The Palace of Soviets is an unfinished project from the times of the USSR. Palace of Soviets - a utopian project of the USSR

Let's take a little virtual tour around the Palace of Soviets in Moscow. The grandiose and majestic building was never destined to come true. On the Internet there are illustrations from the sketch and project documentation Palace of the Soviets and the set of these illustrations is limited. The idea arose to restore one of the variants of this building in 3d, describe the history of the Palace of Soviets and take a walk around the territory of the virtual building. At the end of the post, the evolution of the winning competition project of the Palace of Soviets by Boris Iofan is given, starting from 1933. The 1934 variant is implemented in 3d.

History-Phantom of the Palace of Soviets
The idea of ​​building the Palace of Soviets will be 90 years old next year. In 1931 it was announced open competition for the building project. According to the plan, the Palace of Soviets was supposed to personify the greatness, power and success of the young Soviet state, become visible embodiment ideas of the victory of communism, prepared for all a bright future. About 160 projects were submitted to the competition, both from foreign architects and, for the most part, from Soviet ones. By that time, the dominant link in architecture was constructivism. Constructivism is based on strict, concise forms, and the space of the building should be as functional as possible. Not a small part of the projects for the construction of the Palace of Soviets was designed in a constructivist spirit. But for a symbolic building, the laconic and rational form did not fit well with the changing "proletarian aesthetics". At least that's what Joseph Stalin thought. The simplicity and skeptical design of the structures were to be replaced by pompous, richly decorated facades. Architects based on the development of classical forms increasingly made themselves known. Boris Iofan kept apart from other architects. A student of the Italian architect Armando Brasini won the competition for the design of the Palace of the Soviets. By the way, Brasini also took part in the competition. The influence of the teacher was great, one might even say that Italian blood was supposed to flow in the upcoming Palace. following the Italian Kremlin, which became sacred center Russia, the significant influence of Italians in Orthodox church buildings, the time has come for architectural influence on the country of the Soviets.
In 1933, architects V. Schuko and V. Gelfreich were involved in the work of B. Iofan. According to the revised project being prepared, the height of the Palace was to be 420 meters, the building was to be crowned with a 100-meter monument to V.I. Lenin - the work of the sculptor S. Merkurov. The cubic capacity of the building would be 7,500,000 cubic meters. The Great Hall of the Palace was designed for 21000 people, had a height of 100 m, the small hall was designed for 6000 people. The high-rise part of the Palace was supposed to house the Presidium, the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and some other halls.
The construction of such a building would require the reconstruction of Volkhonka and other adjacent buildings. In other words, everything historical Buildings, mansions would be demolished. Huge areas around were supposed to be asphalted and equipped with parking lots for 5,000 cars. The building of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin should have been moved 100 meters.
The construction of the Palace began in the late 30s on the site of the destroyed Cathedral of Christ the Savior. But the truly ambitious plan of the Bolsheviks was never to be realized. The war has taken its toll. Construction was stopped at the stage of laying the foundation. Interestingly, during and after the war, the project of the Palace of Soviets underwent changes, the hope for the implementation of the project did not leave Stalin for a long time. The post-war devastation, the death of the leader, the exposure of the cult of Stalin, the adoption of the directive on the "condemnation of embellishment and architectural excesses" finally buried the idea and project of further construction. Then there were many other programs and projects, attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to oppose the USSR and the socialist camp to the world of capital and a market economy. But there was no such beautiful project in architecture.
The project of the Palace of the Council of Boris Iofan played a big role in the formation and further development and the heyday of Soviet architecture of the 30s - 50s, called "Stalin's Empire". Formed at the junction different cultures and styles, from classicism to post-constructivism, a talented synthesis of architectures, eclecticism of the Soviet imperial style - a significant milestone in the architecture of the world.

The proposal to build an amazing palace for meetings of the Supreme Council was made back in 1922 at the First Congress of Soviets, at which the creation of the USSR was announced. At this congress, S.M. Kirov gave a lengthy speech about the fact that the USSR would expand, and the Moscow halls would soon be unable to accommodate all the deputies. According to Kirov, the construction of the Palace of Soviets should prove that the Bolsheviks are able not only to destroy "the palaces of bankers, landowners and tsars", but also to build. After listening to Comrade Kirov, the participants in the congress decided to build the Palace of Soviets without fail, and not just anywhere, but "on the most beautiful and best square."

In the late 1920s, this proposal fell on fertile ground: grandiose anti-religious propaganda unfolded in the Soviet Union, and the construction of the Palace of Soviets - the main building of the USSR - on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior became a powerful lever in this program. Like any business in those years, work on the construction of the Palace of Soviets in 1931 began with the solution of organizational issues. The Construction Council and the Construction Administration of the Palace of Soviets were established. But most representative body became the Provisional Technical Council of the aforementioned department.

The members of the council were not only architects, but also representatives of other types of art: from writers - A.M. Gorky, from artists - I.E. Grabar, from sculptors - S.M. Merkurov, from theater workers - K.S. Stanislavsky and V.E. Meyerhold. In addition, I.V. Stalin and other members of the government. Among the possible construction sites were Okhotny Ryad, Zaryadye, Varvarka, shopping malls on Red Square, Kitay-Gorod and Bolotnaya Square. In May 1931, at a meeting of the Provisional Technical Council, Okhotny Ryad was unanimously chosen for the construction of the Palace. However, the Construction Council (represented by Stalin) did not agree with this option.

