Changes in the composition of the Ural dumplings. Sergey Isaev, director of the Ural dumplings: “Netievsky was a“ dumpling in a saucepan ”, now he is a“ fish in water

February 28 visiting the hosts of the show Week & Star Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak visited one of the most funny people on the planet, a popular TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, and also an ex-member of the Ural Pelmeni KVN team - Sergei Netievsky.

Missed Sunday's Week & Star? Read the interview with Sergey and you will find out the most interesting details from the professional and personal life of the artist!

Sasha: Brutal Ural guys, with a surprisingly strong and in a good way funny show "Ural Pelmeni"! Perhaps everyone who watches TV at least sometimes knows them. Charismatic, positive and funny, not a single nutritionist will object to such dumplings! When one of the show's creators announced his departure from the team last year, we were blown away! How? Where? What for? Friends, today Sergei Netievsky himself - a man who has invested a considerable part of himself in the show, one of its founders, will tell you what he is doing now, what he is going to do and is it not boring to have one dumpling on a big plate! Hello, Sergey! For half a year you are in solitary swimming ... Or not in solitary? Tell us who you work with!

Sergei Netievsky: In single, solo swimming. As a producer, I implement new projects that I have long dreamed of implementing, but did not have enough time. Of course, "dumplings" were taken away most working time. This is a wonderful project, but there comes a time when you want to do something of your own, realize your dreams, otherwise there will be people who will do them faster, for you.

Lena: Screenwriter, producer, artist - who are you now to a greater extent?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, I am somehow in different guises, nothing is alien. Of course, probably, the producer's role prevails a little, because I know and understand how to make television project which can be broadcast.

Sasha: Parting after two decades of working side by side. Was it hard for you?

Sergei Netievsky: You are always moving forward. You look what awaits you ahead, it is always with anticipation. Live off the nostalgia that was somewhere, sometime in the past. You need to go forward, and when you plunge into this wave, into a new whirlpool, new adrenaline, new sensations. The new projects that I'm currently doing with my production, they really fascinate me.

Sasha: What are the projects?

Sergei Netievsky: We are launching the League of Improvisations, this is the first all-Russian festival. We unite all groups that are engaged in the genre of improvisation. This is a new movement, we have been moving it for three years together with Sasha Fur in our “Show from the Air”. The show on TNT appeared with the same name. This indicates that the direction is popular.

Lena: We prepare a certificate for all guests. That's what we got for you, Sergey. Listen.

Sasha: Sergei was born on the banks of Tagil, studied at the Ural Polytechnic University, was even the director of a store - and where is the humor here, you ask? And there was always humor, you just had to get into KVN, and then it started! Rise to the big leagues, the title of "the last champions of the 20th century", TV shows, tours - a great way! Since 2015 in solo projects, Sergey is also a screenwriter, TV presenter and producer. "Seasons of Love", "Freaks", "Unreal Story" - these are just some of the projects with his participation! Yes, indeed - an unrealistic story!

Sergei Netievsky: There was a lot, yes.

Lena: Sergey, you have an engineering degree in an absolutely humanitarian field. Is it really universal education?

Sergei Netievsky: You can say that I work in my specialty. My specialty is mechanical engineering. So here is the technology, it is actually the same in the production of the show, the same stages. Everything is divided into small stages, you must challenging tasks divide into easy paths and quietly go progressively from one to another in order to achieve a result.

Lena: How did you get into KVN? University team?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, of course, the university team. It was a long time ago, 1994, they started playing in KVN, got into the big leagues and off they went. This is in the past, now I'm more interested in the projects that I do, starting from that huge background that I had as a student, when I was doing KVN, when we were doing shows. Now I want to do something new, the world is moving.

Sasha: Comedians, as a rule, dream of the role of Hamlet, of drama. Do you want to take a swing at something unfunny, sad?

Sergei Netievsky: I really want to. I really want to play something not humorous. I go to directing courses and acting classes. Of course, there is such a distant, deep, I hope, achievable dream, to play some dramatic role.

Sasha: Sergey, the name seems to be understandable, “League of Improvisations”, that is, there are absolutely no frames at all?

