such a technique to people suffering from a stomach ulcer, in the presence of a disease of the digestive system. It is forbidden to carry out therapy for dysentery, diarrhea, appendicitis and acute colitis.

Despite some contraindications, the latest technique of Indian yogis is of great benefit to our body. This method allows you to remove worms. It is not enough just to drink a saline solution, be sure to combine the intake of the solution with exercise.

There is no need to rush, strain or worry during the cleansing process if there is no urge to defecate. Perhaps the fluid is retained in the body due to improperly performed exercises. This happens because the valves of the stomach and intestines have not opened. A gas blockage can also be the cause. You can massage your stomach, or you can repeat a set of specially designed exercises.

If during exercise there are nauseating urges, then you can not open the valve. You can end the session with vomiting. Then stop taking the salt drink of your own origin. That is why exercise is so important during the cleansing procedure.

  1. Drink water in which the salt has not completely dissolved. In fact, the water must be properly prepared. The calculation is as follows: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt with a small slide per 1 liter of boiling water. Let it boil for at least 5-7 minutes. For the procedure, 3 liters of solution is sufficient. There was an interesting case when a woman who did not succeed in technique turned to me. Water was assimilated, but not as it should be, there was no effect. I started asking questions. It turned out that she pours a glass of warm water and adds a teaspoon of salt to it and immediately drinks it. It's not worth doing that. Be careful when preparing water. Don't hurt yourself!
  2. Try to drink 5 liters of water. In practice, few people can overpower 5 liters of the prepared solution. Try to drink at least 3 liters of water (8 standard cups). If it is completely uncomfortable and difficult to continue the procedure, finish at this mark. Three liters is enough. Remember ahimsa (the principle of non-violence) - do not force yourself.
  3. Tighten the lower abdomen. Yoga practitioners know that when performing asanas, you need to twist the coccyx and “hold” the stomach. During shankh prakshalana, two clear rules work: you need to relax your stomach as much as possible and not tighten your tailbone. Exercises should be done slowly, smoothly and meditatively.
  4. Hurry up and don't pause. To avoid nausea, prepare a chopped lemon in advance. Slices of citrus can "snack" water. This will help stop the urge to vomit. Pause for 5-7 minutes between sets when nausea is strong.
  5. Lie down or sit on your back. What does it look like? Imagine you drank the solution and leaned on the sofa (sit on the lower back). And you need to have maximum pressure on the intestines, then the procedure will go faster. Try to sit with a straight back when drinking water. Check yourself: mentally draw a straight line from the pelvis to the head, align.
  6. Ignore diet. I recommend everyone to stick to the diet. And another little key - try not to eat dinner before the practice. At least 2 days before cleansing, exclude “heavy” foods: meat, fish, flour, sweets, tea, coffee, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits. You can eat stewed or boiled vegetables, cereals. Drink water, compote or boiling water. Follow the same diet for 2-3 days after the procedure. Bifidobacteria to the rescue: Take 1 hour after completing prakshalana and drink bacteria for another 3-7 days. If you are taking Ayurvedic drugs or dietary supplements, it is better to abstain for 5-7 days.
  7. Create additional stress for the body. Various sources say that ideally, you need to carry out the procedure between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning. Let's be realistic. If you are used to waking up at 10:00 in the morning, then you should not force yourself. Let me remind you once again of the basic principle of the pit - ahimsa (the principle of non-violence). Get up at 10:00 am and start the procedure.
  8. Panic during nausea. According to my observations, about 60% of people vomit during the procedure. Do not panic, a pause of up to 10 minutes will calm the body. Do not drink water during this time. It is better to do several sets of exercises and eat a few slices of lemon. Continue the procedure after ten minutes.

In conclusion, I will tell you one more case. The girl is writing. She tries for the third time to do the practice of prakshalana on her own, but she does not succeed. I begin to ask in detail how I prepared the water, what and when I last ate the day before, etc. It seems that everything is correct. I ask you to consistently describe her actions from beginning to end. And then she utters a phrase that breaks my patterns: “Well, here I am, when I do inverted asanas in exercises, then I can’t continue prakshalana. I'm constantly sick." I am shocked, because during prakshalana you can not do inverted asanas - this is an important rule, as the cleansing of the body takes place in a natural way.

