Dog breeds are short-haired medium height. Medium sized dog breeds.

Such dogs can be called universal. On the one hand, they have a compact physique and do not take up much space in an apartment or a private house, and on the other hand, they can perform almost the same functions as animals of large breeds. A pet can guard you, go hunting, guard your house or participate in competitions.

Medium-sized dogs include representatives with a body weight of 12.7 to 25 kg. The height of dogs can reach 40 cm, and sometimes 57 cm. In addition to their compact size, the average ones are characterized by convenience and economy of maintenance. Most often they become "family" dogs, that is, they are friends with all household members.

Japanese breed. In the Land of the Rising Sun, her figurines symbolize prosperity and health. Unusually beautiful, similar in character to pit bull terriers and Rottweilers, jealously guards its territory.

More massive than its predecessor, the English Bulldog. Able to resist any dog ​​in a fight. Protects the territory well and is used for hunting.

Calm, good-natured, friendly and self-confident. However, the bulldog is able to resist the bull.

Very smart animals with a balanced character. Loyal friends, love children, have a stormy temperament.

Great family dogs. This devoted friend knows how to get along with other animals and children. The animal does not like loneliness and is capable of unexpected, but sweet deeds. Perfectly keeps track on the hunt and in the city.

Fighting dogs with increased level stamina, immune to pain and at the same time have a high level of intelligence. If a bull terrier perceives you as a master from childhood, then he will become the most devoted friend.

it smart dog able to complete the task. Initially cleared the road in front of the carriages English nobility, was subsequently used in the protection and escort of fire department transport.

Large enough, but friendly dog. The height at the withers can reach 51-61 cm. Ideal for keeping at home, does not emit strong odors and finds mutual language literally with everyone.

Favorite of US President Truman. Cheerful and playful. It was originally intended for hunting birds and brought the shot prey to the owner. It is distinguished by amazing endurance and the ability to follow even the trail “in the air”.

The second name is the Majorcan Mastiff. One of the most appropriate dogs. Subtly feels any situation, quickly distinguishes friends from enemies. It will show itself perfectly in the family and at the same time become a reliable bodyguard or security guard.

Irish hunting dog. Will replace the guard in the house and will not allow the appearance of rats. Behind the decorative appearance are hidden hunting and watchdog instincts. Friendly, active, loves children.

Dogs that have their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They appeared in Scotland many centuries ago and were originally used as a herding breed. Subsequently acquired protective qualities. Get along great with people.

Very popular in North America and Australia. Unlike other Labrador Retrievers, it has webbed feet, making it an ideal lifeguard on the water. An excellent all-round dog for the whole family and a sprinter, gaining speed of 20 km per hour in three seconds.

As of today, there are more than four hundred dog breeds in the world, most of which are officially recognized by all cynological organizations. But not all of them are good choice in quality, since too large pets will have nowhere to accelerate, but they will leave too much wool behind on your furniture.

Breeds of small smooth-haired dogs

Let's start with small smooth-haired dogs, since they are easiest to keep not only in a city apartment, but also in a large country house. Of course, we will not list all the existing breeds here, but we will introduce you to the most famous and popular of them.

Chihuahua is the smallest smooth-haired dog

Felicia Fawn de Loncore is a Chihuahua dog.

  • ? (puppy price);
  • (list of nurseries).

Smooth-haired fox terrier - fox hunter

Fox Terrier, photo by Localpups.

Hunting small smooth-haired breeds of dogs like the fox terrier used to be more valued than wire-haired ones, because their hair was less dirty when climbing into a fox hole. Now both types of fox terriers are equally popular - in both cases, representatives of the breed are beautifully built, smart and courageous dogs.

Such a pet is well suited for keeping in an apartment if you regularly go for long walks with it. These small (30-40 cm tall and 6-8 kg weight) dogs are very active, lying on the couch at home all day is not for them.

