All lotteries in the world mobile version. Foreign lotteries that Russians can play

Can lotteries be trusted at all?

I think many of you have ever dreamed of a good win. Often we expect gifts from fate, both tangible and intangible. But if in life matters we can rely on our own skill, then in financial games we need to rely only on luck. However, where to invest money to make this very luck happen - that's the big question. Let's try to figure out which lottery you can invest in.

To the question of whether it is worth playing the lotteries, I will answer simply - it is worth it! After all, if you do not give fate a chance, then how will it help you. Another thing is that you don’t need to spend all your last money on buying a pack of tickets right away, but you definitely need to try your luck once or twice a month, otherwise you’ll just lie and dream.

Unfortunately, in Russia the attitude towards lotteries is rather skeptical. This is due to a lot of cheating in the 90s, with a lot of instant lotteries in which it was simply impossible to get a serious win. However, today there are several fairly reliable Russian lotteries with multi-million dollar jackpots and a large number of smaller winnings.

How to take part in the drawing of foreign lotteries?

Let's start the description with foreign lottery tickets, since they are most often in demand on the Internet. We all heard that “over the hill” lottery winnings are many, many more than in our country. Rarely, but aptly, people in the world win huge amounts, reaching fifty million dollars. But if you can always buy tickets for Russian lotteries at the nearest stall, then purchasing tickets for a foreign lottery already causes difficulties. So how can we, the inhabitants of large and vast Russia, take part in the drawings of foreign lotteries? Online lottery sales services come to the rescue. There are several of them in the world, but most of them do not have the support of the Russian language, so it can sometimes be very difficult to understand them. However, fortunately for us, there are a couple of services for the sale of lottery tickets from completely different parts of the world with the support of the Russian language and having representative offices in the Russian Federation.

What lottery tickets to buy?

Of course, in order to purchase lottery tickets, you need to register in the system, otherwise how will you receive the winnings later? Registration in the system on any of the sites is quite simple, to go through it, click on the "Register" button at the top of the page on the Jackpot or Lotto Agent site. You can pay for the purchased tickets either through electronic wallets or with a plastic card.

Now let's take a look at the mind-boggling selection of lottery tickets in the world. Below I will list the most popular lotteries with a brief description of them.

power ball- the most famous lottery in the United States of America, is held in forty-three states. It was here that in January 2016 the largest Jackpot in the history of lotteries was drawn - $ 1.5 billion, and in 2013 - 590.5 million. Draws take place every Wednesday and Saturday local time. Winnings start at $3 and end at $200,000. The jackpot, however, is not drawn every time, due to which it constantly accumulates and grows to phenomenal sizes, sometimes reaching hundreds of millions of dollars.

MegaMillions- also one of the most famous US lotteries, held in forty-six states. The jackpot of this lottery starts from $12,000,000. Additional winnings played out each time go up to $250,000. The draws will be broadcast on WGN America on Tuesdays and Fridays in Atlanta at 23:00 local time.

EuroMillions- This is already a European lottery, held for 9 countries, including France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and others. The jackpot starts at 15,000,000 Euros and once reached 115 million and was won by one person. Draws are held on Tuesdays and Fridays at 20:45 Paris time.

Russian loto- if you choose from the domestic segment of the gambling market, then this lottery is one of the most preferred. The reasons are simple - a large number of winning combinations, an interesting game process, an increased ratio of the number of winning tickets to their total number. The jackpot starts from 50 million rubles and, with successful accumulation, reaches half a billion. The draw is held every week, the draw is broadcast on Sundays at 14:00 on the NTV channel.

There is, as you understand, many more equally well-known lotteries that you can all find on the above services. If they seem more reliable to you, or you were already familiar with them before, then you can purchase them. Here I just brought the most famous and bought.

For motivation...

We hope that now you understand how to buy certain lottery tickets, now, as a motivation, I would like to give a few examples of fabulously large winnings for more enthusiasm:

  • A pensioner from Voronezh became the owner of a record jackpot of 506 million rubles
  • US gas station visitor wins almost $400 million in lottery

Good luck and "no fluff, no feather"!

Lotto Agent- an international service for the purchase and delivery of tickets for state lotteries in the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin America for users from all over the world! On the market: since 2012 Website:

Represented more than 20 state lotteries: American Powerball, MEGA Millions, Superlotto Plus, Lotto Texas and New Jersey Pick-6, European EuroJackpot and EuroMillions, Spanish El Gordo, La Primitiva and BonoLoto, Italian SuperEnalotto, British UK Lotto and many others.

