I got into an accident through no fault of my own. Traffic accidents caused by road services: How to get compensation

When the driver of the vehicle is the culprit, many people know. But how to file an accident and receive compensation for the harm caused, through the fault of road services not many people know. We are offering to you detailed instructions, which will help you to correctly file an accident that occurred through the fault of organizations responsible for the condition of roads.

Compared to the same period last year, there is an increase of 15.6%. In general, the picture of the accident rate, despite the measures taken by our Government and the traffic police, looks depressing. However, some crash rates have begun to decline. But the increase in the number of accidents due to the fault of road services is frightening. Starting to solve the problem of violations of traffic rules, our government is faced with the problem of monitoring the condition of roads and streets. Therefore, every driver needs to know how to receive compensation for the damage caused from the road services.

According to the current legislation, any driver has the right to receive monetary compensation for a damaged car, as a result of which occurred through the fault of responsible organizations responsible for the quality and reliability of roads.

Conducted analysis of court cases related to lawsuits against road services. Unfortunately, the statistics of citizens' appeals are not encouraging. In spite of a large number of accidents due to bad roads, only 3 percent of citizens apply to the judiciary to recover damages from the road services.

Get compensation for a hole in the road

There are many reasons why people choose not to go to court. Here and ignorance, and simple human laziness and much more. Most drivers prefer to repair their cars at their own expense. But it is precisely this passivity of the owners Vehicle gives rise to the irresponsibility of all public utilities and road services, which are required to keep roads in an accident-free condition. If in our country lawsuits against "road builders" would be filed en masse, then the road services would treat the roads much more responsibly than they do now.

Of course, giving statement of claim to court for road organization, through whose fault you damaged your car, she will try in every possible way to evade responsibility. The most common objection of defendants in lawsuits is related to the statement that the driver exceeded the speed limit, as a result of which he got into an accident. Get ready for it. Therefore, it is necessary to collect as much evidence as possible that confirms that the reason.

If you think that it is very difficult to win a case in court, and that an expensive lawyer (lawyer) is needed for this, then this is not so. According to the database of court cases, 95 percent of claims against the road services were satisfied. And in most cases, the citizens who won the cases did not use the services of lawyers.

You do not need to have deep knowledge to recover damages from the road services. You just need to do certain rules and collect as much evidence as possible that confirms that the cause of the accident is a bad road.

How to do it right and what to do in case of an accident due to a bad road, we invite you to find out in our simple instructions. Remember, if you did everything right and filled out all the documents as required by the current legislation, you have an almost 100% chance to receive compensation for the harm caused.

What to do if the car fell into a pit and was damaged

1. Call the traffic police to the scene by phone: 112

2. Before the arrival of traffic police inspectors, do not move your car

3. Locate two witnesses to the incident by writing down their contact details and address

4. Fix with photo and video fixation (for example, mobile phone) road pit. If you do not do this, then for sure this hole will be repaired by the road service before the start of the trial and it will be difficult for you to prove that the cause of the damage to the car was a hole in the road.

5. Wait for the traffic police officer and carefully follow the protocol. Get the traffic police inspector to record all the details of the incident.

6. Get a copy of the protocol from the traffic police officer.

1. Absence of road signs and appropriate fencing near the pit.

2. Witnesses and attesting witnesses must be indicated in the protocol..

3. If you filmed damage to the road (pit) with a camera or video, then the traffic police inspector is obliged to note this in the protocol.

How to recover damages from the road services?

1. Obtain an act on the unsatisfactory condition of the road surface and a certificate of an accident from the traffic police, according to form 154. In this certificate, employees of the State traffic inspectorate report the data of the participants in the accident, the name of the insurance companies involved in the accident, the numbers of insurance policies and a description of the damage to the vehicle.

2. Find out in the traffic police which organization is responsible for the condition of the roads in this section where the car got into a pit or an accident due to the fault of the road services.

3. Find out the phone number of a company that assesses car damage. Call there and agree on the place and time of the examination to assess the damage.

4. Notify the person responsible for the accident about the time and place of the examination. To do this, send by registered mail, with a notification and with a description of the attachments, a free-form informational message. Keep your postage receipt. Upon receipt of the letter by the respondent, you will receive a notice of receipt of the letter. It also needs to be preserved.

5. Conduct a damage assessment at the appointed time.

6. File a claim in the district court at the place of legal address of the person responsible for the accident.

What pit on the road does not meet the state standard (GOST)?

