Types of quotes in the Word editor.

When writing texts, double quotes are often used. They can be found in the design of quotes, jargon, new or obsolete words, and more. Writing quotes by hand is not a hassle. If we are talking about printing the corresponding characters on the keyboard, some difficulties are not ruled out. Next, all possible scenarios will be presented. Even a schoolboy can put double quotes.

Keyboard - method 1

Is it possible to find double quotes on the keyboard? Yes, so the implementation of the task sometimes delivers a minimum of hassle.

The user will need to do the following:

  • Go to a text editor and place the cursor in the right place.
  • Set the layout to Russian.
  • Click on "Shift" and on the button 2. This is a control located above the alphabet.
  • The performed actions will lead to the printing of quotation marks - "herringbones". In some text editors, the method helps create double-quote commas.

    Keyboard - method 2

    How to put double quotes on the keyboard? The second approach is to use a specialized keypad button when typing English text.

    The algorithm of actions under such circumstances will be as follows:

  • Switch to typing in English.
  • Press the key combination Shift + E.
  • That's all. Now it’s clear how quickly and without any problems using the keyboard to put double quotes. These are not all possible scenarios. What else can be offered to users?

    Decimal codes

    For example, some prefer to work with a variety of numeric codes. With their help, users are able to insert any Windows characters.

    In order to achieve the desired result, you must:

  • Activate the "Nam Lok" mode on the computer. Without it, you can forget about the reception.
  • Hold down any "Alt" on the keyboard panel.
  • Dial the decimal code responsible for the appearance of a particular character. It's called an ASCII code. Possible combinations are shown below.
  • Look at the result of processing the operation.
  • As practice shows, this technique works with almost all possible characters. The main problem of using the method is finding out the alt-codes.

    Here are the combinations used for double quotes:

    • 0171 and 0187 - "Christmas trees";
    • 8222 and 8220 - commas (option 1);
    • 8223 and 8221 - commas (option 2);
    • 0034 - double universal.

    "Unicode" and character input

    The next scenario is to work with Unicode. When processing specialized codes, they will be converted into certain characters.

    How to make double quotes on keyboard? You can use hexadecimal character codes. For this you need:

  • Go to text editor.
  • Put the identifier-cursor in the place of the intended printing of the sign.
  • Type the Unicode responsible for the appearance of a particular character.
  • Hold Alt + H.
  • As already mentioned, the main problem is getting Unicode to process a particular request.

    By analogy with the previous list of codes, you can use the following "Unicodes":

  • 00AB and 00BB - Christmas trees;
  • 201E and 201C - commas (option 1);
  • 201F and 201D - commas (option 2);
  • 0022 - universal double.
  • This is a pretty attractive solution. Double quotes using "Unicode" are inserted into text documents in a few seconds. Only with this method, possible hands do not end.

    Word functions and symbols

    For example, you can give preference to the Word toolkit. The text editor has a separate list of special characters. It is proposed to find the sign of interest to us.

    The guidance for the application of the method has the following interpretation:

  • Go to Word and expand the menu item "Insert" at the top of the window.
  • Place the cursor on the line with the inscription "Symbol" and press the left mouse button.
  • Find quotes of one type or another in the menu that appears.
  • Double-click LMB when the cursor is on one or another sign thumbnail.
  • As soon as the last step is completed, the selected character will appear in the text. It can be double quotes or any other character. For example, ticks or the Greek alphabet.

    Alternative approach

    It's hard to believe, but that's not all. If desired, users can resort to an alternative solution to the problem. Double quotes are set using Windows services.

    To achieve the desired result, you need:

  • Find the Symbol Map service on your computer.
  • Open the corresponding menu.
  • Find the quotation marks in the window that appears and double-click on the corresponding field.
  • Click on the "Copy" button.
  • Now you can open a test document and insert one or another character into it. In our case, these are double quotes.

