Windows does not see the RAM what to do. The computer does not see the RAM: possible causes, diagnostics, instructions and tips to fix the problem

As you know, Windows x32 does not see more than 3.25 GB of RAM. If you have installed in Win 7 x32, for example, 8 GB, then it will determine only 3.25.

This is resolved in 64-bit versions of operating systems; put 8 GB or 32 GB, the system will see them and use them.

But it happens that even x64 OS does not recognize more than 3.25 GB, just like on x32. What to do? How to make Windows x64 see all memory? There are several ways to solve this issue, but we will look at one that usually always helps.

First, let's make sure that the system does not see all the RAM. To do this, click on the label "Computer" with the right mouse button -\u003e "Properties". It is very likely that we will see the following:

It means that Windows does not see all the RAM installed on the computer. Despite the fact that the motherboard has 4 GB of memory, the system sees only 3.25 GB.

We carry out the following manipulation:

  • We type msconfig through "Start" -> "Search programs and files". We get into the "System Configuration".

  • go to the "Download" tab and click on the "Advanced options" button.

  • uncheck "Maximum memory" in the window that opens.

  • We restart the computer.

Let me remind you once again that this article is only about the x64 OS.

Needless to say, the more RAM in a computer or laptop, the better. We need it all the time for the correct and fast operation of programs, games, videos. Therefore, our task is to make the computer use the hardware in full.

Sometimes Comodo antivirus does not update the antivirus database. How to deal with it.

You can determine how much RAM your computer uses with a small program called Wise Memory Optimizer (does not require installation). It not only shows this parameter, but also can optimize RAM in one click.

Read how to remove the second Windows from boot.

5 reviews so far...

Novel writes:

I checked my data, everything is fine. Thanks for the info, now I know what to check. I liked this post, tweet from me and +1

admin replied:
December 2nd, 2014 at 04:28 pm

@Roman, thanks) I have a return visit!

Alexander writes:

Hello! I had a problem: Windows 10 PRO 64bit, 16 gigs of RAM (2 * 8) were installed, I decided to add the same amount, but Windows did not see them, it sees only 16 gigs and that's it. I unchecked the box as described above and the computer stopped starting at all. Why Windows does not see the entire RAM?

admin replied:
April 18th, 2016 at 09:41 pm

@Alexander, the computer does not start at all? I had no business with Win 10, but following the logic of other win family wasps, you can try to enter the BIOS at the very beginning of the computer boot. Go in and see if the system board sees the RAM sticks or not. Look also in the passport of the motherboard what is the limit of the installed RAM.

admin replied:
April 18th, 2016 at 09:44 pm

@Alexander, try also, since you can’t do without a tambourine, restore, at least the original state of the computer. Remove the added (new) memory sticks from the motherboard slots, leaving the ones that were there before. After that, start the computer in safe mode.

Some users continue to ask why they have, for example, 8 GB of RAM, but the system sees only 4 GB, and maybe even less. The answer to the question is very simple - this happens only with 32-bit systems. Whether you have Windows XP, Windows 7 or the current "ten", but with a 32-bit architecture, it will not see more than 4 GB.

Even less available RAM can be seen when viewing system properties, why is this happening? The answer is simple, part of the so-called address space goes to servicing connected peripherals. The video card turned out to be the most consumer. Although some devices do not even use the RAM. The amount of address space depends on the chipset and other parameters, such as BIOS, computer configuration.

The system does not see part of the RAM

The only way to get rid of this problem is to reinstall the OS to the 64-bit version. Then more than 4 GB will be available to you.

There is also one feature of the system. Press Win + R and enter the command msconfig. Next, the System Configuration window opens. Go to the "Download" tab and click on the "Advanced options" button there.

Uncheck the item "Maximum Memory".

Solution number number 2

It happens that devices take part of the memory to the computer configuration, but not very much. Therefore, you should not worry about this.

Another option is to make sure which one is supported by the motherboard. But this applies more to older technologies.

