What does the right-handed swastika of the German cross mean. What does the swastika mean? History of the origin of the swastika symbol

Sun, love, life, luck. This is how the sign was understood in Great Britain and America. They believed that the symbol is composed of 4 letters "L". That's where they start English words"light", "love", "life" and "luck".

Similar to good wishes to someone. Indeed, the term "swasti" in Sanskrit is nothing more than a greeting. Sanskrit is the language of India and, in this country, the symbol is also found. For example, sculptures of elephants are known, the capes on the backs of which are decorated with a solar sign.

It is solar because it resembles rays diverging to the side. Actually, among most peoples, the swastika was a symbol of the heavenly body, its warmth. The most ancient images of the sign belong to the Paleolithic, that is, they are about 25,000 years old.

The history of the swastika, its good name was crossed out by Hitler, using the drawing as a sign of Nazism. After the Great Patriotic War the information that the Russians also used the symbol was concealed. The data is now open. Let's start acquaintance with the swastika signs of the Slavs.

Genus symbol

Many ethnographers consider this sign to be the first of the swastika amulets. God Rod, to whom the symbol is dedicated, is also the first. It was he, according to pagan beliefs, who created everything that exists. great spirit our ancestors were compared with an incomprehensible cosmos.

Its particular expression is fire in the hearth. The rays radiating from the center resemble flames. The circles at their ends are considered by historians to be the embodiment of knowledge, the strength of the Slavic family. The spheres are turned inside the circle, but the rays of the sign do not close. This is evidence of the openness of the Russians and, at the same time, their reverent attitude towards their traditions.


If all that exists was created by the Family, then the souls of people are born in the Source. This is the name of the Heavenly Halls. They, according to pagan beliefs, are controlled by Zhiva.

It is she who gives each person a pure and bright soul. If the born retains it, then after death he drinks the divine elixir from the cup eternal life. Her dead also receive from the hands of the Goddess Alive. The Slavs used the graphic symbol of the source in everyday life, so as not to stray from the right path of life.

Where was it used Pictures? Swastika of the Slavs applied to the body in the form of, on the dishes in the form of ornaments. The source was embroidered on clothes and painted on the walls of houses. In order not to lose energy connection with the Source, our ancestors dedicated songs, original mantras, to the Goddess Zhiva. We invite you to listen to one of these works. The video sequence of the clip demonstrates the motives of the creativity of the Slavs and some of the solar symbols of the people.

Fern flower

This swastika of the Slavs came into their use in the 5th-6th centuries. The symbol is a consequence of the legend. According to her, a particle of the power of the supreme God Perun is embedded in the bud.

He gave the children his brother Semargl. This is one of the defenders of the throne of the Sun, who does not have the right to leave him. However, Semargl fell in love with the Goddess summer nights, could not stand it, and left his post. It happened on the day of the autumn equinox.

So, from September 21st, the day began to wane. But, the lovers were born Kupala and Kostroma. The uncle gave them a fern flower. It destroys the spell of evil, guards its owner.

The Slavs could not find real buds, because a plant from the mystogamous family does not bloom, but reproduces by spores. Therefore, our ancestors came up with a swastika symbol denoting the color of Perun.

Overcome the grass

Overcome the grass, unlike the fern, is a real flower. In the 21st century, it is called a water lily. Our ancestors believed that water lilies are able to overcome, defeat any disease.

Hence the name of the buds and their graphic representation. It is an allegory for the Sun. The buds of the plant are similar to it. The luminary bestows life, and the spirits of darkness catch up with the ailment. But, seeing the grass overcome, they retreat.

Our ancestors wore the sign as a wearable decoration, placed on dishes, weapons. Armor with a solar symbol was kept from wounds.

The dishes did not allow poisons to enter the body. Overcome the grass on clothes and in the form of pendants drove away the lower spirits of evil. The image is poetic. It is not surprising that many songs are dedicated to him. We offer you to watch a video with one of these compositions.


