Real lottery in which they win. The biggest lottery wins in Russia: list and interesting facts

But first I would like to dwell on one, but very important point - "Which lottery to play?" After all, there are just too many of them right now. Thelotter offers over 45 lotteries from all over the world! Starting with the well-known Russian Gosloto 6/45, ending with such mastiffs as the American or. The choice is large, but you want to spend less, and so that the winnings are greater, and the chances of winning are high. I will reveal 6 main points that you need to rely on when choosing a lottery.

What lottery to play?

Lottery ticket price

The cost of one lottery ticket is one of the very significant factors for increasing the chances of winning. Indeed, let's take a look at one of the most common lottery formats - "6 out of 45". The chance of winning the jackpot with this game format is 1 to 8.145.060. The Australian Monday Lotto costs $1.10 and the Austrian Lotto costs $3.30. In other words, you can purchase one Austrian Lotto ticket or 3 Australian Monday Lotto tickets, thus increasing your chances of winning by 3x. And then your chances of winning the jackpot will be 1 to 2.715.020. I think you get the gist.

Ceteris paribus, it is worth buying more tickets for the lottery that costs less.

Odds of Winning the Jackpot

Next, we will analyze such a factor as the "Probability of winning the jackpot". It directly depends on the format of the lottery you have chosen. And today there are a lot of them. There are well-known "6 out of 45" or "7 out of 49", and there are exotic ones, such as "5 out of 60 + 1 out of 4". To make it clear what I'm talking about, we will again take two lotteries, in which the size of the jackpot today is approximately equal and amounts to 330 million rubles. The first one is the Canadian Lotto 649 (“6 out of 49” game format) with the odds of winning the jackpot 1 to 13.983.816. The second one is the German Lotto (game format “6 out of 49 + 1 out of 10”) with the odds of winning the jackpot 1 to 125.854.344. In this case, the jackpot is the same, but in order for the chances of winning to be equal, you need to purchase 9 tickets from the German Lotto and only 1 ticket from the Canadian Lotto 649. I think everything became clear right away.

Ceteris paribus, it is worth buying a ticket of the lottery whose chances of winning the jackpot are greater.

Jackpot size

Now let's focus on such a factor as the "Jackpot Size". This value depends not only on the lottery, but also on the draw in each lottery. Since there are games with a fixed main prize, and there are games with an accumulative system. In the second case, the size of the jackpot grows from draw to draw, provided that the coveted prize was not drawn in the last draw. As usual, for example, we will take two lotteries. I want to note right away that the cost of these lotteries will be the same and at the moment it is $5.45. The first is the French Loto, the jackpot of which for the next draw is 3 million euros. The second - , the main prize of which for the next draw is 25 million euros. Probably, everything is clear here.

Ceteris paribus, it is worth buying a ticket of the lottery whose jackpot is larger.

Optimal lottery range (OLR)

In this paragraph, we will not consider any factors. We will summarize the 3 above. You may have noticed that at the end of each paragraph there is a conclusion that begins with the phrase "All other things being equal ..." But often these other conditions are not equal, and a choice must be made. For this, such an indicator (coefficient) as the Optimal lottery range was created. OLR (Optimal Lottery Range) is a coefficient showing the effectiveness of a lottery. It is calculated by the size of the jackpot, the cost of the ticket and the probability of winning the jackpot. On the page with a list of all lotteries - , this indicator is calculated for each lottery for the current draw. Now choosing a lottery has become very simple. For example, let's take two lotteries again. The first will be Spain's La Primitiva, with an OLR of 111.455. And the second is the Italian SuperStar, which has an OLR of 0.004. Let me remind you, this is the data for July 29, 2015. The indicator changes every day, from draw to draw. For example, the most “best” and the “worst” lotteries were naturally chosen. So, why such a huge difference, everything is very simple. Jackpot size: La Primitiva - 64,500,000 euros, SuperStar - 8,200,000 euros; ticket price: La Primitiva - $2.75, SuperStar - $2.75; jackpot chance: La Primitiva - 1 to 13.983.816, SuperStar - 1 to 56.035.316.700. I think now everything has become very clear.

