Literary awards of Russia: who, when and how much. Russian writers, winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature

    The Nobel Prize in Literature is an annual award for literary achievement given by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm. Contents 1 Requirements for nominating candidates 2 List of laureates 2.1 1900s ... Wikipedia

    Medal awarded to the laureate Nobel Prize The Nobel Prizes (Swedish Nobelpriset, English Nobel Prize) are one of the most prestigious international prizes awarded annually for outstanding Scientific research, revolutionary inventions or ... ... Wikipedia

    Medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR The State Prize of the USSR (1966 1991) is one of the most important prizes in the USSR along with the Lenin Prize (1925 1935, 1957 1991). Established in 1966 as successor Stalin Prize awarded in 1941 1954; laureates ... ... Wikipedia

    The building of the Swedish Academy The Nobel Prize in Literature is an award for achievements in the field of literature, awarded annually by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm. Contents ... Wikipedia

    Medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR The State Prize of the USSR (1966 1991) is one of the most important prizes in the USSR along with the Lenin Prize (1925 1935, 1957 1991). Established in 1966 as a successor to the Stalin Prize awarded in 1941-1954; laureates ... ... Wikipedia

    Medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR The State Prize of the USSR (1966 1991) is one of the most important prizes in the USSR along with the Lenin Prize (1925 1935, 1957 1991). Established in 1966 as a successor to the Stalin Prize awarded in 1941-1954; laureates ... ... Wikipedia

    Medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR The State Prize of the USSR (1966 1991) is one of the most important prizes in the USSR along with the Lenin Prize (1925 1935, 1957 1991). Established in 1966 as a successor to the Stalin Prize awarded in 1941-1954; laureates ... ... Wikipedia


  • According to the will. Notes on the Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature, Ilyukovich A. The publication is based on biographical essays on all Nobel Prize winners in literature for 90 years, from the moment of its first award in 1901 to 1991, supplemented by ...

Dedicated to the great Russian writers.

From October 21 to November 21, 2015, the Library and Information Complex invites you to the exhibition, dedicated to creativity Nobel laureates in literature from Russia and the USSR.

Nobel Prize in Literature in 2015 received Belarusian writer. The award was given to Svetlana Aleksievich with the following wording: "For her many-voiced work - a monument to suffering and courage in our time." At the exhibition, we also presented the works of Svetlana Alexandrovna.

The exposition can be found at the address: Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, 1st floor, room 100.

The prizes established by the Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel are considered the most honorable in the world. They are awarded annually (since 1901) for outstanding work in the field of medicine or physiology, physics, chemistry, for literary works, for contribution to the cause of strengthening peace, economics (since 1969).

The Nobel Prize in Literature is an award for literary achievement presented annually by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm on 10 December. According to the statute of the Nobel Foundation, the following persons can nominate candidates: members of the Swedish Academy, other academies, institutions and societies with similar tasks and goals; professors of the history of literature and linguistics of universities; laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature; chairmen of the authors' unions representing literary creativity in the respective countries.

Unlike the winners of other prizes (for example, in physics and chemistry), the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature is made by members of the Swedish Academy. The Swedish Academy brings together 18 figures from Sweden. The Academy is composed of historians, linguists, writers and one lawyer. They are known in the community as "The Eighteen". Membership in the academy is for life. After the death of one of the members, the academicians choose a new academician by secret ballot. The Academy elects from among its members the Nobel Committee. It is he who deals with the issue of awarding the prize.

Nobel laureates in literature from Russia and the USSR :

  • I. A. Bunin(1933 "For the rigorous skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose")
  • B.L. Parsnip(1958 "For significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel")
  • M. A. Sholokhov(1965 "For the artistic power and honesty with which he displayed in his Don epic historical era in the life of the Russian people")
  • A. I. Solzhenitsyn(1970 "For the moral strength with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature")
  • I. A. Brodsky(1987 "For a comprehensive work imbued with the clarity of thought and the passion of poetry")

Russian laureates in literature are people with different, sometimes opposing views. I. A. Bunin and A. I. Solzhenitsyn are staunch opponents Soviet power, and M. A. Sholokhov, on the contrary, is a communist. However, the main thing they have in common is their undoubted talent, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prizes.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a famous Russian writer and poet, an outstanding master of realistic prose, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1920 Bunin emigrated to France.

