What does the distribution circulation in the state lotto mean. Is it worth participating in the distribution draw? May holidays for the benefit of the soul, cottage and wallet

What do Russians dream about? Recently, this question has interested specialists of the Levada Center, and they immediately conducted a sociological survey.

As for material goods, it turned out that many of our compatriots dream of winning a million (14%), buying an apartment or house (15%), a car (14%), or simply getting rich (11%).

Perhaps not everyone knows yet, but with the favor of good luck and a drop of luck, all these dreams can come true in ... state lotteries! How? Everything is very simple…

In the State Housing Lottery, apartments are raffled off every week, and a ticket costs only 50 rubles. In the popularly beloved “Russian Lotto”, a ticket costs the same, but you can win both an apartment and a car, land plot, other valuable prizes and, of course, large sums of money. By the way, just last Sunday, 23 apartments were raffled off in the draws of the State Housing Lottery and the Russian Lotto! And the upcoming - 1066th and 1067th draws of "Russian Lotto" have prepared 30 cars for their participants!

The chance to become a millionaire is provided by numerical drawing lotteries- for example, thanks to Gosloto 5 out of 36, 9 Russians joined the ranks of millionaires in February alone.

Do you dream not just to get rich, but to become a multimillionaire? Then rather get lottery tickets with the country's largest cash prizes - Gosloto 6 out of 45. Not later than at the end of January, two lucky ones managed to equally share the Gosloto 6 out of 45 super prize, a record for Russian lotteries - more than 203,000,000 rubles!

And the lottery - Gosloto "7 out of 49" will hold a distribution draw on March 25, where a super prize of over 35,000,000 rubles will be distributed among all the winners without a trace, and the winnings in all categories will be significantly larger than usual.

Have you already chosen the lottery that will fulfill your dreams? As Albert Einstein used to say, the one who plays wins. Keep it up and luck will smile on you!

Click to enlarge

The housewife won a million

Photo: Stoloto Trading House Press Service

The super prize of the 2371st draw of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery went to a housewife from Moscow Julia S. The girl guessed a combination of five numbers: 12-27-35-19-6 - and won 1,099,020 rubles.

The 30-year-old winner is a caring mother. She is raising two young daughters. Julia started participating in the lottery by chance - she saw an advertisement on the Internet and wanted to try. “I have been buying tickets for almost a year now. But I never made big bets. Perhaps because I didn’t take the lottery seriously, I didn’t think that you could really win millions. It turned out, even as possible! I managed to do it for only 180 rubles,” the winner rejoices.

Yulia says that she chooses random numbers, but often keeps track of the circulation archive, notices frequently falling numbers and tries to use them. “In general, my husband also helps me to cross out the numbers, he has a happy hand,” the loving wife says with tenderness.

“I am very glad that the results of the draw fell on February 23, it turned out to be a royal surprise for our dad. By the way, we have not decided what we will spend the super prize on. Although we have three women in the family, so I think he won’t have to lie down for a long time, ”the owner of a large win laughs.

At the request of the winner, we do not indicate her full name.

Distribution run of The Magnificent Seven

On March 25, the popular lottery Gosloto 7 out of 49 will hold a distribution draw. Which means more wins!

A huge super prize - over 35,000,000 rubles - will be fully distributed among all the winners of the 538th draw, which will take place on March 25 at 22.30 Moscow time. Of course, if none of the participants manages to guess all 7 numbers winning combination and take over the super prize alone ...

Take the chance to go down in history - "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "! After all, in distribution runs, the size of winnings increases several times. For example, in distribution circulation"sevens", held on May 23 last year, the winnings for 4 guessed numbers amounted to 8,525 rubles, the winners who guessed 5 numbers got rich by 88,697 rubles, and four lucky ones who guessed 6 numbers each turned into millionaires! And one of them, thanks to the expanded rate, immediately became the owner of 11 million rubles! That's luck! By the way, the power of deployed rates is confirmed by many lottery winners.

You can become a member of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery at all lottery kiosks, on the stoloto.ru website, in Svyaznoy stores, and very soon, for your convenience, tickets for this lottery will replenish the range of Euroset stores, of which there are more than 4,000 all around Russia.

There are many possibilities, the choice is yours!

Photo: Stoloto Trading House Press Service

Lotteries Gosloto 6 out of 45, Gosloto 5 out of 36, Gosloto 7 out of 49, Russian loto”, “State housing lottery”, “Rapido” are held from 2.05.2012 to 31.12.2020.
"Sportloto "6 out of 49", "Keno-Sportloto" and instant lotteries"Sportloto" are held from 14.09.2009 to 31.12.2016.
Information about the organizer of the lottery, the rules of the lottery, the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of its holding, the timing, place and procedure for receiving winnings can be found on the website www.stoloto.ru or by phone 8-499-270-27-27.

