How to seduce a man - advice from men. Seductive SMS for a man

Men are inherently straightforward. Their way of wooing a woman is most often primitive, open and transparent. For women, it’s the other way around: winning a man’s affection is a whole game, flirting, hints, tricks. Every girl has a few seduction secrets up her sleeve, but there are a few general seduction tips that can come in handy.

Appearance plays a huge role in whether a man will pay attention to you or not, whether he will like you. And it’s not about natural data, not about the thickness and length of hair, not about the thinness of the waist and the plumpness of the lips. Beauty is a broader thing. Men value well-groomed women with self-esteem. Therefore, be sure to monitor the condition of your hands, hair, teeth, skin and clothes. Get manicures, pedicures and hair removal regularly. Don’t be lazy to use creams, oils, balms, serums and masks - this will certainly bear fruit. The cleanliness of clothes and shoes should also be impeccable. When a girl is well-groomed and neatly dressed, she feels confident, and this cannot but attract male attention. In cosmetics, it is better to keep it natural, emphasizing the eyes and eyebrows. For lips, gloss in natural tones is suitable. Brightly painted lips run the risk of looking vulgar, and not everyone dares to kiss them. In your outfit, you should give preference to a dress or skirt, this will emphasize your femininity. Reveal one of your advantages - bare your knees, shoulders, back or décolleté, a man will definitely not be able to resist. Even if your figure is impeccable, it is important not to overdo it with demonstration - it may give the impression that you are easily accessible and not modest. According to all surveys, men do not like high-pitched and loud female speech. So, when talking with the subject of seduction, make your voice low, languid, quiet, this will intuitively make the man listen to you, moving closer, and will add mystery to the conversation.

But, despite this, try to talk a little, listen more, support his conversation topics, ask questions. This will captivate any gentleman. Don't be shy to give compliments. Men need this no less than women. Praise things that are important to him: a reliable car, a great figure, great taste or a wonderful sense of humor. Use your nonverbal artillery. The main subjects of temptation are gestures, facial expressions and tactile contact. In this way, you not only attract male attention, but also give a sign that you are also interested in him. Look into the man's eyes and sometimes at his lips, sometimes lowering his eyelashes so that his gaze does not seem too direct and predatory. Smile and try to make your smile mysterious and alluring. Laugh at his jokes, even if you don't find them very funny. A man will definitely appreciate it. Gestures are the main non-verbal technique. Women from a young age know that on a date they should throw their hair back, showing off their neck and collarbones, and discreetly run their hands over their shoulders and chest, thereby unobtrusively drawing attention to this part of your body. In the same way, place your hand on your thigh, crossing your leg from one to the other. But don’t catch a man’s gaze at the same time - he may become embarrassed, and you will give away the true purpose of your actions. Avoid tactile contact; touch is of great importance in the process of seduction. During the conversation, by the way, place your palm on his. Reaching for something, lightly press against the man’s shoulder, straighten his tie or hair, lightly touch him with your foot under the table. If a man already has sympathy for you, then these actions will turn his head.

Remember, seducing a man does not mean going to bed with him that same evening; this is not very difficult. To seduce means to make someone think about you, want to see you again, hope for a kiss, and so on. But if a man is extremely categorical from the very beginning or is already in love and happy at the moment, then he is unlikely to succumb to even the most skillful tricks and tricks. In this case, the girl should find another, more accessible goal.

Do you often have to think about how to seduce the man you like? How to get his attention?

Well, in order to seduce a man using my advice, you need to know what type he is.

So, let's get acquainted.

Type 1. Fan

Regardless of what he is interested in (football, basketball or rugby, which is more sophisticated for our latitudes), the girl of his dreams is a sexy, cheerful, low-demanding fan of the “Team named after Him” with a half-naked bust.

He loves gyms and sports.
A clear sign that a man is this type is wearing his favorite team's jersey to your grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.

Finding an approach to it is quite simple.

In his opinion, he is a big league player. So compliment his physique paying attention to its visible physical indicators:“You have such nice biceps!” is valued much higher than “Your figure is so athletic!”

He spends a lot of time on physical training and on a subconscious level needs approval and support in order to see that his work is not in vain.

That's why touch his muscles more often and each time accompany it with delight (“How huge and strong they are!”).

Help him feel strong. He will like it if you talk to him about sports equipment, events and competitions.

Tell him that you want to start going to a new gym and would like to go with him. If you rarely visited gyms before, he will teach you and get great pleasure from it.