The most difficult thing for a writer in exile is to remain himself. It happens that, having left the Motherland because of the need to make dubious compromises, he is again forced to kill the spirit in order to survive. Fortunately, this fate passed Bunin. Despite any trials, Bunin always remained true to himself.

In 1922, Ivan Alekseevich's wife, Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, wrote in her diary that Romain Rolland nominated Bunin for the Nobel Prize. Since then, Ivan Alekseevich lived in hopes that someday he would be awarded this prize. 1933 All newspapers in Paris on November 10 came out with large headlines: "Bunin - Nobel laureate." Every Russian in Paris, even a loader at the Renault factory, who had never read Bunin, took this as a personal holiday. For the compatriot turned out to be the best, the most talented! In Parisian taverns and restaurants that evening there were Russians who sometimes drank for "their own" for their last pennies.

On the day of awarding the prize on November 9, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin watched "merry stupidity" - "Baby" in the "cinema". Suddenly, a narrow beam of a flashlight cut through the darkness of the hall. They were looking for Bunin. He was called by phone from Stockholm.

“And my whole old life immediately ends. I go home pretty quickly, but feeling nothing but regret that I didn’t manage to watch the film. But no. You can’t not believe it: the whole house is lit up with lights. ... Some kind of turning point in my life," recalled I. A. Bunin.

Exciting days in Sweden. AT concert hall in the presence of the king, after the report of the writer, member of the Swedish Academy Peter Galstrem on the work of Bunin, he was awarded a folder with a Nobel diploma, a medal and a check for 715 thousand French francs.

When presenting the award, Bunin noted that the Swedish Academy acted very boldly by awarding the émigré writer. Among the contenders for this year's prize was another Russian writer, M. Gorky, however, largely due to the publication of the book "The Life of Arseniev" by that time, the scales still tipped in the direction of Ivan Alekseevich.

Returning to France, Bunin feels rich and, not sparing money, distributes "allowances" to emigrants, donates funds to support various societies. Finally, on the advice of well-wishers, he invests the remaining amount in a "win-win business" and is left with nothing.

Bunin's friend, poetess and prose writer Zinaida Shakhovskaya, in her memoir book "Reflection", noted: "With skill and a small amount of practicality, the prize should have been enough to the end. But the Bunins did not buy either an apartment or a villa ..."

Unlike M. Gorky, A. I. Kuprin, A. N. Tolstoy, Ivan Alekseevich did not return to Russia, despite the exhortations of the Moscow "messengers". He never came to his homeland, even as a tourist.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890-1960) was born in Moscow into a family famous artist Leonid Osipovich Pasternak. Mother, Rosalia Isidorovna, was a talented pianist. Maybe that's why in childhood the future poet dreamed of becoming a composer and even studied music with Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin. However, the love of poetry won. Glory to B. L. Pasternak was brought by his poetry, and bitter trials - "Doctor Zhivago", a novel about the fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

The editors of the literary magazine, to which Pasternak offered the manuscript, considered the work anti-Soviet and refused to publish it. Then the writer sent the novel abroad, to Italy, where in 1957 it was published. The very fact of publication in the West was sharply condemned by Soviet colleagues in the creative workshop, and Pasternak was expelled from the Writers' Union. However, it was Doctor Zhivago that made Boris Pasternak a Nobel laureate. The writer was nominated for the Nobel Prize starting in 1946, but was awarded it only in 1958, after the release of the novel. The conclusion of the Nobel Committee says: "... for significant achievements both in modern lyric poetry and in the field of the great Russian epic tradition."

In his homeland, the award of such an honorary prize to an "anti-Soviet novel" aroused the indignation of the authorities, and under the threat of expulsion from the country, the writer was forced to refuse the award. Only 30 years later, his son, Yevgeny Borisovich Pasternak, received a diploma and a medal for his father. Nobel laureate.