In the name of the Russian Federation
The method of selective verification of actually paid prize pool circulation "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45" Circulation No. 200 dated 10/20/2010 revealed the fact of unreliable information provided by LLC "Orglot" in the reporting on the holding of the All-Russian State Lottery for the 4th quarter of 2010, in terms of the actually paid prize fund.
In the study of Circulation No. 200 "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45" dated 10/20/2010, the Inspectorate revealed a violation of the terms for paying the winnings to the lottery participant, namely Larukov Mikhail Prokopyevich. According to the winning receipt of VGL Gosloto "6 × 45" circulation 200 No32685, confirming participation in the lottery on the terminal 205403-000016013, Larukov M.P. won 20,000,000 rubles.
In accordance with clause 9.6. "Terms and Conditions of the All-Russian State Lottery in Real Time", the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee "payouts of winnings begin no late afternoon following the day of the relevant Draw, and end no later than 6 months from the date of publication in the media of the results of the corresponding draw, which is also provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 20 federal law No 138-FZ. The result of the circulation was published on October 26, 2010 in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
According to the payment orders provided by Orglot LLC, Larukov M.P. was paid a prize in the amount of 3,069,373 rubles. 60 kop.
LLC "Orglot" (operator) entered into an agreement with LLC "TD Pallant" (distributor) hereinafter LLC " Trading house"Gosloto" dated 12.11.2010 No 74-210 for the provision of distribution services lottery tickets(receipts). The subject of the agreement is that the distributor undertakes, on the instructions of the operator, to provide the latter with a range of services for the distribution of lottery tickets and the fulfillment of other obligations.
According to the acceptance and transfer certificates for the payment of winnings to lottery participants dated 03/05/2011, 03/29/2011, 03/30/2011 between Orglot LLC and Gosloto Trading House LLC (in accordance with agreement No. 74-210 dated 11/12/2010) for which Gosloto Trading House LLC accepted the debt for the payment of winnings to lottery participants in the total amount of 96,984,824 rubles. 40 kopecks, including according to Larukov M.P. in the amount of 16,930,626 rubles. 40 kop.
At the time of the audit, Trading House Gosloto LLC paid Larukov M.P. the winnings in the amount of 2,418,660 rubles. 90 kop.
The amount of unpaid winnings for the period 04/26/2011, provided for in paragraph 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ and clause 9.6. "Conditions of the All-Russian State Lottery in real time" amounted to 16,124,406.1 rubles.
The amount of unpaid winnings to MP Larukov at the time of the audit amounted to 14,511,965 rubles. 50 kop.
Based on the foregoing, the Inspectorate revealed a violation expressed in non-payment of winnings within the period established by paragraph 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ in the amount of 16,124,406 rubles. 10 kop.
In connection with the revealed violation by the chief state tax inspector of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 22 for Moscow, Khisamova I.A. 18.07.2011 drawn up Protocol on administrative offense No 2YU.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a refusal to pay, transfer or provide winnings, as well as a violation of the procedure and (or) terms for paying, transferring or providing winnings provided for by the lottery conditions, entails a warning or an administrative fine on legal entities- from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.
According to Part 1 of Article 71 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the arbitration court evaluates the evidence according to its inner conviction, based on a comprehensive, complete, objective and direct study of the evidence available in the case.
In accordance with Article 26.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, evidence in a case of an administrative offense is any factual data on the basis of which the judge, body, official in charge of the case establishes the presence or absence of an event of an administrative offense, the guilt of a person brought to administrative action responsibility, as well as other circumstances that are important for the correct resolution of the case. These data are established by a protocol on an administrative offense, explanations of the person in respect of whom the case on an administrative offense is being conducted. It is not allowed to use evidence obtained in violation of the law.
The materials of the case established that the applicant did not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on Lotteries.
Under these circumstances, the fact of violations committed by the defendant deadlines payment court believes established and confirmed case materials.
Thus it is in the actions of the defendant set the composition of an administrative offense, under Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
There is also the fault of the defendant in its commission, since, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and norms, for the violation of which this Code or the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation provides for administrative responsibility, but this person did not take all measures depending on them to comply with them.
On the day of the court decision, the statute of limitations for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility, established by Art. 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, has not expired. The procedure for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility by the applicant has been observed and is not disputed by the defendant.
Grounds for the application of Art. 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the court does not have the defendant's release from administrative responsibility.
Therefore, there are legitimate grounds for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility on the basis of Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The court checked and evaluated all the defendant's arguments, but they cannot serve as a basis for refusing to satisfy the requirements, since they are not supported by evidence and are based on an incorrect interpretation of both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions for holding the lottery. So the court's arguments of the defendant with reference to the need to pay within the time specified in paragraphs 9.8, 9.9. The conditions are not accepted, since, in the opinion of the court, these paragraphs are not applicable to the case under consideration, which follows from the literal interpretation of the conditions.
Under these circumstances, the court considers as established the event of an administrative offense, for the commission of which the law provides
administrative responsibility; the fact of its commission by a person in respect of which a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up; grounds for
drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense; availability of powers of the administrative body that drew up the protocol.

