Financial business transactions. Business transactions in accounting: examples

The history of the development of accounting. Accounting for current account transactions. Accounting cash transactions and securities.

Accounting operations


This course work considers the accounting of transactions on the current account and cash transactions.

The organization's funds are in cash in the form of cash and money of monetary documents, in bank accounts, in issued letters of credit, checkbooks, etc. Their multiplication, proper use, control over preservation is the most important task of accounting.

Accounting Money It has importance for the proper organization of money circulation, in the effective use financial resources. Skillful distribution of funds in itself can bring additional income to the organization. Therefore, you need to constantly think about the rational investment of temporarily free cash to make a profit.

Accounting for cash, settlement and credit operations performs the following main tasks:

validation documentation and legitimacy of operations with funds, settlement and credit operations, their timely and complete reflection in accounting.

ensuring timeliness, completeness and correctness of settlements for all types of payments and receipts, identification of receivables and payables.

timely identification of the results of the inventory of funds, monetary documents and settlements, ensuring the collection of accounts receivable and repayment of accounts payable and loans of credit institutions in a timely manner.

ensuring the safety of funds, uninterrupted provision of cash for urgent needs of the organization

finding opportunities for the most rational investment of free cash as a source of financial investment that generates income.

The current concerns of this area of ​​\u200b\u200baccounting are the control over the payment of bills, the collection of debts from borrowers and debtors, the monitoring of expenses made by payment from a current account or from the cash desk, and the management of the organization's cash.

This term paper is to consolidate and prepare for the practical use of knowledge in the field of accounting transactions on a current account and cash transactions.

1. History of the development of accounting.

Accounting in Russia in the first half of the 19th century: the birth of science.

In the first half of the 19th century, ideas entered the accounting life of Russia that were discussed for a very long time, many of them are being discussed now.

Three accountants laid the foundation for our science: K.I. Arnold, I. Akhmatov, E.A. Wise.

Arnold was the first to distinguish between the theory and practice of accounting. Under the first, he understood “the ability to draw up accounts, maintain and review them”, and under the second - “the circle of all cases belonging to the accounts”; the first acts as a counting science, the second - as a counting part.

Akhmatov believed that this science is the most necessary, important and useful. He argued that accounting should be seen as part of the political economy.

Mudrov looked at the matter in a simpler way: “Accounting is the art of recording any property so that, despite the changes taking place in it, one can always see its present position with the significance of what followed from the changes made in it". Mudrov can be considered the author of the postulate: the algebraic sum of the balance of auxiliary accounts is equal to the sum of the balance of property accounts, added to the difference between receivables and payables on personal accounts.

At this time, balance became an object economic analysis. The very interpretation of accounting by Arnold as a science dealing with the correct comparison of income and expenditure emphasized the role of analysis in managing financial results.

Much attention was also paid to accounting registers, on the basis of which the analysis was made. The totality of these registers constituted a form of accounting. Arnold considered it a method of accounting.

In those days, accountants also faced negative phenomena. Double-entry bookkeeping has been used as a means of regulating economic robbery and as a means of falsifying data. The fight against falsification of credentials and abuse required special techniques. Arnold was the first to come up with a doctrine of revision and methods for its implementation.

Attaching great importance to such an accounting category as an account, the authors of that time made the first attempts to classify accounts. Arnold divided all accounts into personal (calculations) and impersonal. The latter were divided into property, including the capital account, and results. They were called accounts of increments and decrements.

Akhmatov approached the problem somewhat differently. He singled out three grounds for determining three classifications: according to the degree of generalization: basic (synthetic) and auxiliary (analytical); according to the content of the facts of economic life (goods, personal - debtors and creditors, accounts abroad); by the nature of the balance (debit - active and credit - passive).

Mudrov divided all accounts into property, personal and auxiliary, to which the author attributed the accounts of his own funds and results.

There was no “Fixed Assets” account in our understanding. But it was possible to meet accounts of certain types of property, for example, furniture. Arnold offered to write down the purchased furniture in the debit of the account of the same name from the credit of the Cashier account.

The “Goods” account was central both in the system of accounting for material assets and in reflecting financial results. In general, the “Goods” account was considered not only as a means of accounting for the movement of goods. but also as a condition for calculating the financial result - gross profit or loss.

According to the Cashier account, Akhmatov recommended that an inventory be carried out, and minor deviations should be immediately attributed to profits and losses. With Arnold, we are already seeing a gap between the financial result and the state of the Cashier account. Thus, the accrual of salaries and the reservation of possible losses were shown in the expense accounts, reducing profits, while cash on hand remained unchanged as a result.

