"Vyatka State University. The chairman of the regional club of IT directors “Ground cover unpretentious plants” has been appointed head of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems of Vyatka State University.

For several months, students in grades 5-11 participated in an intellectual marathon to test their knowledge of the Russian language. Who can now rightfully call himself “Vyatka literate”?

Despite the fact that the tasks were difficult, the guys showed a high level of preparation, easily coping with most of the questions posed to them. For a student at an Orthodox gymnasium, Sonya Godina, Russian is her favorite subject. And it is with him that she wants to connect her life - she dreams of enrolling in the Faculty of Philology. The competition itself interested her and pleased her with its unusual tasks.

“There were interesting tasks, for example, related to the fact that you had to name a poet based on lines from a poem, there were tasks where you had to correct an error in a sentence - it was interesting and a little difficult.”

About 1,300 young contestants from almost 30 Kirov schools, gymnasiums and lyceums answered questions on vocabulary, phraseology, syntax and other language areas. The tasks were developed by Andrey Zlobin, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at Vyatka State University, taking into account the school curriculum.


“They were very different - these were tasks of a traditional nature: placing accents, inserting the necessary missing letter, placing punctuation marks - this is on the one hand; on the other hand, there were tasks of a creative nature, when it was necessary to show oneself on the creative side; and the third type of tasks are tasks that were outside the scope of the school textbook.”

Now the task of these guys is not to stop there, to go further, mastering the heights of their native language.

We live in amazing times. Nowadays it is not necessary to travel to other cities and countries to listen to the speeches of famous experts. There are several methods available. The first is to take advantage of the Internet. The second is to personally attend a lecture by a lecturer on a topic that interests you. Fortunately, you will have plenty to choose from.

We present a selection of interesting lectures that will be held in the near future.

Age limit for the event - 12+

1. Russian language lesson

  • Where: VyatGU, Lenina, 111, room 334
  • When: January 25 at 18.30

Topic of the lesson: “Punctuation and syntactic norms in a complex sentence (norms for constructing a complex sentence and punctuation marks in complex, complex and non-union complex sentences; punctuation in sentences with direct speech).”

The lesson will be conducted by Andrey Aleksandrovich Zlobin, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Speech Culture and Teaching Methods.

Participation: Registration is required.
All classes within the project are free.
To attend the lesson, you need to register here: https://vk.com/topic-88981164_34845919 or by phone: 8-982-389-24-13.
Project organizers: Vyatka State University and the newspaper “My Pro City”.

2. Prevention of atherosclerosis

  • Where: Library No. 18 named after. A.M. Gorky
  • When: January 26 at 12:00

In the library. Gorky will give a lecture on “Prevention of Atherosclerosis”. At the meeting, a group of students of the “School of a Healthy Heart” will be formed for 2017. Tatyana Kopteva, a doctor at the Center for Medical Prevention of the Kogbuz Medical Information and Analytical Center, will give a lecture to the audience.

3. “The end of the book era? (Prospects and alternatives to paper books).”

  • Where: conference room of the library named after. A.I. Herzen.
  • When: January 26 at 18:00

Vyatka Intellectual Club and Library named after. A.I. Herzen will organize a discussion: “The end of the book era? (Prospects and alternatives to paper books).” Alternative points of view are:

Vladimir Sizov - Rector of the All-Russian Economic Institute, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Vyatka Intellectual Club Evgeny Drogov - Director of the O-Kratkoe publishing house, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Kirov Region.

The discussion is moderated by: Director of the Institute for Designing Innovative Models of Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Konstantin Kolesnikov.

Tel. for inquiries: 76-17-22 (Svetlana Nikolaevna).
Free admission.

4. "The Origin of Man and His Races"

  • Where: literary lounge of the library named after. A.I. Herzen.
  • When: January 27 at 18:00

The historical club “Knowledge” invites Kirov residents to an interesting lecture: “The Origin of Man and His Races” Presenter - I. V. Chemodanov, Ph.D. Sciences, teacher at Vyatka State University.