Parts 1 and 3 of Art. 23.1. of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation consideration of cases on administrative offenses provided for in Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is referred to the competence of the arbitration court.
Thus, the court found that the application was substantiated and subject to satisfaction.
There were no mitigating or aggravating circumstances in the case.
As follows from the grounds for the stated requirements, the applicant did not refer to the presence of aggravating circumstances when the defendant committed the said administrative offense and due to the fact that the defendant is brought to administrative responsibility for the first time under this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the court considers it possible to impose a penalty on the lowest limit of the administrative fine specified in Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, i.e. in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

For 2 months we kept statistics of the game (honesty test!) in Russian lotteries on one popular resource

Do you seriously think that when playing lotteries with closed draws and with a withdrawal animated video broadcasts, really win the jackpot?

Then we go to you!

By experience, we will prove to you how players are deceived on this resource. Really serious prizes and jackpots (1st and 2nd categories - far from random people fall out!). Call it what you want, up to laundering the game money supply.

Statistics of rates of one of our players on the main lotteries (6 out of 45 & 5 out of 36):

For example, one of the bets on 140 combinations of numbers in the state lottery lottery is 6 out of 45 with a probability of winning the jackpot - 1 to 8,000,000, and, accordingly, the probability of winning secondary prizes is an order of magnitude higher.

A detailed bet was issued with 8 numbers on each of the 6 fields of the ticket:

as you can see, the cost of this bet was 14 000 R. - as a result, the gain was - 1500 R.

On the other hand, this may seem like an absolutely normal set of circumstances, but not when comrades playing in parallel bet on amounts more than 30 000 rubles in each draw, covering the most popular combinations and numbers on 6 ticket fields - winning miserable 1500r.

Many of the combinations that drop out during consecutive draws really suggest the planned 20 minutes before the start of the draws and automatically generated combinations, because the numbers sometimes fall out far from random!

There have been cases of falling in two consecutive draws 3 and 4 repeated numbers in combination, which, in principle, according to the theory of probability, is practically impossible, the probability is 0.000001%

Those. support absolutely officially answers our question:

Player: What are the guarantees that the drop-down combinations (rapido, 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36) are not automatically selected in a non-random manner, based on already purchased tickets (bets) using some da Vinci code generator (just in these 20 minutes before the start of the draw, after the closing of bets) ?

Support answer:There are no guarantees, by default you must trust us, since we have a draw commission and number generators patented by special structures.

So, it turns out that we are obliged to believe that money is not laundered in this way, but actually won by phantom players, which is also unrealistic to trace.

It would be nice if there was a live broadcast of the draws from real people in the draw commission, which we could see, and, accordingly, the very process of choosing numbers by lottery specials. device.

Perhaps the number of winning people in each draw is a fiction that is presented to us as a distraction, which supposedly we really win, but it is not possible to trace it.

The next important point:

Why is the distribution of prizes of the 2nd category and other minor prizes often between a clearly defined number of participants?

How, in principle, this can be possible according to the theory of probability, if the number of players is more than 100,000 people, and the number of bets sometimes exceeds 300,000.

ON A NOTE: In the lottery gosloto 6 out of 45- the probability of guessing 5 numbers out of 6 (to win a prize of the 2nd category) is an order of magnitude less than guessing 5 numbers out of 5 in lottery 5 out of 35(prize of the 1st category), but for some reason the number of guessing 5 numbers in the lottery is 6 out of 45 - always more than 1 (from 1 to 10).

In the lottery 5 out of 36, the prize of the first category (guessing 5 combination numbers) is by no means played in every draw and this is done with only one goal - to maintain the interest of players in this game due to the rapid increase in the jackpot amount by constantly injecting money into it. This no longer suggests that numbers in the state lotto do not fall out randomly.

Number of winners of the second category prizes in the draws gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45 and 5 out of 36(coincidence of 5 out of 6 numbers and coincidence of 4 out of 5 numbers in a combination, respectively) - constantly seems to be adjusted to certain limits.

In the lottery 5 out of 36 the number of guessing 4 numbers out of 5 often never exceeds 30 people in order to leave a range for choosing the 5th number in the combination of the lottery generator - thus Grand Prize 1st category is not played and accumulates up to a certain value. Subsequently, it is not broken by random people and displayed on "Funding Public Expenditure".