The sign is depicted in a circle, or without it. "Rama" is a symbol of wisdom, the ability to subdue one's emotions. This is one of the abilities of God Kolyada, to whom the swastika is dedicated. He also belongs to the group of spirits of the sun, is considered the youngest of them.

No wonder the day of Kolyada coincides with the winter solstice. The zealous, young God has enough strength to resist the winter, every day winning a few minutes from the night. The spirit is depicted with a sword in his hand. But, the blade is always lowered - this is an indicator that Kolyada is inclined towards peace, not hostility, and is ready to compromise.

Kolyadnik - swastika of ancient slavs, used as male . It gives the representatives of the stronger sex energy for creative work and helps in battles with enemies if there is no peaceful solution.


The sign is close to Kolyadnik, but only visually. Along the perimeter are not straight lines, but rounded lines. The symbol has a second name - Grozovik, gives strength to control the elements, to defend against them.

So that the houses would not suffer from fires, floods, winds, the Slavs applied the Solstice on the walls of their dwellings. When choosing an amulet, connoisseurs take into account the rotation of its blades.

The direction from right to left corresponds to the waning of the day after the summer solstice. The energy is stronger in Grozovik, whose blades are directed to the right. Such an image is associated with the coming day, and with it, the power of the heavenly body.


The sign is a union of the right-sided Solstice and Kolyadnik. Their confluence was considered a duet of heavenly fire and earthly waters. These are fundamental beginnings.

Their duet is a symbol of the harmony of the world. The connection of the earthly with the divine is a powerful concentration of power. She is able to protect from evil forces.

Therefore, Svitovit is a popular swastika of the Slavs. Tattoo with her image is one of the popular ways to use the sign in modern world. If you need a homemade one, you can make panels from pieces of picture frames. How to do it? Instructions, next.


The sign is composed of the left-sided Solstice and Ladinets, reminiscent of Kolyadnik, but turned in the other direction. The Ladin personifies the Goddess Lada.

She helped ripen the crop and was associated with the warmth of the earth. Therefore, the Light is a duet of heavenly and earthly fire, the power of two worlds. Universal energy is able to suggest answers to questions about the universe. The sign is chosen by seeking, thinking people as their amulet.

Black Sun

it swastika of the Slavs, photo which is more than information about the sign. It was almost never used in everyday life. The image is not found on everyday artifacts.

On the other hand, the drawing is found on the sacred objects of the priests. The Slavs called them Magi. Apparently, they were entrusted with managing the Black Sun. Scientists suggest that the symbol is associated with the concept of gender. The talisman gives a connection with the ancestors, not only relatives, but all the deceased.

The sign was used not only by the Russians, but also by the magicians of Scandinavia. German tribes also lived in the latter region. Their symbolism was interpreted and used by Hitler's associate, Himmler, in his own way.

It was on his instructions that the swastika was chosen as the sign of the Third Reich. It was Himmler who insisted on drawing the Black Sun in Wewelsburg Castle, where the top of the SS gathered. How it was, will tell the following video:


What does this swastika among the Slavs? The answer is the universal border, the border between the worlds.

The sacred symbol, like the Black Sun, was available only to the Magi. They depicted Rubezhnik at the entrances to temples and temples. So the priests separated the worldly zone from the spiritual one. The sign was also associated with the transition from earthly life to the afterlife, and was used in funerals.


The word "Valkyrie" is translated as "chooser of the dead." The graphic sign is a symbol of the spirits that the Gods allowed to decide who would win the battle.

Therefore, the warriors considered the symbol to be their amulet. Taking a talisman on the battlefield, they believed that the Valkyries would be on their side. The mythical virgins were also entrusted with the duty to pick up the slain combatants and carry them to heaven.

The swastika symbol attracted the attention of the spirits, otherwise, the fallen might not have been noticed. By the way, the Valkyries were also called the chosen ones of the warriors - ordinary, earthly women. Putting on the amulet, the warriors took with them the warmth of their loved ones, felt their support.