Given your desire to seduce him, this is what you need. Is not it?

Carefully! There is a risk of remaining in second place forever. After all, the first will always be the gym or his teammates.

Children won't change anything either. He will try to teach them to love their very, very favorite football and basketball teams as much as daddy loves them.

As a result, the dynasty of athletes will simply continue.

And in the evenings you will sit somewhere on the edge of the sofa, trying to pretend that you are also interested in watching what is happening. Although if you are one of those who are really interested in such sports (which is not at all uncommon these days), then seducing a man of this type may not be such a bad idea.

Type 2. Man with a capital letter

He considers himself not just a man, but A MAN. And you will have to treat him the same.

He loves women and has a bad attitude towards equality between the sexes accepted in the modern civilized world.

In general, in his eyes, this is the main function of a woman - to give him pleasure: visual, physical and moral.

To find an approach to it, you will have to learn to be “fire and ice”, while without wearing frivolous dresses.

It is important that he forms the correct first opinion about your person.

The clothes you choose will best tell him about you. It should favorably emphasize your body's advantages, but not show them off.

All these charms, of course, will come in handy later, but now, the main thing is to seduce a man visually, without risking scaring him away.

After some time, when you trust each other, you can hint that his level of intelligence turns you on sexually.

Such hints can “blow his mind.”

Be careful! Firstly, after you move on to the intimate relationship phase, it may happen that he will continue to consider you a friend. A girl from whose friendship you can benefit in the form of sex. Although if your goal is not a further serious relationship, then everything is fine.

Secondly, if you count on long-term communication with him (regardless of the existing relationship model), you will have to get used to his interests: a large amount of reading, constant self-education and sometimes computer games. At the same time, the main thing is not to make the most common mistake - don’t dare make fun of his hobbies and don’t remind him of past failures. This can be quite seriously hurt feelings“smart guy” and “roll back” your relationship to the “level of mistrust” from which it took you so long to get out of the beginning.

Type 4. Bad guy

« Hot,” interesting, mysterious, capable of unpredictable actions.

It doesn’t matter how many times he forgets to call and warn you that he won’t be able to come on a date. Such offenses are trifles compared to the desire that you feel when looking at him.

How to seduce this type of man?

The approach to it is simple. All you have to do is be cheerful and relaxed. Smile more, laugh loudly at his jokes... Show that you are his YOU HEAR.


The rest is out of your control.

If you are “flame” enough for him, and at the moment he does not see even better options around, the initiative will pass into his hands. And very soon you, without knowing how it happened, will find yourself in bed with him.

Pay attention!
He will always be like this, and you cannot change him.

Most likely, he will “break” your heart and go hunting for the next “light”.

And if you still want to seduce a man who is a “bad boy” type, get ready to forget about the concept of “self-esteem.”

Be ready to constant humiliation and endless apologies to him for being angry with him when he once again flirted with the beautiful neighbor/your friend/waitress in a cafe. Now think: “Do you need such a relationship? What good will you get from them?”

A little about what concerns men of all types

Despite all the differences, there is one thing that applies to absolutely any man.

If you want to seduce a man in a public place, you should not look too slutty and behave according to this poorly chosen image.

We don't want to bring “it” into our mother's house.

We may like to wear sweatpants at home, but that doesn't mean we'll go out in them.

One more thing. Do you remember at the beginning I wrote about a question asked to my comrades and there were obvious answers (say hello, treat you to beer, take off your clothes)?

Well, there was another one, more meaningful and valuable, spoken out loud by a divorced father of three children. I decided to leave his words for last. I deliberately did not change a single letter in them.

If a woman wants not only to seduce a man, but also in the future to become his companion, she needs:

  • be positive
  • be able to cook deliciously
  • look good
  • have an excellent sense of humor
  • be able to use your intellect
  • let the man know that at the moment he is the most interesting person in the world for her, and that she is ready to support him in any endeavors and take care of him in moments when he needs it

What's the result?

At the end of this enlightening and educational survey, I can draw the following conclusions:

  • develop the strength of your mind and the strength of your body. This will set you apart from the majority
  • be brave and confident in your abilities. This helps you achieve more in life than your classmates
  • a beautiful cover with tattoos and a gorgeous beard is not always as sweet inside as it seems
  • the most important seduction is you

Well, all you have left is learn to put all these recommendations into practice. And then you will no longer have doubts about how to seduce the man you have chosen. You, of course, might think that you can do this equally easily at a distance, by correspondence, by phone, at work, or while living in the same house with him.

