How to increase retail sales: expert advice. How to increase sales: valuable tips

A commercial enterprise is designed to maximize profit from an occupied niche. To achieve this goal, an increase in volume and a decrease in current ones are required. Individual companies may follow the path of maximum allowable expansion of sales, but such tactics are beneficial for small businesses only for a short period of time. Let's try to figure out how to increase sales of products.

To implement it in the long term, significant investments are needed. However, there are many other ways to increase sales.

Increasing Sales: Ways

Consider the main methods:

  • increase sales to existing customers;
  • change in tariff policy;
  • compelling commercial offers;
  • quarterly progress reports;
  • use of Internet resources to promote services;
  • modernizing the processing of applications;
  • sending offers to potential buyers;
  • creation of a website for commercial sales;
  • use of promotion channels;
  • organization of work of sales managers;
  • improving the quality of services provided;
  • identification of promising directions;
  • complex solutions for customers;
  • offering burning discounts;
  • moderate growth;
  • change in motivation.

Increasing sales to existing customers starts with determining how they relate to . The main direction that ensures sales growth is the regular replenishment of the client base, as well as the analysis of changing customer needs. Based on this, it is necessary to find out a set of basic questions that will help to establish the circle of buyers, their interests and the way they make purchases.

It's common knowledge that 80% of a company's revenue can come from the top 20% of its customers. Also, 80% of sales may come from just 20% of the most in-demand items. Key questions that characterize clients:

  1. Age, gender, occupation, level, interests.
  2. Type of purchased, its intended purpose.
  3. Method, volume, frequency of purchase, form of payment.
  4. Who else may be interested in the company's products.
  5. Approximate amount of orders placed by existing customers.
  6. Are there other companies supplying customers with a similar product.

As a result of the data obtained, the company must establish the main reasons that encourage customers to buy its product, and not the products of competitors. Such reasons are commonly referred to as "Unique Selling Propositions".

However, do not forget that they depend on all sorts of market changes, which, in turn, gives rise to the need to create separate offers for each consumer group. Next, consider the factors that will help make the work more efficient:

  • the structure of the resource should be simple and exclude the placement of heterogeneous information ;
  • it is desirable to have two separate menus, general and divided into segments ;
  • place a block with information about the benefits for the client on the main page ;
  • the site must contain a link to a page with customer reviews ;
  • the presence of a banner with current special offers;
  • the portal must have contact details, a callback order form.

The methods listed are based on customer needs. Companies also need to regularly monitor the actions of competitors. This will allow finding new ways to attract consumers. Increasing the sales volume and improving the marketing policy directly depends on the completeness of the collected information.

Separately, it is necessary to detail the issue related to the possible increase in prices for goods. First of all, you need to understand that by increasing the cost of the goods, the client should be given something in return. Based on this, owners of small enterprises should remember that the reasons for buying their products today may be significantly different from those for which they will be bought six months from now. Key factors that will help maintain customer loyalty:

  • product upgrades, including new options ;
  • price list adapted to financial opportunities client ;
  • flexible scheme of work with the customer ;
  • fixing prices in rubles (for Russian buyers).

Winning (weaning) customers from competitors

If customers are, then it is advisable to monitor their market behavior. This approach will allow you to make specific business proposals in a timely manner. As for attracting potential customers, here it is necessary to find out who the current supplier of similar products is, how satisfied customers are with cooperation with him, and take into account possible benefits for the client if he is ready to change the supplier.

If there are real advantages, the entrepreneur will have a chance to attract new customers. Regarding customers who, for certain reasons, began to use competitors' products, in this case, you need to restore contact with them and find out the reasons why cooperation was terminated.

As a result of the monitoring, the information obtained can be used to restore business relations. Some of the main reasons for not purchasing products are:

  • the buyer no longer needs your product;
  • greatly overpriced;
  • unsatisfactory quality of goods;
  • low level of service;
  • competitive offers are more interesting.

When customers start to refuse your products, then it's time to increase the attractiveness of the company. If high prices are the stumbling block, then limited discounts can be used, for example, for up to three months.

But, if customers are not satisfied with the quality of the goods, then it's time to conduct a survey among buyers to find out their wishes. If there are wishes that are acceptable in terms of costs and can bring profit to the enterprise, they must be applied in relation to other customers.

An additional reason for refusing purchases is the lack of activity of the supplier. For many buyers, it is essential that there be regular contact, in particular through telephone calls, friendly visits and mail notifications.

If the consumer does not receive this, he thinks that the supplier is no longer interested in him and begins to look for new business contacts. Therefore, the entrepreneur must anticipate such moods of his customers and fill their needs.

Attraction of new clients

There are many consumers who have not yet tried your products. At the same time, their interests may correspond to the interests of existing customers. Increasing sales volume, possibly by attracting new customers. Of course, this will require a slight modernization in the system of customer relations, which will meet the needs of attracted customers. Such tactics will significantly reduce the financial costs associated with an increase in business activity.