The higher the OLR, the more profitable it is to play this particular lottery.

Syndicate play

I wrote about the syndicate game in sufficient detail. For those who want to get acquainted, please read the article. Here I will describe in a nutshell. A syndicate is a group of players that gathers, throws off money and buys a large number of tickets with this money. The winnings from all tickets are divided equally between all members of the syndicate. Everything is quite simple. The advantages of such a game are obvious - instead of buying one ticket, you buy several tens or hundreds. Thus, increasing your chances of winning tens and hundreds of times. There are also disadvantages - if you win (large or small, it does not matter), you will receive only a part. This portion depends on the size of the syndicate and the number of shares you have purchased.

If your chosen lottery has a syndicate opportunity, don't miss it.

Combo bets

This type of game has just appeared on the Internet. And the site thelotter naturally became a pioneer. Soon I will devote a separate article to combo bets to describe in detail all the advantages. Now it is necessary to note only one thing, combo bets combine two types of game: a single game and a game as part of a syndicate. That is, you buy a so-called "package" consisting of individual tickets and shares in one or more syndicates. In doing so, you save money, as thelotter offers a discount on such a "package", unlike if you bought everything separately. I believe that the prospects for combo bets are very high. Since they combine the ability of a person to own a win, and the ability to increase their chances of winning as part of a syndicate.

If there is an opportunity to purchase a combo bet in the lottery of your choice, do not even hesitate - grab it!

This is probably the time to end this section. I want to repeat once again, these 6 points are the most basic when choosing a lottery, this is the basis. This is a very important foundation! If you don’t remember or understand something, it’s better to read it again and again and again. Repetition, as they say, is the mother of stuttering. If you have decided on the choice, but do not know how to purchase a ticket, read the article, everything is described in detail there.

What lotteries are won?

And finally, let's take a look, "Which lotteries win?". It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Since the question immediately arises, what are you interested in: “Which lotteries win more often?” or “Which lotteries win the most money?”. These questions are actually different. After all, you can win the lottery every day, but small winnings. Or win once a month, but several million.

As it was written above, there are no complete statistics for all lotteries. But there are statistics that thelotter has kindly provided on its players. Of course, it is also not complete, since every day hundreds and thousands of players win at thelotter. But still, this small sample is able to demonstrate and show a lot.

Below is a table showing the top 5 lotteries. And it is written how much money has been won on thelotter lately and how many winning tickets there were. I want to remind you once again that this is far from complete statistics even for this site! And then it’s up to you to decide which lotteries to play: which win more often, or which win more.

That's all. Good luck in the game!