There is an ancient method of washing and cleansing the entire digestive tract - from the mouth to the anus. Shank Prakshalana in translation means “Sink Gesture”, because water, passing through the digestive canal, as through a shell, washes away all impurities. Water is absorbed by the mouth, then passes through the stomach, and then, with simple movements, passes through the entire intestine until it exits. Exercises continue until the water comes out as clear as it entered.

Beneficial effect: In addition to cleansing the entire digestive canal, you will also experience long-term beneficial effects: fresh breath, good sleep, disappearance of rashes on the face and body. If you eat right, body odors will disappear. At the same time, the liver is toned - this is noticed by the color of the first bowel movements - and other glands associated with digestion, especially the pancreas. The salty taste in the mouth stimulates the calorific and digestive abilities of the body, hence the effect on digestion.

Cases of underdeveloped diabetes were successfully cured by the doctors of Lonavla by performing Shank-Prakshalana every two days for 2 months; this was accompanied by a proper diet - more natural foods rich in B vitamins, and observing the rhythm of the inclusion of the digestive organs.

Contraindications: Persons suffering from stomach ulcers should abstain from Shank-Prakshalana and cure it first. The same applies to persons suffering from acute lesions of the digestive tract: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis, acute appendicitis, intestinal tuberculosis and cancer.

Training: Heating water to body temperature, salted with sea salt at the rate of 5-6 grams per liter, which is approximately the concentration of salt in the blood plasma (a small tablespoon without top per liter of water). The water must be sufficiently salty, because without the admixture of sea salt, it would be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and excreted in the form of urine, and not through the anus.

In general, regulate the concentration of salt yourself, the main thing is that the body does not absorb water.

auspicious moment: The most favorable moment is the morning, on an empty stomach, the whole flush, as practice shows, takes an hour and a half, and as you master it - 45-60 minutes.

Here is a diagram of the complete implementation of the passage of water through the digestive canal.

1. Drink a glass of salt water.
2. Perform the prescribed movements immediately.
3. Drink a glass of water and perform a series of movements. During these movements, water will slowly pass into the intestines without causing nausea.

Continue to alternate drinking water and moving until you have drunk 6 glasses of water.
At this point, you need to go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation occurs almost immediately, the first portion of feces, in the form of stool, will be followed by others, softer, and then liquid.

If this does not happen immediately or within 5 minutes; it is necessary to repeat the movements without drinking more water, and then return to the toilet: If the expected result does not occur, then it is necessary to activate the evacuation by means of an enema. As soon as the siphon is activated, that is, as soon as the first bowel movements have gone, the rest will follow automatically.

One piece of advice: after each use of the toilet and after using ordinary toilet paper, rinse the anus with warm water, dry it and apply vegetable oil to prevent irritation caused by salt. Some sensitive people are susceptible to this mild irritation, which is easy to prevent.

After this first bowel movement, you need to: drink a glass of water, make movements, then return to the toilet; and every time there will be an evacuation. Continue to drink water consistently, do exercises and go to the toilet; until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the contamination of the intestines, you will need from 10 to 14 glasses, rarely more.

When you are satisfied with the result, that is, when the water coming out of you is clean enough, you should stop the procedure. You go to the toilet several more times during the subsequent time. Then you can drink 3 glasses of unsalted water and induce vomiting. This will turn off the siphon and empty the stomach, “Traditionally, yogis always vomit (Vamana-Dhougi) after Shank-Prakshalana.


Exercises for performing Shank-Prakshalana are presented by Rinad Sultanovich Minvaleev, a researcher at St. Petersburg State University, head of the Department of Traditional and Oriental Health Systems. (At the end of the video, Rinad does some more yoga exercises that have nothing to do with Shank-Prakshalana)

First move: Starting position: standing, feet apart about 30 centimeters, fingers interlaced, palms facing up. The back is straight, breathe normally.

Without turning the upper body, lean first to the left, without stopping in the final position, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat 4 times this double movement, that is, make 8 tilts, alternately to the left and right, which will take a total of about 10 seconds.

These movements open the pylorus, and with each movement (tilt), part of the water enters the duodenum from the stomach.

Second movement: This movement causes water to move through the small intestines.