Sergei Netievsky: You could say almost none. We have several engines, several improvisational forms in which we will play. We are now collecting applications from all interested teams, there are not so many of them, we know almost all of them. About 20 teams that are professionally engaged. If we do not know someone, we are happy to invite everyone, go to the site, register, send your applications.

Lena: What are the requirements for an application?

Sergei Netievsky: The name of the group, a brief summary of where you participate and, preferably, send at least some video so that we can see how the guys behave on stage. Then we select, invite here. We will have three days: April 8, 9 and 10 at the Central House of Artists. There will be qualifying games, and master classes, and trainings, and brainstorming sessions, and the generation of new ideas. We have an interesting, extensive program there.

Lena: Will there be a winner and what awaits him?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, there will be a winner. Title and money are usually of interest to everyone. April 10 will be a gala concert, which will include the best teams, and they will compete for the title of the best improvisational team.

Sasha: Sasha Fur is with you in this project. So, there is also a musical part?

Sergei Netievsky: We are currently negotiating with Sasha Pushnoy, there is an idea to make musical improvisation inside there as well. What are we doing? We have complete improvisation: improvisation with a partner, with text, with space, with music, with the stage, with the audience. In all directions you try to liberate your brain. This is very interesting direction why we are trying to promote it.

Lena: How interesting is it to the viewer?

Sergei Netievsky: Here is the moment: not everyone will reach the gala concert, but only those who can create some kind of whole story in a short time on stage so that it is understandable to the viewer. This is interesting to watch. This is an entertaining and humorous project.

Lena: For those who can't watch it live, will there be a TV version?

Sergei Netievsky: We will shoot a pilot, which we will give to the TV channel. We really hope this turns out to be a show.

Lena: Blitz time on Europe Plus. short question- short answer.

The three greatest comedians of all times and peoples according to Sergei Netievsky?

Sergei Netievsky: Petrosyan, Galustyan, Martirosyan.

Favorite cuisine, dish. What can you cook yourself?

Sergei Netievsky: Dumplings. I can cook them with different fillings.

Is it true that people who professionally make others laugh are gloomy misanthropes in everyday life?

Sergei Netievsky: Well no, of course not. It's like the law of conservation of energy... Really!

Who is for you chief critic? Whose opinion do you trust?

Sergei Netievsky: Parents.

Is it true that speaking at a corporate party is more exhausting than any other?

Sergei Netievsky: Of course of course. They suck all the energy out of you, all the strength.

Are you a superstitious person?

Sergei Netievsky: Probably not.

Is swearing or euphemism normal?

Sergei Netievsky: I think yes.

What do you consider your main weakness?

Sergei Netievsky: Laziness.

Are you afraid to fly? Were you afraid before?

Sergei Netievsky: No, but I haven't skydived yet.

What programs do you watch on TV?

Sergei Netievsky: I watch TV very little. I watch a lot of foreign serials and programs. From the humorous sometimes I look: Urgant, comedy club, KVN, news.

Would you support moving the capital of Russia to the center of the country, say, to the Urals?

Sergei Netievsky: It would be unexpected. The air is cleaner there.

Favorite hour of the day?

Sergei Netievsky: An hour before bed.

Were you betrayed? Can it be forgiven or forgotten?

Sergei Netievsky: It was when I was betrayed, but I'm not vindictive. I quickly cool down and forgive. I approach this very philosophically. Everyone has the right to make a mistake and has the right to correct it.

Was there a nickname in childhood and has it still remained?

Sergei Netievsky: Yes, they were different. Now there is none left. As a student, my name was Basyan or Basya, this is from the village where I come from. Basyanovsky village.

In front of you is a time machine, where will you go?

Sergei Netievsky: Oh. Immediately the thought arose to go into the past, to correct some mistakes. Looking into the future is more interesting.

Sasha: Sergey, humor is a changeable substance, for example, I see two opposite trends: anecdotes have practically disappeared, but stand-up has become one of the most relevant genres. What happened to jokes? Why is standup growing so much?