Thus, the first half of the 19th century was the time when Western accounting thought was finally assimilated, revised and developed. It was the time of the formation of systematic knowledge of accounting, which made it possible to talk about the birth of a new science.

2. Theoretical part.

2.1 Accounting for current account transactions.

Methodology for accounting for transactions on a current account.

Most of the settlements between enterprises are carried out in a non-cash way - by transferring funds from the payer's account to the recipient's account. The intermediary in the implementation of these calculations is the bank.

In a bank, an enterprise opens a current account for storing funds and settlement operations. Settlement accounts are opened for enterprises that are legal entities.

The procedure for opening a current account is regulated by the instruction, in accordance with which each enterprise can open only one current account in one of the banks of its choice.

The current account concentrates free cash and receipts for products sold, works and services performed, short-term and long-term loans received from the bank, and other transfers.

Almost all payments of the enterprise are made from the current account: payment to suppliers for materials, repayment of debts to the budget, social insurance, receipt of money to the cashier for the issuance of wages, material assistance, bonuses, etc.

In addition to settlement accounts, current accounts are opened to store funds for a strictly designated purpose. To open a bank account, the following documents are submitted:

A copy of the charter of the enterprise, registered in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.

Account opening application.

Card with samples of signatures of persons who are granted the right to sign documents, and imprints of the company's seal.

After verification of these documents, by order of the bank manager, the current account of the enterprise is assigned a number. A personal account is maintained for each enterprise in the bank to record the movement of funds.

When settling between enterprises, banks and the state, a calendar settlement system is used, that is, all payments from the current account, including deductions to the budget and payment of wages, are made in the order of calendar reporting (in the order they are received by the bank).

Bank makes payments by bank transfer with the consent of the owner of the current account. Only when paying financial authorities for overdue taxes, by orders of arbitration, when repaying overdue loans, funds are debited from the current account without his consent, that is, forcibly on a collection order.

The company periodically (on a daily basis or at other times set by the bank) receives from the bank an extract from the current account, i.e. a list of operations performed by him during the reporting period. Documents received from other enterprises and organizations, on the basis of which funds were credited or debited, as well as documents issued by the enterprise, are attached to the bank statement.

An extract from the current account is the second copy of the personal account of the enterprise opened by the bank. Saving the funds of enterprises, the bank considers itself the debtor of the enterprise (its accounts payable), therefore, the balance of funds and receipts to the current account are recorded on the credit of the current account, and the reduction of its debt (write-offs, cash withdrawals) - on the debit. When processing statements, the accountant must remember this feature and record the credited amounts and the balance on the debit of the current account, and write-offs on the loan. The current account statement has certain indicators, some of which are coded by the bank, and the same codes are used by the enterprise.

The bank statement replaces the register of analytical accounting for the current account and at the same time serves as the basis for accounting records. All documents attached to the extract are canceled with the stamp “redeemed”. The amounts erroneously credited or debited from the current account are accepted to account 63 “Calculations on claims”, and the bank is immediately informed about such amounts for corrections. In subsequent statements, the bank makes corrections, and in the accounting of the enterprise, the debt is written off.

On the fields of the verified statement against the amounts of transactions and in the documents, the codes of the accounts corresponding with account 51 “Settlement account” are affixed, and the documents also indicate serial number his entries in the extract. These data are necessary to control the movement of funds, automate accounting work, certificates, checks and subsequent storage of documents. Verification and processing of statements should be carried out on the day they are received.

The statement received from the bank is checked and processed: all supporting documents are selected, corresponding accounts (codes) are affixed, and for the costs of maintaining and operating machinery and equipment, general production and general business distribution costs, settlements with the budget and others, in addition, article codes are affixed . This is necessary because analytical accounting for many accounts is organized in the context of articles. Grouping amounts by items is carried out in transcript sheets, which are opened monthly in the context of accounts, workshops and filled in according to the documents for the corresponding order journals.

Synthetic accounting of operations on the current account of the company's accounting department is on account 51 "Settlement account". This is an active account, on the debit of which the balance of free cash of the enterprise at the beginning of the month, cash receipts from the cash desk of the enterprise, funds credited from buyers of products, customers, debtors, and loans received are recorded. The credit of this account reflects cash in repayment of the enterprise's debts to suppliers of material assets (services), contractors for work performed, the budget, the bank for loans received, social insurance agencies and other creditors, as well as amounts given to the enterprise in cash at the cash desk.