The starting position is the same. Extend the right arm horizontally and bend the left arm so that the index finger and thumb touch the right collarbone. Then rotate the torso, directing the outstretched arm back as far as possible; look at your fingertips. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately return to the starting position and turn to the other side. This double movement must also be repeated 4 times. The total duration of 4 to 2 movements is 10 seconds.

Third movement: The water continues to move into the small intestines, thanks to the following movement: perform a variation of the snake.

Only the big toes and palms of the hands touch the floor, hence the thighs remain off the ground. I will spread your feet about 30 centimeters apart (this is important). When the position is taken, turn your head and torso until you can see the opposite heel (that is, if you turn to the right, then you need to look at the left heel), without stopping in the extreme position, return to the starting position and do the same in the other side, repeat 4 times in two movements. Time - 10-15 seconds.

Fourth movement:“Water that has reached the end of the small intestines must be passed through the large intestines by means of the 4th and last movement. It is the most difficult of the entire series, although it is accessible to anyone, with the exception of those suffering from diseases of the knee or meniscus. These people can resort to the option described below.

Starting position:
a) squat down, feet apart about 30 cm, and the heels are placed at the outside of the thighs, and not under the seat of the hand, placed on the knees, which are spaced approximately 30 cm;

b) turn the torso and place the left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately push the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press half of the abdomen in order to squeeze only one half of the large intestine. Look behind you to increase the twisting of the torso and apply pressure on the abdomen.

While all the previous exercises started no matter which way, for this exercise you need to start squeezing the right side of the abdomen first. Like all previous movements, it is performed 4 times. The total duration is 15 seconds.

Variant of the 4th movement: This movement originates from the twisted pose (“Ardha Matsyendrasana”, page 139, pose 2). In this case, the foot is simply attached to the inner side of the thigh and does not pass from the other side. The shoulder is drawn as far as possible to the bent knee, the torso is slightly tilted back. Hands rest on a bent knee, which serves as a lever for twisting the spine and pressing the hip to the lower abdomen.

Cases of failure: If after drinking, for example, 4 glasses, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines and there is a feeling of overfilling, reaching nausea, then this means that the pylorus neck (valve between the stomach and duodenum 12 ) does not open as it should. Repeat the series of exercises 2-3 times without drinking any more water. The disappearance of nausea will show that the passage is open. Once the siphon is activated, there will be no more difficulties and you can continue the process. But it may happen that in some persons a gas blockage of fermentation products prevents the siphon from being activated. In this case, it is enough to press on the stomach with your hands or do a shoulder stand (“Sarvangasana”) along with 4 other exercises.

In the worst case, that is, when the water does not leave the stomach at all, you are left with two solutions: to vomit by tickling the base of the tongue with two fingers of your right hand so that the gag reflex occurs. Relief will come radically and immediately. After the exercise, you should rest and avoid starvation.

First meal: After Shank-Prakshalana, the following prescriptions must be followed. There is no earlier than 10 minutes after the exercise and no later than 1 hour after the end of the exercise. It is absolutely forbidden to leave the digestive tract without food for more than an hour after exercise. However, the author uses Shank-Prakshalana to enter fasting, and in this case it is quite appropriate, it replaces taking a laxative.

The first meal will consist of rice boiled in water and slightly overcooked so that it melts in the mouth. Rice may be accompanied by well-digested carrots. It is necessary to eat with him about 40 grams of butter, and preferably ghee. Rice can be replaced with wheat, oats and so on.

IMPORTANT: Rice cannot be boiled with milk. During the 24 hours that follow the exercises, it is forbidden to drink milk, kefir, eat yeast bread. Eat only boiled, stewed vegetables and cereals.

By doing this, you contribute to the revival of normal microflora. Raw fruits and vegetables are not recommended due to microbial insemination and excessive stimulation of the "Wind" life principle, which activates worship. Rice just contributes to the oppression of this vital principle and brings the body back to normal. Therefore, raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten the next day.

Drink: The absorption of salt water will take, through high osmotic activity, some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines. Thus, the liquid dressing of the blood goes in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while cleansing the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank-Prakshalana unique. I don't know of any cleansing (other than fasting) that cleanses the small intestine, on which our digestion and absorption depend. Enemas only work in the large intestine. Therefore, this department remains without proper processing, and only Shank-Prakshalana contributes to its purification.

