How does the moon affect health? The influence of the moon and lunar phases on the human body.

Since ancient times, the moon has attracted the attention of man, beckoning him with its mysterious light ... Poets and artists were inspired by her secret influence, once again creating their own unique masterpiece. Lovers sought peace in her soft embrace. Why does this mistress of the night so attract our admiring glances and our quiet exclamations of jubilation? Let's try to understand such an ambiguous and exciting question about the mystical impact of the night star.

Astrology, as the science of the influence on all living and non-living celestial bodies - planets and stars, has been known to initiates since time immemorial. It was successfully used by Persian magicians, Chaldean priests, Babylonian astrologers. All kings, kings and emperors followed her recommendations. Why is astrology so attractive, why does it excite the minds of ordinary people and enlightened nobility? The answer is simple. We all want to know what lies ahead for us, what fate is in store for us. And that is why we strive so hard to know our future.

One of the most important luminaries in astrology is the Moon. Why was it shining? Because it shines, albeit by reflected light. Why is the moon so important? First of all, let us recall what does progressive science say about the impact on nature and man? It's not a secret for anyone that the lunar influence causes the ebb and flow of the world's oceans on our Earth, but few people know that under the influence of the gravitational field of the earth's satellite, its surface fluctuates on the Earth.

When the moon moves around the earth, then after its rotation that part of the earth's crust moves, which is turned towards the night star. The earth's crust under the moon swells, as it were, and this huge boulder runs across the earth like a huge tsunami wave. And the waters of the oceans set in motion and the rearing giant hill of land, obeying the wave of the gravitational force, steadily follow the movement of the night companion.

All this movement takes place in the Earth's magnetic field and, thanks to such a physical phenomenon as electromagnetic induction, a wave of electric charge runs across the Earth's surface. All nature seems to come to life, is activated, being electrified by the generated electric field. Such is the physical impact of our closest natural satellite on the biosphere of our planet.

But what is the influence of the moon on man? It has long been noticed that during certain periods of the full cycle of its circulation around the Earth, the behavior of people changes greatly: for example, on the full moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line on opposite sides of the Earth, the number of disasters and crimes increases sharply. And during the period of the new moon, when these same luminaries are on the same line, but on the same side of the Earth, the number of suicides increases.

Such observations prove that the Moon somehow affects the human psyche. Since our body is almost 80% water, it is no wonder that under the influence of the moon this water comes into motion. Our internal waters during the periods of a full moon or a new moon also begin to experience ebb and flow, which will certainly lead to a change in their structure, composition and properties. As a result, we feel comfort or discomfort. Since everything in our body is interconnected, the state of all fluids in it will necessarily affect the state of our psyche: emotions, feelings and thoughts.

In the same way, the Moon has an effect on organic life in general: on animals - activating their behavior, on plants - activating their growth, and even on crystals - exciting an electrical charge in them. This influence is strongest at night and when the moon is full, since at such a time it is easiest for predators to hunt, and it is better for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Now let's look at the Moon from the position of astrology already familiar to us. Mainstream science says that The moon is a dead celestial body, which makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 27.32 days. However, from the standpoint of astrology, the Moon is a luminary that has a very specific nature - cold and wet, transmitting its soft, life-giving rays to the Earth. And under the influence of these rays, all life on Earth, including humans, receives a very definite influence.

Ancient astrologers argued that this influence is of a feminine nature, which means that it will affect women most strongly. So, from the point of view of ancient astrological knowledge, the Moon influences the human psyche, or rather, on that part of it that is connected with our subconscious. The subconscious is a part of our psyche that we do not control, which includes everything that we have forgotten or suppressed. This is both the memory of the past and the instincts that wake up in us from time to time in the form of an animal feeling of hunger or a strong sexual desire.

It is also the imagination of some unreal, non-existent situations under the influence of unreasonable fear, and quickly transient emotions that we cannot restrain: fear, passion, greed, anger, jealousy, tearfulness, joy. That is, these are the emotions that are mainly inherent in the child - natural, genuine, quickly replacing each other.

Besides The moon influences our physiology, which is reflected in our general well-being, and therefore affects our mood. All fluids of our body - blood, lymph, bile - are subject to its influence. The birth and death of a living being is also associated with the Moon. All the unconscious processes of our body, our psyche and everything that we absorb with mother's milk (habits, reflexes, instincts, stereotypes of behavior and thinking) - everything is subject to her, the mistress of the night.