I had to get back together and discuss everything. possible options. They began to sit again and decided: "... to recognize as more or less probable points for the construction of the Palace of Soviets - Kitay-Gorod, then Okhotny Ryad and Swamp, and in the last place the Cathedral of Christ the Savior." But this decision did not suit Stalin either. The next meeting on the choice of the construction site was held in early June 1931, this time in the Kremlin. At this meeting, chaired by Stalin and with the participation of Politburo members V.M. Molotov, L.M. Kaganovich, K.E. Voroshilov, as well as leading Soviet architects and one foreign architect, decided: to build the Palace of Soviets on Volkhonka.

Then the fate of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was sealed. Six months later, on December 5, 1931, the temple was blown up. The site of the future construction was surrounded by a fence, on which there was a slogan: "Instead of the hearth of dope - the Palace of Soviets." Direct work on the design of the Palace of Soviets began in February 1931. Then preliminary projects were drawn up, which provided material for clarifying the task and program of the competition. The competition was announced in June 1931. A total of one hundred and sixty projects were submitted. Sixteen projects were awarded cash prizes, but this did not make it possible to determine the winner.

According to the specified task, the competition continued again, and the development of the project was entrusted to groups of architects of the awarded projects. In fact, the architectural competition lasted almost six years. And only in 1937 a project was chosen, which was accepted for implementation. Its authors were architects B.M. Iofan, V.G. Gelfreikh and V.A. Schuko. The Palace of Soviets was to become monumental monument heroic era of socialism. The outlines of the Palace and all its architecture amazed contemporaries. According to the project, the building, wide at the bottom, rushed up, gradually narrowing, and ended with the grandiose figure of V.I. Lenin.

The total height of the structure was to reach almost four hundred and twenty meters. There was no taller building in the world at that time. The sculpture of Lenin was especially monumental, the weight of which would have been six thousand tons. Lenin's head would be comparable to a five-story building and would have a diameter of fourteen meters. Forefinger leader - four meters. Chest girth - thirty-two meters. It was assumed that the statue would be visible from a distance of seventy (!) Kilometers. Thanks to the monel metal coating, it was calculated that the statue would not be exposed to atmospheric influences for a thousand (!) years.

Probably everyone has heard about the grandiose project, but not everyone knows that such a colossal building, which is often called " tower of babel Communism" managed to get out of the framework of the "project on paper". The Palace of Soviets really began to be built in 1938. As expected, the construction of the Palace of Soviets began with soil samples and foundation construction. It should be noted that the colossal dimensions of the structure not only amazed the imagination, but in the future would have carried considerable loads on the ground. According to design calculations, the Palace of Soviets was supposed to occupy an area of ​​eleven hectares and would weigh almost one and a half million tons.

Moreover, this huge, simply incredible, gravity was not distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the grandiose structure. The central high-rise part of the Palace of Soviets was the heaviest. Occupying only two hectares, that is, less than a fifth of the total territory, it would weigh as much as six hundred and fifty thousand tons. The construction of the building was planned from a powerful steel frame, to which all the walls, floor and ceilings, along with their incredible richness, were suspended. More than two thousand giant steel frame columns would transfer the weight of the Palace of Soviets to the foundations.

By 1941, the frame of the central high-rise part was erected from Volkhonka Street to the height of a nine-story building. True, it is worth noting that with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War this frame was gradually dismantled and used for military and defense needs: small steel beams were used, for example, for the manufacture of anti-tank hedgehogs, since 1943 large ones were used to repair railway bridges destroyed during the Great Patriotic War on the European territory of the USSR. By the end of the war, only the foundation and superbly made waterproofing remained at the site of the grandiose construction.

Officially, the construction of the Palace was not abandoned until 1955, however, in fact, no work was carried out at the construction site. And only in 1956 a decision was made to build the Moskva pool here. Nevertheless, even the unfinished Palace of Soviets had an impact on the development of our city. According to the General Plan for the Reconstruction of Moscow from 1935, the Palace of Soviets, along with Red Square, where Lenin's mausoleum stands, was to become a city-forming object. In particular, it was proposed to break through many kilometers of wide avenues leading to the square in front of the Palace of Soviets.

Not at all jokingly, the architect Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev, who had a special gift for creating a large monumental form in architecture, suggested that all his colleagues designing new Moscow buildings put a model of the Palace of Soviets on their desktop and take it into account exactly in their plans, demanding that in all projects, the Palace was visible from every window of absolutely every Moscow building. Let's now try to turn to the General Plan for the Reconstruction of Moscow in 1935, or rather to those points of this ambiguous plan in which the Palace of Soviets is mentioned:

1. Parallel to the embankments, create a new avenue running from Dzerzhinsky Square to the Palace of Soviets and Luzhniki and further, along a specially constructed bridge with an overpass access to it, across the Moscow River and the Lenin Hills to the new southwestern region. To build two bridges across the Moscow River and a drainage canal to continue the boulevard ring from the Palace of Soviets to Zamoskvorechye.

2. From Kropotkinskaya Embankment to Kropotkin Gate Square, the ring is being designed along a new route, through the small square of the Palace of Soviets. A new square is being created at the intersection of the ring with Bolshaya Polyanka and Bolshaya Yakimanka. From it, the ring in a direct direction along the new bridges through the drainage canal and the Moscow River goes to small square Palace of Soviets and to Gogol Boulevard, which is recommended to be expanded.

