Small countries by area. What is the smallest country in the world

The list of countries by area is a single table that includes all the countries and territories of the planet Earth, ordered according to their surface area. For the unambiguity of the figures, the article cites data from the Central Information Agency World Factbook. Statistical figures from other sources may differ slightly from these figures.

General remarks on the list of countries by area

This list represents only those figures of the surface area of ​​the countries of the world that are recognized by the world community as belonging to a particular state on legal grounds. It should also be noted that for most states, inland waters belonging to them are included in the numbers of an ordered list of countries of the world by area, but if the area of ​​these waters is such that it significantly distorts the result for this state, then it is not taken into account when compiling index for this country.

Ten largest countries in the world by area

Before starting the list of countries by area, it should be said that the entire surface area of ​​​​the globe is 510.072 million km 2. Of these, 359.685 million km 2 are oceans, that is, 70.5% of our planet is covered with water. As a result, the area of ​​all continents is 150.386 million km2.

The top ten from the list of countries by area of ​​their territory is given below (in brackets - the value of the area of ​​this state in millions of square kilometers):

  1. The Russian Federation (17,098) is the largest country in the world, which is located on the territories of Europe and Asia.
  2. Canada (9.985) is the largest state of both American continents and the western hemisphere of the Earth.
  3. China (9,597).
  4. Brazil (8,515) is the largest country in South America.
  5. Australia (7,741) is the largest country in Oceania and also the largest island nation.
  6. India (3.287) is the largest country in South Asia.
  7. Argentina (2,780) is the largest country in Hispano-America.
  8. Kazakhstan (2.725) is the largest landlocked country in the world.
  9. Algeria (2.382) is the largest country in the Arab world and the African continent.

Thus, the area of ​​Russia is almost twice the area of ​​Canada, which ranks second in the list of countries in terms of area. It should be noted that on the two American continents, which are smaller in area than the area of ​​Eurasia, there are already 3 countries, the area of ​​​​each of which exceeds 8 million square kilometers, while there are only two such countries in Eurasia.

Ten smallest countries in the world

Here is a list of countries by area that occupy the last 10 places, that is, they are the smallest countries in the world (in parentheses are the area values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the respective countries in square kilometers):

  1. The Vatican City State (0.44) is the smallest sovereign state in Europe and the world that is landlocked.
  2. Monaco (2) is the smallest landlocked country in the world.
  3. Nauru (21) is the smallest country in Oceania and the smallest island nation in the world.
  4. Tuvalu (26) is a small state in Oceania, located on an island.
  5. San Marino (61) is a small state that is located inside Italy.
  6. Liechtenstein (160) is the 4th smallest state in the list of countries by area in Europe and the 6th in the world.
  7. The Marshall Islands (181) are small islands located in the North Pacific Ocean.
  8. San Cristobal and Nieves (261) is the smallest country in America.
  9. Maldives (298) is the smallest state in Asia.
  10. Malta (316) - this island country is located in the Mediterranean Sea.

Introducing the Top smallest countries in the world, both in terms of area and population.

The smallest countries by area:

Only independent states recognized by other states are included. Also included are associated states (a form of confederation of unequal states united on a bilateral basis, in which a smaller state, while formally maintaining sovereignty and independence, entrusts a significant part of its power to a larger state).

10th place:- a state in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 49 898 people. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in Latin America in terms of area and population.

The southeastern peninsula of St. Kitts, with the island of Nevis in the background

9th place: Cook Islands- an archipelago and a self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 236 km², population - 19,569 people.

8th place:- Pacific state associated with the United States. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, the total area of ​​​​which is 181 km², the population is 68,000 people.

7th place: Liechtenstein- a state in Central Europe associated with Switzerland. Area - 160.4 km², population - 35,870 people.

6th place:- a state surrounded on all sides by Italy. Area - 61 km², population - 32,075 people.