In connection with the above, you will have a natural thirst. Do not take any liquid, not even pure water, before the first meal, because you will be "feeding" the siphon, that is, going to the toilet. During your first meal and after it, you can drink water or light herbal infusions.

The fact that the first bowel movements appear only after 24 hours will not surprise anyone anymore. They will be golden, yellow, and odorless, like a baby's.

Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but with only 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in approximately 30 minutes. This is one of the best bowel re-education. This does not stretch the walls of the large intestine.

Happy Prakshalana!

Shankh Prakshalana (“Shankh” (Skt.) - “shell”, “Prakshalana” (Skt.) - “gesture”) is a shatkarma in which the digestive tract is cleansed by drinking a large amount of salted water, followed by a special set of asanas. The name of the practice is due to the fact that it flushes the intestines, which are rolled up like a shell. This practice contributes to the complete cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract: from the mouth to the anus. The second name given to this purification practice in the ancient texts Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita is Varisara Dhauti.

“Fill your throat with water and drink it slowly. Moving the water in the stomach, with this movement make it come out of the anus ”(c)“ Gheranda Samhita ”, 1.17

Benefits of practice

What gives the performance of Shank Prakshalana? As a result of this practice:

  • The digestive system is completely cleansed of toxins and other waste products of the body.
  • Digestion improves, all nutrients are absorbed more efficiently.
  • Regular defecation is established.
  • Indigestion and gastritis disappear. Diseases associated with the digestive system are eliminated: chronic dysentery, hyperacidity, diabetes.
  • Removes excess bile from the body.
  • All organs involved in the process of digestion are toned (for example, the liver and endocrine glands).
  • The condition of the skin improves.
  • Enhances immunity.
  • Increased efficiency, reduced fatigue.
  • There is a feeling of lightness and cheerfulness.

Shankh Prakshalana has a complex effect on the entire body. The absence of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract means that poisons do not enter the circulatory system and do not contaminate the blood. Pure blood, spreading throughout the body, contributes to its complex cleansing.

Video: exercises for Shankh Prakshalana

Preparing for Shankh Prakshalana

For a couple of days before the procedure, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, meat food and caffeine. Bowel cleansing will be easier if you follow a special diet of cereals and thermally processed vegetables before Shankh Prakshalana.

Perform this procedure on an empty stomach. On the day of it, you need to refrain from eating food (including tea, coffee and other drinks). Therefore, it is advisable to perform it in the morning, a short time after waking up. Wear comfortable clothing that won't restrict your movement.

Prepare about 4-5 liters of clean water. Warm it to room temperature and add salt there (at the rate of two teaspoons per liter of water).

Prepare kichari: a salt-free mixture of rice and dal cooked in liquid ghee (or clarified vegetable) oil. It will be useful to you for a soft exit from the practice.

Shank Prakshalana technique

How to do Shankh Prakshalana? Instructions + photo

  • Drink two glasses of salt water, preferably in one gulp.
  • Proceed to the implementation of a set of five exercises. Its purpose is to relax the muscles of the valves located between the stomach and anus. They control the movement of food in the process of digestion, therefore, due to their relaxation, water will quickly reach the rectum.

Note! The description of each exercise is considered at one time. You need to perform each exercise 8 times, while strictly following the order of execution:

Tadasana (stretching pose).

Interlace your fingers and raise your arms above your head, palms up. Take a look at your hands. Get up on your toes and stretch your arms up. Feel the stretch along the spine and the front wall of the abdomen. Slowly lower yourself onto your heels.

Tiryaka Tadasana (Pose of a tree that bends under the pressure of the wind).

I.P. Like in Tadasana.

The arms are held above the head, the fingers are locked, the palms are looking at the ceiling. The pelvis is fixed. Tilt your body, bending at the waist. First to the right, then to the left. You can concentrate on the sensations in the stomach area.

Kati Chakrasana (waist rotation)

I.P. Standing, legs about 60 cm wide. Hands laid aside, straight, at shoulder level.