But simply reading an article and gaining new knowledge from it is not enough. Need to study. After all, humanity still does not know so much about itself and the world. As you develop yourself, you will develop the world around you.

Thank you for your patience (the story turned out to be a bit long) and your trust! I did my best!

Seduce a man much more difficult than women imagine - he will not fall for everyone. Unless, of course, your body parameters are close to the “golden ratio” or your facial beauty is not inferior to Madonna’s level. But the fact is that there are much more average ladies. How should they be? Use the charm given by nature, because each one has a zest bestowed by Eve.

Principle of approach

It is based on the fact that according to the way they perceive others, all people are divided into three basic categories:

  • visuals (they receive information visually);
  • kinesthetics (these are those who perceive everything through touch);
  • auditory learners (they understand verbal information more clearly).

Based on this, you need to plan a strategy to charm a man. Otherwise, you will fail due to poorly received hints. At the same time, it is much easier to seduce visual learners (by appearance), but it is much more difficult to seduce auditory and kinesthetic learners - you need to communicate with them. Without joint contact there will be no necessary mood.

How to seduce a man with words?

1. If you are in the role of a mistress, then try to give quiet orders directly into the man’s subconscious. How? Usual requests like: take it over there, touch it, come in, try it, stroke it, etc. They automatically tune the brain to bodily sensations, although they are said for a completely different reason and are related to the everyday level.

2. Working phrases such as “when we finish this, we’ll move on”, “let’s get down to business” have an incredible effect. They switch consciousness to sexual perception.

3. When you find the desired man next to you, often repeat “God, how good” for any reason, saying it half-moan, half-sigh. The situation can be the most ordinary: say something like this after trying a dish, opening a window, turning on a fan, etc. The main thing is to remain within the bounds of decency, without causing a direct hint of sex.

4. When addressing a man, pronounce his name without irony, playing with intonation, without pressure, mistakes, and not as a nickname. This will help build trust.

5. Give compliments. But not at random - that’s how they are perceived with suspicion, but for a specific reason. For example, if a man rolls up his sleeves or carries something, you can admire his strong muscles. That is, in order to achieve the desired effect, you should only praise the obvious.

6. Another great compliment is about the man’s tirelessness and endurance. If you manage to present it successfully (on time and in the right place), consider that he will prove it to you in bed.

How to seduce a man with your appearance?

1. Beauty alone is not enough. You need to be able to present yourself in such a way that a man does not suspect anything, believing that he himself wanted to get to know you closely. Therefore, follow the principle “I am the queen”, regardless of your level of attractiveness. The opposite sex is receptive to inner confidence.

2. Laughter not only prolongs life - it also helps to quickly seduce a man. Adds charm and charm, leaves a pleasant impression on a woman. But you need to be careful not to overdo it: feigned, ironic or obscene notes will scare a person away.

3. Actively use the power of your gaze. Look into the eyes of your interlocutor more often, let him feel the mystery of your gaze, intrigue with depth. To do this, peer closely at the man if he is far away, and lower your eyes if he is close.

4. Cleavage is another of the basic “tools” of conquering men. But you shouldn’t expose yourself too much - just deep sighs with swaying chests, buttons undone more than usual, open shoulders, a cutout on the back. This will help evaluate you as a potential object of passion. The most dangerous enemy in this approach is vulgarity. Everything should be in moderation, including bare breasts.

5. Legs – don’t hide them, show them off. In a casual setting (at home), wear a tight-fitting short dress or robe, a thong with a T-shirt. But this is only if you have a good figure.

How to seduce a man with actions?

1. When you find the right moment, accidentally drop something on the floor and bend over to pick up the fallen object. But so that the man sees your actions. After that, you have only one thing left to do - enjoy his arousal.

2. When talking with a friend, play with his tie. Unobtrusive flirting, which is accompanied by actions with this attribute of a man's wardrobe, excites, pushes towards strong intimate desires, which is what you are trying to achieve.

3. If a man is unfamiliar to you, at any opportunity, just casually touch him. Touch your hands, take your elbow during a conversation, stand behind your back, pressing close together (in a crowd, for example).

4. When a man rolls up his sleeves to rearrange something (at work or at home), not only give him a compliment about his strong muscles, but also touch and stroke them. Light touches carry incredible sexuality.

5. Another seductive action for kinesthetic learners is sucking. It should look non-vulgar and natural. What can I use? As simple as that - a straw in a cocktail or a glass of juice, an “accidentally” wounded finger, lollipop or other candy.

