Words of gratitude to the director of the school from parents in prose and verse. Texts of congratulations from parents for graduation, last call

Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights. I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland! I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing (full name), who showed himself as a student who is able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.

You are an excellent teacher, possessing all the necessary professional and spiritual qualities for the education and training of students. We thank you for your active participation in the life of the school, for your huge contribution to its development. Thank you for taking on all undertakings with all your heart, participating in the development of new teaching methods, and organizing various events.

Thanks to teachers like you, our school is becoming more professional and popular in the eyes of the public.

Words of gratitude to the headmaster from parents in prose and verse

Yes, and critical remarks will also remain in their memory, protecting them from mistakes in adulthood. (I.O.), let your hard work bring you not only troubles, but also unforgettable moments of happiness, and the body and spirit will be, as before, cheerful.

They say that everything can be the one who puts his soul into the business. It is easy to guess where the soul (I.O.) is located - she settled in the school forever.

And he was able to do everything: he became the owner of the school territory, closely monitoring cleanliness and compliance with safety standards, a friend and mentor for children, and achieved the respect of parents and the teaching staff.

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the administration

You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example. Dear teacher, thank you for your patience, I wish you health, great respect, Students have wonderful and kind days in life, May they all become more successful and fuller.

I appreciate everything you do and thank you for your creative attitude to work, enthusiasm,

Thank you letter to teacher- this is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the teacher, class teacher for the work of raising and educating children on behalf of the director of the educational institution or the parents of the children-pupils.

A letter of thanks to the teacher has the details of a business letter:

Sample thank you letter to class teacher

Dear Elizabeth Petrovna!

We wish you the best of health, optimism, well-being and success in your difficult, but such an important matter!

parent team of class 11-A GBOU secondary school No. 791

Dear Olga Ivanovna!

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business!

It is better to issue gratitude to teachers, a class teacher on a holiday postcard or on the letterhead of an educational institution.

You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example. Dear teacher, thank you for your patience, I wish you health, great respect, Students have wonderful and kind days in life, May they all become more successful and fuller. I appreciate everything you do and thank you for your creative attitude to work, enthusiasm,

Examples of a thank you letter to a teacher (texts)

Below we offer several samples of the text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal).

Learn how to write thank you letters here.

Other examples of thank you letters:

Add personality to your thank you texts, point out the features of your teacher.

The text of the letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

Everyone knows that the school is the second family, and the teachers are the parents.

Without you, we would not be who we are today. You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example.

Your strictness and justice do not interfere with your kind and sensitive heart. We really appreciate that you always help your wards in everything and give the right advice, even not always related to schoolwork.

The management of the school is in your hands,
This responsibility is so great.
We wish you great health,
So that life is good and easy.
On your graduation day, thank you from everyone!
Let the school always flourish
It will be spacious, comfortable, beautiful,
To take kids again!

You should expect every graduation with inspiration,
You always surrounded all the guys with goodness,
We sincerely wish you luck,
And every day my eyes shine with happiness.

Dear School Principal,
We want to congratulate you
With graduation,
With our graduation ball.

We are the last time today
On call we go to the class,
And thank you, goodbye
We want to tell you.

You give us a ticket
In a big unknown world
And the native doors of the school
They stay behind.

We wish happiness in life
And great success to you
And to have many more
You have graduation classes.

You are coping with an important task with dignity,
Like a vigilant conductor of a friendly orchestra,
Let the pleasure of the role bring joy,
After all, the director of the soul is boundless space.

We wish the director good health,
Patience and nerves, stronger than steel,
We wish that in famous names
You recognized your graduates.

We wish you success, love and respect,
Good health always, great patience,
To attract rich sponsors and a good team,
And every year to be stronger, more beautiful and younger!

Birthday of a great personality
Who sheds light on souls
Manages a school of many faces,
Children give wisdom covenant.
Good luck to you in your endeavors,
Prosperity in your craft,
Glory to you, honor and attention,
Always be the first on the ship.

Kindergarten, school, institute - all these are the stages of our life that have a certain time frame. Moving to the next level, I always want to thank all those who helped to spend this time usefully, taught or educated me something.