Although, in principle, we will never check this with the dead statistics of the results of the drawings - whether the number of winners of the second category prize really ranges from 13-30 people, or only 2, or maybe no one at all.

Numbers may not fall out randomly, but in a completely definite and convenient way for individuals so that the number of winners was 0, but for all those who play through the site stoloto.ru and follow the game in draw results certain amounts of payments to the winners will be displayed so that players can see the imaginary and falsified results of the draws (picture above) and be convinced that there are winners and they are paid real money - you can’t check this!

And believe me, programmatically implementing such a scheme does not seem too difficult!

Thus, the money collected for the draw from draw to draw can not be distributed among real players (payments to non-existent winners), but go to well-defined "offshore" funds of the management of the state lotto and other government agencies.

I do not argue, small amounts up to 6000 r. there is a meager chance of winning, but large jackpots (more than 5-300 million rubles) and prizes of the second category - you are unlikely to ever win.

The invented stories of the winners can really cling to the soul, but falsify them, and also find the right people, playing the role of millionaires is also not difficult - this is the opinion of not only our specialists.

For example, let's take the State Lottery 5 out of 36 (with a "higher probability" of winning - 1 to 300,000).

The cost of 126 combinations was about 4000-5000 rubles.

Bottom line - no winnings! At the same time, employees of "one hundred loto" note that every fourth combination wins.

The summary of all of the above is as follows:

The choice is yours to play or not to play Russian lotteries, but honesty and openness of the lottery are still important!

Now that open official foreign lotteries online for Russians- the opportunity to win the American or European Jackpot (up to 1.5 billion dollars) through verified lottery websites of Mega Lottery agents (www.MegaLotter.Ru) - has become a reality!

*All bets placed for the "Russian state lotteries" test were placed with money won in foreign lotteries(powerball, eurojackpot, euromillions, megamillions) passing with real draw commissions in live on TV channels of the countries participating in these lotteries.

To participate in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, you need to purchase a ticket in one of the ways - at the distribution point, on the website, via SMS, through payment terminals or by scanning a QR code and sending an autobet via SMS. The peculiarity of tickets is that they do not have a fixed price - the price depends on the number of bets made and can start from 30 rubles. The minimum number of bets is 6, the maximum is 19.

Features of the game in Gosloto 6 of 45

A lottery ticket consists of six identical fields, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 45. To participate in the draw, you must select six or more numbers in any of the ticket cards. You can do it yourself or choose automatic way placing bets, not forgetting to indicate how many numbers to mark.

It's convenient that one ticket can take part not in one, but in several draws at once. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to mark the number of runs at the very bottom of the ticket. The rules are not so complicated if you try to take part in the lottery at least once.

How is the draw going?

All Gosloto 6 out of 45 draws are held online in real time. What does this mean? And this means that data on all tickets purchased and bets made are entered into one common base, which stores information not only about the number of tickets participating in the draw, but also about when and where they were purchased. Based on the results of the drawing, the system automatically determines the number of winners and the amount of cash prizes for each of the categories.

In the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, the rules are simple. The host starts the lottery drum, which gradually, over 5 minutes, gives out one ball with a number. In total, six such balls will be taken out of the lottery machine per circulation. Based on the results of the drawing, the winning combination is determined, and if all six of its numbers are in the ticket, then he won.

All winnings are fixed in circulation table, which can be viewed on the site within a few hours after the release online broadcasts. What are the prize amounts? The super prize for six correctly guessed numbers accumulates gradually, however, its size cannot be less than 150 thousand rubles. Of course, not every day someone manages to hit the jackpot, so the entire amount accumulated for the draw is transferred to the next draw.

In the 6 out of 45 lottery, the rules are as simple as possible, which is probably why Russians love to play it so much. But not only given fact affects the popularity of Gosloto, the size of the prizes is also inspiring. They can reach several tens of millions of rubles, and this is already a good reason for active participation.

For almost seven years now, Gosloto state lotteries have been especially popular. Someone has developed a whole system of definition winning numbers while others rely on luck. Many participants hope to win and continue to play Gosloto. Although there are several types of lotteries, the principles of the game are the same.

How to play Gosloto - what are the lotteries

You can win several million rubles on Gosloto lotteries. To do this, you must select the specified combination of numbers and mark them on the ticket.

  • The prize draw takes place daily only online on the official Stoloto website. Each lottery has its own draw time, which you can find out on the lottery page in the "About the lottery" menu.
  • In total, Gosloto offers participants four lotteries: “4 out of 20”, “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 45”, which can be distinguished by the color of the ticket and its price. Here everyone will find their passion and adrenaline from the game.
  • The simplest lottery, but at the same time with the largest prize fund, is Gosloto 4 out of 20. Among the 20 numbers you need to guess only 4, so the chances of winning are quite high. You can double your winnings if you mark 2 fields at once.

