Anastasia Petrik how old is now. Igor Petrik - about how he made the winner of the "Junior Eurovision" out of his daughter

The name of a nine-year-old resident of the village of Nerubayskoye, Odessa region, is now known to all of Europe. Nastya Petrik won the most prestigious international song contest. Previously, she took part in the show "Ukraine Got Talent", won the "Children's New Wave-2009", sang a duet with Philip Kirkorov and Nina Matvienko.

Returning from Amsterdam, where the Junior Eurovision took place, Nastya's father IGOR PETRIK told Izvestia in Ukraine how Igor Krutoy helped them and why they do not buy Nastya an expensive phone.

music shock

The day after Nastya's victory at Eurovision, information appeared on the Internet that the President congratulated your daughter. Did he personally call?

No, of course not. At least he didn't call us. Moreover, I myself do not yet have this information, although I was with Nastya in Amsterdam all the time. I admit that the president could convey congratulations through his press service. After all, we brought victory not only for ourselves, but for the state. Nastya was also congratulated by Sofia Rotaru and Philip Kirkorov.

Will the next competition be held in Ukraine?

Petro Poroshenko, who paid for Nastya's participation in Eurovision, was also in Amsterdam, rejoiced at the victory with us, jumped with the flag, worried about Nastya. Seeing that Ukraine had won, he was slightly shocked and said: "Let's do everything we need to make the next Eurovision be held here." As far as I know, Ukraine has already submitted an application to the ABU, the organization that hosts Eurovision. Now it's up to them.

The appearance of Nastia at any concert, television show evokes general condolences. I remember how the same Kirkorov, Krutoy, admired her. Do they help Nastya or are they limited to compliments?

Support, but not financially. Twice a year we always work with the production company of Igor Krutoy: in the summer in Artek, on the Children's New Wave, in the winter on the Christmas Song of the Year, which we are going to record the other day. This, of course, is a very important support for girls, both for Nastya and her older sister Vika.

And do you have to fill up with sponsors or do they themselves express a desire to help?

No, of course, what is there themselves, they are not up to it. Petro Poroshenko, for example, is very busy. Firstly, he is a minister, and secondly, he has a lot of his own affairs. But in 2008 we worked with him at Eurovision - then our eldest daughter Vika took the third place. This year we decided to ask for help again. And they helped us.

Is it expensive to send a child to an international competition?

Yes, very expensive pleasure. But after all, all countries send their participants at the expense of the state. Everywhere there are government programs, believe me, we communicate with representatives of different countries.

We, as I understand it, this tradition has not taken root?

It turns out that this is so, since we are forced each time to independently look for money in order to take the child to one or another competition. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you exactly how much this will cost, because each time the budget is different. It's one thing to go to a post-Soviet country, and quite another - far abroad, where you need a flight. Thank God, there are people who believe in us and support children. If not for them, no one would have even heard of Ukraine. This fall, Petro Poroshenko opened his factory in Vinnitsa, our Vika spoke, and after that she made a speech: "Peter Alekseevich is a person who not only speaks, but also does."

Nastia has vast experience in performing. Was she worried at Eurovision?

Yes, but it is a healthy excitement that is always present, no matter how experienced the artist is. After all, when there healthy competition Naturally, there is also excitement. Moreover, if you represent the state, you come under the flag of Ukraine. But we know how to cheer up girls, what and when to say to support them. There are specific approaches.

To all parents, I would like to say only one thing: there are no untalented children, there are lazy parents who do not pay attention to their children. It is not necessary that if a child sings or dances well, he can read poetry well or be the best in any sport. It is necessary to determine this in time and do what the child loves. Only in this case he will turn out to be a very good, talented person.

Singing sisters

They say that children whose talents are actively developed by their parents do not have a childhood...

There is no childhood for children who hang around the doorways. When they are in young age they try what cigarettes, alcohol are, then childhood ends very quickly. And if Nastya is already building a career at this age, she already knows what she will do in life, I think that this is only good.

