What is known about the death of Oleg Yakovlev. Oleg Yakovlev died Ivanushki International causes of death, biography: personal life, biography, cause of death, illness of Oleg Yakovlev

How am I now without you?

Alexandra Kutsevol, who previously reported that Oleg was in the hospital in intensive care and connected to a ventilator, today, June 29, reported the sad news. Yakovlev died in the hospital. She did this through a post on Instagram:

“Today at 7:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you." (Spelling and paragraphs of the author have been preserved, editor's note).

Later, Super contacted Sasha, and she said what was the cause of Yakovlev’s death. Moreover, the woman noted that no one imagined that everything would happen so quickly and no one raised a panic:

“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses.”

The 47-year-old singer passed away as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

The news that the ex-lead singer of the group died in one of the capital’s clinics “ Ivanushki International» Oleg Yakovlev, flew around social media. Friends and colleagues of the deceased mourn and offer their condolences to the artist’s family. According to employees of the medical institution, the cause of Yakovlev’s death was bilateral pneumonia, which arose due to cirrhosis of the liver. When the artist was taken to the hospital, doctors urgently connected him to a ventilator. However, it was not possible to save Yakovlev’s life.

Oleg’s colleagues from “Ivanushki” had no idea about the artist’s poor health. Only the musician’s common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, knew that Oleg had health problems. The lover of the ex-soloist of “Ivanushka” suggested that he undergo treatment in the hospital, but Yakovlev preferred to self-medicate.

The stars staged a real flash mob in memory of Oleg Yakovlev, publishing photographs of the artist and touching posts on their Instagram microblogs. “Ivanushka” is mourned not only by his colleagues in the musical group, but also by those with whom the artist was barely acquainted.

Natalya Gulkina:“I can’t find words... all words lose their meaning when terrible news comes about a person you knew well, were friends with, sat at the same table, appeared on the same stage... Olezhka recently shared new song and a clip... and today there is such terrible news... he died... how can this be... why... life is so unfair... why are young people leaving... medicine is not high level... but they couldn’t do anything ... I’m grieving with everyone else ... how I want to believe in the rainbow along which another one has passed away talented musician whose life was cut short in an instant... the kingdom of heaven is yours, dear friend.”

Rodion Gazmanov: “The very unexpected departure of a beautiful, bright and unusual talented person. Bright memory».

Anna Semenovich: “Olezhek, you were the hero of my many programs. You came to visit Misha Plotnikova and me at<Барышню и кулинар>, you even played the role of my husband in the program<Жена на прокат>. You always smiled and believed in the best, it is very difficult to lose such friends. We will not forget you, you are always in our hearts. Fly high into the sky and find happy peace."

Anna Semenovich and Oleg Yakovlev

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov:“Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha... Our “little” Olezhka... Fly, Snegiryok, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever...”

Ekaterina Gordon: “You know... in the film, The Invention of Lies... everyone in heaven is given a mansion... I see Oleg at sea and very happy... he ALWAYS smiled when we met and said words that made me feel like someone significant... this is a rare skill . I know it’s just the beginning... we’ll miss you.”

Mitya Fomin: “How early! What a pity that I didn’t have time to do much. My condolences to the fans, parents, Sasha, the Ivanushki International group and everyone to whom Oleg was dear and not indifferent. Take care of your loved ones, take care of the artists, take care of yourself. #Repost from @sashakutsevol Today at 7:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg!”

Yulia Proskuryakova: "Like this? At 48 years old? I do not believe".

Yulia Kovalchuk:“Olezhka is the sunshine with sad eyes... very talented and not recognized by everyone. So many tours, stories and joy are associated with thoughts of you... This is Trouble... strength to your loved ones, rest in peace...”

Natalya Friske:“Lord, I just found out. How so? What is all this for? Rest in peace our ray of sunshine."

Kirill Turichenko: “Today a good person passed away... I offer my condolences to his family and friends.”

Katya Lel:“Blessed memory to you, dear Olezhka... Lord, I can’t believe it.”

Olga Orlova:“Olezhka... Goodbye...”

Oleg Yakovlev and Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

Former member of the pop group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. The musician’s lover and producer Alexandra Kutsevol told our portal about this on Thursday, June 29.

“The man just didn’t come to his senses,” Kutsevol said.