In the name of the Russian Federation
By the method of selective verification of the actually paid prize fund of the GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 draw, Draw No 200 dated October 20, 2010, the fact of unreliable information provided by Orglot LLC in the reporting on the conduct of the All-Russian State Lottery for the 4th quarter of 2010 was revealed, in part of the actually paid prize fund.
When examining Circulation No. 200 "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45" dated 10/20/2010, the Inspectorate revealed a violation of the terms for paying the winnings to the lottery participant, namely Larukov Mikhail Prokopyevich. According to the winning receipt of VGL Gosloto "6 × 45" circulation 200 No32685, confirming participation in the lottery on the terminal 205403-000016013, Larukov M.P. won 20,000,000 rubles.
In accordance with clause 9.6. of the Terms of the All-Russian State Lottery in Real Time, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, payouts of winnings begin no later than the day following the day of the corresponding Draw, and end no later than 6 months from the moment the results are published in the media of the corresponding circulation, which is also provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ. The result of the circulation was published on October 26, 2010 in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
According to the payment orders provided by Orglot LLC, Larukov M.P. was paid a prize in the amount of 3,069,373 rubles. 60 kop.
LLC "Orglot" (operator) entered into an agreement with LLC "TD Pallant" (distributor) hereinafter LLC "Trading House "Gosloto" dated November 12, 2010 No. 74-210 for the provision of services for the distribution of lottery tickets (receipts). The subject of the agreement is that the distributor undertakes, on the instructions of the operator, to provide the latter with a range of services for the distribution of lottery tickets and the fulfillment of other obligations.
According to the acceptance and transfer certificates for the payment of winnings to lottery participants dated 03/05/2011, 03/29/2011, 03/30/2011 between Orglot LLC and Gosloto Trading House LLC (in accordance with agreement No. 74-210 dated 11/12/2010) for which Gosloto Trading House LLC accepted the debt for the payment of winnings to lottery participants in the total amount of 96,984,824 rubles. 40 kopecks, including according to Larukov M.P. in the amount of 16,930,626 rubles. 40 kop.
At the time of the audit, Trading House Gosloto LLC paid Larukov M.P. the winnings in the amount of 2,418,660 rubles. 90 kop.
The amount of unpaid winnings for the period 04/26/2011, provided for in paragraph 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ and clause 9.6. "Conditions of the All-Russian State Lottery in real time" amounted to 16,124,406.1 rubles.
The amount of unpaid winnings to MP Larukov at the time of the audit amounted to 14,511,965 rubles. 50 kop.
Based on the foregoing, the Inspectorate revealed a violation expressed in non-payment of winnings within the period established by paragraph 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ in the amount of 16,124,406 rubles. 10 kop.
In connection with the revealed violation by the chief state tax inspector of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 22 for Moscow, Khisamova I.A. 18.07.2011 drawn up Protocol on administrative offense No 2YU.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a refusal to pay, transfer or provide winnings, as well as a violation of the procedure and (or) terms for paying, transferring or providing winnings provided for by the lottery conditions, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.
According to Part 1 of Article 71 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the arbitration court evaluates the evidence according to its inner conviction, based on a comprehensive, complete, objective and direct examination of the evidence available in the case.
In accordance with Article 26.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, evidence in a case of an administrative offense is any factual data on the basis of which the judge, body, official in charge of the case establishes the presence or absence of an event of an administrative offense, the guilt of a person brought to administrative action responsibility, as well as other circumstances that are important for the correct resolution of the case. These data are established by a protocol on an administrative offense, explanations of the person in respect of whom the administrative offense case is being conducted. It is not allowed to use evidence obtained in violation of the law.
The materials of the case established that the applicant did not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on Lotteries.
Under these circumstances, the court considers the fact of violations of the established terms of payment committed by the defendant to be established and confirmed by the case materials.
Thus it is in the actions of the defendant set the composition of an administrative offense, under Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
There is also the fault of the defendant in its commission, since, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and norms, for the violation of which this Code or the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation provides for administrative responsibility, but this person did not take all measures depending on them to comply with them.
On the day of the court decision, the statute of limitations for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility, established by Art. 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, has not expired. The procedure for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility by the applicant is observed and is not disputed by the defendant.
Grounds for the application of Art. 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the court does not have the defendant's release from administrative responsibility.
Therefore, there are legitimate grounds for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility on the basis of Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The court checked and evaluated all the defendant's arguments, but they cannot serve as a basis for refusing to satisfy the requirements, since they are not supported by evidence and are based on an incorrect interpretation of both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions for holding the lottery. So the court's arguments of the defendant with reference to the need to pay within the time specified in paragraphs 9.8, 9.9. The conditions are not accepted, since, in the opinion of the court, these paragraphs are not applicable to the case under consideration, which follows from the literal interpretation of the conditions.
Under these circumstances, the court considers as established the event of an administrative offense, for the commission of which the law provides
administrative responsibility; the fact of its commission by a person in respect of which a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up; grounds for
drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense; availability of powers of the administrative body that drew up the protocol.

Parts 1 and 3 of Art. 23.1. of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation consideration of cases on administrative offenses provided for in Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is referred to the competence of the arbitration court.
Thus, the court found that the application was substantiated and subject to satisfaction.
There were no mitigating or aggravating circumstances in the case.
As follows from the grounds for the stated requirements, the applicant did not refer to the presence of aggravating circumstances when the defendant committed the said administrative offense and due to the fact that the defendant is brought to administrative responsibility for the first time under this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the court considers it possible to impose a penalty on the lowest limit of the administrative fine specified in Art. 14.27 h.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, i.e. in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

How to win in Russian Lotto: odds of winning the lottery + 7 convenient ways to buy a ticket + 13 winning theories + 5 ways to check a ticket.