The condition of roads and streets of settlements is regulated by various federal laws and by-laws. All roads must comply with the established GOST. AT this moment GOST 50597-93 is applied, which says that the size of the road pit should not exceed 15 cm in length, 60 cm in width. Most important point- the pit on the road should not be deeper than 5 centimeters.

This state road condition standard was developed as a result of tests that showed that if a pit on the road has larger size than established by GOST, then in most cases the light vehicle will almost certainly be damaged. Therefore, if you got into a pit, as a result of which the car was damaged, then most likely the pit on the road does not correspond to the State Standard. Verify this by measuring the size of the damage on the road.

Many lucky drivers who have never been in an accident vaguely imagine the order of necessary actions immediately after the accident. And in vain! After all, this knowledge will increase the chance to receive a decent compensation from the insurance company and prevent provocations from another participant in the incident.

The car got into an accident: initial actions

That's what you need to take care of immediately after a collision.

  • Check if there are casualties and if they need first aid. If the answer to both questions is yes, provide minimal medical assistance (if you know how and are sure that you will not harm) and call an ambulance. In extreme cases, you can take the victim to the hospital, and then return back.
  • Turn on the "emergency gang" and put a sign next to the car emergency stop. If there is no sign, you can put up some noticeable object - a canister, first aid kit, etc.
  • Write down the numbers of all cars nearby, ask the drivers (including the second party to the accident) to leave their contact details. Witnesses will be needed if you have a disagreement with another participant in the accident about who is to blame and how it happened.
  • release carriageway if the road is blocked due to an accident. If other cars somehow can pass, do not move.

After that, there are 2 ways: call the traffic police, who will record the very fact of the accident and its circumstances, or resolve the issue without inspectors according to the Europrotocol.

Actions in case of an accident according to the Europrotocol

Previously, inspectors had to be called in for any accident, even the smallest one. Now it has become easier for drivers: if the accident is completely “light”, you can handle it on your own. The main thing is that 5 conditions are met:

  • Only 2 cars got into an accident, no more;
  • People were not hurt;
  • Both participants have the same understanding of the situation: who is the culprit, how it all happened, etc.;
  • Both drivers are insured under OSAGO;
  • The damage caused to the car does not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

If all these circumstances are present - excellent, you just need to fill out an accident notice. Drivers must indicate there the damage received and the circumstances of the accident, as well as draw sample diagram. It remains to sign and you can leave, but the injured driver needs to be extremely careful: if the notice is filled out in violation, the insurance may refuse to pay.

In no case do not try to file an accident without inspectors if at least one of the listed conditions is absent. This will be a violation - you risk incurring administrative responsibility and losing your insurance payment.

Waiting for the traffic police

While employees of the state traffic inspectorate have not arrived, it is necessary to record all the damage and the circumstances of the incident. If the cars do not interfere with the traffic flow, do not move them or touch anything. Brake trail, splinters / debris - all this should remain untouched. Take as many photos as possible. Remove general form, the cars themselves, their damage in detail, the nearest landmarks and “bindings” - markings, traffic lights, curb sections, etc.

Be sure to call your insurance company. OSAGO and CASCO insurers require you to report the accident immediately, this obligation is specified in the insurance contract. In some cases, an insurance representative urgently travels to place of the accident to get a feel for what happened.

Had an accident: what to do after the arrival of the traffic police

Traffic police officers act exactly according to the rules for registering an accident:

  • draw up a scheme of the incident;
  • interview participants and witnesses of the accident;
  • fill out accident certificates and issue them to all participants in the accident;
  • draw up a protocol on an administrative offense (if for traffic violation specifically in this case, administrative responsibility is provided).

If people were seriously injured or killed in an accident, the procedure becomes more complicated, because this is already a “criminal act”. Subsequently, by court order, it is appointed (it allows you to unequivocally prove the guilt or innocence of the participants), but this is another topic.

Your task at the stage of paperwork with the traffic police is to carefully observe the actions of employees and give clear, detailed and unambiguous evidence about what happened.

  • give them lists of witnesses with their telephone numbers and addresses (this is especially important if serious accident and you suspect that the case may go to court);
  • make sure that all documents are processed in the presence of you and other participants;
  • be sure to read the protocol and study the incident diagram drawn up by the inspector - if something is wrong, make a note about it in the protocol;
  • additionally indicate important information, if they are not reflected in the protocol - for example, about the condition of the road surface, the faulty condition of the road equipment and technical means (non-working traffic lights, erased markings), the presence of icing or dirt, the slope of the road, etc.