And if I say that my children do not have a childhood, because they do not drink sparkling water and do not gnaw crackers, it’s even for the better, there are few health benefits in these products.

How busy is Nastya's schedule? Does she have time to study, play with friends?

Wherever we go, children have friends everywhere, in any country in the world. And in whatever environment the competitions take place, girls are interested everywhere. And at school we have free attendance, but when we return from another trip, we always catch up with the program.

How does Nastya study?

Well, like all children. She is not an excellent student. We try to make sure that our children do not stand out. They go to school in normal clothes, like everyone else. We don't buy them fancy phones because we don't want them to be looked down upon.

Girls do not feel the envy of their peers? Still, they travel all over the world, communicate with stars of the first magnitude, they have so many fans ...

I think no. Once, in the beginning, something like that slipped. But we just explained to both: in order to achieve such results, you need to work a lot on yourself. And what is there to envy? When all the children in Artek go to the beach, our girls do not allow themselves this, because they are preparing for the competition, trying to show a good result. And when classmates stick to the TV after school, our children leave for vocals and return home when it's time to go to bed.

How does Nastya see her future?

As long as they both like to sing. If they didn't want to, we just wouldn't do it. God willing, if everything goes well with health and also works out, we will work in this direction, expanding our horizons. We do not want to stop at the level of only our country. I wanted the names of the Petrik sisters to be heard all over the world. After all, it happened to the Klitschko brothers. Why don't we try?


For the first time, Nastya Petryk was talked about after the show “Ukraine May Talent!”. Then she spoke to a professional jury with her sister Vika. The girls were included in the list of the fifty most talented artists in the country. The TV show "Ukraine is looking for talents" is an analogue of the Russian "Minute of Glory" and the American "America" ​​s Got Talent". Thanks to the latest project, such a performer as Jackie Ivanko became known. At the age of 10, the girl already has a real voice opera singer. But later it turned out that on the territory of the former Soviet Union talents live just as well.

"New wave"

In August 2010, in Artek, Nastya Petrik and her sister Victoria performed in the finals of the international children's competition"Children's New Wave". Before the final concert, she was included in the list of fifteen talented performers from nine countries.

Nastya Petrik became the best in her age group, from 8 to 12 years old, and her sister Vika won first place in the older age group (13-15 years old), but shared it with the Razmik and Friends team from Armenia. By the way, Victoria's talent has already been recognized by many famous artists. The girl sang songs in a duet with Tina Karol and Valery Meladze, and also performed at the anniversary of singer Joseph Kobzon. In addition, she participated in a project called "95 Quarter".

For participation in the show, Nastya Petryk and her sister received a commemorative statuette and a home piano, but the main prize was their own mini-studio for recording and vocal lessons from Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. There girls will be able to hone their vocal skills.

By the way, the sisters performed together in the same song contest for the first time. Costumes for Vika and Nastya were made by designer Diana Dorozhkina, who admires Petrik's voices and sews outfits for them for each competition.

“This time we were so busy preparing that we couldn’t even come to try on. We had to send all measurements by e-mail. However, the outfits on the girls fit perfectly! ”, - said the mother of the girls Tatyana.

“When I found out the results of the competition, I was so happy and squealed so much that my voice was dead,” shared Tatyana Petrik. After Igor Krutoy told her that her daughters are very talented and you need to work with them and support this God's spark.

A year later, Nastya Petrik returned to Artek again, but not as a participant, but as an honored guest.

Nine-year-old Anastasia Petrik literally struck everyone on the spot with a duet to the song "Snow". The number with the king of pop was by far the most memorable and striking.

Anastasia Petrik on video

At this time, the song "Snow" has already become a hit. Sing in a duet, admitted Philip Kirkorov.

The jury and the audience noticed that the girl was able to accurately and expressively convey the difficult mood of the composition "Snow". Nastya sang “If you want to go, go, if you want to forget, forget it. Just know that at the end of the journey nothing can be returned, ”and immediately ran headlong to Kirkorov, who, in turn, covered the baby with his palm.