To reflect the turnover on the credit of account 51, journal-order No. 2 is used. The debit turnover of this account is recorded in different order journals and, in addition, is controlled by statement No. 2. The basis for filling in these registers are verified and processed current account statements.

Amounts with the same corresponding accounts of each statement are added up and recorded in the journal-order and in the statement of results.

A prerequisite for filling in registers is the use of one line for each statement, regardless of the period for which it is drawn up. The number of busy lines of the journal-order No. 2 and statement No. 2 for each month should be the same and equal to the number of bank statements received during this period. Both in the journal order No. 2 and in statement No. 2, the amounts are recorded in the context of corresponding accounts with debit and credit of account 51.

The presence of these indicators for each reporting day and month allows accountants to analyze the sources of cash receipts to the company's current account, control the intended use of funds, fulfillment of obligations to the budget and other economic bodies in accordance with the approved calendar schedule of financial payments.

2.2 Accounting for cash transactions and securities.

Methodology for accounting for cash transactions.

All enterprises must keep money in bank institutions, and there is a cash desk in the enterprise for receiving, storing and spending cash. The procedure for conducting cash transactions is regulated by the instruction of the Central Bank of Russia dated 04.10.93 On the procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation. The amount of cash in the cash desk of the enterprise is limited by the limit established by the credit institution in agreement with the enterprise. In excess of the established norms, cash can be kept at the cash desk only on the days of payment of wages, pensions, allowances, scholarships for three days, including the day the money is received from a credit institution.

To account for the presence and movement of funds in the cash desk of the enterprise, an active account 50 “Cashier” is used. The account balance indicates the presence of the amount of free money in the cash desk of the enterprise at the beginning of the month; turnover on debit - amounts received in cash at the cash desk, and on credit - amounts issued in cash. Cash transactions are recorded on the credit of account 50 and are reflected in the order journal No. 1. The debit turnover of this account is recorded in different order journals and, in addition, is controlled by statement No. 1.

The basis for filling out the journal-order No. 1 and in the statement No. 1 are the reports of the cashier. Each report in the register is assigned one line, regardless of the period for which the cash report is drawn up. The number of busy lines in the journal-order and in the statement must correspond to the number of reports submitted by the cashier.

In the cash desk of the enterprise can be stored, in addition to cash, securities and forms of strict reporting. Securities include vouchers to rest homes and sanatoriums purchased at the expense of the Special Purpose Fund, postage stamps, state duty stamps, uniform tickets and travel tickets. Securities are accounted for on account 56” Money documents” in the journal-warrant No. 3. Receipt and issue of securities are made according to incoming and outgoing cash orders, followed by the compilation by the cashier of a report on the movement of securities. Forms of strict reporting ( work books and slip sheets to them, receipts for waybills of vehicles, etc.) are recorded on off-balance account 006 “Strict reporting forms”.

The cashier bears full financial responsibility for the safety of all the valuables accepted by him and for any damage caused to the enterprise due to their improper storage.

An inventory (audit) of the availability of funds in cash is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting at least once a month. The audit of the cash desk is carried out suddenly by a commission appointed by order of the head of the enterprise, in the presence of a cashier. At the same time, cash, monetary documents, securities and strict reporting forms are checked sheet by sheet.

Receipts for disbursed amounts in cash that are not issued by debit cash orders are not included in the cash balance. The results of the inventory are documented in an act (form No. inv. 15).

On the reverse side of the act, the financially responsible person writes an explanation of the reasons for the surplus or shortage established by the inventory, and the head of the enterprise writes a decision based on the results of the inventory. Identified cash surpluses are accrued with subsequent transfer to the budget revenue (at state-owned enterprises) or are transferred to the enterprise's income:

Dt sch.50 ”Cashier”

Set of accounts 68 “Settlements with the budget”, 80 “Profits and losses”.

In case of shortages, their amounts are subject to collection from the financially responsible person (cashier) and are recorded as follows:

1. Dr. sch.84 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

Set sch.50 ”Cashier”

2. Dr. account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”

Set count 84 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”.

3. Practical part.

3.1 Methodology for accounting for transactions on a current account. Documentation used when accounting for transactions on a current account.

The bank makes the receipt and issue of money, non-cash transfers according to documents of a special form. The main documents for transactions on the current account are:

1) for cash payments:

money check;

announcement of a cash contribution;

2) for non-cash payments:

payment order;

settlement check;

letter of credit;

payment request - order.