5. “Phenomena caused by the alignment of bodies in one line: eclipses, occultations, transits (passages). Solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 in the USA and conditions for observing it.”

  • Where: Apartment building “Bachelor”
  • When: January 27 at 19:00

There will be a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017! It will be observed in the United States. After 2017, 2018 will be without total solar eclipses, the bands of total solar eclipses of 2019 and 2020 will cross Chile and Argentina, the total eclipse of 2021 will be visible only in Antarctica. Come to the event and you will learn a lot of interesting things about this solar eclipse.

6. “Unpretentious ground cover plants”

  • Where: large reading room of the library named after. A.I. Herzen.
  • When: January 31 at 14:00

The Florist club invites city residents to the lecture “Unpretentious Ground Cover Plants.” Svetlana Vladimirovna Kekina, a specialist in natural farming, will tell you about the characteristics of these plants.

7. “The future in 50 years”

  • Where: ODNT
  • When: February 3 at 17:00

This will be the name of the intellectual evening with Anatoly Wasserman, which will take place on February 3 in Kirov. A well-known thinker and analyst, journalist, publicist, multiple winner of intellectual television shows, the author will talk about the path of development our planet is moving on, and what it will look like half a century later.


We continue our investigation into the extraordinary life of the great time traveler, biker-smuggler Valentin Pugach.
Start here:

When the scarecrow first arrived at the university, he immediately made several excellent populist statements. One of them is that he will increase faculty salaries through internal reserves and a more equitable distribution of funds.

It turns out that “vandal Pimenov” ruined everything and assigned huge salaries to himself and his personal circle, and such a scarecrow on a white horse, Robin Hood, rode up and returned everything to the people.

However, already at the discussion stage, a bunch of questions arose from teachers who did not hesitate to criticize the Pugach’s position in the unfair increase in salaries for “certain categories of employees.”

The scarecrow's answer was brilliant: he assigned the SUCH SALARY to SEVERAL OF HIS CLOSE REMINDERS, which became clear: the university was captured by the even more terrible Karabas Barabas...

Pimenov’s men, by the way, at least had results in the form of state bonuses... But these...

So, let's look at one illustrative example...

Every biker should have a motorcycle, an old wrap-around jacket and his own fighting girlfriend :)))

Otherwise, what the hell kind of biker is he?

How such scarecrows became bikers - LOOK CAREFULLY at the famous film CHASING THE SHADOW.
And what is the scarecrow still missing - Especially from the 6th minute :)))

Valya has two motsikas, whoever sniffed the jacket will tell you, but her friend...

There are quite a lot of them...

Let's start with the first one :)

Meet the brilliant and smartest entrepreneur-vice-rector Svetlana Abdullina...

This incomparable talent, for some well-known erotic...economic merits, became vice-rector for general affairs!

Gossipers still laugh at “that same sofa” :)))


Well, really, FOR WHAT MERIT IS A former employee of the Federal Treasury Department for the Kirov Region (until 2007), suddenly receives a salary, according to our data, on average up to 333,000 rubles per month???

Maybe because she suffered as an individual entrepreneur when she tried to do business from 2011 to 2014, but never earned a penny?
She had such a cozy beauty salon - “Chalet” :)))

And at whose expense then is this charity from the rector of the scarecrow???

Is it not at the expense of the teaching staff of the university???

The most interesting thing is that the scarecrow himself, for example, judging by his published declaration, officially earned less than his genius...forgive the mistake, a brilliant vice-rector in some ora...ugh, general issues!

How do poor teachers live, whose salary in 2010 was no more than 3 thousand rubles per month???

How is everyone running to borrow money from Abdullina?

AU! VyatSU teachers! Aren't you ashamed to receive meager salaries with your scientific achievements?
Science is now not as valued as the most ancient “skills and skills” :)))


For 333,000 rubles you can buy PER MONTH:
- 1 LADA GRANT car;
- or rent a three-room luxury apartment in the CENTRAL HOTEL - live the whole month with breakfast, lunch and dinner :))) - there will also be money left :)))
- or buy 1800 bottles of vodka;
- or 5550 bottles of VYATSKY kvass :)))
- or pay 126 graduate students the scholarship approved for this year...

