Master and Margarita goodness as a resurrecting force. Composition Bulgakov M.A.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is a great master, bringing light with his talent without hiding the darkness...
Indeed, he did not hide the darkness. This time, in which the author lived and worked, tried to hide his lawlessness and tragedy from his contemporaries. Time tried to hide Bulgakov himself as an author. In the thirties, he was among the "forbidden". After the publication of the beginning of The White Guard, until the end of his life he failed to publish a single significant work. And only many years later, after the death of the author, his works in full became available to the reader. For a long time, Bulgakov's last work, The Master and Margarita, remained “in the shadows”. This is a complex, multifaceted work. Its genre was defined by the author himself as a "fantastic novel". Through combinations of the real and the fantastic, Bulgakov raises many problems in his work, shows the moral flaws and shortcomings of society. Laughter and sadness, love and moral duty I see when I read the pages of the novel. One of the main themes, it seems to me, is the eternal theme of good and evil.
As long as man exists on earth, there will be good and evil. Through evil we understand what good is. And good, in turn, reveals evil, illuminating the path to truth for a person. There will always be a struggle between good and evil.
Bulgakov depicted this struggle in his work in a very original and masterful way. The devil's retinue sweeps through Moscow like a whirlwind. For that Moscow, in which there is a lie, distrust of people, envy and hypocrisy. These vices, this evil, Woland exposes to the readers - an artistically rethought image of Satan. His fantastic evil in the novel shows real evil, mercilessly exposes the hypocrisy of such people as Styopa Likhodeev, a significant person in the cultural and high circles of Moscow - a drunkard, a debauchee, a downcast loafer. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy is a swindler and a rogue, a variety show bartender is a thief, the poet A. Ryukhin is an inveterate hypocrite. Thus, Woland calls everyone by their proper names, indicating who is who. At a session of black magic in a Moscow variety show, he undresses, literally and figuratively, citizens who covet free goods, and sadly concludes: “They love money, but it has always been ... Well, frivolous ... well, what .. ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ... ordinary people ... In general, they resemble the former ones ... ”
And what were they, these former ones? The author takes us to distant Yershalaim, to the palace of the fifth procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate. “In Yershalaim, everyone whispers about me that I am a ferocious monster, and this is absolutely true.” The procurator lives according to his own laws, according to which the world is divided into those who rule and those who obey, the slave obeys his master - this is an unshakable postulate. And suddenly there is someone who thinks differently. A man of about twenty-seven, whose hands are tied and who is physically absolutely helpless. But he is not afraid of the procurator, he even dares to object to him: "... the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created." This is a man - Yeshua is convinced that there are no evil people in the world, there are only “unhappy” people. Yeshua interested the procurator. Pontius Pilate wanted and even tried to save Yeshua from a bitter fate, but he could not give up his truth: “Among other things, I said that all power is violence against people and that the time will come when there will be no power of either Caesars or any or other authority. Man will pass into the realm of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all.” But the procurator cannot put up with this, this is a clear contradiction of his ideology. Yeshua is executed. A man was executed who brought the righteous light of truth to people, goodness was his essence. This man was spiritually independent, he defended the truth of goodness, inspired faith and love. Pontius Pilate understands that his greatness turned out to be imaginary, that he is a coward, he is tormented by his conscience. She is punished, his soul cannot find peace, but Yeshua - the embodiment of the moral force of good in the novel - forgives him. He passed away, but the grains of goodness left by him are alive. And for many centuries people have believed in Jesus Christ, whose prototype is Yeshua. And the eternal desire for goodness is irresistible. The master writes a novel about Christ and Pilate. In his understanding, Christ is a thinking and suffering person, bringing enduring values ​​into the world, an inexhaustible source of goodness. The truth was revealed to the Master, he believed and nevertheless fulfilled the mission for which he lived. He came into this life to write a novel about Christ. The Master, like Yeshua, pays dearly for the right to proclaim his truth. The prophets find their place in the lunatic asylum. And the world, alas, turns out to be such that the devil acts as a judge. He is the one who pays everyone what they deserve. The master leaves people, finding peace and happiness. But his immortal work remains on earth. The fight between good and evil continues. From generation to generation, people are looking for and will continue to look for a moral ideal, to resolve ethical contradictions, to seek the truth, to fight evil.
I think Bulgakov himself is such a wrestler. His novel is destined to have a long life, I believe that it will not be lost in time, but will serve as a source of moral ideas for many, many generations to come.
The problem of good and evil is an eternal problem that has worried and will worry humanity. What is good and what is evil on earth? This question runs as a leitmotif throughout the entire novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. As you know, two opposing forces cannot but enter into a struggle with each other, therefore the struggle between good and evil is eternal.