Turn the body to the right, at the same time placing the left hand on the right shoulder, and wrapping the right arm around the back of the waist. Perform the movement to the other side.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana (cobra pose with head turn)

I.P. Lie on your stomach. Place your palms under your shoulders, spread your legs hip-width apart. The tops of the feet are pressed to the floor. Raise your upper body using your back muscles.

Turn the body to the left, trying to see the heel of the right foot. Return to I.P. and move in the opposite direction.


I.P. Squat down, legs slightly apart, back straight. Place your palms on your knees.

Bend your left knee towards the floor, twisting your torso to the right as much as possible. Keep your right knee upright. Use your hands to guide your knees towards each other. As you twist, lengthen your spine by looking over your right shoulder. Stretch your crown up. Return to I.P. and do it the other way.

  • Drink two glasses of salt water again and do all the exercises.
  • Try to have a bowel movement. Do not try to do this through excessive effort and tension! Everything should happen naturally. Even if the defecation process has not occurred, proceed to the next step.
  • Follow the sequence “drinking water” – “doing exercise” – defecation a few more times. Initially, the feces will be solid, then water will be added to them. The signal to complete the procedure is the exit from the body of clean water. If it has a slightly yellow color - do not be alarmed. This is the result of the choleretic effect of this practice.
  • Perform the final stage of Shankh Prakshalana - Kunjal Kriya and Jala Neti. This will clear the digestive tract of residual water, as well as clear the nasal passages.
  • Rest is a necessary phase after the end of the procedure. Lie on your back and do Savasana for 45 minutes. This will allow your digestive system to rest.

Exit procedure

After 45 minutes, after resting, eat kitchari (a mixture of rice and dal). This will gently start the process of digestion. Rice is a fast-digesting carbohydrate, dal is a protein. That is, this food option is not only light, but also a complete meal.

Do not forget to add ghee or clarified vegetable oil to the kitchari. This is necessary, because during the cleansing process, the protective layer necessary for the intestines is removed from the digestive tract along with waste products. The oil helps create a temporary protective layer that will protect the intestines until the body develops a new natural layer.

In order to form a new "correct" intestinal microflora and continue the process of cleansing the body, a special diet must be followed for several weeks after the procedure. Refrain from eating meat products, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, carbonated drinks, dairy products, flour, spices, white sugar, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and sour foods.

So what is allowed to eat?

Since the entire digestive system is cleansed after the procedure, it becomes very sensitive to any harmful and toxic food. Try for a few weeks after Shankh Prakshalana to eat right and simple food: vegetarian, not too acidic, without using a lot of spices. It can be cereals on the water or stewed vegetables.

  • During the practice, it is necessary to maintain calmness and a good mood. It is advisable to perform the practice for the first time under the supervision of a specialist. This will help you avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Try to learn a set of asanas before you start practicing. This will allow you not to be distracted once again.
  • Don't worry if the bowel movement doesn't start right away. The body of each person is individual, so all people need different times and amounts of water to start the cleansing process.
  • The average amount of water needed for clean water to come out of the intestines is 16-25 glasses. The required time is approximately 3-4 hours.
  • Try to set aside a whole day for the procedure. After completing it, do not rush to run about your business.
  • In order to avoid irritation of the perineal area, it is advisable not to use toilet paper. It is better to prepare clean water and a towel for washing. You can also use oil to lubricate the perineal area - this will be an excellent prevention of discomfort and discomfort in this area.
  • For the first time, it is advisable to perform the practice after consulting an experienced specialist and under his supervision.

How often to perform shatkarma?

life hack
What to do for those who find it difficult to perform Shankh Prakshalana? For those who find it difficult to perform the full version of Shankh Prakshalana, there is a lighter version of it - Laghu Prakshalana ("laghu" - "short"). It differs from the full version in that it reduces the amount of water you drink. It is necessary to consume 6 glasses of water in it, that is, the cycle "drinking two glasses of water - performing asanas" is performed only 3 times. In all other respects, the procedure is similar to Shankh Prakshalana.

When Shank Prakshalana can be harmful?

After cleansing the intestines, all pathogenic microflora is removed. This creates favorable conditions for the emergence of a new "correct" intestinal microflora. However, during this period of time, the body is most vulnerable and susceptible to external influences. Therefore, in order for the result of the procedure to be an improvement in well-being and health, it is necessary to carefully follow not only the recommendations for performing the procedure, but also the tips for exiting it. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting unwanted reactions such as indigestion, constipation or fever.