As soon as the couple spoke, silence reigned in the hall for a minute, and then there was a flurry of applause.

Nastya immediately fell in love with the star audience. Kind parting words even Alla Pugacheva told her. The young artist met Primadonna in Jurmala at the adult New Wave, where she was invited as the winner of the children's counterpart song contest. The singer called the girl to her dressing room and talked with her for a long time.

By the way, after the performance in Artek, Nastya became in great demand. About her on their pages in in social networks and celebrities began to write in their blogs. For example, on her Twitter, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, who hosted the Children's new wave"Wrote:" Incredibly cool sounded "Snow" performed by Nastya Petrik and Philip Kirkorov. Brilliant! Be sure to listen!"

“These girls are real professionals! - Petrik Kirkorov admired the sisters, - Big respect to their parents, because they were able to raise such talented children. And they sing no worse than adults, experienced artists! In addition, they have good taste, they understand a lot about high-quality music.”

Other victories

However, "Children's New Wave" is not the first thematic competition where the young singer won. Prior to that, she won a victory at the Young Galicia competition and took silver at the Black Sea Games. Then the girl plans to go to Eurovision.

At her young age, Anastasia looks two years younger, and even experienced singers can envy her voice. At the "New Wave" Nastya Petrik was appreciated, the jury in in full force gave her the highest marks. One of the judges, Ukrainian diva Ani Lorak, named the girl with the legendary jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald. Philip Kirkorov appreciated the singer's vocal abilities and artistry at the same level.

He said that Nastya could be entrusted with the interests of the country for international competition"Eurovision". pop king Russian stage hinted that he himself did not mind helping the girl in this. By the way, Lorak and Kirkorov were not the only ones who were impressed by Petrik's singing. FROM open mouths Dima Bilan, Alsu, Vera Brezhneva, Sergey Lazarev, Irina Dubtsova and Timati listened to the baby and sang along. Well, the main judge was a recognized master of his craft, composer Igor Krutoy. She masterfully performs the song "Iloverock & roll", as well as "Oh Darling". In addition, in her performance you can hear the compositions “Green Maple”, “Merry Frogs”, “Dashchik”, “My Land”, “Quiet-Nishkom”.

Meanwhile, Anastasia Petrik continues to professionally engage in her vocals and is preparing for new victories.

It is worth noting that, despite their popularity, the Petrik sisters do not leave their native village. They still live near Odessa.


Not having time to really start her career, Nastya Petrik is already giving with might and main charity concerts. So, at the end of 2011, she staged a show in an underground passage in Kyiv to help the children in the orphanage.

Duet with Philip Kirkorov

Together with another participant of "Ukraine Got Talent" David Antonyat, Nastya sang and danced for passers-by. As a result, a good amount from the caring people of Kiev went to the orphans of the Vorzelsky orphanage.

It is worth noting that the young singer is already taking her first steps as an actress. Nastya will star in feature film called "Bird". The girl got the main role, an orphan girl who makes her way through life with her own talent.

Anastasia Petrik - young Ukrainian singer, winner of the international teenage contests "Junior Eurovision" in Amsterdam, "Children's New Wave" in Artek and many other well-known musical events.

Nastya was born in Odessa and became the second daughter in the family: her older sister Victoria also amazed those around her with her vocal abilities from childhood. From an early age, Nastya closely watched her sister's rehearsals and classes, and by the age of 5-6 she was able to repeat many songs. And the repertoire was not easy. Parents favored daughters' passion for music - professional musicians. Father Igor Vasilyevich plays the piano, and mother Tatyana Fedorovna plays the violin. Creative biography girls was predetermined by the profession of their parents.


When the qualifying competition for the popular TV show “Ukraine Got Talent” was held in Odessa, Anastasia also went there, but not as a participant, but in order to support her sister. The TV presenter of the program noticed that the baby knows the words to the difficult song The Best, which she previously performed. The presenter brought little Nastya to the stage, where the girl sang in a duet with Victoria Petrik. After listening, the jury decided to give the girls the opportunity to perform live, but only in pairs.