5th place:- Pacific state, located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. The total area is 26 km². Population - 10 544 people. Tuvalu is one of the poorest countries in the world and this country would be even poorer if the country's leadership had not guessed to put up for auction the national domain and the buyer was quickly found, because. is a tidbit for TV companies and video sites. Tuvalu now receives $1 million quarterly in exchange for the right to use the .tv domain zone

4th place:- a state on the coral island of the same name in the western part of the Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​​​21 km². Population - 9 322 people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic in the world, the smallest island state, the smallest state in Oceania, the smallest state outside of Europe, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

3rd place: Monaco principality associated with France. Monaco is located in southern Europe on the Mediterranean coast. Area - 2.02 km², population - 35,986 people.

2nd place: Vatican located within the territory of Rome. The Vatican is a state associated with Italy. The area of ​​the Vatican is 0.44 km². Population - 836 people.

The smallest country in Europe and the whole world - Order of Malta(not to be confused with the state of Malta), the full name is "The Sovereign Military Hospice Order of Saint John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta". Like the Vatican, the Order of Malta is located inside the territory of Rome. Since 1998, the Order has also owned Fort St. Angelo on the island of Malta. The area of ​​territories controlled by the Order of Malta is 0.012 km². The order consists of 12.5 thousand people who can be considered citizens of this state. Not everyone recognizes the Order of Malta as a state, but the order has diplomatic relations with 104 states and is a permanent observer at the UN. The Order of Malta issues its own passports and license plates, prints its own currency and stamps, i.e. has almost all the signs of a full-fledged state.

The Palace of Malta in Rome - the actual capital of the Order of Malta

The smallest states by area by continents and parts of the world:

  • The smallest country in Asia is the Maldives (area - 298 km²).
  • The smallest country in Oceania is Nauru (area - 21 km²).
  • The smallest country in Europe is the Order of Malta (area - 0.012 km²).
  • The smallest country in Africa is the Seychelles (area - 455 km²).
  • The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (area - 261 km²).
  • The smallest country in South America is Suriname (163,270 km²).

The smallest countries in the world by population:

Only independent (including associated) states recognized by other states are included.

  • 10th place: (for this country, see above). Population - 49 898 people.
  • 9th place: Liechtenstein(for this country, see above). Population - 35 870 people.
  • 8th place: (for this country, see above). Population - 32 075 people.
  • 7th place: Palau is an island state in the Pacific Ocean. It is in association with the USA. It consists of 328 islands with a total area of ​​458 km². Population - 20 842 people.
  • 6th place: Cook Islands(for this country, see above). Population - 19 569 people.
  • 5th place: Order of Malta(See above for more details). The order consists of 12.5 thousand people.
  • 4th place: (for this country, see above). Population - 10 544 people.
  • 3rd place: (for this country, see above). Population - 9 322 people.
  • 2nd place: Niue- an island and a self-governing state entity of the same name in free association with New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean. Area - 261.46 km², population - 1,398 people.
  • The smallest state in the world in terms of population - (see above about this country). Population - 836 people.

The smallest states in terms of population by continents and parts of the world:

  • The smallest country in Asia - South Ossetia (population - 72,000 people) - is a partially recognized state: it was recognized by Russia and four other UN member states (Nicaragua, Nauru, Venezuela and Tuvalu).
  • The smallest country in Oceania is Niue (pop. 1,398)
  • The smallest country in Europe - the Vatican (population - 836 people)
  • The smallest country in Africa - Seychelles (population - 87,476 people)
  • The smallest country in North America is Saint Kitts and Nevis (pop. 49,898)
  • The smallest country in South America is Suriname (pop. 472,000)

All of the above countries and dependent territories are recognized by the international community or at least several states, however, there is a state not recognized by any country, which is smaller in area than the Order of Malta and in population less than the Vatican.
The Principality of Sealand, located on an offshore platform in the North Sea, 10 kilometers from the coast of Great Britain, has an area of ​​​​only 0.00055 km² (550 m²). As for the population, in 2002 the authorities of Sealand stated that the population of the state was 27 people. However, at the same time, only a guard constantly lives on the territory of Sealand.