3. To continue the work begun on punching the avenue in the direction of the Palace of Soviets, expand Volkhonka Street in 1936 in the segment between the street named after. Frunze and Antipevsky Lane and by 1937 to demolish a residential area overlooking the facade of the Mossovet hotel being completed by that time. By the time the Palace of Soviets is being built, all intermediate buildings between Mokhovaya and Manezhnaya streets, as well as between Volkhonka and Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, must be demolished. Predetermine the development of buildings of government institutions, public and scientific nature.

The Palace of Soviets was supposed to be built by the end of the third five-year plan, that is, in 1942. The master plan for the reconstruction was going to be completed in ten years. A completely different Moscow was supposed to celebrate its eight hundredth anniversary, which would have been connected with past centuries only by its name, the Kremlin closed to ordinary citizens and several dozen ancient chambers and mansions scattered throughout the city. If this project had been implemented, we would not have seen those bits of old Moscow, which have survived to this day with great difficulty.

There were many unrealized architectural plans in Moscow. This is what the most spectacular of them could look like. The dimensions of the building are the total height of 416.5 meters, the volume is 7,500,000 cubic meters (like the 3 pyramids of Cheops).

STATUE: The Palace of the Soviets is one of the most famous architectural projects in history. The tallest building in the world was to become a symbol of socialism, the new country and Moscow. This building was built in order to, after the victory of the World Revolution within its walls, take Soviet Union last republic. And then the whole world will be one Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A 300-meter multi-tiered tower serves as a pedestal for a hundred-meter statue of Lenin. In her head is placed the meeting room in which the solemn ceremony. At the same time, Ilyich did not freeze motionless. His hand always points to the Sun, for this the statue is rotated by electric motors. The statue of Lenin should become the largest statue in the world. In the project, a place was found for electric motors in the hold of the Great Hall and with their help in the hall for 22 thousand people the sites would change.

IDEA: The idea of ​​building the Palace was expressed on December 30, 1922 at the First Congress of Soviets by Sergei Mironovich Kirov (it was at this congress that the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was announced). The idea could not but find wide support among the delegates - new character new country!

THE BEGINNING: But it was only on June 18, 1931 that the Izvestia newspaper announced an open competition for best project Palace. In the same year, on December 5, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up - a symbol old Russia, which was to be replaced by the symbol of the USSR. The temple was visible from anywhere in Moscow in the early thirties, the new symbol should be visible from anywhere in the renewed Moscow of the future. In 1931, a government body was created - the Council for the Construction of the Palace of Soviets (in order not to repeat the word twice in the title, it was called the Construction Council). This Council had an architectural and technical committee, which included prominent cultural figures - Gorky, Meyerhold, Lunacharsky. Stalin took part in the activities of the Soviet.

COMPETITION: There are 270 participants in the competition - from ordinary citizens (100 sketch projects) to architectural bureaus. There are 24 foreigners among the professionals, including Le Carbusier. Most of projects did not meet the requirements or did not withstand any criticism. 5 groups of architects made it to the finals, including the group of Boris Mikhailovich Iofan. On May 10, 1933, the Council determined the winner. On this day, the Council issued a resolution:

1. Accept the project comrade. Iofana B. M. as the basis for the project of the Palace of Soviets. 2. To complete the upper part of the Palace of Soviets with a powerful sculpture of Lenin, 50-75 meters in size, so that the Palace of Soviets represents a kind of pedestal for the figure of Lenin. 3. Instruct comrade. IOFANU will continue to develop the project of the Palace of the Soviets on the basis of this decision so that the best parts of the projects and other architects are used. 4. Consider it possible to involve other architects in further work on the project.

Architects V. Gelfreikh and V. Shchuko were involved in the project. Iofan's project did not immediately take on the form that is familiar to everyone. The first sketch in 1931 looked like this:

Instead of one tower with Lenin, a complex of buildings. There is also a tower, but it is not Lenin who crowns it, but a liberated proletarian with a torch. And this is no longer a sketch, but a detailed version of Iofan 1931.

In 1932, the Palace of Soviets from Iofan becomes a little more like the final project:

Already almost the final version, dated 1933, but still without Ilyich, with a freed proletarian on the roof:

The project takes on an increasingly familiar look:

And finally final version, approved in 1939:

The idea to use the building as a giant pedestal for a giant statue of Lenin belongs to Italian architect A. Brasini, one of the participants in the competition. Boris Iofan did not like the idea that his creation would be just a pedestal, he insisted that the statue should not be placed on top of the building, but in front of it. But, you can't argue with the authorities. Work on a giant statue 100 meters high and weighing six thousand tons was entrusted to S. Merkurov, who decorated the Moscow Canal with figures of Lenin and Stalin. In the future, we will tell you about what the Palace of Soviets could have been like and what we managed to build. In the meantime, we bring to your attention a gallery of projects of the Palace that did not pass the competition: Armando Brasini

I bring to your attention the projects that I managed to find on the net, as well as in the book by D. Khmelnitsky "Stalin's Architecture: Psychology and Style"