Swastikas of the Slavs and their meanings often associated with military rank. This also applies to Ratiborets. In the name of the symbol, the words "army" and "fight" are visible.

The energy of the sun, contained in the sign, is an assistant on the battlefield. Our ancestors believed that the talisman also calls for the help of the ancestors, the strength of the family. The talisman was applied to the armor. Some historians suggest that Ratiborets was also depicted on standards, tribal flags.


To the question " what does the swastika mean among the slavs» The answer is clear - the energy of the sun. Many signs use approximate meanings - heat and fire.

Doukhoborg is associated with a flame, the fire that rages inside a person. From the name it follows that the talisman helps to overcome one's passions, cleanse the spirit of dark thoughts and energies. Doukhoborg is a symbol of a warrior, but not by occupation, but by character. A solar sign can be made from improvised materials. The following video shows how to do this.


The name of the symbol reads the word "say". The meaning of the sign is associated with it. It blocks the energies of negative phrases directed at a person.

The image serves as a shield not only for spoken words, but also for thoughts. The amulet from the evil eye was presented to the Slavs by Radogost - the God of the clan. This is what our ancestors thought. They gave clothes, with Molvinets, to children and women - the most vulnerable to the slander erected on them.

Wedding attendant

The symbol is not accidentally depicted in two. The sign was used as a talisman during marriage ceremonies. A wedding is a union of a man and a woman.

The ancient Slavs compared girls with the element of water, and guys with fire. By the distribution of colors in Svadebnik one can see the view of our ancestors on family life.

In it, the spouses are equal, as is the number of red and blue colors in the drawing. The rings that make up the swastika are a symbol of marriage. Instead of the usual two modern man, used 4 rings.

Two of them were dedicated to the Gods Rod and Zhiva, that is, those who gave life new family, heavenly father and mother. The rings are not closed, which indicates the openness of the cell of society, its active participation in the life of the community.


it Slavic-Aryan swastika- a symbol of the unification of the clans of a single race. In everyday terms, the amulet is used to harmonize relationships with loved ones. The image is close to the emblem of fascism. However, it has blades from left to right, not right to left. Let's imagine for comparison Nazi swastika:

Do they have swastika of Slavs and fascists differences, many people are interested. The emblem of Nazism is really different from the Rasic sign.

But, our ancestors also used the right-handed swastika. Below are photos of bedspreads that Vologda craftswomen wove back in the 19th century.

Products are stored in ethnographic country. The images show both left-hand and right-hand signs of the sun. For the Russians, they were symbols of the combination of the four elements, the warmth of heaven, the uninterrupted cycle of life.

In the 21st century, the reputation of the swastika began to recover. The abundance of information about the true meaning of the symbol encourages people to use it in everyday life.

So it was before the Second World War. For example, English writer Rudyard Kipling decorated the covers of all his books with swastikas. But, in the 1940s, the prose writer ordered to remove solar signs from the design of publications, he was afraid of associations with Nazism and the Nazi regime.

The urban legend of the Soviet pioneers said that the swastika is the four letters G assembled in a circle: Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Himmler. The children did not think that the German Gs are actually different letters - H and G. Although the number of leading Nazis on G really rolled over - you can also remember Groe, and Hess, and many others. But it's better not to remember.

The German Nazis used this sign even before Hitler came to power. And why they showed such interest in the swastika is not at all surprising: for them it was an object of mystical power, originally from India, from the original Aryan territories. Well, it also looked beautiful, and the leaders of the National Socialist movement always attached great importance to aesthetics.