The fate of another Nobel laureate, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, is no less dramatic. He was born in 1918 in Kislovodsk, and his childhood and youth were spent in Novocherkassk and Rostov-on-Don. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Rostov University, A. I. Solzhenitsyn taught and at the same time studied in absentia at a literary institute in Moscow. When did the Great Patriotic War, future writer went to the front.

Shortly before the end of the war, Solzhenitsyn was arrested. The reason for the arrest was the critical remarks about Stalin found by military censorship in Solzhenitsyn's letters. He was released after Stalin's death (1953). In 1962, the magazine " New world" published the first story - "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", which tells about the life of prisoners in the camp. Most of subsequent works literary magazines refused to print. There was only one explanation: anti-Soviet orientation. However, the writer did not back down and sent the manuscripts abroad, where they were published. Alexander Isaevich was not limited to literary activities - he fought for the freedom of political prisoners in the USSR, spoke out with sharp criticism of the Soviet system.

literary works and political position AI Solzhenitsyn were well known abroad, and in 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. The writer did not go to Stockholm for the award ceremony: he was not allowed to leave the country. Representatives of the Nobel Committee, who wanted to present the prize to the laureate at home, were not allowed into the USSR.

In 1974 A. I. Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the country. He first lived in Switzerland, then moved to the United States, where he was, with a considerable delay, awarded the Nobel Prize. In the West, such works were printed as "In the First Circle", "The Gulag Archipelago", "August 1914", " cancer corps". In 1994, A. Solzhenitsyn returned to his homeland, having traveled through all of Russia, from Vladivostok to Moscow.

The fate of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, the only one of Russian laureates Nobel Prize in Literature, who supported government bodies. M. A. Sholokhov (1905-1980) was born in the south of Russia, on the Don - in the center Russian Cossacks. My small homeland- the farm Kruzhilin of the village of Vyoshenskaya - he later described in many works. Sholokhov graduated from only four classes of the gymnasium. He actively participated in the events of the civil war, led the food detachment, which selected the so-called surplus grain from wealthy Cossacks.

Already in his youth, the future writer felt a penchant for literary creativity. In 1922, Sholokhov arrived in Moscow, and in 1923 he began publishing his first stories in newspapers and magazines. In 1926, the collections "Don Stories" and "Azure Steppe" were published. Work on "Quiet Don" - a novel about the life of the Don Cossacks in the era of the Great Turn (World War I, revolutions and Civil War) - began in 1925. In 1928, the first part of the novel was published, and Sholokhov completed it in the 30s. " Quiet Don"became the pinnacle of the writer's work, and in 1965 he was awarded the Nobel Prize" for the artistic power and completeness with which he in his epic work about the Don reflected a historical phase in the life of the Russian people." "Quiet Don" was translated in 45 countries of the world into several dozen languages.

By the time of receiving the Nobel Prize in the bibliography of Joseph Brodsky, there were six collections of poems, the poem "Gorbunov and Gorchakov", the play "Marble", many essays (written mainly in English). However, in the USSR, from where the poet was expelled in 1972, his works were distributed mainly in samizdat, and he received the award, already being a citizen of the United States of America.

For him, the spiritual connection with the homeland was important. As a relic, he kept the tie of Boris Pasternak, he even wanted to wear it to the Nobel Prize, but the rules of the protocol did not allow it. Nevertheless, Brodsky still came with Pasternak's tie in his pocket. After perestroika, Brodsky was repeatedly invited to Russia, but he never came to his homeland, which rejected him. "You can't step into the same river twice, even if it's the Neva," he said.

From Brodsky's Nobel lecture: “A person with taste, in particular literary, is less susceptible to repetition and rhythmic incantations, characteristic of any form of political demagogy. It's not so much that virtue is no guarantee of a masterpiece, but that evil, especially political evil, is always a bad stylist. The richer the aesthetic experience of the individual, the firmer his taste, the clearer his moral choice, the freer he is - although perhaps not happier. It is in this rather applied than Platonic sense that Dostoyevsky's remark that "beauty will save the world" or Matthew Arnold's saying that "poetry will save us" should be understood. The world will probably not be saved, but an individual person can always be saved.