But it’s better to cut Abdullina’s job altogether (anyway, they say, it’s very rare at work), and distribute her salary among young scientist candidates, just as many as there are, divide by that amount :)))


The dizzying career of Madame Abdullina is now the envy of every Vyatka girl! Well, except for one thing :)))

And the scarecrow’s “cordial” friend, who provided him with protection in Rosobrnadzor, by the way, is better off going to his vice-rector position, and not to the Russian Commonwealth, because rector Valya will pay her more for her support :)))

Yes, and he’ll ride a motorcycle in a leather jacket :)))

But THERE IS ANOTHER main question...

THE SECOND MAIN QUESTION SOUNDS LIKE THIS: Why is it impossible to find out anything about Abdullina’s biography anywhere???

And was there such a position under Pimenov? Or was it specially created just for her?

Why, according to our data, does she so rarely appear at work, with such a huge salary?

And why is she often seen in, to put it mildly, not quite decent form?

Why are employees, as they say, resigning in batches, chatting left and right horror stories about the wrath of the vice-rector, who could afford to impose such a three-story charge on people in public that a sailor of the Black Sea Fleet would blush?

We will leave these questions for discussion.

As well as the scientific efforts of Madame Abdullina :)))

Why would the vice-rector for any...general issues, already having such a salary, open an individual entrepreneur with additional and types of activities “for a university”?

And we continue our investigation.
Believe me, we have a lot more about what the once main university of the region has turned into under the leadership of the most random rogue rector in its history :)))

And by the way, we sent a corresponding request to the Ministry of Education and Science about how appropriate such salaries are at a university in a crisis...

To be continued.

A. A. Zlobin




The article examines the features of precedent phenomena as materialized signs of intertextuality. The author presents the classifications and functions of these units in the structure of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “In the First Circle”.

Key words: precedent phenomena, intertextuality, source sphere, A. I. Solzhenitsyn.

The article deals with the peculiarities of precedential phenomena understood as materialized sings of intertextuality. The author has presented the classifications and functions of this linguistics units in the structure of A. Solzhenitsyn"s novel "The First Circle".

Keywords: precendential phenomena, intertextuality, source field, A. Solzhenitsyn.

The focus of modern linguistics is still on the phenomenon of intertextuality, without addressing which a full-fledged study of the text is impossible. The study of this phenomenon helps to penetrate into the deeper layers of the work “by establishing multidimensional connections with other texts” and helps to gain “an idea about the author, his thesaurus, literary tastes or scientific orientation.”

In this article we address the problems of intertextuality through the study of precedent phenomena (PP), since they are elements of the content of consciousness that have cultural significance as the basis for the interaction of both entire layers of cultures and individual texts. A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “In the First Circle” is fertile material for such a study; these units in the structure of the novel are represented very widely (about 120 examples).

It is known that the study of PF is associated with the name of Yu. N. Karaulov, who defined them as texts “1) significant for a particular person in cognitive and emotional terms; 2) having a superpersonal nature, that is, well known to the wider environment of a given person, including her predecessors and contemporaries, and, finally; 3) those that are addressed again in the discourse of a given linguistic personality.”

In linguistics, several approaches to the classification of PF have been formed in recent years. The most productive, in our opinion, is the approach that involves distributing the material by area.

Andrey Alexandrovich Zlobin

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology, Journalism and Integrated Communications

Vyatka State University st. Moskovskaya, 36 Kirov region, Kirov, 610000, Russia [email protected]

Andrei A. Zlobin

Vyatka State University 36 Moskovskaya st. Kirovskaya obi., g. Kirov, 610000 Russia

frame-sources, since intertextual connections are revealed in this case more clearly.