French bulldog - decorative fighter

We already mentioned another small smooth-haired dog in an article about, noting that today the French bulldog is an ordinary pet, and not a participant in dog fights. A proportional compact physique, a flattened muzzle, erect ears, mobility and a cheerful character - all this is about the French. Their dimensions are from 25 to 35 cm in height and from 8 to 15 kg in weight.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier, photo by Eduards Pulks.

When it comes to smooth-haired small dog breeds, one cannot fail to mention the Boston Terrier - a dog bred by crossing the English Bulldog and the English Terrier. These pets grow small - the maximum height is 38 cm, the minimum is 22 cm, and the normal weight is up to 11.5 kg.

The Beagle is a smooth-haired hunting dog.

Beagle, photo by Daniel Flathagen.

Beagle dog - another smooth-haired hunting breed, bred to hunt small game, today they are common pets. Height - from 33 to 40 cm, weight - from 8 to 16 kg. Beagle's character is kind and affectionate, these dogs are also loyal and smart, although they are not so easy to train.

Smooth-haired dog breeds of medium size

We started with the smallest smooth-coated breeds and on the way to the largest we will look at medium-sized smooth-haired dog breeds. By the way, the beagle can already be attributed to them, but given its small weight, we still attributed it to the list of small dogs.

English Bulldog - Smooth Coated Heavyweight

English Bulldog, photo by Mark Robinson.

Although the growth of English Bulldogs is not so big (31-40 cm), they look very powerful. Previously, these dogs were used for baiting bulls, but now they are used as pets. They are calm and balanced, kind and even suitable for keeping in an apartment, because they are not very active and do not require long walks.

Bull Terrier - short coat and unusual muzzle

Bull Terrier, photo by JAK SIE MASZ.

Dogs of the Bull Terrier breed are strong, with a harmoniously built body, muscular, agile, quite smart and cheerful. The average size of the representatives of the breed is from 40 to 50 cm. With proper upbringing and training, the Bull Terrier will make an excellent companion.

Breeds of large smooth-haired dogs

There are a lot of large smooth-haired dog breeds and it’s impossible to tell about all of them in one article, so we will only tell about five popular and fairly well-known ones, whose puppy will not be a problem to buy.

Dalmatian - "black and white"

Dalmatian, photo by Leo Hidalgo.

A fairly large short-haired dog is the Dalmatian. The breed is very famous for its special spotted color, it was once used for hunting. The height of these dogs is from 54 to 62 cm, and the weight is from 24 to 32 kg. That is, with a rather large growth, the Dalmatian is relatively light, due to which it can overcome long distances without problems.

The definition of a balanced character is very subjective. Different people put their criteria into it.

For some, calm dog breeds are an opportunity to leave children with a pet at home, for some it is sociability and benevolence towards people, and for some it is controllability by barking or a quiet ride in a car.

There are the calmest breeds of dogs that maximally combine the criteria of a calm disposition, which in the end often plays a decisive role in choosing a pet.

dwarf poodle

These are the three most calm dog breeds of small size, but there are others, no less worthy, able to delicately protect the peace and quiet of urban housing. Among them: , .

Calm dog breeds of medium size

1 Golden Retriever

England is the country of origin. These are very friendly, cheerful, calm and loyal creatures.

Golden retrievers have good trainability and intelligence, which makes them accessible to beginner dog breeders. They cannot bear a long separation. Easily find a common language with members of the whole family, children and animals. They love to swim in the water.

The growth of golden retrievers reaches from 50 to 60 cm, and weight from 25 to 36 kg. They require careful grooming.

Important! The Golden Retriever is very active and needs regular daily exercise. physical activity.

Golden retriever

2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A small breed of dog up to 33 cm tall and weighing up to 8 kg., Bred in England.

Spaniels are very friendly and calm. Friendly to all family members, they become attached to one owner. They do not need great physical exertion, which allows them to be a companion for the elderly.

Spaniels are relatively easy to care for, but require timely grooming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

3. English Bulldog

They reach 40 cm in height and 25 kg in weight.

They are loyal, intelligent and serious animals. The breed was specially bred to perform the function of companions. They have a calm and balanced character.