AT literary world a wide variety of prizes are awarded: in the field of poetry and prose, drama and fantasy, lyrics and detective. However, not every award testifies to the quality of the literature that was awarded.

Recognized awards collected in our Top 10 Most Prestigious Literary Awards. Among the winners of these awards, you can safely choose books worthy of reading.

The award was established in the United States by emigrants from Russia in 1999. It is awarded for contribution to the development of Russian-American culture and strengthening of international relations between countries. The winners were V. Aksenov, M. Epshtein, V. Bachanyan, O. Vasiliev.

9. H.K. Andersen

This award is given in the field of children's literature, both for the works themselves and for the illustrations to them. The winners of the award were Astrid Lindgren, Tove Jansson, Gianni Rodari.


The annual literature award is presented to laureates selected both by popular vote and by an expert commission. The winners of the Runet Book Prize 2013 have already been named on the pages.

7. Russian Booker

This award is given for the best novel in Russian. The winners of the Russian Booker were Bulat Okudzhava, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Vasily Aksenov. Along with the main prize, the Student Booker is also awarded, the jury of which includes students and graduate students.

6. Southeast Asia Literary Award

This international literary prize awarded for the best poetry and prose works authors of ASEAN countries. The chairman of the organizing committee of the award is the Prince of Thailand Prem Purachatra.

5. ABS Premium

The Arkady and Boris Strugatsky Prize is awarded for the best works in the field of science fiction, written in Russian. The winners of the award are Evgeny Lukin, Kir Bulychev, Dmitry Bykov.

4. Booker Prize

This award for many is the most prestigious in the world of English-language literature. The winner is presented with a check for the amount of 50,000 British pounds. Four times in history, Booker laureates have also received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

3. Goncourt Prize

The French Literary Prize has been awarded annually since 1903. According to the charter, the prize can be awarded to any author only once during his lifetime. Over the years, the Goncourt Prize was awarded to Marcel Proust, Simone de Beauvoir, Alphonse de Chateaubriand.

2. Pulitzer Prize

This American prize has been awarded since 1911. The main prize is 10 thousand US dollars. Despite the fact that the winners almost never make it to the book bestseller lists, the award is considered one of the most prestigious in the literary world.

1. Nobel Prize in Literature

This prestigious award is presented annually for achievements in the field of literature. Most of the winners are writers from Europe and the United States, so the award is often criticized for being biased. Among Russian authors, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Top 15 literary awards, the winners and nominees of which are worth paying your close reader's attention to. If you're wondering what to read, check it out here!

1. National Literary Award "Big Book"

The award was established in 2005 and is one of the most prestigious awards given for the works of big shape published in Russian in the reporting year.
The winners of the award in different years were Dmitry Bykov, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Leonid Yuzefovich, Vladimir Makanin, Pavel Basinsky, Mikhail Shishkin, Zakhar Prilepin.
The award jury consists of about 100 people, which ensures the independence and breadth of the award's expertise. The monetary fund is 5.5 million rubles, of which 3 million - the winner of the first prize. Becoming a laureate of this award is not only about attracting readers' attention to a book, but also about increasing consumer demand.

2. Nobel Prize in Literature

On the one hand, the award, established by the Swedish chemical engineer, inventor of dynamite and industrialist Alfred Nobel, is the most prestigious in the world. On the other hand, it is one of the most controversial, criticized and discussed peace prizes. Many critics consider the award politicized and biased. However, whatever one may say, the writer to whom it is awarded wakes up famous all over the world in the morning, and sales of his books increase dramatically.
Russian writers received the prize five times: 1933 - Bunin, 1958 - Pasternak (who refused the prize), 1965 - Sholokhov, 1970 - Solzhenitsyn, 1987 - Brodsky.

3 Pulitzer Prize

One of the most honored awards in the United States in the field of literature, journalism, music and theater, consistently attracting the interest of readers around the world.