You also need to enable the function in the BIOS Memory Remap Feature(also named: Memory Hole Remapping, H/W Mem Remap and H/W memory hole Remapping). After that, we install a 64-bit system. Sometimes these options are already enabled automatically on modern boards, so you can only make sure.

If you actually have less than 4 GB of RAM on a 64-bit system, then the Memory Remap Feature parameter must be disabled anyway. Not only can the available volume become even smaller because of this, but also some devices will freeze, which especially affects the modeling and gameplay.

It happens that the BIOS does not see the required amount of RAM, then it should be updated. This is a risky business and should be approached carefully and carefully. You can always find the update instructions on the official website of the motherboard.

More materials:

If the installed modules are detected in the BIOS, but not in Windows, then you should check the manual for the motherboard. It usually says about connecting specific RAM modules, for example, which mode is better - single-channel or dual-channel. On the official website, you can find out about the models that may suit you and the connection option.

If the system does not see the RAM, then this may be due to an incorrectly set power value, as well as due to faulty modules. Moreover, if one of the bars fails, then the system may not start at all, then you need to get rid of it.

Summing up

So, we figured out why the computer does not see the RAM, as well as some specific amount of it. I’ll write down the points on what needs to be done if this happens:

  1. Reinstall OS to 64-bit version;
  2. In the System Configuration, uncheck the box "Maximum memory";
  3. Check the maximum amount of RAM on the motherboard;
  4. Check the health of the RAM modules;
  5. Rearrange the RAM sticks in places;
  6. - instructions on the official websites of motherboards;

You can also clean your computer from dust and dirt. Wipe the contacts on the RAM modules, and clean the slots. Hope this article helps you!

The fact that the operating system does not see the RAM can be influenced by several reasons. The visible amount of RAM also depends on the OS version.

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RAM becomes the cause of many troubles in the computer. For example, its quantity is one of the key factors that determine the possibility and stability of games and various programs. Over time, a small amount of RAM leads to the fact that we need to change or add additional modules.

But what if the computer does not see the RAM?

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Such problems happen with both the main and add-on boards. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons for this, and we will talk about them today.

RAM and operating system

It is important to know that in terms of bit depth, Windows operating systems are divided into two main types.

As a rule, 32-bit Windows OS is installed on most of our computers.

This is the first reason why the computer does not see the RAM. Please note that this type of software is designed to work with RAM, with a total capacity of about 4 GB. The OS simply does not notice the rest of the memory, regardless of how many modules are installed on the PC and what their total volume is.

The solution to this problem is to install the 64-bit version of Windows if the PC processor can work with it (which most modern chips are capable of).

You can get information about the OS version in two main ways:

If you have a 64-bit OS installed, and the computer still does not see the RAM, then the reason lies in a different plane.

Limiting the amount of RAM by the operating system

When developing Windows operating systems, Microsoft provided for certain limits of RAM that can be used by a particular OS. Let's consider the values ​​using the example of various versions of Windows 7. Let's make a reservation right away that 64-bit versions are considered (with the exception of "Win 7 Initial", where there is none).

  • Initial - 2 GB;
  • Home Basic - 8 GB;
  • Home Extended - 16 GB;
  • Professional - 192 GB;
  • Corporate - 192 GB;
  • Maximum - 192 GB;

A similar picture is observed in Win 8, although the thresholds are much higher there.

  • Basic - 128 GB;
  • Corporate - 512 GB;
  • Professional - 512 GB.

Such restrictions are quite normal, because cheaper versions of software always have more modest potential.

Therefore, if your computer does not see the RAM, be sure to check the version of your OS.

Memory consumption for components

Almost every part of the computer requires a certain amount of RAM to work correctly. In particular, the integrated graphics card always uses it, unless the PC uses its discrete alternative. And there are a lot of such PC components, each of which selects at least a small piece of RAM for itself.

You can check this guess through the "System" menu in the control panel.