2. Armando Brasini. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

3. Armando Brasini. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

4.G.Krasin, A.Kutsaev. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

5. Boris Iofan. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

6. Boris Iofan. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

7. Heinrich Ludwig. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

8. Alexey Shchusev. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

9. Hector O. Hamilton. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

10. Ivan Zholtovsky. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

11. Karo Alabyan, Vladimir Simbirtsev. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

12.Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1931

13.Moses Ginzburg. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

14. Nikolai Ladovsky. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

15.Leonid, Victor and Alexander Vesnin. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

17. Ivan Zholtovsky, Georgy Golts. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

18. Karo Alabyan, Georgy Kochar, Anatoly Mordvinov. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

19. VASI team (headed by Alexander Vlasov). Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

20. Vladimir Schuko, Vladimir Gelfreikh. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

21. Anatoly Zhukov, Dmitry Chechulin. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

22. Boris Iofan. Competitive project of the Palace of Soviets in 1932

23. Boris Iofan. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

24. Boris Iofan. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

25. Karo Alabyan, Anatoly Mordvinov, Vladimir Simbirtsev, Yakov Doditsa, Alexey Dushkin. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

26. Ivan Zholtovsky, Alexey Shchusev. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

27. Vladimir Schuko, Vladimir Gelfreikh. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

28. Leonid, Victor and Alexander Vesnin. Competitive design of the Palace of Soviets in 1933

PLACE: During the invasion of Napoleon, Emperor Alexander I vows to erect a temple in Moscow in the name of Christ the Savior. The decree was signed in December 1812 in Vilna, when parts of the Napoleonic army were expelled from Russia.

CURSE: In 1837, for the construction of the temple, the female Alekseevsky monastery of the 14th century was blown up, the abbess of which cursed this place, prophetically declaring that nothing good would stand on it.

THE FATE OF THE 1 TEMPLE: It takes 40 years to build the first temple. In 1846, the dome was erected, three years later the facing was completed. In 1860 the scaffolding was removed. But another twenty years are spent on painting and decoration.

After the completion of the work, the temple existed for 50 years. On December 5, 1931, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up.

The museum was allowed to take out fragments of the temple, several giant high reliefs were dismantled and transported to the Donskoy Monastery.


Consider the foundation on which a palace 300 meters high should stand, with a 100-meter statue of Lenin. The total area of ​​the building is 11 hectares, and the weight is 1,500,000 tons. This weight was not distributed evenly over this entire area. The most "weighty" was the central high-rise part - the tower, which housed the Great Hall for 22 thousand people. The round-shaped hall is in the center of the stage, above which the audience seats rose like an amphitheatre. Vestibules, foyers and small rooms compared to the Hall adjoined this hall. All rooms as a whole were called "stylobate" (in ancient Greek architecture, this was the name of the upper part of the basement of the temple, on which the colonnade was installed). This tower must weigh 650,000 tons (one-fifth of the weight of the entire building). The columns of the frame of the New York skyscraper "Empire State Building" (383 meters, the most high building in the world at that time) pressed down on the ground with a force of 4700 tons, and the columns of the tower of the Palace of Soviets had to carry a load of 8 to 14 tons each. Builders have never encountered such loads on the ground. The requirements for the soil and foundation were special. For the first time in the Soviet Union, large-core drilling was used to study the soil - the soil was raised in the form of cylinders 1 meter long and 10-12 centimeters in diameter. More than a hundred wells were drilled with a depth of 50-60 meters. In the very center of the future construction site was a rocky area - a kind of peninsula, protruding into the soft ground. At a depth of 14 meters, strong rocks began - first a ten-meter layer of limestone, then a six-meter clay-marl layer followed, then another layer of limestone began, but denser than the first. Then again clay and again limestone. Kind of a sandwich. These rocks were formed millions of years ago during the Carboniferous period, and then they withstood the weight of glaciers, incomparably heavier than the cyclopean building of the Palace. So, the underground rocky peninsula was ideal for construction - it was here that the tallest tower in the world was supposed to rise.

The foundation of the tower consisted of two concentric concrete rings with a diameter of 140 and 160 meters. They were located on the second limestone layer at a depth of 30 meters. But before pouring concrete, the builders dug a huge pit. In order to prevent the walls of the pit from collapsing under the influence of underground waters, the so-called “bitumization” of the soil was first used in the USSR - 1800 wells were drilled around the pit. A pipe with small holes in the walls was inserted into each well. Bitumen heated to a temperature of 200 degrees was pumped into these pipes under high pressure. Through the holes in the pipes, the bitumen seeped into the ground, filled all the cracks and cavities and solidified. A waterproof curtain was formed around the pit. Or rather, almost waterproof. But the pumps successfully coped with the water that still seeped into the pit. In order to solve the problem with groundwater once and for all, a kind of “bowl” was built under the future foundation from four layers of asbestos cardboard impregnated with bitumen. Now it was possible to start laying the cyclopean foundation. Especially for this purpose, a concrete plant was built near the construction site, equipped with the latest technology of the late thirties. last word equipment at that time were huge automatic concrete mixers. To the construction site, concrete was delivered to the pit in metal "buckets". 4 tons of concrete were placed in each such tub. With the help of a crane, the tubs were lowered into the pit, the worker knocked out the latch holding the bottom.