  • There are 5 parts in the 4 out of 20 lottery ticket with letters 2 fields each to be filled in. The fields contain cells from 1 to 20. You can fill in one field in one of the parts or check all at once. Choose four numbers that do not repeat.
  • The minimum bet is considered to be four numbers out of 20 in the first and second field. You can get a super prize if both fields match the winning combination. But even if you guessed at least 2 numbers, you can get a cash prize.
  • You can also use this combination of numbers in one or more runs. To do this, you need to check the appropriate box on the ticket. If you do not want to select numbers, then check the box "Automatically", and the system will select the numbers for you.
  • In order for the ticket to take part in the next draw, indicate your contact phone number on the ticket and pay for it. The price will depend on the number of fields filled in and the choice of special features for circulation, but not less than 100 rubles. Be sure to keep your payment receipt or you won't be able to claim your winnings.
  • You can watch the broadcast of the lottery draw on the website three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and on one of the days off.

  • The Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery differs from the previous version only in that you need to select 5 numbers out of 36. The ticket has 6 parts of 2 fields, by filling in which you can increase your chances of winning.

  • This lottery also has minimum bid(5 digits in one field out of 36), the cost of which is 80 rubles. For a detailed rate and additional services, you will have to pay more.
  • But the winnings have a fixed rate. If you guess the minimum number of numbers, you will receive 80 rubles, for 3 winning combinations of numbers - 800 rubles, for 4 - 8000 rubles. To win the jackpot you need to match all 5 numbers. The lottery is held every day 5 times a day on the Stoloto website at 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00 and 23:59.

  • In the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, you will need to choose either the minimum combination of numbers (6 out of 45 - 100 rubles) or the expanded one (up to 14 numbers). You can also fill in only one field or all at once in 6 parts of the ticket.

  • But the draws of this lottery are held on the site only 2 times a day, seven days a week (at 11.00 and 23.00 Moscow time).

  • The Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery, although it increases the total number of winning combinations of numbers, does not reduce the chances of getting a super prize. For the minimum combination in one field, you will pay only 50 rubles.

  • You can get money if you guess at least 3 numbers from the winning combination. You can watch the broadcast of each of the 6 draws per day on the website at 12:35, 15:05, 16:35, 18:35, 21:05, 22:35 Moscow time.

How to play Gosloto - where to buy a ticket

There are many opportunities to buy tickets for any Gosloto lottery. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable one for you.

  • The easiest way to buy and bet on the lottery is the official website. To do this, go to home page site, at the top of the page, find the item "Select a lottery".

  • In the first line of the proposed lotteries, select the draw you are interested in. Hover your mouse over the lottery and you will see a Buy Ticket icon.

  • Then a window with an empty electronic ticket will open in front of you, in which you need to fill in the fields. If you want to buy multiple tickets, then click "Add Ticket". The system automatically selects one circulation, but you can set their number yourself.

  • After you have chosen a combination of numbers and the number of draws, the system calculates the cost of the ticket. You can pay for it in any way convenient for you.

  • More traditional way you can buy tickets at lottery kiosks, retail outlets and networks selling lotteries. In this case, you purchase a paper version of the ticket, fill it out manually and pay in cash.

Now you know how to play the Gosloto lottery. You just have to buy a ticket in a way convenient for you, fill it out, pay and get your winnings.

How to play gosloto: comprehensive information on the game + rules and features of the gosloto game + 4 types of games + tips to increase the likelihood of winning.

The lottery cannot be a permanent source of income, but as a hobby it justifies itself. Buying a "lottery" once a week is not such a big blow to your pocket, but there will be a chance to try your luck.

Today we'll talk about how to play gosloto. What is this lottery and what are its rules?

Basic rules and regulations on how to play gosloto

Since its inception, people who have played gosloto have received almost 2,000,000,000 rubles from the organization. Impressive, isn't it!

But the size of the company's income remains a secret. What is this lottery?

General information about the game.

Gosloto is held in real time, and the amount of winnings is floating and depends on the number of tickets purchased. After buying a coupon, information on it is instantly entered into a common database, where all changes in the conduct and calculation of the lottery are recorded.

Where can I get tickets for gosloto?

The official website stoloto.ru provides comprehensive information on the state lotto. Here you can check the list of winners or the ticket itself if you missed the live broadcast.

Varieties of the game and their rules

On the this moment There are 4 types of state lotto. The rules for all variations are very similar, but there are differences in the choice of winning combinations and the size of the prize funds.

No. 1. Gosloto 4 out of 20.

You can play on Wednesdays at 22.00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8.00 pm.