The conflict between these forces was most acutely reflected in the novel The Master and Margarita. So, before us is Moscow of the late twenties - early thirties. On a hot and stuffy evening, a gentleman who looks like a foreigner appears on the Patriarch's Ponds: “... he didn’t limp on any leg, and he was neither small nor huge, but simply tall. As for his teeth, he had platinum crowns on the left side, and gold crowns on the right. He was in an expensive gray suit, in foreign shoes, the color of the suit ... He looked to be over forty years old. The mouth is kind of crooked. Shaved smoothly. Brunette. The right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason. The eyebrows are black, but one is higher than the other...” This is Woland, the future culprit of all the unrest in Moscow.
There is no doubt that Woland is a representative of the “dark” force. (Woland is translated from Hebrew as "devil".) It is important to pay attention to the epilogue to the novel. These are the words of Mephistopheles from Goethe's "Faust": "I am part of this force that always wants evil and always does good." Mephistopheles in Faust is Satan, who punishes sinners, arranges riots. No, Woland is not like Mephistopheles. His resemblance to him is limited only by external signs! Pointy chin, slanted face, crooked mouth. In the actions of Woland, there is no desire to punish the Muscovites who are mired in sins. He came to Moscow with one purpose - to find out if Moscow has changed since the day he was in it last. After all, Moscow claimed the title of the Third Rome. It proclaimed new principles of reorganization, new values, new life. But what does Woland see when he arranges a show of black magic for Muscovites in a variety theater? Greed, envy, the desire to make "easy" money. And Woland draws the following conclusion: “Well... They are people like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, they are frivolous... well... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the former ones... the housing problem only spoiled them...”
Woland's arrival in Moscow is accompanied by riots: Berlioz dies under the wheels of a tram, Ivan Bezdomny goes mad, Griboyedov's House burns down. But is this the work of Woland himself? No. Woland's retinue is partly to blame for the troubles of Muscovites! Koroviev and the cat Behemoth. But most of all, the Muscovites themselves are to blame for their misfortunes. After all, it was they who created around themselves a world similar to hell, inhabited by malice, drunkenness, lies, depravity. Let's take a look at least at the restaurant "House of Griboedov", where members of MASSOLIT spend their free time. Here, “swimming with sweat, the waiters carried steamed mugs of beer over their heads”, “some very elderly dancer with a beard in which a green onion feather was stuck”, “the roar of golden plates in jazz was sometimes covered by the roar of dishes, which the dishwashers on an inclined plane went down to the kitchen." The whole atmosphere in the restaurant resembles the underworld described in the Bible, in one word “hell”.
Getting to Satan's ball, we can be convinced that humanity has always lived according to the same laws, has always done evil. Before us and Margarita passes Mrs. Minkhina, who burned her maid's face with curling irons, a young man who sold the girl who loved him to a brothel. But at the same time, we understand that all these people are dead. This means that only the dead get into the “department” of Woland, the “department” of “darkness”. Only when a person is dead, his soul, burdened with sins, falls under the power of Woland. Then comes the retribution for all the evil that a person committed during his lifetime.
Berlioz, the Master and Margarita, and Pontius Pilate, the cruel procurator of Judea, fall into Woland's "department".
How many people have fallen under the power of Satan! Who can join the fight against evil, which of the heroes of the novel is worthy of “light”? This question is answered by the novel written by the Master. In the city of Yershalaim, mired, like Moscow, in debauchery, two people appear: Yeshua Ha-Notsri and Levi Matvey. The first of them believes that there are no evil people and that the worst sin is cowardice. This is the person who is worthy of "light". For the first time he appears before Pontius Pilate “in an old and torn tunic. His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead, and his hands were tied behind his back. The man had a large bruise under his left eye, and an abrasion with dried blood in the corner of his mouth.” Is it possible to say that Yeshua Ha-Nozri is Jesus Christ? The fates of these people are similar, they both died on the cross. But it is worth noting that Yeshua was twenty-seven years old and Jesus was thirty-three years old when they were crucified. And Yeshua is the most ordinary person, an orphan, and Jesus Christ is “the son of God”. But it's not that. The main thing is that Yeshua carries goodness in his heart, he never did anything bad in his life, he came to Yershalaim to teach people goodness in order to heal their bodies and souls. He is the savior of mankind. But, unfortunately, humanity does not need salvation. On the contrary, it seeks to get rid of Yeshua as a criminal and a thief. And this is also a struggle between good and evil.
The clash of opposing forces is most vividly presented at the end of the novel, when Woland and his retinue leave Moscow. What do we see? “Light” and “darkness” are on the same level. Woland does not rule the world, but Yeshua does not rule the world either. All Yeshua can do is ask Woland to give the Master and his beloved eternal rest. And Woland fulfills this request. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the forces of good and evil are equal in rights. They exist in the world side by side, constantly opposing, arguing with each other. And their struggle is eternal, because there is no person on Earth who has never committed a sin in his life; and there is no such person who would completely lose the ability to do good. The world is a kind of scales, on the bowls of which lie two weights: good and evil. And, it seems to me, as long as the balance is maintained, the world and humanity will be able to exist.
Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" helps to look at the world around us in a new way. I believe that this novel helps to find and recognize what is good and what is evil.