The spilled concrete was tamped down with the so-called vibrators - metal maces vibrating under the influence of eccentrics rotating inside. Hardening (“grasping”, in construction slang) concrete decreases in volume (the so-called “shrinkage”). Given the huge size of the foundation, shrinkage could lead to cracking. But the builders easily solved this problem too - the foundation rings were not made solid, they consisted of concrete blocks with gaps between them. Once the blocks had hardened, the gaps were filled with fresh concrete. It turned out a monolithic concrete ring. Both rings are interconnected by 16 radial walls. And on top of the foundation rings, two more reinforced concrete rings were installed. These rings are also interconnected by 32 reinforced concrete beams.

The foundations of the rest, not so massive, parts of the building were simply concrete pillars with a diameter of 60 meters. Since the load on them was not so huge, these concrete pillars were installed on top layer limestone. In total, the construction of the foundations of the Palace required 550 thousand cubic meters of concrete. Above the foundation of the tower, basement floors were to be located, which would accommodate technical services- heating, lighting, plumbing, sewerage, etc. To lay countless pipes and wires in the concrete walls of the basement, it was necessary to lay special channels, so large that people could walk through them without bending down. The deepest point of the basement was to be the hold of the Great Hall - 10 meters below the groundwater level. The floor of the hold, according to the project, was to be a concrete slab 8 meters thick, one square meter of such a floor would weigh 18.4 tons.

Before the war, they managed to build the foundation of the high-rise part of the Palace and began to mount the steel frame of the building. Alas, after June 22, 1941, concrete, granite, steel, reinforcement were required for completely different purposes. After the war, other skyscrapers, more modest in size, rose over Moscow. The foundation of the Palace was used in the construction of the world's largest swimming pool. And in the nineties, on the same foundation, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, demolished in December 1931, was restored.

FRAME: For the construction of the frame, a special high-strength steel grade was developed - DS. The frame was to be mounted on two ring concrete foundations. The diameter of the inner ring was 140 meters, the outer - 160. Each of the rings had 34 steel columns, each of which had to withstand a load of 12 thousand tons - this is the weight of a freight train made up of six hundred wagons.

Cross-sectional area of ​​each column - 6 square meters, on such an area a car will fit. The columns rested on a riveted steel shoe, under which, 4-5 cast steel plates are laid directly in the ring foundation. All 64 columns are connected horizontally with I-beams every 6-10 meters. The same beams connect every two columns located at the same radius. Up to a height of 60 meters, the columns went vertically upwards, then for 80 meters they went at a slight angle. And from a height of 140 meters, the columns again went vertically. At a height of 200 meters, the columns of the outer end broke off, and only the columns of the outer row stretched upward. In those places where the columns were supposed to move from a vertical position to an inclined position, spacer rings were to be placed. The surface of the ring formed a whole avenue 15 meters wide.

In addition to the main frame, the Palace was supposed to have an auxiliary one. The huge columns of the main frame were at a considerable distance from each other, their strength would not be enough to withstand the weight of the walls and floors of the building. The purpose of the secondary frame is to "collect" the loads and transfer them to the powerful main frame. The secondary frame also consisted of beams and columns, but all its elements were made of steel less durable than the DS. This steel differed from ordinary construction steel by the addition of copper. Such an additive does not add strength, but increases rust resistance. The auxiliary framing beams would be positioned where they are needed, complementing the main framing.

Over the beams of the secondary frame, floors should be installed - reinforced concrete slabs 10 centimeters thick. Floors are laid on these ceilings. The thickness of the floors also had to be large - after all, pipes and electrical wiring should lie in the floors. The total weight of the steel frame of the Palace of the Soviets was to be 350,000 tons. A number of factories worked on the manufacture of the steel structure. So-called "mounting elements" were made on them - segments of columns, beams and rings. The length of each such element should not exceed 15 meters. Otherwise, it would be impossible to transport them across railway and lift with cranes. In Moscow, a special plant was built near the Lenin Hills, where all these elements were prepared for installation - holes were drilled for rivets, the ends of the columns were turned on special machines. After processing, the frame parts were sent to the construction site. For installation, 12 cranes were used, with a lifting capacity of 40 tons each. After the frame reaches a height beyond which the cranes cannot reach, 10 cranes must be mounted on the beams of the outer ring of the main frame. The remaining 2 cranes must transfer loads from the ground to them. In the future, it was planned to reduce the number of overhead cranes - only 1 crane was supposed to be involved in the installation of the statue. Frame assembly began in 1940. By the beginning of the war, he reached a height of 7 floors. During the war, DS steel was used to make anti-tank hedgehogs, and when the stocks ran out, the already built part of the frame was also dismantled.

POOL: After the war, Stalin decides to build small skyscrapers, planning, probably, to build the main palace after them. But Stalin died in 1953. Apparently for this reason, the construction of the Palace was not continued. On this site, Khrushchev is building the Moskva outdoor swimming pool, which has stood for about 30 years.

TEMPLE 2: Now on this place is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

One of the most grandiose construction projects in the USSR is the unfinished Palace of Soviets, which they tried to build in the 30s and 50s. The purpose of its construction was to demonstrate the power and greatness of socialism.

Beginning of work

For the first time, the idea of ​​building a building of this magnitude arose in 1922 during the First Congress of Soviets. The purpose of the construction was to show the greatness of the city, to indicate that it is the center of the world, to create a single composition of high-rise buildings in the center of the capital. The Palace of Soviets was never built, but thanks to this plan, domestic architecture began to actively develop, a new direction appeared, which was called "Stalinist classicism."