A cash check is presented to the bank for withdrawal from the settlement account of the enterprise of the amount of cash specified in the check. The check consists of three parts separated from each other: the spine, the check itself and the control mark. The stub of the check remains in the checkbook of the enterprise, being a confirmation of the use of a check for a certain amount. The completed check itself is transferred by the cash recipient to an employee of the bank's operational department. This worker cuts out the control stamp and gives it to the customer. The client presents the stamp to the bank teller and receives cash.

An announcement for a cash contribution is submitted to the bank upon depositing to the current account the amount of cash received for the sale of goods, performance of work and services, as various receipts from other enterprises and other receipts. In confirmation of receipt of money, the bank issues a receipt, which serves as a source document.

A payment order is a written order of the payer to transfer the amount of funds from his account to the beneficiary's account.

Payment orders are calculated on contributions to the budget, with social insurance authorities, when transferring wages to employees' accounts in Sberbank, repaying debts, on preliminary and subsequent payment for goods and materials, work and services performed. Payment orders are issued on a special form and presented to the bank within 10 days from the date of issue.

A payment order is accepted by the bank from the payer for execution only if there are funds on the account, unless otherwise agreed between the bank and the account holder.

When paying by payment orders, the document flow is significantly reduced. At the same time, this form of payment does not guarantee timely payment to the supplier.

When making settlements with non-resident suppliers, enterprises can use a letter of credit form of settlement.

When using this form of payment, the buyer deposits the amount of the letter of credit in the supplier's bank on a separate account. Each letter of credit is issued for settlements with only one supplier. The validity period and procedure for settlements under a letter of credit is established by an agreement between the payer and the supplier. An application for opening a letter of credit is submitted in the amount necessary for the payer's bank to fulfill the conditions of the letter of credit.

The deposit of funds guarantees the payer timely payment for the shipped goods and materials and services rendered. Funds from the letter of credit are paid to the supplier on the basis of the register of invoices of transport documents confirming the shipment of goods and materials.

Payment requests - orders represent the requirement of the supplier to the buyer to pay, on the basis of settlement and shipping documents sent to the servicing bank of the payer, the cost of products delivered under the contract, paid works, services rendered.

3.2 Methodology for accounting for cash transactions.

Documentation used in the accounting of cash transactions.

Primary documentation of cash transactions:

n incoming cash order;

n expenditure cash order;

n cash book;

n payroll;

n register of receipt and expenditure cash orders.

The cashier accepts money at the cash desk according to an incoming cash order signed by the chief accountant, with the issuance of a cash receipt to the person giving the money. The receipt is part of the incoming cash order, is filled out simultaneously with it and is issued only after the cashier receives the money. An incoming cash order is stored with a copy of the cash book sheet as a cashier's report. The receipt for the incoming cash order is kept together with the bank statement on the transfer of funds from the account.

The cashier issues money on account cash orders, payrolls, statements of expenses incurred with sales receipts attached to them, receipts, certificates and other supporting documents.

Expenditure documents are signed by the chief accountant, and the permissive inscription of the head of the enterprise is required on the statements and statements. Expenditure cash orders are stored with a copy of the cash book sheet, canceled with a stamp or the inscription "paid".

Receipt and issuance of money on incoming and outgoing cash orders is carried out by the cashier only on the day they are issued.

3.3 Description of specific transactions on the current account and cash transactions.

Issuance of wages.

In accordance with the wage system chosen at the enterprise, primary documentation is maintained: timesheets, production records, orders, agreements, contracts and other documents.

In the accounting department, on the basis of primary documentation, wages are calculated, the results of the calculation, indicating the amounts of deductions and accruals made, are entered in the payroll [appendix].

According to the payroll wage paid out of the cash register. After three days allotted for the issuance of wages, an expenditure cash warrant is issued for the total amount of wages issued [attachment].

The company receives money for the payment of wages from its bank account. To receive cash from a bank account, an enterprise submits to the bank 2 days before the day the salary is paid, an application for the reservation of funds.

At the same time, payment orders are submitted to the bank [attachment]:

1) to transfer taxes to the budget

(12500 / 88) * 100 = 14205 thousand rubles. - salary without deducting income tax;

14205 - 12500 = 1705 thousand rubles - income tax.

