Dashi Namdakov presented the installation "Guardian of Baikal" at the Moscow Biennale. Viewing the post "the story of the keeper of Baikal or Namdakov's goat is nearing its finale"

The monument "Keeper of Baikal", created by the world-famous sculptor Dashi Namdakov, is being erected near the village of Uzura on Olkhon Island.

Now the installation work is going on. According to the head of the Khuzhir municipality Vera Malanova, the eight-meter monument will be located on a hill near Baikal, far from the roads:

– You can’t drive up to the sculpture by car, but you have to walk. It is located outside the settlement and is not a capital building. Among the residents there are different points of view about the new sculpture, but only professionals can judge its artistic value. We think that the monument initially has a positive message, like all the works of Dashi Namdakov. By the way, when the sculptures "Eagle", "Tramp" and the stele of the Olkhon region were installed, no one asked about their aesthetic qualities.

Experts highly appreciated the "Guardian of Baikal" at the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, which was held this summer. The Tretyakov Gallery presented a copy of the sculpture in the form of an installation, reduced to three meters. It was created using digital technologies from biodegradable material. Moreover, with the help of 3D glasses, viewers were able to immerse themselves in augmented reality and see how the monument looks already in the landscapes of Olkhon Island.

Yuko Hasegawa, curator of the Biennale's main project, chief curator of the Tokyo Museum of Modern Art and professor of curatorial and artistic theory at Tama University, believes that Dashi Namdakov's sculpture "Keeper of Baikal" is a new interpretation of traditional mythologies associated with the forces of nature, nomads, shamans and eternity.

“Dashi Namdakov thinks a lot about his culture and tries to bring it into art,” Yuko Hasegawa emphasized. – The sculpture seems to be designed to draw the attention of the whole world to the environmental problems of Lake Baikal in order to help preserve the lake in its original form. The keeper, like an ancient shaman, whose facial features are guessed in the bark of a man-made tree, is calm, peace and strength emanates from him, capable of protecting the lake from rash acts of man.

Recall that the works of Dashi Namdakov were included in the collection of the best museums in the world, and now there are major works by the master in the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev.

- "The Guardian of Baikal" is a magnificent sculpture of the world-famous author, whose works adorn many countries and cities of the world, - says art critic, artist, director of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva, chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Artists of Russia Natalya Sysoeva. - These are always extraordinary works with an ethnic accent. In my opinion, Olkhon Island was chosen very correctly as the site for the installation of the “Baikal Guardian”, because shamanic and Buddhist motifs are intertwined in it, while you need to understand that it is not a religious building, but a work of art of the highest level, created with good intentions. Finally, in the region where the sculptor began his journey to world fame, his serious and great work has been established.

By the way, not a penny of budgetary funds was spent on the creation and installation of the Baikal Guardian. Recall that the project was sponsored by the Irkutsk philanthropist and gallery owner Viktor Bronstein, and the sculptor Dashi Namdakov himself did not take a fee for its creation. Whereas in other cities and countries the works of the master are highly valued not only in aesthetic terms. Recall that the sculptures of Dashi Namdakov have already been installed in Kazakhstan, Transbaikalia, the Kemerovo region, the republics of Tatarstan and Tuva, and some of them are also inscribed in the natural landscape. In the Irkutsk region there is only one small monument - the sculptor "The Girl of Ust-Orda" in the village of Ust-Ordynsky.

“It is valuable for us that the artist invented this sculpture on Olkhon Island,” said Olga Stasyulevich, Minister of Culture and Archives. - He created it precisely as a keeper, which Baikal needs now. This initiative was supported by the governor Sergey Levchenko.

The sculpture is installed on the territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park and transferred to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Pribaikalye".

- This monument was erected as part of our work on environmental education and recreational activities, - said acting. Umar Ramazanov, director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapovednoe Pribaikalye". - Picnic spots will be arranged around, an environmental program and an official route will be created. The monument will give impetus to the development of the village of Uzura, through which tourists will pass. I would like to emphasize that any economic activity in the national park is carried out after scientific justification. And we have expert opinions that the installation of the monument does not harm the environment, and that there are no archaeological sites within its boundaries.

And although the sculpture is not a cult object, local shamans say that even nature itself does not oppose its installation.