It specifies two values ​​of the RAM:

  1. Total (first digit);
  2. Available (number in brackets).

In this case, it will not be difficult to calculate the RAM consumption. A simple mathematical operation with the subtraction of the available value from the total. The difference between them is the actual consumption of the internal devices of the PC and the system.

Motherboard size limitation

Not only the operating system can limit the amount of RAM, but also one of the components from which users least expect such a catch - the motherboard. It can have up to six slots for installing cards, but there is no guarantee that they will all work at once.

In this case, the same principle applies as the OS. The functionality of cheaper components is limited to sales of expensive products.

If your computer does not see the RAM, but the software can work with the installed amount, you need to go into the BIOS of the motherboard and see if there is a limit. As a rule, you can see information about the available RAM immediately after entering this menu.

If the BIOS displays the installed amount of RAM, but the OS still does not see it, then the problem lies somewhere in the software plane.

Incorrect RAM installation

Despite the apparent ease of installation, the RAM module can also be installed incorrectly. If the amount of RAM is not displayed either in the OS or in the BIOS, then the problem lies directly in the board. In this case, you need to carefully disassemble the PC and check the correct installation of the device.

One way to increase the speed of your computer is to increase the amount of RAM. This method is available not only on a desktop computer, but also on a laptop and is considered one of the easiest to upgrade hardware. But sometimes situations arise when you add RAM to your computer, and windows shows that it is not available to it. In this article, I will show with my own example what could be the reason that windows does not see all the installed RAM.

Once I had to assemble a computer for my friends. I rarely do this, but since I am a "computer", I also have to deal with the repair of computer furniture :) In general, I used the following components for assembly:

Motherboard ASUS M5A97 R2.0;

Processor AMD FX-8350 Black Edition, OEM;

RAM DIMM DDR3, 8GB (2x4GB), Kingston HyperX FURY blue;

Cooler Zalman CNPS10X Performa.

After I collected everything, I did not see another 4 GB of RAM in Bios, i.e. instead of 8, there was 4GB. Digging through the settings, I saw that the motherboard "sees" both memory sticks, but for some reason its final value was 4GB. Installing windows did not bring any clarity, but even more confused. In particular, in the properties of computers was "Installed memory (RAM): 8 GB (3.90 GB available)".

After looking in the resource monitor, I finally reached a dead end, 4 GB was occupied by "Reserved Hardware".

I began to figure out step by step how to solve this problem and I will describe all my thoughts and actions step by step from the simplest and most obvious way to dancing with a tambourine. It should be noted that if in your case, the BIOS does not "see" part or all of the RAM, then of all the ways, pay more attention to setting up the BIOS and hardware. If the entire amount of RAM is available in BIOS, but not in windows, in this case, among all the methods listed below, select only those that relate to windows settings.

Check the bitness of the operating system.

First of all, in the properties of the system, look at the bit depth of the operating system. Do not forget that 32-bit windows systems have a limit of 4 GB of RAM and at least put 16 GB, the computer will not see them (there are workarounds, but this is not about that now and they do not always work correctly).

If you want to use more than 4 GB of RAM, you must reinstall the system to 64-bit.

Your version of windows has a RAM limit.

Each version of windows has its own limit of RAM with which it can work, for example:

The maximum amount of RAM available on windows 7

Therefore, first of all, check the installed version of windows.

Check your motherboard limits.

Each motherboard has limitations in the amount of perceived RAM. Older ones are able to see a maximum of 4 GB of memory, others 16 GB, there are already those that can work with 32 GB or more. Therefore, in the documentation for the motherboard or on the official website of the manufacturer, look at its capabilities. Also note that the motherboard would support the frequency of your RAM.

Make sure there are no restrictions when loading windows.

There are cases when restrictions are set when loading windows, so part of the RAM may not be available. To check this, press the key combination "Win" + "R", in the line enter "msconfig".

Then open the "Download" tab, click the "Advanced Options" button.

In the window that opens, make sure that the box next to the line "Maximum memory" is not checked.