1. PARTICIPATE. Choose a lottery and your lucky numbers.

2. BUY. Company agents will buy the ticket on your behalf.

3. CHECK. Look for the scanned ticket in your account.

4. WIN. Winning notification will be sent to your email.

LottoKings is an Internet service provider that allows customers from more than 140 countries to purchase lottery tickets with the most incredible jackpots. License 8048/JAZ2016-007. Website:

Features and Benefits of LottoKings:

The most convenient way to play the national lotteries of the world from anywhere in the world!

All lottery results in one place.

All winning tickets with prizes up to $600.00 will be cashed in by LottoKings for you.

WinTrillions - one of the most famous and largest sites with which you can play the largest lotteries in the world.
Features and Benefits of WinTrillions:
- Only licensed lotteries: UK National Lottery, Mega Sena, Lotto 649, SuperEnaLotto, Germany Lotto, El Gordo, France Lotto, New York Lotto and more!
- Payout safety guarantee: more than 260,000 winning players have already received their money in full.
- All transactions are 100% secure and protected by 256-bit SSL encryption.
- Automatic crediting of winnings to your account.

Lototeka is an international online supplier of lottery tickets all over the world since 1998. It is one of the most reliable among similar resources. There are 14 lotteries available to players, including significant world draws: SuperEnaLotto, EuroJackpot, Powerball, EuroMillions, MegaMillions.

Features and benefits of Lototeka:

Ways to participate in lotteries: intel game, game packages, speed bet, number generator.

The payout period is up to 10 days by bank transfer.

If the winnings exceed 200 euros, you will be happy with a phone call.

Payment systems: Skrill, Webmoney, Neteller, Visa, MasterCard, Moneta.Ru, Ukash, etc.

Stoloto - the official site of the national lotteries of Russia. The Stoloto company combines most of the most popular Russian lotteries: Russian Lotto, Housing Lottery, Gosloto 6 out of 45 and others. More than 35 billion rubles have already been paid! Website:

Features and benefits of Stoloto:

Give tickets to friends and family!

Reward system: bonuses, rewards and VIP service.

Get winnings within 6 months from the date of the respective draw.

Everyone has heard of the lucky ones who bought a lottery ticket and became miraculously rich. Lotteries online over the years, they have given billions of dollars to those whose luck one day turned around and allowed them to hit the jackpot. Surely, you would also really like to be in the place of people who overnight became the owners of large winnings and now live for their own pleasure, absolutely do not deny themselves anything, do not know the problems, doing what they love.

We will make you happy! You have every chance to realize your seemingly impossible dreams! "How?" you ask. Easily! Play, and perhaps the rays of happiness will shine just for you!

Don’t you want to find not just an insignificant source of income, but a big fountain of money that will solve all financial difficulties in an instant, filling your life with joy, and you will finally go on a trip, buy a good car, open a business?

Huge amounts are guaranteed by online lotteries!

Which lottery provides the highest probability of winning? Many who are tired of counting pennies or cents to paychecks puzzle over this riddle.

There are various methods for calculating lucky combinations that do not speak in favor of those who are thirsty for wealth. However, those who found their horseshoe of happiness did not exactly believe in them, were not too lazy to go to the Internet more often, played lotteries online, once achieved their goal, and now their faces, lit up with smiles, appeared on the front pages of newspapers, in news reports.

Benefits of Online Lottery
Buying a lottery ticket and participating in the draw requires minimal time, just a couple of minutes.
The online lottery is interactive - it became possible to fill in any number of tickets in parallel.
The rules of the draws are so elementary that there is no need to understand the strategic features of the game, it is possible to participate many times.
The online draw completely excluded the loss or damage of the lottery ticket.
The boundaries of the lotteries have been expanded thanks to the possibilities of Internet technologies.
The online lottery guarantees the possibility of participating in the drawings of other countries of the world.
Buying a lottery online and participating in the draw is strictly confidential. If fortune smiles at you and you get a win, no one will know about it except you.

Foreign lotteriesincreasingly attractivefor Russians. The main reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that at this stage of the development of lottery games, foreign lotteries provide participants with the opportunity to win colossally large jackpots. The circulation of sold tickets for world-famous lottery games is growing steadily, and exponentially. Numerous information that appeared on the Internet about millions of prizes from citizens of various countries encourage players around the world to purchase tickets for these lotteries.

