What is an unequal marriage and how does a large age difference affect the development of relationships? Marriages of different ages Marriages of different ages.

August 9, 2016, at 1:46 pm

In real life and on the Internet, there is a lot of discussion about the question: can people be in a hurry if the age of one of the partners is 5-10 or even 20 years older? There is a type of people who are categorical about large age differences, explaining this by the fact that such partners often have omissions and conflict situations, supposedly they have different perceptions of the world. In their opinion, such relationships are often not the result of love, but of profit. However, one can argue with this, because people with a difference of even more than 20 years can experience sincere feelings. After all, everyone knows that relationships and marriages because of the “wallet” are not uncommon among people of the same age. Thus, age is not a determining factor in a strong relationship.

Speaking about the perception of the world by people of different ages, I would like to emphasize that not everything here is unambiguous. Science has proven that most women develop mentally an order of magnitude faster than men, they quickly prepare for a serious life/relationship. For example, if many girls aged 20-23 are thinking about starting a family, then most guys begin to think about this at the age of 25 or more, eager to go for a walk. It follows that, regarding perception, age difference, especially if the woman is older, can become a serious problem in a relationship. Psychologists believe that an ideal relationship is when the man is 3-5 years older. This raises the question, why do many people consider an age difference of 10 or more years to be abnormal?! It goes without saying that it looks strange when models aged 25-30 marry rich old men who are 60-70 years old. In this case, there is no need to reason, such ladies are chasing money. We are talking about a situation where one of the partners is older, but at the same time experiences very real feelings.

There is a quote: “All ages are subject to love.” My opinion is that these are the right words, it’s just that people in difficult situations need to find a compromise, and not bring matters to conflict. As they say, if you don’t adapt to each other, you won’t live long and beautifully together. Therefore, in relationships with a large age difference, in order for everything to be good, the partners will have to adapt to each other a little more. This is the only way a strong relationship can arise between a 20-year-old guy and a 30-year-old woman. But there may be a nuance when a woman begins to talk about how she wants a baby, but the man still wants to go out with friends, so to speak, “get a taste of life.” There is an explanation for this case: the guy is not yet ready for a serious life, he cannot take responsibility for the family. Of course, many girls/women will not like this, but if she really values ​​her soulmate, she will have to accept and understand, waiting for the right moment. Every woman should understand that relying only on her worldview, without listening to her man, nothing good will come of it. In this case, it is better to spend more time together, sharing interests.

According to statistics, in the CIS countries the number of marriages where one partner is older is increasing every year. During the Soviet era, this was treated categorically. Nowadays, this is gradually becoming the norm, and society’s position is becoming less rigid. However, many people still say to this day that marriages of different ages look “wild.” There is no point in judging them, this is their legal right, we are all different. In the Soviet Union, it was believed that such marriages were concluded solely for financial or social gain, so they were openly condemned. However, strong love marriages of different ages existed in those days, it was just not customary to talk about them openly.

Based on the results of numerous surveys by psychologists who specialize in family problems, it is worth emphasizing the fact that many marriages of different ages are stronger than those concluded between people of the same age.

Advantages and disadvantages of mixed-age relationships/marriages:


Most people who are categorical about marriages of different ages believe that it is much better to meet old age together. They believe that when a woman becomes unattractive, a man loses sexual desire and vice versa. However, this is not the case when it comes to sensual relationships. But you should know that a woman’s sex life is shorter than a man’s sex life. This primarily concerns changes in appearance. And it has long been clear that if a woman has a young partner, she herself becomes younger. It’s important just not to overwhelm yourself with thoughts that a young male partner might cheat. Remember, strong relationships are built on trust.


Many people believe that people lose their sexuality as they age, but this is not true. Experts have proven that there are no proven peaks of sexuality in men and women. Psychologists say that the peak of sexual activity for women is 40-50 years old, and for men 27-37 years old. Thus, if a woman is 10 years older, then this can be called an ideal couple in terms of sexuality. If a man is 10 years younger, then there will be no peak sexuality. As a result, satisfaction in such relationships will be not only moral, but also physical.


It has been proven by experts that the birth of children in families where one of the partners is older is nothing but advantages. Ideal when the man is older. This is explained by the fact that men later realize the seriousness of the relationship (this was discussed earlier). Women begin to think about having a child between the ages of 20 and 25. In addition, if a man is an order of magnitude older, then there is a possibility that he already has a status in life and will be able to support his family in prosperity and well-being. The man is the breadwinner in the family, he is responsible for it.

If a woman is older than a man, she is quite experienced and is quite ready to influence him, making him psychologically ready for the birth of a child. Children are the flowers of life.