2) in PF (28% + 1%)

(14205 / 99) * 100 = 14348 thousand rubles. - accrued wages;

(14348/100) * 28 = 4017 thousand rubles. ;

14348/100 = 143 thousand rubles ;

4017 + 143 = 4160 thousand rubles - the amount of income tax.

3) in the FSS (5.4%)

14348 * 5.4 / 100 = 775 thousand rubles.

4) to the employment fund (2%)

14348 * 2/100 = 287 thousand rubles

5) to the health insurance fund (3.6%)

14348*3.6/100 = 516 thousand rubles

The cashier takes the money from the bank by check [Appendix 3]. Receipt of money is formalized by a cash receipt [application].

Calculations with accountable persons.

The basis for receiving cash from the bank for travel expenses is the director's order to send an employee on a business trip with the attached calculation of operating and business expenses - an estimate of this species enterprise expenses. The employee submits an application for a business trip to the accounting department. On the basis of these documents, cash is issued against a report, which is issued by an account cash warrant [application]. Not later than three days after returning from a business trip, the accountable person is obliged to report on the expenses incurred - to draw up an advance report [annex] based on documents confirming the amount of expenses.

The return of the unused amount to the cash desk is issued by an incoming cash order [application], and the overspending of the accountable amount is reimbursed by an outgoing cash order.

Sales of finished products.

Finished products manufactured by the enterprise can be shipped and sold either directly from production or from a warehouse finished products. Finished products accepted from the shops according to delivery notes are accounted for in the finished product warehouse using quantity and grade accounting cards and released with an invoice issued [attachment] and a payment request.

Released finished products are considered sold either after payment by the buyer, or as they are shipped. The fact of payment for products is confirmed by bank statements. If the payment is made in cash to the cash desk of the enterprise, the sales amount is confirmed by a cash receipt [appendix].

Sales of products are subject to value added tax.

(7000/120) * 100 = 5834 thousand rubles. - the cost of products sold, excluding VAT;

7000 - 5834 = 1166 thousand rubles - amount of VAT.

Implementation of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are means (tools) of labor worth more than 5,000,000 rubles. Per unit and a service life of more than one year. The liquidation of fixed assets is drawn up by the Act on the liquidation of fixed assets (form OS-4).

The sale of fixed assets is subject to value added tax.

(5000 / 120) * 100 = 4167 thousand rubles. - cost of realizable fixed assets without VAT;

5000 - 4167 = 833 thousand rubles - amount of VAT.

Realization of materials.

The composition of the production material working capital includes: raw materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, packaging, etc. .

When leaving the warehouse at the enterprise, the following documentation is used:


Sales Invoice;

limit card.

The sale of materials is subject to value added tax.

(2300/120) * 100 = 1917 rubles. - cost of materials without VAT;

2300 - 1917 = 383 rubles - amount of VAT.

Calculation of value added tax.

1166 + 833/6 + 383 = 1688 thousand rubles. - the amount of VAT to be transferred to the budget.

Table 1

Book of business operations.



Received money at the cash desk from the river. With. to pay wages

boo. reference

The income tax from the accrued z. P.

boo. reference

The amount of contribution to the PF from wages has been accrued

workers' wages

boo. reference

The amount of the contribution to the PF on the payroll has been accrued

settlement fees. statement

The amount of the contribution to the FSS has been accrued

boo. reference

The amount of the contribution to the employment fund is accrued

boo. reference

The amount of the contribution to the FMS is accrued

Received money at the cash desk from the river. With. on the household and travel expenses

Received cash proceeds from the sale of finished products

boo. reference, bill of lading

VAT included as part of sales


Received cash proceeds from the sale of fixed assets

boo. reference

VAT included in sales

fixed assets

Received cash proceeds from the sale of materials

boo. reference, bill of lading

The amount of VAT included in the sales


b.c.o. ; advance payment

Returned to the cashier the balance of unused accountable amounts

r.c.o. ; announced for cash payment

Cash deposited into account

Receipts to the current account:

boards. instructions founders; bank statement

cash contribution to the statutory fund

advance payment for the supply of valuables

boo. reference

including VAT

boards. entrusted. ; bank statement

rent for a year in advance

Transferred from the current account:

payment. entrusted; bank statement.

income tax

payment. entrusted; bank statement.

contribution to the PF

payment. entrusted; bank statement.

contribution to the FSS

payment. entrusted; bank statement.

employment fund contribution

payment. entrusted; bank statement.

