Juno and maybe a summary. The true story of the prototypes of the rock opera "Juno and Avos": the last love or a sacrifice to the Fatherland? Embodiment on stage

On the verses of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (director Mark Zakharov, choreography by Vladimir Vasiliev, artist Oleg Sheintsis), whose repertoire still includes the play.

The name of the performance uses the names of two sailboats, "Juno" and "Avos", on which Nikolai Rezanov's expedition sailed.

History of creation

However, after some time, thanks to Pierre Cardin, the theater went on tour in Paris and on Broadway in New York, then in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries. Subsequently, the opera was staged in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, and South Korea.

The original source of the plot

According to the memoirs of Andrei Voznesensky, he began writing the poem "Perhaps" in Vancouver, when he "swallowed ... the flattering pages about Rezanov of the thick volume of J. Lensen, following the fate of our brave compatriot." In addition, Rezanov's travel diary was preserved and partially published, which was also used by Voznesensky.

And after another two centuries, there was a symbolic act of reunion of lovers. In the fall of 2000, the sheriff of the Californian city of Benisha, where Conchita Arguello was buried, brought to Krasnoyarsk a handful of earth from her grave and a rose to lay on a white cross, on one side of which the words I will never forget you, and on the other I will never see you.

Naturally, both the poem and the opera are not documentary chronicles. As Voznesensky himself puts it:

The author is not so consumed by self-conceit and frivolity as to depict real persons on the basis of meager information about them and offend them with approximations. Their images, like their names, are only a capricious echo of the known destinies. Yes, and the tragedy of the gospel woman, trampled down by the highest dogma, is unprovable, although undoubted. For the idea that corrects living life and feeling is not right.


Anniversary performances

Performance the date Rezanov conchitta Fernando
1st 20.10.1981 Nikolai Karachentsov Elena Shanina Alexander Abdulov
700th 25.02.1999 Nikolai Karachentsov Inna Pivars Viktor Rakov
800th 03.02.2002 Nikolai Karachentsov Anna Bolshova Viktor Rakov
1000th 10.09.2008 Dmitry Pevtsov Alla Yuganova Stanislav Ryadinsky

Performance in numismatics


see also


  • "Rezanov and Conchita - a love story in the memory of generations" O. Nikolaeva

Publications section Theaters

"Juno and Avos". 10 facts about the love story

Unfulfilled dreams and distances. The strength of the spirit that drives across the ocean in the interests of the state and gives love for courage. The story of 42-year-old Nikolai Rezanov and 16-year-old Conchita has been living for the third century, and for almost 40 years - on the Lenkom stage.

First there was the Word

Composer Alexei Rybnikov in 1978 showed Mark Zakharov his improvisations on Orthodox chants. They liked the music, and the director suggested that Andrei Voznesensky create a play based on the plot of The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The poet presented his version - the poem "Perhaps", written under the impression of "Concepción de Argüello" by Bret Garth. “Let me read,” Zakharov said, and the next day he agreed.

For help in Yelokhovsky Cathedral

Rock opera on Soviet stage- a real test. "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" in 1976 by the same Mark Zakharov was rejected by the commission 11 times. Taught by bitter experience, Zakharov and Voznesensky, as the poet later recalled, went to the Elokhov Cathedral and lit candles near the icon of Kazan Mother of God spoken of in the opera. "Juno and Avos" was accepted the first time.

Scene from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" (1983)

Elena Shanina as Conchita in the rock opera Juno and Avos (1983)

premiere to premiere

Even before going on stage, the performance was listened to in the Church of the Intercession in Fili on creative meeting with restorers. In February 1981, speakers were installed in the temple, Alexey Rybnikov was sitting at the table and there was a tape recorder. The composer delivered the opening speech. “After that, people just sat and listened to the recording for an hour and a half. And nothing else happened. This was the premiere of the opera Juno and Avos.