The ancient Russian fun of playing loto has now reached a new level and allows you not only to have a good time, but also to expect a win with excitement.

Of course, most of the prizes are of a consolatory nature, which, you see, is also nice. But still, everyone plays Russian Lotto for one reason -.

The essence of the modern gambling television game in Russian Lotto does not differ from the home version. On the cards (tickets) there is a table with numbers, the presenter randomly selects kegs, if the number matches, it is crossed out - and so on until all are crossed out.

The one who runs out of numbers on the card first wins.

How to play is clear. But how to win in Russian loto- we will tell in our article.

Where to buy a lottery ticket to play Russian Lotto?

The organizers of the lottery made sure that buying a ticket was as simple and convenient as possible. Moreover, now in the era of the Internet, this process takes a few minutes.

Places where you can buy a ticket for Russian Lotto:

Is it possible to win in Russian Lotto and how?

Many people believe that it is not random people who can win in the Russian Lotto, but dummy or relatives of the organizers.

Actually it is not. Of course, the lottery system is built in such a way that the organizers always remain in the black, and not a little.

However, there are lucky ones who really win big cash prizes, apartments and cars, and these are completely different people who are not related to each other in any way.

According to statistics, every fourth ticket in the Russian Lotto lottery is a winning one!

13 Tactics and Techniques on How to Win Russian Lotto

Millions, however, not everyone takes things seriously, even when they are wondering how to win the Russian Lotto.

We believe that in the game, as in everything, you need preparation and the right approach. Of course, in Russian Lotto, the most important thing is luck and a lucky break.

But following our tips will definitely bring you closer to victory.

Tactics and tricks for winning in Russian Lotto:

    Winning attitude and positive thinking.

    Before purchasing a ticket and starting the lottery, bring your emotional state into a calm and pleasant channel, imagine how happy you are with your win, how you take the prize and how you will dispose of it.

    It is important to feel positive emotions, and not just to see the picture. And do not take it for a trifle, psychologists confirm the effectiveness of this method.

    Several tickets.

    It is clear that a pair of Russian Lotto tickets will double your chances of winning. If you're itching to get rich quick, get more tickets.

    Organized play.

    Create a group of like-minded people for playing Russian Lotto. If you buy tickets as a team and share the winnings equally, you are much more likely to make money on the lottery.

    Proponents of this tactic advise approaching this process as if it were work, and avoiding personal relationships, that is, do not buy a ticket for a friend, do not lend money. And to divide the winnings strictly according to the principle: whoever invested how much gets such a percentage.

  1. The theory of Joseph Grenwell.

    The principle of the theory of this famous analyst is systematization and symmetry. So, in a ticket with a higher probability of winning, the number of even and odd, small and large numbers should be approximately the same.

    And the numbers should also end with different numbers from 1 to 9, and their number would also be better striving for equality.

    Leonard Tippett's theory.

    If we apply the theory of this extra to the Russian Lotto lottery, it turns out that the ticket should have more average numbers between 1 and 90, that is, close to 45. During the lottery, there is a high probability that most numbers will be just average.

    By the way, neither the first nor the second extras hit the jackpot. Although a scientific approach was applied in the development of theories, in practice it turned out that luck, after all, has more significant weight in the game of the lottery than science.

  2. Doug Myrock method.

    Unlike the previous two respected people, Duck's method brought a very large win, although it took a lot of time to wait for it. The essence of the method is simple - Duck bet all the time on the same number. That is, you need to choose a ticket that contains the number you specified.

    Advice from Russian Lotto players.

    Choose tickets that do not repeat the same number combinations, the more variety, the better.


    Now not just newspaper horoscopes, but the services of a personal astrologer are gaining great popularity. Oddly enough, but those who use this service believe that it helps them a lot in life.