To identify the qualitative characteristics of a particular group of consumers, such sources of information as statistical collections, marketing research or trade association reports are suitable. Interviewing different groups will help to understand that new customers will not necessarily be identical to existing customers. As a consequence, it will be necessary to establish the main differences during the selection of purchased products.

Recommendations from clients can serve as an addition to the overall picture. After identifying the main groups of potential buyers, you can do:

  • listing buyers with the designation of their basic characteristics;
  • mailing"Direct requests" by E-mail with a commercial offer and a brief description of the company;
  • action"Cold calls", which consists in direct contact with potential customers in order to find out their purchasing preferences;
  • advertising campaign in newspapers, magazines, on radio, television or in;
  • popularization of the method"Personal recommendations" from existing clients;
  • using the reception"Stimulating mix", which consists of a set of different activities that provide consumers with the competitive advantages of products.

Separately, you need to discuss the sale of goods in the "" mode. It is a one-stop solution for many companies looking to increase profitability and reduce operating costs.

For the successful sale of products leading role plays the cost, quality, range of goods and its availability in the warehouse. Timely delivery is another factor.

Advantages of online trading:

  • significant cost reduction;
  • automated order processing;
  • the possibility of girth is huge;
  • round-the-clock operation;
  • possibility of instant payment;
  • no need to walk along;
  • continuous improvement of the structure of the products offered;
  • automatic generation of product catalogs.

Increasing the intensity of purchases from existing customers

The increase in sales occurs due to the increase in the volume of purchases by existing customers. Because attracting new customers is much more difficult. Therefore, it will be useful to study the Pareto Principle. According to this principle, about 80% of success comes from 20% of the effort. Thus, it is quite natural to apply this rule to the issue of making a profit and increasing sales volumes. An overview of sales using the "Pareto Principle" includes:

  • sales volume per customer;
  • income from each consumer;
  • sales volumes by separate species goods;
  • generalized profitability of products sold;
  • total sales and revenues for each individual distribution channel.

Data analysis includes:

  1. Calculation of sales volumes for each of the above indicators for a specific period in order to obtain a total amount.
  2. Location of received information decreasing throughout the analyzed period.
  3. Percentage calculation all indicators (item 1) and their subsequent arrangement in descending order.
  4. Total Percentage Calculation in decreasing order.
  5. Product Category Identification for which total sales reach 80%.
  6. Holding comparative analysis obtained data with results for the past period, in order to subsequently focus on those methods that provide 80% of sales.

Thanks to the information received, the company will be able to take adequate measures aimed at increasing sales. Analysis of the situation will show what buyers think and say. If the counterparty purchases products towards the end of the month, then the phone call two weeks before the event can be a useful tool to guarantee an increase in sales.

You can also draw attention to the enterprise by regular deliveries or by sending a specialist to eliminate minor equipment breakdowns. An additional incentive may be the sale of certain goods on credit. A good way is to give discounts to your customers, especially on those products that are sold by competitors. Also widely used is the method of distribution of related products.

Today's sales serve as a guarantor of future production financing. Visually, the actual size of the critical sales volume can be seen on the graph as the point of intersection of the lines that display the total costs and sales revenues. Increase in sales volume is possible due to:

  • engaging customers in games;
  • invitations to clients for holidays;
  • teaching customers something;
  • providing an opportunity to taste the product;
  • attraction of celebrities;
  • using a variety of discounts.

Focus on certain types customers is also a good way to increase sales. Experts from the field of neuroeconomics argue that the process of "spending money" continues until it begins to create inconvenience. The results of individual studies have identified three basic types of buyers:

  • 24% - misers;
  • 61% are average buyers;
  • 15% - spenders.

Each company is interested in buyers who:

  • acquire a highly profitable product;
  • pay for products in full;
  • prefer to make large orders;
  • very rarely cancel orders;
  • pay for goods on time;
  • do not need after-sales service.

Given the characteristics of each individual group of buyers and the results of the analysis, it is possible to approximately determine the profitability of consumers. As a rule, only a small part of buyers provides the main profit. It often happens that large customers may not be profitable enough for a company.

Concentration on the most profitable customers will free up significant resources for the development of production.

Target client identification technology implies:

  • strategy definition;
  • conducting market segmentation;
  • collecting market data;
  • development of primary hypotheses and analysis of accumulated information (by consumers);
  • division of consumer segments;
  • development of primary hypotheses and analysis of accumulated information (for clients);
  • separation of client segments;
  • an overview of the attractiveness of each individual sector;
  • identifying criteria for selecting target customers;
  • extraction of the target buyer;
  • development of methods aimed at improving the quality of proposals and reaching the break-even point.

Building relationships with clients

Basic Rules effective program customer services include:

1. Identification of the most profitable clients with their further distribution into groups. Primary goal:

  • prioritization during maintenance;
  • analysis of the characteristics of key groups of buyers.

