Chekhov women. Tickets for the play Chekhov's Women

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In the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, you can find works on any topic. The Russian classic created in his stories real encyclopedia Russian life. In them you can get acquainted with the topics of politics, art, creativity, religion. And, of course, the writer could not help but pay attention to the theme of the relationship between men and women. The performance Chekhov's Women will present to the attention of the guests a staging of several Chekhov's miniatures of the early period of the classic's work. The director of the production, Yakov Lomkin, was able to masterfully convey the comedy and the unique atmosphere of Chekhov's works.

The paintings unfolding on the stage will be of interest to both beautiful ladies and male viewers. Indeed, in the center of each stage story is a story about a difficult female lobe. Everyone knows that many women dream of happiness and eternal love about a handsome prince and a cozy home. And in order to achieve these goals, the heroines of the play are ready to go to great lengths. This gives rise to many exciting situations - funny and a little sad. The ladies appear in all their inimitable charm, vulnerability, extravagance, which gives the performance a special lyricism.

Of course, where we are talking about ladies, men cannot but appear. passes in front of the audience whole line colorful characters. Some of them are an example of masculine gallantry and good breeding, while others demonstrate not the most the best sides male nature. In this contradiction, in this eternal misunderstanding of women by men, tragicomic situations are born. Wonderful scenography and brilliant acting turn the production into a unforgettable sight. To enjoy the miniatures of the classic, you must definitely buy tickets for the play Chekhov's Women.

Anton Pavlovich had about thirty women, experts call them “Antonovkas,” said Yuri Bychkov, a literary critic and former director of the Melikhovo estate museum.

Chekhov treated women, to put it mildly, condescendingly. They looked after him, sought him out, and he found a way to get away from them. His novels did not replace each other, and some lasted 10–12 years with several women at the same time. Here, in the opinion of Yuri Bychkov, are the most significant.


At the time of the meeting she was 15, he was 29
Young Lena brought the writer a manuscript of her own story. Chekhov was satisfied, advised the girl to write further. Elena fell in love, but did not dare to confess her feelings. At the age of 20, she realized that there was nothing to hope for, and she married the St. Petersburg official Yust. “He smells of sulfur,” she later wrote to Anton Pavlovich. But in 1897, Elena came to Moscow to visit relatives, and love broke out between her and Chekhov. Together they fled to Yalta, and soon parted forever.
"Lady with a Dog" (1899)
“Dmitry Dmitrich Gurov, who has lived in Yalta for two weeks now ... saw a young lady, a short blonde woman in a beret, walk along the embankment; a white spitz ran after her ... "
Yuri Bychkov: For 12 years, Anton Pavlovich sent her 68 messages - more than any of her beloved. The originals are kept in Lenin Library. I held them in my hands. The letters still emit a faint aroma of French perfume.


She is 19, he is 28
She was a friend of Chekhov's sister. Young Lika really wanted to appear to the writer as a gifted person, so she either taught, or served as a Duma clerk, or tried to make an opera career ... Although the girl did not have any special talents. But Chekhov noticed her. This was strange romance. They seemed to be playing with each other. “Let my head spin from your perfume and help me tighten the lasso that you have already thrown around my neck,” Chekhov wrote to her. And she answered: “You are not a hat for me for Senka.” She wanted to be his wife, but she became only a muse. Lika is considered the prototype of Nina Zarechnaya from The Seagull.
"The Seagull" (1895–1896)
Treplev: “She had a child. The child is dead. Trigorin fell out of love with her and returned to his former affections, as was to be expected. However, he never left the former ones, but due to spinelessness he somehow contrived here and there. As far as I could understand from what I know, Nina's personal life did not work out at all.
Yuri Bychkov: Lika played a difficult game with the writer, which hooked him. She never confessed her feelings and constantly ran away from Chekhov. But even in these relations there was something consumerist on his part. When the writer was in Melikhovo for a long time and he got bored, he called Lika to him. The young lady performed romances for Chekhov.


Nina Korsh
She is 12 years old, he is 27
Nina is the daughter of the owner of the first private theater in Russia, Fyodor Adamovich Korsh (now the Theater of Nations in Moscow). She fell in love with Anton Pavlovich at the age of 12, during the performance of the play "Ivanov" in her father's theater. Nina grew up in front of Chekhov. Their love flared up in 1898, when Nina came to support the writer during the premiere of The Seagull at the Moscow Art Theater.
Yuri Bychkov: It is believed that Chekhov has no descendants. But it is not. In 1900, Nina became pregnant by Anton Pavlovich and gave birth to a daughter, Tanya. Since Chekhov's relationship with Korsh unfolded in parallel with his affair with Knipper, Nina did not disclose her situation to anyone except her parents. They raised their granddaughter. After the revolution, Korsh's traces were lost; later it became known that she lived with her daughter in Paris. Tanya, like her father, became a doctor.