Sometimes life is extremely difficult and incomprehensible. Unfortunately, there are no instructions for doing the right thing, so questions like “forgive or not forgive?” or "revenge - forget?" become rhetorical. This became the basis for many literary works, in particular, the novel "The Master and Margarita" is saturated with the philosophy of life and "stuffed" with questions about human virtue.

  1. (Can cruelty be justified?). The Master and Margarita is a novel that shed light on all sorts of philosophical topics and touched upon the problems of human life. The work begins with a story about two friends - Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny, arguing about the faith of people, or rather, about the existence of God. A mysterious stranger is included in the course of their conversation, trying to reason with the gentlemen on such a delicate issue. However, the comrades showed stubbornness and refused to believe in the existence of higher powers. After quite a bit of time, Berlioz was hit by a tram. The moral, concluded by the lips of Woland: "Everyone will be rewarded according to his faith." Can this be considered cruelty on the part of Satan, and if so, is it justified? On his part, he deservedly punished the unbelievers, taught a lesson. From this lesson began Woland's revenge on people - so sinful and godless. One can reproach him only for the radical nature of the measures taken, but one cannot but agree that the punishments were well-deserved.
  2. (False kindness turned into cruelty) Can kindness turn into cruelty? Yes, if we turn to Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. Woland is the embodiment of Satan, throughout the book he gives people life lessons. It is worth recalling an episode from the Variety Theatre. Woland decided to study the changed nature of the Muscovites, and his retinue exposed human vices with their fantastic tricks. During this performance, citizens were literally showered with money, women were gifted with the latest dresses and the most fashionable accessories. Satan did not skimp on such gifts, which fully emphasized the commercialism and stinginess of people. The greed with which they tried to grab the “tidbit” turned them into animals that are ready to squabble for the desired thing. The greedy Muscovites paid for their behavior in full: the sinful adventures of the spectators were revealed, the money turned into dust, and the women were completely naked on the streets of the city. Woland taught a lesson to a generation spoiled by the housing problem. From here it must be taken out that kindness, embodied in an act, often has completely different motives. Often it is she who is the instrument of sophisticated cruelty, which Satan is so famous for.
  3. (Kindness is impossible without self-sacrifice) What is kindness? I think this quality includes such an element as a readiness for self-sacrifice. For example, the main character of the novel "The Master and Margarita", distinguished by kindness, found herself in a rather difficult life situation, with her own problems and unanswered questions. She clearly needed the help of higher powers to understand the current situation. Fortunately for her, if I may say so, she turns out to be of interest to Satan, Woland, who has come to the city. She is honored to be invited to his Grand Ball, and even as a queen. By agreement with the devil, at the end of the ball, the girl had the right to a request, which Woland undeniably had to fulfill. Finding herself at the triumph of unclean forces, Margarita fills her loneliness and fear with new acquaintances. So, on her way she meets the vicious Frida, who touched the heroine with her sad story. The victim suffers a vengeful ordeal for her sinful act - she strangled her unwanted newborn child. Margarita is so imbued with the fate of a new acquaintance that at the end of the ball she uses her request to save Frida from torment. Asking not for herself, but for another person, Margarita discouraged the participants of the ball, and many readers. Instead of her happiness, she chose to help a person in need, such kindness on her part deserves a special bow. Thus, readiness for self-sacrifice is the main element of kindness, without which the manifestation of this quality is impossible.