The PFs that we recorded in the analyzed novel go back to the following source areas:

Fiction (38% PF): Leaning his head against the foggy, shaking glass and barely hearing himself under the engine, Gleb whispered in a quarter of his voice: My Rus'... my life... how long will we suffer?.. (263)* ;

Political sphere (37%): Are you still going to read thirty red volumes from cover to cover? (190);

Bible (10%): All the arguments of reason - yes, I agree, citizen boss. All the arguments of the heart - get away from me, Satan! (60);

Philosophy (9%): All of Vorkuta is on prisoners! The whole North! Yes, the whole country leans one side on them. After all, this is, you know, Thomas More's dream come true.<...>More thought and guessed: even under socialism there will be troublemakers. That's what we'll entrust to them, they say. Thus, the modern Gulag was invented by Thomas More, a very old idea! (298);

Mythology (4%): The living looked tenderly at the dead, and the dead looked into Hades, looked neither cheerful nor sad - with a transparent look that recognized too much (260);

Folklore (3%): How do you imagine science: Sivka-Burka, the prophetic kaurka? Build me a palace by morning - and a palace by morning? (106).

As we see, the prevailing sources of PF for A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel “In the First Circle” are fiction and the political sphere. Let's look at this in more detail.

The author appeals to a whole complex of well-known works of world literature: “The Song of the Nibelungs”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, Cervantes “Don Quixote”, I. V. Goethe “Faust”, A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”, L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, poems by A. A. Blok, S. A. Yesenin. Wed:

But this Nibelungen treasure, without bringing free wealth to Abakumov, became a source of constant fear of exposure (142); He suddenly felt sorry for Verenev... Ordered sets, not completely ordered sets, closed sets... Topology! The stratosphere of human thought! In the twenty-fourth century, perhaps someone will need it.

something, but for now... In the meantime... I have nothing to say about suns and worlds, I see only the torment of man... (57).

Statistical processing of linguistic material showed that from the entire list of cited literary sources, A. I. Solzhenitsyn most often uses PFs that go back to Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and to the works of A. S. Pushkin.

PFs that appeal to Dante’s “Divine Comedy” contribute to the representation of the sharashka phenomenon:

<... >No, dear, you are still in hell, but you have risen to its best highest circle - to the first. What is sharashka, you ask? Sharashka was invented, if you like, by Dante. He was torn - where should he place the ancient sages? It was the duty of a Christian to throw these pagans into hell. But the conscience of the revivalist could not be reconciled. To mix bright-minded men with other sinners and condemn them to physical torture. And Dante came up with a special place for them in hell (21-22).

The title “In the First Circle” is also a PF directly related to this source, and outlines the prospect of further consideration of the camp theme, which will be reflected in such works of the author as “The Gulag Archipelago” and “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.”

Using similar PFs, A.I. Solzhenitsyn focuses on the fact that the sharashka is the best place in the Gulag, the best circle of the beginning of hell:

No, Ilya Terentich, this is not hell. This is not hell! We are returning to hell. And sharashka is the highest, best first circle of hell. It's almost heaven (758).

PFs that appeal to the work of A. S. Pushkin are associated with the representation of the atmosphere of prison in which highly qualified scientists live and work for many years:

But as soon as he threw back the pillow, he discovered a cigarette case made of dark red transparent plastic, filled tightly in one layer with twelve Belomorkanal cigarettes and intertwined with a strip of plain paper, on which was written in black pencil: This is how he killed ten years, Having lost the best color of life (215).

Prisoners, dreaming of a speedy exit from prison, admit that, despite enormous difficulties and trials, it was here that their value system crystallized

[World of Russian Word No. 1 / 2016]

and the opportunity arose to gain the gift of inner freedom:

All this must be experienced. You can't make this up. To write I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.

Only through continuous endless years does a true sense of prison develop (262).

The opinion of M. M. Golubkov is absolutely correct that “truly free people appear in the novel those of the heroes who managed to find freedom in their own soul - internal, secret freedom in Pushkin’s (our italics - A. 3.) sense. Their freedom does not depend on external circumstances - the zigzags of the System, the disposition or disposition of the authorities. Deprived by the system of everything - property, a normal family, fatherhood, freedom - these heroes are able to comprehend their own situation as positive and forget the worries of self-organization, gaining the freedom of internal independence."