  • Exacerbations of gastrointestinal disease.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Kidney problems.

If you have other health problems (such as stomach ulcers or duodenal disease), you should consult a specialist before starting practice.

A little more about the benefits of Shank Prakshalana

Shankh Prakshalana is one of the shatkarmas that was used, presumably, even before the beginning of the 15th century (it is believed that it was in the 15th century that the Hatha Yoga Pradipika was written, which describes all six shatkarmas). So why is this practice useful? And why is she still popular? After all, there are alternative, faster methods of bowel cleansing, such as an enema.

Compared to the latter, Shankh Prakshalana is more effective, because it cleanses not only the large, but also the small intestine. It is in the small intestine that the final process of splitting nutrients and their absorption into the blood takes place. The mucosa of the small intestine is embossed, as it consists of folds and finger-shaped villi. It is these numerous intestinal villi (there are about 4 million of them) that absorb nutrients. Since our digestion directly depends on these villi, their periodic cleansing is necessary.

How does intestinal contamination occur? The remains of undigested food appear in the intestines due to impaired motility. This occurs as a response to improper, irregular breathing and stress. The retention of food in the intestines leads to the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in it.

Shank Prakshalana is not only a mechanical cleansing of the intestines from impurities, but also its massage. It, in turn, allows you to establish regular bowel function, get rid of chronic lethargy (constipation) or excessive activity (diarrhea) of the intestine.

In addition to digestive problems, intestinal pollution causes the accumulation of toxic substances in it. This, in turn, causes blood pollution, which can lead to intestinal autointoxication and various diseases. Therefore, timely cleansing of the digestive tract is the key to good health and overall health.

Are you doing this practice? If yes, how often? What effects did you manage to track after its implementation? We are waiting for your answers in the comments.

We considered why such a cleansing as Shank Prakshalana is needed. Today we will talk about how to properly and safely conduct it at home.

How often should Shank-Prakshalana be performed?

Prakshalana is done either as needed or as planned. If you have never done Prakshalana by your age, then, probably, such a need has already matured. As for routine cleaning, it is enough to do Prakshalana 1-2 times a year, more often it is not worth it.

Diet before Prakshalana

1-2 days before Prakshalana we refrain from protein foods (meat, fish, eggs), we exclude alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. The ideal diet is to sit for two days on boiled vegetables, cereals, rice. This will make cleaning easier.

How long does Prakshalana take and what is the best time to do it?

The procedure itself will take no more than 3-4 hours (for the first time due to inexperience, maybe a little longer). However, I would advise you to set aside ONE day for Prakshalana. Let it be a day of complete relaxation - it is better not to plan any active events or meetings. Stay at home, alone with yourself or with loved ones, read a book, relax. Perhaps, after the procedure, weakness will appear, you will want to lie down - all these are normal phenomena.

Prakshalana is best done on an empty stomach, so the optimal time to perform the procedure is in the morning after waking up, at 6-7 in the morning, so that you can finish it by noon. Before starting Prakshalana, it’s good to do your usual morning hygiene routine and then proceed.

Seat requirements for Prakshalana

Prakshalana should be done in a secluded and safe place where no one will disturb you. The ideal option is at home. Of course, you must have unlimited access to the toilet. In the toilet, you need to prepare in advance fresh water for washing (I strongly do not recommend toilet paper), cream or oil and a towel, so that after each bowel movement you wash yourself and lubricate the perineum with cream or oil. Otherwise, the saline solution may irritate the area.

Salt solution preparation

Before starting Prakshalana, you need to prepare a saline solution.

For the solution, it is better to use boiled water that has cooled to body temperature. Salt is needed the most common - without iodine and other additives. Sea, Himalayan, pink, with truffle oil and other exotics are better to keep for a more suitable occasion. Buy the most common salt for 10 rubles - this is what you need.

So, we have water and we have salt, now it is important to mix them correctly. A common mistake made by beginners is to chug more salt into the solution than necessary, which eventually leads to dehydration and headaches.