The moon influences:

  • unconscious processes in the body and psyche (sleep, imagination, perception, sexual behavior, the ovulation cycle in women, hunger and the instinct of self-preservation);
  • subconscious (repressed emotions, desires and dreams, memory of the past);
  • emotions that flow freely and naturally (anger, passion, greed, joy, tearfulness, sadness, jealousy, daydreaming, and others);
  • general well-being, mood and everything that we call health and youth.

What is the lunar cycle and what are the cycles?

To track the influence of the night star on us, ancient astrologers watched its movement across the sky. The centuries-old experience of such observation allowed the sages to come to the conclusion that during their cycles The moon affects us in different ways. And they conveyed to future generations their message about how the night luminary affects all living things.

First of all, the cycle of changing lunar phases, or the so-called synodic month, lasting 29.53 days, is of great importance. This is the time from one new moon to the next. It is important to understand that in astrology all the planets, including the Moon, are subordinate to the Sun. Therefore, the entire cycle of changing lunar phases is a change in the relationship between the Moon and the Sun.

The synodic month is the period of time between two new moons, lasting 29.53 days. During this time, the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun changes from 0° (New Moon) to 180° (Full Moon) when it is waxing, and from 180° to 0° when it is waning.

In this case, the Moon successively passes through four main phases: I quarter, when the angular distance between it and the Sun is from 0 ° to 90 °, II quarter, when the angular distance is in the range from 90 ° to 180 °, III quarter, with an angular distance of 180° to 270°, and IV quarter, when the angle between the Sun and the Moon is from 270° to 360°.

During the new moon, the moon is almost invisible, which means that our emotions and instincts are controlled by the Sun - our consciousness. However, during this period, we feel unfree, depressed and oppressed, because the Moon gives us freedom to naturally express our instincts and emotions. That is why most suicides occur at this time. When the Moon begins to grow in its phase, all the processes associated with it awaken. Their strength increases, and we begin to feel more free and liberated. However, the control of our consciousness is weakening.

Thus, the waxing Moon increases the energy of our emotions and instincts, and at the moment of the full moon, this energy reaches its peak: our soul is as free as possible from the influence of the Sun - our spirit. It is during this period that most car accidents, murders and rapes occur, because repressed desires and negative emotions come out. Having reached a maximum in its phase, the Moon begins to decrease, and after this, the strength of our emotions and instincts also decreases. When the new moon comes, they are back in control.

Also of great importance cycle of the moon around the earth called the sidereal month. This time period is 27.32 days. During this cycle, the Moon successively passes through all the signs of the Zodiac - from Aries to Libra and from Libra to Aries.

A sidereal month is the period of time between two successive passages of the Moon through 0° Aries, lasting 27.32 days. During this time, the Moon makes a complete revolution around our planet, successively passing through all the signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in each sign of the Zodiac sets us one or another program of action in relation to our body (treatment, cleansing, exercise), since the Moon affects our health, or in relation to the outside world (for example, planting plants and caring for them) , since the Moon influences the natural processes occurring in nature and society.

The recommendations of astrologers for each of the periods of the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac have been known for a long time. For example, recommendations for planting plants of one kind or another, how to care for them, etc. are given in the lunar sowing calendar, which you can easily find in any gardening magazine or tear-off calendar.

For example , on the growing moon we need to plant those plants in which their aboveground part is important to us (spicy herbs, berries, shrubs, flowers, leafy vegetables, fruit trees, etc.), and on the waning moon it is necessary to plant plants in which we are interested in their underground part (beets, potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc.).

You probably know the recommendations for body care and treatment of the body, depending on the position of the Moon in the corresponding sign of the Zodiac. But it would be nice to be reminded of them. And before you follow these recommendations, remember one very important rule:

  • It is impossible to treat, let alone operate on that organ or that part of the body that corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located.
  • It is possible to treat and operate on an organ or part of the body corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac opposite to the sign in which the Moon is located.

