Kramskoy Ivan. Famous works of Kramskoy and m Kramskoy

Throughout his life, Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy tried to turn art towards life, so that it would become an effective tool for its active knowledge. An outstanding artist who played a huge role in shaping the national school of painting, led the famous "rebellion of fourteen", headed the Artel of Artists and the Association of Wanderers, was one of those whose life and work invariably served to affirm the most revolutionary, most advanced ideas of his time.

Paintings by Ivan Kramskoy

Heightened sense of life

Ivan Nikolayevich wrote in his biography: “I was born in 1837, on May 27 (according to the old st. V. R.), in the district town of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh province, in the suburban settlement of Novaya Sotna, from parents assigned to the local philistinism. At the age of 12, I lost my father, a very stern man, as far as I can remember. My father served in the city duma, if I am not mistaken, as a journalist (that is, a clerk - V.R.); my grandfather, according to the stories ... was also some kind of clerk in Ukraine. Further, my genealogy does not rise.

In his declining years, the artist ironically noted that something like a “person” came out of him. Some bitterness is felt in his autobiography, but at the same time, the legitimate pride of a man who has escaped from the "bottom" and has become in line with the most prominent figures of his time. The painter wrote about how he had strived all his life to get an education, but he managed to finish only the Ostrogozhsk district school, although he became the “first student” there. “... I have never envied anyone so much ... as a truly educated person,” notes Kramskoy, mentioning that after training he became the same clerk in the city duma that his father was.

The young man became interested in art early, but the first person to notice and support this was the local amateur artist and photographer Mikhail Borisovich Tulinov, to whom Kramskoy was grateful all his life. For some time he studied the icon-painting craft, then, at the age of sixteen, he "had the opportunity to escape from the county town with one Kharkov photographer." The future artist traveled with him “a large part of Russia for three years, as a retoucher and watercolorist. It was a tough school... But this "harsh school" brought Kramskoy considerable benefit, tempered his will and formed a steadfast character, only strengthening his desire to become an artist.

Judging by his diary entries, young Ivan Kramskoy was an enthusiastic young man, but in 1857 a man arrived in St. Petersburg who knew exactly what he wanted and how to achieve it. The beginning of the independent path of the future painter fell on a difficult time for the whole of Russia. The Crimean War had just ended, marking the crushing military and political defeat of the autocracy, while at the same time awakening the public consciousness of both progressive people and the broad masses of the people.

Imperial Academy Monolith

The abolition of the hated serfdom was just around the corner, and progressive Russia not only lived in anticipation of the coming changes, but also contributed to them in every possible way. The tocsin of the Herzen "Bell" sounded powerfully, the young raznochintsy revolutionaries, led by N. G. Chernyshevsky, prepared themselves for the struggle for the liberation of the people. And even the sphere of “high” art, so far from practical life, succumbed to the charm of the wind of change.

If serfdom was the main brake on the development of all aspects of society, then the citadel of conservatism in the field of art was the Imperial Academy of Arts, created in the middle of the 18th century. Being a conductor of official doctrines and already obsolete aesthetic principles, she did not allow the area of ​​"beautiful" to have anything in common with reality. But her students in the second half of the 50s - early 60s felt more and more definitely that life makes completely different demands on art. The significant words of N. G. Chernyshevsky “beautiful is life” became the program setting for the entire progressive Russian intelligentsia and young figures of the emerging Russian democratic art. It was they who brought new public sentiments to the Academy of Arts, established close ties with students of the University, the Medical and Surgical Academy, where the heroes of Chernyshevsky's novel What to Do? Dmitry Lopukhov and Alexander Kirsanov, both are typical commoners, the same age as I. Kramskoy.

Ivan Nikolayevich, who arrived in St. Petersburg, already enjoyed the fame of an excellent retoucher, which opened the doors for him in the studio of the best metropolitan photographers I. F. Aleksandrovsky and A. I. Denier. But the career of a successful artisan could not satisfy him. Kramskoy thought more and more stubbornly about entering the Academy of Arts.

Kramskoy's drawings were immediately approved by the Council of the Academy, and in the autumn of 1857 he already became a student of Professor A. T. Markov. So his cherished dream came true, and I must say that he studied Kramskoy very diligently, worked hard on drawing, the culture of which was very high at the Academy, successfully worked on sketches for historical and mythological subjects, receiving all the awards.

But the young painter did not feel true satisfaction. A thoughtful, well-read man, he more and more definitely felt the fundamental discord between the old artistic doctrines and real life. Just a few months after Kramskoy entered the Academy, the work of A. A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People” was brought to St. Petersburg from Italy. The return of the artist to Russia after an absence of almost thirty years, his subsequent sudden death, the impression that the painting made on his contemporaries, which became the main work of the life of the great master, played a huge role in shaping the consciousness of the emerging advanced part of the Russian intelligentsia.

"Riot of the Fourteen"

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy himself spoke best of all about the rebellion of 14 in his letter to his old friend M. B. Tulinov: “My dear Mikhail Borisovich! Attention! On November 9, that is, last Saturday, the following circumstance happened at the Academy: 14 of the students applied for diplomas for the title of class artists. At first glance, there is nothing surprising here.

People are free, free-coming students, they can, when they want to leave classes. But the fact of the matter is that these 14 are not ordinary students, but people who have to write for the first gold medal. It was like this: a month before now, we had submitted a request for permission to freely choose plots, but our request was refused ... and we decided to give one plot to historians and a plot to genre painters, who from time immemorial chose their plots. On the day of the competition, November 9th, we went to the office and decided to go all together to the Council and find out what the Council had decided. And therefore, to the question of the inspector: which of us are historians and who are genre painters? we, in order to enter the conference room together, answered that we are all historians. Finally, they call in front of the Council to listen to the task. We enter. F.F. Lvov read us a story: “A Feast in Valhalla” - from Scandinavian mythology, where heroes knights fight forever, where God Odin presides, two ravens sit on his shoulders, and two wolves at his feet, and, finally, there, somewhere in the sky, between the columns, a month driven by a monster in the form of a wolf, and a lot of other nonsense. After that, Bruni got up and came to us to explain the plot, as is always the case. But one of us, namely Kramskoy, separates and says the following: “We ask permission in front of the Council to say a few words” (silence, and the eyes of everyone fixed on the speaker). “We petitioned twice, but the Council did not find it possible to fulfill our request; we, not considering ourselves in the right to insist more and not daring to think about changing the academic regulations, we ask you to humbly release us from participation in the competition and issue us diplomas for the title of artists.

A few moments - silence. Finally, Gagarin and Ton make sounds: “everything?”. We answer: “everything”, and we leave, and in the next room we give petitions to the case manager ... And on the same day, Gagarin asked Dolgorukov in a letter that nothing appear in literature without a preview of him (Gagarin). In a word, we put them in a difficult position. So, we cut off our own retreat and do not want to return, and may the Academy be healthy by its centenary. Everywhere we meet with sympathy for our action, so that one, sent from writers, asked me to tell him the words I said in the Council for publication. But we are still silent. And since we have been holding hands tightly so far, so that we would not be lost, we decided to hold on further in order to form an artistic association out of ourselves, that is, to work together and live together. I ask you to tell me your advice and ideas regarding the practical organization and general rules suitable for our society, .. And now this thing seems possible to us. The range of our activities includes: portraits, iconostases, copies, original paintings, drawings for publications and lithographs, drawings on wood, in a word, everything related to our specialty ... Here is a program that is far from clear, as you can see ... ".

In this letter, the artist not only reveals the vicissitudes of the confrontation between young artists and the Academy, but also sees prospects for the future, which are not yet completely clear, but very bold and not limited by the selfish goals of their own survival. After this incident, secret police surveillance was established over Kramskoy and his comrades, which lasted for many years. Here are the names of fourteen participants in the "rebellion": painters I. Kramskoy, A. Morozov, F. Zhuravlev, M. Peskov, B. Venig, P. Zabolotsky, N. Shustov, A. Litovchenko, N. Dmitriev, A. Korzukhin, A. Grigoriev, N. Petrov, K. Lemokh and sculptor V. Kreytan.

All of them were ordered to urgently vacate the workshops, but the youth, left without a livelihood, nevertheless won a major victory, the significance of which at that time could hardly be understood. This was the first conquest of Russian democratic realist art. Soon, Kramskoy, together with like-minded people, began the practical implementation of his idea - the creation of the first independent "artistic association" - the Artel of Artists.

Kramskoy through the eyes of Repin

After being expelled from the Academy, Kramskoy gets a job teaching at the school of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, among whose students "turned out to be a talented young man who had just arrived in St. Petersburg from Ukraine", just like Kramskoy himself, who once dreamed of entering the Academy of Arts - Ilya Repin.