2. Drawing up a register of internal and external customers.

3. Determining the required level of customer service for each group. Primary goal:

  • definition of basic requirements for quality of service;
  • identification of requirements regarding the accuracy of order fulfillment;
  • setting the level of responsiveness to the buyer's request;
  • determining the degree of customer satisfaction with the terms of service;
  • identifying the need for staff training and improving the model of their behavior with customers;
  • formation of compliance during the settlement of conflicts.

4. Establishing the degree of job satisfaction of the company's employees.

To increase sales of products, you need to focus on quality customer service. Service standards should be developed. You can start by conducting a survey of employees. The standards developed should be concise, clearly articulated and actionable.

The basic rules for customer service should also contain individual requirements for employees. The main condition is the provision of personalized services and addressing the client exclusively by name, patronymic. Personnel must be trained in friendly communication techniques, as well as the ability to resolve any complaints from customers.

Complaints must be handled with the utmost care in order to maintain the goodwill of customers and introduce the necessary changes that will affect the improvement of customer service. List of useful events:

  • attract employees and customers to collaboratively create service standards through surveys;
  • documenting standards service;
  • explanatory work among staff members;
  • getting staff support regarding the feasibility of using the developed service model;
  • building a corporate culture relations with buyers, excluding any deviations from the approved standards;
  • making regular adjustments standards due to changing conditions;
  • introduction of an evaluation system of behavior personnel to monitor compliance with the developed customer service model;
  • employee incentives for improvement after-sales service clients.

To track the quality of staff work, you can use the Mystery Shopper technique. The main purpose of using such a technique is to document all stages of sales. Using a voice recorder, you can see how things really are in the company. Surveillance cameras can be used to further control the quality of work. All these methods will allow you to track the incompetence of the staff and eliminate any causes that prevent the increase in sales. The main problems in the field of sales:

  • shortage of qualified personnel;
  • lack of strategic planning for the work of sales managers;
  • the lack of an evaluation system that allows tracking the personal contribution of sellers;
  • lack of experienced managers in sales departments;
  • lack of motivation among sales managers;
  • lack of customer orientation;
  • lack of effective training methods for training sales managers;
  • lack of a reserve search system.

Companies need to understand that even when working with commercial organizations they interact with people. Sales of goods are not made to a soulless organization, but ordinary person, which can be subject to emotions and is guided by the peculiarities of its character. The preferences of a living person are not always amenable to strict logic, but in any case, the company must do everything possible for the sake of the client.

Of course, the time spent, the competence of the staff and the loyalty to the customers are worth a lot. If the company manages to convince the buyer that it perfectly understands its interests and is ready to serve them, then the problem of paying for orders will disappear by itself. Satisfied customers will zealously defend the interests of the company in their firm and will not allow themselves to miss such a partner. But how to win customer loyalty? Purchases are made where:

  • the buyer finds everything he needs;
  • value customers and are always happy to see them;
  • can listen and get to the bottom of the problem;
  • respond to wishes.

Any product sold has three components: a material component, a method of service, and additional service. After-sales service is just as important as the product. When the buyer regularly receives all three components, then he becomes loyal. Thus, loyalty can be classified as high customer satisfaction, which leads to a committed attitude towards the company. What gives customer loyalty:

  • systemic and predicted sales;
  • increasing the value of the company;
  • a criterion that determines that the level of service corresponds to the price;
  • significant savings in finding other customers.

Loyal Buyer Features:

  • devotion to and protection of company policy;
  • participation in the acquisition of new products;
  • attracting new customers;
  • implementation of an advertising campaign;
  • ignoring competing organizations;
  • minimal price sensitivity;
  • tolerance for single episodes of quality degradation;
  • disposition to participate in surveys;
  • willingness to make proposals for the modernization of products;
  • moderate requirements for additional maintenance.

The European Trade Institute conducted studies that showed that German companies spend 8 times more money on attracting new customers than on repeat purchase motivation.

A 5% increase in the number of loyal customers can lead to an increase in sales up to 100%. A satisfied customer informs at least 5 friends about a bargain, and a dissatisfied customer will notify 10 people.

The main reasons for loyalty:

  • period of cooperation;
  • level of satisfaction;
  • product experience;
  • making repeated purchases without being stimulated by falling prices;
  • personal contacts;
  • positive experience of overcoming conflicts.

Buyer classification:

  1. adherent- a customer who regularly makes purchases and actively advertises the company.
  2. loyal subject- a consumer who systematically makes purchases, without further advertising of products.
  3. Defector- a customer who regularly makes purchases, both from the company and from competitors
  4. Terrorist- A buyer who is willing to remain committed in return for certain dividends.
  5. Mercenary- a client who allows himself to be bought out.
  6. Hostage- a buyer who has no choice.