    That's all. This technique is not very common in practice, but it should not be forgotten. Usually, users who do not work in Word resort to it.

    How to put double quotes on the keyboard? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. We got acquainted with all the possible techniques that help solve the problem. Now everyone is able to choose the most favorable alignment for themselves.

    Everyone who worked in Word used quotes at least once, but not everyone knows that there are several types of them. By default, the text editor uses English "", but there are also German "" and French "". It is the latter type that is most often used in Russia, however, the program does not always print them by default. Is it possible in this case put French quotes in word?

    Change keyboard layout

    In the Russian layout, quotation marks-herringbones are used, in the English one double quotes are used. Thus, when writing some words, you will have to alternate layouts in order to maintain a single typographic style of the text.

    If, after pressing Shift + 2, the herringbone quotes do not appear, but some other character is printed instead, then the current layout is most likely different from the standard one. You can replace it by right-clicking on the icon on the dashboard and selecting properties.

    Setting AutoCorrect Options

    Often problems with writing quotation marks are related to changing Word settings. To return the original settings, go to the “Spell Check” tab and find the “AutoCorrect Options” item there. It is necessary to allow replacing single quotes with double quotes in the "AutoCorrect as you type" item. If this does not help, then you will have to insert them manually.

    Inserting symbols

    It's the only way how to put quotes in word if the first two didn't help. You can simply copy the necessary characters from a suitable document, but this is not very convenient, since the text from the clipboard is lost, it is easier to use special codes. It is necessary to hold down the Alt key, and at this time type 0171 or 0187 on the keyboard for opening and closing quotes, respectively. This works only when using the Num Pad, the buttons from the top block of the keyboard do not fit.

    You can also use the menu of special characters, which is located in the "Symbols" sub-item of the "Insert" menu. If there are no quotes in the quick menu, then you need to click “Additional characters”, and look for them in the category of punctuation marks. Doing this all the time is inconvenient, so it's best not to use this method to insert a large number of quotes, but if it is difficult to remember the codes, then they are quite suitable.

    There are several types of quotation marks: single, double and pair, or as they are also called "Christmas tree quotation marks". In the article, we will look at ways that will help you put the necessary quotes in the Word.

    First way

    Let's use the keyboard. Enable English keyboard layout. To insert single quotes, press the corresponding button on the keyboard, usually the letter E is located on the same button. To insert double quotes into the text, press Shift and the same button.

    Now turn on the Russian layout. You can quote the Christmas tree using the key combination Shift + 2, use 2, which is located on the top panel with numbers.

    If you put a Christmas tree quote and press the key combination Ctrl + Z , you will get double straight quotes.

    Second way

    Let's use the codes. To do this, hold down the Alt button, type the numbers that are located on the numeric keypad, and release Alt. After that, the desired type of quotes will immediately appear. Please note that the "NumLock" mode must be enabled. The first four digits are the opening quote, the second are the closing quotes.

    Single quotes: Alt, 0145 and 0146 - ‘ and ’.
    Double quotes: Alt, 0147 and 0148 - “ and ”.
    Double quotes: Alt, 0171 and 0187 - "and".

    Third way

    Let's use an insert. Go to the tab "Insert", click on the button "Symbol" and select from the menu "Other Symbols".

    In the next window, in the "Font" field, select from the drop-down menu "(plain text)", in the Dial field, select Punctuation. Here you will find different types of quotes. Click on the one you want and click "Insert".

    Also look in this window for the keyboard shortcut for a particular quote. We discussed this method above. If the field says "012Y, Alt + X" - type 012Y on the keyboard and press Alt + X (use Alt to the left of the space).

    Now you know how to insert single, double or herringbone quotes into a Word document.

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    Writing text is pretty easy. When a person writes by hand, he can easily draw any character in the document. Typing is a lot of work. Especially if the user needs to set special characters during printing. Next, we will try to figure out how to put quotation marks - "Christmas trees". This problem has several solutions. And each PC user will be able to choose the most suitable way for himself to bring his ideas to life.