You can try to write in this field the amount of RAM you are using. In my case, this did not help, after I restarted the computer, the checkmark remained, and the value became 0.

Make sure the memory is working.

There are times when the RAM is out of order or you have acquired a marriage, so check its performance. Attention!!! All manipulations with the RAM sticks should be done with the computer turned off. Take out all the memory sticks and turn on one at a time in the same port, after changing each stick, turn on the computer and in BIOS or in windows make sure that the computer sees this memory stick. Or, on another working computer, check each bar or all together.

Shuffling RAM sticks.

For the dual-channel operation of RAM sticks, it is recommended to use the same manufacturer and even the same model, and of course the volume itself. If you are using different manufacturers, then you can experimentally change the connector, connect the brackets and determine the sequence in which the computer sees all your RAM.

BIOS update.

It is also important what version of BIOS is used on the motherboard. Very often updating the BIOS leads to the solution of related problems, including the ability to "see" the RAM. Here is an example of how to update the firmware on an ASUS motherboard.

In my case, unfortunately, even this method did not help, although for some reason I was sure that it would help.

Reset BIOS settings.

Another not unimportant moment is resetting the settings to the factory settings in the BIOS. Someone can say that he never changed anything there and why is there something to dump. In fact, I know cases where resetting to factory settings really solves problems for which the solution is not obvious. In order to reset the settings, press the "Exit" button in the BIOS and select "Load default settings" in the menu that appears, or remove the battery on the motherboard for a few seconds and put it back.

Cleaning the computer and checking connections.

Another effective way to make your computer see all the RAM is to clean the RAM sticks and ports from dust. Also, do not forget to clean the processor, pull it out of the socket, check if the legs are bent. Many will say that this method is the most inefficient, especially those who assemble a new computer, such as me :) But it helped me. It turned out that either I inserted the processor incorrectly (although I can’t imagine how it can be inserted incorrectly without breaking several legs), or I overdid it in tightening the bolts holding the cooler (I consider this version more like the truth), or the computer decided I don't know if I'd give him a few more hours. But only after I removed the cooler, pulled out and put the processor back in, and installed it without tightening the cooler bolts too much, everything worked and the BIOS, and with it, windows saw the entire amount of RAM.

I really hope that this article will help you in solving problems related to RAM and you will spend less time fixing it. I would be grateful if you share your way of solving the problem related to RAM in a comment.

Why is not all RAM visible?

Increasing RAM is one of the goals that many PC users strive for. But sometimes, after installing an additional memory bar, they may be disappointed, since the computer does not see all the RAM. Why is not all the RAM visible in windows 7, 8 and 10, we will consider further.

There may be several reasons why the computer may not see all the RAM. For example, a 32-bit Windows operating system is installed on a computer. She will never see more than 3 GB of RAM, as she is physically unable to do so. This problem is fixed by installing a 64-bit operating system.

There may be a situation when the system shows that there is really as much memory installed as it should be, but there is less than a few hundred megabytes available. This is also easy to explain, since most likely the computer or laptop has a built-in video card, for which part of the memory is reserved.

In windows, the "Maximum Memory" option may be selected, which will prevent it from using all the available memory. You can check this in the system configuration. We launch the "Run" panel with the key combination "Win + R", enter the name of the utility "msconfig" and run it. In the "System Configuration" window, go to the "Boot" tab, click the "Advanced options ..." button, and uncheck the box next to "Maximum memory", if it is checked. After that, we restart the computer.

Sometimes the problem is related directly to the hardware, but this mainly affects older motherboards. In such motherboards, more than 4 GB of RAM may not be visible. The first step is to look at the information about the motherboard and find out what is the maximum amount of memory it supports. The next step is to go into the BIOS, find one of the possible following options "Memory Remapping, DRAM Over 4G Remapping, H / W DRAM Over 4GB Remapping, H / W Memory Hole Remapping, Hardware Memory Hole, Memory Hole Remapping, Memory Remap Feature", and set it to "Enabled". If none of the listed options is present, you can try updating the BIOS. Well, if the manufacturer has not implemented this option, only replacing the motherboard will help.