Ilya Efimovich himself describes his first meeting with Kramskoy as follows: “It's Sunday, twelve o'clock in the afternoon. There is a lively excitement in the class, Kramskoy is not yet there. We are drawing from the head of Milo of Croton... The class is noisy... Suddenly there was complete silence... And I saw a thin man in a black frock coat, entering the class with a firm gait. I thought it was someone else: I imagined Kramskoy differently. Instead of a beautiful pale profile, this one had a thin high-cheeked face and black smooth hair instead of shoulder-length chestnut curls, and such a shabby thin beard is only found in students and teachers. - Who is this? I whisper to my friend. - Kramskoy! Don't you know? he wonders. So that's what he is!.. Now he looked at me too; seems to have noticed. What eyes! You can’t hide, even though they are small and sit deep in sunken orbits; grey, glowing... What a serious face! But the voice is pleasant, sincere, speaks with excitement ... But they also listen to him! They even abandoned their work, they stand around with their mouths open; It is clear that they are trying to remember every word.

Repin, like many Russian artists (Kramskoy himself painted superbly, as did Perov), Repin turned out to be a talented writer. In his essay "Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy (In Memory of a Teacher)", he creates a very lively, expressive literary portrait with his characteristic impulsiveness. “Kramskoy on Repin’s pages is all in motion, in struggle, this is not a frozen wax figure of a panopticon, this is precisely the hero of a fascinating story rich in episodes,” K. Chukovsky later wrote.

Repin created an image that coincided almost to the smallest detail with the "Self-Portrait" written by Kramskoy in 1867 and was distinguished by an unusually objective characterization. In the picture, nothing distracts us from the main thing - the face of the hero, with a strict, penetrating look of gray eyes. Mind, will, restraint - these are the main features of the artist's personality, which are clearly visible in the canvas. Proud self-esteem is shown without showing off or posing. Everything is simple and natural in the outer appearance of the painter and in its own way harmonious in the inner. The coloring of the portrait is almost monochrome, the brushstroke is dynamic, we have before us the recognized head of the first St. Petersburg Artel of Artists.

Creation of the Artel

On the facade of the house number 2/10, which stands at the corner of Mayorova Avenue and Admiralteisky Avenue in St. Petersburg, there is a memorial plaque with the inscription: “In this house, from 1866 to 1870, the prominent Russian artist Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy lived and worked. The Artel organized by him, which united the leading realist artists of the 60s, was also located here. But in reality, the Artel of Artists did not immediately acquire premises in the center of the capital, not far from Palace Square.

It all started much more modestly. Recalling the organization of the Artel, Kramskoy wrote to Stasov before his death: “... then it was necessary first of all to eat, eat, since all 14 people had two chairs and one three-legged table. Those who had anything at all fell away immediately.” “After much deliberation,” Repin wrote, “they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to arrange, with the permission of the government, an Artel of Artists - something like an art firm, a workshop and an office that takes orders from the street, with a sign and an approved charter. They rented a large apartment in the Seventeenth Line of Vasilyevsky Island and moved (mostly) there to live together. And then they immediately came to life, cheered up. A common large bright hall, comfortable rooms for everyone, their own household, which was run by Kramskoy's wife - all this encouraged them. Life has become more fun, and some orders have appeared. Society is strength." This is how the first association of artists, organized by Kramskoy, appeared. It allowed many talented masters of painting not only to survive, but to achieve success, recognition and financial independence, which, as a result, caused the complete collapse of the organization in the future.

Personal life and interest in psychology

Ivan Nikolaevich was always sure that his chosen one would be his true friend, share with him all the hardships of the artist's life. Sofya Nikolaevna, who became his wife, fully embodied his dreams of personal happiness. In one of the artist's letters to his wife, we read: "... not only do you not prevent me from being an artist and a friend of my comrades, but even as if you yourself have become a true artel worker ...". Kramskoy repeatedly painted portraits of Sophia Nikolaevna. And although it would be too bold to call her the “muse” of the artist, she undoubtedly was the ideal woman for him. The best confirmation of this is her images created in portraits of the 60s. Common features for all canvases are the integrity, independence and pride of their heroine, allowing you to see in her a “new woman”, who at the same time has not lost true femininity, poetry and softness.

These qualities are especially noticeable in her graphic portrait, owned by the Tretyakov Gallery (1860s). A young, charming and gentle woman with a strong strong-willed character, as evidenced by the energetic turn of her head and a strict but open look.

Painting “Reading. Portrait of S. N. Kramskoy ”, written in 1863, reminds us of lyrical female portraits of the early 19th century. The color of the picture is built on a combination of shades of light green, lilac and other delicate colors. A large role in the canvas is played by the landscape and a few carefully selected accessories that help convey the obvious attractiveness of the portrait's heroine. The young couple of Kramskoy was captured in 1865 by their mutual friend "artel worker" N. A. Koshelev. In the painting "Kramskoy with his wife" we see a lyrical scene: Sofya Nikolaevna plays the piano, while Ivan Nikolaevich plunged into reflection to the accompaniment of her music.

In the 60s, Kramskoy created many graphic portraits of his friends: N. A. Koshelev, the Dmitriev-Orenburgsky spouses, M. B. Tulinov, I. I. Shishkin, increasing their psychologism more and more. True, photography, which was rapidly developing at that time, seemed to be replacing artistic graphic and expensive pictorial portraits. It seemed that absolutely everything was available to the camera, that it could not only accurately capture the appearance of the posing person, but also advantageously emphasize the necessary details of the costume, rich furnishings, jewelry, etc. But, as time showed, one thing was beyond his power - look inside a person, give him a certain social and psychological assessment. This remained achievable only in the portrait created by the artist.

It was precisely this - the improvement of the psychological portrait - that many masters were engaged in, including N.N. Ge, V.G. Perov and I.N. Kramskoy. The powerful rise of the Russian realistic portrait coincided with the beginning of the Wandering era and the end of the Artel era, which lost its original meaning in time.

Association of Wanderers

The excellent idea of ​​creating the TPHV, which played a big role in the life of Russian art, belonged to a group of prominent Moscow and St. Petersburg artists, and the well-known genre painter G. G. Myasoedov was the direct initiator of the undertaking. He addressed a letter to the Artel, meeting there with support only from individual members, primarily I.N. Kramskoy.

In toga, in 1870, an organization was created that could free Russian democratic art from state tutelage, rally leading artists around an association based on the principle of personal material interest of all its members. The main goal of the Association was the development of art. The practice of traveling exhibitions opened up the possibility of direct communication between artists and a wide audience, while raising the most pressing issues of our time.

For several decades, many of the best works of the Wanderers were acquired by P.M. Tretyakov. On November 28 (December 12, according to the new style), 1871, the first exhibition of the Association took place in St. Petersburg. It should be noted that it was Kramskoy, a man of extremely firm principles and convictions, who owed the created Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions the fact that it very soon outgrew the tasks of an exhibition organization and became a genuine school of advanced Russian art.

Ivan Nikolayevich himself, organizing the Association and directing its creative life, found in it that "nutrient environment" that allowed him to reach his own artistic heights. The heyday of the activities of the Association of the Wanderers coincided with the flowering of Kramskoy's work, both as a painter and as a critic-publicist, the author of a number of very serious articles in which he expressed his thoughts about the fate of art and its high social purpose.

In numerous letters to various people, one can read many interesting remarks by Kramskoy about the great masters of the past and contemporary Russian and European artists. The most remarkable moment in the artist's critical reasoning was that he wrote them not so much to instruct others, but to express the enormous and continuous inner work that was carried out in himself.

Kramskoy, in his aesthetic views, was a consistent supporter of the teachings of the great democrats V.G. Belinsky and N.G. Chernyshevsky. He wrote, believing that only life itself can be the basis of artistic creation: "It's a bad thing when art becomes a legislator! .. The serious interests of the people must always go ahead of the less significant."

Kramskoy argued that “art cannot be anything other than national. Nowhere and never has there been any other art, and if there is a so-called universal art, it is only because it was expressed by a nation that stood ahead of universal human development. And if someday in the distant future Russia is destined to occupy such a position among the peoples, then Russian art, being deeply national, will become universal.

Image of Christ

During the heyday of the Impressionist art in France, Repin, who was in Paris and admired their work, wrote that "we", i.e. Russians, "a completely different people, in addition, in development (artistic. - V. R.) we are in an earlier phase." In response to Kramskoy's remark that Russian artists should finally “move towards the light, towards colors”, Repin says: “...our task is content. The face, the soul of a person, the drama of life, the impressions of nature, its life and meaning, the spirit of history - these are our themes ... our colors are a tool, they should express our thoughts, our coloring is not elegant spots, it should express the mood of the picture to us , her soul, he must arrange and capture the entire viewer, like a chord in music.