As with the "amicable" registration for, you and the other driver will need to fill out an accident notice. That's all - the inspectors will leave copies of the protocol and the decision on an administrative offense, a certificate of an accident, after which you can leave.

What to do if you got into an accident, and the traffic police can not wait?

It happens that an accident occurs somewhere on a remote section of the highway, there is no way to get through to the traffic police (or the inspectors cannot arrive in the near future), but it is impossible to file an incident on your own according to the Europrotocol.

Nothing wrong with that. You just need to fill out an accident notice and get to the nearest traffic police station along with other "persons involved" in the accident. It is highly desirable to obtain the consent of the traffic police for this. If there is no connection, it remains to go at your own peril and risk - do not stand in one place all day.

This is of course an exceptional case, and it is not recommended to do so in a normal situation.

Nuances and tricks

  • Be sure to delve into any details and insist on entering into the protocol everything that seems important. The more detailed information- the easier it will be to negotiate with the insurance company later.
  • The scheme of the accident is especially important. Make sure that it is correct, and if you disagree with something, indicate it in the protocol.
  • Do not be too lazy to read the completed protocol, notice and other documents before signing them.
  • If employees offer to undergo an examination for the content of alcohol in the blood - do not refuse, but insist on carrying out this procedure in a medical institution.

Focus and be very attentive, despite the stress, you must pull yourself together and protect your interests as quickly as possible.

Getting behind the wheel of a car, few of us think about the dangers on the road. Buying a car does not give full rights of movement on it, because, first you need to get a license and take out insurance.

car accident in fact unpleasant event which takes a lot of time, nerves, and sometimes money. It is difficult to navigate immediately in a situation where the car got into an accident, what to do next and where to go. In this article, we will consider the algorithm of actions in a situation, what to do if you get into an accident.

Got into an accident what to do

An accident can occur for many reasons: your own or your opponent's fault, vehicle malfunctions, or poor visibility on the road. Whatever emotions rage in your soul at the time of the accident, it is important not to cut in the heat of the moment. Perhaps partly the fault lies on your shoulders, so you need to think about the main thing: the safety of passengers in your own and neighboring cars and possible damages.

What to do first in the event of an accident:

1. Stop the car, check the tank for fuel leakage, turn on the emergency gang and install emergency sign. AT locality the sign is installed at a distance of 15 m from the car, outside the city 30 meters.

2. It should be checked if there are any victims, if medical assistance is needed, then an ambulance should be called. If for some reason the ambulance cannot reach the scene of the accident or the victim has serious injuries, it is allowed to transport the person on their own (leaving the scene of the accident).

3. About the accident must be reported to the traffic police and the insurance company. The dispatcher will collect all the necessary data and ask the inspectors to wait. The insurer can also send emergency commissioners to the scene of the event to draw up an accident scheme.

What to do before the arrival of traffic police officers

It may take several hours from the moment of the incident to the arrival of the traffic cops. Lawyers advise not to waste time, but to do the following:

  • Participants in the accident should exchange contact details and insurance policy numbers.
  • It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the accident, check the video on the registrar, interview eyewitnesses, take their contact information, photograph the scene of the accident, stopping distance, falcons, and the position of cars.
  • Before the arrival of the inspectors, you need to fill out the columns of the notification form (issued by the insurance company). Usually, the notice is filled out by the drivers together, but in case of apparent disagreements, it is allowed to fill out the form separately, and the insurer must be notified about this.

All these procedures can be accelerated, because what to do when you get into a minor accident and motorists do not have significant claims. You can pay for minor repairs and do without calling the traffic police, however, lawyers do not recommend doing this, because tomorrow an accident victim may come to you, show a video from the registrar and extort money again. In such cases, you need to write a receipt stating that the car owners have no claims against each other.

There is another option, but it must be pre-approved by the traffic police by phone. You need to fill out a notice, draw a diagram of the accident yourself and photograph the scene of the accident for both participants, after which you need to move to the nearest traffic police post.

In case of minor damage, you can fill out a notice and a Euro protocol. In this case, traffic police officers are not called, the protocol is provided immediately to the insurance company. Drawing up a European protocol is allowed if there is a damage of no more than 50,000 rubles. If the document is filled out incorrectly, no compensation will be paid.