The eternal confrontation between good and evil is covered in almost every book of Russian literature. The Master and Margarita is no exception. Good in this work illuminates the path of truth, and evil - on the contrary, it is able to lead a person into invisible distances.

Bulgakov was sure that it is religion, the faith of God, that helps a lost person find his true path. His characters help to understand Bulgakov's position.

As part of the "novel within a novel" that the Master wrote, his hero Yeshua appears before a ruthless judge. In this episode, there is not quite a theme of good and evil, but rather a theme of betrayal of good itself. But why? The procurator was well aware that the accused, who stood before him, did not commit criminal acts, but nevertheless ordered his execution. He is a slave of the state system, and Bulgakov displayed the same slaves in Moscow (for example, Barefoot).

Yeshua is the embodiment of kindness and sympathy, he was insightful, generous, selfless. Even the fear of death did not make him renounce his views. He believed that in a person his good beginning still prevails.

His opposition - Woland - believed, on the contrary, that evil and self-interest predominate in a person. He found in people their vices, sinful weaknesses, ridiculing them in various ways. He, along with his retinue, got rid of those who deviated from goodness, who were corrupted, ridiculing such people.

But why does Satan cause only a smile and positive emotions? The answer to the question is the epigraph to the novel, which just says that evil does eternal good. In this novel, Woland is the arbiter of fate, he stands for the balance between evil and good, trying to restore it. However, his actions still cannot be called good, because only with the help of evil does he show people his own vices.

Goodness in the novel is also the feeling between the Master and Margarita. Their love shows what a person is ready to do, how he and the world around are changing with the help of such a force. There was an evil spirit in Moscow, a Sabbat appeared, dark magic was going on. And everything seems to have gone wrong, because this love was helped by evil spirits. However, love itself is a divine gift, which proves that love is a manifestation of kindness and self-giving.

The novel is full of not only mysteries, but also values. Bulgakov colorfully described the evil spirit, putting it in the foreground, but pure and bright love, all-consuming and all-forgiving, still prevails here. Goodness is presented in the novel as a force of creation, which nothing can pervert or destroy.

Another main thought of the author is the scene with the ball of Satan. That is, a person must go through all the horrors, the circles of hell, in order to realize one simple truth: love is the only road that will make him not only happy, but also the master of his own life. He will not become a slave, which was the procurator, he will be free in his own way.

I really liked the novel "Master and Margarita", exciting and mystical. There's a lot of humor there. As for good and evil... For sure, everything there is not so simple - not like in fairy tales.

For example, Woland is evil itself, in theory, but it turns out that he punishes the evil himself and has humor. His retinue are not villains - they certainly do not look like monsters. Although vampires appear in the novel (they scare in the variety show), and witches (they fly on broomsticks), and zombies (at the ball), and werewolves (turned into a pig) ... But they are only "naughty", they obey higher "instances", if anything.

Behemoth (which is a cat) and Bassoon (checkered) just laugh at human greed, for example.

The scene in the circus with the distribution of money, which then turn into candy wrappers, alone is worth a lot.

Good is Yeshua. But he is shown as if weak, he does not give the Master happiness, only peace. Woland is ready to argue with Yeshua, with his messenger.

In general, good and evil in this novel is not black and white. Everything is complicated, here evil can act as good. It's just that the "evil" ones have tougher methods of influence here.

Evil, rather, is the Moscow inhabitants. For the Master, for example, the critics who hounded him. For the poet Bezdomny - doctors who in a madhouse do not want to believe him. But everyone can understand! People are weak, even Woland himself pities them.

One day the main character gets angry. Margarita takes revenge on criticism for the unfortunate fate of the Master. She angrily destroys his rich apartment. She releases her anger by becoming a witch. But maybe she did, in fact, a good thing for him ... Suddenly, the only way she was able to break his attachment to things. What if he calls repairmen and falls in love with a girl who works in a delivery service? That is, after reading the novel, I came to the conclusion that any good can lead to evil, and any evil can lead to good.

If everything in life were painted either white or black! It would be so easy ... But we studied fairy tales in elementary school. Everything is more difficult. I want to believe that everything leads to good things.

But now the Master is granted peace. It seems to be good. But if the Master actually goes mad, then it turns out that this was a bad gift. Or the owner of a bad apartment suddenly turned out to be on the sea, so suddenly, if he had stayed, then he would have been hit by unexpected guests? It is probably very important what a person does with what he gets in life. You can try to turn everything around for the good.