The year 1931 was marked by a large-scale international competition, the purpose of which was to identify the best architect and the design of the building itself, which would become the center of the city of the Soviets. the greatness of the state and to amaze the imagination of ordinary citizens of the country.

In addition to professionals, ordinary citizens, as well as works by architects from other countries, took part in the competition. However, most of the projects did not meet the requirements put forward or did not meet the ideology of the country, so the competition was continued among real applicants from five groups, which included B. M. Iofan.

During the two years of the competition, participants have created more than 20 projects. The results of the competition were announced on May 10 when the commission decided to accept the project of B. M. Iofan, as well as to use the best techniques and parts of the projects of other architects, involving them in the work on the building project.

Construction and war

1939 was the start of construction. The next party congress decided to end it in 1942, but this was not to be.

Of course, the idea was grandiose. In addition to the fact that the Palace of Soviets of the USSR was supposed to rise 420 meters in height, the height of its ceilings inside was supposed to be about 100 meters. The hall, where it was planned to hold sessions of the Supreme Council, could accommodate (according to the project) 21,000 people, but the small hall could receive 6,000 guests.

The chief architect was not happy that a statue of Lenin would have to be installed on the building, since the architecture of the building would immediately fade next to the majesty of the leader. However, under pressure from the co-authors of the project, he had to give in.

Construction began without any problems, but all work was suspended. Over time, the Palace of Soviets was left without a metal frame. It was seized for the needs of the industry, which at that time was in dire need of the metal.

After the end of the war, all the resources left for the construction of the building were used to restore the country, so construction never began.

After his regime was severely criticized, in fact, like the construction project itself. Therefore, Khrushchev decided to hold a competition for new project and an architect. However, the competition did not reveal anything interesting and new, so the construction was never continued.

Today, only the foundation remains of the grandiose construction of all times, on which the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is located today. The bunker of the Palace of Soviets building, which is located under the temple, contains many passages and secrets, but getting there is not as easy as we would like.

The Moscow Palace of Soviets is one of the most famous unrealized architectural projects in history. A huge (the largest and tallest in the world) building, which was supposed to become a symbol of victorious socialism, a symbol of a new country and a new Moscow. This project is amazing even today. For example, this building was sung in his book "The Last Republic" famous science fiction writer Viktor Bogdanovich Suvorov. In his opinion, the Palace of Soviets was built in order to, after the victory of the World Revolution within its walls, accept ... the last republic into the Soviet Union.

And then the whole world will be one Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. From the pages of this book, we see a cyclopean infernal building - a three-hundred-meter multi-tiered tower, which serves as a pedestal for a giant hundred-meter statue of Lenin. The statue is so huge that a meeting room (the hall in which the same solemn ceremony will take place) is placed in its head. At the same time, the giant Ilyich did not freeze motionless - his giant hand always points to the Sun, for this the largest statue in the world is rotated by huge electric motors ...

However, Viktor Bogdanovich, as always, carries. But "in the main he is right." No, not that our country wanted to be the first to attack Germany and then enslave the whole world, but that the project of the Palace of Soviets is indeed an outstanding and unique architectural project.

Being of sound mind and sober memory, none of the Soviet architects planned to place a meeting room in Lenin's head and make the statue rotate around its axis following the sun. But the statue of Lenin was really supposed to be the largest statue in the world. Yes, and there was also a place for huge electric motors in the project - they were to be installed in the hold of the Great Hall and with their help in this hall for 22 thousand people the sites would change. The dimensions of the building are also striking - the total height is 416.5 meters, the volume is seven and a half million cubic meters (three pyramids of Cheops!).

The idea of ​​building the Palace was expressed on December 30, 1922 at the First Congress of Soviets by Sergei Mironovich Kirov (this congress is famous not only for this, it also announced the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Of course, such an idea could not fail to find the widest support among the congress delegates - still, a new symbol of a new country!

But it was only almost ten years later that the implementation of this idea could be started - on June 18, 1931, an open competition for the best project of the Palace was announced in the Izvestia newspaper. In the same year, on December 5, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a symbol of old Russia, was blown up, the place of which was to be taken by the symbol of the Land of the Soviets. The temple was visible from almost anywhere in Moscow in the early thirties, a new architectural symbol should have been visible from anywhere in the renovated Moscow of the near future. In 1931, a special government body, the Council for the Construction of the Palace of Soviets, was also created (in order not to repeat the same word twice in one name, it was often called simply the Construction Council). This Council had a permanent architectural and technical committee, which included prominent cultural figures of those years - Gorky, Meyerhold, Lunacharsky. In addition, he actively participated in the activities of the Council General Secretary Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks I. V. Stalin.

The competition attracted 270 participants - from ordinary citizens with vague ideas about architecture to professional architectural bureaus. By the way, 100 preliminary designs fell to the share of ordinary citizens. And among the professionals, 24 were foreigners, among whom was the famous Le Carbusier. Most of the submitted projects either did not meet the requirements presented or simply did not stand up to criticism.

As a result, five groups of architects reached the final of the competition, among which was the group of Boris Mikhailovich Iofan. On May 10, 1933, the Council finally decided on the winner. On that day, the Council issued the following resolution:
1. Accept the project comrade. Iofana B. M. as the basis for the project of the Palace of Soviets.