Sudden demise popular singer Oleg Yakovlev continues to remain central theme V Russian show business. A huge army of fans of the group Ivanushki International, part of which long time Yakovlev was trying to understand what really happened to him.

The reason for numerous conversations about the causes of Oleg Yakovlev’s death was the fact that immediately after the death of the performer there was no accurate information about what ex-soloist Ivanushek died from. Soon conflicting data appeared, which only aggravated the situation and confused Yakovlev’s fans.

Oleg Yakovlev died: what really happened to him

Only a few hours after the death of the 47-year-old musician, his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol admitted that the cause was double pneumonia. The disease had been developing in the artist’s body for a long time, but each time Yakovlev preferred to be treated at home. It is possible that if he had promptly sought help from doctors, the fatal consequences could have been avoided.

The cause of death was double pneumonia, so he was connected to the machine all this time. During this time he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home himself. We didn't call an ambulance before, you know, coughing and coughing. “Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said Oleg’s beloved, who is in a depressed state.

The number of unofficial versions about the death of Oleg Yakovlev, but true fans of the singer try to turn a blind eye to rumors.

Biography of Oleg Yakovlev

Former vocalist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Choibalsan (Mongolia), when his parents were on a business trip in this country. (The passport shows the city of birth - Ulaanbaatar). After he graduated from first grade, the family returned to Russia. He studied at a regular school and at a music school, where he studied piano. He sang in the choir at the Palace of Pioneers.

Graduated from Irkutsk drama school with honors, majoring in puppet theater actor, then State Institute theatrical arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky (GITIS, now the Russian Institute of Theater Arts) with a degree in actor drama theater and cinema", where he studied in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina.

After graduating from the institute, he became an actor in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Participated in the plays "Cossacks", "Twelfth Night", "Lev Gurych Sinichkin".

In 1997, he starred in the video clip for the song “Doll” together with members of the group “Ivanushki International”. Since March 1998, he became a full-fledged soloist of the group.

The first song for Yakovlev was one of the group's most popular compositions " Poplar fluff". In 1999, the group's album "I'll scream about this all night" was released, in the recording of which Oleg Yakovlev took part as a full-fledged soloist. The group's next album was the disc "Wait for Me" (2000), followed by "Oleg, Andrey , Kirill", released in 2002. It included such hits of the group as "Golden Clouds", "Beznadega.ru", "A Drop of Light". The group's next album, "10 Years in the Universe", was released in 2005.

In the second half of the 2000s, due to a sharp decline in popularity, the group went into the shadows for some time. For several years the group did not record new albums, focusing only on concert activities and appearances on various television shows.

Oleg Yakovlev starred in episodes in three films: “One Hundred Days Before the Order” (1990), “1st Ambulance” (2006) and “Election Day” (2007).

In 2012, the singer began solo career. After the success of the song "Dance eyes closed"temporarily retired from working in the group to prepare a solo program. In 2013, he officially left the group, focusing on a solo career. He released the videos "Dance with your eyes closed" (2013), "Call me after three champagnes" (2013), "The sea is blue " (2014).

Oleg Yakovlev was a candidate for master of sports and was involved in athletics.

On June 28, 2017, the singer was hospitalized in serious condition with double pneumonia.

On June 29, his girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol reported that he had died.

Mysticism in the death of Oleg Yakovlev

Yakovlev’s predecessor, Igor Sorin, also decided to leave the group and perform solo in 1998, after which he fell from the sixth floor and died.

An enchanted group - this one goes into free swimming, the other one can’t cope, write Internet users. Many of them refuse to believe in the randomness of the tragic events.


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The artist left at the age of 47. Official reason death - pulmonary edema resulting from heart failure [photo, video]

5 best songs“Ivanushki” by Oleg Yakovlev. Former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in Moscow at the age of 48. Let's remember the musician's main hits

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Now, it’s probably difficult to imagine the excitement around the Ivanushki International group. In the late 90s, they were the real gods of our stage, and, in the absence of Instagram and paparazzi at that time, they were practically inaccessible, which made the forbidden fruit even sweeter. The first shock came to fans when Igor Sorin left the group in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by the new “little Ivanushka” - Oleg Yakovlev. Soon after his departure, Igor Sorin died tragically - he fell from the balcony of the 6th floor. For many years, his fans blamed everyone for the death of their idol and created a real cult of his personality.

