The biggest winnings in the online club. Lucky Betting: The Biggest Casino Wins

All people want to be rich, have their own decent capital, luxury cars and a villa by the sea. To achieve these goals, some work tirelessly, others earn money illegally, and some find a simple and fast way if, of course, they are lucky. If you are a favorite of fate, then slot machines, roulette and poker are for you. Some people win millions of dollars, and some people lose everything they have accumulated in a lifetime. Whoever is lucky is a matter of chance. Think about how you would spend a million dollars? Many avid players claim that newcomers to this field most often "throw away" their fortune. We will tell you about the biggest winnings in the casino in the history of its existence.

The biggest jackpots in the history of gambling

The biggest jackpot is almost $400 million. This super prize was the focus of fans gambling in the 2008 Mega Millions lottery in America. A couple of years later, two people won at once on the same lottery. They divided 370 million between two. Powerball gave the elderly man a quarter of a million dollars. In 2009, a pensioner bought one lottery ticket for a dollar and a half and became the winner. In the Powerball lottery, the lucky ones have already received a prize of $210 and $220 million.

In 2011, the EuroMillions lottery gave the lucky Spaniard one hundred and nineteen million dollars. A year later, one hundred and ten million pounds sterling was drawn on the same lottery. The SuperEnalotto jackpot of $130 million went to a young Spaniard. A few months later, this record was broken by a man from Spain, who won almost one hundred and fifty million dollars. Don't you think that the Spaniards are favorites of luck?

Biggest win in poker

Jamie Gold won over $11 million at the World Championship of Poker. More than 8,000 people attended the Las Vegas casino that day. Of course, playing poker requires perseverance, attentiveness and a bit of luck. Here luck directly depends on your behavior. This is not a slot machine. In poker you are left face to face with people who don't rely on luck.

Every beginner to play in a casino, and it does not matter at all whether it is a real gambling hall or online game, dreams of plucking the most big score- Jackpot. But the gaming business is so arranged that this most tempting jackpot is not so easy to come by. Regular wins in a casino - yes, and quite often, and becoming a millionaire overnight is the lot of the lucky few. But who said that you won't be the lucky one? Everyone's chances are absolutely equal, and here you need to call on Fortune to help, maybe she will turn her attention to a person who desperately needs money. In the meantime, while you are trying to turn Lady Luck's eyes on yourself, we will tell you about those people who were able to break a big win in gaming clubs - real and virtual.

Winnings in real casinos

In first place with a jackpot of 40 million dollars (!) was an ordinary programmer living in the capital of gambling - Los Angeles. And, as often happens, he did not have the goal of hitting a large jackpot. Just during the break between the halves of the ongoing basketball game, he "for a minute" popped into the casino to "kill time." Yes, and he made a bet less than $100, apparently hoping for "make or break". It turned out that he is "pan". Now for a quarter of a century he will receive $ 1.5 million annually - these are the rules of the state. This is the largest, fastest and most unexpected win in the American casino. This story happened not so long ago - in 2003.

The second place goes to a simple girl Cynthia Jay, who in 2000 worked as an ordinary waitress. After her shift, she decided to stop by the casino for a short while to take her mind off things. She only had $27 in cash, and you can't get away with it much. Having chosen the machine, the girl started the game and after only a few games she became the owner of 35 million dollars. The ubiquitous journalists immediately calculated that in order to earn such an amount of money, Cynthia would have to work without days off and holidays for 1165 years!

Third place can be given to a pensioner who decided to celebrate her 74th birthday on a grand scale. Considering that gatherings with old people are boring and uninteresting, she went to Las Vegas. Staying at the chic Baileys Hotel, the old woman went to the casino located on the first floor, sat down at the first machine she came across and won a fantastic win - 22.6 million dollars the first time (!) And here there is an element of mysticism - game slot, who made a chic birthday present for the old lady - the same one that enriched Cynthia.

Well, in fourth place we put the Australian, multimedia mogul, Kerry Parker. His $20 million win came not from slots, but from card game baccarat. He beat one of the most reputable casinos in Las Vegas - MGM Grand. True, he also went down in history as the man who lost 28 million in blackjack - well, he could not stop in time!