    Keyboard and keys

    How to put quotation marks on the keyboard? There are various options for the development of events. The main thing is to choose how to act.

    The first and easiest way is to use the keyboard and its keys. Some of them have special characters. Therefore, individual characters are printed on the computer without problems.

    The instructions for bringing ideas to life have the following interpretation:

    1. Start typing text. Stop at the place where you want to put a "Christmas tree".
    2. Press Shift+2. In this case, the keyboard layout must be included in the set of Russian letters. The operation will print quotation marks facing left.
    3. Add the text enclosed in brackets and press "Shift" + 2 again. The quotes will close.

    That's all. This technique works fine in Word, in other text editors it is worked out every other time.

    Important: button 2 on the keyboard is located at the top, above the main alphabet.

    Special characters and their insertion

    How to put quotation marks - "Christmas trees"? The next scenario is perfect for Word. It involves using the options built into the application.

    The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

    1. Go to Word and open the "Insert" section.
    2. Move the cursor over the inscription "Symbol" and click on it with the left mouse button.
    3. Find "Christmas trees" in the proposed list.
    4. Double-click to select one or another character.

    Once the quotes have been inserted, you can exit the option. To do this, simply close the corresponding plate.

    "Character table" in Windows

    How to put quotation marks - "Christmas trees"? Another solution is to use a service called "Symbol Map". It can be found in all versions of Windows.

    To print the mentioned sign, you must perform the following manipulations:

    1. Go to "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Utilities". You can find the corresponding menu items in the "Start".
    2. Select the "Symbol Table" service from the list that appears.
    3. A small window will appear on the screen. In it, users will see a variety of symbols.
    4. Find Christmas trees. Double click on the corresponding thumbnail field.
    5. Copy by command Ctrl+C a character from the line "To copy".
    6. Insert a quotation mark into a text document. Let's say the Ctrl+V operation.
    7. Repeat the steps for the second parenthesis.

    Important: in the same way, you can copy and paste characters from the finished text into your documents. The difference is that the "Symbol Table" is easier to find.

    Codes and their processing

    How to put quotation marks-"herringbones" in Excel? You can use the previously proposed instructions, or you can resort to a simpler and more convenient method.

    It is about processing specialized codes. They are quite actively used by advanced users. The main thing is to know which combinations to dial in a particular case.

    To put Christmas trees in the text without problems, you must:

    1. Press "Alt" while typing.
    2. Type 0171 while holding down the Alt key. This technique will help open the brackets.
    3. Type code 0187 in the same way. The quotes will close.

    It is done. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. We figured out how to put Christmas trees in Excel and Word. But these are far from all scenarios.

    Unicode handling

    An unusual solution to this problem is to work with "Unicode". During the operation, a special code will be processed. It will be converted into one or another symbol in the future.

    The instruction for the implementation of the task has the following interpretation:

    1. Switch the keyboard layout to English.
    2. Write ab at the place where you want to open brackets.
    3. Press the key combination Alt+X.
    4. Type bb at the end of the quotes.
    5. Repeat step 3 of the guide.

    This technique works fine in Word, but it won't work for Excel. As practice shows, "Unicode" is perfectly processed without causing any errors and malfunctions.

    How to put quotation marks-"Christmas trees" in "Word"? The answer to this question will no longer make you think long! Users can use any of the above methods.

    The article brought to your attention describes the main ways to type quotes on the keyboard. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each of the methods, recommendations are given for their use in each specific case.

    Types of quotes

    First, let's figure out what quotes are. Conventionally, they are divided into two types: “paws” (their second name is “German”) and “herringbones” (they are also called “French”). In the first case, these are two commas located along the top border of the text. Most often they are used in manual writing of the text. The second option, called "herringbones", is pairwise grouped signs less (open the text) and more (close it). Use this option for professional text design in specialized applications such as brochures, books, or


    There are the following ways to put quotes on the keyboard:

    • Using special keyboard shortcuts.
    • Using a specialized symbol window in the word processor "Word".
    • Using the symbol table.
    • Using the ASCII code table.