In many families, parents are strongly against marriages of different ages, but this is not right. If their child really loves his soul mate, then they should not interfere with their happiness, they should not cause hatred towards themselves. Each of us chooses a person to our liking, the only exceptions are vile people who hide their essence and develop relationships, start a family solely for financial gain. However, we have already talked about this, we will not repeat ourselves and will summarize.

Summing up from everything I have written above and what you have read, we can conclude that marriages of different ages are a completely normal situation, moreover, they are even recommended by psychologists. Such marriages are stronger and happier. Peers often cannot find a common language, because at least women develop faster than men. In general, the main thing is to truly love each other, this is the impetus for creating a strong and loving family, age is not an obstacle to this. Find common ground. Don’t be afraid to apologize first, even if you think you’re 100% right, if you value the relationship. Take as many steps as possible towards a happy family life. Love is limitless, and these are not empty words. Be happy.

Family happiness does not depend on the age of the spouses
It is interesting to observe how the foundations of society are changing: views that for a long time seemed unshakable are becoming a thing of the past, and phenomena that once shocked people are now becoming familiar. For example, Russian sociologists state that over the last decade the number of families where there is a large age difference between spouses has increased significantly. Moreover, if previously there was mainly an option when a man was much older than his half, now there are often cases when a woman is older than her chosen one.

Evil tongues in such cases tend to say that such marriages are based on some kind of self-interest and that, due to this and other related reasons, they are fragile. Of course, sometimes this opinion is not far from the truth. However, according to experts, today there are many more examples where “unequal” husband and wife were united by deep feelings. What are the prospects for such marriages? Can they be harmonious? What should people joining them do to live happily ever after?

What is the definition of marriage equality?

Before defining unequal or, as experts put it, marriage of different ages, it is necessary to determine what, in fact, is considered the age norm for marriage, albeit conditional? This is a marriage concluded between a woman and a man who are equal in their socio-psychological development. This may sound strange, but with such equality, the fairer sex is usually younger - the difference in years between her and her husband is approximately 3-4 years (10-15 percent of her age). That is, if a girl is, say, 25 years old, then her chosen one should be about 28-29 years old. The fact that partners of different ages are the same in development is explained by the fact that representatives of the fairer sex begin to mature 3-4 years earlier. Compliance with this norm is one of the conditions for harmony in relationships. At the same time, the most optimal age for marriage is considered to be from 20 to 24 years.

According to psychologists, we can talk about a marriage of different ages in the following cases: when the age difference between spouses, if the more mature one is a man, is 40 percent or more. (7-8 years) and when it is 30 percent or more. (6-7 years) if older woman. It is worth noting, however, that some theorists consider those marriages in which the wife is 1-5 years older than the husband to be of different ages.

It is noteworthy that the public, which hardly studies sociological and psychological works on this issue, demonstrates almost complete solidarity with scientists. As studies show, ordinary citizens tend to take as the norm families in which the husband is older than the wife by an average of 3 years, and classify as anomalies such marriages in which the man is more than 10 years older than the partner, and the woman is more than 5 years older. .

Multi-age marriage: is there an ideal model?

The public is wary of unequal family unions, usually regarding each such case as an attempt by a younger marriage partner to solve their financial problems at the expense of a more mature one (the latter, as a rule, appears in this case as a stupid victim of a clever swindler or swindler). If there is no obvious financial implication, people try to explain it by psychological and physiological factors, which are written and talked about in almost every media outlet today.

According to some psychologists, there are several explanations for the fact that people choose as their life partner a person who is significantly older or younger than themselves. The most common of them are as follows.

The family of the “Much Older Husband” model is most often created by a man who has become a victim of a midlife crisis, seeking to prove his worth, and a young girl who, as a child, did not have enough fatherly love and who is looking for a man not so much as a husband, but as a caring patron and guardian.

And the option “The wife is much older” is very suitable, as experts say, for ladies with a pronounced maternal instinct, for whom it is simply vital to take extra care of someone, as well as men from the category of “eternal boys”, for whom the wife is a kind of copy their mother, usually a domineering and tough woman.

Very often you can hear or read about the physiological motives that motivate people to have an unequal marriage. After all, according to sexologists, in both models of marriage of different ages, complete sexual harmony is possible within a short period of time. An experienced adult man knows how to satisfy a young, often less experienced partner in bed. In the same way, an experienced woman of Balzac’s age can give her young chosen one sensations that he is unlikely to receive from sex with a woman his age. The idyll ends when the younger marriage partner grows up and begins to be irritated by the guardianship of the older one (who also has a decline in sexual function). The natural ending is divorce.