She is 30, he is 38
"He and she fell in love, got married and were unhappy..." They say that this is how Chekhov's novel "On Love" was supposed to begin. But the writer never created it. But the line remained in drafts, and it reflects the essence of Chekhov's relationship with actress Olga Knipper. Chekhov met her in 1898 at a rehearsal of The Seagull in Moscow. Olga is his only official wife. They were expecting a baby, but there was a miscarriage. Relations between the spouses deteriorated, and Chekhov's health too - tuberculosis progressed. “I received an anonymous letter that you were carried away by someone in St. Petersburg, fell head over heels in love. Yes, and I myself have long suspected, - wrote Olga Chekhov. - Well! So be it, and I still love you out of old habit. But there are other lines in his notes: “A wife who has cheated is a big cold cutlet that you don’t want to touch, because someone else was already holding it.”
Yuri Bychkov: I think Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko contributed to this novel, they used the writer, wanting to tie him to the Moscow Art Theater. I do not think that Chekhov had great feelings for the actress. Mkhatovites mocked Anton Pavlovich! When he was already very ill, Nemirovich let Knipper go to her husband only 2 times a year for 3-4 days.

She is 32, he is 37
The Chekhov Museum in Melikhovo has the writer's ties among the exhibits. They were presented to the museum by the artist Maria Drozdova shortly before her death. She was close friend Chekhov's sister and met the writer when he developed an affair with Mizinova. Maria fell in love with Chekhov at first sight, but he did not pay attention to her. But she did not stop trying to start a relationship and achieved her goal. Yuri Bychkov: Unlike his other women, she understood that Anton Pavlovich could not belong to one, and simply loved him, asking nothing in return.

On the occasion of the writer's anniversary on January 30, Channel One airs documentary"Chekhov. Unpublished Life. Its creators restored the writer's letters, which at one time were spoiled by Anton Pavlovich's sister Maria, crossing out spicy lines, and Soviet Chekhovologists completed the work.

More A.P. Chekhov was acquainted with the writer T. L. Shchepkina-Kupernik, the artists A. A. Khotantseva and M. T. Drozdova. N. M. Lintvareva, with whom the Chekhovs became friends back in Sumy, repeatedly visited Melikhovo, and the “astronomer” O. P. Kundasova came and lived for a long time.

Information from here.

Chekhov's Women is a performance that will not leave you indifferent, nor beautiful ladies, nor representatives of the stronger sex. Here are a lot of fascinating funny and sad stories about women's lot. All girls, as you know, dream of true happiness and sincere love. But to achieve all this in life is sometimes not so easy. So they have to go to various tricks to achieve what they want. But they do not know how ridiculous their efforts sometimes look and what they can lead to. And not all men are gallant and well-mannered gentlemen. That is why many romantic stories can turn into a real comedy.

It is easy to guess that the basis for this production was the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He has many fascinating humorous stories, which talk about love and women's search for their happiness. Such stories are always full of humor, unexpected turns events and no less surprising outcomes. And this applies especially to early periods creativity of the great writer, when his works were incredibly easy to understand and literally sparkled with wit. It is these works that were used for this stage work.

And therefore, all those who want to order tickets for the play Chekhov's Women are waiting for a whole evening of humor and Have a good mood. In addition to sincere joy and fun, this production will give the public a new and bright meeting with early work Chekhov. And it, as you know, can be not only insanely funny, but also instructive. It will teach us to laugh at our own failures and learn from the mistakes of the heroes of these stories. And this may well make us happy, loved and in love.

Maria Kulikovskaya reviews: 41 ratings: 41 rating: 14

When I went to this performance, I did not expect much, because I understood that graduates of the Raikin school were involved in it. I also understood that Yakov Lomkiy was a master, but not a magician. However, I was very surprised by what I saw! Apparently, Jacob is still a wizard. This show is such a treat! To be honest, this is many times cooler than "Pokrovsky Gates", both in terms of the game, and in terms of the overall impression, and in terms of the integrity of the production. Yes, yes, integrity! Despite the fact that this is a collection of Chekhov's stories. So harmoniously they are connected, intertwined, that they create a single story. The impression is really colossal! Mainly, of course, from the work of the director. Very beautiful, spectacular, but soulful, like a classic, but it sounds modern. In general, everything is as Yakov knows how: mix everything, shake it up a little and give an unusually cool result for 5+! I was much more surprised by the performance of some actresses - they deserve separate applause! And in general, everyone is very well revealed in their roles, everything is in its place. But most importantly, this performance has become a delight for my heart yearned for the game of Yakov. Main value, the main happiness, main paint this performance! How good he is! What an ornament each of his images! Especially Shtral! Gorgeous! A playing director or a stage actor ... No matter how Yakov calls himself, "a rose smells like a rose, even call it a rose, at least not" (c). Oh, more often!... The combination of these two creative aspects of his personality is wonderful and precious! I really want to see this performance again, at least once, in the same cast!