It is no coincidence that when leaving the sharashka back to the camp, Nerzhin, Gerasimovich, and Khorobrov experience a feeling of inner peace:

Yes, the tundra and taiga, the pole of cold Oymyakon and the copper mines of Dzhezkazgan awaited them. A pickaxe and a wheelbarrow, a starvation ration of raw bread, a hospital, and death awaited them again. Only the worst awaited them. But in their souls there was peace with themselves. They were possessed by the fearlessness of people who had completely lost everything - a fearlessness that is hard to come by, but lasting (758).

A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s frequent use of PF from the political source sphere seems very logical: the main characters of the novel are political prisoners serving their sentences in a prison research institute.

Noteworthy is the fact that of the three types of PF - precedent texts, precedent situations, precedent names - the author in this case gives preference to the latter. Wed:

A carefree country can sleep, but its Father cannot sleep! (160); Sitting for the second year without investigation or trial, he still lived only by the latest party directives and still idolized the Wise Leader (66).

In the overwhelming majority of cases, A. I. Solzhenitsyn uses precedent cases.

on, characterizing Stalin. Let's imagine a list of these units: Old Man, God's chosen leader, the Greatest of all the Greats, the Great Helmsman, the Ruler, the Leader of All Progressive Humanity, the Leader of the world proletariat, the Leader of the Peoples, the All-Powerful, the Friend of all Nations, the Single Ruler, Zamarashka Soso, Koba, the Corypheus of Sciences, the Corypheus of Linguistics , Father, Father and Friend, Father of Eastern and Western peoples, Best Friend of counterintelligence, Best Disciple and Friend of Lenin, Wise of the Wise, Wise Leader, Godfather, Himself, Dearest and Beloved, Collector of Slavs, Master.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn uses these nominations to achieve the following goals:

Drawing attention to the anti-human essence of totalitarianism: But Yakonov knew that dead things do not obey human deadlines, that by the tenth of January it will not be human speech that will come out of the apparatus, but a mess. And the same thing will inevitably repeat with Yakonov as with Mamurin: The owner will call Beria and ask: what kind of fool made this car? Take it away. And Yakonov will also become, at best, an Iron Mask, or even a simple prisoner again (97);

Formation of a negative assessment of Stalin's activities: If they told me, Gleba, now: here is a plane flying, with an atomic bomb on it. Do you want him to bury you under the stairs like a dog and cut off your family, and millions more people, but with you - Father Mustache and their entire establishment, so that there will be no more, so that people will not suffer in the camps, in the collective farms, in the forestry enterprises?<...>Will you believe me, Gleba? I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand it - there's nothing left! I would say,” he turned his head towards the plane: “Come on!” Well! throw it! ruin!! (523-524);

Detection of the commonality of the mental-verbal base of the author and the recipient (password function): Not only behind the scenes, but even in private, they almost didn’t dare to call him Sashka, but only Alexander Nikolaevich. “Poskrebyshev called” meant: Sam called. “Poskrebyshev ordered” meant: he himself ordered (139); Out of fear, his ears first froze, and then they let go, filled with fire - and each time Abakumov was still afraid that his constantly burning ears would arouse the suspicion of the Master (140);

Creating an ironic effect when creating the image of Stalin: But it seemed to Stalin that his contemporaries, although they called him the Wisest of the Wise, still did not admire him enough; nevertheless, in their enthusiasm they are superficial and did not appreciate the full depth of his genius (160); Build yourself monuments - even more, even higher (technique will develop). Erect a monument on Kazbek,

and erect a monument on Elbrus - and so that your head is always above the clouds. And then, okay, you can die - The greatest of all the Greats, he has no equal, no comparable in the history of the Earth (155).

Thus, the PF in the analyzed text, on the one hand, speaks of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s desire to introduce a metaphysical plane into the artistic space of the novel, reminiscent of the eternal values ​​​​affirmed by world literature. The author's appeal to the works of Dante, Cervantes, I.V. Goethe, A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Blok, S.A. Yesenin and others is traced.