    The advantage of this science is its versatility. That is, at your request, the astrologer can calculate your lucky numbers, days and circumstances in order to buy a ticket with the maximum probability of winning.

    If there is no way to contact an astrologer, then just follow your horoscope. Just choose a reliable source of information, indicating who exactly the horoscope was compiled.

    Computer programs.

    Special programs have been created to calculate statistics in lotteries. They take into account the history of previous draws and have many more filters to customize the program for a specific lottery and the features of your game.

    For example, one of these programs can be found on the website

    This program allows you to use 60 types of statistical calculations, form, using the results of previous runs, track the effectiveness of certain decisions, and many more useful functions.


    Let's face it, this science is not as popular as astrology, for example, and there are not so many confirmations of its effectiveness. But not to mention it in a game where everything is tied to numbers is simply impossible. There are specialists who can calculate your lucky number for you.

    At home, it can also be calculated. Add your date of birth (day, month, year). The resulting figure is the number of luck. You can also add up the numbers corresponding to the letters of your name. Also get a lucky number.

    Klaus Joule method.

    A non-standard method of a non-standard person, based on an appeal to the subconscious of a person, a kind of hypnosis or meditation. Here is what the writer suggests: sit in a comfortable position and completely relax, let go of all thoughts and imagine yourself riding in a train car.

    The stations where the train stops are the days before the draw. You need to get off at the stop that corresponds to the day of the lottery. Once on the platform, look for a press kiosk, buy a newspaper and find the results of your lottery draw in it.

    Look carefully at the numbers written in the newspaper, remember them. Then take the return train. When buying a lottery ticket, be guided by the numbers that your subconscious mind told you.

    Ritual clothes.

    There is a version that the appearance of a person affects luck. Following this version, when going for a lottery ticket, choose discreet clothes of a soft color, without red and yellow tones, cells and stripes. From jewelry - only jewelry.


    Pay attention to various events in your life as signs of fate. After all, the fact is known that on a plane that crashed, there are always fewer passengers than expected.

    Somehow fate or a guardian angel saves people. Perhaps your fate also wants to tell you a winning combination of numbers.

How to check a Russian Lotto ticket for a win?

You can find out if you were able to win the Russian Lotto immediately after the draw on the NTV channel on Sundays!

There are several ways to check a lottery ticket:

  • Watch the live broadcast of the program "Russian Lotto" on the NTV channel next Sunday after buying a ticket. The broadcast starts at 8:15 Moscow time.
  • Watch a TV show online.
  • You can check your ticket on the official website To carry out the check, you need to know the ticket number and the draw number.
  • If the purchase of a lottery ticket was made through the Qiwi electronic wallet, the results of the draw can be received on the phone number associated with the wallet.
  • The results of the lottery are published in the following newspapers: Sportloto, Evening Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, Trud, Sudarushka, Work in Moscow.

How much money can you win by buying 5 Russian Lotto tickets?

The answer to this question is in the following educational video:

Choose two or more ways at once how to win in Russian loto, which seemed to you the most effective, believe in victory - and everything will definitely work out for you ...

Many people love lotteries and play them regularly. The ability to invest a small amount and then hope to get a big one is a great way to tickle your nerves without the slightest risk. In addition, it is always interesting to try your luck, to determine how much fortune favors you.

Not surprisingly, in one form or another, lotteries exist in almost all countries. In America, for example, they have even become a national pastime. In our country, they appeared relatively recently, under Peter the Great, who brought them along with tobacco, shipbuilding and other useful things.

Since then, they have become not just a lot, but a lot, but everyone is interested in what is the most winning lottery in Russia. After all, participating in such one can hope that luck will be more likely.

But do not forget that the lottery is a lottery, which means that what is lucky for one does not mean that it will lead you too. But at least for the sake of interest, you can see where people win most often, how much they win, and most importantly, how they manage it later.