Physically, the territory of Sealand arose during the Second World War. In 1942, the British Navy built several platforms on the approaches to the coast. One of them was Roughs Tower. During the war, the platforms housed anti-aircraft guns and had a garrison of 200 men. After the end of hostilities, most of the towers were destroyed, but Roughs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, remained intact. In 1967, retired British Army Major Paddy Roy Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand on the Roughs Tower platform and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. In 1972, Sealand began minting a coin. In 1975, Sealand's first constitution went into effect. There was a flag and coat of arms.
In 1997, it turned out that without the knowledge of the leadership of Sealand, the passports of this state were illegally distributed. In total, more than 150 thousand passports were sold, after which Sealand was forced to cancel the passports. In January 2007, the owners of the country announced their intention to sell it. Immediately after that, the torrent site The Pirate Bay began raising funds for the acquisition of Sealand in order to achieve independence from the authorities of other states, but the deal did not take place.
Sealand official website -

On the Internet, you can easily find information about where the smallest country in the world is located. Thanks to the global network in the 21st century, you can walk the streets of another country without leaving your city. Moreover, many states in their size are not far from Russian megacities: in distant Europe there are states much smaller than the smallest district of Moscow.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

According to official data, the list of the smallest states looks something like this:

  1. Order of Malta
  2. Vatican
  3. Monaco
  4. Nauru
  5. Tuvalu
  6. San Marino
  7. Liechtenstein
  8. Marshall Islands
  9. Cook Islands
  10. Saint Kitts and Nevis

Of these, Tuvalu is the poorest, but its government registered a .tv domain zone and sold it, and successfully: after all, TV is an excellent domain zone for telecommunications companies, channels and Internet portals with video materials from around the world. Tuvalu itself is located in Polynesia. For tourists, entry is absolutely free: a visa is issued for 30 days upon arrival at a local airport.

The Order of Malta is the smallest country on the planet

The Order of Malta is a state with an area of ​​​​only 0.012 sq. km. It consists of two buildings in Rome and one in Birgu, Malta. The main state building, the Main Palace, is located in the capital of Italy near the Spanish Steps.
Moreover, part of this palace is rented out for restaurants and shops. It is here that government meetings are held, and the residence of the prince is located. The palace is recognized as the capital of the Order.

Small spool, yes in the UN

The sovereignty of the miniature state was recognized by about 100 countries. It has the status of a UN observer. There are representatives of the Order of Malta in different parts of the world. In the Russian Federation, his Mission is located in Moscow on Volkhonka.
The order issues identity cards that allow free entry without a visa to 30 countries, and mints coins - skudo. Its exchange rate varies, but approximately 1 scudo is equal to 0.24 euros. Although the real cost is slightly higher, because These coins are minted from real precious metals.
The state language of the state is Latin. The Order issues exclusive stamps that are very popular with collectors. The Order's mail is not part of the Universal Postal Union, so its stamps can not be used in all countries of the world, but only in 60.

The Order of Malta even has its own license plates, but they belong exclusively to the country's government and are found mainly in Rome. Machine number format: SMOM alphabetic code and 2 digits. Between the numbers and letters is a small Maltese cross. The Order of Malta does not have its own domain zone. Also, the country cannot boast of the presence of the police and the army.

The Order of Malta: a walk through a small country

The Order of Malta can be called the most isolated state in the whole world. For example, on Sunday, any visits to the country are prohibited. All 3 buildings of the small state are closed.
On a weekday, the Main Palace is open to the public. Moreover, each person can enroll in the library of the Order of Malta, which is located on the second floor of the palace. To do this, you need to fill out an application for.
But the entrance to the Maltese villa (the second building of the state) is strictly prohibited for outsiders. But enterprising tourists came up with another fun. There is a small keyhole at the gate of the building, through which you can see 3 European countries at the same time:

  • Order of Malta
  • Vatican
  • Italy

Those. Rome is a city that hosts two of the smallest countries in the world. To look into this well, you often have to stand in a long line of travelers from all over the world.
The third building of the Order of Malta is located in the city of Birgu and is called Fort Sant'Angelo. But it has been reconstructed for many years, and therefore is closed to tourists.