– I think that the monument has a very good aura, because even when it was brought to Olkhon Island, the weather was calm and sunny. In my opinion, this is a sign that Baikal favorably accepted the installation of the object, - says shaman Svetlana Shataeva. – The monument has a very strong, but kind energy, and I think that it will bring only good things to Olkhon.

Friday, February 07

13th lunar day with the element Fire. auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today it is good to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal preparations, herbs, conduct matchmaking. Going on the road - to increase well-being. bad day for people born in the year of the Tiger and the Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, buy livestock. Haircut- fortunately and success.

Saturday, 08 February

14th lunar day with the element Earth. auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and wealth, be promoted to a new position, buy livestock. bad day for people born in the Year of the Mouse and the Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a business, get a job or help get a job, hire workers. Going on the road is a big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones. Haircut- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, 09 February

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Benevolent deeds and sinful deeds committed on this day will be multiplied a hundred times. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a business, study and comprehend science, open a bank deposit, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough solutions to some issues. Not recommended move, change place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, as well as hold funerals and commemorations. Going on the road is bad news. Haircut- to good luck, to favorable consequences.

The scandalous monument of the world-famous sculptor Dashi Namdakov "Keeper of Baikal" was recently installed on the island of Olkhon. Initially, however, it was planned to put it on Cape Khoboy, but due to protests from the outraged public, the place was changed. And, after some doubts, the sculpture stood near the town of Uzura, far from the tourist routes in the north of the island. How do people with an active life position, environmentalists and the inhabitants of Olkhon themselves, feel about this?

The Master himself tries to refrain from commenting.

When we meet on Olkhon in ten years, you will see for yourself that there (near the sculpture) there will be a pilgrimage. Of course, measures must be taken to protect nature and it is necessary to limit the number of people so that they do not trample the earth. But I have no commercial interests there. This is a pure gift to the motherland, - said Dashi Namdakov shortly before the installation of the Baikal Guardian.

One of the most active lobbyists for the erection of the monument on Olkhon, Irkutsk businessman Viktor Bronshtein, claims that the leader of the Mongolian shamans Bair Tsyrendorzhiev himself approved this.

He said that this is one of the most sacred places and that the spirits of Baikal will rejoice if the sculptor is installed here,” says Bronstein.

This is partly confirmed by the words of the famous Baikal shaman Valentin Khagdaev, who lives in Elantsy.

We really discussed the issue for a long time, convened a whole expert council. At first, they wanted to install the sculpture near Cape Burkhan, the most famous place on the island, but I was categorically against it. Spirits can be angry with the image of an idol. Chose Khoboy. This is also a sacred place, but if you perform a special ceremony and ask permission from the deities, then you can. Let people come and admire.

There were also enough opponents of the installation of a scandalous work of monumental art. From the movement "For Sacred Baikal" the prosecutor of the Irkutsk region received an appeal with a request to sort it out.

It is not known whether an environmental impact assessment and ecological expertise were carried out during the design of this monument. We declare that these projects have nothing to do with the traditional values ​​and beliefs of the peoples living on Baikal. In our opinion, they only desecrate the sacred name of Baikal, offend the religious feelings of local residents and can cause irreparable harm to the unique ecosystem of Olkhon, - Andrey Ershov, a representative of this movement, was categorical in his judgments.

Indeed, Senior Assistant Prosecutor Natalya Ryaguzova confirmed:

We received two appeals from residents of the Olkhonsky district about disagreement with the installation of the sculpture. At present, a check has been organized on the legality of providing both a land plot for the installation of a sculpture, and the impact of sculpture on the natural environment. If it is determined that the statue affects the environment, it is possible that it will be dismantled.

And a little later it became known that the prosecutor's office had no complaints about the new place of "registration" of the statue. At least, the head of the department of tourism and recreation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapovednoe Pribaikalye" Vasily Maltsev said:

“The placement of the sculpture on Khoboy was refused. We decided (to put) in Uzura. We went there and explored. There is a small municipality there. After the approval of the new boundaries of the Pribaikalsky National Park, we will study the location from the point of view of legality.”

Vitaly Ryabtsev, an Irkutsk eco-activist and entomologist, turned out to be the most violent opponent of the installation of Namdakov's brainchild on the island.