Touring from Cardin

For the "anti-Soviet" production, foreign tours were ordered. But Paris nevertheless saw "Juno and Avos" thanks to the French couturier, who was friends with Voznesensky. Pierre Cardin presented Russian rock opera at his theater on the Champs Elysées for two months. The success was extraordinary. Not only in Paris, where the Rothschild clan, Arab sheiks, Mireille Mathieu came to the performance.

double anniversary

A rock opera about intercontinental love premiered in 1975. A century and a half earlier, Nikolai Rezanov and Concepcia de Argüello had met. In 1806, the Count's ship arrived in California to replenish the food supplies of the Russian colony in Alaska. Although Andrei Voznesensky himself emphasized that the poem and opera are not at all historical chronicles from life: “Their images, like names, are only a capricious echo of the well-known destinies ...”

Nikolai Karachentsov as Count Nikolai Rezanov in the rock opera Juno and Avos (1983)

Irina Alferova as older sister Conchita in the rock opera Juno and Avos (1983)

History in the museum

The first museum of Russian America in the city of Totma. The house where he spent last years life sailor and founder of the fortress Ross Ivan Kuskov. Among the documents, letters, and portraits of the 18th–19th centuries, there is a story about one of the founders of the Russian-American Company, Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov. About service for the good of the country and romantic story one of the initiators of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

First rock opera

As the first Soviet rock opera world fame received "Juno and Avos". But in 1975 VIA"Singing Guitars" for the first time in the Soviet Union in the opera studio at the Leningrad Conservatory staged the zong-opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" by Alexander Zhurbin and Yuri Dimitrin. The bourgeois word "rock" was replaced by "zong" (from German - "pop song"). In the Guinness Book of Records, "Orpheus and Eurydice" was named a musical with a record of performance by one team 2350 times.

New lines

The play "Juno and Avos" - business card"Lenkom". Nikolai Karachentsov played Nikolai Rezanov without an understudy for almost a quarter of a century. The image created by the actor was preserved in the 1983 video play. Now in the main male role Dmitry Pevtsov. At the request of Mark Zakharov, Andrei Voznesensky changed the final line: “Children of the twenty-first century! Your new age has begun.

Other scenes

"Juno and Avos" stepped from the stage of the Moscow theater to the St. Petersburg theater "Rock Opera". Alexei Rybnikov noted that Singing Guitars more accurately embodied the idea of ​​the creators, retaining the original genre of the mystery opera. Posters in Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Korean and many other languages ​​told about the love of the girl and the commander. And in 2009, the author's version of the play by the Alexei Rybnikov Theater was released in France. There the main emphasis falls on the musical parts.

"Juno and Avos" is the most famous and still popular Russian rock opera. The premiere of the performance took place in 1981 at the Lenin Komsomol Moscow Theater, on the stage of which it is still being performed.


The author of the music for the performance is A. L. Rybnikov. He was born in Moscow on July 17, 1945. His parents were people creative professions: mother is an artist-designer, and father is a violinist. Alexei Lvovich started writing music at the age of 8. His first compositions were pieces for the piano, and at the age of 11 he wrote the ballet Puss in Boots. A. L. Rybnikov graduated from the conservatory in composition, his teacher was Aram Khachaturian.

In addition to the work “Juno and Avos”, Alexey Lvovich wrote another legendary rock opera - “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta”. He is the author of music for the mystery "Liturgy of the Catechumens", for the musical drama "Maestro Massimo", for the modern opera "War and Peace", for such films as: "Treasure Island", "The Same Munchausen", "The Tale of star boy", "Andersen - Life without love", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Brothers Karamazov", etc., as well as to the cartoons: "The Wolf and the Seven Kids on new way", "black hen", the Moomin-Troll series, etc. In addition, A. L. Rybnikov writes symphonic, chamber and choral music. And there is no doubt that conferring on him the title People's Artist in 1999, quite rightly so.


by the most famous work composer A. L. Rybnikov was and remains the rock opera "Juno and Avos". A summary of the performance will be presented in this article. At the heart of the plot poem of the same name written by Andrey Voznesensky. It introduces us to a true story that happened at the beginning of the 19th century. Russian statesman Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1806 undertook a trip to California, where he met with Conchita, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco.

So, "Juno and Avos" ( summary opera will be described in detail later) is a story about how Nikolai Rezanov, as part of the expedition he led, stops in California on his way to Alaska. At the ball, he meets sixteen-year-old Conchita, who falls in love with him. After becoming engaged to her, Nikolai Rezanov is forced to continue the expedition and leave his bride in California. On the way to St. Petersburg, where he was going to apply for permission to marry Conchita, since she is a Catholic, Nikolai Petrovich falls ill and dies. Conchita waited for him for many years and did not believe that he had died, and having received confirmation of his death, she took the veil as a nun and took a vow of silence.