FMS contribution

payment. entrusted; bank statement

user tax highways

payment. entrusted; bank statement

income tax

settlement fees. led. ; r.c.o.

Wages issued from the cash register

Account receipts.

The transfer of funds to the recipient's account is executed by a payment order from the founders [Appendix 14], buyers, tenants. Confirmation of the receipt of funds to the current account are bank statements, on the basis of which the corresponding entries are made in the book of business transactions.

Advance payment for the supply of material assets is subject to value added tax.

2000/120 * 100 = 1667 thousand rubles - the cost of goods excluding VAT;

2000-1667 = 333 thousand rubles - amount of VAT.

But the shipment of goods to the buyer will be made in the following periods, so the payment of value added tax on advances received will also be made in subsequent periods.

Transfers from the current account.

The calculation of amounts to be transferred to the budget, off-budget funds, etc. is made in accounting statements. Transfers from the settlement account of the enterprise are made out by payment orders. Confirmation of the transfers made are bank statements, on the basis of which the corresponding entries are made in the book of business transactions.

General Ledger Account No. ________51___________________

Debit turnover

from the credit of Account 09

from account credit 50

from the credit of Account 64

from the credit of Account 75

by debit

on credit

General Ledger Account No. _______50_____________________

Debit turnover

from the credit of Account 51

from the credit of Account 62

from the credit of Account 71

by debit

on credit

For October 1996, the enterprise took into account the following business transactions (record without taking into account the chronological sequence).

1) Received money at the cash desk:

a) from a checking account

n for the payment of wages 12,500 thousand rubles.

n for household and business travel

expenses 1500 thousand rubles.

b) sales proceeds

n finished products 7000 thousand rubles.

n fixed assets 5000 thousand rubles.

n materials 2300 thousand rubles.

c) the balance of unused accountable amounts of 1.2 thousand rubles.

2) Cash deposited to the current account (Determine the amount)

3) Received to the current account:

a) a cash contribution to the authorized capital of 4,000 thousand rubles.

b) advance payment for the supply of valuables 2000 thousand rubles.

c) rent for the year in advance 12,000 thousand rubles.

4) Transferred from the current account:

a) VAT (Amount to be determined)

b) income tax (To determine the amount)

c) in PF (Define the amount)

d) car user tax

roads 210 thousand rubles.

e) income tax 10,070 thousand rubles.

5) A salary of 12,500 thousand rubles was issued from the cash desk.

Journal - order “Settlement account”

from loan 51

to debit 51

to debit accounts

from credit accounts

Journal - order "Cashier"

from credit 50

to debit 51

to debit accounts

from credit accounts


This course work is dedicated to accounting account transactions and cash transactions. In the process of writing it, an attempt was made to analyze the goals of accounting and the tasks that accounting for settlement account transactions and cash transactions should perform.

To facilitate understanding and the most complete disclosure of its essence, a brief historical background on the formation of accounting in Russia as a science was given.

In the theoretical part of this course work, a methodology for accounting transactions on a current account and cash transactions was described. Accounts were given, with the help of which the account of transactions on the settlement account and cash transactions is kept.

In the settlement part, the primary documentation used in accounting for current account transactions and cash transactions was listed. Also in the settlement part, accounting for specific operations given in the assignment was made, a book of business operations and primary documentation for these operations, which is an appendix to this course work, was drawn up.

On the basis of the primary documentation and the book of business transactions, order journals and General ledgers were filled in for accounts 50 “Cashier” and 51 “Settlement account”.

The above methodology for accounting for transactions on a current account and cash transactions is complete and specific, which allows you to organize a clear management and control over the receipt, movement and disposal of funds, but this causes some complexity of this methodology.

In this course work, an attempt was made to analyze the essence and basic principles of accounting for current account transactions and cash transactions, an example of accounting was given on specific transactions, which can serve as a guide for mastering this material, as well as preparing for practical activities in the enterprise.


1. V.S. Fomin. Methodical development.

2. P.I. Kamyshanov. Practical guide on accounting. M. Economics. 1995

3. Accounting. Express course. M. Infra-M. 1994

4. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (draft). M. RIDAS. 1996

5. Chart of accounts.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

On this page:

Any company in the course of its activities carries out certain operations. They must be recorded in the accounting. This involves accounts. They participate in reporting.

What are business transactions

A business transaction (CW) is a specific action that changes either the composition of property, or its location, or the sources of its formation. Also, CW can be associated with changes in the formation of the budget, the structure of the company's ownership, equity and borrowed funds, and reserve capital. The fact of a business transaction is the basis for creating an accounting entry. The posting is formed on the basis of documents confirming the operation.