It should be noted that similar ideas at that time were expressed by many figures of Russian culture from F.M. Dostoevsky to M.P. Mussorgsky. They were also directly embodied in the works of I.N. Kramskoy.

The most important work in the artist's work was the painting "Christ in the Desert" (1872), shown at the second exhibition of the association of the Wanderers, the idea of ​​which had arisen for him long ago. About the fact that she became the receptacle of the most important ideas for him, the artist said: “Under the influence of a number of impressions, I had a very heavy feeling from life. I see clearly that there is one moment in the life of every person, more or less created in the image and likeness of God, when he thinks about whether to go right or left? .. We all know how such hesitation usually ends. Expanding my thought further, embracing humanity in general, I, from my own experience, from my little original, and only from it alone, can guess about the terrible drama that was played out during historical crises. And now I have a terrible need to tell others what I think. But how to tell? How, in what way can I be understood? By nature, the language of the hieroglyph is the most accessible to me. And then one day I saw a figure sitting in deep thought... His thought was so serious and deep that I kept him constantly in the same position... It became clear to me that he was busy with an important question for him, so important that he is insensitive to terrible physical fatigue ... Who was it? I dont know. In all likelihood, it was a hallucination; I really, I must think, did not see him. It seemed to me that this was the best fit for what I wanted to say. Here I didn’t even have to invent anything, I just tried to copy. And when he finished, he gave him a daring name. But if I could, while observing him, write him, is this Christ? Don't know...".

We can judge how long and hard the artist worked on creating that very “correct” image by the huge number of drawings and sketches made in preparation for the main work. The significance of this picture for Kramskoy can also be judged by the fact that he continued to finish his work even after it was posted in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The artist depicted Christ sitting on gray cold stones, the desert soil is dead, it seems that Jesus wandered where no human foot had yet set foot. A fine balance of the horizon level, dividing the space of the work in half, His figure simultaneously dominates the space of the canvas, drawing a clear silhouette against the sky, and is in harmony with the earthly world depicted on the canvas. This only helps the artist to deepen the inner drama of his character. There is no action in the picture, but the viewer seems to feel the life of the spirit, the work of the thought of the son of God, solving some important issue for himself.

His feet are wounded on sharp stones, his figure is bent, his hands are painfully clenched. Meanwhile, the emaciated face of Jesus not only conveys his suffering, but in spite of everything expresses tremendous willpower, boundless fidelity to the idea to which He subordinated his whole life.

“He sat down like this when the sun was still in front of him, sat down tired, exhausted, at first he followed the sun with his eyes, then he did not notice the night, and at dawn already, when the sun should rise behind him, he still continued to sit motionless. And it cannot be said that he was completely insensitive to sensations: no, under the influence of the onset of the morning cold, he instinctively pressed his elbows closer to his body, and only, however, his lips seemed to have dried up, stuck together from a long silence, and only his eyes betrayed his inner work, although they did not see anything ... ".

The author addresses his contemporaries, raising in this work great and eternal universal problems, putting before them the difficult question of choosing a life path. In Russia at that time there were many people who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of truth, goodness and justice. Young revolutionaries were preparing for "going among the people", who would soon become the heroes of many works of democratic literature and painting. The close connection between Kramskoy's paintings and life was obvious, but the artist wanted to create a work-program: “And so, this is not Christ, that is, I don’t know who it is. This is an expression of my personal thoughts. Which moment? Transition. What follows? Continued in the next book." The very “next book” was to be the canvas “Laughter” (“Hail, King of the Jews!”, 1877-1882).

In 1872, Kramskoy wrote to F. A. Vasiliev in the following way: “We must write another“ Christ ”, it is absolutely necessary, that is, not actually him, but that crowd that laughs at the top of its throat, with all the strength of its huge animal lungs ... This laughter It's been haunting me for years now. It’s not hard that it’s hard, but it’s hard that they laugh.” Christ in front of the crowd, ridiculed, spat on, but "he is calm as a statue, pale as a sheet." “As long as we are not seriously talking about kindness, about honesty, we are in harmony with everyone, try to seriously put Christian ideas into practice, see what kind of laughter will rise around. This laughter follows me everywhere, wherever I go, everywhere I hear it.

“Seriously pursuing Christian ideas” for the artist did not mean at all to approve the dogmas of official Orthodoxy, it was a desire to stand up for genuine morality, humanity. The protagonist of "Laughter" was the personification of not only the ideas of Kramskoy himself, it generally reflected the thoughts of many honest-minded representatives of that time, who, a direct encounter with rudeness, all-destroying cynicism, greed, clearly proved that abstract good is simply not able to defeat real real evil .


In the life of Kramskoy, in the middle of his life, a certain drama took place, akin to the one that Ivanov experienced at the end of his journey. It began to seem to the artist that the creative failure that had befallen him (the work “Laughter” was never completed) was a consequence of the fallacy of the ideological position he had chosen as a whole. These doubts were generated by the utopian maximalism characteristic of many of the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. The difficult task that he tried in vain to realize in the form of a cycle of works about Christ, the artist managed to solve in his magnificent portraits of the 70-80s, embodying his idea of ​​high moral personalities in a large gallery of images of leading Russian writers, scientists, artists and stage figures. shape.

In the same 70s, Kramskoy wrote a number of previously uncharacteristic lyrical works, a vivid example of which is the painting “Inspection of the Old House” (1873), which tells about the abandoned and collapsing “noble nest”, to which its owner returned, after many years of absence. “An old thoroughbred gentleman, a bachelor”, finally “arrives at his family estate after a long, very long time and finds the estate in ruins: the ceiling collapsed in one place, cobwebs and mold everywhere, a number of portraits of ancestors on the walls. Two female personalities are leading him under the arms ... Behind them is a buyer - a fat merchant ... ".

We see an elderly man slowly moving through the suite of rooms of an abandoned family estate. So he entered the living room, hung with portraits of his ancestors darkened by time, saw ancient furniture in gray canvas covers, it seems that even the air in this old house is painted in smoky dusty tones, time has stopped here, and the timid light from the windows is not able to dispel this haze of the past.

As mentioned in his letters N.A. Mudrogel is one of the oldest employees of the Tretyakov Gallery, most likely "Kramskoy portrayed himself in the painting" Inspection of the Old House ". The testimony of a contemporary is of undoubted interest, although, even if this is true, the artist did not just try on this sadly lyrical situation. Kramskoy invested in the image he created a wide poetic and deep social meaning.

As you know, the picture remained unfinished. Perhaps Kramskoy, as an active, active, purely “public” person, simply did not allow himself to relax, go into a lyrical channel, overcoming this weakness in himself in order to work on works of a completely different social significance, more important, in his opinion, in conditions of the difficult social and artistic situation in Russia in the 1870s. “In essence, I never liked portraits, and if I did it tolerably, it was only because I loved and still love the human physiognomy ... I became a portrait painter out of necessity,” wrote Ivan Nikolaevich. It is obvious, however, that "necessity" alone could not in itself make him an outstanding master of the portrait.

Portrait of Tolstoy

The need to prove that, according to Chernyshevsky's ideas, "the human personality is the highest beauty in the world, accessible to our senses," aroused in Kramskoy a keen interest in "human physiognomy." Thanks to such an artist's interest in reflecting the human soul, the portraits created by the master in this era were an invaluable contribution to Russian fine art of the 1860s-80s.

“The portraits that you have now,” I. E. Repin wrote to him in 1881, “represent the faces of the dear nation, its best sons, who brought positive benefits with their disinterested activities, for the benefit and prosperity of their native land, who believed in its better future and who fought for this idea...” Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy became one of the founders of the portrait gallery, thanks to which we can now see the faces of people who have played a huge role in the history and art of Russia. Among the first of them was Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, whose first portraits were painted by Kramskoy.

To get a portrait of the great Russian writer in the collection was Tretyakov's cherished dream, but so far no one has been able to persuade Lev Nikolaevich to pose. On the other hand, there was Kramskoy, who tried to persuade the collector to help the young talented artist F.A. Vasiliev, who was dying in the Crimea from consumption. As a result, in 1873, Kramskoy, in order to pay Tretyakov's debt for Vasiliev, persuaded Tolstoy to pose for him for two portraits: one was intended for a collector, the second - for the writer's house in Yasnaya Polyana.

Ivan Nikolaevich worked on both canvases in parallel, while trying to avoid absolute identity. As a result, the writer's family chose a portrait with a more intimate interpretation of Lev Nikolaevich, in which he is immersed in himself. Tretyakov, on the other hand, got a portrait in which the writer, as it were, addresses the viewer. So the artist managed to simultaneously create two fundamentally different artistic images.