Little Vatican

The Vatican is the most famous small country on earth. This state is located in one of the districts of Rome. Its area is 0.44 sq. km. The length of the Vatican State Border is 3.2 km.

Politics and economics of the Vatican

The Vatican is the residence of the Pope. This small state serves as an observer to the UN and cooperates with Interpol. The Vatican has diplomatic relations with 176 states around the world, incl. with EU countries. The country falls under the Hague Convention, which provides for the protection of cultural property if a war breaks out. It is included in the UNESCO list.
The Vatican is governed by the Holy See, represented by the sovereign - the Pope. The pontiff is elected by the cardinals. If he dies or abdicates, the Camerlengo assumes his duties until a new Pope is elected. Moreover, the election of the Pope can last from 2 days to several years!
When a new pontiff is appointed, white smoke rises from the small chimney of the Sistine Chapel. Traditionally, the ballots of those who voted are burned, but to give the smoke the desired shade, they throw into the fire:

  • rosin
  • lactose
  • Berthollet salt

White smoke is accompanied by the iridescent ringing of the bells of St. Peter's Cathedral. This is necessary to once again confirm the election of a new pontiff.

The Vatican has its own state bank, which is otherwise called the Institute of Religious Affairs. The state is part of the eurozone and can create an individual design for the obverse of euro coins. Traditionally, the obverse depicts a portrait of the Pope, who is currently ruling.
The Vatican has a separate domain zone: .va. Official languages: Latin and Italian. The Vatican is the only country in the world where you can find menus in Latin in ATMs!

What kind of visa is needed to visit the smallest country - the Vatican

The Vatican is a separate state, but you do not need any special visa to visit it. Before traveling to Italy, Russians apply for a regular Schengen visa and, on its basis, cross the border of the Vatican. But tourists from all over the world sometimes have difficulties because of the appearance. On the territory of the Vatican, you can not be in open T-shirts, short skirts and shorts. Travelers will be asked to change or leave the country.
Only the clergy and special guests can live on the territory of the Vatican. Hotels and inns (even the most expensive ones!) are not provided for ordinary tourists.

Top 10 most famous sights of the Vatican

The most significant cultural and historical sites of the Vatican include:

  • St. Peter's Square - a huge space, symmetrically bounded by semicircles of colonnades and having a high obelisk in the center;
  • St. Peter's Cathedral - a spectacular building erected over the tomb of the Apostle Peter, it is here that you can see mosaics and paintings by Michelangelo, Raphael and Bernini;
  • Apostolic Palace - the residence of the pontiff, representing a single complex of palaces, galleries, chapels and gardens;
  • The Sistine Chapel is a landmark famous for the frescoes of Botticelli, Rosselli and Perugino, as well as the monumental depiction of the Last Judgment by Michelangelo;
  • The Pinacoteca is an art gallery that exhibits over 450 paintings by Raphael, Giotto, Caravaggio, Titian, etc. mainly on religious themes (the unfinished painting by Leonardo da Vinci "Saint Jerome" is stored here);
  • Raphael's Stanzas - 4 huge rooms in the Apostolic Palace with frescoes by Raphael;
  • Belvedere Palace - a small complex of buildings, on the territory of which you can see unusual bronze sculptures in the form of a pine cone and a broken ball - the famous "Sphere in the Sphere";
  • Vatican Gardens - a park area of ​​more than 20 hectares, it is here that the heliport is located for transport links with Italian airports;
  • Grotta di Lourde - a consecrated artificial grotto in the Vatican Gardens;
  • The Apostolic Library is the greatest book depository in the world, where you can find Renaissance and Medieval manuscripts, but only a part of the library is allowed for tourists.