In care, English Bulldogs are quite unpretentious. Short coat allows combing several times a week.

English Bulldogs are active and require a lot of exercise.

English bulldog

4. Sharpei

China is the country of origin. The growth of sharpei is from 46 to 51 km, weight is from 18 to 25 kg.

By nature, they are very intelligent, balanced and independent creatures. They prefer to be in charge of the house.

Sharpeis require early socialization. Suitable for experienced owners.

5. Standard Schnauzer

It grows at the withers up to 51 cm, and weighs from 14 to 20 kg.

Representatives of the breed have a high level of intelligence, very well trained. By nature, they are energetic, active and playful, they are very stubborn.

They have high endurance, tolerate temperature extremes well. Calmly endure loneliness. In the care standard schnauzers are quite demanding. Needs constant grooming.

Attention! The standard schnauzer needs mental and physical activity. Experience with dogs preferred.

Standard schnauzer

6 Basset Hound

The Basset Hound breed originates from France. Height from 33 to 38 cm. Weight within 29 kg. Has hunting roots.

Bassets are distinguished by friendliness and complaisance of character. They love being in the company of people. They are inquisitive and passionate.

Important! Basset Hounds are very difficult to train because of their unwillingness to obey.

basset hound

Calm large dogs

1. Bernese Mountain Dog

The origin of the breed is Switzerland. Their height reaches 71 cm, and their weight is up to 50 kg.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by special devotion to their owners. They have the instincts of a shepherd dog. In the family, they play the role of a nanny and controller of children.

By nature they are very friendly and calm. The level of learning is not very high, which requires special patience from the owner.

Bernese Mountain Dogs they shed heavily, which requires careful grooming.

Bernese Mountain Dog

2. Saint Bernard

Height varies from 65 to 90 cm. Weight reaches 90 kg.

The purpose of the withdrawal of this breed was a rescue dog. They have a very patient nature. St. Bernards are very sociable, easily become a member of the family. Loneliness is very hard to bear. In care, they are quite unpretentious.

st bernard

3. Great Dane

The breed comes from Germany. They reach 86 cm in height, and weigh up to 90 kg. Great Danes require moderate grooming. These aristocrats have a gentle and patient character.

Important! The Great Dane is distinguished by attentiveness and devotion to its owner. But due to his natural stubbornness and willfulness, it is recommended to start a Great Dane for already experienced breeders.

German dog

4. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland breed is from Canada. These large animals reach a height of 74 cm and a weight of 68 kg. Despite their impressive size, they have an easy, patient and obedient character. Newfics are easy to train, but can't stand harsh training methods.

These dogs are very fond of water procedures. Needs constant grooming.


The calmest dog breeds for an apartment

When deciding to start city ​​apartment pet should be considered several factors. In a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing, you should not get a dog big size. This will bring inconvenience to both her and the owners. You also need to compare your opportunities for free time to communicate with your pet. Summing up, here are the calmest dog breeds for an apartment that do not require intense activity.

  • regular grooming;
  • proper nutrition;
  • live communication with the dog;
  • practice of encouraging correct behavior, success;
  • regular walks;
  • preventive examinations by a veterinarian;
  • learning new skills;
  • correct training.

Pets fill our lives with new bright colors give and love. Becoming a full-fledged member of the family, they teach people to behave like human beings. With proper care, attitude and respect for your pet, you will get a lot of positive emotions and optimism.

Additionally, check out the video about the most calm and apartment-friendly dog ​​breeds:

More than 80% of the world's population warmly treats dogs, 64% of people are owners of four-legged friends, and half of them opted for medium-sized dogs, about medium dog breeds and their names and will be discussed in this article. Dog breeding was founded in ancient times, and has not lost its popularity for thousands of years. Dogs are involved in all aspects of human life, as protectors, helpers, companions and simply family members.

Classification of dogs by size

  • large,
  • big,
  • medium,
  • small
  • mini.

To simplify the classification system, most kennel clubs use only three segments:

  • big,
  • medium
  • small.