Online ticket

The convenient system of online ticket purchase that exists today allows people from the farthest corners of our planet to take part in the game. The world community is excited by the numerous wins. Inhabitants of the countries-representatives of lottery games are indignant about the unthinkably large prizes of foreigners. While unflattering comments from angry citizens are pouring into social networks, residents of Russia and other countries are actively buying lucky tickets and continue to receive prizes. Is there a catch in this, at first glance, extremely successful situation? We will look into this further.

Jackpots foreign lotteries

The most attractive link in this chain of happy accidents is the jackpot. Or rather, its size. It's no secret that foreign lottery games provide the opportunity to win millions of prizes. This fact is the main motivation for participating in the game. For the inhabitants of Russia, a few million dollars is truly a pass to a comfortable life and something beyond fantasy. Statistics invariably show that a resident of absolutely any part of the globe can become the happy owner of the main prize.

Multi Million Jackpot

It should also be noted that some of the lottery games are tax free. But even in the case of paying a certain amount as a tax, a few million dollars as a win will please any player. Undoubtedly, negative feedback about foreign lotteries also appears on the network. Their appearance is due to the fact that in this field, along with official sales representatives, scammers are actively operating. To avoid fraud, you should purchase tickets only from trusted and reliable representatives who can be declared on the official website of the lottery game.

W foreign lotteries , which Russians can play

There are many foreign lottery games in which citizens of various countries are allowed to participate. Here are the most famous of them:

This lottery is one of the leaders in the world games, which are distinguished among others by high reliability, universal recognition and the size of the main prizes. It should be noted that winnings from this lottery are not taxed. The jackpot value varies from 10 to 90 million euros. "Eurojackpot" has a positive trend in the number of large cash prizes won by foreigners. In addition, the reliability of the lottery organizer is confirmed by millions of participants not only in the homeland of the game, but also in many countries.

The most famous lottery game from sunny Spain has long been loved by residents of many countries. Prize drawings are held systematically every week. With special trepidation, millions of players around the world are waiting for the July and December draws. These two games stand out from the crowd with the biggest jackpots. On El Gordo tickets, a certain number series is initially indicated, which in the future promises a big win. The big advantage of this lottery is that there are about a hundred main prizes. Moreover, each of them is several million euros.

The history of the first drawings begins in 2004. Over the years, this game has confirmed its impeccable reputation with numerous wins. An interesting fact is that this game appeared as a result of the unification of three European countries into a single "lottery union". The founders were Great Britain, France and Spain. The size of the jackpot sometimes reaches 190 million euros. It should be noted that if the lucky owner does not show up during the next 2 draws, the amount is distributed among the winners of the second category.

Is it safe play foreign lotteries ?

When deciding to take part in a foreign lottery, you should definitely pay attention to the following points.

Reliable representative as a guarantor of winning


There are a lot of foreign lotteries. In order to be extremely confident in the honesty of the organizer, it is necessary to opt for "people's lotteries". By "nationality" is meant the active participation of citizens of the founding country of the game in the lottery. If the lottery game is recognized in its homeland and has been held for many years without any excesses, then you can safely purchase a ticket and wait for your finest hour. As you know, the more participants in the game, the more impressive the jackpot.

The popularity of the lottery game


Any activity must be regulated by the legislation of the country in which it is carried out. Before handing over your money for a ticket, it is worth spending a little time to find information about the lottery game. World-famous lotteries have their own official website, which contains all the necessary information. These data are freely available on the Internet and it will not be difficult to find them.

The scope of the law


At the moment, foreign lotteries show stunning results. An increasing number of Russians prefer foreign games. This is not surprising, because multimillion-dollar jackpots do not leave anyone indifferent. A resident of any country has a chance to win a foreign lottery and significantly improve their financial situation. One thing to remember is that you need to choose reliable lottery games. In this case, your lucky ticket will not force you to give!

Real Jackpot

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Good day. Today's article will be devoted to one very interesting topic related to making money - foreign lotteries that Russians can play.

Each of us is well aware that the chance is negligible, but despite this, with the relative cheapness of the lottery ticket, each of us should try our luck. What if it is today that fortune will turn to you in the right direction, and good luck will accompany this.

If a decade ago lotteries were immensely popular in Russia, now there are less and less advertisements offering people to take part in the drawing of valuable prizes, including cash ones. Foreign lotteries differ from domestic lotteries in the amount of winnings that go to the winners. It is the colossal numbers near the jackpot that attract foreigners to purchase lottery tickets.

Separately, I want to draw your attention to the fact that most of the world-famous companies conducting lottery draws have started a very active campaign to attract new players via the Internet. First of all, this became possible due to the introduction of the ability to purchase lottery tickets on specialized sites, where you can also watch broadcasts of the draws.