Transit Moon and its influence on the organs and parts of the human body

Moon in sign Body parts, organs or systems that cannot be treated or operated on Body parts, organs or systems that can be treated or operated on
Aries Head, face, upper jaw, ears, eyes Endocrine system, pancreas, kidneys, urinary system, skin
Taurus Neck, mandible, throat, larynx, pharynx, thyroid, endocrine system (except prostate) Prostate gland, rectum, genitals
Gemini Lungs, trachea, bronchi, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers Hips, hip joints, liver, gallbladder, sciatic nerve, circulatory system
Cancer Chest, mammary glands, stomach Teeth, legs, knees, tendons, circulatory system, liver, gallbladder, spine, bones
lion Heart, back, chest, spine Legs, joints, eyes, nervous and vascular systems
Virgin Abdomen, small and large intestines, entire gastrointestinal tract (except rectum) Feet, sensory organs, liver, legs, skin
Libra Kidneys, endocrine system, pancreas, urinary system, skin Head, face, ears, eyes, upper jaw
scorpio Genital organs, prostate gland, rectum Neck, throat, upper respiratory tract, endocrine system (excluding prostate)
Sagittarius Hips, hip joints, sciatic nerve, liver, gallbladder, circulatory system Lungs, bronchi, trachea, arms, shoulders, hands and fingers
Capricorn Liver, gallbladder, knee joints, teeth, spine, bones, circulatory system Chest, mammary glands, stomach, diaphragm
Aquarius Legs, venous system, legs, joints, nervous system, sense organs, eyes Heart, chest, back, spine
Pisces Feet, sensory organs, skin, liver, legs Abdomen, entire gastrointestinal tract (excluding rectum), small and large intestines

How do the phases of the moon affect our lives?

What does it mean for a person to be born on a new moon? How does the night Luminary affect a person born on the full moon? To answer these questions, let us ask what astrology says about this. It turns out that the phase of the moon in which he was born most strongly affects a person.

For example, if someone was born in the first quarter, then the growing moon will have the greatest influence on him in this phase. If someone was born on a new moon or a full moon, respectively, at this time he will experience the greatest influence from the night Luminary. To find out which lunar phase you were born in, look at a tear-off or astronomical calendar for your date of birth, or ask your astrologer.

So if you were born in:

Is it necessary to live according to the lunar calendar?

Moon calendar allows us to be successful in all our endeavors. How should the recommendations of the lunar calendar be applied correctly? If the Moon is initially strong in your horoscope, then this means that you are more susceptible to its influence. Therefore, you can successfully follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar in your daily life. This calendar provides a description of the lunar days of the lunar month, as well as the lunar phases and positions of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

You are prone to lunar influence if:

Women, children and people with an unstable, receptive psyche, as well as mentally ill and unbalanced people are especially susceptible to the influence of the earthly satellite. Following the recommendations of the lunar calendar, be prudent and prudent, because dependence on lunar rhythms does not make us more free. Remember that the Moon is relaxation and naturalness, and the calendar allows us to achieve success without much effort, unless, of course, we ourselves become like the mistress of the night. Therefore, use the support of the night luminary in those matters in which you want to succeed and your life will become more fruitful!

The Earth and the Moon in the solar system are a double planet, representing a single system with common centers of mass and rotation. The motion of the Moon affects the Earth and causes a redistribution of gravitational forces, which leads to a change in physical factors, wave and radiation regimes. Purely visually, it is difficult for city dwellers to judge this influence, but navigators are well aware of it, because the tides are the gravitational effect of the Moon that is visible, essential for all shells of the Earth. Moreover, the Moon affects not only the water mass, but also the soil, the ground, which, of course, is less noticeable, but reliably established by scientists. Since the human body is more than 80% water, the moon acts on us daily and hourly. That is why we will talk today about our health, the influence of the phases of the moon on health, on living organisms, human sleep.

Lunar phases are the apparent time sequence of the Moon's orbital motion.

Lunar day 1-7 day. The initial phase is the new moon. The astrolongitudes of the Moon, Sun and Earth are equalized. The disk of the moon is almost invisible. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun add up, resulting in maximum tides. The moon is called during this period "young", "arriving", "growing".

8-15 days. The disk is half illuminated - the first quarter, the difference between the astrolongitudes of the Sun and the Moon is 90 degrees.

16-22 days. The beginning of the phase is the full moon (the disk is completely illuminated). The gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon counteract, the tides are minimal.