Consider a large dog with a weight of 50 kilograms and a height at the withers of 60 centimeters. These are the real giants of the dog world. Large dogs include the following breeds: Mastiffs, Portuguese Mountain Shepherds, Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds, almost all greyhounds, Great Danes and Dalmatians, Russian Black Terrier, Newfoundland, St. Bernard and about 80 other breeds.

By nature than bigger dog the friendlier it is. In ancient times, such dogs were used to hunt dangerous predators such as lions, elk and deer, rhinos. Over time, as such extreme services were unnecessary, large dogs became human companions as pets. AT given time very much is known.

However, it should be noted that some of the giants still serve their calling today, for example, St. Bernards and Newfoundlands are actively used in rescue and search operations, Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs guard and graze herds. If the family has acquired such a big friend, it is worth considering the specific needs of the pet: long walks, regular exercise, enhanced feeding and spacious housing.

The widest and most widespread the globe dog segment. classification medium dogs, breeds and their names will be detailed below. Dogs of medium size are most often service dogs and perform a variety of functions. If the weight of the dog is from 10 to 45 kilograms, and the height is from 30 to 60 centimeters, then the dog is called average.

Most often, medium dogs are optimal in content, as they have a restrained disposition, high learning ability, are loyal to children and respect the hierarchy in the family. Like large dogs, they need regular exercise, proper care for their coat, teeth and ears. By the nature of a medium-sized dog, most often, sanguine and melancholic, which makes them ideal students, restrained companions and at the same time desperate defenders.

Miniature and became a tribute to fashion. Most often they have a social function - they emphasize the status. A small dog is a way out for dog breeders who do not have a large living space. The temperament of dwarf dogs is phlegmatic, reactions to stimuli are not stable, the training of such pets can only take place in conditions of complete calm. Babies need constant human care, and are practically not capable of independent existence.

Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers, for example, are unable to chew their own food. Pekingeses are prone to stampede, Pinschers and Pomeranians tremble uncontrollably if they enter an unfamiliar environment. A desperate daredevil among dwarf dogs can be called a Yorkshire terrier, a defender with a lion's heart, thoughtlessly throwing himself at the enemy in case of danger. Unfortunately, such heroism often leads to injury, and little friend need close supervision and protection during walks.

The history of the origin of medium dogs

Breed selection is an ongoing process, in ancient times the size and strength of the dog, endurance as a hunter and guard were indicators. With progress, the need for huge dogs faded into the background, due to the complexity of keeping and feeding. The size of the ancestors of modern dogs was truly frightening, and their character left much to be desired, given their close relationship with wolves.

By crossing different breeds, carefully selecting high-quality offspring, over the years, medium-sized dogs with an accommodating character, capable of learning and obeying, have been bred. The main attention was paid to breeding dogs that were optimal in terms of characteristics and size, for service and various work. In the 18th century, the first decorative dogs appeared.

The main number of medium dogs was bred and registered in Germany, the Middle East and Russia. First medium dog names, which began to be considered breeds and are popular to this day, these are the Chow Chow, the Samoyed dog and the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, the Shar Pei and the Italian Greyhound. modern world There are more than 400 breeds of dogs, of which about 200 are medium dog names.

Functional duties of dogs in society

Any pet needs education, most of the dogs undergo a tank training course, which ensures adequate behavior in society, control and stability. Working dogs undergo a special training course. There are more than 20 professions for four-legged animals, the most popular being guard, escort, search, hunting and rescue service.

Often a dog is bred "for the soul", joint sports, achievements of titles and titles in an exemplary exhibition career. For the most part, all medium dogs have innate reflexes to protect and protect the family, property, have a friendly disposition, although there are exceptions.

Names of medium dogs that only experienced dog breeders can start: bull terrier, pit bull terrier, staffordshire bull terrier, rottweiler and doberman, sharpei, english bulldog, chow chow. These dogs need specific education and care from early childhood.