It is people who strive to simplify everything: plus or minus. And so you look at some event or person: is it good or bad. And it's hard to answer...

Short essay Master and Margarita - Good and Evil

In Bulgakov's novel, there is a whole hierarchy of concepts of good and evil, which differs from the usual everyday concept. The author develops his hierarchy in the system of main characters, which is clearly divided into the world of people and the world of higher power. In each of the worlds there are representatives of both good and evil.

So, on the side of good, dark forces suddenly appear, which do their dirty deeds in Moscow and even cause some harm to the inhabitants of this city. What is good here? But if you think about it, the harm done to people is just a way to curb the crazy people who are only interested in money. It's like a way to pull them out of the narrow horizon of monetary needs, in which they are imprisoned, to awaken in them the real evil that temporarily sleeps in every person.

Woland's retinue is thus both good and evil, which is very contradictory. The main good that they do is the return of the Master to Margarita, and the eternal peace given to both of them. These two characters seem to represent the crown of the creation of mankind, these are people who experienced pain and suffering, but at the same time they remained human only thanks to love.

The side of evil is represented by the inhabitants of Moscow. This is Berlioz, who does not believe in anything, who paid for his disbelief and disrespect for the higher forces of good and evil, and Massolit members, who were not destroyed by Woland's retinue, but were terribly frightened by them for their greed and greed. They were not destroyed just because they still had a slight fear of the higher, so they still have a chance to save their souls.

Thanks to all these characters, the author reveals his main idea. The whole trouble of mankind is in their vices, which pass from generation to generation, from century to century. A person does not change, this is the conclusion of the author. All people are greedy for money, for wealth and security, but you should not blame and reproach people for this, because this is their nature.

This work proves the paradoxical nature of faith in the divine and satanic. Faith in God offers hope and prayer, while faith in Satan offers justice, which is so lacking in the world.

Essay No. 3

Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita is, like the author himself, a very controversial and unusual work. It reflects the deep personality of the writer, his complex spiritual essence.

The heroes of this book illustrate the manifestations of certain human feelings and emotions. But at the same time, none of them can be unambiguously attributed to the positive or negative side. Each character in this novel embodies the features of both the dark and the light side, in fact, just like any person in real life.

The protagonists of the work are so complex and ambiguous that even those characters who at first glance seem to be strictly negative (be it Woland and all his retinue) or strictly positive (be it the Master himself or Yeshua Ha-Notsri), in fact, are constantly on border between good and evil. All of them are not perfect, and even in the brightest hero, the author seeks to show his vices and shortcomings, characteristic of ordinary people. And yet in the novel there is a vivid opposition of opposing forces. For example, in the historical part dedicated to the biblical story about Jesus Christ and presented here in the form of the author's work of the Master, the "confrontation" of the Roman procurator Pilate and the impoverished preacher Yeshua is vividly shown.

As for Woland, this character, oddly enough and not surprisingly, is not the personification of evil, as we are used to understanding him. Woland acts in the novel as a kind of measure, a judge of those moral processes that took place in the novel. He tests the heroes of the novel, and then brings them punishment or, on the contrary, retribution. Satan appears as a model of justice and nobility, no matter how strange it may sound.

Composition on the theme of Good and Evil in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita

"The Master and Margarita" is a subtle, extraordinary and leaving behind a lot of questions, the creation of the great and unique genius of the pen Mikhail Bulgakov M.A. He put a lot of effort and patience into its writing, worked on its creation for more than one year. The result was a masterpiece, which is now sold around the world in more than one edition. And it has been screened multiple times.

Until now, literary critics and critics disagree in their assessments and opinions about this literary work. But one thing is known for sure - it has forever gone down in the history of literature as one of the most impressive and at the same time completely incomprehensible and unsolved.

This novel is amazing in its content. He brings good and ridicules evil. In it, one of the main roles belongs to the hero, personifying debauchery and immorality - the devil Woland. But the most interesting thing is that through this character, the author ridicules the flaws and vices of mankind. This can be seen in many scenes. For example, in a variety show, when Satan reveals greed in the public and the ability to do anything for money. But Woland's actions testify not to the malice and bitterness of his nature, but rather to an attempt in this way to eradicate human barbarism, debauchery and ignorance.