The best foreign lotteries that Russians can play

The activities of most foreign lotteries are prohibited in Russia. However, there are those that have licenses to conduct draws and sell tickets. Here are some of these organizations that have been operating in the Russian market for many years.


This lottery is presented in nine countries of the European continent. On the official website of the project, anyone has the opportunity to purchase a ticket for one of the draws. Cash prize draws are held twice a week, and you can find out about your winnings by visiting your personal booth on the EuroMillions website.

At the moment, the EuroMillions lottery jackpot is 57 million euros.

El Gordo

The famous Spanish lottery, the organizers of which draw cash prizes every week. Unfortunately, there is no support for the Russian-language interface on the official website of El Gordo, but, nevertheless, the money won by the Russians is paid in full, including to electronic wallets or bank cards.

The cost of an El Gordo lottery ticket is only 1 euro, and millions of people from Europe and Latin America take part in the drawings themselves each draw.


Another lottery that is very popular among residents of European countries. Russian version of the interface on the official website of EuroJackpot, which greatly simplifies the process of purchasing tickets and tracking the results of the draws.

At the moment, the jackpot of this lottery is 21 million euros.


Another no less popular lottery with a worldwide reputation. Ticket prices are not fixed and the more expensive the ticket, the greater the chance of winning. Many experienced players note that LottoSmile does not have a high winning percentage due to the difficulty of choosing a winning combination of numbers.

Among other foreign lotteries, players should also pay special attention to Wintrillions, MegaMillions, PowerBall, LottoLucker, SuperEnalotto, OzLotto and others. Each of these organizations have official websites, on the pages of which you have the opportunity to purchase lottery tickets and follow the draw online.

How do foreign lotteries work in Russia?

As I mentioned above, not many foreign organizations sell lottery tickets through their official websites. Most often, it looks like this: you deposit a certain amount of money for the service and order a ticket; then a special person acquires a lottery ticket on your behalf and sends you a scan of it. You just have to wait for the end of the draw and contact the lottery administration to find out more information on how to collect the cash reward.

I think you get the point that this scheme has one extra link - "agent". This person can scam you by simply taking money and not providing a lottery ticket. Or fake a ticket through photo editors. In general, there are a lot of scams that can be done, so be careful when sending money to strangers or to services that you do not trust.

Foreign lotteries with the biggest jackpots

In the foreign "segment of excitement" are quite acceptable amounts of cash winnings, measured in tens or even hundreds of millions of euros or dollars. At the moment, the largest jackpot is offered by the American lottery Mega Millions - the lucky winner will get a prize of $ 282 million.

The second position in this ranking is occupied by another American Powerball lottery. It currently has $239 million up for grabs. Third and fourth place went to two Italian lotteries - SuperStar and SuperEnalotto, in which the jackpot amount is 78 and 76 million dollars, respectively.

Lotteries from the EU countries are also on the fifth and sixth line - these are the British EuroMillions and UK Millionaire Maker and the French EuroMillions and My Million Raffle. Winning the first one will earn 51 million pounds, and the second - 57 million euros.

The best domestic lotteries

Here I would single out only one project that has an official state license. This is Stoloto, an organization that not only distributes, but also conducts lottery draws. The minimum cost of a lottery ticket in Stoloto is only 30 rubles, but there are also tickets of a much larger denomination, where the amounts of possible winnings are quite large (but incomparable with foreign ones).

Stoloto is the link between players and lottery organizers. This company actively cooperates with such state lotteries as KENO-Sportloto, Vse po sto, 6 out of 45, Russian Lotto and many others.

Any Russian can get acquainted with the results of the draws or purchase a lottery ticket on the official website

Why should you pay attention to domestic lotteries, and not to foreign ones? First of all, it is worth noting that if you win in one of the Russian lotteries, you are guaranteed to receive your winnings, since each of the organizations that conduct drawings of valuable prizes has the word "state" in its name. Consequently, all monetary transactions are carried out under the control of the relevant government authorities, which means that your winnings are protected.

Most people dream of being rich. They want to get a big money fortune just like that, without spending a lot of effort. And for some people, these dreams come true - they win big lottery prizes. There are few such people, but their winnings are often amazing. Now you can also try your luck in international and foreign lotteries by purchasing a lotto ticket online. The largest the lottery can have a "crazy" prize pool, and the amounts won are in the hundreds of millions of dollars. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our rating top 5 "largest lotteries in the world".