23-29, 30 days. The illumination of the disc is gradually reduced. The moon is called "waning", "aging", "flawed".

Different types of living organisms have clear reproductive rhythms that have a lunar-monthly or lunar-half-monthly periodicity. These rhythms facilitate the meeting of partners strictly in accordance with a certain tide time necessary for the subsequent development of larvae or eggs. The presence of a lunar-monthly rhythm in insects has been proven.

The experiment revealed a connection between the visual reception of freshwater fish and the gravitational influence of the Moon, i.e. Sensitivity to light in fish has a lunar-monthly rhythm. The endogenous lunar-diurnal rhythm is characteristic of marine animals and, when transported from the places of capture, their rhythm adjusts to the local time of the Moon.

Lunar-diurnal rhythms have also been found in terrestrial organisms that are not associated in their vital activity with sea and ocean tides. Zoologists have noted an increase in the frequency of mating primates during the full moon.

Gravitational stimulation in animals is transformed into primary nervous excitations. In plants, the effect of gravity leads to the activation of growth hormone, which also proves the close and comprehensive connection of all types of living organisms with the lunar rhythm.

The influence of the moon on man has also been recorded. So the human body, despite the created microclimatic conditions of life, has exceptional sensitivity and adaptive abilities to environmental factors and is subjected to the same gravitational influence as the whole Earth.

The gravitational forces of the Moon act on the water masses of the human body, on the permeability of cell membranes and water balance, which affects the organs and their functions. The action of lunar gravity is perceived by the pineal gland, which affects the body with hormonal active substances (serotonin and melatonin).

Organs of hematopoiesis, calcium metabolism, reactions of the muscular system are evolutionarily connected with gravity. There is a clear connection between the phases and the effects of the moon on living beings. For example, it can be traced in a blood test: the maximum content of leukocytes is before and during the new moon, the minimum is on the full moon.

The transport of energy substances and metabolites, cellular metabolism also depend on the gravitational tide-forming force. The functioning of the female reproductive system is associated with the influence of the moon. The peak of conception falls on the full moon, on the new moon there is a greater number of menstruation. Much more often, fertilization occurs on the waxing moon.

In the first phase, it is recommended to start a health cycle that strengthens the functions of the body. The brain, cervical vertebrae, throat, lungs and nervous system are activated. Latent pathologies are exacerbated due to increased blood circulation. In this phase, it is recommended to eat thermally unprocessed food, drink freshly squeezed juices, and feed on microelements of herbs.

In the second phase, the digestive organs, heart, thoracic spine, and gallbladder are activated. The body is easily cleansed, so it is desirable to treat the liver and gallbladder in this phase. It is necessary to limit the intake of drugs, tk. the possibility of side effects increases. Dry food, cereals and stewed vegetables are preferred, and fats should be limited.

In the third phase, the kidneys, lumbar region, sex glands, and bladder are activated. Compresses and warming up the lower back will bring the greatest effect at this time. The full moon is a traumatic period. Abundant blood loss is possible, frequent poisoning occurs. The body easily withstands maximum physical exertion.

Increased sexual sensitivity. In this phase, there is a complete assimilation of drugs, alcohol, which requires extreme caution when using. The nervous system is the most stressed. Possible insomnia, sleep disturbance, manifestations of somnambulism. The tests taken on the full moon will be the most reliable.

The fourth phase is characterized by a decline in vital energy. The skeletal system, gastrointestinal peristalsis are activated. The rush to the lower extremities leads to an exacerbation of varicose veins, rheumatism, and edema. The skin is included in the cleansing process, hence the rash, acne. The metabolic rate drops sharply. Shows moderate physical activity, walking. The phase is suitable for preventive vaccinations - the body easily copes with the vaccine. The effect of the moon on sleep has been noted. It is usually deep and calm in this phase.

The nature of the influence of the moon on human health depends largely on the phases of the lunar cycle, each phase of which lasts about a week. If lunar days determine our behavior to a greater extent, then the phases of the moon affect the state of our body, the degree of its vitality and activity.

You have probably noticed that on some days of the month you wake up alert and full of energy, and on others - lethargic and tired. If you take a closer look at this phenomenon, you will notice that the changes in our well-being occur cyclically. The different phases of the moon affect our emotional state, nervous system and energy level. The moon affects women especially strongly, since the female body is more subject to lunar cycles.