Usually the Vatican Museums are open for visits from 9-00 to 18-00, the box office closes at 16-00. You can also purchase tickets to the Vatican Museums on their website During the periods from May 2 to July 29 and from September 2 to October 28, the Vatican Museums are also open from 19-00 to 23-00. To visit the Vatican attractions after sunset, you need to book a ticket in advance.

Little Principality of Monaco

Monaco is the smallest country in the Mediterranean. It is located near the Cote d'Azur. The area of ​​the principality is only 2.02 sq. km. Moreover, over the past 20 years, this area has even increased by 40 hectares due to the drainage of sea borders.
Everyone who comes to Monaco should visit at least a few of its attractions. These include:

  • Monte Carlo Casino is a grandiose gambling establishment where anyone can play (except for the citizens of Monaco - gambling is prohibited for them at the legislative level);
  • Casino Square - a small square and a park area in front of the casino, where you can’t be in jeans and T-shirts - the status of a nearby establishment obliges;
  • Opera Monte Carlo - a famous opera house, on the stage of which Chaliapin, Caruso, Verdi and many other eminent singers and musicians from all over the world performed;
  • a museum of vintage cars, which even houses the London taxi that Grace Kelly once drove;
  • Larvotto is an amazingly beautiful beach with clear water and artificial white sand, where many vacationers sunbathe without even taking off their jewelry;
  • Museum of Oceanography built by Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

Of course, this is an incomplete list. Monaco is an amazing country that seems to be entirely made up of architectural and cultural monuments, so each tourist must independently choose the most important sights for himself.

Due to their miniature size, small states cannot boast of success in military affairs or industry, therefore they actively attract travelers from all over the world. Everyone needs to visit them in order to feel their originality.

On June 7, 1929, the State of Vatican City was formed in accordance with the Lateran Accords. You can learn about it and 9 other smallest countries in the world from our today's selection.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Maldives

The island country of the Republic of Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and is the smallest Asian country in terms of area. The area of ​​the country is 298 sq. km. with a population of 396 thousand. Two-thirds of the population lives in the capital of the country, Male. Previously, the country developed thanks to the export of dried tuna, kauri clams and coconut cables, now the main income comes from tourism.

2. Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers, with a population of 84 thousand people. The archipelago is located north of Madagascar and consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands were able to develop thanks to the export of coconut, vanilla and cinnamon. But since 1976, when the country gained independence, tourism has become the main source of income.

3. Liechtenstein

This state has no access to the sea. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 sq. kilometers. Liechtenstein borders Switzerland and Austria and is one of the richest states. There are more companies registered here than residents.

Nauru is located in the South Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​the state is 21.3 sq. kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. They gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to the natives for 3,000 years. To date, the population of the country is about 9 thousand people. The state of Nauru has no armed forces.

5. Vatican

The Vatican is a closed city-state located in one of the districts of Rome and covers an area of ​​44 hectares. It was founded in 1929 and is run by the Pope. The Vatican boasts the most beautiful buildings in the world - the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Cathedral, the residence of the Pope - the Apostolic Palace, etc. In addition, half of the country's territory is occupied by the Vatican Gardens. Approximately 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, and several thousand Italians travel here every day to work.

The second smallest country is Monaco. Over the past 20 years, due to the drying of the sea, the area of ​​​​the country has increased and now it occupies an area of ​​2.02 square meters. kilometers. Monaco is the second smallest monarchical state. The country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with 30,000 inhabitants. The main source of income for the residents is tourism.

7. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located in the West Indies - between North and South America on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. The state is located on two islands with an area of ​​261 sq. km. These were the first islands inhabited by Europeans. The main source of income is, of course, tourism, but agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

8. Marshall Islands

This state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean consists mainly of coral islands. The area of ​​the country is 181 sq. kilometer, population 62 thousand. In 1986, the Islands gained independence from the United States, but so far only America's help helps them "keep afloat". The country has no natural resources and imports of goods far exceed exports.