Meanwhile, Oleg Yakovlev was slowly settling into the group. His position was not easy - he had just joined the group when his predecessor died under strange circumstances. And, of course, the public was not kind to the “replacement.” Many then agreed - he was cute, not at all similar to Sorin in appearance (except perhaps in height) - white, deliberately carelessly highlighted hair, wide Buryat cheekbones inherited from his mother. But Oleg kept his head down and simply did his job.

A talented guy, he came to Moscow from Irkutsk. He studied at GITIS with Lyudmila Kasatkina. Then Armen Dzhigarkhanyan took him to his theater. Armen Borisovich later admitted that he would take Oleg back with great pleasure: the guy is talented. And Yakovlev considered the artistic director his second father. Were in his life and not simpler times- to survive in the capital, he worked as a janitor. And so, it seemed, fate gave him such happy ticket- participation in one of the most popular domestic groups.

Sorin's shadow always hovered somewhere nearby - at first Oleg was even forced to copy him. For a long time, fans did not want to perceive him as a full-fledged member of the group, although he was a member of the group for more than 15 years and in fact saved it after Igor’s death. Besides, he was still professional actor, and not a singer, which is why the other two soloists of the group, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and Kirill Andreev, had a hard time with him.

But in 2012, Oleg stopped being “Ivanushka”. He left the group and in the interview he did not hide his joy - finally he is alone, he does not divide life (and, apparently, fame) into three parts. And Sorin's shadow no longer hovers over him.

Oleg’s eyes were burning then - a cool author-poet was found, plus Igor Matvienko, the creator of “Ivanushki”, approved of him solo work. Yakovlev shot a video for the song “Dance with Your Eyes Closed” and recorded several more songs. But my career stalled. At that time, Sasha Kutsevol appeared next to the guy, who tried her best to promote the former “Ivanushka”. At first she was his press agent, and then she became his common-law wife. And she helped her artist a lot. But, unfortunately, a period began on our stage when young talents began to multiply like mushrooms, the competition was off the charts, and there was not enough money due to the crisis. Plus, Oleg behaved decently and quietly, so he did not give the press much reason to publish. But he never had any serious hits. They said that Oleg began to abuse alcohol - these rumors could well be true, given all the difficulties that arose along his way. He left the group when he was 43 years old - at this age, of course, it is good to have some kind of stability in life, which he did not have.

Even when he left the group, Kirill Andreev in one of his interviews explained Yakovlev’s decision by alcohol abuse. Apparently, thanks to his modest character, we never saw Oleg in a state of intoxication - he was not one of those who act weird at a party, having too much. But he himself admitted that he likes to drink wine, and tequila with friends. Now they write that he had cirrhosis of the liver. The official cause of death was pulmonary edema due to heart failure. Our expert says that Yakovlev had a serious chronic illness. What diseases do people from the pop scene usually have?...

It’s hard, of course, not to think about the terrible, mystical coincidence - two people leave “Ivanushki”, and then leave life. But it’s unlikely that anyone will delve for a long time into the history of the rise and death of Oleg Yakovlev, as they once did with Sorin - times are completely different now.

The main thing you lose with age is the opportunity to die young,” Oleg Yakovlev said in a radio interview about a year ago.

But 47 years is still very early. We will miss him.


Stanislav Sadalsky: “Ivanushki” needs to be sung as a duet - third place in the group is damned

Prepared by Yulia KHOZHATELEVA

The famous actor believes that tragic death Oleg Yakovlev is not accidental.

This is some kind of fatal place in “Ivanushki,” he believes famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky. - The very death of Oleg Yakovlev at only 47 years old leads to these thoughts. Remember, first Igor Sorin died, Yakovlev was taken in his place - now he is gone too. And it doesn’t matter what he died from, what the diagnosis was, what matters is that the person’s life is over. The death of one singer from “Ivanushki International” may be a tragic accident, the death of two singers is already a pattern. If I were Kirill Turichenko (he was taken into the group after Oleg Yakovlev left it - ed.), I would think hard. But in general, “Ivanushki International” needs to become a duet - just in case, in order to stop this pattern.


Soloist of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev about the death of Oleg Yakovlev: A close friend has passed away

Oleg Yakovlev passed away on the morning of Thursday, June 29. He died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness from a severe form of pneumonia.