A certain event entails a change in indicators. For example, capital, the amount of property can change. Values ​​can either increase or decrease. Changes in equity cause changes in the balance sheet currency. Consequently, the amount of assets and liabilities also changes.

Examples of business transactions in accounting

Consider examples of operations and their approximate structure:

  • Supply. Examples of CW: receipt of raw materials, transfer of funds to the supplier, input of raw materials into production.
  • Implementation. Examples of CW: spending on product sales, receipt of revenue, sale of goods.
  • Production. Examples of CWs: employee salaries, depreciation of fixed assets, acceptance of a contractor's work, transfer of funds to a contractor.

These are the most common types of business transactions.

Types of business transactions

Consider a table with the classification of business transactions:

Impact on balance Debit correspondence Loan correspondence
Changing Assets Active Active
Change in liabilities Passive Passive
Increase in asset and liability Active Passive
Downgrading of assets and liabilities Passive Active

These are four types of transactions, which are classified according to the way they affect the balance sheet.

Let us consider in more detail the types of postings (A is an asset, P is a liability, O is a turnover):

  • 1 type. Transactions that reduce one item of an asset by increasing another. Examples of type 1: the goods arrived at the warehouse, the money is sent from the account to the cashier. At the same time, the structure of property changes, but the final amount remains the same.

    This type has the following formula:
    A balance + O on the debit of account 1 - O on the credit of account 2 \u003d P balance.

  • 2 type. Postings that change liability articles. Type 2 examples: multiplying reserve capital by changing the amount of profit. At the same time, CW causes a change in the structure of sources of funds, but the final assessment remains the same.

    This formula belongs to this type:
    A balance = P balance + O on the credit of account 1 - O on the debit of account 2.

  • 3 type. Actions that increase the value of the company's assets and liabilities. Example: operations for the sale of fixed assets, obtaining a loan. Postings change balance currencies.

    A balance + O on the debit of account 1 \u003d P balance + O on the credit of account 2.

  • 4 type. Actions that reduce the value of liabilities or the amount of equity by reducing the amount of assets. Example: settlements with suppliers. In the process, both the asset and the liability decrease.

    A balance - O on the debit of account 1 \u003d P balance - O on the credit of account 2.

Also, operations are classified according to their content:

  • Material. Assume the movement of goods and materials.
  • Financial. Assumes the movement of funds.
  • Estimated. Settlements with contractors.

The type of operation depends on the features of its reflection in accounting.

How to set the operation type

To determine the type of transaction, you need to analyze which accounts were used in the transactions and what changes in the balance currency were made. The following information will help facilitate the determination (A - active, P - passive):

  • Active XO. Correspondence: both accounts A. Dt increases, and Kt decreases. The balance doesn't change.
  • Passive XO. Correspondence: both accounts P. Dt decreases, Kt - increases. The balance doesn't change.
  • Mixed XO on the increase. Correspondence: Dt - A, Kt - P. Dt and Kt increase. The balance is increasing.
  • Mixed XO to decrease. Correspondence: Dt - P, Kt - A. The indicators of Dt and Kt are decreasing. The balance will be reduced.

To accurately establish the type of operation, you need to have information about the chart of accounts, the structure of the balance sheet.

NOTE! An asset is the property of a company, and a liability is the source of that property. mixed forms exists in both assets and liabilities.

Accounting entries depending on the type of transaction

Consider postings for the first type of business transactions:

  • Direction of raw materials to production: Dt20 KT10.
  • Receipt of funds from the buyer: Dt51 KT60.
  • Direction of funds to the cashier: DT50 KT51.

Accounting entries for transactions of type 2:

  • Withholding personal income tax from wages: Dt70 KT68.
  • Increasing the reserve at the expense of profit: Dt84 Kt82.
  • Advance payment to the supplier from borrowed money: Dt60 Kt66.

Type 3 transaction postings:

  • Receipt of material from the supplier: Dt10 Kt60.
  • Payment of salaries: Dt20 Kt70.
  • Receipt of borrowed funds: Dt51 Kt66.

Type 4 transaction postings:

  • Loan repayment: Dt66 Kt51.
  • Payment of salaries: Dt70 Kt51.
  • Direction of payment to the supplier: Dt51 Kt60.

These are the accounting entries that are used most often.

