Men choose a special type of woman as their lover. Being the mistress of a married man psychology How to become the best mistress of a married man

1. If you decide to become the mistress of a married man, then remember that you can remain in this role forever. According to statistics, only 3% of men leave their families and leave their wives to marry their mistress. The rest prefer to change the latter, remaining “faithful” family men and fathers.

If so, then immediately give up blackmail, persuasion and attempts to prove that you are the best, and live the way you live. Get the most out of these relationships, or at least get rid of loneliness for a while.

2. You must remember that married men (no matter how much they earn) love to give gifts to their mistresses. Therefore, since they won’t marry you anyway, at least take advantage of this - find yourself a richer man, and rejoice at every gift as if it were the first and last in your life. Only with such a reaction from you will the man’s generosity dry up only when he loses interest in you.

3. Many wealthy lovers simply love to arrange the fate of their mistresses. And if so, if they suddenly send you to study, or offer you a well-paid job, don’t say “no.” The lover will leave, but education and work (or at least an entry on the resume) will remain. And this is not so bad if you look at it soberly.

4. Remember that in affairs, married men are looking for something they don’t get at home. Therefore, you will always have to play a strictly defined role: act like a fool, engage in only certain types of sex, always sit at home and wait for him. There may be many options, but whatever they are, any deviation from the once and for all established rules will push your lover away forever

5. No matter how much you would like to, try not to date several men at once. It’s better to be patient and find yourself one, but the best one. This will pay off both financially and morally, because there is nothing worse than dodging, hiding and lying. And men are not such stupid creatures as they try to pretend, and almost any of them will immediately understand if you suddenly have an affair on the side.

6. Always remember about the “rainy day”, the moment when your lover leaves you. Therefore, if you live exclusively at his expense, then try to ensure that by the time of the breakup you have accumulated enough funds to begin, if not completely independent, then at least a calm and leisurely search for a new man.

7. Men are suspicious creatures, and therefore it will always seem to them that their wives know much more about them than they let on. Therefore, they will always ask you (or even demand) to comply with some kind of secret code. Do not resist under any circumstances. Do everything as you are told. Doesn't set up her lover with a chance meeting or a random call. He will not leave his wife, but most likely he will leave you. If he doesn’t leave you, and you even make peace, then you’ll have to forget about gifts and trips abroad for a long time.

8. Remember that you should always, under any circumstances, be better than his wife. This will not increase your chances of marriage, but it will strengthen your relationship with your lover many times over, and if so, then your financial situation. Unless, of course, you are a fighter for clean relationships with married men.

9. Break up easily. No hysterics or tears. There is nothing worse than a man who feels guilty. You don’t need him to come to you again and again, hoping to make amends for “his guilt”? You need to improve your life, and not drag around dead and going nowhere connections. Therefore, break up once and for all, and if a man tries to meet with you again, then let him understand that a repetition is impossible.

10. Never allow one lover to “bequeath” you or transfer you as a thing to another man, otherwise you risk ending up in the role of a prostitute who is worth almost nothing, which means she does not need to be given gifts and does not need to be won. Always remember that what men value most is what they had to conquer. Therefore, even if the initiative in your new relationship belongs to you, always make sure that the man gets the impression that he conquered you, and that if he had not tried, you would never have become his... mistress.

Often woman It can be very difficult to understand what a man wants from her. And this is not surprising, because what men expected from women, depends on their character, mood, sexual and social needs.

To become an ideal partner and fulfill your sexual responsibilities with dignity, it is very important to understand the paradoxical nature of male sexual desires (as well as men should understand you).

Despite his physical superiority, men are often weaker and less self-confident than women. They constantly need persuasion, praise, support and comfort. Yes, I have men who are completely independent and can live their entire lives with one woman, as well as without women, but such men are less common than snowflakes in July.

Most men need woman. First - and this is quite obvious - a man becomes attached to you because you arouse sexual desire in him. However, it is interesting to understand how you do it. Maybe you have an unusually pretty face or long slender legs? Or he is excited by your classic, canonical beauty, and he gets pleasure not only from communicating with you, but also from showing you off to others.

But most men are attracted special physical type women. If you look closely at the photographs of ladies in newspaper articles about divorce proceedings, you notice a striking resemblance between the abandoned wife and the new lover. One evening, ask your lover which movie star he likes best and compare their appearance with yours. Sure, they look more attractive and dress better, but look at their eyes, cheekbones, noses and figures. If the resemblance is noticeable, then you really are woman his dreams.

