Russian Lotto circulation 1117 numbers of winning tickets. Signs of coming spring

Ready for the next edition of the popular Russian lottery Russian loto? Each new week is another draw in which you can win an apartment, a house, a car, a trip to the sea or a cash prize. 1117 Russian lotto draw for March 6, 2016 will play 7 prizes of 700,000 rubles each. This will be a great spring edition. Buy lottery tickets for yourself and your lovely ladies. One ticket costs 50 rubles. You can buy them in showrooms. mobile communications, in post offices and lottery kiosks.

Russian Lotto - 21 years of valuable prizes and unchanging traditions

People started playing Russian Lotto even in noble families. Until now, the game is very popular and available to everyone. It is broadcast by the channel NTV on Sundays at 8-15 am. The TV show "Russian Lotto Plus" is hosted by Mikhail Borisov. Many people like the lottery also because of exciting process games. Gather the whole family and watch the draw. Forward for victory.

Finding out the result is very simple

You can visit our website from home at any time. Not everyone likes to cross out numbers and watch the circulation at the same time. Use the verification form and enter the number of the draw and ticket into it. So you can very quickly.
You can find out the result using the circulation table with official data. Don't forget about the results of the 27th edition of the golden horseshoe.

The circulation of the record will be available on Sunday morning or at other times. See for yourself that the Russian Lotto lottery is very interesting and you can win at any time.

Circulation table: Russian lotto circulation 1117 (March 6)

Tour Number order Winning Tickets Winning (rub.)
1 48, 85, 54, 59, 45, 20, 23, 25, 65 6 70 000
2 12, 83, 07, 72, 16, 08, 84, 90, 74, 44, 10, 70, 19, 52, 15, 42, 56, 32, 40, 14, 78, 63, 03, 66 2 700 000
3 26, 22, 67, 46, 69, 55, 62, 57, 24, 64, 18, 38, 49, 21, 43, 80, 11, 88, 53, 81, 87, 51, 02, 31, 47, 37 1 700 000
4 75, 04 1 700 000
5 86, 73 2 700 000
6 34 3 700 000
7 82 4 30 000
8 06 9 10
9 30 18 3000
10 05 18 1000
11 36 49 701
12 61 62 500
13 33 125 300
14 58 188 200
15 09 273 150
16 60 418 137
17 35 741 127
18 50 1034 118
19 76 2457 110
20 27 3733 103
21 89 4596 97
22 68 6940 93
23 28 12 311 89
24 79 22 641 85
25 01 28 985 83
26 77 48 953 81
27 27 67 606 78
28 13 116 080 77

Missing numbers: 17, 29, 39, 71

If none of these numbers are on the playing field of your ticket, then your ticket has won!

On our site you will also find draw tables with the results of the Housing Lottery, Russian Lotto 6 out of 36 and the Golden Horseshoe.

Getting the desired winnings is real and simple with. If you want to make a major purchase for which there is no money, you are dreaming of a major cash prize, buying a car or a romantic getaway, need new flat- all this is feasible. In the draw of 1117 Russian Lotto, which will be held on March 6, only cash prizes have been prepared - a draw of 700,000 rubles for 7 prizes. Buy lottery ticket for yourself and for your loved ones, and it is possible that it is you who will acquire that lucky game blank, the probability is quite high.

Rusloto draw will be held on NTV channel at exactly 8-15 on Sunday morning. You'll have to wake up early, maybe set an alarm. If you visit our Internet portal site on March 6, you will be able to see the recording of the program and check tickets for the 1117th edition.

Jackpot will be: 46.000.000 rubles!

