What is the totem animal of the archer. Totem horoscope, or Indian signs of the zodiac.

By the date of birth of any person, you can tell a lot about his character, future fate and even pick up effective talismans. Natural stones and minerals, metals and trees, different in their effects, are suitable for certain signs of the zodiac. But a special place in this area is occupied by animal talismans.

Depending on which of the twelve zodiac signs you belong to, various animals will be able to protect you and make life easier, as they will be mentally suitable for you.

If you are not sure, it is symbolic: horoscope signs, city and national emblems and symbols. Which animal should be used to decorate grass, car, sports team Or the city flag? People were depicted in the caves during the primitive community - animals as a totem, as a source of livelihood, and a symbol of survival. Herbs, as signs of recognition, appeared in military wars. Thus, heraldry also appeared, - says the heraldic expert, artist Arvydas Kazdailys, the creator and co-author of not only one coin.

The meaning of the animal talisman

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of animals in our lives. Even in modern world our smaller brothers always remain close to us, and in ancient times the life of the whole people as a whole often hung from them.

Many tribes had a sacred beast, the killing of which, even unintentionally, was punished in the most severe way: by execution. Such animals include, for example, a cat, which was worshiped by people in Ancient Egypt, or cow, whose cult was deified in India.

According to the artist, the first signs appeared on the panels, later on the flags, which most likely came from a wig that was applied to the spear as a sign of identification. Then the basic principles of heraldry were formed, of which quick identification is important.

The grasses of Lithuanian cities are very often decorated with pests, fantastic and domestic animals, which are listed in the Red Book of Lithuania. One of the most popular characters heraldry - wildlife, especially the lion, which is currently the grass of more than one European country. Lion in southern Europe- a symbol of power, authority and the king, so it gradually became the state emblem, - explains the heraldic expert.

Other nationalities believed that their family descended from a certain animal, which means that it is no longer just a smaller family member, but an ancestor who deserves the greatest honor. Such examples include, for example, the monkey cult in China.

According to Každailis, the bear is more common in Northern Europe than the king of beekeepers. This is reflected in the grass of Telsiai County. Heraldry - the most popular bird is the eagle. Retavas chose a sword-toothed lion, a variant of Samogitian Naumiestis, a royal predator holding red silica on his teeth. Walkers are represented by a licking lion.

It is one of the most recent historical herbs that take care of the state of fate when, after a few years, the state was divided into powerful European states. Rietas and Jemaichua Naumiceso Herbus. Not everyone who wants can take credit for a lion, an eagle or a bear. Previously, the kings granted such a privilege, today it is the Heraldry Commission and the President.

Since ancient times, mankind has noticed that for certain people, specific types of animals are more suitable than others: they are able to store and protect a person, both on a physical and spiritual level.

Such mascots animals can share life energy and even heal people.

To determine which animal will become your amulet and amulet for life, you should refer to the date of your birth: it is according to the signs of the zodiac that such a gradation occurs.

Heraldry - centuries-old traditions, rules, names. The emergence of grass can take from several months to several years. The first thing to consider is what the name of the town or village means, what are the legends, special kind life, vegetation and what species. He evaluates these things and finds out what is most important, says the heraldic expert on the selection process.

Kazhdailis emphasizes that he is asymmetrical, and the figure is with various accessories, such as a sword. The coat is special because his figure is on the right. According to the expert, the correct heraldry is not on one side as in the picture. The coat of arms is like a man - he has the right and left.

How to use such a talisman

If you have already determined which animal is your amulet, then you may be faced with the question of how exactly to bring its power into your life. After all, if your amulet is, for example, a cat or a rabbit, then you can easily get such an animal at home. By caring for him, you will strengthen your bond and be constantly under his protection.

The choice of a pet can tell a lot about the owner's personality and attitude towards life. Whether it's a dog, a lizard or a low-income hamster, everyone will find a place in the owner's heart. It is said that the sign of the zodiac can help a person find the equivalent of the "very best" pet. Astrologers suggest choosing an animal under the zodiac sign, and for those who don't believe in the stars, just have fun and make sure you can raise animals in your home for the zodiac sign.

Aries should choose dog breeds with boldness, determination, playfulness and energy. Some of them are curtains that are constantly crawling and trying to get home from everything they are looking for. The ram could rush and excite any aggressive dog. Then choose an older cat, parrot, rabbit, or hamster. Aries from a neighbor dog expects aesthetics, comfort and safety. An excellent option - soft, smoky representatives with appetite, thought, fidelity, softness and excellent protection. Being cute is Russian Blue and Scottish Blind.

But what if your talisman is, for example, a snake or a bear? It is unlikely that an ordinary modern resident of a metropolis will have the opportunity to provide such an animal with everything necessary for life, so that it is constantly nearby. In this case, you will need to purchase or make your own stylized image or figurine of your talisman. It can be anything: an ornament with an image, an interior detail or embroidery on clothes.