Medium dogs: photos and names

1. Australian (Aussie) - a shepherd dog, whose ancestor is collie, Pyrenean Shepherd Dog and Bernese Mountain Dog. Charismatic, active and responsible dog with an excellent sense of tact. Perfect for keeping in the family, it will become a reliable guard and nanny for a child.

Charming appearance, variegated coloration and blue eyes are not the only merits of the Australian Shepherd. The dog has the ability to graze with a glance, without using physical strength, in addition, it is considered the smartest dog among all.

2. The Border Collie is a medium-sized athletic dog with disproportionate stamina. There is no cult of the owner's personality, and this will ensure an accommodating relationship with all family members. By nature, the shepherd, however, feels absolutely comfortable in the role of a companion dog and shares the primacy in terms of intelligence with the Australian Shepherd.

3. Chow Chow comes from China, and in literal translation It's called the "hairy lion". A dog that has personal opinion and needs more training. The complex nature of the dog requires experience and patience, you should refrain from buying such a puppy if the breeder is not confident in his abilities.

This dog cannot be forced to perform commands that, in her opinion, are meaningless, such as "fetch" or "barrier". However, such an overestimated aristocracy will save the owner from devastating consequences - torn shoes, furniture or torn wallpaper. The hallmark of Chow Chow is the blue or purple language inherited from Tibetan ancestors.

4. Samoyed dog (Samoyed)- a charming fluffy friend with snow-white hair. It's hard not to pay attention to such a dog. Highly developed social qualities make the Samoyed an excellent companion. The Samoyed is a playful, energetic dog that requires long walks and constant companionship. Despite their cuteness, they are excellent guards capable of showing a tough temper if necessary.

5. Sharpei - dogs of emperors, with an original appearance and reasonable character. Virtually absent hair makes the sharpei's skin vulnerable and obliges the owner to daily care. The appetite of the Shar Pei is unlimited, and the diet needs to be carefully controlled, as well as regular physical activity and persistent training.

Hidden behind a funny appearance, the physical data of the dog make a deceptive impression. Graceful and indulgent in a calm environment, Shar-Peis turn into a ferocious beast when it comes to protection, especially children.

6. The Siberian Husky, mistakenly listed as a large breed, is actually a medium sled dog. Charming appearance, sense of humor and responsibility will make a great companion out of a husky. Most often, such dogs learn effortlessly and with pleasure and can have in their arsenal not only standard commands, but also various tricks.

7. The German boxer is a bunch of energy that is constantly moving. You need to have special skills in training to cope with a choleric dog. They retain their mobility and vigor until old age. The innate instinct of a boxer is to protect members of the pack, property and housing. Calm with other people's children, and wary with strangers.

8. Basset Hound is an aristocratic Englishman with sad eyes. Low on its paws, at first glance, a clumsy dog, in fact, is a hound. In combination with a phlegmatic and sometimes melancholy character, the external data of the dog makes an unforgettable impression. In addition to hidden agility, they have a phenomenal scent and hunting skills, as well as an innate instinct to protect the owner.

A large head and long ears are a distinctive feature of these dogs. The dog needs a mobile lifestyle, special care for the ears.

9. English bulldog has a complex character and is quite stubborn, but despite this is a popular breed of medium dogs. Behind a repulsive appearance at first glance, a true friend is hiding, ready to give his life for the owner. The puppy must be trained from the first days, understand the way of the family, its place and purpose.

People see the bulldog as an offended and sad pet, but it is worth knowing that he was bred for the bloody work of baiting bulls, and has great energy potential. When thinking about purchasing a puppy, keep in mind that it needs to be exhausted daily. Suitable game with a flying saucer or fetch, running. Such dogs do not differ in complaisance, and you will have to spend a lot of effort and patience to raise an English bulldog puppy.

10. Labrador retriever(Labrador, Golden Retriever), the most popular family dog. Medium size boundless kindness and friendliness, complaisance and easy training, simple care make the Labrador an ideal pet for a novice dog breeder. The Labrador is very social, possessing a penetrating gaze and a soft golden coat.