The largest winnings were noted in Gosloto. And in this case, the main thing is not only quality, but also quantity: quite a lot of people hit the jackpot right here. Here are the most impressive examples:

  1. 100 million rubles - the biggest lottery win in the history of Russia. Albert Begrakyan, resident of St. Petersburg, 2009. He played the lottery quite often, he was mentally prepared to win, so he managed to dispose of it correctly: he invested a third in the construction of a hotel, bought several apartments: for himself, his sister and two as an investment, a car for himself and his parents, spent part on charity and travel in Europe. In general, he disposed of money wisely.
  2. 35 million rubles. Evgeny Sviridov, a resident of a suburb of Moscow. The winnings received were practically completely invested in the improvement of his native village: he made a road, water supply and was going to organize a livestock farm, which would create new jobs for the residents of the village. Good investment of money: perspective, reasonable and socially useful.
  3. 4.5 million rubles. A married couple, Oleg and Natalia from Samara. They play lotto regularly, and, apparently, they immediately knew what to spend the money on. The entire amount was transferred to a charitable foundation for the construction of a church in his native land.

Different amounts of winnings, different winners, different ways to invest them. But all three winners with the largest jackpots managed to dispose of them reasonably and calmly. But that doesn't work for everyone.


This lottery is also often marked by winnings, which can vary from symbolic amounts that only partially cover the cost of a ticket, to quite impressive amounts.

And here is the most striking example - more than 29 million rubles. Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, an unemployed resident of Ufa, received a very large prize, but her family was unable to properly dispose of it. The purchased elite apartment burned down, two cars were broken in serious accidents, the children abandoned their studies, guests and relatives, attracted by free drinks and snacks, often came to the apartment. The very favorite of fortune died a few years after the win - the middle-aged body could not stand it.

Luckily, other lottery winners have won less impressive sums, which means they don't get hit as hard. But still, this allowed Bingo to get into the most winning lotteries.

Russian loto

This company has one of the largest prize pools, which ensures its place in this ranking. And although no one received the sum of one hundred million rubles here, many winnings can also be quite impressive. For example, 29.5 million, which, at the behest of fate, went to an unknown resident of the Yaroslavl region. Unfortunately, apart from this information, nothing more is known about the lucky man, it is difficult to say what this money went for. Let's hope that he was able to find a useful and worthy use for them.

Lottery company Russian Railways

This particular lottery can also be quite profitable, with a certain amount of luck, of course. Its big advantage is that you don't have to do anything special. You just buy your train ticket along with a lottery sticker and cross your fingers.

Apparently, an unknown businessman from Stavropol crossed them in some particularly cunning way, since he managed to win 11.5 million rubles. True, the award was looking for a hero for more than two weeks, but as a result, it nevertheless found it. Their further fate is unknown.

Another win in this lottery was also not bad - 8 million went to a pensioner in the Kemerovo region. They searched for her even longer - two months. How she will spend the unexpected joy, the woman did not tell.

Now you know which lotteries are the most winning. Of course, if you buy a ticket in one of them, this does not guarantee you a win. But, on the other hand, if you do not buy it, then there will be no chance of winning for sure. Therefore, you should not be like the Jews from the well-known anecdote: give fate a chance. But what if?..

Playing the lottery is perceived by many people as a way to get rich quickly and fairly easily. It is difficult to find a person who has never dreamed of buying a cheap lottery ticket and hitting the jackpot. But is it really possible to win the lottery? The answer is simple: really, if you believe in your victory to the end, tune in to success and know several ways, the use of which will bring you closer to victory.

What is the probability of winning?

The organizers of all kinds of lotteries use the same principles and methods in their activities as the owners of insurance companies. Many of them are based on the theory of probability: people rarely guess the correct digital combination, and the insured event does not occur as often as it seems. But tickets are bought regularly, similar to insurance premiums. If why people insure their lives is more or less clear, then why do they play the lottery?

Everything is very simple: lottery tickets, most often, cost no more than public transport, but if they win, they can bring thousands of rubles, and sometimes much more.

The situation is similar with insurance: contributions, as a rule, are not large, and payments are not small. Conclusion: there will always be lotteries and players. But how to be among the lucky ones and how to win the lottery?