These are stories that actually happened in real life. gambling establishments. And what about online casinos, are there people who managed to win in a virtual game?

Online casino winnings

The online casino industry is only gaining momentum every year. This is facilitated by the laws adopted in many countries prohibiting gambling - where else can you get your dose of adrenaline and make money? Every day the number of players visiting virtual gaming clubs, only grows. And along with their increase, the jackpot also grows - a large one cash prize, which can go to anyone, regardless of country of residence, religion, gender and account balance. And all people dream and believe that they will get it right now. And some do it.

The Millionaires Club slot brought the average hard worker $8 million in 2007, and the Mega Moolah slot machine made $6 million happy for two years in a row - 2009 and 2010. At the same time, the lucky ones who beat the gambling establishment made very small bets, no more than two bucks.

In 2013, in the authoritative online club e William Hill hit the jackpot through a smartphone casino client. This win is considered the largest among those received through mobile applications. A young man who bet only 6 pounds sterling in the Cop and Robber slot was able to withdraw 866 thousand British money. It is in Europe and America.

Is it possible to win in Russia? Why not. The amount, unfortunately, was expressed not in millions, but in thousands, but this is also very pleasant - 25 thousand dollars, as they say, do not roll on the road. This win was made on European roulette in an online casino with bets of $100 on red and $200 on zero. For obvious reasons, the name of the winner is not disclosed - all casinos are very concerned about privacy.

This summer, the jackpot of $2,000,000 was hit at the Vulkan online casino! This gift was presented to the player by the Crazy Monkey slot. It must be said here that playing in online casinos is safer than in real ones, since the existing anonymity ensures that the winner remains unknown, which means that the likelihood of being robbed, kidnapped or worse is minimized.

It is a pity, of course, that there are not as many cases of getting a big win as we would like. But they are, and, therefore, there is always a chance to become a millionaire in just a few minutes. Play in the casino, win, break the bank - let a bright streak of luck and wealth come in your life!

$21.6 MILLION is the biggest horse racing win ever. In April 1987, it was received by the British Anthony Spielman and Nicholas Kouvanon. The record has not been broken so far. $2,728,356 is the record win in poker. In 2004, he went to a professional Swiss player Martin Deckniff at the World Championship in this game in Las Vegas. $4.35 MILLION - the biggest jackpot in the history of slot machines. It was won by American waitress Cynthia Jay. 22.6 MILLION DOLLARS is another record amount that the slot machine gave out. It was a gift to Los Angeles resident Johanna Hoindl, who came to the casino for her 74th birthday! $39.7 MILLION - Cynthia Jay's record was finally broken. This was done by a 25-year-old programmer from Los Angeles on March 21, 2003.

7.128 MILLION DOLLARS - the most big win in the MegaMillions lottery. Happy ticket filled in by an immigrant from Cambodia Fin Sui.

$8,149 MILLION - Mega Millions again, and the winner is again an immigrant, this time from Colombia - 49-year-old Juan Rodriguez.

$9.181 MILLION - Big Game jackpot paid out in 2000. It is the largest lottery in the history of the world. The prize was shared by two players - in Illinois and Michigan.

$10.315 MILLION - winning the most popular Powerball lottery in the USA. The lucky man is 55-year-old Jack Whittaker, owner of a construction company.

10th place: About 500 thousand dollars. Lottery. The amount is not striking on an astronomical scale, but the history is interesting here. For many years, the lucky one bet on the same numbers: 15, 16, 18, 28, 36 and 49, hoping that someday they will win. And they won at 1 in 12 million odds. Even more incredible is that by continuing to bet on the same numbers, the same person won again! And the probability of such a combination of circumstances is already 1 in 150 trillion!

9th place: 1 million 600 thousand dollars. Horse racing. Two friends bet $64 on 9 random horses. The prediction came true surprisingly accurately: 7 out of 9 marked horses came first in seven races. By the way, this is the largest win at the races, and the record has not been broken so far. 8th place: 2 million 700 thousand dollars. Poker. The record was set in 2004 at the Bellagio casino, famous for the movie Ocean's 11, during a poker marathon. If you think that this is "easy money", then you are mistaken. The poker marathon runs over several days from 12 noon until dawn with short breaks. The losers are out. As a result, "there should be only one." The winner spends more than a dozen games in terrible tension.