4. Booker Prize

It is rightfully considered one of the most prestigious literary prizes awarded for a work written in English. Salman Rushdie, Richard Flanagan, Kazuo Ishiguro, Iris Murdoch, Julian Barnes, Coetzee, Ondaatje and many others. The list of laureates since 1969 is impressive, some of them later became Nobel laureates in literature.

5. Goncourt Prize for Literature

The main literary prize of France, established in 1896 and awarded since 1902, is awarded to the author best novel or the collection of short stories of the year on French, but not necessarily living in France. The award fund is symbolic, but its award brings the author fame, recognition and growth in sales of his books.

The prize winners were Marcel Proust (1919), Maurice Druon (1948), Simone de Beauvoir (1954).

6. Award " Yasnaya Polyana»

Established in 2003 by the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" with the support of Samsung Electronics.

Awarded in four categories: Modern classic”, “XXI century” - the winner of 2015 was “Zuleikha opens her eyes” by Guzeli Yakhina, “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" and "Foreign Literature".

7. Prize "Enlightener"

The Enlightener Award for the best popular science book in Russian was established in 2008 by the founder and Honorary President of Vimpelcom (Beeline trademark) Dmitry Zimin and the Dynasty Foundation for non-commercial programs in order to attract readers' attention to the educational genre, encourage authors and creating preconditions for market expansion educational literature in Russia.

8. Writer of the Year Award

The National Literary Award "Writer of the Year" was established by the Russian Union of Writers in order to find new talented authors who can contribute to contemporary literature. Laureates receive contracts for the publication of their works funded by the Russian Union of Writers. Competitive selection of authors is carried out on literary portal

9. National award "Russian Booker"

The award was established in 1992 at the initiative of the British Council in Russia as the Russian analogue of the Booker Prize and is awarded for the best novel in Russian published in the reporting year. Its laureates were Bulat Okudzhava, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Vasily Aksenov.

10. National Bestseller Award

Established in 2001. The motto of the award is “Wake up famous”. “The purpose of the award is to reveal the otherwise unclaimed market potential of highly artistic and/or otherwise meritorious prose works.”
The winners of the award were Leonid Yuzefovich, Zakhar Prilepin, Dmitry Bykov, Viktor Pelevin.

11. Award "NOS"

Established in 2009 by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation "to identify and support new trends in modern fiction in Russian". main feature awards - the openness of the decision-making process, namely: the jury is obliged to publicly argue the choice of the finalists and the winner within the framework of a talk show in the presence and with the participation of journalists, writers and the cultural community. In addition to the winner of the main award, the winner of the reader's vote is also determined.

12. KNIGURU Award

All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth, in which the final decision is made by a jury consisting of young readers aged 10 to 16 years.

13. Award "Debut"

Independent literary award for authors writing in Russian and not older than 35 years. Established in 2000 by Andrey Skoch's Generation Foundation. The coordinator of the award is the writer Olga Slavnikova. It is important that an agreement is concluded with the laureate of the award in each nomination for the publication of his work.

14. Book of the Year Award

Established in 1999 federal agency for printing and mass communications. Awarded during the MIBF in nine nominations.

15. Vladislav Krapivin International Children's Literary Prize

Established in 2006 by the Association of Ural Writers. The award accepts works for children and teenagers. It is important that the work be written in Russian with a volume of at least 1.5 copyright sheets (60 thousand characters with spaces).