Words of gratitude should come from the heart, convey in them everything that you feel. Do not be afraid to seem sensitive or sentimental, you draw a line under a certain period of life, so you should not limit yourself to any limits.

If you find it difficult to start, try to continue the phrases:

Angelic patience, which sometimes this profession requires is truly immense, educators find time and care for each pupil. For all this care and attention, I must say thank you to the educators.

Many thanks to director
We appreciate you, we respect you greatly,
May your good deeds multiply
Good luck, health, love and kindness!

Great director - many thanks,
For your honesty, directness, and also for your loyalty,
For hard work every day, for school work,
And for the order, for the repair and general care!

Thanks for the school life, for the years,
They will be happy forever.
It's time to say goodbye to school
But we will never forget you.

You lead the teaching team,
You certainly command respect from children.
We must confess without embellishment
That the whole school depends on you!
Congratulations on your next release.
We wish you strong, talented students!

You are rooting for the school,
In all cases delving into everything thoroughly.
And with a firm director's hand
Lead us brilliantly!
In the authority of the students -
Guarantor of education and science.
And today we are not sparing words
We praise all your merits!

Worthy words are hard to find
That will be able to describe you thoroughly!
Today we will congratulate
The director who rules ingeniously!
In one person, both the watchman and the foreman,
Manager, administrator, teacher
Everyone is happy to go to such a school,
So God bless you!

You are the most wonderful director
They gave so much to their school!
Everyone respects you very much for this,
From first graders to teachers.
We wish the guys year after year
We hurried to you with the advent of September.
To call your school the best
Thanks director for everything!

We wish the school to flourish,
We have been home for 11 years
So that you have enough money for repairs,
The glass didn't break and the roof didn't leak.

School taught us a lot
Gave good friends
Helped grow and develop
And she gave us the way to life!

Director special words
At our graduation we want to say
For school happy years
And thank you for the science.

School, 9 years at the same desk, fun, quarrels, first loves, calls, breaks, portfolios How much in this one word “school”. Graduation in the 9th grade for someone is an intermediate stage before another 2 years of school, and for someone it is the last school holiday before stepping into adulthood.

All these years, loving parents, who need to be thanked, have been reliable support and support.

The principal of the school is at the head of a complex mechanism, interacting with students, parents and teachers at the same time. On the one hand, it is necessary to make compromises, and on the other hand, to remain an indestructible example of a leader who will be remembered by all students.

Thanks from students:

Thanks from parents:

Learning is always a two-way process, which is why teachers are never bored, although they talk about the same things year after year. Students always react in different ways, they also influence teachers, making them think about their methods, updating the material and much more.

Congratulating all the teachers, it is important to address everyone and not offend anyone! Make a list of everyone you want to address, and try to express the words that have accumulated in your soul over all the school years.

Throughout the years, the class teacher has been watching the class, it falls to his lot to resolve all conflicts with teachers, talk with parents, organize class holidays and much more. The schoolchildren trust their secrets to the leader and come to him for support.

High school and high school are very different. If your favorite teachers were ready day and night to hammer in unyielding material, then at the institute it's every man for himself. Therefore, it is important to thank those teachers who were not indifferent to you.

Once again, teacher
You hear speech addressed to you,
That you need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That diseases will not pass by
When it suddenly gets tired,
That everything in the world is replaceable,
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To hidden in the chest
The same beating hearts!

How fast kids grow up.
Having become stronger, in spite of all the winds,
Will leave, forever preserving
Your warm heart!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How anxiously they taught us to write,
Read, mushrooms and apples count.
Thank you for giving kindness with warmth,
That they found their own language and approach to us!
Days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will never forget your work!

Our gratitude is immeasurable! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom, which you bestowed on us.

Golden autumn will come again, you will again open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge in front of timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students and less grief and sleepless nights. Thank you teacher!

Time flies - you can't keep up with it,

For you to know - girls, boys

We always rushed to you from recess,

Share with you happiness, adversity

The best words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents should not be too formal or overly pretentious. It is better to write a couple of sincere prose lines "on your own" or use ready-made ideas.