Soloist music group“Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev said that his former colleague was a kind and open person

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov about Oleg Yakovlev: “This is an absurd death”

The lead singer of “Ivanushki International” said that he still can’t get over the shock

Relatives of ex-“Ivanushka” spoke about the cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death: he was in the hospital for 10 days, but only the girl and Igor Matvienko knew about it [video]

Photo: Mila STRIZH

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On Thursday, April 29, in one of the Moscow hospitals, Oleg Yakovlev died without regaining consciousness. former soloist group "Ivanushki". He was 47 years old. His heart stopped at 7 o'clock in the morning. According to the singer’s common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol, he died of double pneumonia with severe complications.

We contacted Oleg's friends to try to understand how this could happen?

This is a big shock and great grief for us! Before his death, he did not come to his senses, he was in a coma, says Oleg’s friend Anna Kalashnikova, singer, model. - As far as I know, he was in intensive care for 10 days, in fact, this all lasted from June 18. He hasn't come to his senses for the last few days. His lungs failed, his liver failed. We found out yesterday that he was unwell. Alexandra didn’t tell anyone, including what hospital he was in. Only Igor Matvienko came to see him. He was the most authoritative person for him, so only he was told. We were all in the dark about where he was, what and how. And we so hoped that Igor Igorevich great opportunities, connections, they thought that he would help resolve the issue, find some doctors, clinics. Losing a person in one day.

Oleg Yakovlev and Anna Kalashnikova Photo: Personal archive

Yesterday we still hoped that he would pull through. It's such a big loss that it's hard to say anything...

- It’s hard to imagine what condition his girlfriend is in...

Yesterday Alexandra was on the edge, saying that all she could do was pray. Oleg was the meaning of life for her, she was his fan, she walked around him for 10 years... And he finally noticed her, they have been together for the last 5 years. She helped him develop his solo career, was fully involved with him as a PR specialist... He was so lively and bright, he loved life so much! He had so many plans, he was so charged with positivity! And at the age of 47 he died... There were no prerequisites for this tragedy. What happened had nothing to do with the cold.

Another person close to Oleg Yakovlev was Yegor Ivashchenko, presenter of Muz-TV.

Everything was clear yesterday, because the situation was difficult. A ventilator is a serious matter, says Yegor. - Oleg left behind great amount songs, videos. I never heard him scream, get nervous, or behave inappropriately. He could be proud that he big star, great artist. And, as practice shows, the higher the artist, the less star fever he has, the less complaints he has towards others. So it was probably destined to be so. I feel very sorry for Sasha, who spent many years with him. I even invited her to live with us or offer her some kind of job. She can’t be alone now, because she was next to him 24 hours a day...

- No one can understand about the diagnosis? How could this happen in the summer? A man burned to death in two days?

No, he's been in the hospital for the last 10 days. And he felt bad yesterday morning. He was on a ventilator. You need to talk to Sasha about the diagnosis. I have my own thoughts on this matter, but I don’t want to talk about them, I’m not a doctor. But in any case, there was some serious reason, which Sasha, when she finds the strength in herself, will tell.

Although we met at events and congratulated each other on holidays, Oleg was a rather secretive person. But they had a position not to tolerate quarrels in public. Perhaps there was some reason that developed in Lately... Maybe it started something, something malfunctioned somewhere. But I’m not a doctor, I have my own thoughts, but I don’t have the right to voice them.

- Alexandra said that at first there was just a cough, then self-medication...

These are people of the old school. It’s like Lyubov Polishchuk, who had back problems, but she worked until the end.

Evgenia Kirichenko, a journalist and PR manager, knew Oleg Yakovlev well.

These are not drugs, don’t think about it, says Evgenia. - He had difficulties, health problems, like probably any 47-year-old man. Still not a boy. He had a very difficult tour schedule with flights, with moving. Before he was admitted to the hospital 10 days ago, he had a large number of performances: in Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

- How could this happen?

What happened was an absurd tragic accident. Oleg always did not care about his health. They were always extremely busy, “Ivanushki” performed five concerts a day. And they learned not to pay attention to any health problems always. They have a concert in Tver, with a temperature of under 40 they go to Moscow or Rio de Janeiro. They didn't pay attention to the fact that they were in pain. What I'm talking about? They gave concerts during the death of their close relatives. Oleg, with a temperature of 40, rode in frosty temperatures of 30 degrees. In this regard, he was an absolutely crazy person.