Personally, the sculpture itself does not cause rejection in me, only its name. Like many, I think that the “Spirit of Baikal” cannot look like this. But the main objection: there is no place for such objects in a specially protected and valuable territory. Let it stand in some settlement. But not in the natural landscape of Olkhon, which is already experiencing an overwhelming tourist load,” he commented on the situation before the monument was erected. But when it became known about the final decision and the place of installation, he spoke more categorically:

We are talking about placing an object in a natural area that is not related to the goals, objectives and main activities of a specially protected natural area of ​​the federal level - the Pribaikalsky National Park. On the contrary, the result of the appearance of this object will be the emergence of another area where the grass cover of the Baikal steppe will be completely destroyed by the emerging parking lot, which will simultaneously accommodate many dozens (possibly hundreds) of cars, as well as the accompanying network of paths, the trampled area around the statue. The area of ​​the site of "dead nature" will amount to many thousands, and not declared in any way 900 square meters. The fact that the site "is not promising for further research" does not in the least reduce its high natural value.

However, the inhabitants of Olkhon themselves are not so categorical and are not always unambiguously “against”.

In recent years, the number of tourists visiting the island has been growing. All that this brings to nature is trampling the soil. For me personally, what can resist degradation is culture, so I support all projects related to raising the general educational and cultural level, - Natalya Bencharova, director of the oldest tourist center on Olkhon, explains her vision. – Nature is beautiful for me, but just as beautiful is the artist, the creator who interprets this nature, adds something of himself to it and returns it back. That is, for me personally, the appearance of the sculpture is a gesture of goodwill of the author, who, touched by the beauty of Baikal, makes an offering to him. Thus, he expresses his respect for the area - and what else can an artist give? On the other hand, calling the sculpture the Guardian and giving it a somewhat intimidating appearance, he, as it were, warns everyone against the unreasonable use of its benefits. This is akin to the images of the formidable guardians of the Buddhist teaching, who, according to the belief of the followers of Buddhism, protect the purity of the teaching from profanity.

In 2016, the famous sculptor Dashi Namdakov announced his new creative concept: "The sculpture, which is an ancient tree" with a clumsy bark, in the deep grooves of which the features of an old man are guessed - the mythical Spirit of Baikal or a Buryat shaman in a vestment and a crown of the horns of a sacred animal, will be cast in bronze in Ulan-Ude. It will be 7.5 meters high and 6.8 meters wide. It will be delivered to the Irkutsk region in parts and assembled here."

Her sketch was presented to the general public:

According to


The philanthropist even announced the need to create the first ecological reserve in Russia within the boundaries of the unique Baikal island Olkhon, which will be decorated with a huge sculpture. , because does not take into account the presence of the Pribaikalsky National Park on the island and the fact that the first domestic reserve (Barguzinsky) was created 100 years ago, and it was on Baikal.

it is said like this:

the statue was not rated


In 2017, the statue did not appear on Olkhon. Nothing was heard from her for many months. There was hope that the cultural object would be found elsewhere, outside the island. And suddenly, on August 1, 2018, "Will there be a Baikal Guardian on Olkhon?".

Since the sculpture was planned to be installed on the territory of the national park, various approvals were needed. However, other mechanisms have now been found, and subject to agreement with the residents of Olkhon, the project will be implemented.".

The monument is already low tide in the city of Ulan-Ude. .

A new confirmation of the usual truth: for those who have money and connections, the law is not written. Allegedly, the current bans do not apply to them. Officials, who should counteract the violation of the law, on the contrary, are trying to find "workarounds". Both the authorities and the shamans provide all kinds of assistance. The locals are against it, but you don't give a damn about their opinion...

In 2016, the famous sculptor Dashi Namdakov announced his new creative concept: "The sculpture, which is an ancient tree" with a clumsy bark, in the deep grooves of which the features of an old man are guessed - the mythical Spirit of Baikal or a Buryat shaman in a vestment and a crown of the horns of a sacred animal, will be cast in bronze in Ulan-Ude. It will be 7.5 meters high and 6.8 meters wide. It will be delivered to the Irkutsk region in parts and assembled here. .jpg" />!}

Photo source.

The author called his creation "The Guardian of Baikal" and chose the place for its installation - the surroundings of the grandiose beauty and majesty of Cape Khoboy on Olkhon Island. According to the author, the sculpture reflects not only aesthetic beauty, but also enables the local population to conduct various ethnic rituals at its foot.