9. San Marino

San Marino covers an area of ​​61 sq. kilometer and has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. It is the oldest independent country in the world and was founded on September 3, 301. In addition, San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, its income exceeds its expenses.

10. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is also located in the South Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. kilometers. The country also includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands belonged to the British crown and were called the Ellis Islands. Tuvalu gained independence from the British in 1978. The population of the country is 10.5 thousand people. Due to the lack of natural resources, Tuvalu has to live off the help of other countries.

It is hard to believe that in such a big world there are entire countries so small that they can easily be located in one of the districts of Moscow. People living in such countries are no different from those who inhabit countries with large cities and villages, they do not feel that they are somehow different from the rest. But for residents of countries with large territories, they are considered as exotic as any plant. If you ask the question, which is the smallest country in the world or a state, only a person with a broad outlook, one who is interested in the unusual and amazing, will answer correctly.

Considering the smallest countries, it is worth saying that there are also very small states in the world. In order not to confuse them, you need to know how a country differs from a state. So, a country is a community with its own culture, history, land. At the same time, a country is considered a state if it has sovereignty, so to speak, political freedom.

Some might think: what could be interesting in a country with such a tiny territory? But it turns out that they are quite interesting not only with exotic nature, but also with history, picturesque landscapes,. So, let's get acquainted with the smallest countries and states on our planet.


Among the blue expanses of the Indian Ocean is the Republic of Maldives, which is considered the smallest country in Asia.

To many, it is known as the Maldives or the Maldives. It consists of many tiny islands. The area does not exceed 298 sq. km. 396 thousand people live in the Republic. The capital is Male, about two-thirds of the inhabitants live in it. It gained its independence in 1965, and a couple of years later the Maldives became a republic.

If not so long ago, the inhabitants were more engaged in the export of dried tuna and other gifts, coconut cables, today the main income of the islanders is tourism.

Video about the Maldives:


The smallest state in the world, namely in Africa, is the Seychelles.

A couple of decades ago, the islands were completely subordinate to Great Britain; they became independent since 1976. To ensure a decent life, the inhabitants were engaged in the export of vanilla, cinnamon and coconut, with the gaining of independence, tourists began to come here. Thus, today the main income of local residents is tourism. Seychelles can be found on the map north of Madagascar, they include 115 small islands in the Indian Ocean. According to the data, the archipelago has an area of ​​455 sq. km, where 84 thousand people live.

Video about the Seychelles:


A tiny state located next to Austria and Switzerland - Liechtenstein - is a real find for businessmen.

The low tax rates in force in the state attract many businessmen from all over the world who are registered in it. At the same time, rich businessmen are not embarrassed that the state does not even have its own, and the nearest one is in Zurich.

In area, Liechtenstein occupies about 160 square meters. km, the population is approximately 29 thousand people. Basically, the state prospers thanks to the export of food, dental instruments, microchips and postage stamps. It is also visited by many tourists who bring additional income to residents. The state is inhabited by Austrians, Germans and Swiss. The main language is German, but you can meet residents who speak several dialects. The city of Vaduz is the capital of a tiny state.

Video about the state of Liechtenstein:


If you travel by the Pacific Ocean, then know that in the south in Micronesia is the Republic of Nauru - a tiny island nation of the whole world. On an area of ​​21 sq. km is home to approximately 9 thousand people.

Even in the last century, the inhabitants of the island were considered the richest in the world. Thanks to the extraction of phosphates, they earned huge fortunes. The authorities of the Republic employed almost all the inhabitants of the island, education and medicine were made free. True, few people appreciated high school, only a few children attended it.

Over time, the phosphate deposits ended and almost the entire territory of the island ceased to be useful. Today, the former prosperity of the inhabitants is reminiscent of the mined-out and abandoned mines. But that's not all: there is no island in the world where people suffer from obesity as much as in Nauru. Most residents lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat very fatty foods and a lot of alcohol, the result is obvious - those suffering from diabetes. The state cannot defend itself because it does not have armed forces, but in 1999 the UN took it under its wing.