First, the system calculates the amount of cash prizes for each combination, and then the draw itself is broadcast.

How to play gosloto 4 out of 20 with a purchased ticket:

  1. Fill in the fields marked in alphabetical order and divided into 2 columns. The minimum number of digits that must be crossed out is 4. You have the right to fill in one pair of fields or all 4. The cost of participation in the lottery itself will depend on this.
  2. If you plan to try your luck in the lottery more than 1 time, you should also note in the bottom field the number of draws in which your ticket will take part.
  3. Point to reverse side personal mobile phone number and give this part to the seller.

Don't forget to pick up your receipt after payment! It will come in handy if you win.

How to play gosloto through the site:

The site automatically blocks further actions with the fields if the cost of the game exceeded 300,000 rubles. This problem is easily solved by simply adding a couple more new coupons to the list.

If you decide to make a choice of more than 4 numbers, then your bet will be called an expanded bet.

The maximum allowable number of combinations of numbers is 2475. Each element increases the chances of winning, but at the same time, the cost of the game also increases proportionally.

To win, you need to guess at least 2 numbers. If you managed to predict all 4, then you become the owner of a super prize, which is cumulative and the draw increases from the draw.

In the figure above, you can see all combinations, their maximum number for regular rates-21, and for deployed 4 times more.

No. 2. Gosloto 5 out of 36.

Unlike the previous version, you can play 5 out of 36 every day. There are 5 draws per day, which begin with the calculation of funds for various categories payoff that are not standard.

It is possible to play in real time through the official website - the generation of winning combinations is carried out online.

How to play gosloto 5 out of 36 with a coupon:

  1. There are fields in front of you that allow you to play gosloto simultaneously in 6 different positions. You are required to cross out at least 5 numbers (should not be repeated) in 1 block. The maximum is limited by the allowable cost for each block in the ticket (check with the seller).
  2. You can play gosloto without any personal intervention from the ticket buyer. To do this, just check the box under the block with numbers (marked with the number "2" in the figure above).
  3. In how many draws you choose to play on your own - indicate in the bottom line of the ticket. The default is 1, but you can select up to 20 draws from the list.
  4. On the reverse side, fill in the field with the phone number and pay for the purchase from the seller, leaving the tear-off part of the ticket for him to register your data in the system.

The more draws you choose, the higher the value of the coupon will be. When all fields are completely filled in and several runs are selected, its price can reach 200,000 - 300,000 rubles.

Be sure to get a receipt from the seller in point of sale, only on it you can pick up the winnings if you are lucky./p>

How to play through the site:

Playing through the official website is also convenient in terms of the possibilities for coordinating all operations, and also because all actions are accounted for instantly. You can also gift the winning combination to your friend through the special menu button below the payment section.

The number of numbers in your combination is limited only by the cost of the ticket - with each subsequent value, the system calculates the potential value of the game coupon.

The ceiling is 11 marked digits, the increase in combinations is colossal, which is reflected in the price.

The system for calculating rewards is extremely simple due to fixed amounts for each combination:

  • at least you will receive 80 rubles (cost of 1 coupon),
  • for a 4-digit combination - 8 thousand rubles;
  • if you managed to guess 5 out of 5 - playing gosloto is your calling, as you will become the owner of the maximum amount, the average value of which is often more than 10,000,000 rubles.

Number 3. Gosloto 6 out of 45.

This variety somehow became the most popular of all 4 types. You can play twice a day - at 11 am and 11 pm Moscow time. The live broadcast takes place only on the official website of the state lotto. The prize pool is one of the highest in the country.

How to play gosloto 6 out of 45 with a purchased ticket:

  1. There are 6 blocks in front of your eyes with values ​​from 1 to 45. Your task is to mark 6 non-repeating numbers, at least in one. Thus, you can play in all 6 blocks, which will increase both the chances of winning and the amount spent Money.
  2. Actions can take place automatically. To do this, put a bird in the designated place and the minimum number of values ​​will be generated independently.
  3. In case of a field filling error or refusal, you can invalidate the block through a special item (you will need to mark “cancellation”).

  4. Information about the number of draws in which your coupon is allowed to play is located at the very bottom. For this type of lottery, the maximum value is 9.
  5. After all the operations performed, indicate your mobile number on the back of the ticket and pay the cost of this purchase. Part of the coupon remains with the cashier to enter data into the system. At the end of the working day, you can track your lottery bets on the State Loto website.

It is problematic to play through the purchase of a paper equivalent. Often players lose stubs and checks, which makes it very difficult to receive legitimate winnings. Do not forget to take the check from the cashier and keep it in a safe place until the results are announced - this will save you from many inconveniences in the future.