Also, it is captivating that the thread of the story written by the Master about the good Yeshua Ga Nozri, who lived many centuries before the events described, runs through the entire narrative. He appeared before the procurator, famous for his cowardice and cruelty. Withstood the forthcoming death with honor. But did the procurator survive? After all, he sympathized with the guy, knew that he was not guilty and did not want to execute him. But he did it anyway. Probably, the author tried to convey to the reader that there are no limits for good and evil, they exist anywhere, regardless of time, be it past, present or future.

And in his work, Bulgakov, as it were, contrasts Woland and Yeshua, or, more correctly, draws a parallel between them. He describes the same features of the body and character. For example, a description of the right eye (Yeshua has a black eye, Woland has a wormhole) or knowledge of languages ​​(both of them had more than one foreign language in their luggage). This also applies to other details. But why does he touch the same details. Perhaps he wanted to show that good and evil can have the same features, but differ in their very essence.

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  • Good and evil... How often do we have to hear these two concepts... Since childhood, we have been taught to distinguish good from evil. Parents used to read fairy tales to us, in which good always triumphs over evil. In real adult life, everything is much more complicated: money rules the world. After all, every person wants to live in comfort, dress well, eat delicious food. But in order to enjoy these benefits, you need to have a considerable amount in your wallet. And, unfortunately, it is not always possible to earn it honestly. As you know, "money is evil."

    Bulgakov's work "The Master and Margarita" is a creation in which many human vices are shown. One of the main characters is Woland - the arbiter of fate, punishing people for their misdeeds. In this novel, Satan is not a representative of a force that opposes God, but, perhaps, his assistant.

    Surprisingly, Woland is trying to change the world for the better. Of course, he and his retinue caused a lot of harm to Muscovites. But I believe that this evil is a punishment for the immoral acts of people and society.

    Bulgakov very skillfully shows us the struggle between good and evil in his novel. The evil of Satan and his assistants exposes human evil, mercilessly removes masks, reveals the secret plans of people like Stepan Likhodeev. A drunkard, a libertine, a degenerate loafer is a significant personality in the cultural circles of Moscow. The poet A. Ryukhin is an incorrigible hypocrite who composes bad poetry and understands this himself: “I don’t believe in anything that I write!” N. I. Barefoot - the chairman of the housing association, a cunning and rogue. Woland says about him: “I didn’t like this Nikanor Ivanovich. He is a swindler and a rogue." A. F. Sokov is the head of the buffet at the Variety Theater, which serves stale food. All these people, as well as many others, were punished by Woland and his retinue. At a session of black magic in the Variety, Satan, surprising Muscovites with tricks, wanted to find out if people had changed, but made sure that they were still sinful - money was important to them, they were cruel and greedy. In the theater, Woland concludes that people have not changed much, they are ruled by money, and "the housing problem has only spoiled them."

    Of course, the good in the novel appears in the form of Yeshua. Not only does he not harm anyone, but he also sees no evil in other people: "There are no evil people in the world." The author tried to convey this idea to us. Unfortunately, the philosopher did not fight. Humility is a direct consequence of kindness, this is what Bulgakov intended. And Ga-Notsri resigned himself, did not fight, he allowed himself to be killed.

    What role does Marguerite play in the novel? Is this heroine a representative of good or evil? She deceived her husband, made a deal with the devil, became a witch. But Margarita did it for the sake of great love. The feeling she has for the Master is inextricably linked to her love for people. Even in a fit of revenge, the heroine remains merciful. As soon as she saw a frightened baby in one of the windows, she immediately stopped the "wild rout" in the apartment of the critic Latunsky. Despite the transformation into a witch, the heroine has not lost her true femininity and sensitivity. In my opinion, the heroine is the bearer of goodness.

    Pontius Pilate appears as a stern procurator, "a ferocious monster". He was firmly convinced that the world is dominated by those who have power, the rest obey them. It was Pilate who sent Yeshua to certain death, although he liked this man. Nevertheless, the hegemon got even with Judas for betrayal and with the high priest Kaifa for demanding the execution of the philosopher. The procurator repented and tried to save Ha-Notsri, but he could not, he turned out to be weak in spirit: he did not dare to destroy his life in order to save the wanderer. He chickened out and was punished - doomed to immortality.

    The struggle between good and evil will always exist. Good cannot exist without evil, they are inextricably linked by a thin thread of being. It is up to the individual to decide which side to choose. Therefore, everyone must be responsible for their actions.

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    §one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
    The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...