The nuances of the formation of postings

Each operation has a dual nature. It affects both assets and liabilities simultaneously. The dependence of Dt and Kt is called the correspondence of accounts. On the left (on the debit) the remains of the company's property are recorded, and on the right (on the credit) - the source of its occurrence. Postings must be recorded at the time of the transaction.

Each posting is documented. Primary documentation confirms the fact of the actual existence of a business transaction. Not only accountants, but also managers and leaders work on its compilation. The primary documentation must contain the following mandatory information:

  • Signatures of authorized persons.
  • Information about the person responsible for the operation.
  • Information about the content of the operation.
  • The date the document was completed.
  • Type of document.

For ease of entering information, the account is assigned a number. Double entry allows you to confirm the equality of turnover for Dt and Kt for the reporting period. If an inequality has formed, this is evidence of an error. Also double entry makes it easy to set the content of the posting.


Consider examples of reflecting operations in accounting:

  • Priority LLC received funds in the amount of 5 thousand rubles for the transferred goods. In this case, the following wiring will be used: Dt51 Kt62. Transaction amount: 5,000 rubles. The balance sheet currency in this case remains the same, but the assets change. The settlement account is replenished by 5 thousand rubles, the account "Settlements with buyers" is reduced by the same amount.
  • At the end of the reporting period, Prioritet LLC made a profit. The manager needs to calculate dividends in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The wiring will be as follows: Dt84 Kt75. The amount of the operation: 10 thousand rubles. The currency of the balance remains the same. Only the passive changes.
  • Raw materials worth 4,000 rubles arrived at the warehouse of Prioritet LLC. The wiring will be like this: Dt41 Kt60. Amount: 4,000 rubles. In this case, there is a change in the balance sheet currency.
  • Prioritet LLC transferred funds in the amount of 5 thousand rubles to the supplier on account of the delivery. The wiring will be as follows: Dt60 Kt51. Amount: 5 thousand rubles.

The transaction reflects the amount of the operation, as well as the primary document on the basis of which it was formed.

One of the main tasks of accounting is the formation of information about the assets and liabilities of the company, its expenses and income, as well as the most important facts activities. In most cases, the subject of accounting are business transactions. About what types they are and how they are reflected in accounting, read in this article.

Definition of host. operations

The current legislation on accounting does not have exact definition household operations. However, Federal Law No. 402 gives a definition of the fact of households. life.

The fact of economic life implies a transaction or operation that affects the economic situation of the company, financial condition and the movement of money. It can be said that the the operation is the fact of the owner. life.

Business operations and processes

Business processes and business operations are closely interconnected. After all, the owner processes in accounting are a set of households. operations.

The essence of the operation is one of the most the most important characteristics the fact of the owner life, because depending on it, certain postings are made in accounting.

Here is a table of the content of business operations and processes:

Main types of operations

There are four types of business transactions:

  1. Operations of the first type have an impact on the composition of property objects, that is, only on the balance sheet asset. No changes are made to obligations.
  2. When carrying out operations of the second type, the sources from which the company's property is formed change. So, only the passive part changes. This does not apply to the balance sheet.
  3. Operations of the third type affect both the property of the company and capital. Changes are being made in a big way. Both in terms of liabilities and assets, the balance sheet currency is growing.
  4. When carrying out transactions of the fourth type, both the active and passive parts of the balance are reduced (moreover, by an equal amount).

Examples of hosts operations

Here are some examples of business transactions in accounting:

  1. First type:
    • D43 - K20 - release of finished goods from production.
    • D94 - K10 - a shortage of valuables was detected during the inventory.
  2. Second type:
    • D80 - K84 - the size of the UK decreased to the size of the net assets of the company.
    • D96 - K70 - accrual of vacation pay at the expense of the reserve.
  3. Third type:
    • D76 - K91 - accrual of a fine for violation of the conditions specified in the contract.
    • D08 - K70 - payroll for workers who install the OS object.
  4. Fourth type:
    • D91 - K52 - negative exchange rate difference on the account in foreign currency. currency.
    • D91 - K63 - the formation of a reserve for doubtful debts.

Features of reflecting operations in accounting

Business transactions in accounting must be reflected in accordance with certain rules.

Thus, the group of costs associated with the production process is formed by the costs arising in connection with:

  • The number of products;
  • The volume of materials and raw materials;
  • The number of MPZ.

Some of these may arise when inventory is processed to:

  • Provision of various kinds of services;
  • Execution of works;
  • Manufacture of goods;
  • Stock sales.
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