What to do if you get into an accident after the arrival of the police

Upon arrival at the scene of an accident, traffic police officers fill out a list required documents. Participants in the accident can comment and demand that any important information. The accident commissioner of the insurance company has full right get acquainted with the documents and protect the interests of his client.

If only property was damaged as a result of the accident, the following documents are filled out:

  • scheme of the accident,
  • information about the accident,
  • Protocol on an administrative offense (copies are provided to participants).

Additionally, the information of eyewitnesses and participants in the accident is documented.

Important! In the event that administrative responsibility is not established, then a refusal to initiate proceedings is drawn up. In this case, the protocol is not drawn up.

If there are victims in the accident, then the following documents are drawn up:

  • Vehicle inspection protocol,
  • scheme of the accident,
  • Reference medical examination victim (issued ambulance),
  • The act of medical examination for the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication of participants in the accident (done at the control point),
  • information about the accident,
  • Records of the information of victims and witnesses are attached to the protocol.

How to file an accident report correctly?

The protocol must contain correct data, drivers are required to read the document and sign it. If necessary, participants have the right to add their comments in writing.

Important! You cannot sign a protocol containing empty terms. You need to make sure that all your comments are recorded.

The protocol must correctly reflect the data on the technical condition of the vehicles, the list of damages, as well as the full contact details of the participants in the accident and witnesses.

The accident scheme must contain complete data on the condition of the road surface, road markings, nearby traffic lights, etc.

Guilt actors may depend on several factors:

  • Technical serviceability of the car,
  • The condition of the road surface, the presence of road markings, warning signs, potholes,
  • Weather: ice, rain, fog, etc.

The listed factors can mitigate the punishment, such information in the protocol can be provided in court. If the perpetrator of the accident was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, this can be a weighty argument for deprivation of rights.

Got into an accident insurance procedure

If a person got into an accident, the procedure for OSAGO is practically the same as the actions with a CASCO policy. The essential difference between these policies is that OSAGO covers damage to third parties, and CASCO involves the repair of the insured car.

The injured party applies for damages to the branch of his insurance company. The victim must provide full access to the employees of the insurance company for the examination of the vehicle. The examination can be carried out both by representatives of the insurance company and by independent experts. The insurance company must inspect the car within 15 days. Damages must be paid within 20 calendar days from the date of application. If the payment of damages is refused or you do not agree with the amount of the payment, then you must file a claim with the court, but at the same time you need to make an independent examination of the vehicle malfunction.

Documents to be presented to the insurer:

  • application form,
  • Completed accident report form
  • information about the accident,
  • Technical passport of the vehicle,
  • Driver's license,
  • Examination of vehicle damage assessment,
  • Receipts and details of evacuation on the trawl and storage of the vehicle,
  • Protocol on the refusal to initiate a case of an administrative incident.

When all documents are properly completed and right order actions, the damage is paid in full. Otherwise, the damage must be compensated through the court.

If you are involved in a traffic accident.

All of us are and walk under God, and none of us who constantly or periodically gets behind the wheel is immune from accidents and any traffic accidents. How to behave and what to do if the accident still happened? What is the right thing to do at the scene of an accident, how not to miss something important in order to minimize the damage received or avoid undeserved accusations against you?

Before proceeding to practical advice, let us briefly dwell on a factor that very significantly affects the outcome of the proceedings, this is the behavior of drivers after an accident. Naturally, we do not consider cases where persons involved in an accident were seriously injured and need urgent medical care. There's no time for fat, I would live. But if you are not physically hurt, you can think and stand on your feet - then you have the cards in your hands.

As practice shows, this behavior of drivers can be divided into several types:
drivers who fall into a deep apathy or trance at the scene of an accident. As a rule, they do not participate in the primary investigative actions, do not participate in the inspection of the scene, drawing up a protocol; drivers who have not lost the ability to respond adequately to the situation after the accident, but who fully trust the traffic police or police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident. Usually they are embarrassed to express their comments, they often sign clean sheets protocols. Usually this category includes inexperienced drivers who first got into this situation; drivers who try to distort the scene of the accident in their favor before the arrival of the traffic police (move their car, remove fragments, etc.). As a rule, in this situation, especially under stress, this is not possible and this driver only worsens his situation; drivers who flee the scene on their own two feet or in a car if it has not lost the ability to move. This is due to the fear of liability, the fear of high costs to repair someone else's damaged car. Drivers often run away to hide their drunkenness. In any case, a runaway driver incurs more severe punishments, especially if he leaves without the help of injured people. After all, no one can give him a full guarantee that the number of his car was not recorded and that it was he who was driving was not seen by several witnesses; drivers who choose a logically justified, active line of behavior after an accident. As a rule, this behavior allows you to achieve the goals mentioned above.