Consider how the phases of the moon affect our health and body.

During the period new moon a person is the most weakened and exhausted, the energy resource of the body is at a minimum. As the moon grows, energy will accumulate until the full moon. Men react to the new moon more strongly than women. At this time they are aggressive and nervous.

During the period of the new moon, any stress on the body is not desirable; it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor. It is necessary to try to minimize nervous tension and aggression, because it is during the new moon period that the greatest number of strokes and heart attacks is observed.

The new moon period is favorable for getting rid of bad habits, for cleansing procedures, and also for dieting.

Phases growing moon This is the best time for new beginnings. In relation to health, this can be a strengthening of the immune system, an increase in muscle mass, an acceleration of the metabolic process, an increase in the flexibility of the spine, etc. During the period of the growing moon, activities should begin to achieve these goals.

On the growing moon, a person has a lot of energy. Therefore, all physical exercises begun at this time will be easy and carried out with enthusiasm. Any loads these days are allowed higher than, at first glance, a person can withstand.

During the period of the growing moon, courses of preventive treatment are recommended: taking vitamins, nutrition enriched with essential elements, etc. Favorably carrying out procedures that nourish the skin, nails and hair. At this time, our body especially eagerly absorbs everything that enters it. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet: it should be complete and of high quality, but in no case should it be excessive.

AT full moon our feelings and emotions are heightened. During this period, the human psyche becomes very vulnerable. Women react more strongly to the full moon than men. The full moon is characterized by insomnia, excess energy and restlessness. On the full moon, you should not sort out conflicting emotional relationships or take on the strong-willed upbringing of children. These days, as a result of the increased emotionality of drivers, accidents on the roads are becoming more frequent. Under the influence of alcohol, people commit unpredictable acts with serious consequences.

On the full moon, painful sensations are maximally manifested, symptoms of diseases are pronounced, and surgical operations are dangerous with bleeding. Studies have shown that during this period, the blood is more liquid and worse clotting. Therefore, during the full moon, if possible, surgical intervention should be avoided.

Violent activity and the pace of physical exercise on the full moon should be reduced. During this period, strong physical exertion causes the opposite effect: instead of a surge of energy, fatigue is felt, mood deteriorates, pessimism appears, all efforts seem futile. To prevent this from happening, on the full moon, heavy loads should be abandoned. For example, instead of jogging in the morning, you can just take a walk during the day, and in the gym you can replace strength exercises with relaxation exercises.

On full moon days, it is recommended to drink more fluids, but not alcohol. The full moon enhances the effects of alcohol on the body. Juices must be freshly made. You should eat more vegetables and fruits. From meat these days, you can generally refuse. Well at this time, lactic acid products will act on the body.

The effect of the full moon on women

The moon hiding behind the clouds or shining brightly in the sky is a factor that has a huge impact on human emotions and well-being. Most of all, this luminary affects women - it is not in vain that it is the personification of the feminine.

During a full moon, the moon is at a 180-degree angle to the sun. Simply put, two planets are located on opposite sides of each other. That is why during this period women experience some kind of confrontation between soul and body. Doctors know best how the full moon affects women, because these days ladies often turn to them, complaining of malaise.

On the full moon, ladies have problems with:

  • stomach
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • vision.

If you are a creative lady, on the full moon you must the subconscious is activated. In addition, sexuality awakens during this period. People say that on a full moon, you can easily win the heart of a person you have feelings for.

In ancient times, healers and healers taught women how to use lunar energy to maintain beauty and health. They said that swimming in a river or lake on a full moon, when the water surface reflects the white apple of the luminary, allows you to recharge your batteries and restore spiritual harmony. The moon gives women strength, cleanses them. But if the luminary hides behind the clouds, night bathing must be completed, because otherwise it will give a negative effect.

How does the full moon affect men?

Most gentlemen are affected by the new moon. But a lot is also known about how the full moon affects men. On the full moon, their energy and feelings reach their maximum rise. Representatives of the strong half of humanity during this period can do what they previously lacked the strength to do. However, the increase in emotionality also has negative consequences. So, on the full moon, the number of accidents, including those involving men, is becoming more frequent. These days, the impact on the body of alcohol increases, which leads to the commission of unpredictable acts.