Many people can dream about the jackpot, but not all dreamers go to the store and spend money on lottery tickets. But without these bright pieces of paper, the probability of winning is reduced to zero. It is not worth considering that buying a single ticket will instantly lead to victory, because only gamblers and casino players can count on quick luck. Those who play the lottery should develop their own strategy and try to act according to a clearly defined plan.

One of the inhabitants of America, Richard Lustrig, managed to win the lottery seven times in a row, while receiving the main prizes. Based on his experience, he created a book in which he described the secrets of the game:

  1. Finding Lucky Numbers and their mandatory use when filling out a lottery ticket. You need to combine permanent combinations with any other "simple" numbers.
  2. Take the game seriously, just like your normal job. Tickets should be purchased regularly, say every Thursday or Tuesday, not occasionally for entertainment.
  3. Ask for help in making a combination of numbers your friends and acquaintances or together with them to make several bets on the same number at once. If the desire to play the lottery begins to fade, friends who have not yet lost hope of winning will help revive it. Simply put, it is worth creating a kind of syndicate of players.

You need to think over your victory and steps towards it in as much detail as possible and, when buying a ticket / tickets, be extremely concentrated, tuned in to success and choosing a lucky number.

Klaus believes that this approach integrates a set of numbers in the head that can eventually lead to success.

Before you start playing the lottery, you should choose the most acceptable and interesting option from those that already exist and are most popular.

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are lotteries:

  • International - operating on the territory of other countries, as an example - Lotto Agent ;
  • Local, these include promotions and contests;
  • State− the organizer is the state or an entity acting on its behalf.

If we consider the issue in more detail, then lotteries are:

Instant - the player receives a ticket in which you need to erase the field with the designation of the alleged prize. There may be several such fields. A person will immediately know whether he won or not. There are also such lotteries in which you need to tear off some part of the ticket along the marked lines and find out whether he will receive something or not.

Small prizes are given out on the spot, and the organizer is responsible for issuing large rewards. The more expensive the ticket, the more impressive the prize is, but instant lotteries never bring such huge jackpots as numerical ones.

The positive aspects of instant lotteries can only be attributed to the fact that the result is announced immediately. But there are many more negative sides:

  • The winning ticket is sometimes lost;
  • The amount of cash prizes is usually not large;
  • It is impossible to choose a numerical combination on your own;
  • The organizer may turn out to be a scammer and change his mind about giving out the winnings.

Circulation, conditionally divided into two groups:

  • With numbers printed on the ticket;
  • With empty fields for self-filling.

If the numbers are already printed on the ticket, then the player is allowed to choose the option that will be as close as possible to the combination he needs.

In the second case, he independently enters any numbers, relying on his intuition, and so on. A lottery drum or a random number generator helps determine the winner.

Naturally, drawing lotteries have their advantages.:

  • Possibility of independent choice of numbers and combinations;
  • You can play both alone and in syndicates;
  • Draw lotteries get the attention of players more often than instant lotteries, so the jackpot amounts look very tempting.

  • It takes a long time to wait for the draw: from a week to a month.
  • Guessing all the numbers for which you can get the jackpot is not easy;
  • Be local, that is, be in the nature of quizzes, contests, promotions, etc. It is difficult to call them a full-fledged lottery, but there is some similarity with them. It consists in the principle of choosing the winners.

The prize in this case is usually not money, but goods. If the organizer really offers something worthwhile, those who like to try their luck should not ignore this option. In the event that the item won is not needed, it can always be sold or donated.

Positive sides:

  • The prize fund is not created from the money received for the tickets;
  • Quizzes, contests and promotions are held frequently;
  • The buyer spends money not on a piece of paper, but on a specific product that he can use on his own or sell to another person.

But there is also a negative:

  • Prizes are not always interesting and really meaningful;
  • Not infrequently, to get something of value, you have to buy a lot of unnecessary or perishable goods, and the winner is determined randomly;
  • The grand prize is often kept secret and ends up being rubbish that no one wants;
  • The organizer of the promotion sometimes "forgets" to send the winnings.