A statue Indian elephant with a swastika on the territory of the old Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen. The statue has nothing to do with Nazism: pay attention to the dots near the center

If we consider the swastika not as part of patterns and drawings, but as an independent object, then its first appearance dates back to about the 6th-5th centuries BC. It can be seen on objects found at excavations in the Middle East. Why is it customary to call India the birthplace of the swastika? Because the word "swastika" itself is taken from Sanskrit (literary ancient Indian language), means "well-being", and purely graphically (according to the most common theory) symbolizes the Sun. Four-pointedness is far from obligatory for her, there is also a wide variety of angles of rotation, inclination of the rays and additional patterns. In the classical Hindu form, she is usually depicted as in the figure below.

There are many interpretations of which way the swastika should rotate. Even their division into female and male is discussed, depending on the direction

Due to the high popularity of the Sun among people of all races, it logically happened that the swastika is an element of symbolism, writing and graphics among hundreds and hundreds of ancient peoples scattered all over the planet. Even in Christianity, she found her place, and there is an opinion that christian cross is her direct descendant. Family traits are really easy to see. In our dear Orthodoxy, swastika-like elements were called "gamma cross" and were often used in the design of temples. True, it is not so easy to find their traces in Russia now, since after the start of the Great Patriotic War, even harmless Orthodox swastikas were liquidated.

Orthodox gamma cross

The swastika is such a widespread object of world culture and religion that it is rather surprising that it rarely appears in the modern world. Logically, it should follow us everywhere. The answer is really simple: after the collapse of the Third Reich, she began to cause such unpleasant associations that they got rid of her with unprecedented zeal. This is amusingly reminiscent of the story of the name Adolf, which was extremely popular in Germany at all times, but almost disappeared from use after 1945.

Craftsmen have adapted to find the swastika in the most unexpected places. With the advent of open access space images of the Earth, the search for natural and architectural incidents has become a kind of sport. The most popular object for conspiracy theorists and swastikophiles is the naval base building in San Diego, California, designed in 1967.

The US Navy spent 600 thousand dollars to somehow rid this building of the resemblance to the swastika, but the final result is disappointing

The Russian Internet and some railway station trays are crammed with all sorts of interpreters of Slavic pagan swastikas, where it is meticulously explained in pictures what “yarovrat”, “svitovit” or “salting” means. Sounds and looks exciting, but keep in mind that there is no scientific basis for these myths at all. Even the term "Kolovrat", which has come into use, supposedly Slavic name swastikas, is a product of speculation and myth-making.

A beautiful example of a rich Slavophile fantasy. Pay special attention to the name of the first swastika on the second page.

Outlandish mystical powers are attributed to the swastika, hence it is understandable that people who are suspicious, superstitious or prone to the occult are interested in it. Does it bring happiness to the wearer? Think for yourself: Hitler used her both in the tail and in the mane, and ended up so badly that you would not wish the enemy.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was a great lover of swastikas. She drew the symbol wherever her pencils and paints reached, especially in the rooms of her children, so that they would grow up healthy and not grieve about anything. But the empress was shot by the Bolsheviks along with the whole family. The conclusions are obvious.