- Does he have any relatives left?

He had few close relatives. He didn't know his father, they had never met. His mother died in quite early age. Oleg also buried his sister five years ago. He had a very hard time. When she was diagnosed with the disease, she had stage 4 cancer.

Oleg was so private that when his sister got sick, he didn’t tell anyone much. We had two conversations about her illness: at the beginning and at the end. Imagine, his sister is dying of cancer, and he comes on air and talks about where he will go on vacation, while the person is torn from pain.

He was very responsible, never abandoned his family, and paid for his sister’s treatment. He was very good man! But he didn’t like to admit that he felt bad. The only time he allowed himself to give in was when he cried at the 15th anniversary of “Ivanushki” - he loved the group and the audience so much. And then I was very worried that I showed some feelings, emotions. Maybe Sasha didn’t talk about his hospitalization because he didn’t want it?

- They say that he had cirrhosis of the liver, is this true?

I can’t say anything about cirrhosis. But what is certain is that he worked his ass off. Naturally, like any artist, he was familiar with alcohol. He didn’t care about his health, he hushed up all these stories because that’s his character.

- Stas Sadalsky believes that this is evil rock. Was he not afraid when he came to replace Igor Sorin?

No! He loved this job! What are you doing? He adored Ivanushki! He was proud to sing in Ivanushki. I was proud to sing as the fourth soloist at the 20th anniversary concert. He was not afraid of any fate. He was superstitious, but not about Ivanushki. All over his apartment there were frames with photographs of “Ivanushki”: how they received the “Golden Gramophone”, how they went to China, took pictures with some star. He had a ton of photos!

His career was not easy. Before he joined the group, he had a period when he worked as a janitor in Moscow?

He had a very complicated family, an extremely poor childhood. His mother raised him alone. He had three sisters, he is the most youngest child in family. He is with early childhood I was forced to work and help my mother. He has a specialized education, which he received after 8th grade, he is a puppet theater actor. And even then he began to earn extra money. As a child, he felted felt boots, if my memory serves me correctly. Then he moves to Moscow, finishes his studies at GITIS, then starts working in the theater, his ambitions don’t work out and he goes nowhere. He took it and freaked out and went to work as a janitor. When he worked as a janitor, he was lucky - he was hired to work at Ivanushki. Then he quarreled with the Ivanushkis, freaked out, and left. I was very worried about this. He loved “Ivanushki” very much, it’s true.

- Although she and Sasha were not registered, did they think about children?

Yes, they were not registered. I think that he did not want children due to various circumstances. He loved his job more than anything in the world. He was most afraid that everything wonderful associated with “Ivanushki” would end. He joined the group at the age of 29, quite late. At the age of 40, he was visited by thoughts that nothing better would happen. He was prone to perfectionism, he needed a stadium. If half is already bad, he’s already worried. “Ivanushki” began to feel bad when they had 10 concerts a month. For some it is a success, but for them it is bad.


A message about farewell to the singer appeared on Oleg’s Instagram: “Today at 7:05 am Oleg’s heart stopped... We all prayed for his recovery. Now - for the repose of his soul... Farewell to his friend and artist will take place on July 1 at 12 :00 in the Troyekurovsky house Necropolis."


Possible reason death of Oleg Yakovlev: where did the ex-soloist of “Ivanushka International” have heart failure?

Now, it’s probably difficult to imagine the excitement around the Ivanushki International group. In the late 90s, they were the real gods of our stage, and, in the absence of Instagram and paparazzi at that time, they were practically inaccessible, which made the forbidden fruit even sweeter. The first shock came to fans when Igor Sorin left the group in 1998 - he was quickly replaced by the new “little Ivanushka” - Oleg Yakovlev


Soloist of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev about the death of Oleg Yakovlev: A close friend has passed away

Oleg Yakovlev passed away on the morning of Thursday, June 29. He died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness from a severe form of pneumonia.

The lead singer of the musical group “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev said that his former colleague was a kind and open person

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov about Oleg Yakovlev: “This is an absurd death”

The lead singer of “Ivanushki International” said that he still can’t get over the shock

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