Psychologists can tell a lot about a man based on the kind of people he finds physically attractive. Several years ago, the psychologist Zondi developed a test in which the subject was shown a series of photographs of different people and asked which of them he would prefer to have as a companion on a long trip, and which of them he would not like to meet. The photographs depicted patients from psychiatric clinics unfamiliar to the subject: homosexuals, paranoids, schizophrenics and sadists. Based on which of these people the subject liked and which was disgusted, psychologists could determine the main character traits of the subject.

If you woman obviously not his physical type, don't worry too much about it. However, if you want to maintain a good relationship with your lover, drive away the thought that you are not like him. woman his dreams, and try to resist the temptation to scratch out such eyes if she suddenly appears on your horizon. At least try to find out what attracts him so much about her.

Besides the face men get a sexual impression of you from your hair, skin, breasts or gait. While I don't think you should always look the same as you did when you first met, it makes sense to try to figure out if there's anything about your appearance that he doesn't like. I know one man who was literally turned off when his wife began to twist the hair at the back of her head into a knot. She thought she looked very elegant, but it was unlikely that he liked her any more than before, with her long flowing hair. Maybe I'm too petty, but sexual attractiveness comes from such little things and accidents.

How openly can you demonstrate your sexual behavior? This largely depends on the age and personality of your lover. Many men They are very embarrassed when they are kissed and caressed in public, while others are delighted with it. In general, be careful, but make it clear that you like him. When he gives you a goodbye kiss in the car, quickly and gently move your hand between his legs. When you're at a party with him, don't forget to remind him that he's the sexiest of all the guys there. When introducing you to his friends, he will be very flattered if you take his hand and show him with all your appearance how much you love him.

How sexy does he think you should dress? Again this largely depends on his age and character. I know one publisher of a porn magazine - he is already well over forty - who forces his girlfriend, even

First of all, there must be a reason, you need to decide for yourself what it is: passion, love, temporary infatuation. In any case, you need to understand how to behave with a married man so that he feels superiority and joy from meetings, even if you are only interested in status in society, it is a temporary option and can simply give something valuable.

Often people turn to a mistress not only for the sake of carnal pleasures, but also in order to fill life with the missing elements: affection, care, understanding, advice to mistresses will help to retain and win over any man.

It is important to adhere to those principles that are beneficial for both parties, even when a guy falls in love - it is not a fact that he is ready to say goodbye to his legal wife. The essence of relationships on the side is to satisfy the desires of the kept woman, who must clearly know how to behave with a married lover, and accordingly, please the married man.

If the relationship is temporary, uninteresting, without feelings, then you should not apply for the place of a new wife; it is better to be an ideal before whom they bow and want to fulfill every whim, than to be forever exhausted by everyday life, tired with a heavy moral residue. The ideal mistress of a married man receives adoration, because she knows exactly how to behave correctly with a married man in order to please him.

Ideal image

Being the lady of a married man, you need to be able to stay in the shadows, understand that exposure can lead not only to the collapse of your relationship, but also provoke incredible problems that will leave a stigma for a long time.

Being a lover is a lot of work. You need to realize what responsibility is assigned, to know what the rules of being a married man’s mistress are. It may look funny, but, in fact, there are unwritten rules of behavior for a mistress that can win and conquer the heart of even the most callous, unapproachable macho.

Rules for the ideal lover

  1. Be as simple-minded as possible, don’t interfere with whining and constant problems, complain less.
  2. Work on confidence, say every day: “I am the best, I will succeed,” psychologists have proven that people with high self-esteem are more drawn to.
  3. Passion and frankness help the male sex feel like in heaven; if he considers you a goddess in terms of sex, he will certainly want to come back again.
  4. Elegance, well-groomed, graceful. Few people will be interested in a young lady with a bun on her head, in a robe soaked in the aromas of food; they need thrills, a variety of feelings, a surge of emotions.
  5. It is most desirable to share not only a bed, but also views, values, provide support, be able to listen, and simply be a good friend.
  6. Why go to a place where there is constant dissatisfaction and statements? He just ran away from the house where his wife “drank the blood”, and here it is on you - to be continued. Be reasonable, restrain yourself, even if it is extremely difficult, remember that you need to be a princess from a fairy tale, and not a grumpy witch.
  7. He must feel that no one loves him as much as you do. Completely ignore the fact of marital status.
  8. Don’t beg for anything, don’t reproach, don’t whine about how bad it is when he’s not there, let him be your ideal superhero, who always shows up on time and does everything perfectly.