Customer retention programs (loyalty)

To understand how to keep a client, you need to know the main reasons why he might leave. Reasons for customer abandonment:

  • 68% - inadequate attitude towards customers;
  • 14% - dissatisfaction with the quality of the product;
  • 9% - competitors' offers are more interesting;
  • 5% - change in the type of activity;
  • 3% - geographical relocation of business;
  • 1% - .

One bad conversation with an employee of the company can cross out years of cooperation and prevent an increase in sales. Emotional factors often outweigh rational ones. As a result, almost 70% of company losses are due to communication problems.

To boost customer satisfaction need:

  • train staff to deal with problem customers;
  • make it easier for buyers to access the company;
  • monitor compliance with service quality standards;
  • study customer needs;
  • use the potential of success stories;
  • research customer satisfaction.

Just 10-20 years ago, the emphasis was on improving product quality, but today many companies have reached such a level of product quality that competition occurs at the level of service. If you need to increase sales, it becomes necessary to use completely different technologies. To retain customers:

  • preference models are developed;
  • the channels of interaction with the company are being clarified;
  • communication between employees of different departments and the buyer is provided;
  • changes in the purchasing behavior of the client are tracked;
  • life values ​​of buyers are studied;
  • special offers are developed to increase sales.

Service automation means:

  • use of data that maximally reveals information about the client, the problem that has arisen and the preferences of the buyer;
  • automatic control of all requests for terms and quality of service;
  • availability of an information base on current problems and solutions;
  • automatic control of service agreements;
  • ways to manage customer requests.

American Express has conducted studies that show that high level service is critical for 60% of consumers when choosing where to shop. As a result, they will be ready to overpay up to 7%. However, only 40% of companies are working on getting feedback from customers. Common loyalty programs that provoke an increase in sales:

  1. Loyalty card.
  2. Cumulative discounts, bonuses.
  3. Special terms of service.
  4. Prizes, lotteries, contests.
  5. Getting a unique experience.
  6. Charity.
  7. Club formations.
  8. Access to restricted resources.
  9. After-sales service.
  10. Creation of coalition loyalty programs.
  11. Exchange of an old item for a new one.
  12. Client training.
  13. 24/7 technical support.

For the last six years I have been selling myself and teaching others how to sell.

At one time, I was lucky to develop the sales department at IPS (Isaac Pintosevich Systems), close space checks in the Amazon Chamber of Commerce, and now I build sales in the LABA educational platform.

We sell our products in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany and the Baltic countries. This is a rather complex process that requires the coordinated work of the entire team.

What happened in those six years?

In the first week of work as a sales manager, I signed 3 contracts for a total of $23,000

Year held the first place in sales among thirty people

Personal record - 372% of the plan

For a year of work, he went from trainee to acting. head of the IPS sales department with thirty sales managers subordinate

Signed contracts with thirty unfamiliar clients in one day of the conference

Doubled the turnover of the LABA educational platform in the first month of operation

I am constantly learning, I have been trained by the best specialists: Belfort, Adizes, Cialdini, Ferrazi, Gandapas etc.

Another personal record - sales of a product of a budget price category for $62,000 per month

I sold a lot, experimented with different schemes and made enough mistakes until I came up with the formula for the perfect sale. This formula can be used to increase the turnover of the ENTIRE sales department, not an individual manager.

Myths that are often found in novice sales managers.

A salesperson needs to be born

This is how most people think, especially those who are just starting their journey in this direction. In fact, selling is an accessible formula that anyone can master.

If you're juggling or driving a car for the first time, chances are you'll make mistakes at first.

But if you have good teachers, over time, you will learn how to do it easily and with minimal errors. Sales are no exception!

Selling is vaping

You are unlikely to distinguish 97% of salespeople from each other. These inept managers from the very beginning of the conversation are trying to tell as quickly as possible that they are the best, they have best company, best delivery, conditions etc.

They do not know and do not try to find out what the client needs at all. With this approach, it is really vparivanie. What benefit does such a salesperson bring to the client and what is the probability that the client will buy your product and be satisfied?

Selling is bad

Every day we all sell something. Going to the cinema, what dish to eat for dinner, an idea for clients or management, services, etc.

When selling a quality service or product that can help the client, this cannot be bad. If you help a person, what's wrong with that?

In fact, selling high-quality, sought-after goods is prestigious, and most importantly, they pay very well for it.

Myths of Sales Executives or Business Owners

A good sales manager is easy to find

Now I'll probably upset you. Good sales managers don't look for work - work finds them. There are practically no good sales managers on the market. It's not enough to just post a job and sales geniuses will come to you.

A good sales manager has long since sold his competencies and of course has highly paid commissions. Not in your company.

Practice has shown that it is necessary to look for potential employees who are ready to learn and grow real “sales wolves” out of them. It is difficult, requires certain knowledge and effort. But it definitely works.

Sales managers will actively sell themselves, as they want to earn more

Alas, no matter how well-thought-out system of material motivation you have, it is not enough to keep the fuse of your employee at the highest level.