The career of a little singer went uphill. In 2010, Nastya, together with Vika, won the first prize at the Children's New Wave festival, which was held in Artek. The sisters Petrik were awarded a prize - a cabinet piano, which later came in handy for the girls in their daily activities. The current president of Ukraine presented the two stars with equipment for a home mini-studio, in which the sisters are still experimenting with recording songs. The talent of both singers was noted by the producer and advised not to stop in this direction.

Further in the career of a little vocalist, the first place in the competition "Young Galicia", the silver of the "Black Sea Games" followed. And all this by the age of 8! Due to the fact that Petrik had a powerful jazz vocal that was amazing for her age, the girl was already compared with a great singer at that time.

In 2011, Nastya Petrik arrived at the New Wave as an invited guest and this time performed with. The musicians performed the hit "Snow", while the vocals of the little star were not inferior to the singing of the King of Variety. Philip Kirkorov was delighted with the possibilities of Nastya Petrik's voice, calling her "an unreal girl." According to Philip Bedrosovich, in Las Vegas they should definitely make a grand show about the life and work of a little vocalist.

In 2012, Nastya Petrik passed qualifying round and went to Holland for the final " Junior Eurovision". In Amsterdam talented child won the hearts of music lovers again: Anastasia became the winner of this show with the song "Sky" - for the first time in the history of Ukraine's participation in this competition. The hit, with which the Ukrainian star performed at the international competition, was composed by Nastya herself.

According to the results of voting, the second place was taken by the Georgian participants from the quartet The Funkids with the song "Merry Lemonade", the third went to the group from Armenia Compass band, who performed the track "Sweet Baby", and the fourth position was taken by a participant from Russia Valeria Engalycheva (Lerika) with the hit " Sensation". At Eurovision, Anastasia Petrik was ahead of her own sister, because in 2008 Victoria also became the winner of the competition, but then she received only 2nd place.

The following year, Nastya Petrik was already a guest star of Eurovision and performed the song "Number One (Winner)", specially written for this occasion.

Today, Nastya Petrik cannot be called an aspiring singer. The artist's repertoire includes duets with stars,. Anastasia also performed the hit "Above the Clouds" in tandem with Tina Karol. The little singer visited the cities of Ukraine and Russia with tours, Nastya was also in Italy.

Among the stars with whom Nastya Petrik is personally acquainted are. During Anastasia's performance at the festival in Jurmala with the song "Oh! Darling” The prima donna was in the dressing room. Hearing Nastya's singing in the speakers, the singer hurried to the stage to see the performer with her own eyes, Alla Borisovna was so impressed by the girl's voice.

And in 2012, together with the Russian hip-hop artist T-killah, Nastya recorded the modern hit "Little Soldier", which was first published on debut album singer Boom. Interestingly, Petrik equally easily and confidently performs both folk songs"Green Maple", "Veseli Toads", "Dock", "My Earth", and the rock hits "I Love Rock" n "Roll" and "Oh, Darling".

In 2015, the girl offered the public three new compositions at once, and in an unusual way for her. dance style. And if the song "Music" was met calmly, then "Mamma Knows Best" and "Pyatoelementnaya" became big hits. And in myself New Year Nastya Petrik pleased young fans with a new hit - the song "Russian Winter", which she performed in a duet with. In the same year, the girl received the award of the "Favorite of Success" contest in the "Young Talent of the Year" category.

Personal life

Anastasia Petrik is still a young girl, so talking about serious romantic relationship do not have to. Nastya still lives with her parents near Odessa, in the suburban village of Nerubayskoye, where they built a private house.

Nastya loves the profession of a singer, which helps a girl to realize herself, allows her to travel a lot and communicate with new people. interesting people. It should also be noted that Anastasia Petrik has already tried herself as an actress and played main character in the social drama "Little Bird" ("Bird").

