Children's entertainment in the country. How to organize children's leisure in the country

Dacha or Vacation home- a great place to relax with the whole family. And if you also have your own garden and garden plot, then your children will have a place to roam. What could be better than spending the whole day outdoors? - only if your children spend such a day outdoors. This guarantees them an excellent appetite for the evening and a healthy sound sleep. But one fresh air children are not enough for a full and fun holiday. At the cottage, there must be special entertainment for children.

What can be children's entertainment in the country? Regardless of the age and gender of children, they will be interested in a hammock.

It's a chic place to relax or read a book, but what gets the kids excited is that it can also be used as a swing.

Hammock for a child can be stretched both in the house or on the open veranda, and in the garden between the trees.

In addition, you can purchase special swing for children and also place them under the trees. Children will enjoy riding all day long. It is better to purchase 2 swings at once so that your children can ride together, with you or invite friends to visit.

Perhaps the most fun entertainment for children is swimming. In hot weather, your children will definitely want to cool off or play with water. A good choice– open inflatable pools for children. It can be placed right next to the house or further away in the garden so that children do not splash water near the house. Give preference to a small and shallow pool for children, so it will be easier for you to leave them alone and not be distracted from your business. To the pool, you can buy a small springboard or a ladder for descending and lifting from the water, or maybe even a small slide. To increase the excitement, you can give children water pistols, they will appreciate your efforts.

If your funds are not enough buy an inflatable pool for children, it can be replaced with an ordinary cast-iron bath, which is no longer used in the house. You can fill it with water in advance so that it warms up a little during the day in the sun. Evening swimming will be no less enjoyable.

But the most exciting entertainment for children will be small house on a tree, to which a rope ladder leads. This will be their secluded place where they can spend time with friends, play free online shooting games and have fun. You can build a house yourself from extra boards, buy it ready-made in a store or make it to order.

If you have a lot of free space in your country house, you can buy all the entertainment at once and arrange an entertainment town for your children. Friends of your children are guaranteed to increase.

Dacha is a great place for family vacation, here you can escape from the bustle of the city and annoying smog, enjoy nature and chat with friends. But there are still special family members whose comfort should be taken care of separately - these are children. And here, a properly equipped playground will not only make your children's vacation safe, interesting and useful, but will also allow you to devote more time to the garden, flowers or just relaxing.

the site will tell you a few original ideas how to organize children's leisure in the country.

What to do with a child in the country?

parrot swing

To successfully organize children's leisure in the country, build a wonderful swing in the form of parrots from old used car tires. They will not only delight children, but will also be an excellent decor for their summer cottage.

Children's car wash

To take a child in the country, it is enough to build a children's car wash. All children love water, especially when it's hot. summer time. They will be able to freshen up and wash their children's vehicles. All that is needed for this is to build a corridor of PVC pipes, hang sponges, curtains and washcloths along it and install several sprinklers inside.

Children's bench with a ladder

Children are very mobile, so that they would be busy and not sit still, you can build a wonderful bench with a ladder from old pallets, previously well cleaned and painted.

Children's kiosk

Children love to imitate adults. To do this, you don’t need much, it’s enough to build a small pallet kiosk for them, where they will feel like real sellers or culinary specialists. Such a colorful design, decorated with various posters and garlands, will keep your child busy for a long time.

small sandbox

Well, of course, how could it be without a sandbox! You can organize it using wood or old pallets, decorating it with an umbrella and a slate board.

Pool fountain

To make such a magnificent fountain and keep a child busy in the country, you need three children's pools different sizes and a sprinkler. Children will be able to fish and splash around to their heart's content.

Children's playground

In order to organize children's leisure in the country, you can build sports ground in the form of a pyramid, where you can hide in a secluded place and climb on a cable ladder. This playground will become a favorite place for your children.

Pallet kitchen

Remember yourself in childhood, how you loved to play with dishes, cook porridge-malash, sculpt Easter cakes. These activities will also be interesting for your children. Build a mini-kitchen out of used pallets and provide the young chef with real utensils.

rope maze

There is a fairly simple way to organize children's leisure in the country - this is a thick rope labyrinth. This way you can encourage your child to play outdoors.