Svetlana Orlova

Thanks a lot for the play "Chekhov's Women"! On May 29, the last performance of this wonderful performance in this half-year took place. The artists involved in this performance are artists with thousands of faces! They are not only highly professional, they are inimitable and unique! They can be funny and ridiculous, funny and touching, lyrical and tragic. There are no stars in it - and everyone is a star. The same actors participate in different "pieces" of the performance, demonstrating the most different sides his gift. The performance impresses with its well-coordinated, polished ensemble play, which, nevertheless, does not “extinguish” the acting individuality of any of its participants. While playing, the actors infect each other with their temperament, looseness, the happiness of the very existence on the stage. All artists confidently control their body and voice, using the means of expressiveness of the areal theater, the traditions of clowning and buffoonery.
Creativity A.P. Chekhov (and, above all, the early A.P. Chekhov) most accurately (in my opinion) can be interpreted artistic means this particular theater: the theater of masks and carnival. A.P. Chekhov, as you know, created many stories about women whom he knew perfectly well. Chekhov's women are also creative people who choose all the risks and dangers of a free existence (Nina Zarechnaya); and the vulnerable subtle souls who are defeated in the battle of life (Miss, Sonya from Uncle Vanya, Marusya from Belated Flowers). But A.P. Chekhov, with great pleasure (and knowledge of the matter), wrote about women who combine a variety of qualities: briskness, sobriety, prudence, and at the same time fear, vulnerability, timidity, dependence are guessed in them ... At the same time, they are no less interesting and no less desire happiness and love. theater director Ya. Lomkin, who created the play "Chekhov's Women" with graduates of the experimental acting course of K. A. Raikin, was interested in this particular type.
The actors perfectly master all the "colors": they can do the grotesque, irony, and poignant lyricism. Gorgeous in the role of "mysterious nature" (the story of the same name by A. Chekhov, 1883) actress Anna Rytova. The sharp, expressive, virtuoso drawing of the role created by her testifies to the bright, outstanding talent. Building the image of her heroine, the actress uses eccentric, even farcical tricks. Her acting talent was created right for such a colorful, "spectacular", "carnival" theater. But at the same time, it is obvious that she is subject to deep dramatic roles: this actress does not feel the "ceiling". Her partner, Bagrat Melkumyan, is remembered, instantly reacting to every remark of his interlocutor with magnificent pantomime. The heroine of the story A.P. Chekhov "Which of the three?" (1882) Nadia, played by Veronika Gurdus, is both prudent and ingenuous, cunning and naive. It is interesting to watch how she leads her party, trying to keep both a possible groom and a lazy lover next to her. In her, one can guess both a careless girl who does not dare to part with her youth, and a nascent woman who is just beginning to comprehend all the drama of existence in this world. Really, the tongue does not turn to call her cynical!
The story of A.P. is solved in a completely different way. Chekhov's "Dachnitsa" (1884), which is "performed" by an "ensemble" of two people - Maria Kovalskaya and Zarina Mukhitdinova. Both actresses perfectly lead their parts (complex both plastically and psychologically) - with poignant lyricism, with the finest nuances. Very accurately pronounces the sad, largely hopeless text of A.P. Chekhov M. Kovalskaya. I remember the actress's gaze into the distance, as if trying to see "through the magic crystal" her life, her future.
This is how the performance moves forward, maintaining a balance between lyricism and buffoonery. Actors demonstrate excellent mastery of the entire arsenal of acting means inherent in the theater of masks. They run, jump, somersault, do all kinds of tricks, acrobatic etudes…
There is no doubt that the creators of the play "Chekhov's Women" inherited theater tradition, dating back to the theater of masks del arte, the theater of buffoonery and circus clowning, perceived and developed by Vsevolod Meyerhold, Evgeny Vakhtangov, Arkady and Konstantin Raikin. As befits the artists of this theater school, they can change masks indefinitely.
But the most interesting thing happens when the soul emerges from under the mask… Do you want to make sure? Go and watch the play "Chekhov's Women"!!!

Elena Nesterova reviews: 1 ratings: 1 rating: 1

I agree with all the positive and bright reviews that were written above, but, as a journalist and critic, I would like to add a few words. Slightly moving away from the performance itself, I want to share modern world theater into several positions - spiritual, consumer and pompous weekend. If you find other words in Russian to define categories - our soul, our reality and our dreams. "Chekhov's women" certainly belong to the first category. This show is a rare miracle! Surprise, admiration, laughter and time that slips through your fingers so quickly. A man, a fusion of two halves, multiplied by the talent of actors and director Yakov Lomkin. Dear friends Theatergoers, don't miss this performance. Like pieces of a patchwork quilt, brightly and skillfully, the stories of A.P. Chekhov replace each other. With minimal decorations, the stage exudes incredible energy. Actors, immersed in their roles, give the viewer everything that their warm hearts keep.
Reading Chekhov at school, few people can imagine how modern and sensual his words can sound in English. contemporary scene.
I can advise you dear readers to become spectators. And I'm sure you won't regret it.
And one more thing, perhaps the most important. After leaving the theater, in your heart there will remain a particle of the love of actors, love for your audience. And you will want to come back to say - Bravo! So stock up on flowers and good attitude to the great world of the theater in the face of the play "Chekhov's Women".

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