On the other hand, precedent names, their representative, evaluative, expressive, password potential demonstrate the attitude of the main characters of the novel to the totalitarian regime in the USSR.

The precedent phenomena used by A. I. Solzhenitsyn testify to the richness of the semantic content of the deep layers of the novel “In the First Circle” and allow us to touch upon the current problems of the author’s contemporary reality and the eternal moral and philosophical questions of human existence.


1. Golubkov M. M. A. I. Solzhenitsyn. In the first circle. M., 2002.

2. Karaulov Yu. N. Russian language and linguistic personality. M., 1987.

3. Kuzmina N. A. Intertext and its role in the processes of evolution of poetic language. Ekaterinburg; Omsk, 1999.

4. Puchkova E. V. Functioning of precedent phenomena in newspaper headlines // Scientific notes of Tomsk State University: Electronic scientific publication. 2013. No. 4. T. 4. P. 2106-2112.

5. Solzhenitsyn A.I. In the first circle. M., 1990.

6. Fateeva N. A. Counterpoint of intertextuality, or Intertext in the world of texts. M., 2000.

1. Golubkov M. M. (2002) A. I. Solzhenitsyn. V kruge pervom. Moscow. (in Russian)

2. Karaulov Yu. N. (1987) Russkii yazyk i yazykovaya lichnost". Moscow. (in Russian)

3. Kuz "mina N. A. (1999) Intertekst i ego rol" v protsessakh evolyutsii poeticheskogo yazyka. Ekaterinburg; Omsk, 1999. (in Russian)

4. Puchkova E. V. (2013) Funktsionirovanie pretsedentnykh fenomenov v gazetnykh zagolovkakh. Uchenye zapiski TOGU. 2013, no. 4, vol. 4, p. 21062112. (in Russian)

5. Solzhenitsyn A. I. (1990) V kruge pervom. Moscow.

6. Fateeva N. A. (2000) Kontrapunkt intertekstual "nosti, ili Intertekst v mire tekstov. Moscow. (in Russian)


"¡asai p and interpretations

[offered to your attention]

We present a new online peer-reviewed scientific journal “Practices & Interpretations: Journal of Philological, Educational and Cultural Research” (ISSN 2415-8852), which has been published by Southern Federal University since 2016, published quarterly.

The purpose of the journal is to stimulate scientific interest in various practices of professional interpretation, scientific commentary, analysis of empirical material, and translation of effective teaching experience.

The journal is addressed to specialists working in the field of modern humanities and is open to cooperation with young researchers who offer original approaches to the interpretation of practical material. Sections of the journal: “Linguistics”, “Literary Studies”, “Cultural Studies”, “Education”.

Publication of articles in the next issue is free.

All articles are available online and posted in the RSCI system. The journal's website is hosted on the international Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Philol. Science Olga Anatolyevna Dzhumailo. Responsible editor: Ph.D. ped. Sciences Marina Levonovna Volovikova.

Website address: http://pijournal.sfedu.ru/, e-mail: [email protected]

When investigating the circumstances of a death, many questions arise.

A month ago, at the celebration of Mechanical Engineer’s Day in the VyatGU team, a tragedy occurred - a teacher died. A month later, the investigation into the case ends, but the relatives do not agree with the version of law enforcement agencies - “death from hypothermia.”

The relatives of Alexey Gontsov, a teacher and head of the laboratory of the MMD department of the Faculty of Automation and Mechanical Engineering, who died on September 25, contacted our editorial office. For obvious reasons, the relatives do not yet want to reveal their names, but they agreed to tell us how the investigation of the case is being conducted, and about their many questions, the answers to which they cannot yet get.

Close people of Alexey Gontsov said:
- You see, what frightens us is that no one talks about how Alexey died. It feels like they just want to hide this matter. We are now seriously concerned about how our case is being investigated. We will talk in detail about the questions we are trying to get answers to.