Sergei Netievsky: I guess every humor has its time. There were anecdotes when there were many prohibitions, some kind of allegory was needed. Now, in principle, there is no particular censorship, you can talk about anything you like. A stand-up artist is a person who passes through himself and gives the viewer information, his attitude to the topic he is talking about.

Lena: Sergey, suppose a guy or a girl is a great joke, the soul of the company. What's next? Do you need to get into the big media in any way - TV, radio? Or maybe a good video channel, say on Youtube, is enough?

Sergei Netievsky: There are so many opportunities on the internet right now. You can make a clip at home at minimal cost and put it on the Internet. In principle, you can unwind through the Internet.

Sasha: KVN has always been a good starting point, how are things now?

Sergei Netievsky: Similar. It is still a forge of personnel. Those who come out of there, they are all in demand.

Sasha: Sergey, you also have a project called Theater Games. Did you set your sights on serious dramatic art, or is it primarily games?

Sergei Netievsky: We are launching the casting of STEM bands. These are groups that, as it happened, did not go to KVN and did not go to Comedy. Student theater of variety miniatures, but they are not that student, they have turned into mini-studios, theater groups, mini-theatres. There are a lot of them in the country. About 15 festivals exist in the country where such groups compete. We want to collect them. Teams that have something to show can send their applications to The first round - we select based on the video. Second, we help refine the materials they have. About 20 teams will be invited to Moscow, where shooting and elimination games will be held.

Sasha: And what kind of "Show from the air" then?

Sergei Netievsky:"Show from the Air" is an improvisational show from which it all began, from which the "League of Improvisations" was born. This is what we did with Sasha Fur, and we are going to do in the future, together with the 05 theater, this is our team from St. Petersburg, the best improvisers today. “Show from the Air” is a concert version, but we filmed a pilot and show it to TV channels.

Lena: Series on TV. Will you continue this experience?

Sergei Netievsky: I like to move towards the show, something that I understand more about how to do. Series... There are mega-professionals, guys on TNT - such a high bar.

Sasha: Sergey, the week is coming to an end, and we suggest going through the main events. We will read the news that excited us, and you will give your brief commentary, let's go?

In the US, one company aims to launch the world's first flying car by 2018.It has retractable wings with 300 hp engines, with which it can reach speeds of 322 km/h. The only thing that the driver will have to do when entering the cab is to start the control computer and enter the address. The rest will be done automatically. The flying car could be on sale no later than 2025. Sergey, will you buy such a car for yourself?

Sergei Netievsky: That is, until the age of 25, nothing will change in Moscow?! In the same way, it takes 4 hours to go from home to the airport, and 2 hours to fly to Yekaterinburg. Let's see in 2025, it will be possible to fly.

Two pieces of news brought to me in a row by my feed: British scientists have identified 25 signs of suffering in cats, at the same time physicists from Chicago have discovered a tetraquark - a new particle! talking plain language, is one of the products of proton-antiproton collisions. Whose discovery excited you more, Sergey?

Sergei Netievsky: Tetraquark is more interesting.

Sergei Netievsky: I did not like.

A young scientist from Tomsk said that the content of the first film of the fantastic saga " Star Wars"Copies 96 percent of the Soviet movie fairy tale" Kashchei the Immortal ". He also claims that Harry Potter is a remake of our Cinderella.

Sergei Netievsky: Wow! Even if that's the case, these are cool interpretations! I'm waiting for the Swans Geese to do a sequel.

A personal fitness trainer took an unprecedented step to help his client.For three months, he did not exercise and ate high-calorie foods, consuming up to 8000 calories per day, as a result of which he gained 30 kg. And all this in order to lose weight with the client. The couple worked in tandem for four months, as a result, both lost weight.

Sergei Netievsky: That's great! I have a 45th birthday in a month, and I thought, if only I could lose 200 grams a day, start running. This is an act!

Sasha: We discussed global news, how was your week? What's in focus?

Sergei Netievsky: I played hockey, in the Komar team, a wonderful hockey team of artists.

Lena: It's your 45th birthday soon. What are your feelings?