  1. The first and basic rule on which the further development of relationships will depend is the frequency of family discussions; believe me, negativity and unflattering statements will not lead to anything good. If you value a person, then you cannot condemn his choice, demand something, or speak in a raised voice. You should always listen, but it is better to refrain from an explosion of emotions, because the reaction can be the most unpredictable.
  2. It's no secret that relationships with married people are often done for the sake of profit, in fact, there is something in it... There must be some kind of compensation for patience, constant separation from another lady, listening to problems. Of course, it’s nice to accept and receive gifts, especially if they are expensive, but you need to carefully hide it, enjoy every little thing, so that a good desire arises to please more and more. Remember, no respecting gentleman will tolerate a capricious spender next to him.
  3. You can’t be a spineless mumbler, but you also have to leave tantrums somewhere on the side, be something in between. Turn your time together into a celebration. You shouldn’t waste rare meetings with quarrels, tears, showdowns, constantly pretending to be the victim, whining, in which case such “suffering” can easily, irrevocably end, don’t get on your nerves and don’t test the patience of others.
  4. Stop manipulating and instilling feelings of guilt, because this can push you to make a choice, which, by the way, may not be in your favor.
    Forget about control, persecution, a person should not feel like a prisoner.
  5. Men cannot stand fools, they try to get rid of their company as soon as possible, so throw the following things out of your head: sex is the most important thing, besides this, you need to engage in at least self-development. Don’t even try to restrain the child, if the plan works, the “happy” dad will feel like an idiot and hate you for this trick, such things must be agreed upon. Remain calm, adequate, do not make unexpected visits, do not engage in persecution or amateur activities.
  6. Nobody likes obsessiveness, and neither does arrogance. Show independence, do not shift your problems, troubles, concerns, do not ask for frequent help.

Kill the victim in yourself

It’s so good that we live in free time, where everyone sets their own rules, moral standards, and way of life. Is it generally worth starting a relationship with a person connected by family ties? – Yes, if you really want it, in the end, you need to listen to your heart, if it’s love, burning feelings, and maybe even mutual, then it’s probably worth taking a risk and taking active action.

The kept woman probably knows in advance what she is getting into, so in the future it is useless to create scenes of jealousy, press for pity, or put forward ultimatums. Everything is quite simple: the option is either suitable or it is not. Essentially, you are the one who invaded someone else’s life, so threatening, blackmailing, demanding is stupid. It is unlikely that you will feel compassion for a thief who has invaded your own territory and who is talking some kind of incomprehensible nonsense about how you offended him and are heavily in debt.

Of course, you can put a final end to morality, show up at home, call (by any means to run into a conversation or meeting with your wife), throw a huge scandal, but this is tantamount to signing your own death warrant; after this, not only will passion go out, but and the cruel ending of the relationship will come. Rejoice in what you have: attention, affection, tenderness, gifts.

In fact - freedom, absence of constant moralizing and everyday life. Build your life in such a way that it suits you; if something goes wrong, it means that the wrong path was chosen, for which you should only blame yourself and try to improve. Understand that not everyone is ready to make drastic changes, to leave their family, this should be accepted, and not be overly dramatic about this.


The truth is extremely simple

guys (at any age) always go where they are loved and expected.

This way they get a little distracted and forget their daily difficulties. No matter how offensive or regrettable it may be, but a lover is needed for relaxation, demonstrate yourself in all your beauty, splendor, and certainly do not leave him indifferent.

Sometimes it is useful to show strength of character so that “Casanova” does not think that he is allowed to do a lot, because he will immediately begin to “wipe his feet” and interest will immediately dissipate. A lot of effort needs to be made to understand how to behave with a married man so that he is satisfied and complete idyll reigns.

With betrayal, everything is more or less clear and known: for men this concept, as applied to “having sex,” even multiple times, does not exist. But as for looking at mistresses, you need to figure it out. In fact, there are different types of mistresses in the minds of men.

Good girl

The character of this type of mistress: shy, hardworking, due to these qualities, slightly boring, blushes easily, is ashamed to show any dissatisfaction and her true desires. In the evenings he reads brochures with titles like “How to Find Your Happiness.” She is afraid of other people's opinions about her person and therefore tries to hide the appearance of a more or less random man in her house, even from her neighbors.