Once in an accident, try to pull yourself together and act according to our advice, consistent with the specific situation.

So the first tip

A lot depends on the detailed and careful recording of all the circumstances of the accident. Further, on the basis of the initially drawn up documents - a protocol of inspection of the scene, a certificate of the traffic accident, a protocol on the technical condition of vehicles, schemes of the traffic accident, explanations of the participants in the traffic accident, testimonies of witnesses, etc. traffic police authorities establish a connection between the actions of drivers and the consequences. Therefore, do not try to change anything in the situation of DPT, but on the contrary, take all measures to the most complete fixation of all traces. If in front of your eyes another participant in the incident is trying to hide traces, moving his car, removing fragments, etc., first try to gently reason with him, and if this does not work, pay the attention of witnesses to this and, using improvised objects, indicate the initial location of the removed material evidence.

Demand that the traffic police officers record in the protocol of the inspection of the scene literally everything that, in your opinion, may be relevant to the case: the place of collision of cars, their relative position after the accident, road markings and its visibility, traffic lights and road signs at the accident site and their serviceability and visibility, visibility at the accident site and lighting, road condition and weather, brake marks, objects lying on the road, technical condition of cars. All traces and signs, objects must be tied to local objects - marking lines, roadsides, houses, telegraph or lighting poles, etc.

Pay attention to the technical condition of the "offender's" car - there are many cases when one of the drivers proved his innocence due to the fact that the rear-view mirrors provided by the factory were not installed on the other car or, for example, the turn signals, brake lights did not work. signals, there was a completely bald tire, etc.

Tip two

Take the drafting of the initial documents on the spot of the traffic police very seriously, require the traffic police to draw up their detailed drafting.

For example, do not allow such general phrases as: "the left wing is dented." It is better to describe such a phrase as follows: "the left wing is crumpled with a metal break, the sidelight mounted on the wing is broken, the glass on the front left headlight is cracked, the plastic protective cover is broken under the wing, the steering rods of the front left wheel are bent, the plastic bumper burst ..... , there may be other hidden defects in the damaged part of the car."

The more you write, the better your chances of getting full financial compensation for the accident. According to the first entry, you will receive compensation only for the repair of the wing, and according to a more detailed one - for everything, all the more so you reserve the right to supplement the defective list, indicating the possibility of other damage not immediately noticed at the scene of the accident. Carefully read all the documents before you sign them, if you disagree with something, feel free to write your comments - this is your legal right.

Tip three

Before the traffic cops arrive, try yourself among the gathered onlookers or the drivers who stopped behind you to find people who saw the accident in dynamics, and not its consequences. In some cases, promise these people to compensate for all their expenses for appearing in the traffic police or in court as witnesses, write down their names, phone numbers, addresses. Keep this information with you and give a copy to the traffic cops for inclusion in the protocol. The traffic police will immediately offer to be tested for alcohol, in no case do not refuse, but require an examination in a medical institution. If the second driver refuses to be examined, make sure that the traffic cops record this in the protocol. If your offender is clearly drunk, demand that it also be recorded in the protocol that he has obvious signs of intoxication - smell, unsteady on his feet, slurred speech, etc., and enlist several witnesses to this, otherwise it happens in life that the next day, this person will bring a certificate that he was completely sober, because you can buy it from a doctor friend.

Tip Four

As a rule, do not get into a skirmish with representatives of the traffic police at the scene of the accident. Remember that everything with which you do not agree, you can include in the documents being drawn up.
If you think that traffic police or police officers are acting illegally or unlawfully, then also enter your comments in the accident report and then appeal these actions to a higher traffic police department or to the prosecutor's office. After conducting an alcohol test, traffic cops offer to write handwritten explanations to the participants in the accident. Take this paper most seriously, think over every line, every wording. This initial explanation is usually the most correct and is then difficult to refute. Do not allow inaccurate numbers, words. Do not use phrases that allow double interpretation or ambiguity.