Taking all this into account, we can come to the conclusion that people of different generations unite their destinies due to some psychological complexes and physiological needs. Of course, such cases do occur. However, it would be a mistake to reduce everything to the fact that all participants in unequal marriages are people with similar problems. Otherwise, there would not be so many families whose members - a mature husband and a young wife, or a young husband and an older wife - would live for many years, as they say, in perfect harmony.

What does family well-being depend on?

Many psychologists, answering the question of what are the most important prerequisites for future family well-being, name psychobiological compatibility as the most important. This is an “indefinable inner sympathy” experienced by people for each other. It is based on admiration for the attractive qualities of another person: physical beauty, charm, talent, ability to achieve success, etc. This attraction, which is sometimes called love, is one of the guarantees of a successful marriage.

To a large extent, the quality of life together is influenced by the personal wealth of people. According to the observations of experts, in an ideal marriage, spouses most often possess such personality traits as self-control, hard work, dedication and flexibility of behavior.

As experts note, a harmonious marriage presupposes the social maturity of the spouses, the willingness to financially provide for their family, duty and responsibility, and self-control. In addition, there are a number of factors that have an indirect impact on the well-being of married life.

Firstly, the intellectual level of the partners should be approximately the same - this will help the spouses easily achieve mutual understanding. The duration of the acquaintance cannot be discounted: during the period of communication, it is important to get to know each other well, not only in hothouse conditions, but also in difficult situations, when both the strengths and weaknesses of the partner’s character are clearly manifested.

From all this it follows that people with a large age difference can create a happy family, provided that, in addition to mutual feelings, they have a set of necessary qualities - innate and acquired. True, such couples need to take into account that the stability of their marriage depends not only on the depth of feeling, but also on the ability to resist the “goodwill” of others.

It must be said that an unequal marriage from the very beginning is under the close and not always benevolent attention of others. If society perceives conflicts in standard families sympathetically, then it looks at troubles in a family of different ages through the prism of generally accepted ideas about the norm, and therefore there is no place for sympathy here. But, as a rule, there is condemnation. Therefore, loving “unequal” spouses need to remember and always follow the following recommendations of psychologists: do not sort things out in front of strangers, do not make comments to your spouse in front of them, do not allow relatives, even close ones, to interfere in your relationship, be guided by the principle “We will figure it out ourselves”; do not tell any facts about your husband (wife) that discredit him (her). Finally, learn, if necessary, to politely but firmly protect your significant other and yourself at the same time from the attacks of others. And in moments when it seems to you that everyone is against you (they say such moments come), think about the fact that, according to statistics from the same research centers, about 20 percent. citizens, speaking about the optimal age difference between spouses, express the opinion that age does not matter if love and respect reign in the family.


According to psychologists, a necessary condition for harmony and happiness in an unequal marriage is the desire of everyone to take into account the age characteristics of the other half and build relationships in accordance with them. In this regard, experts give the following recommendations.

If you are the husband of a young lady, never talk about the possibility of a sad outcome in your relationship in order to hear a refutation. By regularly repeating: “Soon I will become old, and you will leave me,” you force her to repeat: “No, I won’t leave” - that is, to make excuses for what she has not yet done.

Refrain from suppressing her with authority and always insist on your version of resolving family issues. Of course, you are more experienced, probably more knowledgeable in many issues, but taking into account the opinion of another family member is more than necessary.

The young wife, in turn, in order to maintain harmony in the relationship, does not need to give reasons for jealousy, even for the purpose of “refreshing the relationship.” For your loved one, who is much older than you, even a playful hint of cheating can become a reason for depression. On the contrary, tell him more often how much he means to you and how indifferent you are to all other men.

In addition, do not let him feel old, for which try to find common memories of life, talk about topics that are close to both of you.

If you are the wife of a man who is significantly younger than you, refrain from teaching him how to live (even if you know and can do everything, and he is naive and inexperienced). Make him feel like the head of the family. As practice shows, such husbands, invested with the trust of their half, cope with everything and experience great pleasure from the consciousness of their masculinity and the ability to take care of the woman they love.

A husband whose wife is older should tell her more often that she is beautiful and support her confidence in her own attractiveness (after all, despite outward bravado, deep down she may have a complex because of the age difference.

Moskovskaya Pravda

Marriage at different ages contributes to the aging of women

Do not rush to create a family in which the woman is much older or younger than her husband. In such an unequal marriage, German experts say, wives age prematurely. But a man is not affected by the difference in years.

What is surprising is that any difference in years between spouses is reflected in the aging of a woman - both in the case when her husband is older and when she is younger. The first of the cases is easy for scientists to explain: when the husband is older, they say, the wife withers with him and quickly withers away. But when the husband is young, the reason for early aging of the body is unclear.

