Boris Korchevnikov, where he went, where he will work after the Live broadcast: Boris Korchevnikov told everyone about his life. What programs are conducted by Andrey Malakhov Acting career

We are grateful to the First for the fact that almost 20 years ago its producers believed in the then still crude project and supported it.

All these years, the program "Wait for me" was released on a weekly basis, not only in Russia. Studios "Wait for me" worked in Yerevan, Chisinau, Minsk, Astana, Kyiv. Special issues for Ukraine and Kazakhstan continue to be aired to this day. Together we managed to find more than 200 thousand people.

But times are changing. The priorities of the First Channel have noticeably shifted towards entertainment programs. This is the main reason for the transition "Wait for me" to another federal channel.

They became NTV, which has really changed a lot in two years. New projects bring people together and often make them think about something very important. First of all, this is the project “You are super!”, which, in my opinion, has become an event of this year. That is why NTV, in the form and with the content strategy that it is focused on today, is the best platform for Wait for Me.

It seems to us that on NTV "Wait for me" will begin a new bright life.

The program "Wait for me" when it will be aired again

The program "Wait for me" is not yet indicated in the NTV program grid. When exactly the show will be restarted, Alexander Lyubimov did not specify. This is expected to happen in October.

Who will host "Wait for me", new presenters

The names of the new hosts of the program "Wait for me", which will be aired on the NTV channel from the end of October, have become known. By tradition, these are actors: instead of Alexander Galibin and Ksenia Alferova, the people's artist of Russia Sergey Shakurov and Yulia Vysotskaya will be the hosts. A third permanent presenter will also appear - as KP reported, this is the founder of the Liza Alert volunteer rescue squad, Grigory Sergeev, who previously participated in the program as an expert.

On NTV "Wait for me" will be released in a new format.

As before, these will be incredible stories about real life. But now all this will take place in a new studio, the boundaries of which will expand. For the first time, viewers will see how searches are actually carried out: the search center “Wait for me” will be working daily and around the clock,” says Alexander Lyubimov, general producer of the VIDgital television company. The creators of the program will join forces with the famous volunteer search squad "Lisa Alert", and one of the leaders will be its leader Grigory Sergeev.

Why was the program "Wait for me" closed?

Wait for me: watch the last episode of the program in 2017 online on Channel One. Issue dated September 1, 2017 (YouTube video).

According to RBC's interlocutor on Channel One, the contract for the production of another popular VID production program, Field of Miracles, has been re-signed. “From the “Field of Miracles” everything is in order. The contract for it was extended, as it has been done automatically over the past 20 years,” he explained.

As a source on Channel One explained to RBC, the main reason for the non-renewal of the contract with VID for the production of Wait for Me is "the personnel policy of the new program team."

Why is there no program Wait for me on Channel One? The reasons.

“They [the new Wait for Me team] fired Alexander Galibin, the host of the program, without agreement with Channel One. And at the moment, the manufacturer has not presented a host candidate that would suit Channel One,” he said, adding that as a result it was decided not to renew the contract with VID for the production of the program.

A source told RBC that the television company nominated actor and producer Sergei Zhigunov for the role of the host of Wait for Me, but Channel One rejected her.

“The show will no longer be aired on Channel One,” another RBC source clarified. - On September 15, a repeat of one of the old episodes will be on the air.

He confirms that "the conflict between the producer and the TV channel was provoked by creative disagreements over the candidacy of the host of the program."

The producer of the program, TV Company VID, declined to comment on RBC. Channel One did not respond to RBC's request.

Currently, Andrey Malakhov is a celebrity, a sought-after showman, a host of many TV shows and a favorite of the entire female half of the audience. But this was not always the case, because a couple of decades ago, few people knew these first and last names.

How did Andrei Malakhov's career as a presenter begin?

Andrey Malakhov once brilliantly graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, after which he did an internship at the University of Michigan in the USA for some time. Upon his return to Moscow, he worked on the radio "Maximum" as the host of the program "Style" - it was then that the young man had his first fans and imitators. Despite the fact that the huge audience of Radio Maximum did not have the opportunity to see Malakhov, even then his professionalism was appreciated. Andrei was invited to work on television.

Not long after that, Malakhov was engaged in translating CNN news, after which he was entrusted with the work of a correspondent on Channel One, and subsequently the host of the Good Morning TV show. Andrey Malakhov of those years was completely different from himself today - a modest, tactful and sugary-friendly young man really liked housewives and pensioners, who made up the main percentage of the audience of this TV show.

What TV projects does Andrei Malakhov lead today?

Malakhov became a real TV star in 2001, when the talk show "Big Wash" began to air on weekdays in prime time. A huge number of people wanted to take part in the recording of each of the episodes of this TV show, its viewer ratings went through the roof. Since 2004, Andrey Malakhov, whom the audience by that time recognized as the most stylish presenter on domestic television, led the Golden Gramophone music award ceremony. At the same time, he hosted the talk shows “Five Evenings” and “Let They Talk” on Channel One - the latter remains very popular to this day.

An interesting impromptu decision was for Andrey to act as a co-host of the Malakhov + Malakhov TV show, in which he, together with Gennady Petrovich Malakhov, told viewers about how traditional medicine can help a person heal himself from any ailments. In 2009, together with supermodel Natalya Vodianova, he acted as the host of the Eurovision semi-final held in Moscow. Since 2012, Andrei has been hosting the weekly talk show "Five Evenings" on the country's main TV channel.