Both portraits have a number of common features. Firstly, a neutral background, thanks to which the location of the figure in space ceases to play any role. Secondly, the hands of the model are written out only in general terms. Thirdly, the artist deliberately avoided expressive picturesqueness in color. Such restraint of the plastic solution made it possible to transfer all attention to the face of the forty-five-year-old Tolstoy - open, simple, framed by a bushy beard and manly cut hair.

The main thing in the created portraits is the writer's eyes, expressing the hard work of the thought of an intelligent and educated person. From Kramskoy's painting, Tolstoy looks at us "inexorably and sternly, even coldly... not allowing himself to forget, even for a moment, his task of observation and analysis. He becomes a scientist, and his subject is the human soul, ”the prominent Soviet art critic D. V. Sarabyanov described his impression. It was the comprehension of the mighty intellect of Tolstoy that became the main goal and, of course, represented the main difficulty that the artist faced in this work.

Portraits of the great

Kramskoy painted many portraits commissioned by Tretyakov, paying tribute to this extraordinary man. So in 1871, the artist paints a portrait of the great Ukrainian poet Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko from a photograph. And in the winter of 1876, Ivan Nikolayevich became especially close to the collector’s family, working on portraits of Tretyakov’s wife Vera Nikolaevna, and Pavel Mikhailovich himself, in whom he always saw not a merchant, but an intellectual and a true patriot of Russian national culture, who firmly believed that “the Russian school of painting won't be the last." In a small portrait of 1876, distinguished by a certain "intimacy" of the artistic solution, Kramskoy tried to express the social significance of the personality of the person being portrayed.

By order of Tretyakov, the artist created two images of the great Russian poet-democrat N.A. Nekrasov (1877-1878), the first of them is a portrait of Nikolai Alekseevich, the second is the painting “Nekrasov during the Last Songs”. Work on these works was complicated by the serious illness of the poet. The artist managed to paint it sometimes for only ten to fifteen minutes a day, but by March 30, 1877, the portrait of N. A. Nekrasov was completed.

But it is not he who is of the greatest value, but the painting “Nekrasov during the Last Songs”, in which the selection of everyday details helped to create an accurate image of the poet. Pale, dressed in all white, seriously ill Nekrasov sits on the bed, completely immersed in his thoughts. And the photographs of N. A. Dobrolyubov and I. S. Turgenev, hung on the walls of his office, as well as the bust of V. G. Belinsky, Nekrasov’s ideological mentor and great friend, convey the atmosphere of a rich, intense creative life, making you feel that the great poet immortal.

It is interesting that if you look closely at the surface of the canvas of the picture, it is easy to notice that several seams cross it. The image of the poet's head is made on a separate fragment, the initial position of which is easy to establish. Apparently, at first the master depicted the terminally ill poet as lying, then rebuilding the composition for greater expressiveness. Nekrasov appreciated Kramskoy's talent, giving him a copy of his book "Last Songs", on the title page of which he wrote: "Kramskoy as a keepsake. N. Nekrasov April 3.

Kramskoy's work on the images of the outstanding satirist writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin turned out to be even more difficult, stretching for several years. One of the two portraits created by the artist was also intended for the Tretyakov collection and was created from 1877 to 1879, undergoing endless alterations. Having completed the painting, Kramskoy writes to Tretyakov that this portrait "came out really very similar", speaking of its artistic features, the master emphasizes: "The painting ... came out murugaya, and imagine - with intention."

As in the portrait of Tolstoy, the coloring of the work is very deaf, gloomy. Thus, the artist focuses on Shchedrin's face, his high forehead, the mournfully lowered corners of his lips, and, most importantly, the demandingly questioning look inherent only in him. An important role in creating the image of a satirist writer is played by hands - closed, with thin intertwined fingers, they are emphatically aristocratic, but not at all lordly.

The unifying idea for the portraits of L.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Nekrasov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, P.M. Tretyakov, was the idea of ​​high citizenship. In them, Kramskoy saw the spiritual leaders of the nation, the foremost people of his time. This left an imprint on the manner of portraying the portrayed. The artist deliberately "narrowed" the boundaries of their personality to emphasize their social significance. Nothing, according to Kramskoy, should have distracted the viewer from the main thing - the spiritual component of the heroes of his portraits, which is why the color of the canvases is so dull.

When the artist painted portraits of writers, artists who, in his opinion, did not accumulate the “spiritual charge” of the era so powerfully, he made the pictorial and plastic solution of the works more free, uninhibited, which made the images of the people depicted by him alive and direct. The works of this kind include the portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, executed by the painter in 1873. This work, like the canvas “Nekrasov during the Last Songs”, belongs to the category of portrait-paintings, since it combines two principles at once into a harmonious whole - portrait and landscape.

The image of nature created in this work is not just a natural background for the image of the landscape master, but the element in which he lived and worked. The lyrical and at the same time majestic landscape (clear blue sky with light clouds floating across it, the mysterious silhouette of the forest and tall grasses at the feet of Shishkin) does not so much recreate the view of a specific area as it represents a generalized expression of Russian nature, as it was depicted in the 70s years, including I. I. Shishkin himself.

The artist sought to emphasize its indissoluble unity with the outside world. The slender but powerful figure of the landscape painter, his strong-willed open face, the outward simplicity and at the same time the undeniable grandeur of his appearance, the way he calmly and in a businesslike way peers into the endless distances, all this accurately conveys Kramskoy's idea of ​​​​Shishkin as a "man-school ”, “Milestone in the development of the Russian landscape”.

Later, in 1880, Kramskoy will paint another portrait of the great singer of Russian nature. In it, the artist will again be amazed at his physical strength, noting that with age, Shishkin's personality became richer and more complex.

The extraordinary gift of a portrait painter

Among the many portraits of Russian writers and artists painted in the 70s, most of which Kramskoy painted by order of P. M. Tretyakov, there were images of I.A. Goncharova, I.E. Repin, Ya.P. Polonsky, P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, M.M. Antokolsky, S.T. Aksakov, F.A. Vasilyeva, M.K. Klodt and many others.

Two portraits can be especially distinguished - the writer Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich (1876) and the painter Alexander Dmitrievich Litovchenko (1878).

Creating a portrait of the author of the then popular story “Anton-Goremyka”, the master sharply noticed the usual gentleness of Grigorovich’s posture and a certain condescension and complacency in his eyes, characteristic of a person who is not used to delving into the complexity of life around him. The gesture of the hand with a gold-rimmed pince-nez sandwiched between thin fingers is emphatically theatrical. “This is not a portrait, but just a scene, a drama! .. So Grigorovich is sitting in front of you with all his lies, French feuilletonism, boasting and laughter,” V. V. Stasov enthusiastically wrote to Kramskoy. Although the artist himself, who a few years later wrote a letter to the well-known publisher A.S. Suvorin, tried to ward off the accusation of obvious bias, assuring that he did not want to “do anything funny, except for a completely natural passion for a visible characteristic form, without underlining.” How true this is, perhaps, we will never know, but one thing is absolutely clear - today we are attracted in the portrait of D. V. Grigorovich precisely by the artist’s passion for the “visible characteristic form”, which was the key to creating a surprisingly bright and lively human image.

This is expressed even more strongly in the large-format portrait of A. D. Litovchenko. Dressed in a dense dark brown coat, the artist is depicted against a light gray-greenish background. Slightly “blurring” the movable contour outlining the figure, Kramskoy emphasized the natural ease of his model. Litovchenko's pose is unusually expressive, with his right hand laid behind his back with a free movement, and his left hand gracefully holding a cigar in a familiar gesture. The fingers are not drawn, only outlined with a few precise, dynamic strokes. It was not by chance that Kramskoy "blurred" the edge of the sleeve framing this arm, made it deliberately fuzzy. So he convincingly conveyed the natural instantaneous gesture, exactly corresponding to the lively, changeable expression on the face of the hero of the portrait, framed by a lush beard. One can only guess about the drawing of the lips, but the eyes of the person portrayed, black as coals, look so piercingly sharp, expressing in the best way all the immediacy of his nature, that the whole image of Litovchenko is perceived “as alive”. The artist uses sparing, but extremely expressive details with amazing accuracy: a conical cap, with its outlines, perfectly completes the silhouette of the artist’s figure as a whole, as well as light yellow gloves, casually looking out of the pocket of Litovchenko’s coat, complete his image.

Portrait of A. D. Litovchenko, without a doubt, one of the greatest creative successes of Kramskoy. His image turned out to be so lively and brightly individual thanks to the high pictorial merits of this picture, “by the fire, passion and vitality of a quick performance, similar to impromptu” (V. Stasov).

Ivan Nikolaevich no longer “paints” with a brush, as it was in many of his paintings, how much he paints, broadly, temperamentally, building a plastic form with color, anticipating the best portrait paintings by I.E. Repin. Struck by his powerful expression, M.P. Mussorgsky will respond about his work in the following way: “Going up to the portrait of Litovchenko, I jumped back ... - he wrote to V.V. Stasov. - What a miraculous Kramskoy! This is not a canvas - this is life, art, power, sought in creativity!