6. In a conversation, lean confidentially towards the man and whisper to him, as if telling him some important secret. Touch your temple or ear with your lips. It is especially good to do this in a large group, at a party, where there is a lot of noise, crowds and music. There, such an action will look natural.

How not to scare a man away?

When seducing, it is extremely important not to scare a man away from you. To do this, you should learn some rules that will help you avoid mistakes. The most common “miscalculations” include:

There are also actions that are opposite to them in their behavioral color. This category is represented by:

  • apathy;
  • secrecy;
  • suspicion;
  • isolation;
  • mistrust.

For the finale - general information

It is important for every woman to consider: a man must “surrender” voluntarily, but not feel like a victim or an object. First, the emphasis may be on emotional attractiveness and only then on sexual attractiveness.

Women who insist, rush, and behave defiantly, on the contrary, are met with cold rebuff. Therefore, you should stock up on tact, charm and patience. They are obliged to provoke not so much physically as sensually. And for this, a man must feel like a hunter of prey. Only in this case will the “prey” be desirable to him.

Another important nuance: the indistinct shade of underwear. Green, lilac and pink colors do not cause interest. On the contrary, red, black and white attract attention.

Next mistake: men are afraid to stay in long-term relationships with women who wear excessive makeup. They have an internal stopper: “I won’t be able to handle such abundance” or “she will pay more attention to herself than to me.”

Well, male nature is selfish, just like female nature. Therefore, before seducing, think about how much you need it? For a couple of hours - no problem, for the rest of your life - very difficult, but quite possible. So - go for it, not forgetting about the zest inherited from Eva herself.

Do you still think that a well-bred girl should not take the initiative and wait for the first steps from a man? Unfortunately, the time of brave knights is long gone. Men are tired of being in the lead roles, and women's initiative only makes them happy. There is nothing wrong with getting the man you want on your own. Can you? Of course, if you take into account the following 8 tips for seducing men.


Play with strong sexuality. Highlighted eyes or bright lips will certainly attract the attention of your partner. And the unbuttoned top buttons on the blouse will excite his imagination. Remember that men are afraid of sexual provocations; you will arouse his interest, but not everyone will dare to approach you. So take action yourself.

Eye contact

Don't take your eyes off the man you like. "Shoot" them. Play "look at each other." Show with your eyes that you don’t mind privacy, as if casually looking at the door of the room and back.

Flirting has not been canceled


Unfortunately, seduction does not require complete sincerity. Embellishing, flattering, or praising something will only benefit you. If the desired object, a man, is busy, then you will have to use all your strength. Looking like the most favorable candidate for him is your goal.

Cat and mouse

Be at the same time interested and slightly inaccessible, then let a man approach you, then slightly push him away. A woman who plays a double game inflames a man’s interest more and more, and the conqueror’s instinct awakens in him. This is a game of passion and coldness. A man, as a winner and a predator by nature, will not rest until a representative of the fairer sex surrenders to his mercy.

Watch your body

Impeccable posture, gait “from the hip” and the man will at least look at you, and perhaps follow you. The ability to control your own body and dance beautifully will ignite the fire of passion faster than anything else.


Men subconsciously gravitate towards those women with whom they will feel happier. Smiling coquettes are much more attractive than dull young ladies. Just don’t overdo it; a smile that is too fake is not difficult to recognize.

Create awkwardness

Reach over his shoulder for something, squeeze into a crowded elevator with him and “accidentally” touch. If you hug him, try to let him feel the most piquant parts of your body. Create pleasantly awkward situations.

We have great power over men, but we increasingly forget about it. The ability to be a woman is a real talent that any woman can develop if she wishes. Seduction skills will be useful both for choosing a partner and for increasing self-esteem. And even a married woman should use techniques for...

Seducing a man is not a field to cross: risks and a competent approach to the subtle art.

You've probably heard the phrase "the art of seduction" more than once. It’s not for nothing that this “craft” is considered an art, because such a delicate task certainly requires talent. It's like painting or poetry. Some are given it, while others achieve success through effort and perseverance. You can collect a whole arsenal of theoretical knowledge, but you can only use it if Mother Nature has endowed you with at least a drop of femininity. This minimum condition is mandatory. If age, circumstances, lifestyle, psychological trauma or something else prevented you from developing this natural trait for a woman, then there is little chance of success. It cannot be said that femininity is a 100% innate trait; it is a very dynamic thing that either increases or decreases in different periods of the life of the fair half.