The rock opera "Juno and Avos" (the summary goes "toe-to-toe" with the work itself) begins with a prologue. Nikolai Petrovich prays, invoking the Lord and the Motherland. After that, a prophet enters the stage, who predicts to Russia that the difficult year of 1812 is coming soon.

The first act of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

The summary of the first part is as follows: after the funeral service in the church of his wife, Rezanov petitions Count Rumyantsev to support his project - the first round-the-world trip in Russian history, which he intends to lead in order to establish friendly relations with America, which promises Russia great benefits . Having received approval from Rumyantsev, N.P. Rezanov sets off on a voyage.

Second act

Rock opera "Juno and Avos" summary (second part) tells about what happens to the heroes already in America. The scene begins with the fact that Nikolai Petrovich writes a letter to A. N. Rumyantsev about the state in which his expedition arrived at the shores of California, and how they were met locals. Next, the action is transferred to the ballroom. Here N.P. Rezanov met Conchita, in honor of whose 16th birthday a ball was given. Nikolai Petrovich presents a gift to the commandant's daughter - a golden diadem from the collection of Empress Catherine. After the ball, Rezanov enters Conchita's bedroom and seduces her. The girl falls in love with him, and he feels only remorse. At confession, the girl tells everything to her confessor, about which he informs her father, who insists on the engagement in order to hide the dishonor of his daughter. Rezanov and Conchita get engaged, after which he sails away, but he is not destined to return to her. For thirty years, Conchita waited for the return of N.P. Rezanov, not believing the rumors about his death.

show place: Moscow state theater"Lenkom"
staging: Mark Zakharov, directing: Dmitry Pevtsov, Viktor Rakov
composer: Alexey Rybnikov, poetry: Andrei Voznesensky
actors: Dmitry Pevtsov, Alexandra Volkova, Kirill Petrov

photo: portrait of Count Rezanov by an unknown artist.

The longest-running theater performances in Moscow

Particularly successful performances can be staged in the theater for decades, it happens that the same performance is staged for over 30 years in a row, almost completely replacing cast.

The most long-running performances of modern theatrical Moscow are "Juno and Avos" theater "Lenkom"(premiere - 1981) and "Master and Margarita" "Theatre on Taganka" (premiere - 1977).

The history of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

For your time "Juno and Avos" was an unusually progressive production. Firstly, this is a rock opera, and in those days there was such a negative attitude towards rock that under the name "Juno and Avos"“modern opera” was written, it was impossible to write “rock opera”. Secondly, the music "Juno and Avos" includes musical improvisations on themes Orthodox chants, the Madonna and Child appears on the stage. After the premiere of the performance, the Western press called it anti-Soviet, and for 2 years censorship did not let a stereo record with an audio recording pass. "Juno and Avos".

"Juno and Avos" in Lenkom in its first composition: Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina, Alexander Abdulov, aria “White Rosehip”

For more than 30 years of productions, the cast has changed almost completely: only artist-vocalist Alexander Sado performs in "Junone and Avos" one of the main parties for over 30 years, since the premiere of the play.

Plot "Juno and Avos" based on real events - about the expedition of Count Rezanov to California, his affair with the daughter of the Governor of California Conchita and sudden death.

For the modern audience, the performance "Lenkom" not dynamic enough - especially his first act, which consists of a set of stage pictures: Count Rezanov's wife dies, he invites the authorities to improve relations with North America, the authorities accept the proposal after some time, Rezanov “appears” - the Madonna and Child, 2 ships sail to the coast of California under the leadership of Count Rezanov - “Juno” and “Avos”, - all this to the accompaniment of improvisations on the themes of Orthodox chants. At the same time, the viewer does not feel at all involved in what is happening, which, undoubtedly, is main disadvantage. As a result, the first act of the performance turns out to be somewhat boring, and because of the accompaniment - even dreary.