Until recently, Malakhov was rightfully considered the most desirable bachelor in Russia, but in 2011 he married his beloved Natalya Shkuleva.

Andrey Malakhov will host the program "Live" on the channel "Russia 1".

The TV presenter leaves Channel One and switches to Russia 1, where he will host the popular talk show Live.

According to him, Malakhov has already met with the talk show team. The first episode of the program is expected to air at the end of August.

In addition, Andrey Malakhov will act as a co-producer of a number of projects on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Earlier, on the air of Channel One, the talk show “Let them talk” without Malakhov was aired for the first time. The issue was dedicated to him and his career in television. Dmitry Borisov acted as the host. He did not confirm that he would work in the Let Them Talk program on an ongoing basis.

Andrei Malakhov himself - according to the official version - went on maternity leave, as he and his wife are expecting their first child. However, the appearance of a TV presenter on Russia 1 will be a refutation of this version and will testify in favor of the fact that the real reason for leaving Channel One was a conflict with the leadership.

In social networks, the issue of the departure of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One, where he has worked for more than fifteen years, is being actively discussed. At first he led the "Big Wash". Later, Malakhov became the only and permanent host of the scandalous show "Let them talk." Now the channel's management is looking for a new candidate who will replace Andrei Nikolaevich in his "post". According to rumors, the media center has already found two such applicants. Who are they? Why does Malakhov leave Channel One? What awaits the show "Let them talk" in the future?

The program appeared in 2005 and became a large-scale "brainchild" of Andrei Malakhov. It is worth saying that the “Let them talk” program itself is already associated with the name of its non-replaceable presenter. This is a scandalous analysis of actual life situations, the heroes of which are ordinary people. The show quickly rose in the ratings, apparently not without the participation of Malakhov, and also remains popular with Russian viewers to this day.

In addition, the showman hosted another program - "Tonight". He is also the editor-in-chief of a glossy celebrity publication, and is also one of the thirty richest Russian celebrities, earning about a million rubles annually.

Everything seemed to be fine, but then the Internet was flooded with news that Channel One was looking for a replacement for Malakhov. By the way, negotiations are underway with several candidates at once. Their names were not disclosed, but there is speculation that Dmitry Shepelev may be one of them. The press service of the resource says that they are not included in the circle of media people.

If “Let them talk” will be hosted by a new, less well-known presenter, what will happen to the program then? Maybe the transmission format will change a bit. In addition, a change in showman could lead to a drop in the program's ratings. In social networks, they talk about how Russian grandmothers will live without their favorite show, which they can always discuss.

Earlier, information was published that Malakhov would not cease to be the host, he would simply change the channel and broadcast Live on Russia 1, which is part of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and replace Boris Korchevnikov. The latter, according to rumors, plans to leave the program before the end of summer in order to take up the position of general director of the religious channel Spas. But later this information was denied, since while the leadership of "Russia 1" is on vacation.

Initially, Korchevnikov wanted to combine "business with pleasure" - to produce the channel and remain the host. But he was advised to abandon these plans, because his place on the channel has now become vacant. The question remains: will Malakhov or another journalist take it? True, the leadership of "Russia 1" has motives to "poach" the host.

At the same time, the "potential" candidate to replace Malakhov, showman Dmitry Shepelev, said that he did not have information about the leader's departure from the channel. He asks to ask the administration about it. Shepelev already has a program that he constantly broadcasts, so he does not need to move to a new place. An employee of one production center says that the latter could not “squeeze out” the permanent character “Let them talk” (it has the wrong format) and this sounds ridiculous, because this option is unlikely.

In addition, the source claims that the channel appreciates Malakhov very much and if something did not suit him, the management of the First could make concessions to him, because his project has been considered one of the most popular and recognizable for many years. In this regard, the channel cannot close the program “Let them talk”, how to dismiss the authoritative presenter Malakhov.

The showman's acquaintances voiced three possible reasons that in the near future Andrei Nikolayevich would nevertheless leave the ranks of the Channel One employees. The first of them is that, against the backdrop of a conflict with producer Natalya Nikonova, Malakhov is simply “filling his own worth” and wants to achieve special powers and permission for himself to create his own program.

The second option suggests that a well-known TV presenter can really switch to Russia 1. There he can organize his own project and realize it. It is worth noting that, according to experts, Malakhov will not be left without work, because he has a huge credit of trust in the leading Russian channels. The actively discussed TV presenter himself is now on vacation. Yesterday he posted a photo on the social network in which he walks along the beach. The website of his publication Starhit also does not report anything about the possible departure of the presenter from Channel One, of which he became the face.

Malakhov continues to enjoy legal vacation. Together with his wife Natalya Shkuleva, he flew to the resort and sunbathes under the sun of Saint-Tropez on the best beaches. Users of the social network commented on yesterday's video of the presenter with the phrases: “He is walking so cheerfully away from Channel One”, “Andrey, I heard a rumor that you are leaving Channel One. Is that true?”, “Is it true that you are moving from Pervy to VGTRK?” But in the microblog, the telekumir did not give an answer to any of the questions asked. Apparently, it keeps the intrigue.

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