As a separate symbol, the swastika has many meanings, and in a large number of peoples they are positive. So, for the ancient tribes, it had the meaning of movement, creation, light, the Sun, good luck, happiness, life and well-being. Personifying rotational movements, converted into translational, symbolizes philosophical specificity.
The swastika, as one of the oldest and archaic signs, indicates the visible activity of the Sun, its rotation around the Earth, due to which the earth year is divided into four parts - climatic seasons. The symbol also characterizes the winter and summer solstice in the annual movement of the Sun. In addition to solar symbols, the swastika has the meaning of the fertility of the earth, carrying the idea of ​​the four parts of the world, centered around its axis. She also assumes two-way traffic clockwise and counter-clockwise, symbolizing respectively the male and female principles of Yin and Yang. In the scriptures ancient india a distinction is made between male and female energy, there are images of deities personified from two male and two female swastikas.
In general, despite the popular and widespread use of the swastika in art and painting, and its ancient and long legacy in many cultures, after the association of Nazi Germany with it, the swastika began to have a negative meaning and its use was considered synonymous with imitation of Nazism. Unfortunately, many other symbols, such as runes, also took on a negative connotation after the end of World War II.
History is known a large number of similar fascist movements, which appeared mainly between the two terrifying wars of the twentieth century, as well as the very diverse symbols of the Nazi movement. National Emblems were used as symbols, as a sign of the unity of the nation, as well as various figures who had historical meaning. Some Nazi organizations symbolically used armed salutes.
The adoption and widespread wearing of symbols created by totalitarian fascist governments was considered one of the key aspects of Nazi propaganda.
In the understanding of Hitler himself, she accurately personified the triumph of his struggle for the superiority of the Aryan race over all the nations of the world. This choice combined both mystical and occult meanings, the meaning of the swastika as a symbol of the Ancient Aryan race was formed. In addition, its already established use by extreme right-wing political forces - it was used by some Austrian radical parties, it was also used during the Kapp putsch, not without the influence of the Baltic countries - served a good propaganda role. But already in the twenties, the swastika was directly associated with Nazism, and after the thirties it was perceived mainly as a Nazi symbol, the result was a complete ban on the image of the swastika in some countries, and it was also excluded from the emblems children's movement scouts.
The German Nazis borrowed showmanship, the use of rituals and saluting from the Italian fascists. Nazism differed from fascism in a pronounced racist vector, so Hitler's Germany used the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race in order to confirm its superiority. Used by the Third Reich specific option swastikas - a hexagon inscribed in a square, rotated at an angle of 45 degrees, with rays directed clockwise and bent at a right angle. It was mainly depicted in black, against a white or red circle, sometimes against any other background (for example, on camouflage). Also, this swastika was located on the state German flag, as well as on the emblems of state and military organizations of the country. Swastika blue color was used by the pro-German regime in Finland, a similar sign, but in red, was used as an identification symbol of the Latvian air forces in the pre-war period. Moreover, it is known that some parts of the Red Army during the Civil War used this particular type of swastika on stripes and banners even before the adoption of the Red Star as a national symbol.

Encyclopedia of delusions. Third Reich Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

Swastika. Who Invented the Fascist Cross?

They don't even need crosses on their graves -

Crosses will descend on the wings ...

Vladimir Vysotsky "Two songs about one air battle"

Many people think that main symbol The Third Reich - a black swastika on a red background - was invented by Hitler himself or people from his inner circle. But in fact, such an opinion is nothing but a delusion. Nazi shrine, as well as other attributes Nazi Germany, existed long before the possessed Fuhrer came to power and initially did not carry such a sinister meaning.

The main emblem of the Third Reich has a long history. It was widespread in Iran already in the VI millennium. BC e. Later, the swastika was found on Far East, in the middle and South-East Asia, in Tibet and Japan. It was also widely used by pre-Hellenic Greece. AT Kievan Rus this sign, called "Kolovrat", was also quite popular. The swastika did not bypass the indigenous people American continents. And the peoples of the Caucasus and the Baltic coast-dwellers used it as an element of ornaments even at the beginning of the 20th century.

Naturally, all this time, no one associated the cross with curved ends with massacres, destructive war and crimes against humanity. By the way, there is no historical evidence that this sign was used by the ancient Germanic tribes. The fascists who came to power were looking for a suitable emblem for the Nazi state and without hesitation chose the swastika, christening it an ancient German, or even an Aryan symbol.

The meaning of this symbol is not exactly established. There is a version that it was one of the varieties of a cross with broken ends, symbolizing, according to historians, the inner world of a person - the space located between perpendicularly intersecting lines. However, the most common view of the swastika is that it is seen as a solar, that is, a solar sign. Ethnographers consider it just a harmless symbol of the movement of the heavenly body and the change of seasons.

Adolf Hitler, for some reason, saw in her something fundamentally different. In his opinion, the cross with curved ends personified the superiority of the Aryans over other peoples. What guided the German Fuhrer in making such an assessment is a mystery.