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Please, give ideas of what to do in the country.
Boy, 7 years old.
The whole of June was at sea, July arrived and August will be at the dacha with grandparents, I visit, I still have a baby.
There are no friends, in general, not a single one, we have such a dacha settlement, only old women or middle-aged women with adult children.
When I'm there, I'll somehow come up with entertainment, go for a walk, go to the city, etc., but when I'm grandparents, it's more difficult.
He will play a little in a heap of sand, collect Lego, read in the evening, rage on a swing-slide. Big already, everything gets boring quickly
I think to captivate him by collecting models (tanks, helicopters).
What else to think? I’m afraid I’ll leave, he’ll get a grandmother-grandfather, he starts chasing a dog from idleness or watches TV, the store is on the couch since I forbid 2x2 and Pepper to watch, and some nonsense on other channels during the day.

having fallen off, well, put a video recorder on the child, so that he would periodically have at least a multicam or good films. But this, of course, will take an hour or two a day. Does he read to you? Give me books, let him read. Plus some puzzles, rebuses, right now there are a lot of children's magazines.
A grandfather and grandmother will not occupy him with anything? At the age of 7, they plowed me in the village and applied water and weeded and watered the garden ... My grandfather still fiddled with me a lot, took me for mushrooms and berries, went fishing.
In general, a seven-year-old without friends is boring, of course, such an age ...

There is a DVD but not the whole day to watch, sometimes it turns on in the evening. Doesn't read by himself.
Grandfather and grandmother practically do not occupy, there is nothing to do in the garden, in the evening a maximum of watering a couple of beds. Grandfather's legs hurt, he doesn't go anywhere far, grandmother is also not young. They sit on the site, they don’t go anywhere. Grandmother can read and count with him, but this is not much at all, in the evening.

I remember that time very well when I was little. I also sat with my grandmother in the country - there were no friends, such was the settlement. I was not allowed outside the territory because of security.
There was nothing to watch on TV, since then there were only 2 programs. At times it was very boring, but it did not last long. The child will always find something to do, especially in the absence of ready-made recipes. Of course, the most wise way of doing it is to push him to imitate adults (grandfather) - to make something, repair, etc. Slowly, this turns into a hobby and help to the elders.
The easiest way, of course, is to bring a computer and a DVD.

Well, great - let them read together ... I remember my grandfather and I read "adult" literature. "Science and Life" - there was a section with puzzles, logic puzzles - this is how I solved them with my grandfather)))
Of course, buy him prefabricated models if he likes, which he can do without help.
Basically, communication is key. If the grandfather and the woman in this regard with the child know how, then there is nothing to worry about

They will not read together. Grandfather reads either newspapers or guesses crosswords, all sorts of Japanese, etc.
Grandfather does not know how to take care of children, he never took care of his husband either, he knows how to earn money and cook food. He does a good job, he used to knock around the clock, do something, now he hardly does it - he feels bad.
They are unable to communicate. The grandfather is silent, the woman listens to the radio or gets to the bottom of "go eat, go wash your hands."
That's why I'm asking, I know that there will be problems.
I need something for him to do, he can do it.
This is the second day he's been fiddling with Lego, we don't see or hear him, but this is after a month's break, he'll get bored soon, I know.

Nothing to do in the garden Is this a shozh for a garden?
Give a task for the summer - let him learn to read. Teach yourself to be independent. Let him learn to count, there are many children's interesting tutorials now.

There is nothing, because there is no garden, not everyone has a field with potatoes in the country. Two beds with greens and in a small greenhouse a bed with cucumbers, grandfather came out in the evening, watered and that's it. The rest of the lawn, we cut it once every two weeks.
He can read normally for a preschooler, he won’t sit and read on his own, we read together with him. His grandmother taught him to count perfectly, I ask you not to teach him to count anymore, otherwise he will die of boredom in the first grade. I bought him a book for the development of logic. But again, it's all learning. I don’t want to load him with studies before the first class, let him rest, he was already loaded all day all year long.

Burning, all sorts of handicrafts purchased, let him plant something that grows quickly on "his" garden bed, at home on the balcony with my son we grew cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, flowers just at that age, he really liked it, video games, audio fairy tales, inexpensive fotik and let it take pictures, again teach the net how to make herbariums - the country house is full beautiful flowers, let him do it, make a horizontal bar for him, buy soap bubbles. Is there a sandbox? It means taking them there - a bunch of small cars, cubes, soldiers, etc., let them build all sorts of garages, roads, underground parking lots in the sandbox, and at least collect stones, set them on each other and knock them down, even grandparents can take part Buy a lupa, let him examine the dew, ants, blades of grass ... Buy coloring pages with cars, ships, there are all sorts of thick + pencils and paints, books with stickers are more interesting to read - you read and stick characters, collect puzzles. Well, from time to time still pick up to the city, to entertain in movie parks ... otherwise it will howl ...

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