2. To complete the upper part of the Palace of Soviets with a powerful sculpture of Lenin, 50-75 meters in size, so that the Palace of Soviets represents a kind of pedestal for the figure of Lenin.

3. Instruct comrade. IOFANU will continue to develop the project of the Palace of the Soviets on the basis of this decision so that the best parts of the projects and other architects are used.

Clause 4 was adopted immediately - the architects V. Gelfreikh and V. Shchuko were involved in the project.

Iofan's project did not immediately take on the form that is familiar to all lovers of the architecture of the Stalin era. The very first sketch in 1931 looked like this:

As you can see, instead of one huge tower with Lenin at the top, a whole complex of buildings. The tower, however, already exists. But it is not Ilyich who crowns it, but a liberated proletarian with a torch.

And this is no longer a sketch, but a more detailed version of Iofan's project, dated all the same 1931:

In 1932, the Palace of Soviets from Iofan becomes a little more like the final project:

Already almost the final version, dated 1933, but still without Ilyich, with a freed proletarian on the roof:

The project takes on an increasingly familiar look:

And finally, the final version, approved in 1939:

The idea to use the building as a giant pedestal for a giant statue of Lenin belongs to the Italian architect A. Brasini, one of the participants in the competition. Boris Iofan did not like the idea that his creation would be just a pedestal, he insisted that the statue should not be placed on top of the building, but in front of it. But, you can't argue with the authorities. Work on a giant statue 100 meters high and weighing six thousand tons was entrusted to S. Merkurov, who decorated the Moscow Canal with figures of Lenin and Stalin.

In the future, we will tell you about what the Palace of Soviets could have been like and what we managed to build. In the meantime, we bring to your attention a gallery of projects of the Palace that did not pass the competition:

Armando Brasini

Another version of the Brasini project:

G. Krasin. A. Kutsaev

Heinrich Ludwig.

Alexey Shchusev. 1931

Hector O. Hamilton

Ivan Zholtovsky

Karo Halabyan, Vladimir Simbirtsev

Le Carbusier

Moses Ginzburg

Nikolay Ladovsky

Leonid, Victor and Alexander Vesnin

Ivan Zholtovsky, Georgy Golts

Karo Halabyan, Georgy Kochar, Anatoly Mordvinov

VASI team (headed by Alexander Vlasov)

Ivan Zholtovsky, Alexey Shchusev

Vladimir Shchuko, Vladimir Gelfreikh

Let's start with the main thing - from the foundation, on which the 300-meter-high palace was supposed to stand, crowned with a 100-meter statue of Lenin.

The total area of ​​the building was to be 11 hectares, and the weight - one and a half million tons. But this enormous weight was not distributed evenly over the entire area. The most "weighty" was to be the central high-rise part - the tower, which housed the Great Hall for 22 thousand people. The hall had a round shape - in the center there was a stage platform, above which the audience seats rose like an amphitheatre. Vestibules, foyers and other small (in comparison with the Hall) rooms adjoined this huge hall. All these premises as a whole received the name "stylobate" (in ancient Greek architecture, this was the name of the upper part of the basement of the temple, on which the colonnade was installed).

This gigantic tower was supposed to cover an area of ​​a hectare and weigh 650,000 tons (one-fifth of the weight of the entire building). The frame columns of the New York skyscraper Empire State Building (383 meters, the tallest building in the world at that time) pressed on the ground with a force of 4700 tons, and the columns of the tower of the Palace of the Soviets had to carry a load of 8 to 14 tons each.

Builders have never encountered such loads on the ground. So, the requirements for the soil and the foundation on which the building will rise are a symbol new era were presented special. For the first time in the Soviet Union, the so-called large-core drilling was used to study the soil - the soil was raised in the form of cylinders 1 meter long and 10-12 centimeters in diameter. More than a hundred wells were drilled with a depth of 50-60 meters.

In the very center of the future construction site was a rocky area - a kind of peninsula, protruding into the soft ground. At a depth of 14 meters, strong rocks began - first a ten-meter layer of limestone, then a six-meter clay-marl layer followed, then another layer of limestone began, but denser than the first. Then again clay and again limestone. Kind of a sandwich. These rocks were formed millions of years ago during the Carboniferous period, and then they withstood the weight of glaciers, incomparably heavier than the cyclopean building of the Palace. So, the underground rocky peninsula was ideal for construction - it was here that the tallest tower in the world was supposed to rise.

The foundation of the tower consisted of two concentric concrete rings with a diameter of 140 and 160 meters. They were located on the second limestone layer at a depth of 30 meters. But before pouring concrete, the builders dug a huge pit. In order to prevent the walls of the pit from collapsing under the influence of groundwater, the so-called “bitumization” of the soil was first used in the USSR - 1800 wells were drilled around the pit. A pipe with small holes in the walls was inserted into each well. Bitumen heated to a temperature of 200 degrees was pumped into these pipes under high pressure. Through the holes in the pipes, the bitumen seeped into the ground, filled all the cracks and cavities and solidified. A waterproof curtain was formed around the pit. Or rather, almost waterproof. But the pumps successfully coped with the water that still seeped into the pit.