Second act "Juno and Avos" more “alive” and dynamic - love, jealousy, despair, duel - the intensity of passions grows, and the viewer begins to feel what is happening on the stage as a participant in the events.

romance "I will never forget you": Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina ("Juno and Avos", Lenkom)

AT modern version performance "Juno and Avos" in "Lenkom" The choreography is very original: the duel of Count Rezanov and Fernando is shown without a sword fight, but with the help of original dance and plasticity.

Actors playing the main roles in "Juno and Avos" in "Lenkom":

Nikolai Rezanov - Dmitry Pevtsov / Viktor Rakov;

Conchitta - Alexandra Volkova / Anna Zaikova;

Fernando - Stanislav Ryadinsky / Kirill Petrov

Their sad love story ended more than two centuries ago, but thanks to heartfelt poetry set to beautiful music, this story seems to live forever.

For more than 30 years, the phenomenal rock opera "Juno and Avos" continues to excite the hearts, immersing the audience in romantic world two lovers: Count Rezanov and young Conchita. Their sad love story ended more than two centuries ago, but thanks to heartfelt poetry set to beautiful music, this story seems to live forever.


At the core contemporary opera"Juno and Avos" lie real events that took place in the 18th century. In St. Petersburg, a son, Nikolai, was born into the impoverished noble family of the Rezanovs. The boy got good home education and showed brilliant abilities to the study of languages. In addition, by the age of 14 he had grown handsome beyond his years and was able to enter military service into the artillery. In a fairly short time, an ambitious and purposeful young man changed several positions and rose to the rank of the ruler of the office under the secretary of Catherine II, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Portrait of Count Nikolai Rezanov, correspondent of the Russian-American Trading Company, by an unknown artist.

However, the appearance of the young tall handsome Rezanov at the court aroused fears among the new favorite of the Empress, Count Zubov. The latter, having decided to remove a potential rival from the road, ordered Nikolai to be sent to Irkutsk. In the province, Rezanov was supposed to inspect trading activity merchant and traveler Grigory Shelikhov, known as Russian Columbus. He became the founder of the first Russian settlements in America, it was with the help of Shelikhov that Alaska became part of the Russian Empire under Catherine II. From that moment on, Rezanov's fate was forever connected with Russian America. He married Shelikhov's daughter, the young Anna, both of whom greatly benefited from this marriage. Shelikhov strengthened his position at court, his daughter received title of nobility and all the privileges associated with it, and Nikolai became a co-owner of a huge capital. By order of Paul I, who succeeded the Empress, a single Russian-American company was created on the basis of Shelikhov's trading company and the companies of other Siberian merchants. (CRAYFISH ). Of course, Rezanov became its authorized representative, who did his best to merge the companies into one powerful organization. At the new post, Rezanov petitioned the emperor to establish sea communication with Russian settlers in America. Due to the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received food expired and already unfit for consumption. By 1802 a plan was drawn up world travel, whose goals were to inspect Russian settlements in Alaska and establish ties with Japan. However, preparations for the expedition for the count were overshadowed by the death of his wife. Anna died 12 days after the birth of their second child. The inconsolable widower was about to retire and devote himself to raising children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. He appointed Rezanov as envoy to Japan and leader of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. In 1803, the count set off on the two ships Nadezhda and Neva.

The brainchild of geniuses

The Land of the Rising Sun kept the diplomat on its soil for six months and eventually refused to do business with Russia. After the failed mission, Rezanov continued on his way to Alaska. Arriving at the place, he was amazed: the settlers lived on the verge of starvation, in devastation, scurvy "thrived". Seeing the confusion of the ruler of Russian America Baranov, Rezanov at his own expense purchased the frigate "Juno" from a visiting merchant with a cargo of food. However, it was clear that these products would not last long. Then the count ordered the construction of another ship - the Avos tender. For provisions, he decided to go to the rich and prosperous fort of San Francisco in California, and at the same time establish trade relations with the Spaniards, who ruled this part of America. Starting from this journey, the action of the famous rock opera "Juno and Avos" unfolds, although at first there was only "Avos". The poet Andrei Voznesensky wrote the poem "Perhaps!" Based on the travel diary of Rezanov and the notes of J. Lensen, he had a very high opinion of the Russian count. The poem told sad story love of 42-year-old Rezanov and 15-year-old Spaniard Conchita, a girl whom Nikolai met on the California coast.