1) According to the conclusion of forensic experts, Alexey’s death was caused by hypothermia. The investigation's version is that a large company of students and teachers was vacationing on September 25 at the Luch base in Borovitsa. Alexey, according to investigators, simply drank a lot, went outside the base, fell and froze.
But the question arises - why, when the body was discovered, Alexei was lying in an unnatural position, face down, his hands frozen to the ground, his nose flattened and his leg twisted? We specifically consulted with specialists - when a person dies from hypothermia, then his posture is more relaxed, calm, “dog” pose. An employee of the ambulance team that responded to this call said that Lesha’s posture was not at all natural, there was a grin on his face. She suggested that he most likely suffocated from being forced with his face into the ground.

2) The version that he drank a lot is also doubtful. Doctors found that there was only 0.9 ppm of ethanol in Alexey’s blood, and this is a very mild degree of intoxication - about 1-2 bottles of beer. One guard stated that he saw Alexei out of his sane state - supposedly Lesha was practically unable to stand on his feet - another guard said that he was a little drunk, but walked quite confidently.

3) The time of death has not yet been established; we don’t even know the approximate time. When Alexey left the base, in one of the rooms he left his bag with a camera, which he used to shoot a lot that evening. This bag was handed over to relatives almost immediately. So, on the camera there are pictures taken at 14:30. Alexey is in adequate condition with a group of friends. In addition, no one questioned the relatives as witnesses at all. Meanwhile, Alexey called his parents at 16:30 and said that he could not stay at the base any longer (apparently something had happened there), he had 50 rubles for the journey home and that he would arrive soon. At 17:00 in the evening, the relatives themselves called Alexey, but only his loud screams were heard on the phone, and after a few seconds the phone was turned off.

4) The question about missing things also remains unanswered. They didn’t find Alexey’s keys, his new phone, which was bought the other day for 10 thousand rubles, or his wallet. He took all this with him when he went to the base. In general, the investigators did not seem to pay any attention to this... In addition, the next day we went to the place of Lesha’s death and found there his lighter and change thrown out of his wallet. How did you inspect the scene of events?

Of course, it is difficult to imagine who and for what reasons could have killed Alexei. But we have many questions and no answers yet. I would like to achieve justice, and not just “shut up” this incident, as if Lesha never worked at the Polytechnic and did not exist at all... There is deathly silence at the institute, there is no memorial plaque, nothing, they don’t want to talk to us there at all ...
We have already been denied under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - murder, and will soon be denied under Article 116 - beatings... Now they are preparing to initiate a third case under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - theft. Where is the justice?

For comments, we contacted the Slobodsky District Investigation Department, whose investigators are working on this case.

The head of the interdistrict investigative department, Sergei Glazyrin, commented:
- The investigation into the case continues, but most likely there will be a refusal to initiate a criminal case under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. We interviewed the guards, who said that Alexey Gontsov left the base territory several times. Of course, we will hold accountable those people who did not make sure that all team members who arrived at the base left. It has not yet been possible to find out with what company Alexey was drinking that evening. We asked the police department for help to identify witnesses among the VyatGU staff.
Only 2 small abrasions were found on the body of the deceased. According to witnesses, he was very drunk. This is all the information for now. And regarding the relatives’ non-consent, I’ll say, let them come to us in Slobodskaya, we will familiarize them with all the materials of the case.

And among VyatGU students there are rumors that the teacher could simply have been severely beaten by his students who did not agree with the teaching methods or grades.

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The girl I love turns 17, she is young and beautiful. Charm floats all around her. She is the one and only. All...
To give a gift, think about how to present it... You can give the newlyweds a beautifully packaged box, after making a speech about what...
At the School of Magic and Wizardry. Visiting Harry Potter. Invitations. Make your party invitations on antique white or...
Congratulations! DEAR WORKERS OF KONOSH RAIPO, VETERANS OF THE DISTRICT CONSUMER COOPERATION! Please accept my sincere congratulations...
One of the best options for congratulations on Teacher's Day is beautiful cards and pictures with inscriptions in prose and poetry. This format is relevant...
Loving is not as easy as it seems, and living next to another person is even more difficult. That's why I can safely say that every anniversary...