Moreover, it is reliably known that the idea to use the swastika as an emblem did not occur to Hitler. The main symbol of the Third Reich was "gave" ... the German Masonic lodge! More precisely, its successor is the secret organization "Thule". Initially, this society was engaged in the study and popularization ancient history and folklore. However, its members kept their noses to the wind and gladly responded to Hitler's ideas. The Thule ideology became based on the concept of German racial superiority, anti-Semitism and the Pan-German dream of a powerful new German Reich. All this was thickly “seasoned” with occultism: members of the society performed special rites and magical rituals. Among the symbols used in these rituals was the swastika.

Hitler, who was always interested in the occult, liked this sign, and for a start he decided to make it the emblem of his party. The NSDAP leader slightly modified the swastika, and in the summer of 1920 a symbol was born that, two decades later, terrified the whole of Europe: a black cross with curved ends, inscribed in white circle on a red background. The red color symbolized the party's social ideals, while the white symbolized the nationalist ones. The cross pointed to the victory and supremacy of the Aryan race.

After Hitler came to power, the swastika became an indispensable attribute of the state, official, military and corporate symbols of Germany. The Germans valued this "sign of superiority" so much that in 1935 a special Decree "On the prohibition of Jews from hanging a flag with a swastika" was even issued. Apparently, the Nazis believed that with their touches, "racially unclean" elements would desecrate their shrine.

During the years of the Third Reich, the swastika was used everywhere: on banknotes, dishes, souvenirs. During any festivities, the streets of German cities were hung with flags and banners with this sign, and they were hung so tightly that passers-by began to ripple in their eyes. However, sometimes the Nazi shrine was used for other purposes: a lady's dress was considered fashionable, the fabric of which was decorated with an ornament of thousands of small crosses.

Perhaps the swastika would have remained a symbol of the sun, fire and fertility. If not for the Second World War, with the beginning of which, thanks to Hitler, it definitely ceased to be “sunny”.

More organic and appropriate from the point of view of racial theory was the use by the Nazis of the runes that formed the basis of the writing of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. As you know, since ancient times, runic signs were not only letters, but also had magical meaning- used for divination and as protective amulets. Historians believe that by introducing runes into use, Hitler and his entourage tried not only to develop patriotism among the inhabitants of Germany, but also hoped to use runic signs as a magical tool. True, the Fuhrer interpreted them selectively: he left only those meanings that corresponded to his worldview. So, the Zig rune, the double image of which became the "logo" of the SS, in the canonical interpretation meant the desire for light and enrichment spiritual world, as well as flourishing creativity. Naturally, the valiant SS men did not need such qualities, therefore, in the interpretation of Hitler, the “lightning” rune meant thunder, lightning and, again, the superiority of the Aryan race.

The "rented" symbols also include an eagle and oak branches. The authorship of these signs dates back to the Roman Empire. Decorating the coat of arms of the German Reich, Hitler swung, no less, on the most common attributes of the power of the Roman Caesars.

Such an ominous insignia as a skull ("dead head"), the Nazis borrowed from the near-Masonic order - the Rosicrucians. Moreover, at first this gloomy image symbolized, in the opinion of its "discoverers", the victory of the spirit over mortal matter. Remember the medieval philosophers who meditated with a skull in their hands on the topic: "Poor Yorick ..."? But in the hands, or rather, on the fingers of SS officers who placed the “dead head” on silver rings, this sign acquired a completely different meaning. He became the embodiment of cruelty, destruction and death.

So make no mistake: the Nazis did not themselves come up with the symbolism of the "thousand-year" Reich. All the signs and attributes they use have existed for a long time and were used for much more humane purposes.

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Yes, reader, let's now be puzzled by this question, why did Adolf Hitler make the swastika a symbol of National Socialism ?!