The last solution to the problem has no explanation, but sometimes helps. If the motherboard is new and should support the installed amount of memory, you can try different options for installing memory sticks in different slots. It is quite possible that after the next rearrangement of the memory strips, the system will see them all at once.

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windows does not see all RAM

The number of questions related to the problem of system visibility of the entire amount of RAM does not decrease over time. It is worth noting that even users of 64-bit windows also face this problem.

Let's try to figure out why, for example, the 32-bit version of the OS sees only 3 GB instead of 4 GB, and the 64-bit version sees 7 GB out of the installed 8 GB.

32 bits

In principle, 32-bit systems should have no problem accessing physical memory up to 4 GB. But in practice, things look a little different. Such versions of windows are not able to fully use the amount of RAM, since a certain part of the addresses is allocated for the needs of computer devices.

Usually, the standard padding starts from position zero, and addresses for devices are allocated in the fourth gigabyte. As long as the amount of RAM used is within 3 GB, no conflicts are observed. When this volume is exceeded, there is a situation of combining RAM cells with cells that are allocated for devices, for example, a graphics adapter. In order to avoid conflicts in this case, the OS refuses to use the part of RAM where device addresses overlap.

64 bits

Since 64-bit windows systems are designed to work with up to 192 GB of RAM, it seems that there should certainly not be any problems here. Usually they are not, but there are certain situations when you still have to deal with the fact that the system does not see the entire amount of RAM.

Firstly, special equipment is not provided for systems of this type, that is, any PC device is designed for both 32 bits and 64 bits. And this suggests that memory cells are allotted for devices within the same four gigabytes. If your motherboard is not capable of forwarding, or if this feature is disabled in the settings, then the memory limits on a 64-bit system will be the same as on a 32-bit one.

Of course, the occurrence of such a situation is possible mainly on older machines. Although it should be noted that new PCs may also differ in a feature in the form of not wiring additional address lines, which prevents access to the redirected memory. For example, in this situation, setting the amount to 8 GB will only allow access to 7 GB of memory. This may be due to the fact that only 33 address lines are wired on the motherboard.

In addition, redirection is related to settings in the msconfig program that regulate the upper limit of memory addresses. If this setting is set to 4096 MB, then redirection to the fifth gigabyte will not be possible and the actual amount of memory will be reduced to 3 GB. To avoid this, disable this setting if you have it enabled:

  • enter the name of the program in the search box of your windows - msconfig, which will allow you to access it;
  • open the "Download" tab and select "Advanced options", and in it uncheck the box "Maximum memory".

Why else does windows not see the RAM in full?

  1. There is a limitation depending on windows editions. For example, starting windows 7 only supports 2 GB in both 32-bit and 64-bit.
  2. The problem may be in the old BIOS version. An outdated version will not allow access to the entire physical amount of memory.
  3. There may be problems with installing the memory bar in the slot. To solve this problem, turn off the computer and if you have two sticks of memory, then swap them, which will allow you to identify the problem.

How to find out the amount of available and installed memory in windows 7?

  1. Activate the "Start" button and right-click on the "Computer" item, where you should select the "Properties" line.
  2. In the window that opens, you will see a line with the total amount of RAM, and in brackets - available.

windows does not see all the RAM.

Installing RAM RAM is that you need to insert the RAM modules into the slot.

Start the computer and everything should work.

In fact, there are various problems in which the RAM is not fully defined.

This problem can be either software or hardware.

In this article, we will analyze the more common causes of these situations when windows does not see all the memory.

The first and most basic reason is bit windows, that is, 32 bit OSes can use a maximum of 4GB of memory.

And then 3.75 GB will be displayed most rarely 3.25 GB.

If more than 4 GB of memory is installed, then you need to install a 64-bit Operating system.

To determine which operating system you have installed, right-click on my computer and select properties.