Life circumstances: as a rule, she is divorced and has a child, whom she sends to her mother or friend during meetings.

Attitude to sex: the enslavement of this type of mistress knows no bounds, and practically nothing can be done about it. She either doesn’t know what sexy lingerie is, or, ashamed, she diligently walks around store shelves with it. Afraid of profanity, especially in bed. He agrees to oral sex only under pain of separation.

Summary: a bland, tasteless dish that cannot be improved with any seasonings. It's as safe as it is boring. “Without fish,” as they say, “and cancer is a fish”: it will do as long as there are no other options.

Caring mommy

Character: stands firmly on her feet in this life, economical, caring, undemanding. Once every five years he may ask for money for a food processor. Always interested in the health of his lover, his children and wife. He may give them gifts on behalf of an unknown saleswoman from the store opposite work. She always has everything tidied up before her lover arrives, her bed linen is ironed and starched, and there is a glass of water helpfully on her bedside table.
Sex with her is predictable and monotonous, her favorite position is missionary. During sex, he may ask you to nail a nail or fix a faucet.

Summary: this type of mistress is as predictable as an electronic watch. You can’t expect any stunning impressions from communicating with such people, but they are always available when you want to have a “snack.” A godsend for those whose wife doesn’t know how to cook. This option is not suitable for everyone, and may require additional adventures on the side.


Character: unlike the previous type of mistress, it never occurs to her to feed her lover. She may offer to split the cost of a rented apartment for meetings. This woman knows her worth, can ask about things at work and give worthwhile advice. She avoids excessive sentimentality, is punctual, and independent. She always plans a schedule in advance, of which she considers her lover to be a part.

Life circumstances: between 30 and 40, married, has everything. Has a husband, maybe even a lover, children, an apartment, a car. There is only no normally established sexual life in marriage: the husband is either a workaholic businessman, or aged, or has problems with potency.

In sex, he does not like long foreplay and romantic sighs, takes the initiative in bed, loves the position on top and knows how to encourage during intimacy. Immediately after making love, he continues to plan further affairs and quickly ends the date.

Summary: for an amateur who prefers a calculating machine to quiet, gentle joys. The option is not only safe, but also useful for those who are interested in her professional activities.

Explosion package with a secret
Character and appearance: attractive, well dressed, catches every man’s word with his mouth open, joyfully thanks for modest gifts, laughs at jokes, smiles all the time. Types of lovers like this skillfully draw into a relationship with the captivating phrase: “I don’t need anything from you,” endless attention and a cheerful disposition.

Very soon her true motives become clear, as it turns out that her lover is the best man she has ever met in her life, and after a couple of weeks he is declared to be her true love, after which the behavior of this eccentric changes beyond recognition. Sobbing begins after intimacy, requests to stay, and other minor female provocations up to the demand to divorce his wife. Threatens to tell his wife everything.

Summary: too much pepper - it is impossible to chew or swallow, much less digest. This is bad! Run! Urgently and forever! If the threats are carried out, you can tell your wife plausible nonsense about drunken affairs and swear that it only happened once, and this person is completely crazy, and no one remembers her name.

Cutie in love

Character and appearance: slender, beautiful, tastefully dressed. Confident and at the same time quiet and aloof. He might swear, or he might even read poetry.

Life circumstances: covered in the darkness of pleasant uncertainty.

In sex, this type of lover is a real feast for a man hungry for variety! No restrictions! All desires and fantasies are not only fulfilled, but also anticipated.

Patiently listens to complaints about life, in a gentle and quiet voice, running his hand over a man’s shoulders, remarking: “You should rest more.” Looking at his wife’s photograph, he says in a calm voice: “She’s good.” Doesn't require anything, gives advice useful for family purchases.

Summary: the ideal type of lover and, because of this, a very dangerous option. In comparison, the wife does not have any advantages: the wife talks a lot, and demands something all the time, often walks around the house sleepy and in pajamas, and also, what good, in curlers. I would like to live with such a mistress, but not to bother, but all my thoughts return to the one who is like a holiday, my heart yearns more and more to go there, to her. Here, divorce is not far away.

Now you know what types of mistresses married men divide women into, and, like a real bitch, if you love him very much, you can take anyone away from his wife, and if you yourself have become a victim of betrayal, you can draw the right conclusions and not suffer from jealousy in vain. In the end, ideal lovers are on the verge of extinction, and even they may not escape the fate of their wives.

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