Once, many years ago, I refused to become a teacher, afraid of this colossal responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of whom, in addition to his family, also has a school family - his many students.

In conclusion, I would like to read Andrei Dementiev's poems dedicated to teachers. Perhaps these words will seem somewhat harsh to you guys, but they make you think about our attitude to the teacher, to his hard work, listen to them, please:

They miss these infrequent meetings.

On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Therefore, if you do not know how to choose words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation grade 11, use our templates and arrange them in the form of a beautiful memorial letter.

And it is no coincidence that we often remember the years spent at the desk, fun changes and the first real friends. But it’s funny to think, but a few years ago we were afraid to answer the lessons, counted the days in anticipation of the holidays and dreamed about how we would spend our graduation party. ??

Well, here it is already just around the corner - the last school holiday. The event is responsible, it is like a record of a new era, the beginning of an adult, so desired life.

And, of course, a special place among the solemn events is occupied by a word of thanks to teachers. Such words, by the way, have to be said on Teacher's Day too!

The second option of possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students.

Well, this option in the response speech can already be used by the students themselves.

The response speech can be issued not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such congratulations come from schoolchildren, and not parents.

This remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of responding speech. There are a lot of options for the finished text, examples of response speech are posted in large numbers on the Internet, and are also found in specialized literature.

When preparing a response, it is necessary to take into account several general, universal postulates.

If you schematically depict the structure of the response word at the prom, you get the following, rather classic scheme:

It is recommended to express a separate word to the class teacher or school principal. In the first case, it is possible to emphasize the similarity of the teacher with the second mother, to single out the aspect not so much of teaching the subject, but of guardianship and care. Here is one example of such a speech:

The speech for the headmaster is also often mandatory. Since the director most often does not teach lessons, but is engaged in organizational activities, it is much more difficult to prepare a response.

It would be best if you thank the teacher for his excellent administrative work, the well-coordinated and professional school team he created, caring for children and creating a sincere atmosphere.

Speech should be spoken clearly, moderately quickly, as emotionally as possible.

Try not to look sad, even if you have to say sentimental, soul-stirring things.

The response word can also be successfully supplemented with a true story that reflects the concern of the teacher for his students. This will give the response speech a certain personal touch, make it more sincere.

At a crucial moment, it can be difficult to find beautiful and right words. We suggest using pre-prepared words of gratitude, choosing the most appropriate appeal individually.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in prose

  • Thank you for fresh knowledge, which was presented in an understandable manner, for faith in our emerging personalities, for inspiration, invaluable help and support. May your activity be successful, and students capable.
  • We want to say thank you for teaching us not only knowledge, but also the school of life. We now know how to rejoice at victories, admit defeats and learn from our mistakes.
  • Thank you for kind hearts, sensual souls. For the stubborn struggle against ignorance and misunderstanding, for optimism and unshakable faith in us.
  • We thank our teachers for leading us into adulthood. They showed us how to behave in difficult situations, gave us valuable knowledge and showed us how to use it.
  • Dear our teachers! Thank you for always believing in us. That by their example they showed how it is necessary to live and survive, never give up, make dreams come true and stubbornly go towards your goals.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in verse

Words of thanks to teachers from parents:

  • On behalf of all parents, we want to say thank you for the individual approach to each child, the disclosure of the skills and talents of each. For the creative success of our children, for the joy in learning new things, for help in chewing the material.
  • We want to say that you are all very talented and patient people. Forgive me if our children were sometimes uncoordinated and disobedient. They received the necessary knowledge from you, they understood valuable information and set off on a further voyage without fear, confident and purposeful people.
  • Thank you for being able to transfer a large amount of knowledge in a short time, for preparing children for the successful passing of exams, for teaching them not to be afraid of difficult situations.