7th place: $35 million Slot machine. The prize went to the casino waitress, who after work decided to relax in her own institution. To earn that kind of money, you would have to work as a waitress for 1165 years. 6th place: 22 million 600 thousand dollars. Slot machine. The owner of this pile of money was a 74-year-old resident of Los Angeles, who decided to celebrate her birthday in an unconventional way by going to the casino. 5th place: 39 million 700 thousand dollars. Slot machine. The winner wanted to remain incognito. This is the largest win on slot machines, the record is held to this day. 4th place: $128 million Lottery. Mega Millions is a nationwide US lottery, one of the three largest in the country. In 2003, an immigrant from Cambodia was lucky, who, by the way, was quite satisfied with his job as a gardener, which brought him 40 thousand dollars a year. When journalists asked if he intended to quit his job, he replied: "I'll ask permission from my boss."

3rd place: $149 million Lottery. When a Mexican immigrant had $44,000 in bank debt and only one dollar left in his pocket, he decided he had nothing to lose and bought a lottery ticket. 10 days after the win, the lucky man's wife filed for divorce and demanded the division of property.

2nd place: $181 million Lottery. The Big Game jackpot paid out in 2000 is the largest in world lottery history - $363 million. True, there were two winning tickets then, and the largest prize was shared by two players.

1st place: $315 million Lottery. The Powerball lottery is the most popular in the United States. In December 2002, the jackpot in this lottery amounted to an unprecedented amount - $ 280 million. The Americans were seized by mass psychosis, all police forces were thrown on guard public order in long queues for tickets.

Fortune is a capricious lady, but sometimes she smiles at the players, bringing them fabulous winnings. There are various ways to get fantastic amounts: board games, slots in land-based gambling establishments and slot machines in online casinos. Slotegrator presents an overview of ten the biggest prizes that made the clients of gambling houses happy.

Top 10 Big Casino Winnings

10. $2.73 million in poker

Biggest win in a poker tournament held annually in gambling capital USA Las Vegas, went to Swede Martin Deckniff in 2004. The winner withstood many hours of marathon, playing dozens of games.

9. $4.6 million in Megabucks slot machine

Adventurer Alvin Sherwin, 76, hit the jackpot on a Megabucks slot in 1989. The player spent the fabulous winnings on travel.

8. $5.6 million on Mega Moolah online slot

The first recorded case of a big win at an online casino on the Mega Moolah machine dates back to 2009. In 2010, the record was broken under the same conditions, and the winnings amounted to €6.3 million. Interestingly, the players made meager bets within a couple of dollars.

7. $8 million in virtual casino

The owner of a giant jackpot in an online casino in 2007 was an ordinary blacksmith. The Millionaires Club machine turned out to be generous.

6. $18 million on Mega Fortune

The 40-year-old Finn made a big win on Mega Fortune slot in 2013. According to the lucky one, he has been investing in slot machines for many years, and winnings are the result of the right investments.

5. $20 million in baccarat

Fortune smiled on the American Kerry Packer at the MGM Grand casino in 1997. A trip to Las Vegas turned around lucky win at the baccarat table.

4. $21 million at Megabucks

In 2005, lucky Alvin Sherwin updated his personal record sixteen years later by hitting the jackpot on the same Megabucks machine. The player shared his luck by transferring part of the money to charity, and bequeathed the remaining millions to his family.

3. $22.6 million in a land-based casino

An American from Los Angeles decided to celebrate her 74th birthday by going to a casino. Fortune favorably treated the visitor and rewarded her with a jackpot in a slot machine.

2. $35 million in the casino

A waitress who worked at a Las Vegas casino decided to brighten up free time at the slot machine, making small bets. To her great joy, the slot reciprocated by giving the woman a giant prize. To earn that kind of money, a waitress would have to work for over a thousand years!

1. $39.7 million in a slot machine

The record jackpot was won by a programmer from Los Angeles in the game Megabucks, who came to the match of his favorite basketball team. Trying to brighten up the anticipation before the start of a sports competition, the guy went to the nearest casino and made a hundred-dollar bet in the Megabucks slot. History is silent about whether the lucky man got to the match, but the fact that he did not go home with empty pockets is a fact.