To solve the problem with groundwater once and for all, a kind of “bowl” was built under the future foundation from four layers of asbestos cardboard impregnated with bitumen. Now it was possible to start laying the cyclopean foundation. Especially for this purpose, a concrete plant was built near the construction site, equipped with the latest technology of the late thirties. The last word in technology at that time were huge automatic concrete mixers. To the construction site, concrete was delivered to the pit in metal "buckets". 4 tons of concrete were placed in each such tub. With the help of a crane, the tubs were lowered into the pit, the worker knocked out the latch holding the bottom. The spilled concrete was tamped down with the so-called vibrators - metal maces vibrating under the influence of eccentrics rotating inside. Hardening (“grasping”, in construction slang) concrete decreases in volume (the so-called “shrinkage”). Given the huge size of the foundation, shrinkage could lead to cracking. But the builders easily solved this problem too - the foundation rings were not made solid, they consisted of concrete blocks with gaps between them. Once the blocks had hardened, the gaps were filled with fresh concrete. It turned out a monolithic concrete ring.

Both rings are interconnected by 16 radial walls. And on top of the foundation rings, two more reinforced concrete rings were installed. These rings are also interconnected by 32 reinforced concrete beams.

The foundations of the rest, not so massive, parts of the building were simply concrete pillars with a diameter of 60 meters. Since the load on them was not so huge, these concrete pillars were installed on the top layer of limestone. In total, the construction of the foundations of the Palace required 550 thousand cubic meters of concrete.

Above the foundation of the tower were to be basement floors that would house technical services - heating, lighting, plumbing, sewerage, etc. To lay countless pipes and wires in the concrete walls of the basement, it was necessary to lay special channels, so large that people could walk in them without bending over.

The deepest point of the basement was to be the hold of the Great Hall - 10 meters below the groundwater level. The floor of the hold, according to the project, was to be a concrete slab 8 meters thick, one square meter of such a floor would weigh 18.4 tons.

Construction of the Palace of Soviets

Construction of the Palace of Soviets

Before the war, they managed to build the foundation of the high-rise part of the Palace and began to mount the steel frame of the building. Alas, after June 22, 1941, concrete, granite, steel, reinforcement were required for completely different purposes. After the war, other skyscrapers, more modest in size, rose over Moscow. The foundation of the Palace was used in the construction of the world's largest swimming pool. And in the nineties, on the same foundation, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, demolished in December 1931, was restored.


Now let's talk about the steel frame, the basis of the three-hundred-meter Palace, crowned with a hundred-meter statue of Lenin. For the construction of this frame, a special high-strength steel grade, DS, was developed.

The frame was to be mounted on two annular concrete foundations. The diameter of the inner ring was 140 meters, the outer - 160. Each of the rings had 34 steel columns, each of which had to withstand a load of 12 thousand tons - this is the weight of a freight train made up of six hundred wagons. The cross-sectional area of ​​each column is 6 square meters, a passenger car will fit in such an area. The columns rested on a riveted steel shoe, under which, 4-5 cast steel plates are laid directly in the ring foundation.

All 64 columns are connected horizontally by I-beams every 6-10 meters. The same beams connect every two columns located at the same radius.

Up to a height of 60 meters, the columns went vertically upwards, then for 80 meters they went at a slight angle. And from a height of 140 meters, the columns again went vertically. At a height of 200 meters, the columns of the outer end broke off, and only the columns of the outer row stretched upward.

In those places where the columns had to move from a vertical position to an inclined one, so-called spacer rings had to be placed. The surface of such a ring formed a whole avenue 15 meters wide.

In addition to the main frame, the Palace was supposed to have an auxiliary one. The huge columns of the main frame would be at a considerable distance from each other, their strength would not be enough to withstand the weight of the walls and floors of the huge building. The purpose of the secondary frame is to “collect” the loads and transfer them to the powerful main frame. The secondary frame also consisted of beams and columns, but all its elements were made of steel less durable than the DS. But this steel differed from ordinary construction steel by the addition of copper. Such an additive does not add strength, but increases rust resistance. The auxiliary frame beams would be located where they are needed, complementing the main frame.

Over the beams of the secondary frame, ceilings were to be installed - reinforced concrete slabs 10 centimeters thick. Floors are laid on these ceilings. The thickness of the floors also had to be large - after all, pipes and electrical wiring should lie in the floors.

The total weight of the steel frame of the Palace of Soviets was to be 350,000 tons. For the manufacture of a cyclopean steel structure, he worked whole line factories in Moscow and beyond. So-called "mounting elements" were made on them - segments of columns, beams and rings. The length of each such element should not exceed 15 meters - otherwise it would be impossible to transport them by rail and lift them with cranes. In Moscow, not far from the Lenin Hills, a special plant was built, where all these elements were prepared for installation - holes were drilled for rivets, the ends of the columns were turned on special machines. After such processing, the frame parts were sent to the construction site. For installation, 12 cranes were used, with a lifting capacity of 40 tons each. After the frame had reached a height that the cranes could not reach, 10 cranes had to be mounted on the beams of the outer ring of the main frame. The remaining two cranes were supposed to transfer cargo from the ground to them. In the future, it was planned to reduce the number of cranes on the "upper tower", and only one crane was supposed to be involved in the installation of the statue.

Frame assembly began in 1940. By the beginning of the war, he reached a height of 7 floors. During the war, DS steel was used to make anti-tank hedgehogs, and when the stocks ran out, the already built part of the frame was also dismantled.

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But everything ended much less pompously:

Well, then, in the early 90s, the HHS was restored.
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