Kind touching words of gratitude to the first teacher from graduates in verse and prose:

variants of words of gratitude in prose

  • Being the first teacher is incredibly difficult. It is necessary to choose an individual key for each student. Identify shortcomings and work on them. Identify strengths and discover new talents. Find dormant skills and turn a child into a creative and developed person. Thank you for making it all possible.
  • The first teacher gives us a start for further study and gaining knowledge. The first teacher teaches us to interact with each other, to communicate, to feel people. You gave us the first knowledge, the first lessons of etiquette. We experienced with you the first calls, the first public speeches, the first knowledge and praise. Thank you!
  • It is impossible to forget the first teacher. We want to thank you for knowing where to start when we were trained. You got us interested and gave us the first knowledge. We went to school with pleasure, to learn how to count, write and read. Thank you for the warm atmosphere in the classroom and kind attitude towards us.

words of gratitude in verse

Touching respectful words to teachers at the evening of the meeting of graduates:

variants of words in prose

  • We want to say thank you to the teachers for sharing knowledge and experience with us, for teaching, for interesting stories and for sharing knowledge with all their enthusiasm and soul.
    Thank you for rushing to work every day to replenish our heads with knowledge, develop us comprehensively and accustom us to adulthood. Your knowledge was very useful, and we always remember you with gratitude.
  • Teachers, thank you for your hard work! New knowledge, your support, faith in us and effective life advice were very important for us.
  • We bow to your teaching talent. We returned to school already as graduates who decided to meet. You gave us the necessary knowledge base to move forward. We remember how we rejoiced at new discoveries, were afraid of tests and worked as a team. Thank you!

variants of words in poetry

Kind beautiful words to the kindergarten teacher from the pupil:

variants of words in prose

  • Thank you for making me feel at home in kindergarten. You taught us a lot, prepared for school. Going to school is not scary now, because I have become much smarter.
  • Thank you for being so kind to me. They showed the difference between good and bad, between dreams and life. You helped to put words together from letters, taught to count. Thank you!
  • Low bow to my teacher! I have something to say thank you for. You were the most kind and patient, revealed my talents, taught me useful things.
  • I used to be afraid to go to the garden. Thanks to your ability to communicate and be honest with children, I stopped being afraid and went to the garden with pleasure. You showed us interesting classes, held beautiful matinees. I will have something to remember at school.

variants of words in poetry

Words of gratitude to educators from parents:

variants of words in prose

  • Dear teachers, thank you for raising our children well. You have boundless patience and sincere love for our kids. Thank you for your dedication, diligence and perseverance in education.
  • Thank you for our children coming home and sharing something new with us every day. That we studied together with our children, gradually plunging into childhood. They saw sincere smiles on their faces at home, pride in their eyes at matinees and confidence in the transition to a new stage.
  • Educators, you gave children invaluable moments of happiness, instilled in them skills, taught them to be human. Let their bright smiles, luminous eyes and our words of gratitude be your reward.
  • You instilled in the children the first and very important knowledge, helped to overcome self-doubt, and together with the children defeated their fears. Kudos to you and many thanks!

variants of words in poetry

A letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of kindergarten graduates:

thank you letter in prose

Dear Olga Alexandrovna! Parents of graduates want to thank you. Just for the fact that you appeared in the lives of our children. It is noticeable with what care and warmth you treat our children. Thanks to your diligence and life wisdom, you put the basics of behavior into the minds of our children. Our children clearly learned what is good, what is bad, how not to behave and why.
Under your guidance, the children were perfectly prepared for the holidays. Many have discovered the talents of a dancer or singer. At matinees, the eyes of our children did not leave delight, these memories will remain with them for a long time.
During the classes, you were patient and answered everyone's questions of interest. They taught children to love nature, to enjoy every day they live. We appreciate your hard work. We want to thank you for your kindness, wisdom and patience. Being an educator is a true vocation that comes from the heart. Years in the garden, during which you raised children, will be a great start for school and academic success.
Sincerely, Parents' Council.