We can see what the artist himself had become by this time, thanks to his “Self-Portrait” of 1874. A small picture, clearly written "for myself." The saturated dark red background contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of emphasized concentration in the portrait. Kramskoy, peering into his own face, shows how over the years his composure and perseverance, developed by a hard life and constant work, have increased. His gaze became much deeper and sadder than in the self-portrait of 1867, in which the master, as it were, publicly announced the position of the artist-fighter he had chosen. Now, without retreating a single step from the chosen path, he admits to himself how much mental strength this stamina and courage require.

“Until now, Mr. Kramskoy has succeeded exclusively in male portraits,” wrote one of the observers of the seventh mobile, “but the current exhibition has shown that a female portrait is equally accessible to him and presents incomparably more difficulties.”

A correct remark, especially considering that before Kramskoy such a democratic version of the female portrait, the merit of developing which belongs entirely to him, did not exist in Russian painting.

The image of the Russian people

Kramskoy often wrote that, while living in St. Petersburg, he felt the burden of the oppressive social atmosphere, he even said that the "Petersburg climate", which he constantly tried to resist, "kills Russian art and artists." In this sense, he had many like-minded people. Let us recall A. S. Pushkin, who said that the North was “harmful to him,” K. P. Bryullov, who, after returning from Italy, bathed in the rays of glory, but wrote that he was “moping” because he was “afraid of the climate and captivity.”

“It pulls me out of Petersburg,” Kramskoy wrote, “I’m sick of it! Where does it pull, why is it sickening? .. Where is peace? Yes, and this would be nothing if it were not for the rich and unimaginably huge material outside the cities, there, in the depths of swamps, forests and impassable roads. What faces, what figures! Yes, the waters of Baden-Baden help another, Paris and France help another, and the third ... scrip, but freedom! Vividly responding to the emerging “going to the people”, the artist wrote that “sitting in the center ... you begin to lose the nerve of a wide free life; the outskirts are too far, and the people have something to give! My God, what a huge spring! Have only ears to hear and eyes to see... It pulls me out, that's how it pulls! It was in the people that Kramskoy saw the main force of life, discovering in them a new source of creative inspiration.

The images of peasants in the works of I. N. Kramskoy are very diverse. This is the “Contemplator” (1876, Kyiv Museum of Russian Art), a philosophizing man, a seeker of eternal truth, and a beekeeper living a life one with nature (“Beekeeper”, 1872), and “A peasant with a stick” (1872, Tallinn Art Museum) - who lived a long, bleak age, a downtrodden old peasant. There are other images, such as the full inner dignity of the hero of the painting “Village Headman” (“Melnik”, 1873), or a powerful, stern peasant on the canvas of 1874 “Head of a Peasant” (Penza Art Gallery of K.A. Savitsky).

But the most significant work on the folk theme was the painting of 1874 "Woodsman". Regarding it, Kramskoy writes to P. M. Tretyakov: “... my sketch in a shot-through hat, according to the plan, should depict one of those types (they exist in the Russian people) who understand much of the social and political system of folk life with their mind , and in whom displeasure, bordering on hatred, is deeply embedded. Of such people, in difficult times, Stenka Razins and Pugachevs recruit their gangs, and in ordinary times they act alone, where and how they have to, but they never put up. Unsympathetic type, I know, but I also know that there are many of them, I have seen them.

In the late period of creativity, the artist also turned to the peasant theme. In 1882, a "study of a Russian peasant" was created - a portrait of Mina Moiseev. In 1883 - the canvas "Peasant with a bridle" (Kyiv Museum of Russian Art). On these two works, the master created two diametrically opposed images, painted, however, from the same model.

Late period of creativity

Despite the political defeat of democratic thought in Russia in the 70s and 80s of the 19th century, which was literally crushed by the regime, Russian democratic art experienced an unprecedented high rise. Significant changes took place in the life of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, the work of such titans of Russian fine art as I. E. Repin and V. I. Surikov came to the fore. Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy continued to work hard and hard. Despite the high authority that the artist had among his contemporaries, it became more and more difficult for him to work. Evidence of this is the unfinished painting “Laughter” for many years, the very idea of ​​​​which no longer met the needs of society. As a result, Kramskoy had only portraits.

During this period, the artist, with his inherent skill and psychologism, paints portraits of I. I. Shishkin, an outstanding figure in Russian medicine S. P. Botkin and artist V. V. Samoilov. Moreover, Kramskoy not only looked worthy next to younger portrait painters, such as I. E. Repin and N. A. Yaroshenko, but continued to play the role of “teacher” for them. And their canvases, in turn, carried the reflection of Kramskoy's art.

Nevertheless, the artist understood that he needed to grow somewhere, to look for new ways for his creativity. He tries his hand at a formal portrait, looking for new light and color solutions, suffocating at the same time, under the weight of constant orders. Hurrying to provide for the families as best as possible and realizing that his strength was running out, Kramskoy rushed between time-consuming creative searches and fast execution of work, which sometimes did not lead to the best result. The artist, who was highly respected and even honored, took these failures hard.

The demands that life itself made on art have changed, therefore, the art system had to change. In 1883, at the MUZhViZ, a young artist K. A. Korovin, a student of A. K. Savrasov and V. D. Polenov, painted the sketch “Chorus Girl”, taking for him an unusual motive and very bold painting techniques. Even Polenov, who was familiar with the work of the French Impressionists, was amazed by this bold experiment of the artist, deciding that he was far ahead of his time. However, soon a close friend of Korovin, V. A. Serov, will write his “Girl with Peaches” (1887), turning the portrait of the twelve-year-old Vera, the daughter of the famous Moscow industrialist S. I. Mamontov, into a radiant image of youth.

In an effort to capture the essence of new trends, Kramskoy wrote his "Unknown" (1883) - one of his most mysterious paintings. Here is how the art critic N. G. Mashkovtsev describes the picture: “A young woman is depicted in a carriage against the backdrop of the Anichkov Palace, painted rusty red. This color is softened by the winter mist, as are the contours of the architecture. With all the more distinctness, a female figure comes to the fore. She is dressed with all the luxury of fashion. She leaned back in the back of the carriage, upholstered in dark yellow leather. In her face there is the pride of a woman who is conscious of her charm. In no other portrait did Kramskoy pay so much attention to accessories - velvet, silk, fur. The dark glove, tightly embracing the hand, like a second skin, thin and translucent, through which a living body is felt, is written with some special warmth. Who she is, this captivating woman, remains unknown.

Many believe that Kramskoy portrayed Anna Karenina as a symbol of the new position of women in society, the way it should become. This version has both supporters and opponents, but it would be more correct to assume that the artist I.N. Kramskoy, and the writer L.G. Tolstoy, creating their female images, invested in them something more than a portrait of a specific woman, namely, their idea of ​​the ideal of a modern woman. Like Tolstoy, Kramskoy, defending the human dignity of a woman, set himself the task of trying to embody his idea of ​​the moral and aesthetic category of beauty through the visible, “objective”, attractiveness of the model.

In 1884, the artist completed his painting "Inconsolable Sorrow", conceived back in the late 70s. The plot of the canvas is inspired by the personal grief of the master - the death at an early age of his two younger sons. Through this work, which has an unusual number of sketches and sketches for an artist (showing how important it was for Kramskoy), he conveyed his own grief and the grief of his wife, Sofya Nikolaevna. Putting a lot of personal, deeply intimate into the picture, the painter at the same time sought to expand and deepen its content as much as possible. Precisely and sparingly selected elements introduce us to the atmosphere of a house in which a great grief has come, conveyed, however, very restrainedly, without melodramatic excesses, only a reddish glow of funeral candles, flickering behind the curtain, suggest its cause.

The compositional and semantic center of the canvas is the image of a woman full of drama. Her tense straight figure, the mournful look of eyes that do not see, the handkerchief brought to her lips, testifying to barely restrained sobs, reveal the full depth of her suffering. Such a psychological expressiveness of the image did not come easily to the artist. “I sincerely sympathized with maternal grief,” Kramskoy wrote to P. M. Tretyakov. “I was looking for a clean form for a long time and finally settled on this form...”. It was the strict form, achieved without unnecessary theatricality, that allowed him to create the image of a strong-willed person, and the monumental structure of the canvas helped to convey feelings and experiences, as a drama of the individual, which the master is trying to raise to the level of a great social phenomenon.

It should be noted that, in contrast to the portraits of the 70s, in which the feelings of Kramskoy's heroes were marked rather with the seal of high citizenship, the characters of later works live in a much more closed world of personal experiences.