How to play through the site:

  1. By default, you have only one block in front of you, where you will need to make a winning combination of at least 6 numbers. Optionally you can add additional tickets through a special key at the top of the gambling area.

    You can fill in either one of 4 random ways, or on your own by clicking on the values ​​​​of interest.

  2. Select the number of draws in which your coupon will play. For the considered type of state lotto, the maximum value does not exceed 9.
  3. For each game coupon, you get a certain number of bonuses in the form of lucky clover petals. Bonuses can be exchanged in a special section of the site.
  4. If you want to play faster, we advise you to use the automatic multibet tab, which allows you to use the slider to select the number of draws, tickets and numbers that are marked in automatic mode.
  5. With the maximum values ​​in each of the fields, the ticket price will reach 2,520,000 rubles.

  6. Pay for the purchase using the method convenient for you and expect the results of the next draw.

The purchase can be paid both instantly and added to the cart. This option is especially useful if you want to play more than one state lottery that are available on the site. After collecting the desired number of coupons, you pay convenient way and become official participant gosloto.

You can play through an expanded bet when making a combination of more than 6 numbers. The upper value is 19. With it, the number of combinations is more than 27,000, but the cost increases proportionally and amounts to an impressive 2,713,200 rubles.

It's impossible to say 100% what it is. Perhaps you will receive great amount low-grade combinations that give a penny, which will entail large financial losses.

To get the minimum win, which is 100 rubles, you will need to guess only 2 numbers out of 6. The more successful the combination, the more you will receive from the prize pool.

The fund itself is recalculated every circulation and depends on the number of coupons sold. Only 50% of the value of each ticket goes to the player's bank.

With a combination of all 6 numbers, you become the owner of a super prize, which is formed according to the accumulative system from circulation to circulation, but always amounts to at least 10 million rubles.

No. 4. Gosloto 7 out of 49.

The last of the considered types of state lotto in the gambling services market in the lottery section.

You can play around the clock, given that 6 draws await you in 24 hours - starting at 12.00 and ending around 23.00 Moscow time. The average size of the main prizes is always within the impressive amount of 10,000,0000-15,000,000 rubles.

How to play gosloto 7 out of 49 with the purchased coupon:

  1. Fill in the field with your combination, which should consist of non-repeating numbers ranging from 1 to 49. You need to fill in at least 1 block, and a maximum of 6. For convenience, they are numbered using the Latin alphabet.
  2. The system offers to play without your direct participation. You only buy a lottery, and the resource will take care of generating a successful combination.
  3. If during the filling process a blot was made somewhere or you are not satisfied with the selected numbers, there is always the opportunity to refuse one of the fields. Just put a tick in the specified place, and the cashier will not take into account the information located in this block.
  4. In order not to run several times for coupons, you can specify the number of draws in which your combination will play. If the numbers are random, then they are unchanged from the 1st draw until the last one you specify.

The end of the procedure is the transfer of part of the ticket to the seller with the phone number filled in on the back, which will be required to notify you of a big win or attach information to your account on the official website. Do not forget to pick up the check after payment.

How to play this version of gosloto through the site:

  1. Fill in the fields yourself or through generation random numbers in automatic mode by one of 5 possible methods (based on pairing / unpairing and the location of the selected numbers). The combination must be in the range of 7-14 digits.
  2. Specify the number of draws from the drop-down list and read the information on the selected coupon. Your attention will be presented with the number of combinations with which you will play, and the final amount to be paid.
  3. Make a payment and become a member of the state lotto.
  4. If you have additional questions about the lottery, there is always the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the training video. It provides comprehensive information on the game + highlights the main points on the mechanics of the site's workflow.
  5. Recently, a new feature has appeared - a subscription. The whole point is to provide the opportunity to play in each draw with a selected combination of numbers, which can be entered either manually or automatically (5.1).

    After that, it is worth replenishing the system wallet through your personal account - it is from it that money will be debited (5.2). The opportunity to play is open as long as the amount of funds on the wallet exceeds the minimum payment for your coupon.

The number of tickets is added, as in the previous 4 options - through the menu button at the top of the template area. After payment, the information appears in your personal account on the site within 2-3 minutes, and all further operations that are allowed by the system are performed online.

In order to increase the chances of winning, you should play with an average of 8-10 numbers in a combination. The maximum number limit is 16. This approach significantly increases the number of combinations, and hence the chances of a player getting cash.

The payback only happens at 1-2% at low rates and even less if you aim for a big win.

If you managed to guess 3 numbers, you will receive a minimum amount of 125 rubles. For large values, you can see the indicators, as in the table below:

All people who receive winning combination, after which the size of the prize fund is evenly distributed among the lucky ones. This circumstance greatly affects the amounts that are given out for prizes. Sometimes the prize for three and four numbers is practically the same.