The project relies on strong support. His supporters are wealthy people, "with connections". First of all, Irkutsk businessman and philanthropist Viktor Bronstein should be mentioned. Actually, this cultural object itself is called "a joint brainchild of the Art Fund of Dashi Namdakov and the Irkutsk Gallery of V. Bronstein."

The philanthropist even announced the need to create the first ecological reserve in Russia within the boundaries of the unique Baikal island Olkhon, which will be decorated with a huge sculpture. The idea is extremely illiterate, because does not take into account the presence of the Pribaikalsky National Park on the island and the fact that the first domestic reserve (Barguzinsky) was created 100 years ago, and it was on Baikal.

The owners of large Olkhon camp sites also support the project. One post says this about it:

"Those who are interested in the development of the island in economic and environmental terms, have long been waiting for the appearance of a sculpture of world importance."

But the local population (mostly also associated with the tourist industry) did not appreciate the statue. A petition was drawn up against her, under which about 500 residents of the Olkhon village of Khuzhir signed in a short time. We also sent a request to the environmental prosecutor's office, considering it illegal to build such an object on the lands of protected areas.

An example of an assessment of a statue by a Khuzhir: "Quiet horror. I saw some kind of tree. No, we don't need a monument."" />!} Cape Khoboy, even without a statue, receives thousands of tourists every summer day. 2016

The installation of the statue was opposed not only by the people of Olkhon. Candidate of Historical Sciences Artem Ermakov declared its cult character. " Under the guise of an artistic action, a real religious invasion is being carried out", "the installation of the monument" Baikal Guardian "is primarily a religious and political action, and only then - an artistic", - says Artem. The article talks about the similarity of the sculpture with the image of the demonic Baal.

“Maybe it’s not, but the artist doesn’t give any comments. In the end, one could show and discuss where such a pronounced similarity comes from? How can it be explained? And most importantly, why do they insist on this particular installation site?, - the historian comments.

A request to the prosecutor's office of the Irkutsk region was sent in July 2016 by Andrey Yershov, an activist living in Moscow, who created the group " Save Olkhon".

Meanwhile, the media reported on plans to erect a statue near Khoboy in October 2017.

And also about the fact that both local authorities and shamans are in favor. One of the clergy performed the ceremony where they planned to install the sculpture:

The shaman's verdict: "The owner of the area heard us and gave the go-ahead - a sacred bird appeared in the sky - an eagle." Alas, anyone who is at least a little versed in feathered predators can easily recognize an ordinary black kite in the video. But the officials promised all-round support (watch the video).

Apparently, the requests and letters of the opponents of the project had a certain effect. From the answer of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Olkhon residents learned: “In order to place the sculpture “Keeper of Baikal” in the territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park, it is necessary to have the approval of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation has not issued any coordination of socio-economic activities for the installation of the sculpture “The Guardian of Baikal” on Olkhon Island within the boundaries of the Pribaikalsky National Park.”

In 2017, the statue did not appear on Olkhon. Nothing was heard from her for many months. There was hope that the cultural object would be found elsewhere, outside the island. And suddenly, on August 1, 2018, the article “Will the Guardian of Baikal be on Olkhon?” is published.

It contains the words of the Minister of Culture and Archives of the region Olga Stasyulevich: " Since the sculpture was planned to be installed on the territory of the national park, various approvals were needed. However, other mechanisms have now been found, and subject to agreement with the residents of Olkhon, the project will be implemented."..jpg" alt="(!LANG:c30ebe9f89d4469cfd1aac43cf9a168b.jpg" />!}

The monument is already low tide in the city of Ulan-Ude. Photo source.

I wrote a request to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Pribaikalye" with a request to inform what kind of "mechanisms" these are, canceling the need for coordination with the management of protected areas.

Moreover, in August, a meeting of the organizers of the project and local residents took place on Olkhon, i.e. this formal requirement has already been met.

The response he received confirmed his worst fears. But at least it cleared up the picture. "The institution considers it possible to agree on the placement of the statue on the requested site (900 sq. M) of the territory under its jurisdiction." It must be assumed that the Ministry of Natural Resources has agreed on "social and economic activities for the installation of sculpture" on the territory of its subordinate institution. True, there is not a word about this in the answer.