Hugo Award
This award can be called one of the most democratic: its laureates are based on the results of voting by registered participants in the World Convents of Science Fiction Fans WorldCon (therefore, the award is considered "reader's"). The Hugo Award is a literary award in the field of science fiction. It was established in 1953 and is worn by Hugo Gernsbeck, creator of the first dedicated science fiction magazines. The award is given annually to the best fiction published in English. The winners are awarded a figurine in the form of a rocket taking off. The award is given in the following categories:
. Best Novel (Best Novel)
. Best Story(Best Novella)
. Best Short Story (Best Novellette)
. Best Short Story
. Best Book about science fiction (Best Related Book)
. Best Production, Large Form (Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form)
. Best Direction, Small Form (Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form)
. Best professional editor(Best Professional Editor)
. Best Professional Artist (Best Professional Artist)
. Best Semi-Prozine (Best SemiProzine)
. Best fanzine (Best Fanzine). Best Fan Writer
. Best Fan Artist
The list of winners of this and other fantastic awards can be found on the Russian Science Fiction website ( Separately, the John Campbell Award is awarded - “Most Promising New Author of the Year”, which is received by a science fiction debutant. Along with the Hugo Prize, the Gandalf Prize is sometimes awarded - not for specific work, but for a significant contribution to the development of the fantasy genre.

Cervantes Prize
The Cervantes Literary Prize, established by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1975, is valued in the Spanish-speaking world no less than the Nobel Prize. The monetary part of the "Spanish Nobel Prize" is 90 thousand euros, it is annually awarded to the next laureate by the King of all Spain Juan Carlos in the homeland of the author of "Don Quixote" - in the town of Alcala de Henares, which is 50 kilometers from Madrid.

James Tait Award
The oldest literary award in the UK is the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, which has been awarded by the University of Edinburgh since 1919 to the best novelists and authors of biographical works. Its laureates in different time became Evelyn Waugh, Iris Murdoch, Graham Greene, Ian McEwan.

Orange Award
There is an Orange Prize for British women writers who write in English. The winners are awarded a bronze statuette with gentle name Bessie and a check for the pleasant sum of £30,000. The jury of the award is exclusively women.

Nobel Prize in Literature
The award, established by the Swedish chemical engineer, inventor and industrialist Alfred Bernhard Nobel and named after him as the Nobel Prize, is the most prestigious and most criticized in the world. Of course, this is largely due to the size of the Nobel Prize: the award consists of a gold medal with the image of A. Nobel and the corresponding inscription, a diploma and, most importantly, a check for a sum of money. The size of the latter depends on the profits of the Nobel Foundation. According to Nobel's will, drawn up on November 27, 1895, his capital (initially over 31 million SEK) was placed in shares, bonds and loans. The income from them is annually divided into 5 equal parts and becomes prizes for the most outstanding world achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace-building activities. Particular passions flare up around the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main complaints against the Swedish Academy in Stockholm (it is she who identifies the most worthy writers) are the decisions of the Nobel Committee themselves, and the fact that they are taken in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. The Nobel Committee announces only the number of applicants for a particular prize, but does not name their names. Gossips also argue that the prize is sometimes given for political, and not literary motives. The main trump card of critics and detractors is Leo Tolstoy, Nabokov, Joyce, Borges, who were bypassed by the Nobel Prize ... The award is awarded annually on December 10 - the anniversary of Nobel's death. The Swedish king traditionally awards Nobelian writers in Stockholm. Within 6 months after receiving the Nobel Prize, the laureate must speak with Nobel lecture on the topic of their work.

International Prize named after G.-Kh. Andersen
Thanks to the German writer Ella Lepman (1891-1970) for the appearance of this award. And not only for that. It was Mrs. Lepman who ensured that by the decision of UNESCO, the birthday of G.-Kh. Andersen, April 2 is International Children's Book Day. She also initiated the creation of the International Council for Children's and Young Adults' Books (IBBY) - an organization that brings together writers, artists, literary scholars, librarians from more than sixty countries. Since 1956, IBBY has been awarding the International G.-H. Andersen, which light hand All the same Ella Lepman is called the "little Nobel Prize" in children's literature. Since 1966, this award has also been given to illustrators of children's books. gold medal with the profile of a great storyteller, laureates receive every 2 years at the next IBBY congress. The award is given only to living writers and artists.

Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize
Immediately after Lindgren's death, the Swedish government decided to establish a literary award named after the world-famous storyteller. “I hope that the Prize will fulfill the dual role of serving as a reminder of Astrid and her life's work, as well as promoting and promoting good children's literature,” said Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson. The Astrid Lingren Memorial Award, an annual International Literary Prize for Children and Youth, aims to draw the world's attention to literature for children and adolescents and to children's rights. Therefore, it can be awarded not only to a writer or artist for an exceptional contribution to the development of a children's book, but also for any activity to promote reading and protect the rights of the child. The monetary content of the award is also attractive - 500,000 euros. The lucky winners of the award are determined by 12 honorary citizens of the country, members of the State Cultural Council of Sweden. By tradition, the name of the winner of this award is announced every year in March in the homeland of Astrid Lindgren. The award is presented to the laureate in May in Stockholm.

Grinzane Cavour
In 2001, UNESCO declared the Grinzane Cavour Prize "an exemplary institute international culture". Despite the short history of existence (established in Turin in 1982), the award is one of the most prestigious literary awards Europe. It got its name from the Turin castle of the 13th century: Count Benso Cavour, the first prime minister of united Italy, used to live there, and now the headquarters of the award is located. the main objective"Grinzane Cavour" - communion younger generation to literature, for which the jury includes both venerable literary critics and schoolchildren. About a thousand teenagers from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the USA, Cuba and Japan vote for the books of the authors nominated for the award.

Goncourt Prize
The main French literary prize - Goncourt (Prix Goncourt), established in 1896 and awarded since 1902, is awarded to the author of the best novel or collection of short stories in French, not necessarily living in France. She bears the name French classics Goncourt brothers - Edmond Louis Antoine (1832-1896) and Jules Alfred Huo (1830-1869). The younger, Edmond, bequeathed his vast fortune to the Literary Academy, which became known as Goncourt and established an annual prize of the same name. The Académie Goncourt includes the 10 most famous writers France, who work for a nominal fee - 60 francs per year. Everyone has one vote and can give it for one book, only the president has two votes. The members of the Goncourt Academy at different times were the writers A. Daudet, J. Renard, Roni Sr., F. Eria, E. Bazin, Louis Aragon ... Now the charter of the Goncourt Academy has changed: now the age of the jury members of the prestigious Goncourt Prize should not exceed 80 years. Initially, the award was conceived as an award to young writers for the originality of talent, new and bold searches for content and form.

Booker Prize
Any resident of the Commonwealth of Nations or Ireland can receive the Booker Prize, whose novel in English is considered worthy of world fame and 50 thousand pounds sterling. The award has been presented since 1969 and has been sponsored by the Man group of companies since 2002, and official name prizes - The Man booker prize. First, an annual advisory committee of publishers and writers, literary agents, booksellers, libraries, and the Booker Prize Foundation compiles a list of about one hundred books. The committee approves a jury of five people - well-known literary critics, writers, scientists, public figures. In August, the jury announces a "long list" of 20-25 novels, in September - six participants in the "short list", and in October - the laureate himself. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the award, a special award "Booker of all times" appeared. Its laureate was to be Bukeriat, whose work was considered by readers to be the best novel in all the years of the award's existence. In 2008, the monetary part of the prize amounted to more than one hundred thousand US dollars (50 thousand pounds).

International Booker Prize
This award was established in 2005 and is a "relative" of the regular "Booker". It is awarded every 2 years to an author for a work of art written in English or accessible general reader translated into it.

The Carnegie Medal
The word "medal" can be found in the title of many "children's literature" awards. For example, to receive The Carnegie Medal will honor the absolute majority of writers. This very prestigious award has been awarded since 1936 and always enjoys the attention of the general public. The jury consists of representatives of the association of librarians. List of laureates:

The world's largest premium amount for a single literary work - 100 thousand euros. The winners get it international award IMPAC, established in 1996 by Dublin City Council. In this city, sung by Joyce, the rewarding takes place. Although the headquarters of the international company IMPAC (Improved Management Productivity and Control), whose name the award bears, is located in Florida and has no direct relation to literature. IMPAC is a world leader in productivity improvement - working on projects for the largest corporations and organizations in 65 countries. To be eligible for the competition, a work must be written or translated into English language and withstand fierce international competition: 185 library systems in 51 countries enjoy the right to nominate applicants. Award website

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Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...