Sergei Netievsky: March 27, yes, 45 years old. I suddenly found out that 45 years is a milestone. Up to 45 a man is considered an adult. From 45 to 65 is mature. I am getting mature. What do you think every man should have time to do before the age of 45? I have exactly one month left to catch up. Register in my social networks and send the thesis “What you need to do before the age of 45”.

Sasha: People say that Monday is a hard day. Do you have a recipe for making your first day at work easy?

Sergei Netievsky: On Sunday evening, think a little, sort through the shelves, what needs to be done first on Monday, what is the second, the third. Be sure to leave time for personal life, for normal food, for the family.

Sasha: Thank you very much for coming to us, come again! Good luck in new projects, surprise us to the fullest!

Lena: As a reminder, you can listen to the Week & Star show on podcasts. Download them via iTunes, as well as download via the Internet portal

Sasha: And we say goodbye to you exactly for a week, we will meet on Sunday, at 17.00 Moscow time. With you were Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak, bye!

Members of the creative association "Ural dumplings" became famous back in the 90s, when they performed in KVN. Following the victory in the final of the 2000 season, money came for fame: Yekaterinburg residents became the stars of the STS television channel and began to travel with their show all over the country. On the wave of popularity, the team twice - in 2013 and 2015 - was included in the ranking of the richest showbiz artists, earning 2.8 million and 800 thousand dollars, respectively.

The price of tickets for the concerts of the "Ural dumplings" reached tens of thousands of rubles, and new program was broadcast in prime time on federal air about once every two months. The more unexpected the quarrel looked from the outside.

How come that former friends talk to each other only through their representatives in courtrooms?.

On October 21, 2015, information appeared that Sergei Netievsky left the position of director of the show. At first, the former kaveenshchiki did not speak about the reasons for such a decision, which only contributed to the spread of rumors: "the guys expressed distrust in him", "a financial conflict", "Netievsky has many projects on the side."

Later in the day CEO company "Ural dumplings production" (produces the show) Alexey Lyutikov expressed the official position of the team. As usual: "The decision to change the director was a simple management move that will increase efficiency." The problem was Netievsky's residence in Moscow, at some point this caused discomfort among his colleagues.

- There were many rumors, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?

Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg. He himself said more than once in an interview that he had become a Muscovite, that he was much more comfortable in the capital. In other words, Sergei ceased to be a "dumpling in a saucepan" and became a "fish in the water."

As for rumors of political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on this. We don't want to justify ourselves to anyone. We are honest with each other. We don't have behind-the-scenes games, kitchen secrets. We find it funny to read about it in the media.

- Netievsky will remain in the team?

No one is fired, no one is fired. Now Sergei will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. If Sergey Netievsky wants to continue working in the team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

Next year is the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. We will gladly invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- You and other team members managed to save with him friendly relations?

Of course. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relations are important to us, because it is easier to live this way. Main value is decency and good relations to each other, which we will always keep as a team.

In parallel, Sergei Netievsky tried to launch entertainment project"A show from the air". The co-author was Alexander Pushnoy, known for the science and entertainment program "Galileo". It was planned that the transfer will go to STS.

In February 2016, the unspoken leader of the Ural dumplings. “Netievsky went his own way ... I will not take dirty linen out of the hut. There's too much a difficult situation. It is not yet fully resolved, so…” he said.

In the spring, two participants announced their interests outside the show: Vyacheslav Myasnikov collected his good songs into an album, and Yulia Mikhalkova wanted to go to the State Duma and. “I didn’t shoot naked. I had a photo shoot in an information magazine, ”the Ural dumplings prima responded to the question about shooting at Maxim.

As it turned out, many of the team's legal issues were tied to Netievsky. To get away from past life, Sergey Isaev came up with the idea to update the branding. The winner of the competition for the best logo was promised money.

As it turned out, Sergey Netievsky himself was against changing the status quo and did not agree with his dismissal. The showman felt that he had been improperly notified. June 1st at labor relations and the form of their termination began to understand the arbitration court.