The fact that the swastika - the gamma cross - is an Aryan symbol, most of the modern people of the planet learned, unfortunately, at the suggestion of Hitler. Alas, it happened. The Nazi Fuhrer himself claimed that he was Aryan, and for this reason he had every right to adopt the Aryan swastika.

What this "Aryan" did in history, we all know. The Second unleashed by him World War(1939-1945) only killed 50 million people different nationalities and another 100 million people became crippled. And all this atrocity against many peoples was committed under the sign of the Aryan swastika. Here under this sign:

At the same time, it is known that a few decades earlier, the same cross symbol, only with a different direction of bending of its ends, was especially revered in the Russian Empire.

It could be seen, for example, on the car of Tsar Nicholas II and in the everyday life of ordinary Russians. Here are a number of photographic documents to confirm this.

Towel. Tarnogsky district Vologda region. Late XIX century.

What did the swastika sign symbolize in the minds of Russians?

Why did the last Russian tsar have it with him, and why did ordinary Russians in the recent past also have a swastika in their homes in the form of embroideries and drawings?

If you dig in encyclopedias, you can find the following explanation: "The swastika has been a symbol of well-being for the Slavs since ancient times."

Such a definition explains quite exhaustively why this symbol was once widely used. Was it thought to bring prosperity? Well, who doesn't want to have one?

Once I saw the same swastika signs on ancient clothes stored in the museum. Orthodox priests. This museum is located in the Novodevichy Bogoroditsa-Smolensky Monastery.

Personally, this presence of swastikas on the old clothes of Russian clergy surprised me a little, puzzled me, and then prompted me to think that the swastika is not just"symbol of prosperity", behind this sign-cross lies something more. And I wanted to dig deeper, explore this topic.

In the process of searching, I found out that the words "symbol of prosperity" is just an adjective. A simple example: sometimes at weddings, the groom is given the task of naming 10 adjective words for his bride, and he begins to list: beloved, affectionate, kind, caring, and so on ... So the words "symbol of well-being" are adjectives .. .

I am sure that most modern people who have not conducted such a search like me will never guess that in ancient times the swastika sign was, it turns out, the most important symbol of Christianity!

Yes, yes, the most important!

I will say more: it was the only cross in true Christianity, if true Christianity is understood as the practical activity of Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples-apostles.

So, this symbol of the swastika in the teachings and practice of Jesus Christ graphically denoted God, who is Spirit!

"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).

Have you heard, do you know these words of Christ the Savior?

From the very beginning, this graphic image of the God-Spirit in the form of a swastika filled the Teachings of Jesus Christ with a deep ideological meaning, one might even say a natural science meaning.

The image shown here is from the 2nd-5th century. new era. This drawing (on the left - restored, on the right - a fragment of the original) was found on the wall in the catacombs of Priscilla, in Rome. It is interpreted that the dove here depicts the soul of a deceased righteous man who flew to Paradise to take communion from a vessel with"by the Holy Spirit" . Not to write on the bowl of the word"Holy Spirit"or"spirit"who drew replaced the words graphic image- sign of the swastika.

Reference: Catacombs of Priscilla- Christian underground burials of the II-V centuries in Rome, forming three levels. These catacombs originated in the burial place of the Roman family of the consul Aquilia Glabrius. In the 1st century A.D. e. This family owned vast lands. One of the representatives of this family, Priscilla, was executed by order of the emperor Domitian. In the Greek chapel (Italian: Capella Greca), named after the discovered inscriptions in Greek, a feast scene (an allegory of the Eucharist) is depicted. Samples of early Christian art have been preserved in this chapel, including the oldest image of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the prophet Isaiah or Balaam, dating back to the 2nd century.

Exactly the same vessel"by the Holy Spirit" , which is guarded by birds of paradise, was depicted in an old mosaic floor painting, also related to early Christian art. And here we also see the swastika. This image is a screenshot from documentary film about Christianity in the first centuries. In 2016, it was shown on the Russian TV channel Kultura.

And now you will see a completely interesting mosaic floor picture of one of the early Christian churches. To be honest, this picture really impressed me!