text of the letter in verse

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Irina Semyonovna! Time flew by instantly. Not so long ago we were small and insecure first graders. Now, as a grown-up team, we recall the happy days within the walls of the school. Each classroom, each lesson and concert are formed into a mosaic of childhood memories.
We are grateful for your perseverance, patience and perseverance in special situations. It must have been difficult for you to cope with a noisy, restless class. But you did a great job, which not everyone can do. You always found warm words of support, the right tone of the story, we were never bored. You protected and protected us, rejoiced at the success of each.
Thank you for being our guide and leading to adulthood already trained and prepared. We won't forget you!
11-B students

variants of the text in verses

A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of graduates:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Elena Petrovna!
We brought small and inexperienced children to school. Now we are parents of matured, wiser children who have gained useful life experience. The school is fraught with many difficulties. There are fears for the child. That he won't understand a single subject. What will conflict with classmates. That he can't stand up for himself. You taught children to stand up for their opinions, trust each other, work in a team. Thanks to your perseverance, the children overcame their fears, defined their goals, were not afraid to ask and get the right answer. You live up to your calling, thank you for being you!
Parental committee

variants of the text in verses

A letter of thanks to the first primary school teacher from parents:

variants of the text in prose

The first teacher, Ekaterina Ivanovna!
We still remember that exciting day when our children crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. You gave them basic knowledge, taught them how to get along with each other, how to resolve conflicts without fists. The holidays were filled with creativity and children's joy. The boys returned from school a little tired, but happy. Thank you very much for your work!
Parents of students ... class

Sample thank you letter to teacher from parents.

Dear (name, patronymic)!
Thank you for the quality education of our children. We appreciate in you qualities such as (list the qualities). Thanks to your determination and desire to teach, our children began to (list the positive qualities and successes of children). A low bow from us and a big thank you to parents!
Parents of students ... class

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents addressed to the director

Ivanov A.E.
From the parent committee of the 7th grade

Thank you letter
Dear Andrey Egorovich! We ask you to thank on our behalf the class teacher of the 5-A class Krivenko Svetlana Petrovna. She is a great example for our children: responsible, respectable, an excellent organizer. Svetlana Petrovna perfectly taught our children not only her subject, but also self-confidence.

Thank you letter from students for teacher's day

version of the text in prose

Dear teachers! Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for your hard work. Every day spent with us is hard for you physically and mentally. Communication with people, and even more so training takes a lot of energy and strength. But in return, you get pluses to karma, students you can be proud of, endless words of gratitude and our sincere smiles. You are working on the future, educating specialists and preparing professionals for life. Thank you!
8th grade students

Prepare thank you notes and letters ahead of time. Rehearse the respect or learn by heart. Describe all the positive qualities of a teacher or educator, pay attention to the little things. Give thanks more often, because thanking is as pleasant as hearing kind words addressed to you.

Kindergarten, school, institute - all these are the stages of our life that have a certain time frame. Moving to the next level, I always want to thank all those who helped to spend this time usefully, taught or educated me something.

Words of gratitude should come from the heart, convey in them everything that you feel. Do not be afraid to seem sensitive or sentimental, you draw a line under a certain period of life, so you should not limit yourself to any limits.

If you find it difficult to start, try to continue the phrases:

  • I saw (a) you for the first time when I was ...
  • I remember this meeting...
  • I expected (a) that ...
  • Thank you for all these years you...
  • Now I understand that...
  • I am sure that …

Thank you Kindergarten Teachers

The first serious stage in the life of every child is kindergarten. Someone spends four years in it, someone three, but it is in kindergarten that training begins on teamwork, mutual understanding and respect. Only first-class educators can lay the foundations of politeness, obedience and right thoughts about good and evil in the head of your child.

Angelic patience, which sometimes this profession requires is truly immense, educators find time and care for each pupil. For all this care and attention, I must say thank you to the educators.

“Dear and beloved our educators! It is always difficult to send a child to kindergarten, it is difficult not only for the child, but also for his parents. After all, we entrusted you with the most precious thing that we have! After the worries and worries of the first days, we realized that our little children are in the most reliable hands, they will be dressed, shod and fed deliciously.

All those training sessions that you conducted with them helped them develop and explore the world. It was here that they found their first friends and our kids became quite big. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and care you gave to our children. Thank you for your attention and guidance, warmth and responsiveness.”

Words of gratitude for the last call from the students

The last bell is an important holiday in the life of every student. How many minutes do they spend waiting for the rescue call, which means the beginning of fun and freedom! And here it will sound for the graduates for the last time. On May 25, ninth and eleventh graders will finish their classes and start preparing for exams, the school ended as unexpectedly as it began.

It is important to thank all the teachers who have been studying with you all these 11 years for their work, for their caring.