It is possible to win a large amount of money in the lottery, but it can take a lot of time, effort and money. You just have to regularly buy tickets, follow the draws and find the very “cherished number” that will ultimately lead to success.

People who manage to hit the jackpot rarely buy just one ticket and immediately turn into a millionaire. Most often, victory is preceded by many years, the constant purchase of a certain number of tickets, crossing out the same numbers dozens, and sometimes hundreds of times.

But the most important thing is faith in yourself, in your success, in the fact that victory will certainly come. The key to it can only be the desire to be the first.

Some people turn to psychics and soothsayers to attract good luck, read conspiracies to win the lottery and do other equally strange manipulations. In fact, the jackpot is hit without the use of unconventional methods, but simply by playing and believing in victory no matter what.

"Russian Lotto" is considered a specific game based on the mentality of people. This game causes nostalgia for many, therefore, many seek to try their luck in it. If we consider the game from the point of view of theorists, then we can conclude: it is quite difficult to win the lotto and, most often, almost impossible, although, on the other hand, there is still a chance to get money.

To win the loto, you need to take part in it, do not miss a single draw, carefully check all the marked numbers so as not to miss the chance to become a winner.

To increase the probability of winning, you will have to increase your chances by buying as many tickets as possible. If the host says that there are only three balls left, and the game goes up to the 87th move, then this means one thing - every third ticket can bring money to its holder.

A lot of people play the lottery, and among them there are many who managed to catch luck by the tail:

  1. Stephen Chica became a millionaire at 58. A man bought a lucky ticket in a supermarket, and the number of the truck became the winning one.
  2. A resident of Russia, Victor Balion, bought 5 lottery tickets on the eve of his birthday, one of which brought a million.
  3. Maxim Nesterov buys lottery tickets daily, testing his luck. He was able to get a little less than a million rubles by playing in Rapido.
  4. Julia Tukhtarova from Zelenodolsk became interested in lotteries back in the 90s, but received her prize in the form of an apartment after buying a ticket for the Housing Lottery, which she decided to play for the first time.
  5. Only the third ticket of Maxim Nikityuk brought him an apartment.
  6. The Russian hit the jackpot in the Lotto Agent lottery and received $824,000.

Not all stories related to receiving the main prize end happily. It is not uncommon for winners who do not want to share the money received to be sued by parents or children, but there are other, more tragic fates. So that the win does not turn into a tragedy, you need to mentally prepare for it and understand how to properly manage the money received.

What lotteries are won in Russia

In Russia, you can win in:

  1. "Rapido"- the lottery is considered the most generous, because 67% of the proceeds from ticket sales are transferred to the prize fund. Having made a minimum bet of only 30 rubles and having thought through your actions, you can win quite often.
  2. "Keno-Sportloto", in which even those who could not guess a single number can win.
  3. "12/24"- to get the main prize, you need to guess 12 numbers, and small prizes often go even to those whose ticket did not contain a single correct number. According to statistics, every fifth player or his ticket is the winner.
  4. "Top 3" allows you to choose your own prize. The lucky one can receive about one and a half million rubles.
  5. Victory - Another Russian lottery, for the entire period it has already been paid more than 600 million rubles.
  6. Lotto Agent - Foreign lottery is gaining popularity in Russia, it is possible to purchase a ticket through a special service, tickets cost about $ 8.

  • Sportloto;
  • Euro Million;
  • Euro Jackpot;
  • Gosloto;
  • Golden Key;
  • Russian Lotto;
  • Mega Million.

Which lottery to give preference to should be decided only by the one who decided to play, because regardless of the choice, a well-thought-out strategy and a positive attitude still remain a component of success. Every even small victory should be remembered and recorded all the moments that led to it, and failure should be perceived as a valuable experience that steadily brings you closer to your dream.

What lotteries can be played online?

As a rule, those who like to win the N-th amount of money buy tickets at the post office or in a store. But this is the past century. Now you can buy a lottery ticket online, although not all services allow you to do this.

We will indicate a couple, this is a foreign lottery service - Agent Lotto and Russian - Victory .

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