Draw table 1117 of the Russian Lotto draw on March 6

Tour Number order Winners Winning, rub.
1 48, 85, 54, 59, 45, 20, 23, 25, 65 6 70 000
2 12, 83, 07, 72, 16, 08, 84, 90, 74, 44, 10, 70, 19, 52, 15, 42, 56, 32, 40, 14, 78, 63, 03, 66 2 700 000
3 26, 22, 67, 46, 69, 55, 62, 57, 24, 64, 18, 38, 49, 21, 43, 80, 11, 88, 53, 81, 87, 51, 02, 31, 47, 37 1 700 000
4 75, 04 1 700 000
5 86, 73 2 700 000
6 34 3 700 000
7 82 4 30 000
8 06 9 10 000
9 30 18 3 000
10 05 18 1 000
11 36 49 701
12 61 62 500
13 33 125 300
14 58 188 200
15 09 273 150
16 60 418 137
17 35 741 127
18 50 1 034 118
19 76 2 457 110
20 27 3 733 103
21 89 4 596 97
22 68 6 940 93
23 28 12 311 89
24 79 22 641 85
25 01 28 985 83
26 77 48 953 81
27 41 67 606 78
28 13 116 080 77

Missing numbers: 17, 29, 39, 71 . If none of these numbers is on the playing field, then your ticket has won!

By ticket number or use the results table to determine the amount of winnings. In order to feel the atmosphere of the game and check tickets, watch the online video programs under television show"Russian Lotto +".

Results of the 1117th draw

The result of the drawing of the 1117th draw of the Russian Lotto lottery, called "Spring", was raffled 7 prizes of 700,000 each, 4 barrels remained in Mikhail Borisov's bag. The jackpot amount has been reverted back to next draw. With its help, Stoloto will increase the size of all cash prizes. All winnings on tickets for the 1117 draw can be received at the place of purchase of the ticket or using.

Table of results Housing lottery circulation 1117 from 03/06/2016

Not dropped balls: 39, 29, 17, 71. If your ticket does not have these numbers, then your ticket has won!!!

Tour The order of the balls Number of wins Winner's winnings, rub.
1 48, 85, 54, 59, 45, 20, 23, 25, 65 6 70 000
2 12, 83, 07, 72, 16, 08, 84, 90, 74, 44, 10, 70, 19, 52, 15, 42, 56, 32, 40, 14, 78, 63, 03, 66 2 700 000
3 26, 22, 67, 46, 69, 55, 62, 57, 24, 64, 18, 38, 49, 21, 43, 80, 11, 88, 53, 81, 87, 51, 02, 31, 47, 37 1 700 000
4 75, 04 1 700 000
5 86, 73 2 700 000
6 34 3 700 000
7 82 4 30 000
8 06 9 10 000
9 30 18 3 000
10 05 18 1 000
11 36 49 701
12 61 62 500
13 33 125 300
14 58 188 200
15 09 273 150
16 60 418 137
17 35 741 127
18 50 1 034 118
19 76 2 457 110
20 27 3 733 103
21 89 4 596 97
22 68 6 940 93
23 28 12 311 89
24 79 22 641 85
25 01 28 985 83
26 77 48 953 81
27 41 67 606 78
28 13 116 080 77

Big prizes and as much luck as possible!

Signs of coming spring

It should be mentioned that spring is a symbol of rebirth and beauty, which we see in the world around us in the form of beautiful primroses, breaking through from under the melted snow, singing birds and romantic people.

That is why many writers dedicated their works to this season. Russian Lotto decided to give its players a spring mood and held a draw called "Spring", in which it made 7 lucky winners 4,900,000 rubles.

At the beginning of spring, it is customary to see off the winter. This holiday is called Shrovetide, during which women bake pancakes, which are a symbol of the sun. At the end of Shrovetide, her effigy is burned, thereby finally driving out the winter.

Also in spring, International Women's Day "March 8" is celebrated, in which all men give gifts to the female half of humanity in the form of bouquets of flowers, sweets. Moreover, it should be noted that gifts are given not only to relatives or girlfriend, but also to colleagues, friends and good acquaintances. Great gift for this holiday there will be tickets for the 1118th draw of the Russian Lotto lottery, which you can buy on the Stoloto website.

We hope that in the spring drawings luck will smile at you with its wide smile!

Spring has knocked on our doors. It's time for warm spring days, delicious pancakes for Shrovetide and of course, how can you do without a lottery Russian Lotto draw 1117 for March 6, 2016, in which 7 prizes of 700,000 rubles each are played, as well as many other cash prizes. Meet spring with Russian Lotto.