“Our beloved teachers, has this day really come and tomorrow we won’t sit down at our desks as usual, open our notebooks and start the lesson as usual? We cannot believe this even now. It seemed that 11 years was such an infinitely long time, but now, looking back, it seems that they flashed by like a few minutes.

You have been with us all these years, despite our pranks, endless absenteeism, mood swings and teenage frills. We want to thank you for the fact that you never gave up and always found an approach to us, you instilled in us a love for science and helped us make the right choice of our future profession.

The knowledge that you gave us will become the basis for our entire future life. We will always remember you and will visit you, thank you for all this time, for teaching us how to live and dream. We will try to meet your expectations and become graduates that you can be proud of!”

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose from parents

The graduation of a child from school is an important event for any parent. I always want to thank all the teachers who helped me to go through this difficult and long way.

“Our dear teachers! It is difficult to express in words everything that is happening in the soul now, our children have already grown up and are entering adulthood. We are confident that they will succeed and everything will be fine, because the school has given them the necessary knowledge base. We are grateful to you for all the work that you have done, it is impossible to appreciate it! We could not raise and raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support!”

Words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9 from students

School, 9 years at the same desk, fun, quarrels, first loves, calls, breaks, briefcases ... How much in this one word “school”. Graduation in the 9th grade for someone is an intermediate stage before another 2 years of school, and for someone it is the last school holiday before stepping into adulthood.

All these years, loving parents, who need to be thanked, have been reliable support and support.

“Our beloved parents! You gave us all your time, all your love and tenderness, and suddenly we became adults. Thank you for always being on our side, for believing in our strength, for unconditional love and patience. For the fact that at home we could forget about all the problems and troubles that are so many in the life of every teenager. We appreciate all your efforts and we will never let you down! We love you very much, thank you for what you have done and are doing for us!”

Thanks to the principal of the school

The principal of the school is at the head of a complex mechanism, interacting with students, parents and teachers at the same time. On the one hand, it is necessary to make compromises, and on the other hand, to remain an indestructible example of a leader who will be remembered by all students.

Words of gratitude from students:

“Dear Tatyana Ivanovna! You are and always have been a role model for us and a guarantor of justice. We understand how difficult it is to manage such a huge mechanism at once. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to study here, having once accepted us into this school. We will remember these happy school days with warmth and love!”

Words of gratitude from parents:

“Dear Galina Stepanovna! Sometimes our meetings took place in connection with the leprosy of our children, and we are grateful to you for the understanding and patience that you have shown all this time. Teaching a child about life is so difficult, letting him realize that punishment is inevitable, but you can always fix everything. We are glad that we sent our children to your school, thank you and low bow!”

Words of gratitude to students from teachers

Learning is always a two-way process, which is why teachers are never bored, although they talk about the same things year after year. Students always react in different ways, they also influence teachers, making them think about their methods, updating the material and much more.

“Our beloved guys, a great and bright life awaits you ahead, in which you will achieve any heights that you dream of. You have grown up so quickly and turned from kids into adults and independent people. We wish that there are fewer trials on your way, that you keep the friendship that binds you now and do not forget your native school, its doors are always open for you. Thank you for these wonderful years!”

Words of gratitude to teachers in verses from students

Congratulating all the teachers, it is important to address everyone and not offend anyone! Make a list of everyone you want to address, and try to express the words that have accumulated in your soul over all the school years.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher from the students

Throughout the years, the class teacher has been watching the class, it falls to his lot to resolve all conflicts with teachers, talk with parents, organize class holidays and much more. The schoolchildren trust their secrets to the leader and come to him for support.

“Our beloved, Valentina Ivanovna! You have become a second mother to us, protecting us and keeping the peace in our small team. Thank you for all the years you have spent with us. We know how close to your heart you took all our problems, and you always found words that inspired us to new achievements.

Sometimes it was very difficult for us to study, but you believed in us and this faith inspired us. You were not just our class teacher, you studied with us, experienced difficulties, passed exams. We have loved you so much over the years that we have no idea how we will continue to cope. But the time has come to say goodbye, new roads await us, but we will always remember you and visit you! Thank you for everything!