A sales manager is a person with his own inner beliefs, fears, interests and priorities. Only thanks to the right approach to the management of each employee, you will be able to keep your sales department at a high motivational level.

The most terrible myth that can destroy your sales team

Once everything is set up, everything works fine and it will always be so.

I think each of you at least once thought or hopes that this is possible.

The sales department is the link that should bring most finance to the company. And it should be constantly worked on and improved.

Once every three months, it is necessary to improve and revise the strategy in the sales department.

Set new bonuses for certain indicators, change teams or projects on which they worked, set plans for a month, three and six months.

Sales managers are storm troopers by nature and the usual routine affects them negatively - motivation is lost, indicators begin to fall, there are fewer satisfied customers.

Therefore, you must constantly keep your finger on the pulse of your sales team and, if it begins to weaken, take prompt action.

7 tips to increase the turnover of your sales force


The right people are the backbone of any sales force.

How often do you conduct interviews? How often do you manage to find a good sales manager?

Most companies conduct face-to-face interviews. This approach works in the selection of top management, but not for the sales department.

Competitive interviews are required. So you can save your time and, no less important, emphasize the value of the vacancy in the eyes of the applicant.

If your new employee has not just passed the interview, but openly fought for his position with competitors, he will appreciate it much more.

One of the most important skills of a "salesperson" is purposefulness. Make the competition so that it can show this quality. The selection process should take place in several stages.

It is important that each stage is much more difficult - so you can understand how goal-oriented a potential employee is.


In many companies, in the first days of work, an employee in the sales department encounters such problems:

  • they do not know what and how to do, so they walk, drink coffee and interfere with other employees;
  • they try to sell before they have all the tools and just burn leads or, even worse, ruin your reputation.

You must have a clear system of adaptation. It is necessary to equip the employee with all the knowledge about the product and scripts for working with the client. This will allow you to get rid of the turnover and quickly introduce the manager to the position.


Surprisingly, most companies do not use the most important tools for the work of the sales department, even though they are quite easy to master - CRM, IP-telephony, voice recording system, etc.

Implementing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) will help you see the picture of your relationship with each client. Here you can enter the customer's phone number, full name, position, city and many other data into the database.

With the help of such a system, it is convenient to keep track of invoices, prepayments and completed transactions - this will allow you to quickly respond to any changes in sales.

The introduction of such a system usually increases turnover by at least 15%. And cloud solutions do not require large budgets.

In the LABA educational platform, we write our own software product that meets all our sales analytics needs. We will definitely devote a separate article to this product, it is worth it).


Many people know what scripts are (algorithms for talking with a client), but few people use them. Managers understand that such a toolkit increases sales in the company, but for some reason they give their managers the opportunity to improvise in a conversation with a client.

Improvisation is the worst case scenario in a conversation when a manager needs to understand the needs of the client and correctly explain all the benefits of the product.

The script needs to be developed, and this, believe me, is not the easiest task you have encountered. It constantly needs to be tightened up and tested in conversations - this is a permanent process.

However, the game is worth the candle - the introduction of such a tool can increase the manager's sales by 30% after the first month.

Don't forget the food book. This is your company's product catalog, which every manager should know by heart. Every detail and detail, every feature of your product. A seller who knows his product perfectly, customers consider a professional - this is an axiom.


At this point, it is important to note that your sales department should work automatically. Like a Swiss watch - without interruption.

To do this, you need a technical specialist - administrator. This employee will monitor overdue tasks from managers, unloading potential customers. It is also his task to ensure that telephony accounts do not run out of money.

It is very important to constantly work with the customer base. The administrator of the sales department will be able to control clients that take a lot of time. At the same time, the result from such clients is zero.

Create a black pool where you will bring in customers who have not bought anything for a long time or a lot of contact with them.

Most entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch, and experienced businessmen, are concerned about the question how to increase store sales?

This article will look at 9 effective ways that can increase profits.

A big plus: they do not require additional solid investments in implementation.

How to increase sales in the store: we determine the main factors

Before moving on to the main topic, how to increase sales, it is necessary to determine what their level depends on:

    A huge role in the sale is played by the location of products on shelves, racks or hangers.

    There is even a special "science" - merchandising.

    What matters is how the product looks.

    For example, it will be difficult to convince a client that this meat is worth buying if it looks like it has been in the window for a week.

    Products must be whole, clean, look presentable.

  1. Also, of course, the level of sales depends on the ratio of price and quality.

And now let's go directly to the study of the main tricks that will help increase sales.

9 effective ways to increase sales in the store

Rule number 1. The more expensive, the better

For each visitor in the store, the sales assistant should be closely monitored.

And not because the buyer can appropriate something for himself and not pay for it at the checkout, but in order to offer the product more expensive in time and thereby increase the number of sales.

Sounds absurd?

For example, a sales assistant noticed that a visitor was already ready to buy a hat.