Anna Bolshova as Conchita and Dmitry Pevtsov as Nikolai Rezanov on the stage of the Lenkom Theater in the rock opera Juno and Avos

When director Mark Zakharov turned to Voznesensky with a request to write a libretto for the plot of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, the poet was not at a loss and suggested that his poem be used as the basis for the performance instead. The director agreed, and invited Alexei Rybnikov as a composer. Thus, thanks to the initiative of three geniuses, one of the most poignant musical performances XX century, which became a sensation both in the USSR and abroad. The premiere of the rock opera took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Lenkom Theatre. Those who were lucky enough to participate in the production of a rock opera later admitted that the performance owed its stunning success to love. Every syllable and every note of the work is saturated with an atmosphere of love and inspiration, and even with the replacement of familiar and beloved actors, the opera does not lose its charm. Nevertheless, it is customary to consider the version of the performance with Nikolai Karachentsev and Elena Shanina, the first Rezanov and Conchita, to be canonical. "I will never forget you" The events described in the rock opera are romantic, and the main characters are full of love and self-sacrifice. reality from fiction different, but, oddly enough, not much. When the Juno and Avos arrived in California in 1806, the Spaniards greeted the Russians unfriendly and refused to sell anything to them. However, quite soon the governor of San Francisco, José de Arguello, succumbed to the diplomatic gift of persuasion and the charm of Rezanov, especially since the young daughter of the governor, the beautiful Maria dela Concepción, or, simply, Conchita, fell in love with the count. Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he did not lose his attractiveness, in addition, he was famous, rich and revolved in the highest circles of society. Contemporaries claimed that in Conchita's desire to marry a Russian count there was as much love as calculation, she allegedly dreamed of luxurious life at the court in St. Petersburg, but subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings for Rezanov. The Earl stayed in San Francisco for only six weeks, but during this time he managed to successfully fulfill his mission and even more: he obtained provisions for the starving people from Alaska, enlisted the support of the Spanish governor and became engaged to Conchita. At first, Jose de Arguello did not want to marry his daughter to a Russian count. Parents took the girl to confession and urged her to abandon such an unexpected marriage, but Conchita was adamant. Then they only had to give their blessing to the engagement, but the final decision on the issue of marriage was with the Roman throne.

"Portrait of Conchita" brushes American artist of Russian origin Anatolia Sokolova and actress Elena Shanina, who played the role of Conchita in the first production of the play "Juno and Avos"

On the way to happiness, lovers have an obstacle. Rezanov was Orthodox, Conchita was Catholic. In order to semi To obtain a marriage license, Nicholas had to submit a petition to Emperor Alexander I to intercede for them before the Pope. Taking a promise from Conchita that she would

will have to wait for him for two years, while he will fuss about permission, Rezanov, with ships filled with fresh cargo, went to Alaska, and then to the emperor in Petersburg. However, the harsh Russian winter and the long journey through Siberia undermined the strength of the diplomat. Due to a severe cold, Rezanov lay unconscious and feverish for almost two weeks. In a serious condition, he was brought to Krasnoyarsk, where he died on March 1, 1807. When news of the count's death reached Conchita, she did not believe him. True to her promise, she waited for Rezanov and for a year every morning came to a high cape, from where she peered into the ocean. Over the following years to beautiful girl wooed best suitors California, but each time received the same refusal. Conchita remained faithful to the deceased count and saw her destiny in charity and teaching the Indians, in her homeland they began to call her La Beata - the Blessed One. After 35 years, Maria Concepción entered the third Order of the White Clergy, and after another 10 years she took the monastic order. She died at the age of 67, next to her grave in the cemetery of St. Dominic, a stele was erected in memory of her fidelity and love. Thanks to the world-famous rock opera, a symbolic reunion of unfortunate lovers took place. In 2000, the sheriff of the city where Conchita was buried brought a handful of earth from the grave of a Spaniard and scattered it over the burial site of Rezanov in Krasnoyarsk. A monument was erected on the grave of the count, where the lines from the famous romance are depicted: "I will never see you, I will never forget you."


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