For some unknown reason, men sense a woman endowed with this miraculous characteristic a mile away. She moves smoothly, smiles and speaks in a special way, there is something of a child and a female predator about her. Such women are never abandoned. It is difficult to develop such traits in yourself, but if you try, you can still adopt something.

A girl who loves herself, first of all, and accepts her body, with all the “buts” (we are not talking about extra 50 kilograms, but about a special harmony that comes through from manners and behavior) can seduce a guy. An angular, insecure, internally “squeezed” woman, burdened with a bunch of worries, will never play the role of a seductress. This is a deliberate failure.

Unfortunately, there is no clear guide on the topic “how to seduce a guy,” so every girl in this difficult matter is guided by her own instincts.

But there are a number of important points that you absolutely cannot forget about:

  • grooming and perfect hygiene

Men are put off by tons of cosmetics, bright colors, unnaturalness, and too much perfume. The seductress takes care of herself constantly, and not occasionally, this is a lifestyle because she likes to be “ideal”.

  • fairly high level of intelligence

Seducing a guy is a matter that requires cunning, wisdom and self-sufficiency. Men value smart women who are able to support any topic, give practical advice, and navigate the basic areas of life. Truly smart girls will never betray their intellectual superiority, but will keep the bar at the level of their partner if they are really interested in him. In the matter of seducing a man, the motivation can be different: not all young ladies strive to find “love until the grave”, some are simply testing their exclusivity, striving for new “heights”.

  • self-esteem

Without this quality, the race for the “victim” can turn into a humiliating spectacle; pride and accurate calculation are the key to success if you decide to seduce a guy.

  • motivation

A clear understanding of why you want to take possession of a man is necessary so as not to end up in your own trap. You need to clearly understand what end result you need: flirting, sex, living together or something else. Having achieved what you want, it will be too late to retreat - adult games require responsibility and logic of action. Think carefully before you go on the warpath.

It’s not so difficult to understand how to seduce men, how to understand yourself: why am I doing this? It is more humane and reasonable if the result produces positive results.

How to seduce a guy: main mistakes

Cross the line between seduction and vulgarity, vulgarity. In war, all means are good, but not all are effective - moderation is important everywhere. Getting tattoos with your lover’s name, swearing your love and openly seeking intimacy is already too much.

Change your style dramatically, go to extremes. It is important to remain yourself, adding something, modifying some aspects, but without losing yourself.

Show excessive interest and directness in matters of rapprochement. This will probably scare off your partner; give the man the feeling that he himself is the initiator and conqueror.

  • Make it a principle to wear only beautiful underwear, no other options, even if you don’t plan to do anything other than take out the trash in the evening. Thousands of women have found themselves in situations where they were forced to abandon a decisive step due to their own shortsightedness. In beautiful lace lingerie, a woman feels like a queen and radiates a special energy, even if she is wearing ordinary jeans and a T-shirt over it.
  • The best clothing for a seductive woman is a dress that suits her figure and other important parameters. Dresses and skirts, blouses with a neckline, stockings are the main weapons in the women's arsenal. A high heel is what will hammer in the last nail... it is simply impossible not to pay attention to such a woman among the general dullness and shapelessness. It's no secret that most of the fairer sex choose convenience and practicality rather than style and elegance. This needs to be used.
  • where to start seducing a man if you want to achieve a “lasting” serious result? For this purpose, it is not enough to emphasize the physical aspects of your nature, but also to hook the guy with openness and frankness. If you manage to touch the soul even a little, then 99% of success is guaranteed. In the modern world, kinship of souls, care and affection have become very rare. The deficit of these qualities is so global that people have forgotten how to trust and be frank. Shock your chosen man with elementary things, and he will not resist.

If the main problem is how to seduce a guy for sex, then there are a lot of verbal and non-verbal means to speed up the process and achieve quick results. This is a system of postures, manners, gestures, glances, and the creation of a general “coordinate system”, which tunes only to bodily intimacy and many other primordially feminine tricks. It is important to understand that the result will be a one-time “meeting”.

The most time-consuming, but most effective strategy is called “hot-cold”. It involves approaching a person, and then completely ignoring him, a pause in communication, silence. And again - interest in his person, participation, hints, rapprochement, then an attitude full of coldness and indifference. This line of behavior will “hook” even experienced fighters on the love front. Fighting such battles requires experience, patience and wisdom.

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