At that moment, he approaches, and without any obtrusiveness and trembling in his voice offers a similar product, only 15-20% more expensive.

Of course, not just like that.

At the same time, he refers to the fact that the hat he proposed:

  • several orders of magnitude better than the previous hat;
  • produced by a well-known company;
  • this brand will be popular next season;
  • be in the status of exclusive accessories, etc.

No fashionista can resist such a list of advantages.

In addition, psychology works here: most people cannot pronounce the phrases “this is expensive for me”, “I want something cheaper”.

This move allows you to increase the number of products sold, despite the fact that "misfires" in this scheme, of course, happen quite often.

But even if 30–45% of all visitors fall for this trick, this method will increase conversion by 22%!

Rule number 2. The more the better

In order for a consumer to buy not one, but several products, he needs a good reason.

Let's go back, again, for example with a hat.

Only in this case, the seller should increase sales by offering to additionally buy another position at the outlet, and not a similar product.

For example, purchase suitable gloves or an elegant scarf for a new hat.

In no case should an employee force them to try on the offered product and be intrusive!

This will have the opposite effect.

The shopper may even continue to bypass the store on the 10th road to avoid this 'sticky character'.

The seller must demonstrate the second thing, describing its merits.

It is important to explain to the person why he would leave with two purchases at all.

For example, noticing that the proposed scarf is in harmony with the chosen hat, while creating a full-fledged fashionable look.

This is a good trick that allows you to increase sales in the store.

Rule #3

This rule is in some sense "consonant" with the previous one.

In every clothing store there are products that can additionally increase sales, but are usually not offered to customers when choosing a main item.

This is the so-called small things, which are usually put up in the checkout area or on small racks around the trading floor.

Such related products may include:

  • scarves;
  • hairpins;
  • umbrellas;
  • bijouterie;
  • various cases, wallets.

How it works?

For example, a man buys jeans.

At the checkout, he is offered to purchase an additional pair of men's socks.

This is argued by the fact that then the purchase amount will reach the required minimum in order to open a discount card.

Few of the buyers will refuse: socks will always come in handy, and participation in the funded system is an opportunity to save on purchases in the future.

The consumer seems to be profitable investment and he agrees.

Although the profit of the entrepreneur from one such sale is small, but if you sum up the results of the month, then the increase in sales using this method becomes obvious.

Therefore, store owners should not refuse to use such zones, and they should also motivate sellers and cashiers to mention the existence of such goods to customers.

Rule #4

Use methods that will allow you to find out the contact number of the buyer at the time of the sale of any product.

Most easy way is to ask to fill out a small questionnaire, for which the client can receive a discount card.

In this way, you can create a database of store visitors.

How will this help increase sales at the point of sale?

The collected contact numbers of consumers are used for calling.

Here's how consultants can argue a call to a buyer:

  1. Informing about new deliveries to the store.
  2. Messages about advantageous offers.
    For example, “buy one razor as a gift for a man on February 14, get the second as a gift” or “we will pack it in beautiful gift paper for free.”
  3. To find out why the customer has not visited the store for a long time, and whether he has any wishes regarding the service or product.

The ability to properly work with such a tool is a real art.

It is worth doing this only to those employees who have good diction and know how to work with objections.

They also give a good response rate, and will also increase sales in the store.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by statistics:

Rule number 5. Enter a discount card

To increase sales in the store in this way, you need to familiarize yourself with the two sides of the coin of this process.

The positive side of the coin

How to increase sales in the store?

Basically, an increase in the number of consumers. And the discount card allows you to "get" them.

Buyers will always be attracted by the opportunity to save.

For example, a girl wants to buy a handbag. This model is in two nearby stores. Only in one she has a discount card, and in the other she does not. Of course, she will go to buy goods where at least a small savings awaits her. Reasonable, isn't it?

With the help of discounts, we can increase sales by attracting more customers, rather than inflating prices.

Negative side

When issuing such cards to regular customers, the store loses the lion's share of profits.

Like it or not, but the amount “underpaid” by the buyer is the lost profit of the outlet.

Therefore, the expediency of using cards must be calculated in each case separately.

Each owner will decide whether to use this method of attracting visitors.

But its effectiveness cannot be denied. Moreover, the efficiency is gradually increasing.

Pay attention to the comparative statistics of whether the presence of a discount card affects attendance:

Rule #6

This is another move that aims to increase sales in the store.

Calculate the average enterprise and add approximately 25–35% to it.

This amount will be the benchmark for the bonus program.

For example, the average store check was about 2,000 rubles. Then, in order to receive bonuses, the buyer will need to cross the threshold of 2,500 rubles (2000 + 25% = 2500).

Come up with some gifts as an encouragement.

It can be both store products and any products of partner companies.

In this way, it will be possible to increase sales in the store.

In addition, teach your employees to pronounce words such as: “You made a purchase in the amount of 2,320 rubles.