Kramskoy's letters to his friends tell us about how difficult the last period of his life was for him. In 1883 he writes to P.M. Tretyakov: “... I confess that the circumstances are beyond my character and will. I am broken by life and far from doing what I wanted and what I had to do ... ". At the same time, a letter was written to the artist P. O. Kovalevsky: “I have been working in the dark for a long time. There is no one near me who, like the voice of conscience or the trumpet of an archangel, would inform a person: “Where is he going? Is it on the real road, or have you lost your way? There is nothing more to expect from me, I have already stopped waiting from myself. ”

Nevertheless, the master worked until his last day. For five hours a day, he spent portrait sessions, constantly screaming in pain, but almost without noticing it, he was so fascinated by the creative process. So it was on the last day of the painter. Feeling a surge of vivacity in the morning, he painted a portrait of Dr. Rauchfus. Suddenly, his gaze stopped and he fell right on his palette. It was March 24, 1887.

“I don’t remember a more heartfelt and touching funeral!.. Peace be upon you, a mighty Russian man who has escaped from the insignificance and dirt of the backwoods,” I. E. Repin later wrote about seeing his old friend on his last journey.

In the same year, 1887, a large posthumous exhibition of the works of the great Russian master was organized, accompanied by the publication of a detailed illustrated catalog. A year later, a book was published dedicated to the life and work of Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.

The artist Ivan Kramskoy made an invaluable contribution to culture. He was an art rebel, an ideologue of the Wanderers, an adviser to the collector Pavel Tretyakov, who created the world-famous Tretyakov Gallery. Kramskoy's student Ilya Repin became a famous artist. This year, on May 27, Ivan Kramskoy celebrated his 180th birthday. In the museum. I. N. Kramskoy, named after the painter, houses paintings and drawings of the artist. The main exposition of the museum presents six paintings by Kramskoy. One of the most interesting works is a portrait of the artist's wife and daughter. Kramskoy did not have time to complete this picture.

The future ideologist of the Wanderers was born on May 27, 1837 in Ostrogozhsk in the family of a clerk. Ivan Kramskoy graduated from the district school, found a job as a retoucher with his countryman photographer Mikhail Tulinov. He corrected the portraits of people in the pictures with watercolors. Kramskoy left his hometown to work in Kharkov, and at the age of 19 he moved to St. Petersburg. A year after working in a photo studio in 1857, he entered the Academy of Arts the first time.

Ivan Kramskoy "Self-portrait", 1867

Kramskoy was one of the most talented students. For the painting "Moses exudes water from the rock" he received a small gold medal. However, both Kramskoy and other students of the Academy wanted more freedom. When they were offered the competition theme "Feast in Valhalla" (the author of the best picture received a large gold medal and the opportunity to go to Paris), the students refused and petitioned that everyone be allowed to develop their own theme. The Academy Council refused. Then 14 best graduates, led by Kramskoy, left the Academy and founded the first Artel of Free Artists in Russia, which lasted until 1871. This event went down in art history as the "Riot of the Fourteen".

– It is interesting that in 1863 the “Riot of the Fourteen” took place in Russia, in France in the same year the first exhibition of the Impressionists took place, – notes the head. exposition department of the museum. I. N. Kramskoy Olga Ryabchikova. “They were also rebels and were against the academic system. Artists of both France and Russia began to reach for the light, for greater freedom in creativity.

In 1870, the "Association of Traveling Exhibitions" was created, the main organizer of which was Ivan Kramskoy. He defended the views on the high social role of the artist, the principles of realism and the nationality of art. The Association held traveling exhibitions and conducted educational activities. It included famous artists of that time: Vasnetsov, Repin, Surikov, Shishkin, Levitan and others.

Ivan Kramskoy "Portrait of a lady". 1881

“Kramskoy was ahead of his time in many of his views,” says Olga Ryabchikova. – For example, he had an interesting approach to the system of art education. He believed that academies and schools were not needed, but it was worth creating artists' workshops, to which those who wanted to learn from these masters would come.

Ivan Kramskoy was an outstanding portrait painter, one of the best of his time. He had many orders. So, Pavel Tretyakov ordered him to create a gallery of images of prominent people, among whom were Leo Tolstoy, Nikolai Nekrasov, Alexander Griboyedov, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and others. Due to the large number of orders, the artist did not have much time left to write "for the soul." Some of the work he did not have time to finish. Among them is "Portrait of Sofya Nikolaevna Kramskoy, the artist's wife, and Sofya Ivanovna Kramskoy, the artist's daughter." The picture can be viewed in the main exhibition of the museum. I. N. Kramskoy.

Ivan Kramskoy "Portrait of the artist's wife and daughter", 1875

He met his future wife Kramskoy in St. Petersburg, when he was already finishing his studies at the Academy of Arts. The girl got into trouble. She had an affair with a married artist who shamefully fled abroad with his lawful wife, leaving Sophia to fend for herself. Of course, she was condemned in society, but Kramskoy was so in love with her that he did not care about the opinions of others. The artist married Sophia in 1862.

The marriage was happy, the wife supported the artist in everything. She gave her husband six children. Unfortunately, two of Kramskoy's sons died in childhood. The painting "Portrait of a wife with a daughter" the artist began to paint after their death in 1875. The painter did not have time to finish this work, only the figures were worked out, and the background remained unfinished.

“He mentions this portrait in letters that he can’t finish it in any way, there’s no time,” says Olga Ryabchikova. - To some extent, a large flow of orders interfered with the artist, although he had to support his family, he made very good money, he was able to buy a summer house.

In the last years of his life, Ivan Kramskoy was ill with a heart aneurysm. The artist died on April 5, 1887 while working on a portrait of Dr. Rauchfuss. Kramskoy's grave is located at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

7 interesting facts about Ivan Kramskoy

1. At the first exhibition of the Association of the Wanderers, Ivan Kramskoy presented the painting "Mermaids" in 1871. It is based on Nikolai Gogol's story "May Night, or the Drowned Woman". To work on the painting, Kramskoy went to the village of Khoten, Kharkov province. "Mermaids" was bought by Pavel Tretyakov.

Ivan Kramskoy "Mermaids", 1871

2. Leo Tolstoy gave Ivan Kramskoy the prototype of the artist Mikhailov, to whom Vronsky commissioned a portrait of Anna in the fifth part of the novel Anna Karenina. The writer met the painter when Kramskoy arrived in the village of Kozlovka-Zaseka near Yasnaya Polyana to work on a portrait of Tolstoy. During the sessions, they had conversations about art and life. The writer attracted the artist with his energy, intelligence and simplicity of appearance. “He looks like a genius,” Kramskoy said about him. The personality of the artist also impressed Lev Nikolaevich.

Ivan Kramsko "Portrait of Leo Tolstoy", 1873

3. In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the dome is decorated with the painting "Patronymic" by Ivan Kramskoy. The chief architect of the temple, Konstantin Ton, entrusted the painting to Professor Alexei Markov from the Academy of Arts. He was supposed to receive 75,000 rubles for painting the dome. Markov took his student Evgraf Sorokin as an assistant. True, his version of the painting horrified Markov, then he offered to continue the work of another of his students, Ivan Kramskoy, paying him only ten thousand rubles. The amount of work was huge, so Kramskoy invited two fellow artists to help him. The painting turned out great. Unfortunately, on December 5, 1931, the Bolsheviks blew up the temple in order to build the Palace of Soviets in its place. Kramskoy's original painting was destroyed. When the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior began in 1988, the "Fatherland" was restored according to the sketches of the artist.

Painting "Fatherland"

4. About Kramskoy's 1872 painting "Christ in the Desert" Leo Tolstoy wrote: "This is the best Christ I know." The artist worked on this work for more than five years. Kramskoy said: “This is my first thing on which I worked seriously, wrote with tears and blood ... it is deeply suffered by me ... it is the result of many years of searching ... ". On the canvas, Christ is depicted during the 40-day fasting in the desert after his baptism. Kramskoy wanted to capture the moral choice that is inevitable in the life of every person. In a lonely figure, sitting among the cold gray stones, one feels not only thoughtfulness and fatigue, but also a readiness to take the first step on the path to Golgotha. Such a human image of Christ at that time could be perceived as blasphemy. "Christ in the Desert" Pavel Tretyakov at that time bought for fabulous money - six thousand rubles.

Ivan Kramskoy "Christ in the desert", 1872

5. Perhaps one of the most famous paintings by Kramskoy is the portrait "Unknown". The work was written in 1883. The painting depicts a young woman riding in an open carriage along Nevsky Prospekt. Who is this person depicted in the portrait, the artist left a mystery. Even in his letters and diaries there is no mention. The beauty, looking down on the audience, is dressed in the latest fashion: a Francis hat with a feather, a coat trimmed with sable fur, a gold bracelet ... All these things were not cheap. By the way, in the secular society of that time it was considered indecent to wear such fashionable outfits, and even flaunt them, so the appearance of a woman hinted at her “light” social position. Perhaps for this reason, Pavel Tretyakov, who was brought up in a family with strict views, did not buy the painting. The painter sold the painting to a small collector. "Unknown" wandered from one owner to another for a long time. And only in 1925 she ended up in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Ivan Kramskoy "Stranger", 1883

6. For the painting "Christ in the Desert", the Council of the Academy of Arts decided to award Kramskoy the title of professor. But the artist refused, wanting to remain independent of the Academy.