    Each method has both strengths and weaknesses. Based on their ratio, it is possible to give the correct recommendations regarding their use.

    Keyboard and languages

    There is no separate key on the keyboard for the quotation marks themselves. It is natural - not so often such a character is typed. For these purposes, a combination of them is used. Moreover, it changes depending on the active language at the current moment. The dialing algorithm in this case is as follows:

    • We move the cursor to the place where you want to enter such a character.
    • We determine the current active language (this can be done with the help in the lower right corner of the screen).
    • Hold down the Shift key and don't release it.
    • If Russian is active, then press "2". In the English version, the Russian "e" is used.
    • After that, release both keys and this sign should appear in the workspace.

    This is the easiest and most versatile way to put quotes on the keyboard. It works in all, without exception, applications. But it has one significant drawback. So you can type only the classic "paws", but the "Christmas trees" cannot be entered. If this option is suitable, then you can use this method.

    and "Word"

    Another option for entering such characters is to use the Word word processor. You can use the previously given keyboard shortcuts in it. Only in the case of the English language, the symbol """ will appear, and for Russian - "Christmas trees". But there is an alternative input method. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • In the open window of the word processor "Word" go to the "Insert" tab.
    • In the field "Symbol" we find the drop-down menu of the same name.
    • Next, select the "Other Symbols" item.
    • Using the navigation keys, we find the desired variant of quotes and highlight them with a marker.
    • Press "Tab" until the marker goes to the "Run" button.
    • Next, press "Enter".
    • Move with the help of "Tab" to the "Close" button and press "Enter" again.

    This is a more complicated way of how to type quotes on the keyboard. In addition, special software is required - a word processor "Word". But at the same time, the user has the opportunity to choose the type of quotes.

    symbol table

    Another answer to the question "Where are the quotes on the keyboard hidden?" is the use of the symbol table. In this case, you must perform the following procedure:

    • We launch this utility. The easiest way to find it is with the search bar. In it, we type: “Symbol table”. Then press "Enter".
    • At the end of the search, we find this program in the list and launch it (for example, by clicking the mouse or pressing the "Enter" key).
    • In the window that opens, use the navigation keys to find the desired quote option (German or French) and copy it to the clipboard using the "Ctrl" and "C" keys.
    • At the next stage, we go to the application we need. If it was already running, then use the keyboard shortcut "Alt" and "Tab". Otherwise, open it through the Start\Programs menu.
    • The next step is to perform the insertion procedure. To do this, press "Ctrl" and "V".

    The key combinations indicated earlier must be pressed only on Otherwise, you will not succeed.

    ASK codes

    Another method is based on the use of ASK codes. In this case, quotes on the keyboard are typed using special sets of numbers. The algorithm for entering such characters is as follows:

    • Turn on the Num Look key if it is not active (its LED should be on).
    • Hold down the "Alt" key on the right side of the keyboard and do not release it.
    • On the numeric keypad, we type the character code. Before entering a digital code, you must press "+" and "0". The code for """ is "34". "French" quotes use "171" to open and "187" to close.
    • Release "Alt" - and you're done.

    A universal method, while quite simple. And besides, there is the possibility of choosing the type to be typed. There is only one drawback in this case - it is the need to remember special codes. And this is not always convenient.

    Within the framework of this article, the main ways of how to put quotes on the keyboard were described in detail. When working in the word processor "Word" it is most rational to use standard keyboard shortcuts. At the same time, we do not forget that “paws” are introduced in the English version, and “herringbones” are introduced in Russian. But in all other cases it is better to use a symbol table or ASK codes. So you can choose exactly the sign that you need.

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