Russian Lotto is a lottery that for 21 years has been giving the opportunity to win a variety of valuable prizes and recharge with positive emotions. They play the lottery with the whole family, because this is not only a game, but also an exciting process that even small family members will like. The raffle is conducted by our cheerful and unfailing presenter - Mikhail Borisov. If you want to see this with your own eyes, turn on the TV on Sunday at 8:15 am and watch the Russian Lotto Plus program on the NTV channel.

How can I check a lottery ticket?

Our site provides an opportunity to find out the result online. P check ticket Russian Lotto circulation 1117 for March 6, 2016 you can do one of the following:

  • - enter the number of the circulation and ticket in a convenient special form
  • check tickets according to the circulation table, it publishes only official results stoloto

You can apply one of these options to the lottery golden horseshoe circulation 27. In the circulation of the golden horseshoe, the super prize is already more than 2.7 million rubles.

Video of the Russian Lotto draw 1117 - watch online

We post Russian Lotto draws on the website in order to make it easier for you, since the early broadcast of the draw is not suitable for everyone.

Missing numbers: 17, 29, 39, 71

If none of these numbers are on the playing field of your ticket, then your ticket has won!

Check ticket: draw table Russian Lotto 1117 (March 6)

Tour Number order Winning Tickets Winning (rub.)
1 48, 85, 54, 59, 45, 20, 23, 25, 65 6 70 000
2 12, 83, 07, 72, 16, 08, 84, 90, 74, 44, 10, 70, 19, 52, 15, 42, 56, 32, 40, 14, 78, 63, 03, 66 2 700 000
3 26, 22, 67, 46, 69, 55, 62, 57, 24, 64, 18, 38, 49, 21, 43, 80, 11, 88, 53, 81, 87, 51, 02, 31, 47, 37 1 700 000
4 75, 04 1 700 000
5 86, 73 2 700 000
6 34 3 700 000
7 82 4 30 000
8 06 9 10
9 30 18 3000
10 05 18 1000
11 36 49 701
12 61 62 500
13 33 125 300
14 58 188 200
15 09 273 150
16 60 418 137
17 35 741 127
18 50 1034 118
19 76 2457 110
20 27 3733 103
21 89 4596 97
22 68 6940 93
23 28 12 311 89
24 79 22 641 85
25 01 28 985 83
26 77 48 953 81
27 27 67 606 78
28 13 116 080 77

Meet the 1117 draw of the Russian Lotto lottery. And here it is again a wonderful time of the year - spring! During this period, you want to live, enjoy and love. Russian Lotto welcomes spring with you. 1117 circulation has prepared chic gifts for its players. 7 cash prizes of 700,000 rubles. Buy a ticket and become one of the owners of this amount. The more tickets, the more chances to win prizes. Don't forget to check tickets against the draw table.

The Golden Horseshoe in the 27th draw will please you with a super prize, which will amount to 2.7 million rubles. The drawing process, as usual, will take 87 moves!

Perhaps you are the lucky winner of these prizes!

Draw table No. 1117 Russian Lotto with winnings

Tour Ball numbers Winning Tickets win
1 48, 85, 54, 59, 45, 20, 23, 25, 65 6 70 000
2 12, 83, 07, 72, 16, 08, 84, 90, 74, 44, 10, 70, 19, 52, 15, 42, 56, 32, 40, 14, 78, 63, 03, 66 2 700 000
3 26, 22, 67, 46, 69, 55, 62, 57, 24, 64, 18, 38, 49, 21, 43, 80, 11, 88, 53, 81, 87, 51, 02, 31, 47, 37 1 700 000
4 75, 04 1 700 000
5 86, 73 2 700 000
6 34 3 700 000
7 82 4 30 000
8 06 9 10 000
9 30 18 3 000
10 05 18 1 000
11 36 49 701
12 61 62 500
13 33 125 300
14 58 188 200
15 09 273 150
16 60 418 137
17 35 741 127
18 50 1 034 118
19 76 2 457 110
20 27 3 733 103
21 89 4 596 97
22 68 6 940 93
23 28 12 311 89
24 79 22 641 85
25 01 28 985 83
26 77 48 953 81
27 41 67 606 78
28 13 116 080 77

Missing keg numbers: 17, 29, 39, 71 .

Video recording of the Rusloto draw on March 6

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