However, they are sure that this is a fact. And hence their advice: look for peers to live together. Or those men with whom the age difference is no more than five years.

In the 90s, girls were looking for daddies, and today young men are looking for older women. They affectionately call them “mommies.” What attracts a young man to a woman of Balzac's age? What makes her, mature and successful, rush headlong into the pool and what to do when love ends?

My client, a 39-year-old woman, is beautiful and fit.

The problem I have is with my husband,” she says. - He is 25, he is smart, affectionate, works in a reputable company... He is my greatest love. We got married 3 years ago, for his sake I left my husband, gave birth to a son... Everything was fine, but in recent months everything has changed. Probably, 14 years of difference is still too much. Konstantin wanted to visit, receive guests at our home, he likes to go to discos. But I have a responsible job, I get tired, and in the evenings I want to stay at home. It took a very long time for my health to recover after childbirth; I had to deny my husband intimacy. And he was in the prime of his life, demanding love and attention. As a result, he left me and my son. When I found out that he was living with a woman older than me, I was shocked! I do not understand anything! I beg you, talk to him, I don’t want to live without him!

Konstantin turned out to be an attractive man, slim, athletic, and very pleasant to talk to. He never liked girls his own age - even at school he was in love with his first teacher, about 40 years old. His first true love took place during his student years, in his first year, and the “object” was quite suitable for the guy’s mother. The affair lasted 2 years, it brought Kostya a lot of joy, including sexual ones.

Second romance in my senior year, and again the partner is much older. Then, succumbing to the persuasion of his friends, he tried to meet with women his own age, even entered into intimate relationships with them, but in communication they seemed uninteresting to him, and he did not experience anything in bed. He got his wife out of the blue: the boss fell in love, as they say, at first sight. But now, after three years of living together, he looked alarmed and confused: “Our life didn’t work out... Natasha didn’t want to do what I want, and I’m not interested in living the way she lives.”

The wife must be younger

What is the optimal age ratio between a man and a woman for a successful marriage? Most believe: a husband should be 3-4 years older than his wife. It is with this age gap that experts observe the greatest satisfaction with marriage. And the largest number of children in the family, and the most harmonious intimate life, and the smallest number of divorces - 37%. But marriages of different ages, those where the gap is 10 years or more, are much less stable. There are about 60% of divorces, there are much fewer children, and the degree of satisfaction, both psychological and sexual, decreases significantly over the years.

And yet, every year more and more people create “multi-age” families. What attracts men and women? Why is this attraction so strong that it overcomes the resistance of family, friends and common sense?

Why does she need this?

A union with a young man attracts women with the opportunity to “rejuvenate” and forget about their age. There comes a time in every woman's life when she realizes that her youth is gone. Psychologists call these conditions “depression of two-thirds of life.” And how difficult they are, what ridiculous actions previously quite reasonable people commit in these 3-4 years!

A union with a young man creates the illusion of youth. A relationship with a young man increases a woman’s prestige in the eyes of those around her and increases her place in the female hierarchy. Look how show business stars live! Which “ordinary” woman would refuse to feel special?

In addition, young men are often consoled by the grown-up partners of daddies of the 90s. They were picked up, washed, fed, given gifts and loved. They have everything: an apartment, money, business. They grew stronger under sensitive guidance, grew up and felt their strength and power. They no longer need a “daddy”, because for him sex is now just a 4-letter word from a crossword puzzle, which he likes to solve in the evenings. “Big girls” themselves have learned to enjoy life. But the feeling of being used does not leave them for many years. And when the opportunity arises to show off, like demobilization in the army over the young, they do not miss their prey. It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that the most powerful tyrants come from former victims.

Why does he need this?

The reasons why young men connect their lives with older partners remain largely mysterious. After all, by entering into such a union, they doom themselves in advance to the disapproval of their parents and others, to the fact that in ten years, or even earlier, they will become a “nurse” for an elderly wife. Their peers will live active and interesting lives, and they...

And yet 10% of men, like Konstantin, go for it. What motivates them? It turns out that more than half of these men come from families where the mother is much older than the father. Almost 40% of “young husbands” grew up without a mother, or with a very busy mother, and a quarter (!) never saw their mother at all. Only a very small part grew up in traditional families, but their mother was kind and caring. In the eyes of her son, the mother became an ideal woman, an example of a future wife. It’s not for nothing that boys’ first love occurs in kindergarten, and every second child promises to grow up and marry their favorite teacher.