A month later, the court sided with the ex-director. During that meeting, Ural Dumplings lawyer Olga Yuryeva suggested that in fact Netievsky did not need a seat: “This process is a way to block and slow down the process that is now underway in the Moscow Arbitration. The bottom line is that we are challenging the transfer of a trademark from one company, where Netievsky owned 10%, to another, where he owns all 100%.

At the same time, Uralskie Pelmeni filed a lawsuit to invalidate the decision to alienate Netievsky's company the exclusive rights to a verbal trademark worth 400 million rubles.

August 10 in room Hotel Angelo. The team went underground for a month and did not speak to reporters.

In October, the 17th Arbitration Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the lower court, confirming that the director of the creative association was Sergei Netievsky.

By December, the opposing sides seem to be. Such an outcome, in theory, suited everyone. Netievsky, although de jure, was reinstated in his position, but he did not have any real influence on the team, and the participants in the Ural dumplings did not need a superstructure, albeit a formal one.

In the last week of 2016, comedians at their meeting elected a new director:.

In May 2017, Ural Pelmeni lost their trademark appeal. Lawyer Yevgeny Dedkov said that the right to the brand was already on the balance sheet of the plaintiff, his client Sergey Netievsky issued a sign for the group when he was in the status of the director of "dumplings". And comedians still for some reason continue to sue.

By the summer between Netievsky and " Ural dumplings A new litigation began. Lyutikov's successor as CEO, Yevgeny Orlov, said that from the sale of the show on STS and touring activities. To do this, he organized the Idea Fix Media company, which, in fact, became the owner of all the Pelmeni programs.

“In general, there were always hints that something was unclean. He considers his actions legal. Nine people are wrong, and he is right! He said, “This is business. In Moscow, all producers do this. That is, for some reason he imagined himself to be our producer. Although everyone in our team has an equal contribution to the common cause, and incomes should also be equal, ”Dmitry Sokolov said then.

Sergei Netievsky, commenting on the accusations, expressed regret that his former comrades had fallen under bad influence. “A television product is created not only by actors and authors, it is created and promoted by the work of a well-coordinated team of a production company under the guidance of producers. I did great job producer and really made a popular television show out of the Ural Dumplings KVN team! Launching a TV project is different compared to actors and authors, more high level responsibility, risk and, accordingly, this is another payment, ”the producer explained his point of view.

On July 17, the court again sided with Netievsky - at that time, the claims of the Ural dumplings were that the ex-director sold the rights to STS television channel anniversary concert“We are 16 years old. Because gladiolus! ”, Without warning the team about this. Sergey, according to the Ural dumplings, took the money from the deal for himself.

A new round of litigation started in the fall. Firstly, a trial was held in the Moscow Arbitration Court against Dmitry Sokolov, Sergey Kalugin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Company of Sergey Netievsky - LLC "Fest Hand Media"- asks to be canceled under contracts with its subsidiary. The court dismissed the claim.

Secondly, other lawsuits from LLC "Fest Hand Media" to Uralskiye Pelmeny Production, where the plaintiff claims that Yevgeny Orlov, as CEO of Idea Fix Media, caused damage to the company. He allegedly sold 73 archival concerts to Uralskiye Pelmeni Production for 861 thousand rubles, after which Uralskiye Pelmeni Production transferred the recordings to STS for 231.3 million rubles. The first instance dismissed the claim, after which Fest Hand Media filed an appeal.

A few days ago, the Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court began to consider the next application of the Ural dumplings. Lawyers want, which he allegedly appropriated for himself while he held the position of director of the UE. Netievsky spent these funds through his own individual entrepreneur, although there was no need for this, the representative of Pelmeni said, the plaintiff believes.

On February 28, the director of one of the legal entities - OOO " Creative association"Ural dumplings"- Natalya Tkacheva became, replacing Andrei Rozhkov. Previously, she was responsible for media communications.

To be continued.

NETIEVSKY Sergey Alexandrovich (b. 1971), head and producer of the Ural Dumplings KVN team, TV presenter, actor, showman.
Netievsky Sergei Alexandrovich was born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky, Sverdlovsk Region. There he graduated from the local school number 12. In 1993 he graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Engineering Technology.