Thank you teachers and lecturers

High school and high school are very different. If your favorite teachers were ready day and night to hammer in unyielding material, then at the institute it's every man for himself. Therefore, it is important to thank those teachers who were not indifferent to you.

“Dear teachers! We came here as fledglings, who had little idea of ​​what was really waiting for them. Thank you for the time you spent with us and the knowledge you gave us. All this will be useful in our future profession and life. What kind of professionals we will become is determined precisely at the stage of study, it was you who showed us who we really are, what paths are open to us and gave us confidence in our future.”

Words of gratitude on the diploma

A diploma is the last stage of higher education. When writing, you will need knowledge of the entire course you have taken in order to present a decent work.

"Dear commission! I would like to thank you for your attention to my report. I also want to say thank you to my supervisor for tireless help. As Newton said, “I saw further than others because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” This saying refers to my supervisor, his experience and knowledge allowed me to complete the work at the level of a specialist, not a student. I also express my gratitude to all consultants who helped to embody all my ideas and ideas in the diploma.”

Do not forget to thank all those people who gave you their love and care, were engaged in your development and education, your teachers, educators, teachers. Find the right words, do not hesitate to say them out loud, because when you hear gratitude, a person understands that he did not try in vain. Let your children learn from your example, then they will grow up to be grateful people.

Video: Words of thanks to teachers in grade 11

I always want to express gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person would be pleased and he would remember these words for a long time. Words of gratitude for the help can be expressed in your own words from the bottom of your heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter. Tip: Ask a creative person for a beautiful picture related to the cause you got help with. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else. In a letter of gratitude, in addition to your words from the bottom of your heart, you can write the following words: Words of gratitude for help and kindness Words of gratitude for the help provided Beautiful words of gratitude for help Often teachers do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in the life of a kindergarten or school .

Words of gratitude to the leader, colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

Today's graduates forever leave the threshold of their second home - the school, but none of them will ever forget the advice given by the director, his support in difficult moments. Yes, and critical remarks will also remain in their memory, protecting them from mistakes in adulthood. (I.O.), let your hard work bring you not only troubles, but also unforgettable moments of happiness, and the body and spirit will be vigorous as before. goodbye" to the one who invested a considerable part of his soul in each of them - the director of the school. Class teachers changed, teachers changed, but (I.O.) remained not a replaceable guardian of order in every corner of our monastery of education.

Although sometimes harsh and critical, he was able to get into the essence of each student and find a way to make his school life exciting and unforgettable.

Kind, beautiful words of gratitude to the leader, colleagues in poetry, prose, SMS


You are people who know how to understand and support, you are a team in which you want to work, share joy and maintain an atmosphere of kind smiles. Thank you for your help and the necessary pushes, hints and inspiration. I sincerely wish you all great rewards for any efforts, happy accomplishments for every day of life.

Dear colleagues, dear friends and comrades, together we have traveled many roads and overcome many obstacles on the way to success. Thank you for your words of support, for your help in business, for your respect and understanding, for the kind and pleasant atmosphere in our team. As a token of gratitude, I would like to wish you all well-being in life, love, happiness, good luck, great opportunities and little worries.
Dear colleagues, thank you for every day, like a holiday, for the wonderful mood and constant support, for the right advice and joint achievements.

Congratulations to the head

Always be happy, So that luck takes care, And let fortune blink, Protects you from trouble! 8 On your birthday, we wish you to be successful, as now! We congratulate you with the whole team. We sincerely congratulate you today! Let everything go smoothly at work, Let everything go well, Good luck in your career and prosperity, Let life be full of happiness! 9 Congratulations! May every hour be kind, Cheerful mood! May your dreams come true more than once - desires! May the day give love and light, Health and patience! We wish you happiness for a hundred years, Good luck and inspiration! 10 If they ask, for what reason Raise crystal glasses, We will answer with a confident voice: "The boss's birthday!" masculinely stingy, but from the heart, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday! Your worker-peasant peppers.