Nastya Petrik now

Girl don't stop singing career. In 2016, Nastya released the hit "Do Not Trust". The video for this song appeared later than the release of the song. In 2017, the artist released a video for the song "Closed Doors" with the English version of "Open Door".

Now Nastya Petrik continues to study at school. In 2017, the girl had a prom, schoolchildren said goodbye to high school. Ahead - senior classes and admission to the university.


  • 2010 - Oh! Darling"
  • 2010 – "I Love Rock 'n' Roll"
  • 2011 - "When You Believe"
  • 2012 - "Sky"
  • 2012 - "Little Soldier"
  • 2013 - "Victory"
  • 2013 - "Number One (Winner)"
  • 2015 - "Pyatoelementnaya"
  • 2015 - "Music"
  • 2015 - "Mamma Knows Best"
  • 2016 - "Do not trust"
  • 2017 - "Closed Doors"

Anastasia Petrik became the winner of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, taking first place with a significant margin and scoring 138 points.

For the first time, they started talking about the younger Nastya when she performed on the television show "Ukraine Has Talent", the qualifying round of which was held in Odessa.

Now Nastya is 10 years old and during this time she has already managed to declare herself at such competitions as "Children's New Wave" (1st place; Artek, August 2010), "Young Galicia" (1st place), "Black Sea Games" (2nd place).

Her vocals are called adults beyond their years.

“I can’t have many friends, because I’m still very young. My closest friends are my parents and sister... Of course, sometimes I don't have time (studying at school - ed. note). I also work with teachers. Sometimes it is tiring, because I already have a profession, it is also my hobby. But I really like everything, my parents support me in every possible way, ”Nastya said in an interview.

In August 2010, in Artek, Nastya Petrik and her sister Victoria performed in the finals of the international children's competition "Children's New Wave". Before the final concert, she was included in the list of 15 talented performers from nine countries of the world.

Nastya Petrik became the best in her age group, from 8 to 12 years old, and her sister Vika took first place in the older age group. Before that, Anastasia's older sister took 2nd place in the Junior Eurovision 2008.

For winning the competition, the Petrik sisters were presented with their own mini-recording studio and a white cabinet piano.

The next year, at Artek, Nastya Petrik stunned everyone by performing the song "Snow" with Philip Kirkorov. Singing in a duet, Kirkorov admitted, with such a baby, is a big responsibility.

After her performance at Artek, Nastya became in great demand. Celebrities began to write about her on their pages on social networks and in their blogs. On her Twitter, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, who hosted the Children's New Wave, wrote: “Snow sounded incredibly cool performed by Nastya Petrik and Philip Kirkorov. Brilliant! Be sure to listen!"

Even Alla Pugacheva personally said kind words to her. Their meeting took place at the end of July in Jurmala, when Nastya, as the winner children's version called to the adult "New Wave".

“The most important thing is to work hard and not stop. It was hard for me on New Wave because I didn't have songs. Alexander Revzin said: "Here's a song for you, you must learn it before morning." And I said, "I've heard this song, I'll learn it." And I did the almost impossible. On the "New Wave" will test your willpower. In showbiz, everything is very difficult, so you should never give up! ”, Nastya said.

Now Anastasia Petrik has more than 7 songs in her piggy bank. In her repertoire, you can hear the song "Iloverock & roll", "Oh Darling", "Green Maple", "Merry Frogs", "Board", "My Land", "Tishkom-Nishkom".

“I am a child inside, and I will always be a child. I consider myself a child, although I have already started my career, work, ”Nastya admitted in an interview.

Nastya Petrik is already giving charity concerts. So, at the end of 2011, she staged a show in an underground passage in Kyiv to help the children in the orphanage.

At the Eurovision Song Contest Anastasia Petryk sang the song own composition"Sky". The composition was written in the now popular "dubstep" style and gained fame even before the competition.

According to many music experts, it is this combination of modern non-standard musical style and jazz vocals of a young singer helped Anastasia win the competition.

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