Winning is easy - just place a bet. Fortune smiles on stubborn players who do not quit the game, despite the defeat. One day, Fortune will reward perseverance and bestow an incredibly generous prize. Play - and you will be the next lucky one!

Casino May 18, 2015

Every gambler should understand when coming to the casino that it is possible not only to win a fortune, but also to lose even more without reaching the original goal. The desire to recoup is inherent in every person, and so that you remember this, we present to your attention the most big wins and Las Vegas losses.

Archie Karas is a player from Greece who arrived in Vegas in December 1992 with only $50 in his pocket. In six months, he became the owner of $ 17 million, which by the beginning of 1995 he turned into $ 40 million playing baccarat, billiards, craps and poker. Already by the middle of the same 1995, in three weeks he lost almost everything that he could earn during this time. The loss was 20 million and after that Archie switched to the game of dice lost another 17 million dollars. He returned to Greece when he had 12 million left, but soon moved back to Las Vegas, where in less than a month, in the same dice, he lost everything else except the last million. He doubled the remaining million at the Bicycle Club and lost in a few days at baccarat and craps making huge bets.

Omar Siddiq, a top manager at Fry's Electronics and earning $225,000 a year, lost $8 million in one day. As it turned out, this is not his biggest loss in the casino. In total, the 43-year-old businessman lost $167 million in ten years. US casinos continued to lend him millions of dollars even as he accumulated huge IOUs. Siddique organized an underground company through which he conducted fraudulent transactions selling electronics to the company where he worked. This allowed him to carry out millions of kickbacks. Engaged in illegal activities, he received 65.6 million, which became the cost of satisfying his excitement. The casinos had absolutely no information about the origin of this money, considering Omar a millionaire businessman playing for the most big stakes. His favorite bet was $200,000 per hand in blackjack. Many casinos have become rivals in the race to get such a player. From Las Vegas, they flew in private jets for him and provided free luxury apartments for settling in, while giving millions of dollars on credit, content only with his painting. Some major players have an opinion that it was the casinos that influenced his gambling addiction by giving him millions of loans, the non-payment of which would lead him to prison or make him steal. Omar Siddiq faces 140 years in prison and faces 9 counts of fraud and money laundering charges. In addition, he must pay off huge casino debts.

Terrence Watanabe is an American businessman who holds the title of the biggest loser player. In one year in a Las Vegas casino, he lost a huge amount - 205 million dollars. But trouble does not go alone and the entrepreneur did not have enough funds to pay off gambling establishments. He ended up cheating with checks to pay off almost $15 million in debt. For this, he also risks being in the dock.

Ashley Revell is a native of England who at the age of 32 decided to show everyone what he can do. After withdrawing all his savings, he took a seat at a roulette table in a casino located in the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Waiting for turning point in life, Ashley bet all his money on red, namely $135,000. This all happened in front of a crowd of onlookers and members of his family, frozen in place, when the ball began its movement against the roulette wheel. Revell did not lose hope that he had made the right bet, which he chose by asking the fans at home what color he should bet on. The ball landed on a red seven and Ashley doubled his fortune.

Las Vegas in 2003 was successfully visited by a programmer living in Los Angeles. The guy decided to watch a basketball game in the world-famous gambling capital. He went to the local casino while the match was on break and played Megabucks. One of the biggest wins in the history of the casino was received at a bet of less than $100. According to state law, the winnings will be paid for 25 years, annually at a rate of one and a half million dollars.

Elmer Sherwin is another lucky American Megabucks winner. In 1989, he managed to win $5 million in Las Vegas. He spent all the winnings on travel, but after almost 16 years he won $ 21 million on the same machine, it's hard to believe, but it's a fact. In fact, in 1992, he managed to earn a huge inheritance for the whole family.

Kerry Parker, one of the most famous contemporary players from Australia, has set a losing record in the UK. His failure was the arrival at the London casino "Crockford", where the Australian lost 28 million dollars in three weeks. This did not stop the record holder, and he continues to overspend in the world's best casinos. But it can be noted, since in 1997 he became lucky and took away $ 20 million from Las Vegas.

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