Amount of memory in propertiesAmount of memory in properties

1) We see the installed memory (RAM) this amount of installed memory can also be indicated in brackets indicating how much can be used.

2) Also, just below the type of system, we see how much the bit operating system is.

It is also worth mentioning the versions of Windows that have a limit on the maximum amount of memory.

Since windows 7 Starter exists only in 32 bit version and has a limit of 2 GB and not 4 GB.

windows 7 Home Basic has an 8 GB limit in 64-bit and 4 GB in 32

I present to you a table of the maximum amount of memory used by the operating system.

Maximum available RAM in windows 8

Version X86 X64
windows 10 Home 4 GB 128GB
windows 10 pro 4 GB 512GB
windows 8 enterprise 4 GB 512GB
windows 8 Professional 4 GB 512GB
windows 8 4 GB 128GB
windows 7 Ultimate 4 GB 192GB
windows 7 enterprise 4 GB 192GB
windows 7 professional 4 GB 192GB
windows 7 home premium 4 GB 16 GB
windows 7 home basic 4 GB 8GB
windows 7 starter 2GB Does not exist

From the above table, it can be seen that all 32-bit operating systems see a maximum of 4 GB. Also refer to windows xp,

Windows vista has the same volumes as windows 7

Also, memory can be allocated for the operation of the built-in video card.

Amount of memory occupied by the integrated video card Amount of memory occupied by the integrated video card

This can also be seen in the system properties, this is the difference between installed and available (which is in brackets).

Motherboards also have a limit on the RAM installed in it.

This means that if all installed modules are installed on the motherboard.

At the same time, it turned on, which does not mean that it can work with all this memory.

Before buying additional RAM, you first need to find out the maximum capabilities of the motherboard.

This information can be found on the official website of the motherboard manufacturer.

You can also check to go into bios and see how much RAM is determined.

We enter bios with the del key when the OS starts.

If everything is determined in bios, then we are looking for a problem in windows.

If not, then we are looking for a problem in the motherboard or the memory modules themselves.

But again, I will make a reservation that you must first look at the specification of the motherboard.

In the event that the memory is not determined by the bios, and the amount of memory that you have inserted is declared by the manufacturer.

It is worth checking carefully to see if you installed it correctly.

I also advise you to clean the contacts with an eraser and check whether all the memory can be seen.

The picture below shows a problem from dust on which one plate does not work, the system sees it, and the memory is not used.

Cleaning with an eraser solved the problem that Windows does not see all the memory.

not all memory sees windowsne all memory sees windows

For simplicity of the test, insert 1 plate at a time and check which one is not detected.

when you find one die that works, then try to insert it into different slots. It's possible that the connector itself is damaged.

or also check through tests which of the modules is not working.

tests use Metest 86 or through the standard from windows.

Checking RAM MemTest+86

Also, the main reason may be the frequency of RAM, which is not supported by your motherboard.

see here markings and frequencies Characteristics of RAM.

And the whole world is not enough

What to do if windows does not see all the RAM?

This means that windows does not see all the RAM installed in the computer. Despite the fact that the motherboard has 4 GB of memory, the system sees only 3.25 GB.
We carry out the following manipulation:

Let me remind you once again that this article is only about the x64 OS.
Needless to say, the more RAM in a computer or laptop, the better. We need it all the time for the correct and fast operation of programs, games, videos. Therefore, our task is to make the computer use the hardware in full.
Sometimes Comodo antivirus does not update the antivirus database. How to deal with it, read here.

If you decide to upgrade your computer by adding some RAM to it, it may happen that after installing it, the system will display the amount of memory that was installed by you, but not all of it will be available, and this despite the fact that a 64-bit operating system is installed. system.

Just recently, I had to deal with a similar situation. In general, on a computer that had 2GB of RAM installed, one more bar had to be added with the same amount of memory.

As a result, after installation, the system saw all 4GB of RAM, but at the same time it was indicated in brackets that only 3GB was available. But, the most surprising thing was that Windows 7 x64 was installed on the computer, so there should not be any restrictions on RAM, as is usually the case on x32.