In the KVN team "Ural dumplings" since 1994. After graduating from the institute, for some time he worked as the director of a hardware store in Yekaterinburg, but in 1998, when the choice arose between work and KVN, Sergey chose the latter and headed the Ural dumplings team. In many ways, it was thanks to his efforts that a few years ago an agreement was signed with the STS television company to broadcast the show "Ural dumplings", which helped the team reach the federal level. Sergei Netievsky Awards – Champion major league KVN 2000, Big KiViN in gold 2002, KVN Summer Cup 2002.

Sergey Isaev became the new director of the show "Ural dumplings". A few days ago, a meeting was held at which the members of the well-known Ural team decided to resign Sergei Netievsky. The decision can be called collegial (according to the constituent documents, all members of the team have the right to vote).

What exactly caused the resignation is not yet known. “Only the participants in the show can know about this. But they say that the guys expressed no confidence in their previous director,” our sources agree. The decision on whether Sergei Netievsky will remain in the team and, if so, in what capacity, has not yet been made. It is possible that the cause of the discord was a financial conflict.
We have not yet been able to get through to Netievsky himself. He doesn't answer calls.

The founder of the Ural dumplings show, Dmitry Sokolov, who is now resting in Abkhazia, answered the question of a journalist from Portal about what caused the decision to change the director, and said literally the following: “I won’t tell you anything, I won’t tell you anything, nothing until you I will not say". New director show Sergey Isaev said that he was not yet ready to comment on the situation and did not advise other participants in the show to do so. Soon "Ural dumplings" promise to issue a press release, which will formulate the official position of the team.

Recall that thanks to it, an agreement was concluded with the STS television company on the broadcast of the show "Ural dumplings", which at one time helped the team to enter and gain a foothold at the federal level. Today's tour schedule is directly related to this contract (the number of shows is determined by the schedule of premieres on STS). Of course, to say that this is only Netievsky's merit would be unfair to other participants in the show. The team also owes its success to the head of the author's (Sergey Ershov) and acting groups (Andrey Rozhkov).

Sergei Netievsky himself, unlike other team members, lives permanently in Moscow (his apartment is located in the residential complex " Scarlet Sails"). He is the owner of the Idea Fix Media production studio, in whose area of ​​​​interest is not only the production of Ural dumplings programs for STS, but also the production of series.

The other day there were rumors that the "Ural Pelmeni" broke up. Actress Yulia Mikhalkova commented on this information.

The KVN team "Ural dumplings" is going through better times. For many months the team has been suing former director Sergei Netievsky, which affects their work.

The other day it became known that Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Yulia Mikhalkova and Andrey Rozhkov did not take part in the concerts held in Krasnodar Territory. Their photos were absent from the event poster, which is why fans assumed that the team was breaking up.

Yulia Mikhalkova decided to get in touch with the fans and reassure them. According to the humorist, "Ural dumplings" will continue to work and delight the audience with their jokes.

« Hello friends! I have now read the morning papers over a cup of coffee. I was surprised to learn that, it turns out, the "Ural Pelmeni" fled! I declare responsibly: We are together and, having closed ranks, we are confidently moving into a bright, humorous future. New step tomorrow night - concert in Moscow", said Mikhalkov.

Later it turned out that the stars of the team warned the audience in advance that they would not be able to take part in the Krasnodar concerts due to being busy in other projects.

Julia's post delighted and inspired numerous fans of the famous team. According to fans, rumors about the dissolution of the Ural dumplings regularly arise against the backdrop of their long-standing conflict with Sergei Netievsky.

The fact is that the team is suing the former director for the right to own issues television show and their distribution. The conflict has been going on for more than a month, and the parties still cannot agree on who should own the Ural Pelmeni brand.

Despite the constant litigation, the popularity of the team is only growing year by year. The team often performs in different corners countries, and its participants work on television and at private events.

Apparently, the "Ural dumplings" really do not think to break up. At the very least, the stars of the team often share photos together, and their tour schedule is scheduled months in advance.

Now the fans hope that the comedians will be able to settle the protracted conflict with Sergei Netievsky, because then the "Ural dumplings" will be able to please them even more often with their creativity.