Words of gratitude to colleagues at work in prose

And we can say with confidence that at that moment each of them will want to be next to him again and listen to another piece of advice, a joke or even a remark. Dear (I.O.), may your life path be smooth, good health, and each new student school illuminates your soul with light and goodness.∗∗∗You are a wonderful director. You have given so much energy to the school. It's not for nothing that our school is called the best. Thank you for everything, our wise mentor. Today is teacher's day.

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, and wish you all the best. May your life flow like a full river, may a good mood never leave you. Good health, patience, friendly team and wonderful students.

Be happy. May the Lord protect you from all failures.∗∗∗Being a school principal means devoting yourself completely to your work. After all, all the worries and the right decisions fall on your shoulders.

Poems of gratitude to the leader from the team

Here they not only gain knowledge, thanks to highly qualified teachers, but also communicate, make new friends and spend their leisure time usefully. The school is constantly introducing new training programs, teachers improve their professionalism, which has a positive effect on the level of development educational institution. This, of course, is your great merit as the director of the school.
Please accept our sincere congratulations on the holiday! Let me wish you great success in your hard work, good health, a close-knit team and grateful students, and only prosperity to our school! and responsive person. Thank you for your sincere participation in the fate of graduates, professionalism and ability to guide and manage.

Thanks to the leader

You are a role model and admiration for us. Working with such a leader, I want to skip every day to work like in my own home, and not leave it in the evenings. Thank you for your support and concern for each and every one of us. Thank you for your flexible approach and responsibility in your work. Thank you for the chosen policy of communication with the team, we hope you will adhere to it (the policy) in the future. We wish you success, may all your hopes come true. Dear (th) Ivan Stepanovich (here insert the desired name of the leader - female or male)! The team of Cosa Nostra International LLC (insert the required name of the organization) thanks you for your support and assistance to our organization in holding events (indicate which ones). We sincerely wish you success, prosperity, happiness and health.

Thanks for the work


Unfortunately, not everyone agrees to help, especially when it comes to complex work. Appreciate your colleagues and do not skimp on a kind word. Poems of gratitude for the help: You helped me out deftly, I thank you for your help. Believe me, I really appreciate your support and care. May fate give happiness, You are a nice, kind person. We are grateful with all our hearts for support and care. Our dear man, You always come to the rescue! Feeling the joy of the world, We are kinder, better become. Appreciation for the work If you do not often collaborate with some specialists, but are satisfied with their work, you can express your gratitude.

Good work is very expensive, it saves time, money and nerves. Appreciate people who perform their duties well.

Words of gratitude to the leader from the team - in prose

I can't imagine myself without you! Surely my life would be empty and sad. Thanks to the fact that I have such friends next to me, I have support both in solving problems and at the hour when the soul requires a holiday! Words of gratitude to the leader in prose You are the most talented and fair leader. Thank you for your patience, decency and generous bonuses! For opening up prospects and leading the team to a successful and prosperous future! Words of gratitude to a friend in prose Thank you, my dear, that I have you! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's difficulties, and all holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration! Words of gratitude to my mother in prose My dear, thank you for giving life, not sparing health and strength for my upbringing! Sometimes you forgot about yourself so that I could have everything I wanted.

Words of gratitude in prose

Specially for Datki.net When a craftsman gets down to business and does the job efficiently and on time, I would like to express gratitude and admiration in return! Thank you for your diligence and skill. It is not scary to offer you a new task, knowing that the matter is in the reliable hands of a professional. Especially for Datki.net Gratitude to colleagues for joint work Dear colleagues! I want to sincerely thank you for the invaluable work, efforts and endurance that you show every day, regardless of mood and circumstances. May your energy be inexhaustible, diligence - endless, and efforts - highly paid! Especially for Datki.net Thank you for the honest work done, for the daily work. You are a true professional! I am especially grateful for the explanatory work and practical recommendations that were useful to me in future projects.

Words of gratitude to the headmaster from parents in prose and verse

All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not a routine and routine, and every new morning is a bright and original working time.» “Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, to someone for kind words, smiles, to others for comments, help and support. All this helps me to work hard and improve.

We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable around you.” There are times when you need to say beautiful words of gratitude to a colleague who quits of his own free will or for health reasons: “You helped run our business. We trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. It is safe to call you a life partner.

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