7. The daughter of the artist Sophia Kramskaya also became a painter. She worked in many genres, was a graphic artist, miniaturist, watercolorist. Kramskoy, having seen the talent in his daughter, did a lot of work with her himself. Sophia married a lawyer of Finnish origin Georgy Junker. She continued to paint, participated in exhibitions. The artist became so famous that in 1890-1900 she was invited to paint portraits of the royal family. For many years, Sophia, together with her brothers, took care of the Ostrogozhsk Art Gallery, donated many of her works (however, during a fire in 1942, most of the collection died). In 1930, Sophia was arrested under an article for counter-revolutionary propaganda. She was sent into exile in Krasnoyarsk. In 1932, she was released for health reasons, she returned home. She died a year later at the age of 66.

Sophia painted this portrait of her father shortly before his death.

In Ostrogozhsk, the house where the artist lived has been preserved

In Ostrogozhsk, a house has been preserved (Marshak St., 14), where Ivan Kramskoy spent his childhood. With whitewashed walls under a reed roof, it immediately stands out from the rest of the buildings. It preserves the layout of the rooms and restores the details of everyday life. The museum presents materials on the Ostrogozhsk period of the artist's life. He spent 16 years in his hometown. Ostrogozhsk Historical and Art Museum. I. N. Kramskoy (Kramskoy Boulevard, 4) you can see an exposition about the St. Petersburg period of the artist. The exposition contains graphic, mostly student works by Kramskoy, his students and friends.

Kramskoy was born on May 27, 1837 in the city of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh province, into a poor bourgeois family. His attraction to art did not meet with the support of his relatives, and he was forced to paint on his own. Having acted as a retoucher for the wandering photographer Danilevsky, he traveled with him to many provincial cities and finally ended up in St. Petersburg. There he met young artists who advised him to seriously engage in painting, and at their insistence in 1857 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

The inertia that reigned there evoked protests from the progressive democratic youth. Kramskoy led the young artistic forces in the struggle for realism in art against classicism abstracted from life. Several people left the academy in protest. The performance of the artists marked a new era in the development of Russian art. “It's time to think about creating a Russian school of national art,” said Kramskoy.

In the early 70s, the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions arose. It brought together leading Russian artists - V. G. Perov, V. E. Makovsky, A. K. Savrasov, I. I. Shishkin. A. I. Kuindzhi and others. Later it included I. E. Repin and V. I. Surikov. The soul and leader of this organization was Kramskoy.

Painting "Mermaids". Ivan Kramskoy

At the first traveling exhibition in 1871, Kramskoy presented the painting "Mermaids" based on the plot of N.V. Gogol's story "May Night". In this picture, the artist wanted to convey the magical charm of moonlight. Mermaids move smoothly by the overgrown pond. The bluish-green moonlight makes everything around mysterious and enigmatic...

Painting "Moonlight night". Ivan Kramskoy

Kramskoy returned to the image of moonlight in 1880. They write a romantic, deeply poetic picture "Moonlight Night".

Mighty poplars lined up along the alley. Lush bushes are showered with white flowers. White water lilies were found in the pond. Everything is illuminated by fabulous moonlight. On a bench in a white robe sits a woman full of charm, quiet lyrical sadness and mystery.

Painting "Christ in the Desert". Artist: Kramskoy

The painting "Christ in the Wilderness" (1872) appeared at the next exhibition. Kramskoy portrays him as an ordinary person. For a long time he wandered in silence. Worn out, tired, he sat down to rest on a stone in the Palestinian desert. Hands clenched convulsively, head bowed. Traces of deep feelings are visible on his face. Christ for Kramskoy is the embodiment of the conscience and duty of man. The artist was characterized by an unusually acute awareness of his civic duty, the awareness of the need for self-sacrifice in the name of a common cause.

Ivan Kramskoy: painting "Inconsolable grief"

Among the works of Kramskoy there are a number of magnificent female portraits. They showed the artist's ability to express the emotional states of a person. The painting "Inconsolable grief" (1884) was painted after the death of the artist's little son. Kramskoy conveyed the mother's immeasurable grief - her personal grief, which no one can share with her.

A woman in a dull black dress, leaning her hand on a chair, looks away with an absent look. She is shocked. Crying eyes, a wrinkle cut through his forehead, a gray strand of hair. She brought the handkerchief to her mouth, as if holding back her sobs ... The most precious creature left life, and everything around remained the same: this carpet, and curtains, and paintings, and albums on the table ... The coffin is not visible. Only in the armchair are boxes with wreaths and white light cloth, and on the floor are pots with blooming tulips. The room is filled with gray winter light... The woman's pose and facial expression embody the mother's deep spiritual drama.

Ivan Kramskoy. Description of the artwork «Unknown»

Sitting in the carriage, leaning back against the back upholstered in dark yellow leather, is a graceful young woman. She turned slightly towards the sidewalk, feeling admiring glances. In her eyes is the arrogance and pride of a woman who is aware of her charm. The big shining eyes are cold and impassive. Her figure stands out against the background of a light haze of frosty winter air and the pinkish Anichkov Palace. Strict architecture, as it were, complements the image of this beautiful, majestic woman. A velvet coat, fur, purple satin ribbons, a white ostrich feather, thin leather gloves, tightly fitting hands, emphasize the gracefulness of the figure.

This is a portrait of "Unknown" Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Although this picture is not typical for the artist's work, but at the mere mention of his name, the image of this captivating woman comes to mind.

Kramskoy: portrait of Tolstoy

Kramskoy created a number of portraits of Russian writers - Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy, Grigorovich. The artist depicts people immersed in deep thought.

Tolstoy's pose is simple and natural. The writer's eyes are riveting, demanding, attentive. Tolstoy appears as a man of will, clear and energetic mind in the portrait of Kramskoy.

Portraits of peasants

The artist's democratic views were reflected in a series of peasant images - "Peasant" (1871), "Beekeeper" (1872), "Woodsman" (1874), "Mina Moiseev" (1883) and others. These are bright types, each in its own way characteristic and expressive.

Kramskoy died on March 25, 1887 while working on another portrait. The paintings and portraits created by the artist are on a par with the best creations of his contemporaries.

T. Shakhova, magazine "Family and School", 1962, facts of the biography of the artist Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy, paintings, descriptions of paintings, material for essays.

Kramskoy Ivan Nikolaevich (1837-1887)

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy (1837 - 1887), Russian artist, critic and art theorist. Born in Ostrogozhsk (Voronezh province) May 27, 1837 in a poor bourgeois family.

From childhood he was fond of art and literature. He was self-taught in drawing since childhood, then, on the advice of a drawing lover, he began to work in watercolor. After graduating from the district school (1850), he served as a scribe, then as a retoucher for a photographer, with whom he wandered around Russia.

In 1857 he ended up in St. Petersburg, worked in the photo studio of A. I. Denier. In the autumn of the same year he entered the Academy of Arts, was a student of A. T. Markov. For the painting “Moses exudes water from a rock” (1863) he received a Small Gold Medal.

During the years of teaching, he rallied around himself the advanced academic youth. He led the protest of the graduates of the Academy (“rebellion of fourteen”), who refused to paint pictures (“programs”) based on the mythological plot set by the Council. The young artists petitioned the council of the academy to be allowed to choose a theme for each painting for a large gold medal. The Academy reacted unfavorably to the proposed innovation. One of the professors of the academy, the architect Ton, even described the attempt of young artists in this way: “in the past, you would have been given to the soldiers for this,” as a result of which 14 young artists, headed by Kramskoy, refused in 1863 to write on the topic set by the academy - “ Feast in Valhalla” and left the academy.

The artists who left the Academy united in the St. Petersburg artel. The atmosphere of mutual assistance, cooperation and deep spiritual interests that reigned here is largely due to Kramskoy. In his articles and extensive correspondence (with I. E. Repin, V. V. Stasov, A. S. Suvorin and others) he defended the idea of ​​“tendentious” art, not only reflecting, but also morally transforming the inert, false world.