Having started to figure it out, over time I still found a solution that helped me return the memory to its place and I will gladly share it with you. Below in the article I will show what can be done if you see only 3 GB on Windows x64 instead of 4, 8 or 16 GB of RAM.

On a 64-bit system, instead of 4, only 3 GB of memory is available, what should I do?

Of course, the first thing I thought was that the whole thing was in the system, maybe some kind of crooked assembly was installed, but after reinstalling Windows from a licensed image, nothing has changed and only 3 GB of memory was available as before.

Based on this, we can assume that the problem is in the hardware or in the BIOS settings.

Once in the BIOS, I began to look in the settings for any parameters that are somehow related to RAM.

After spending about 15 minutes to enable and disable various options, as well as checking the results, I still found something that helped me.

This is a parameter called " Memory Remap Feature", just after I changed its value from " Disable" on the " enable”, in the system properties, the memory began to be displayed normally, that is, now all four gigabytes of RAM were available.

How to find this parameter? Below I will show an illustrative example where I managed to find this function. Of course, I understand that today there are quite a few different motherboards that have a different appearance. But, while I will focus on my example, well, then, if possible, I will add something new. I can recommend looking for it in the chipset settings, most often it is there.

So, we restart or turn on the computer and go into the BIOS, let me remind you that the standard keys for entering the BIOS " Del and F2", if nothing suits you.

Go to the tab " Advanced” and using the navigation arrows we go down to the section “ chipset" or maybe " Chipset Configurations».

The next step is to go to the " North Bridge Configuration". By the way, many may not have this item, if so, it's okay, we skip this step and move on.

When you reach the desired location, select the option " Memory Remap Feature", pressing "Enter", set the value " enable».

After, we confirm the selected value and restart the computer with saving all the changes made by pressing the F10 key.

If earlier on a 64-bit system you only saw 3 GB of RAM instead of 4, then now everything should change and after loading the computer, the system properties will show that all 4 (or more) gigs are used.

At least it helped me, so the advice has been tested in practice and that is why I recommend using it in the first place.

What else can be done if only three gigabytes of memory are available instead of four

With the "Memory Remap" function, everything is clear, but what to do for those who do not have it. Yes, it may be that you will not find this item at home, especially for laptop owners.

The fact is that this function can be sewn into the BIOS, even if there is no such parameter there. In such cases, of course, the most recent version is recommended. And only after that "Memory Remap" will begin to perform its functions.

Also in the BIOS, you can look for the parameter " memory hole» its value should be set to the position « disabled».

HPET Mode Another parameter that is recommended to be checked and set to " 64-bit».

We open through the window " Run».

Move to the tab "" and click on "".

And then remove the checkmark from the parameter "".

Apply the new settings and restart the computer.

Also, a certain amount of RAM can be used by the built-in video. For example, if your monitor cable is connected near the USB ports, then you are using the built-in video, therefore, for its full operation, a certain part of the total amount of RAM is taken away and transferred to the GPU, and that is why instead of 4 GB you can see that there is slightly less memory available , for example 3.5 GB. Here you have to measure yourself or purchase a discrete video card.

There is also information that even with a separately installed video card, the processor continues to take RAM for the needs of integrated video. In this case, you need to change the value of the processor graphics to the minimum or disable it completely by setting the BIOS value for integrated graphics to Disable (PCI or Auto). After the reboot, all the missing RAM should return to its place and be displayed in full.

And of course, there is a chance that instead of the installed amount of memory, you see much less due to the fact that your motherboard simply does not support, for example, more than 3 or 4 GB, but this is usually found on rather old motherboards .

As you understand, there can be a lot of reasons for displaying 4 GB of memory instead of 3 GB and each solution may be different. In this guide, I showed you what really helped me and what else you can try to get out of this situation. If anything, as always, I look forward to your comments, and together we will look for an answer to your question.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...