The participants of the show want to return to those times when Sergei Netievsky was at the helm, who led the KVN team to STS, where Ural dumplings became calling card TV channel

For more than two years, scandals have been occurring in the Ural Dumplings show. In October 2015, we said that the director of the team and its member, the new leader.

The last two years the team and Sergei Netievsky show and trademark ownership. And in last days the struggle of the former and current leaders resulted in public. So, Isaev said that, and Netievsky reminded that everyone lives and acts according to his conscience,. Let's try to understand what is happening inside the team and find out that the media surge may be the last for the Ural dumplings.

According to a number of sources, today in the team where All decisions are made by majority, there is a split over the vision of the future. Part of the "Dumplings" is ready to meet halfway and reconcile with ex-director Sergei Netievsky. Next year, the Ural Pelmeni KVN team turns 25 (for the first time, the local polytechnic team, UPI, announced itself to the general public in 1998).

“Next year is ideal for finally reconciling with Netievsky, inviting him back to work in the team.

The most eminent stars of the show, the oldest players, speak for this, ”says a source close to the team.

Now the leadership in "UP" is now arranged as follows: the participant of the show is the director of the group, and the former deputy of Netievsky Evgeny Orlov- Director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC - it deals with financial relations with STS.

“Evgeny Orlov earns millions from our quarrel. He betrayed Netievsky by telling the team about how the money was being spent, gained trust and continues to do the same,” says the source, who notes growing dissatisfaction with Orlov’s non-transparent way of doing things.

Amounts are said to be decent.

According to envious people, STS pays the team 12 million rubles for the first show of each new show and another 200 million each, buying out the rights to an unlimited number of repetitions.

Within the funds are distributed unevenly. “Orlov earns a million rubles a month for practically nothing. But who can blame him? If you ask the guys how much the team receives, then all the answers will be different - no one understands how much they are paid, ”sources close to the team assure.

He says that the order of the sums can be completely different. “I don’t know anything specific, now the team has a new leadership. But I’m happy for the guys if such numbers really appear in the contracts.”

Netievsky knows about the mood in the team. “Radical things about changing the director, of course, are being expressed, I have heard about them.” Answering the question of journalists whether he would be ready to return to the position of director if he was called, the producer answered this way: “In any case, I don’t hold grudges against the guys. People make mistakes, and that's okay. I am good with the guys, we have lived together most of our lives. In any case, I would like the show to develop, so that we please the audience, so that they enjoy our programs, and not read in the media what they are now writing about us.

Yevgeny Orlov said that "nothing is happening around the team", and advised to contact the team's press service for an official comment.

Sergei Isaev said that he had neither the time nor the desire to comment on “something related to Netievsky.” We sent an official request to the press service of the team, but at the time of publication, no response was received: the position is expressed in agreement with all the participants of the show, and Pelmeni is now on tour in Volgograd.

The conflicts in the team have been going on since 2015. After disagreements in the team of the permanent director Sergei Netievsky (he once pulled the team to STS), the actor of the show, Sergei Isaev, was replaced. Netievsky has been the director of Ural Pelmeni since 1998, when the team was still playing in KVN. By the fall of 2015, he actually single-handedly organized the tour of the team - he was the general producer Idea Fix Media and founder First Hand Media. These legal entities, registered in Moscow, accompanied the projects of "Ural dumplings" and are engaged in touring team.

The change of director looked like just a technical solution - that's how it was presented in public. In fact, the team accused Netievsky of the fact that the financial flows controlled by his companies " opaque", and removed him from the post of director. In the summer of 2016, it became clear that the director of Pelmeni and his former colleagues, schoolmates, and friends would part ways fail, the conflict went into the public plane. The press began regular coverage of numerous tedious arbitration proceedings.

So, Netievsky tried to return to the post of director, was restored in court, then it turned out that he had the rights to the team's trademark, he transferred it to the team, and some shows cannot be rolled on STS without his consent. In May 2017, he applied for creative team and its new director, Yevgeny Orlov, to court, accusing the latter of withdrawing assets. In the coming days, the struggle in the arbitration court will continue.

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