By guessing all 7 numbers, you become the owner of a super prize, which is cumulative and always exceeds 10,000,000 rubles.

What to do if you win the state lotto?

How to win the lottery or bingo.

What to consider when filling out a ticket.

Depending on the method of acquiring the state lotto, you can get a win in various ways.

But first you need to know the results of the draw:

  • If you purchased a paper equivalent of a ticket, just go to one of the points of sale and request the information you are interested in.
  • The operator at number 777 is always ready to give comprehensive data on combinations and the size of the prize fund.
  • A similar method is to dial a contact person from a mobile number that is listed on the official website. Although, when accessing the Internet, it would be more rational to simply view the section with the results of the drawings.

Receipt of cash prizes depending on the amount of remuneration:

The issuance of money at points of sale takes place only after the lucky winner presents his passport, as well as after 24 hours from the moment of the draw.

The maximum period during which you can claim a prize is 6 months.

Once you become the owner of the funds, you will need to pay a tax rate of 13% for Russian citizens and 30% if you are a representative of another country.

What can be said in conclusion? The lottery cannot become a full-fledged source of income, unless of course you are the owner of this business. Play with hope large sums can. However, in reality, the maximum that can be squeezed out is a penny.

Marchenko Marina Anatolyevna is a woman of retirement age who started making money online 1 year ago. She created a profitable technique called: “Swallow”, or how can a beginner start earning from 7,000 rubles a day from scratch?” Marina has step-by-step video tutorials where she shares her earnings system in detail + gives a full report on the work done.

Purchase a large number lottery tickets, in the hope of increasing your chances of winning, is usually devoid of practical meaning. Well, in fact, if you buy 1000 tickets instead of one, it doesn't mean that the chances have increased 1000 times. With a probability of 1:8 145 060, as in "6 out of 45", that one ticket, that a thousand - all this is extremely small in order to increase your chances of big win. At big bet there is only one chance - to lose your money.

But, sometimes, buying lottery tickets justifies itself. This happens when the chance to win back your money is easily justified mathematically. How exactly? Yes, at least like this:

1. The calculation showed that (at a certain moment)buying all combinations willprofitable
The story of Stefan Mendel, about whom everyone wrote recently, is from this series. By the way, there was another Stefan - Klintsevich, who at one time also played big and bought out almost all the combinations in the Irish lottery.

In these examples, it is not the method of winning that is more interesting (everything is clear with it), but, let's say, the organizational component. Millions of tickets were issued, a lot of people were involved, and all this in a time-limited period. However, as often happens, something else went wrong...

2. The calculation showed that buying enough combinations can be profitable
In this case, a good illustration here is the story of the Cash WinFall lottery, which launched regular distribution draws, which were used by several syndicates (the Selby family, MIT students, Dr. Zhang's group). In this case, the syndicates raised a lot of money over several years.

One of the conditions for the successful existence of the second example was the existence of a lottery that regularly conducts distribution draws. Because the syndicates earned it in bulk, on increased payments in cuts. And, it must be admitted that there are no suitable lotteries (regularly conducting distribution ones) in our time ... There is nowhere to apply this earnings scheme.

And then Gosloto comes to mind "7 out of 49.
After all, we have a lottery that conducts regular cuts! After all, here she is! Twice a year, at least, distribution draws are held! Can you make money on it?)

It is clear that it is not worth rushing to buy tickets right away, it would be necessary to calculate first (future profits, yes). And now, the miscalculation is made (an article in timelottery - "Winnings in the distribution draw"). Is it worth it to run for tickets, is there a chance to earn money guaranteed?

Spoiler: damn it! Figwam Dear friends, and not earnings on the lottery.

And the reason for this is the distribution of the prize fund by category, which our national operator loves when most of fees goes to the jackpot piggy bank, and the smaller one goes to all other categories. And so it turns out that interesting win in any Stoloto lottery, this is only a super prize, and all other prizes look like a mockery of common sense:

For example, 8,000 rubles, for a four (in 5 out of 36)
- or 50 - 100 thousand for a five (in 6 out of 45)

At the same time, Stoloto has too many lotteries, and they use extremely specific tools to increase interest in the game. So, they want to quickly catch up with the jackpot (to increase sales and profits), what are they doing?

Increase ticket prices
- increase the number of runs
- bring deductions to the jackpot to the maximum

But, for some reason, all this does not work well, the figures of the numerical lottery in the hands of Stoloto are lame on both legs, only "4 out of 20" is still growing. At the same time, all the rest - 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49 and (prastigospadi) Matchball - it is not clear how they differ from each other. All are expensive, all too frequent and, moreover, with meager payouts in the lower categories.

Of course, the lottery, which accumulates the most big jackpots needed. At least one. But, why sculpt just such out of all existing ones?

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