This is a swastika on a mosaic floor in the Christian Orthodox Church "Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian" built in the city of Geras (Jerash) in the Northern Jordan in 553.

This floor mosaic picture shows multiple images of swastikas moving in all directions! So the early Christian artist tried to convey through painting the meaning that was previously clear to every believing Christian: "Holy Spirit" moves in space, and in movement he performs some kind of sacred action known only to him.

In the presented picture, we find in the form of sort of "bricks" a swastika of different directions of rotation in the projection - left-sided and right-sided.

If a simple flat sign of the swastika symbolizes some kind of rotation around its axis in one direction or another, then creating a similar three-dimensional image of the swastika, the ancient Orthodox artist tried to show some kind of "spiritual movement" in space, in which one can guessspiral movement!

This mosaic picture shows that in ancient times early Christians had a natural-science concept of"Holy Spirit" !

And there is evidence (practically proof!) that the ancients saw the physical meaning of the "Holy Spirit" - in its spiral movement!

In the language of ancient scientists - Latin - the word spiral (spiralis from spira) - means "coil, curl". And the word spiro translated from the same Latin into Russian - means "to blow, winnow, be alive."

I note that in the old days the people in Russia image "gamma cross" did not call "swastika", but called the word "breeze". Which completely coincides with the meaning of "to blow, winnow, be alive." This can be read historian Roman Bagdasarov.

Now attention! "Holy Spirit" in Latin - Spiritus Sanctus.

As you can see, the root is the same everywhere - "spir", and therefore the meaning is the same!

These are the miracles that open up for someone (for me they have been opened for a long time!) after past centuries from Christmas!!!

And now we are all being convinced, and many have already been convinced, literally forced to believe that the main symbol of Christianity is the cross on which, according to the Gospels, the Savior was crucified. And no one among the believers thinks (there is faith - is there no mind?) that it is blasphemy - to turn the object or instrument of killing a holy person into a symbol of faith. However, today, alas, after the war unleashed by Adolf Hitler, Christians of all denominations revere only the wooden cross-crucifix, well, the golden cross-crucifix that they hang around their necks, as a symbol of Christianity. And if you think about it, this cross is nothing more than a symbol of the torment and death of one of the great enlighteners.

It is phenomenal that many people today literally look at the swastika with fear, and at the same time, the crucifixion of Christ the Savior on display does not frighten or shock them at all!

Roman play called: "Look, Christians, what we have done to your God!"

Do you think Adolf Hitler did not know about the real sacred sense swastikas when he took it as a symbol of Nazism and World War II?!

Do you think he did not know that in early Christianity it was a symbol of God, who is a spirit?

Of course he did! He had a powerful organization "Ahnenerbe", which was specially created back in 1935 for "studying the traditions, history and heritage of the German race with the aim of occult and ideological support for the functioning of the state apparatus of the Third Reich".

And if he knew everything, then what?

Why did the early Christian symbol of God, a symbol of well-being, (a symbol of receiving a blessing!), Which in pre-revolutionary Russia was a holy symbol, why did he use it to make June 22, 1941, on the day of the summer solstice, perfidious attack on the USSR?

Pay attention to the word "treacherous", and to the fact that Hitler planned the attack on the USSR on a holy day for the sun-worshipping Slavs. It was, firstly, the summer solstice, and secondly, it was Sunday!

In 1941, in the reports of the Sovinformburo about Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR It was said more than once, and every Soviet person understood it in his own way. Most, of course, thought that this word referred to the political relationship and agreements between Stalin and Hitler. In part, this was true. But it was even more true in a religious sense: using the swastika as a symbol of war and Nazism, Adolf Hitler acted literally as the Anti-Christ. That was the biggest treachery on his part...

Treachery in the sense that he used the symbol christian god to kill millions of people...

Continuation of the topic in a separate article "DEVIL'S LAIR: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews!"

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