The intelligence and docile nature made the Golden Labrador a leader among guide dogs and specially trained dogs for people with disabilities. A gentle attitude towards children makes an excellent nanny out of a dog, who is able not only to look after the child, but also to protect him from dangerous actions - the dog simply will not let you pass, take a dangerous object or make noise and draw attention to the ward.

Article contains brief information and recommendations for keeping medium-sized dogs. Before deciding on the choice of a future pet, study the specifics of the breed, talk to experienced dog breeders, attend a general training class and consult with a trainer, go to a pet supply store and make sure that you can afford full-fledged pet care.

When choosing a dog, first of all, proceed from your capabilities. Remember that a dog is a huge responsibility, and a puppy is a small child who will grow and develop before our eyes, and becoming an adult will accompany the owner for 10-15 years.

If the noble roots of the dog are not the first priority in choosing, look for dogs kept in local shelters for homeless animals. Taking a puppy or adult dog from the shelter, the owner will receive a grateful and true friend but also give you a chance at life. Make your decision thoughtfully.

There is no exact definition of medium-sized dogs, but nevertheless, as a rule, they include those breeds that weigh from 12 to 25 kg and have a height at the withers from 35 to 55 cm. They are large enough for various kinds of games, but enough small enough to fit in most apartments and houses.


The Bulldog is one of the most loyal breeds and is at the top of the popularity list all over the world. Bulldogs have an easy-to-groom coat but need extra help in hot weather as they have short and flat muzzles and are therefore prone to overheating. Although they were originally bred to fight bears, selective breeding has made them gentle dogs with a sensitive and protective nature.

Border Collie

One of the smartest breeds, according to Border Collie fans, can be a problem for those owners who are not ready for their pet's inquisitive and active nature. These dogs need in large numbers vigorous exercise every day, both in the morning and in the evening. In addition, they also require some mental stimulation to prevent bad habits from developing.


Poodles, also topping in polarity, come in three sizes: miniature or toy for those who prefer very small dogs, and standard and large for those who prefer medium-sized dogs. These dogs are very smart, funny, captivating and cheerful, and in terms of intelligence they are in the top 3 among all breeds. In addition, the breed will be a good choice for people suffering from allergies, as poodles have a hypoallergenic coat. However, they require frequent and regular grooming.

Siberian Husky

Ranked among the top ten most popular dog breeds, Siberian Huskies are hardy and extremely tough. They need a lot of regular exercise to stay in good physical and mental shape, and their thick coat with undercoat needs regular brushing, especially during the shedding season. These dogs tend to chase other pets, so they need a fenced yard and a secure collar and leash when out in public.

australian shepherd

Active and intelligent, the Australian Shepherd also needs long-term physical activity. This breed is usually in the top 20 most popular dog breed rankings as it is great for people who are used to sports and have an active lifestyle. However, the breed will not be a good choice if you are away from home. most day, as this shepherd will definitely find his own entertainment, which you most likely did not even know about.

basset hound

If you ever see a short Basset Hound with long ears then you will never forget it. This dog is one of the most popular medium breeds in America. Even though she looks sweet and loving, she is stronger than she looks and that can be quite challenging task to deal with her if she decides to follow the trail that interests her.

welsh corgi

The Corgi is a small, squat dog that is popular for its dependability as well as its pleasant demeanor. These dogs love family and other animals. Despite demanding moderate physical activity, these dogs adapt well to any type of home, including apartments.

English Springer Spaniel

Another popular medium sized breed, the English Springer has a long and beautiful coat that needs quite a lot of attention. Like most spaniels, he strives to please. These dogs make excellent companions who have a sunny and affectionate nature, devoted to their family.

Epanyol Breton

The Spaniel Breton is a very active breed and needs regular and long-term exercise like all Spaniels as they were bred for hunting. The dense coat of this spaniel does not need clipping and is quite easy to care for, but it does require regular brushing.

bull terrier

Bull Terriers love to play and have a reputation for being a clown. This popular medium sized dog breed is known for its devoted nature and enthusiasm. These dogs also require a fair amount of daily exercise.

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