Full moon and children

All parents want to know how the full moon affects children. It should be noted that the moon begins to influence babies even before they are born. The embryo, being in the mother's belly, picks up cosmic impulses. Tots born in the full moon phase have positive energy, are persistent and rarely in a bad mood. They are moderately calm and active. While studying at school, such kids are fully engaged in the subjects they like and grasp new knowledge on the fly.

In phase waning moon it is necessary to analyze the achieved results and correct mistakes. At this time, you need to start a decisive struggle with chronic diseases and with what you do not like in your body. The waning moon period is the best time to finally get rid of everything that annoys you. If you need to restrict yourself in food to get rid of excess weight, start following a new regimen during the waning moon, after the full moon.

The disease during the waning moon loses its strength, and the body tries to get rid of it as a foreign one in itself. If you help him in this with your efforts in the form of normalizing the daily routine, walking in the fresh air, restoring the diet, correcting some bad habits, you can significantly improve your well-being and achieve excellent results. All physiological procedures aimed at removing inflammatory processes and removing toxins are more effective than ever at this time. During this period, you can visit the dentist and agree to the operation.

In the phase of the waning moon, metabolic processes slow down. Food that is poorly digested will accumulate in the body in the form of toxins. Therefore, in nutrition, the emphasis should be on cereals, vegetables and fruits, and meat should be consumed in small quantities. It is recommended to drink more fluids to facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body.

Life in accordance with the lunar cycle allows you to maintain stable health and the nervous system, and when treating diseases, taking into account the phases of the moon, you can achieve a more effective and accelerated recovery. - link

Mood and health on the Full Moon

Astrologers single out this day as unstable in terms of energy. Lunar energy, which affects all living things, also affects the human body. The accumulation of energy requires an outlet, and if you do not take active action, the possibility of feeling unwell increases. On March 12, pay attention to physical exercises, but beginners should not be zealous, otherwise pain symptoms will haunt them for a long time. This will worsen overall well-being and will not allow you to fully work and rest.

Meteorologists do not predict magnetic changes in the Earth's field. Solar energy is in a stage of relative rest, so it is easier for weather-sensitive people to survive this time period. However, the energy of the moon can cause insomnia. Collections of medicinal plants, as well as pillows using herbs, will help to avoid this. Meditation practices to restore balance and walks in the fresh air are also recommended.

Fighting mood swings on this day is necessary for fruitful work and personal relationships. Make it a rule to use positive attitudes in the morning so that nothing distracts you on the path to well-being. Also, a good mood will be the key to success in communicating with business partners, establishing new contacts and relationships with loved ones.

It is easier to deal with a bad mood than with a bad state of health. You can eat a chocolate bar, a banana, other bright vegetables and fruits (for example, tangerines, carrots, beets), nuts, seaweed, cheese and even fish - all these foods can cheer up a person, they contain serotonin, the so-called hormone of happiness, as well as control the level of insulin in the blood. You can go to the theater, cinema, go for a walk, play board games at home with your husband or children, watch your favorite movie, cook your favorite dish, buy yourself something - the mood will definitely appear.

Regarding well-being, it is important to find out what exactly changes in your body during the full moon. Measure the pressure - it may have become high or low, you can take a pill, and you will feel better. If your head hurts, you can also take a pill or do a head massage, lie down. If you want to sleep, then it is really better to go to sleep, even during the day, if possible.

Have you ever noticed that on some days of the month you get up in the morning cheerful, full of energy and ready to move mountains, and on others you feel lethargic and tired all day long, despite a good sleep? If at that time the thought crept into your mind that some kind of disease “wound up” in the body, silently and asymptomatically undermining your health, check the lunar calendar before visiting the doctor. Doctors can “detect” several dozen diseases, and the banal first day of Hekate can be the cause of poor health.

If you learn to heal the body in accordance with the phases of the lunar cycle, very soon many diseases will recede without expensive and harmful drugs, and health and quality of life will improve significantly. A healthy young person may not associate changes in the state of health with the position of the moon, because he almost does not notice any deviations in his state of health. When health problems begin with age, especially with the cardiovascular or nervous system, it is almost impossible not to notice the frequency of exacerbations.