Video about the Republic of Nauru:


If you want to know which is the smallest country in the world - then you should visit the Vatican.

The most beautiful buildings in the world, such as the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, are located in a small but powerful Vatican. It is located in one of the Roman districts. 770 people live on 44 hectares and work there. The residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican.

The Swiss Guard keeps order and. The guard consists of a hundred people, but to get into its composition, a person must be a single Catholic and a resident of Switzerland. The main income of the Vatican consists of donations that flow into the treasury from all over the world, as well as additional income from the sale of books and tourists visiting the country.

Video about the Vatican:


Monaco is second among the smallest countries in the world.

On an area of ​​2 sq. km is home to about 24 thousand inhabitants. More recently, the Grimaldi family, which came from Genoa, was considered the rightful ruler here. Today the Prince and the National Council have taken their place. Monaco is next door to France and is located on the shores of the beautiful Ligurian Sea.

The country is very attractive to the richest people in the world, because here they are offered attractive tax incentives. Despite the fact that tourism is very developed in the country, many residents are successfully engaged in agriculture and offshore banking.

The small country has become famous thanks to the world-famous casino, which is located in Monte Carlo. The Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco was held here. The capital of the country is called Monaco.

Video about Monaco:

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

On the islands in the Atlantic between North and South America fit a tiny state - the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which has an area of ​​​​261 square meters. km and a population of 50,000.

In addition to tourism, they are engaged in the electrical industry, the export of sugar and shellfish, which brings good profit.

Video about the state - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:

Marshall Islands

The smallest state in Europe is the Marshall Islands, which consist of many coral islands, tiny in size, and reefs. State in 180 sq. km inhabited by 52 thousand inhabitants.

Mostly English is spoken here. The islands are known for their turbulent history, having been under the government of Germany, the Japanese Empire and Spain. As a result of the events of World War II, the United States liberated the island from the Japanese government, but the inhabitants received final freedom only in 1986. Thanks to the support, the island is still thriving today, despite the fact that it does not have its own resources and well-established exports. Residents of the Marshall Islands are engaged in the sale of fish, copra. Additionally, the treasury is replenished thanks to the developed tourism.

Video about the Marshall Islands:

San Marino

In the heart of Italy, on the slopes of Mount Titan, rises the miniature state of San Marino.

On the territory of 61 sq. km is home to approximately 28 thousand people. The spoken language of the inhabitants is Italian. The state has its own ancient history, which all residents are proud of. They tell about the mason Marinus, who came to these lands back in 301, fleeing from the Christian hater and persecutor of the emperor Diocletian. So that the emperor would not find him, the mason hid in the mountains of Titan, where he later created his own Christianity. The owner, who owned the mountain, recorded it in the name of the Christian community, so the territory was first known as the "Land of St. Marinus", and later - San Marino.

This tiny state, at the end of the war, was also considered the poorest, thanks to which it managed to maintain its independence.

After millions of tourists began to visit the country every year, the treasury of San Marino began to replenish rapidly. In addition to tourism, the state trades in the export of quality goods, including wine, ceramics, stone for construction and chemicals. Today, the inhabitants of a tiny country can be safely called the richest inhabitants of Europe.

Video about San Marino:


Although the ocean level is constantly rising, the inhabitants of the tiny state of Tuvalu are in no hurry to leave it.

The country is located in the Pacific basin and consists of four islands and five atolls. At 26 sq. km lives 10.5 thousand people. It became independent relatively recently - in 1978. Previously, the British crown ruled here and were known as the Ellis Islands.

In order to survive, the inhabitants fish and farm, but this is not enough, so they receive great support from Australia, Japan, the USA, and New Zealand.

Video about the state of Tuvalu:

So you got acquainted with the smallest countries and states.

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