If you purchase goods for another 180 rubles, we give you one of the gifts to choose from:

  • plush toy;
  • torch;
  • trinket;
  • handle;
  • fridge magnet".

It can be anything! The main thing is to interest the buyer and make him pay even more.

Also, instead of gifts, under the terms of the bonus program, you can earn points that customers can spend on purchases in the future.

It kills two birds with one stone: it attracts people and makes them become regular customers.

The scheme is this:

Rule #7

This list 10 better ways how to increase sales in the store, would be incomplete if you consider promotions.

Promotions will always exist, because this is the easiest way to increase the volume of goods sold.

They allow you to motivate a person and incline to more spending than he originally planned.

The most effective scheme that will help increase sales is 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 (buy three items and get the fourth one for free).

This method not only allows you to increase sales in the store, but also helps when changing products to new collection or move to another season.

The store sells several things at once that could lie without being sold, instead of writing them off and sending them to stock centers.

In addition, this method will help increase the number of customers in the store.

It was noted that information about such actions is distributed with the help of "word of mouth" especially actively.

Rule number 8. "Book of complaints and suggestions"

According to the law, each entrepreneurial business must have such a book and issue it at the first request of the client.

But often the owners completely ignore their presence: the document is sent “to the table”, and is issued only upon urgent requests (“or you never know what nasty things they write to us”).

Meanwhile, this may be one of the reasons why it is not possible to increase sales in the store.


The fact is that according to complaints and suggestions, self-respecting boutiques or retail outlets determine what exactly the buyers lack!

Of course, you should not offer every visitor to leave a record there.

Instead, short surveys can be introduced.

They can be carried out by cashiers when selling goods, and can also be placed in trading floor box for requests and wishes.

Buyers can be asked how they feel about:

  • the price level in the store,
  • variety of assortment
  • service personnel,
  • the atmosphere in the store (playing music, decor, product layout).

In addition, you can unobtrusively ask to leave a comment about the work of the outlet on the site.

This will not only give feedback, but also attract new people to visit you.

Answer sheets should be USE, improving the work of the outlet, and not sending it to a distant box.

Then you can increase sales by correcting possible problems.

The video provides practical tips for increasing sales from an experienced entrepreneur:

Rule #9

To increase sales in the store, you need to think not only about selling “here and now”.

Work for the future.

For example, a person bought an expensive tablet, phone, laptop in your store.

And suddenly, after a day or two, representatives of the store call the buyer and ask:

  1. Is the consumer satisfied with the purchase?
  2. How quickly did you manage to set up an expensive acquisition?
  3. Do you need help with technology?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to improve the store?

Agree, this gesture is very pleasant.

Each person will appreciate such care.

In addition, you will definitely want to tell your friends and acquaintances about this step of the store.

And word of mouth is an effective method of free advertising.

The above methods will help you decide how to increase store sales.

But we must not forget about the main thing behind the "tinsel": the key to the success of the outlet is customer care, high-quality goods and highly qualified sales consultants.

If everything is in order with this “base”, the methods described in the article will help increase sales in the store in a short time.


The Russian stationery market is growing at a rapid pace, which is associated with the opening of new companies, and, accordingly, new offices. In addition, the number of so-called home offices is growing, so the demand for stationery is not slowing down. Approximate annual growth in consumption of stationery - 15%.

Compared to Western countries, the demand for stationery remains low. The range of stationery, which is in great demand with us, is approximately 1-3 thousand items. Western companies, on average, have an assortment of 5-7 thousand items, and large distributors of stationery offer their customers, along with an accompanying assortment, up to 15 thousand items.

In the structure of imports, a large share is occupied by products from countries South-East Asia, in some product groups the share of Asian products reaches 30-60%. However, the market leaders are European brands. Their strengths: low price, wide range and frequent change of model range.

The main trend in the stationery market is the growth of Russian production, import substitution of groups of goods with the maximum turnover (folders of all kinds, writing accessories, trays, proofreading). The quality of Russian stationery is not inferior to imported, and the prices are lower.

There is an obvious trend in the market for growing demand for value-added products - the consumer is ready to pay more for a high-quality and functional product with a modern design, as well as for novelties.

Most of the stationery market is occupied by the office supplies segment. The main types of office supplies include: A4 and A3 paper (white and color); writing accessories; file folders; products made of soft plastic (various folders, corner folders, file folders); hard plastic products (trays, vertical storage), glue and proofreading. The structure of the office goods market is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The Russian market of office supplies

The annual capacity of the national office goods market as a whole today is 2–2.4 billion dollars. At the same time, the share of stationery, including office paper, is 1.5–1.8 billion dollars. The growth of the stationery industry is due to an increase in supplies of stationery for the office. The share of sales of Russian paper, which is cheaper and is gradually replacing imported paper, has grown significantly.