Each phase of the lunar cycle affects the health and well-being of a person in a special way, either adding desire and energy for new achievements, or weakening the already exhausted defenses of the body. It should be remembered that the characteristics of the lunar day have a greater influence on human behavior, and the phases of the lunar cycle are responsible for the degree of our activity and vitality. Knowing how the phase of the moon tomorrow will affect the body, you can distribute the overall physical and psychological stress in advance, plan current affairs in such a way as not to harm yourself or, conversely, not to miss an opportune moment for active career achievements at the peak of vitality.

Before proceeding to consider the impact on the health of each of the four phases of the Moon, we note that the Moon acts more strongly on women than on men, due to the special “lunar” female nature. And the full moon has a particularly strong influence on women. Men react more strongly to the new moon, becoming aggressive, unbalanced and almost uncontrollable during this period. If your loved one suddenly began to make unfounded claims, to find fault with trifles, look out the window - maybe it wasn’t a rival who showed up at all, but the beautiful Luna hid for a few days.

Consider the nature of the influence of the various phases of the moon on our health.

New Moon - impact on health and well-being

The new moon is the combination of the sun and moon on the same line from a person. Due to the increased gravity of the Sun and Moon, fluids in the human body are directed from the head area, evenly distributed throughout the body. This caused an increase in the number of mental disorders, a person is maximally exhausted, the body's energy resources are depleted. The pressure decreases, the body weight of a person also decreases. The risk of food poisoning increases. Inexplicable phobias arise, a person becomes suggestible. At the same time, the activity of metabolic processes increases, therefore, on the days of the new moon, it is useful to cleanse the skin, take warm baths, and replenish microelements. The liquid is well absorbed through the skin, heading to the internal organs.

It is necessary to minimize manifestations of aggression, reduce nervous tension, engage in relaxing practices - on the new moon, the risk of strokes and heart attacks sharply increases. Men during this period, it is desirable to behave especially carefully. Heavy physical labor is categorically contraindicated on the new moon. It is better to replace active power loads in the gym with jogging or relaxation exercises.

What is good about the new moon period for health - these days, excellent results can be achieved by everyone who decides to starve or adhere to dietary requirements. Cleansing procedures will bring maximum health benefits. Getting rid of bad habits that destroy health is also very good on the new moon. With the right attitude, already in the next lunar month, you can live in a new way, with a new good habit instead of an old and harmful one.

Growing moon - strengthen the body

The first phase of the lunar cycle - the growing moon, is characterized by an improvement in health due to the appearance of fresh forces. During this period, it is useful to strengthen the immune system, increase muscle mass and flexibility of the spine. Physical exercises will bring maximum benefit, and their strength can be calculated with a good margin - the body will withstand increasing physical exertion, which will only benefit it. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - it should be of high quality, complete, balanced, but in no case excessive. The body absorbs what it "gets" into it, and stores the excess in fat cells.

The second phase of the moon begins at the moment when the lunar disk is exactly half visible. The vital forces of the body continue to grow, and the time is approaching for the active use of the inherent energy potential to achieve the planned results. In medical terms, this time is favorable for cleansing and healing procedures aimed at improving the liver, gallbladder and large intestine.

Full moon - take care of mental health

The full moon is a catalyst for conflict situations caused by the vulnerability of the human psyche. The body is filled with energy to the limit, and it must be used wisely. Emotions, feelings are aggravated, many are tormented by insomnia during the full moon. The number of accidents, traffic accidents, robberies with violence is increasing. On the full moon, it is necessary to consume an increased amount of liquid, excluding any alcohol - the full moon enhances the effect of alcohol on the body, greatly increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

In medical terms, on the full moon, the symptoms of diseases are manifested to the maximum, painful sensations increase. The blood becomes very thin and clots worse, the risk of heavy bleeding increases. Therefore, surgical interventions are highly undesirable. Surgery should be avoided by all means, because bleeding and significant blood loss cannot be avoided.

During the full moon, violent manifestations of physical activity should also be avoided. Logically, if abstinence from excessive physical exertion was recommended on the new moon, then on the full moon it would be necessary to bring the pace of physical exercise to the maximum. However, on the full moon, increased loads cause the opposite effect, and instead of a surge of strength, there is a feeling of fatigue, pessimism, a spoiled mood and the futility of the efforts made. The state of health on the full moon is largely influenced by the nature of nutrition. Refusal of meat, the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits, lactic acid products will reduce the burden on the digestive system.