At this time, the vocation of Kramskoy as a portrait painter was also completely determined. Then he most often resorted to his favorite graphic technique using white, Italian pencil, he also worked using the so-called “wet sauce” method, which made it possible to imitate a photograph. Kramskoy had a painting technique - a subtle finish, which some sometimes considered superfluous or excessive. Nevertheless, Kramskoy wrote quickly and confidently: in a few hours the portrait acquired a similarity: in this respect, the portrait of Dr. Rauchfus, the last dying work of Kramskoy, is remarkable. This portrait was painted in one morning, but remained unfinished, since Kramskoy died while working on this picture.

"Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasilchikova"

The portraits created at this time were mostly commissioned, made for the sake of earning money. The portraits of artists A. I. Morozov (1868), I. I. Shishkin (1869), G. G. Myasoedov (1861), P. P. Chistyakov (1861), N. A. Koshelev (1866) are well known. The nature of Kramskoy's pictorial portrait is meticulous in drawing and light and shade modeling, but restrained in color. The artistic language corresponded to the image of a raznochint-democrat, who was a frequent hero of the master's portraits. These are the "Self-portrait" of the artist (1867) and "Portrait of the agronomist Vyunnikov" (1868). In 1863-1868 Kramskoy taught at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists.

"Portrait of an old peasant"

However, over time, Artel began to gradually deviate in its activities from the high moral principles declared at its inception, and Kramskoy left it, carried away by a new idea - the creation of a partnership of traveling art exhibitions. He took part in the development of the charter of the "Partnership" and immediately became not only one of the most active and authoritative members of the board, but also the ideologist of the Partnership, defending and substantiating the main positions. From other leaders of the Association, he was favorably distinguished by his independence of outlook, a rare breadth of views, sensitivity to everything new in the artistic process and intolerance to any dogmatism.

"Portrait of Sofia Ivanovna Kramskoy"

At the first exhibition of the Association, “Portrait of F. A. Vasiliev” and “Portrait of M. M. Antokolsky” were exhibited. A year later, the painting “Christ in the Desert” was shown, the idea of ​​which was nurtured for several years. According to Kramskoy, “for the former artists, too, the Bible, the Gospel and mythology served only as a pretext for expressing completely contemporary passions and thoughts.” He himself, like Ge and Polenov, in the image of Christ expressed the ideal of a man full of high spiritual thoughts, preparing himself for self-sacrifice. The artist managed to speak convincingly here about the problem of moral choice, which is very important for the Russian intelligentsia, which confronts everyone who understands their responsibility for the fate of the world, and this painting, rather modest in terms of painting, entered the history of Russian art.

"Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna"

The artist repeatedly returned to the theme of Christ. The work on the originally conceived large painting “Laughter (“Hail, King of the Jews”)” (1877 - 1882), depicting the mockery of the crowd over Jesus Christ, ended in defeat. The artist selflessly worked on it for ten or twelve hours a day, but never finished, he soberly assessed his impotence. Collecting material for her, Kramskoy visited Italy (1876). He traveled to Europe in subsequent years.

"Bouquet of flowers. Phloxes»

"Portrait of Sonya Kramskoy, the artist's daughter"

"Forest path"

Poet Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov. 1883.

"Portrait of the singer Elizaveta Andreevna Lavrovskaya, on the stage in the Nobility Assembly"

"Portrait of the artist N.A. Koshelev"

"Portrait of the artist Fyodor Alexandrovich Vasiliev"

"Artist's family"

"Russian monk in contemplation"

"Laughter. "Hail, King of the Jews"

"The Contemplator"

Christ in the desert.1872


Mermaids. (May night) 1871

“For reading. Portrait of Sofia Nikolaevna Kramskoy»

"Peasant with a bridle. Mina Moiseev"

"Empress Maria Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Alexander III"


"Moonlight night"

"Girl with a loose braid"

"Female portrait"

"Female portrait"

"Female portrait"

"Female portrait"

"Girl in a deep shawl"

"Prayer of Moses after the crossing of the Israelites through the Black Sea"

"Portrait of Nikolai Kramskoy, the artist's son"

"Portrait of Alexander III"

Portrait of Sergei Kramskoy, the artist's son. 1883

Portrait of Olga Afanasyevna Raftopulo. 1884

Inconsolable grief. 1884

Insulted Jewish boy. 1874

Unknown. 1883

Portrait of Varvara Kirillovna Lemokh as a child. 1882

"Portrait of the artist Ilya Efimovich Repin"

"Portrait of the Ukrainian writer and artist Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko"

"Portrait of the actor Vasily Vasilyevich Samoilov"

"Portrait of P.A. Valuev"

"Female portrait"


"Portrait of the artist Shishkin"

"Portrait of a lady"

"Portrait of the astronomer O.V. Struve, director of the Pulkovo Observatory"

"Portrait of P.I. Melnikov"


“N.A. Koshelev. Music lesson"

Kramskoy, painting a portrait of his daughter, Sophia Ivanovna Kramskoy, married Juncker. 1884

Female portrait. 1884

Actor Alexander Pavlovich Lensky as Petruchio in Shakespeare's comedy The Taming of the Shrew. 1883

Original entry and comments on

On the page are the most famous paintings of Kramskoy Ivan Nikolaevich.

Kramskoy is one of the founders and main ideologist of the association of the Wanderers.

The main event of the first exhibition of the Wanderers was Kramskoy's painting "Christ in the Desert". But the most famous and popular painting was later on the painting "Unknown".

Kramskoy, like no one else, left us a lot of portraits of the great figures of his time.

Self-portrait of Kramskoy.

Unknown. Kramskoy.

The most mysterious and intriguing picture of Kramskoy. And the most famous.

But the prototype is completely unknown, the woman with whom the artist painted. The face immediately catches the eye. The look of the woman is cold and haughty, dressed in the latest fashion. Sitting in a carriage against the backdrop of winter St. Petersburg with its Alexandrinsky Theater.

In the photo, the painting “Bouquet of flowers. Phloxes. Kramskoy. A rare still life for Kramskoy.

Kramskoy's paintings almost always depict people.

A girl with a loose braid. Kramskoy.

What a sad face the girl has, what a sad look!

Surely Kramskoy himself experienced disappointments in life, emptiness and torment. It is no coincidence that the painting was without an audience for many years, being in the artist's studio.

The girl is sitting and her gaze is turned to nowhere, to the void.

Portrait of Sophia Nikolaevna Kramskoy, the artist's wife. She is reading a book with enthusiasm.

Herodias. Kramskoy.

There is a religious story here. Herodias is guilty of the death of John the Baptist, who openly condemned her marriage to her uncle.

And after the murder of John, Herodias wished to look at his severed head and enjoy the long-awaited victory over the enemy. In the picture all around is poisonous red, the color of blood and murder! And this is not so much a religious plot as a moral or, more precisely, a plot of immorality.

Peasant with a bridle. Kramskoy. Epic peasant!

Kramskoy's paintings very often depict ordinary people, people from the people! And this picture is a kind of result of numerous portraits of peasants. The real peasant Mina Moiseev became the model. Wise calmness and good humor on his face!

Forest path. Kramskoy.

Rare landscape for Kramskoy without people. Kramskoy's paintings are almost always with people!

Moonlight night. Kramskoy.

The original title of the painting is "Magic Night".

And indeed the night is magical, but it is precisely the magical moon that makes it so! The moon illuminated many details in the night with its bright light. In the center, a beautiful and thoughtful girl in a chic white dress sits on a bench.

In front of her is a pond with water lilies. Behind her is a park with mighty trees! The picture is filled with lyrics and mystery!

Moses' prayer after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea.

Nekrasov in the period of the Last Songs.

At the head of the dying Nekrasov, Kramskoy placed a portrait of Dobrolyubov and a bust of Belinsky. So he portrayed in the name of what the poet lived and created!

Insulted Jewish boy

In the photo "Beekeeper". Kramskoy.

Kramskoy's paintings often depict a simple Russian peasant.

Forester. Kramskoy.

Forester is an old word meaning forester.

Other names for the painting are "A Man with a Club" and "A Man in a Shot Cap".

Kramskoy wrote such a formidable and strong forester.

Kramskoy also commented on this portrait with the words that it was from such men that the popular uprisings of Razin and Pugachev were formed.

Portrait of Alexander III

This is no longer a hero from the people, but a hero over the people. However, the king was the best, he only drank a lot.

Portrait of Anatoly Ivanovich Kramskoy, the artist's son.

Portrait of Vera Nikolaevna Tretyakova

Wonderful portraits at Kramskoy!

Portrait of the great doctor Botkin

Portrait of I. I. Shishkin. Kramskoy.

The most famous portrait of Shishkin!

And this is Shishkin against the backdrop of nature. Surely Shishkin admires the trees.

Kramskoy himself hardly separated portraits from paintings. And on this canvas, the mighty and uninhibited Shishkin is depicted against the backdrop of a sunny forest glade. Portraits and paintings of Kramskoy are magnificent!

Portrait of the great Tretyakov

Portrait of Goncharov. Kramskoy.

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