We don’t need this, so we follow the rule: 1 heaping teaspoon of salt per liter of water. No more and no less.

Specialists also advise adding half a teaspoon of magnesium sulfate to the first liter of water (only the first!) (you can buy it at the pharmacy) - it has a laxative and choleretic effect, which allegedly ensures a smooth entry into the process. I never added it myself - everything went well without it, so it's up to you.

When the solution is ready, you can proceed!

Step-by-step instructions: exercises for Prakshalana

The schema is simple: after each glass of salt water, we perform a series of four simple exercises, as described below. The purpose of these exercises is to promote the rapid passage of water through the digestive tract. We don't want to do this all day, do we?

While doing the exercises, we alternately open the sphinxters of the gastrointestinal tract so that the water does not linger anywhere and can freely pass to the exit.

So, we drink the first glass and perform a series of four simple exercises:

1. First, we do lateral tilts while standing - to the right and to the left:

2. Then, also in a standing position, we do soft twists in the waist area - to the right and to the left.

3. We go to the prone position and do the third exercise - smooth twists from the "cobra" position

4. And the last exercise is sitting twists.

Each exercise is performed 8-12 times on each side. The whole series takes from 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the speed of execution.

We finished the series - we drink the next glass and repeat the exercises again.

It is unlikely that immediately after the first couple of glasses there will be an urge to go to the toilet - this is normal, a little patience.

Usually the first liter (about four glasses) is enough to start the process. If everything is going well for you, then just continue to drink water, do exercises and go to the toilet when the urge appears.

After a few more glasses, you may feel that it is no longer necessary to do the exercises - the process goes on knurled: glass - toilet - glass - toilet.

In this spirit, you continue until the water comes out as clean and clear as the water you drink.

To achieve this, 2-3 liters of water for the first time should be enough. The next time, most likely, a smaller volume will be required and everything will go faster.

If there is no stool after the first liter, we drink two more glasses, after each we do exercises. If after that, the urge to go to the toilet does not arise, you need to pause - you should not drink further water yet. You can just lie on the floor and relax a little, you can massage your stomach about the hour hand, you can also do another series of exercises. If all this does not help - there is still no chair, you need to give yourself a small enema - this will start the process.

How to complete Prakshalana?

As soon as the water at the outlet has become transparent, we stop drinking the solution - it's time to finish! Usually, at the final stage, the water is clear, but has a clear yellowish tint caused by the active release of bile from the gallbladder.

Now it is important to close the gastrointestinal sphinxters opened by Prakshalana. To do this, we drink some fresh water (one glass is enough) and pressing with two fingers on the base of the tongue, we cause a gag reflex. A slight urge to vomit is enough to command the body to close the sphinxters.

Most likely, after the procedure is completed, you will still have to visit the toilet a couple of times.

Diet after Prakshalana

Within an hour after the completion of Prakshalana, you need to eat. You need to eat well-cooked rice without salt and spices - add only a tablespoon of butter (or even better ghee). The rice will absorb the salt left in the digestive tract, and the oil will help lubricate it.

After this 3-4 hours nothing should be eaten. You can drink plain water if you are thirsty.

In the evening of the same day, you can resume eating, but it is very important to follow the right diet.

The fact is that as a result of Prakshalana, the entire intestinal microflora is washed out. The formation of a new microflora depends on the diet that you will adhere to in the first days after Prokshalana. Therefore, we follow approximately the same diet as in preparation for Prakshalana:

We exclude protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes), we exclude alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and tea, confectionery, bread, sugar and all products that cause fermentation. It is also undesirable to eat raw fruits, vegetables and greens - it will be difficult for the still fragile digestion to cope with them.

It's probably easier to say what you can eat: you can eat cereals (on water), boiled or stewed vegetables. Starting from the day following Proxhalana, light fermented milk products can be added to the diet.

Such a light vegetarian diet should be followed for at least a few days, and preferably for a whole week after Prakshalana. This will help to populate the intestines with the right microflora.

It is also advised to take a course of eubitiks after Proxhalana - preparations containing lactic acid and bifidobacteria for 2-4 weeks. I have never done this myself. So I can't say, up to you.

Igor Budnikov, a certified yoga teacher, graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations with honors, leads meditations and Reboots.

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