As a result of the analysis of the situation on the market, it is obvious that, along with the general growth of the economy, the growth in the consumption of stationery and office paper will also grow in proportion to the overall growth. According to market experts, the Russians will increase their purchases of stationery over the next five years by about 20% annually. The growth of the market volume will be ensured, first of all, due to the increase in the consumption of office goods and cut paper.

For the average buyer of stationery, the priority criterion when choosing a store or company is a wide range, however, keeping everything that exists on the office goods market on the counter or warehouse of a stationery company is not only impossible, but also extremely thoughtless.

Therefore, the chosen topic thesis“The development of measures to increase sales and expand the range of Metr-L LLC is relevant, since the stationery market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

The consumer, including the corporate one, now perceives stationery as an integral part of its consumer basket, although the level of their consumption is far behind the level of consumption of other product groups, there is potential for the development of this market.

The purpose of the work is to develop measures to increase sales and expand the range. In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider theoretical aspects marketing in trade activities;

Determine the principles of assortment management;

Give the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise;

Conduct an analysis of the company's turnover, labor resources, distribution costs and financial results in trade;

Conduct an analysis financial condition trading organization.

Conduct an analysis of industrial hazards in the organization;

Develop measures aimed at increasing sales and expanding the range of LLC "Matr‑L";

Consider the software and hardware used in the enterprise and the improvement of information processing technologies;

Make an economic justification for the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed measures to increase sales and expand the range of stationery.

The theoretical basis is the normative documents, works and publications in the periodicals of the following authors: Abryutina M.S., Artemenko V.G., Bellendir M.V., Babaeva Yu.A., Berdnikova T.B., Vasilyeva L.S., Petrovskaya M.V., Voitolovsky N.V., Gilyarovskaya L.T., Lysenko D.V., Dontsova L.V. Nikiforova N.A. Efimova O.V., Melnik M.V., Ionova A.F., Selezneva N.N., Kravchenko L.I., Markaryan E.A., Gerasimenko G.P., Ronova G.N., Savitskaya G. .V., and others.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Marketing in trading activities : purchase and sale

The introduction of marketing into trading activities is extremely important, since trade marketing is an important part of the overall concept of marketing and actively influences the sphere of production. The industry, through a network of intermediary structures, receives timely information about the demand of buyers for a particular product. In some cases, taking into account consumer demand makes it possible to reorient production to the production of new goods based on an economic assessment of the cost of goods and their impact on the existing assortment.

Marketing research, helping to carry out a targeted assortment policy, thereby contributes to the growth of profits and the reduction of commercial risk. A comprehensive study of consumer demand orients manufacturers (suppliers of goods) to the timely renewal of the range and quality of products.

Holding marketing research in trading structures, as well as in any area of ​​their application, involves the use of publicly available methods of system analysis, program-targeted, economic and statistical approaches, methods of probability theory and mathematical programming.

Research can be carried out on its own and with the involvement of specialized organizations and involves a targeted search for reliable information. In the near future, commercial transactions with will be carried out with the involvement of Internet marketing, which will open up wide opportunities for the sale of goods not only in our country, but throughout the world.

At the same time, the process of carrying out various commercial transactions will be significantly accelerated. The use of modern information trading and intermediary organizations is the basis for increasing the efficiency of their commercial activities.

1.1.1 Purchasing marketing

The implementation of the procurement and sale of material resources in the conditions of market relations is unthinkable without the use of marketing elements both at the enterprise itself and in the market for the purchase and sale of goods. Consider the main areas of marketing research in the procurement and marketing activities of intermediary organizations.

The main purpose of purchasing marketing is to identify the right products in the right quantity, the right quality, at the right time to meet consumer demand. An approximate scheme of goods distribution is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Scheme of goods distribution with the participation of a trade and intermediary organization

With such a supply chain, the information flow follows in the opposite direction - from the consumer to the supplier in order to satisfy consumer demand for types of products, quantity, quality, arrival time, prices for materials and other characteristics of materials.

As already mentioned, the organization of procurement of material resources from industrial enterprises for the purpose of their subsequent sale to consumers is one of the main functions of wholesale and intermediary organizations. At the same time, when purchasing material resources, intermediary structures influence suppliers in order to improve product quality, expand its range and subsequently satisfy consumer demand.

The implementation of procurement activities includes a set of operations to identify sources of procurement of materials, study consumer demand, form and provide orders to suppliers for production, and subsequently the supply of necessary goods. The decision to purchase material resources is made taking into account the price, quantity, quality and level of customer service.

After determining the need for material resources, suppliers are determined who can supply the necessary products. When choosing suppliers, the prices for the products supplied, the delivery time and the quality of the goods must be agreed upon. An important criterion is the reliability of the supplier, which reduces the risk of untimely deliveries.

The implementation of procurement marketing can be represented by the stages:

Definition of consumers;

Analysis of procurement sources;

Procurement market research;

Selection of material suppliers;

Using a procurement marketing tool;

Negotiations on the terms of delivery;

Placement of orders;

Control over the receipt of goods;

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