Tip five

If you have the opportunity, immediately after the accident, call a friend, acquaintance, work colleague experienced in such matters to assist you in completing all the protocols. It is advisable that he immediately arrive before the arrival of the traffic police and act as a witness on your part, prompting you to take the necessary actions. If possible, let him bring with him a notebook with a pen, a measuring tape, because it may be that you come to an agreement with another driver, draw up diagrams yourself and go to the traffic police for further processing.

Based on the primary materials, a decision is made to refuse or initiate a criminal case. The case is transferred from the traffic police to the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The term of the preliminary investigation is up to two months. If it has not been completed in two months, for example, due to complex examinations, the investigation is extended by the district prosecutor for one month. Further investigation is extended only in exceptional cases by higher authorities. If you are blamed for the accident, it is advisable that you immediately invite a lawyer who specializes in handling cases of motor vehicle accidents, this is especially necessary if there is very large material damage or there are injured and dead.

A qualified lawyer will help you minimize the amount of payments, for example, incur a lighter punishment. If you are a victim, then the cost of the services of a lawyer will still be compensated by the guilty party after the trial.

Tip six

If a criminal case has been opened against you, hire a lawyer immediately. The case for familiarization before the court must be provided to you in a filed and numbered form. The law does not limit the time for you to get acquainted with the case, and a good lawyer can obtain additional expertise and research that can benefit you.

There is no doubt that the victim also appears in the case and is no less interested in the outcome of the case than the accused. The main interest of the victim is to achieve full compensation for the material damage caused to him as a result of the accident. A civil claim may be filed by the victim at any stage of the preliminary investigation and prior to the commencement of the investigation.

It must contain, confirmed by photocopies of documents, all information about the losses incurred due to the actions of the accused, for example: - calculation for the repair of your car from an independent assessment form, - invoice for actually performed repair work(actual costs), - bill for services rendered by a lawyer, - bill for services rendered by legal advice, - bill from the transport form for transporting a damaged car to a permanent parking place and then to a repair shop, - receipts for sent telegrams with notification to the accused, - receipts for payment of state duty, receipts for photocopying documents, certificate from the place of work on daily earnings and the number of days spent on repairs and going to courts, etc.

You present the original documents in court as needed. Also, you don't have to be too greedy. It is unlikely that the defendant wanted to deliberately break your car, he also suffered. Therefore, it is unethical to file anything else for moral damage, but it is necessary to achieve full compensation for your material losses.

Tip Seven

Conduct yourself honestly and with dignity at all stages of the proceedings. Remember that any of your illegal actions can cause an adequate reaction. For example, if you pretty much wrinkled someone else's car and ran away from the scene, do not be surprised that in a day or two its owner will come to your house with claims, and if you sent him to hell, then in a couple of days you will see that your car stands in its usual place, all torn apart.

If you sent bandits to the "offender" to sort things out, to extort money, then the same gang can come to you and break your or your wife's legs. Treat your opponent exactly as you would like to be treated. Act always strictly officially and according to the law.

Such actions are respected by everyone, even the most inveterate bandits. If an accident has occurred and the damage, in your opinion, is great, do not believe the promises of the "offender" to pay off later, proposals to sort it out without the traffic police, pay for repairs right on the spot, etc. And then later it may turn out that the repair costs much more than you were paid at the scene of the accident, or the culprit of the accident the next day declares to your eyes that he sees you for the first time, or suddenly the opposite side brings a bunch of witnesses the next day who allegedly saw everything and you go from the victim to the accused.
Please also note that not every workshop will undertake to repair your car without an accident certificate from the traffic police.

Only in the simplest cases, when material damage is minimal, the malfunction can be quickly eliminated on your own (for example, replacing a broken headlight) and you are offered to more than compensate for all the damage on the spot, you can disperse in peace, without traffic cops. If you offer money and you agree to accept it, be sure to get a receipt from the victim stating that he took the money from you and no longer has any claims against you.


I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, living at the address: Uryupinsk, st. Wide d.23 kv.65 received from gr. Sidorov Petr Petrovich, residing at Moscow, st. Mosfilmovskaya d. 56 cor. 3 sq. 241 money in the amount of 300 (three hundred) US dollars in the form of compensation for material damage caused to my car VAZ 21053 state number n 29-76 UK (the right front headlight is broken and the decorative radiator grille is broken), which gr. Sidorov P.P. caused my car, standing in the parking lot on the street. Tverskaya when parking his car Jeep Cherokee license plate M777MV.
There was no other damage to my car. Currently, no material or other claims to gr. Sidorov P.P. I have not.
" " month 1998
Ivanov I.I.

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