The legality of this decision is questionable. I sent a request to the Baikal Interregional Environmental Prosecutor's Office:

"We are talking about placing an object on a natural territory that is not related to the goals, objectives and main activities of the federal-level protected areas - the Pribaikalsky National Park. That is, with nature protection. On the contrary, the result of the appearance of this object will be the emergence of another site where the grass cover of the Baikal steppe will be completely destroyed by the emerging parking lot, which will simultaneously accommodate many tens (possibly hundreds) of cars, as well as the accompanying network of paths, the trampled area around the statue. 900 sq. m.) An example is the "tourist site" at the Three Brothers rocks, located not so far from the requested site. The fact that the site "is not promising for further research" does not in any way reduce its high natural value..jpg "alt="(!LANG:1c6fd3f7c8452591b84f52c782b4a87a.jpg" />!}

This is how the surroundings of the rock "Three Brothers" look like. 2016

A separate question: on what basis does the Zapovednoe Pribaikalye prepare a "conclusion that the sculpture being installed is not an object of capital construction and an environmental impact assessment is not required." This is a huge object made of bronze. The sculptor himself says that his creation is able to stand for two thousand years. How can it be classified as "non-capital objects"?!

Shortly after I wrote to the prosecutor's office, new information appeared in the media. Vasily Maltsev, head of the Department of Tourism and Recreation of the "Reserved Baikal Region", said at a press conference (November 26): " So far, the project for the construction of the sculpture "The Guardian of Baikal", created by the famous sculptor Dashi Namdakov, has also been rejected. especially for installation on Hoboi. Almost immediately after this initiative was announced in the media and social networks, the project caused numerous objections. The result is that the monument, which was planned to be erected already in 2017, is unlikely to be erected even next year.".

But other media replicated his completely different words, apparently uttered at the same press conference:

"The placement of the sculpture on the territory of Khoboy was refused. We decided in Uzur, drove there, examined. There is a small municipality there. After the approval of the new boundaries of the Pribaikalsky National Park, we will study the location from the point of view of legality".

There is additional information in the media: The place is located 9.5 kilometers south of Cape Khoboy and one and a half kilometers from the village of Uzura.

Now the above citation of the regional minister of culture about "other mechanisms" that allow not coordinating the placement of the object with the "Reserved Baikal region" is understandable. They "found" a piece of municipal land inside the Pribaikalsky National Park. And on the other hand, the answer sent to me from this institution refers to the placement of the statue in the "subordinate territory" .... Where is the truth here, where is the lie? The prosecutor's office should find out. My request is already being reviewed.

But events suddenly accelerated sharply. Only a few days have passed since the aforementioned press conference, and the project is already close to the "finish line". From local residents, I heard that work is about to begin on the installation of the "object" in the Uzur region, that the disassembled monument will be brought to Olkhon in the coming days.

Tellingly, this time they did without shamanistic rites. They are obviously very fast. In Irkutsk, few people now know that such a controversial object is about to appear on Olkhon, but in the island capital, the village of Khuzhir, passions are running high.

And this outrage is well founded. The municipal site near Uzur is located in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory, it is subject to the protection regime. Recently, the Prosecutor's Office posted a letter on its website explaining the prohibitions in force in the CEZ.

Local residents are indignant: we cannot build housing in the villages, but is it possible to build such objects on the natural territory?

And - even without ecological expertise!

Well, criticism of the sculpture itself has increased dramatically.

Here is what the Olkhon people say: “Let them just try to install. Will someone knock an imaginary halo off his head? Let him put these horns on his head.”

"Such a statue is only to scare children."

“Are people listening to us at all? Here I myself will go and saw off the horns of this statue.

“It's simple, Namdakov is Putin's friend. All doors are open to him!

In vain the sculptor chose to ignore the "voice of the people". There is no need to hope that his creation on the island will have a happy fate.

P.S. . Personally, the sculpture itself does not cause rejection in me, only its name. Like many others, I think that the "Spirit of Baikal" cannot look like this. But the main objection: there is no place for such objects in a specially protected and valuable territory. Let it stand in some settlement. But - not in the natural landscape of Olkhon, which is already experiencing an overwhelming tourist load.

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