The vast majority of those I’m talking about felt a craving for women much older than themselves as early as adolescence. They never had any interest in their peers. Marriage with older women is not an accident, but a natural continuation of the entire previous life of a young man. Many of them try to “escape fate,” but when communicating with their peers, they experience great disappointment. With women who are more mature, armed with the skills to communicate with men, they are many times more comfortable.

There is also a special part of young men who are ready to enter into a relationship for money with any wealthy woman. They need to assert themselves at someone else’s expense, especially since they don’t need to make any effort. Finding a “mommy” and living happily ever after is the ultimate dream. If you get tired of one, you can always go to another.

Love in phases

Psychologist Frank Pitman argues that in such unions there are two phases: the first represents an emotional and sexual uplift, in which the woman actually rejuvenates, and lasts 3-5 years. In the second, the difference in age, interests, lifestyle, and sexual demands comes to the fore, gives rise to many conflicts and leads either to divorce or to an extremely low quality of relationship.

From my clients, and just women I know, I often hear: “Yes, I understand everything, but... let it be 5 years, but mine. 5 years of happiness, and then there’s a flood!” And I never tire of reminding them that in 5 years they will need warmth, love and understanding even more.

If you happen to fall in love with a young man, and he reciprocates your feelings, then do not lose common sense: an affair is possible, but marriage, as a rule, is doomed to failure.

Such a marriage is considered ideal. But a union in which the partner is much older than her man is considered suspicious; it is often called a misalliance and called an unequal marriage. What is the reason and is it worth worrying about a marriage in which the partner has a serious age difference?

Initially, it is worth talking about the advantages of such unions of different ages. As you know, every person is exactly as old as he feels. If a woman feels much younger than her biological years, then a young husband is an excellent incentive to strive and look younger. Thanks to the age difference, a young man will be very interested in an older partner; he will mature faster, which means he will feel much more confident.

Sexual attraction also plays an important role in relationships between partners of different ages. It is especially harmonious in couples where the woman is older. It is known that the peak of sexual activity in women occurs from 30 to 38 years, while a similar peak in men occurs from 18 to 28 years. In this case, the marriage can be incredibly harmonious, and a more experienced partner will be able to open up a world of sensual sexual pleasures to her beloved.

To confirm this, let us give one real story.

I didn’t think this would happen to me, but one day I fell in love with my student. Working as a high school teacher, I simply went crazy, suddenly realizing that I could no longer live without this slender and such a sweet young man. And he seemed to feel it and reciprocate. We met secretly for more than a year, because we couldn’t announce our relationship when he was still in school. However, a month after graduation, he introduced me to his parents. At first there was shock! He’s not even 18 yet, and I’m already 30! However, in the end, my parents gave the go-ahead for our union, not yet believing that it would last long. But Sergei’s peers, that’s the name of my chosen one, treated our couple very well and it seems he even rose in their eyes. To the envy of skeptics, a year later we got married, we had a wonderful daughter and we have been living together for 8 years. Although every now and then someone will turn around and whisper in my back: “Look, the old woman has found herself a young man!”

It would not be amiss to look at the disadvantages of an unequal marriage. First of all, such a couple will have to go through a lot of gossip and slander, because society basically has an extremely negative attitude towards such unions and tries to discover various pitfalls in them, such as mercantile interest and others. It is also quite likely that there will be a negative relationship or misunderstanding between the spouse’s parents and the daughter-in-law, who may be the same age as them. You need to have nerves of iron to withstand a nervous few years of marriage, after which usually everything comes back to normal, and various rumors and gossip subside.

Another test may be jealousy towards a younger spouse. , around whom many more appetizing and sexy peers can revolve. After all, there is a possibility that one day the beloved will leave his older wife for the sake of a young, fidgety girl.

Real story:

We met Anton by chance at a bus stop. He was young and carefree and simply helped me carry my heavy bag, took me comfortably to my house in his car, and then stayed for tea and, as it turned out, for several years. My life was not going well and by the age of 40 I had never been married. Anton turned out to be a real hurricane in bed, helpful, affectionate, caring, in general, exactly what a real man should be. I fell head over heels in love and, of course, agreed to the marriage without hesitation, even despite the fact that the age difference was 14 years. I tried to give my lover everything I could - I gave him a car, an apartment, and even part of my own business. I didn't want him to feel inferior around me. And he turned out to be an ordinary gigolo... one day Anton simply left me for a young pretty girl...

But be that as it may, real marriages are made in heaven, which means strong love cannot be separated by time, circumstances, or your age!

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Multi-age marriages.

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No matter how wonderful, sensitive and sweet, who knows you like his own, the man he loves is, among others, he is probably “killed” by such a thing as gifts.

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