5th place - Transnational lottery "Eurojackpot" - Total prize pool - 90 million €, biggest win - 90 million €

Eurojackpot is the most dynamically developing and youngest game in Europe. The lottery was founded in 2012, it instantly became transnational, where the main players were players from Europe.

More than a dozen EU countries participate in the Eurojackpot lottery, including

  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Estonia
  • Hungary
  • Germany,
  • Italy
  • Iceland
  • Lithuania,
  • Latvia,
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Slovenia
  • Norway
  • Netherlands,
  • Croatia
  • and the Czech Republic.

In total, the lottery has twelve prize levels.

The minimum jackpot is €10 million, and its maximum growth can reach up to €90 million.

Compared to other games, EuroJackpot is designed in such a way that the main prize finds its winner much more often. As a result, the lottery jackpot does not accumulate to the level of a EuroMillions jackpot, because it is won more often. The largest Eurojackpot jackpot was drawn on May 15, 2015, with the winner from the Czech Republic receiving €90 million. In September 2014, the winner from Finland managed to win 61170752€.

4th place - Lottery in Italy "SuperEnaloto" - Total prize pool - 177.8 million €, biggest win - 177.8 million €

SuperEnaloto is the main national lottery in Italy. The game has been around since December 1997. Draws are held on Saturdays, Thursdays and Tuesdays at 20:00, and the jackpots of this lottery are among the largest in the world. SuperEnalotto also holds the record for the longest prize pool growth period, lasting 8 months.

The SuperEnalotto prize pool can easily grow to infinity

for an unlimited number of draws, which allows it to accumulate huge amounts and players to win millions of euros. Also, the game is very attractive for players, because the winnings are not taxed, and the winners have the right to claim their winnings in annual payments or a lump sum.

At one of the Venice festivals, SuperEnaloto tickets were purchased by Madonna and George Clooney, the former even won 120,000 €. And the largest lottery jackpot in October 2010 reached 177.8 million euros, which is equal to 247 million dollars. It became the second largest jackpot in Europe.

3rd place - EuroMillions Transnational Lottery - Total prize pool - €190 million, biggest win - €190 million

The EuroMillions game was launched in 2004. She quickly gained popularity. To date, this biggest game in Europe. The large jackpot prize pool, which is growing due to prize pool rollovers, as well as the ease of play, has expanded the number of participating countries to nine from three in 2004. Initially hosted by Spain, the UK and France, EuroMillions has now been joined by Austria, Ireland, Andorra, Belgium, Monaco, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Portugal.

For winning EuroMillions, you could buy everything - a piece of jewelry set with diamonds.

The lottery has a minimum jackpot of €15 million, but quite often it rises above €100 million. EuroMillions has 13 prize nominations, which allows players to count on a higher probability of winning a prize. The biggest prize won so far is the €190 million jackpot. It has been won twice: in 2014 in Portugal and in 2012 in the UK. Colin and Chris Weir won €185 million in the UK in 2011.

2nd place - US Powerball Lottery - Total prize pool - $600 million, biggest win - $600 million

The American Powerball game is the strongest and main rival of Mega Millions. The Powerball game was founded in 1988 and today it is the most important player in this market. The initial Powerball jackpot is $40 million. She has one of the biggest jackpots in the world.

This amount several times reached more than $500 million.

In the lottery, for an additional fee, there is a “Power play” function that allows you to increase your winnings by several times if you win. Tickets can be bought in 45 US states, while players from all over the world can play Powerball through a special service. Powerball draw, as well as the presentation of prizes to lottery participants in nine prize categories, is carried out in Florida every Saturday and Wednesday at 23:00.

In May 2013, the Powerball game held a $600 million draw, which was the second largest all-time jackpot. Its sole owner is an 84-year-old pensioner living in Florida.

1st place - US Mega Millions Lottery - Total prize pool - $1.5 billion, biggest win - $656 million

Mega Millions is one of the largest lotteries in the US and was founded in 1996. To date, the number of departments and states in which tickets are distributed is 45. As a result, Mega Millions has almost universal coverage in the United States. The initial jackpots in this lottery are $15 million.

They even several times reached one and a half billion dollars.

The final win in this game, thanks to the presence of an additional win multiplier called Megaplier, can be increased up to five times.

Players in Mega Millions are offered to win in nine different nominations, the drawing takes place every week on Fridays and Tuesdays at 23:00. This game went down in history forever, changing the idea of ​​jackpots, because in March 2012 the amount of the main winnings reached $656 million. This jackpot was the largest in the history of lotteries!

Video: How winning the lottery can change your life

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