Waning Moon - fighting chronic ailments

The third phase of the moon is associated with the weakening of painful symptoms. The body tries to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible from something foreign. By taking the right steps to improve your health, you can say goodbye to many chronic ailments. During this period, such simple actions as the normalization of sleep and rest, the formation of a proper diet, walks and exercise in the fresh air, and the rejection of bad habits can achieve amazing results in the fight against chronic disease. In the third phase, immediately after the full moon, you can start restricting food to easily get rid of excess weight and health problems associated with extra pounds.

The third phase is favorable for solving dental problems and carrying out planned operations. Physiological procedures are especially effective, the purpose of which is to eliminate inflammatory processes and detoxify the body.

The fourth phase of the lunar cycle is the defective Moon. Energy is noticeably reduced, fatigue accumulates. The body requires more time to rest, the body becomes lethargic, inactive. Immunity and biorhythms are reduced. Metabolic processes slow down. Overeating during this period threatens not only with an increase in body weight and volume, but also with the accumulation of toxins and toxins. The nature of the diet should be changed, focusing on cereals, vegetables and fruits, eating meat in a minimal amount. To remove toxins from the body, you should drink more fluids.

The most energetically and emotionally difficult days of Hecate are ahead, which will be replaced by the new moon, and the new lunar cycle will begin to affect your health. To ignore this proven fact or to deny the influence of the moon is to deprive yourself of the opportunity to maintain excellent health at almost no cost and without additional effort. Treatment of any disease, taking into account the phase of the moon, allows you to achieve an accelerated recovery and maintain stable health in the future for many years.

The influence of cosmic bodies and the Moon, including on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person, definitely exists. Knowledge of lunar processes will help you learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. So let's find out the effect of the phase of the moon on the human body is significant or not?

Scientific justification

It has been scientifically proven that the influence of the moon is different for men and women. So, for example, men are more affected by the new moon, and women are more affected by the full moon. In men, the nervous system depends on the cycle of this night luminary, it is noted that it is during the full moon and new moon that heart attacks are most common. And in women during this period there is an increased risk of strokes. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use strengthening herbal infusions or medicines a few days before the onset of the moon phase.
The woman's biorhythm is usually closely tied to the lunar cycle, so the menstrual cycle begins in the phase of the moon when the woman was born. And the average duration of pregnancy is 10 lunar months of 28 days.

Dependence on the phase of the moon

Even outbreaks of epidemics depend on the phases of the moon, it has been noticed that during the new moons the number of infected people increases sharply. This is due to the increased activity of viruses and other harmful microorganisms. And on the full moon, the physical and mental illnesses of a person are most aggravated. Lunar days are especially difficult for people suffering from heart disease and hypertension.

Even in ancient times, it was found that during the days of the full phase of the moon, the metabolic rate decreases, and biochemical processes in the blood are also accelerated. Therefore, operations these days are not recommended, as the risk of bleeding increases. But the cleansing of the body will be most effective on the full moon.

If you follow simple recommendations depending on the phase of the moon, you can avoid negative consequences:
Phase 1 new moon - do not overstrain the nervous system, eyes, sense of smell, it is not recommended to prescribe operations (increased risk of bleeding);
Phase 2 growing moon - do not overstrain the muscular system, do not overeat;
Phase 3 full moon - the best start for a diet, energy treatment;
The 4th phase of the waning moon is productive in the treatment of cancer, diseases of the immune system.

Zodiac signs and phases of the moon

In addition to the phases of the moon, it also affects what zodiac it is in. So the moon in Aries affects the head, in Taurus - on the neck and throat, in Gemini affects the arms and lungs, the moon in Cancer affects the digestive system, the zodiac of Leo is associated with heart disease, the influence of Virgo is located on the hip part of the body, Libra - on the spine and kidneys. The moon in Scorpio affects the human genitourinary system, in Sagittarius - on the liver and gallbladder, the moon in Capricorn most affects the bones of the legs, in Aquarius - on metabolism, lymph nodes. And finally, the moon in Pisces affects the lower part of the legs the most.

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