The deer is also not afraid of sheep, especially turtles. Nervous variant - Dalmatian. In addition to these, Taurus will also be good at catching a rabbit. If you can be a bastard, why can't you nag your pets too? They are not allowed to get bored and quickly get their hands on all the insects and profits from the dogs. In the end, their owners are constantly striving for new goals and trying to diversify their lives as much as possible. Their souls can become golden and labrador retrievers, bulls or a German shepherd. They bring a newspaper every morning or change the TV channel.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to acquire a part of the animal itself: for example, its tooth or claw. Of course, it should be remembered that harm to the beast itself is unacceptable.

Animal mascots for earth signs

Earth-bound zodiac signs include Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus. People born under this zodiac sign are very stubborn and pragmatic. For them, the most important thing in life and everyday life is order and clarity; in chaos and creative disorder, they experience almost physical suffering.

The girl behind the wheel of a chihuahua was most likely born under the sign of Twilight. Well, if all this is too big and too loud in your home, choose your own mouse. Although, if anything, the Twins certainly won't leave the ape community. Cancer tends to raise a small dog that is constantly on the move and strives to be light, sensitive and loyal. Chihuahua or Pomeranian breeds are best for these homes. Rayna's kitten at home is also "squat". Thus, the quiet and emotionally disturbed animals in the House of Remains will always attract attention.

They get the greatest surge of strength and calm when they are busy working with the earth: it can even be caring for indoor plants or just taking a walk in a small forest or park.

Animals, which are a talisman for them, are also tied to the earth, this allows you to create the greatest connection between a person and an animal.

The animal amulets of Taurus include:

  • Owl. This sacred bird will provide any person who is born under the sign of Taurus with great wisdom and patience. In addition, it will effectively replenish your internal reserves, concentrating energy and space on itself. It is not worth starting an owl at home, you can hardly provide this bird with proper care, but it is necessary to have an owl figurine for each Taurus. It is best if it is made of natural onyx, or made from improvised means by your own hands.
  • Golden Taurus. Such a symbol must be present in the life of every Taurus: it is such a bull that will give financial stability and abundance in the house.
  • Cow. This animal is capable of family life Taurus full and harmonious.

Owl Cow Golden Taurus

There will even be deer birds. Okay, and if the pet goes down, then you'll be happy. Recall that hamsters grow quite quickly. Extravagant, cute and colorful animals are Leo's business. They are not only "royal", but, like a boss, playful four-legged. The representative of cats is a representative of the two-colored breed of tortoiseshell, the so-called colored fur pattern, reminiscent of a tortoiseshell. Representatives of this zodiac sign also love dogs, which, like housewives, always want to be in the spotlight.

Virgo is best for:

  • Grasshopper. This little insect is able to give Virgo almost everything: love, well-being and protection. Of course, you are unlikely to succeed in starting a live grasshopper at home, so get a yellow jasper figurine of it.
  • Pig. This gentle and kind little animal will give Virgo well-being and satiety for life.
  • Siskins and swallows. Small singing harmless birds are the best suited for Virgos by nature. Such feathered creatures will remove all unnecessary suffering and maintain the excellent mood of the Virgin, regardless of the external situation.

Pig Martin Grasshopper

Leo will never be bored with rare, huge dogs that have loyalty, dedication and responsibility. Great companions for them are bottles, bulatifics, rottweilers, golden retrievers, german boxers, siberian hats, because they love the task they got, just like their owners. Leo doesn't refuse to keep the iguanas.

Virgo loves tiny, clean, and obedient dogs, but she really doesn't want a "juicy" quad to be cute for Vic. You will most certainly not wear them and will always wear a cover-up, an upright bulldog, or a huge four-legged one. After all, Virgos are very practical people, so they would be suitable for a genius, wandering, spaniel, or taxi. The pet in their house is a long chess buddy. In your place is a hamster or a rabbit.

If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to have:

  • Black cat. This strong and agile beast will bring good luck in all endeavors and luck for any Capricorn. Even if you cannot get such a cat at home, do not pass him on the street: feed and stroke, the cat will definitely thank you.
  • Goat. This small domestic animal will bring health to people born under the corresponding zodiac sign. Of course, it simply won’t work to have a goat in an apartment, but having his figurine, preferably from green malachite, is simply a must.

Black cat goat

Elegant, attractive and entertaining environments, and most importantly, peaceful and playful creatures will always find their place in the scale. Don't be surprised if you see this brand with cream liner. Small shoots, lizards and snakes For scales "cold". Its representatives are most often the heart of the heart and obedient quadrupeds. Some of them are Irish and English Settlements, Afghan Creed, Western Scottish White Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier. A woman with a bottle is being considered - possibly a representative of this brand.

The nerves of the scales change well with the beauty of exotic fish and tranquility. Well, if you think that the harmony of silence won't get in the way of parrot lovers' lovers, you can keep them. Scorpio is going to choose strange and exotic breeds. It can be a lot of creeps, an Abyssinian cat, if you like, it will be grabbed by an owl. The most important thing for the owner is not the sociality of society and a tendency to communicate, but his almost imperceptible demands, indifference to attention and time. Some of them are Jack Russell Terriers, stubborn, indestructible and agile, steadfast and purposeful.

Animal mascots for fire signs

The signs of the fire zodiac include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These zodiac signs they are very active and like to act immediately, without preliminary long deliberation. They strive, first of all, for family comfort and warmth, this is the primary goal in their life, which pulls everyone else along with it.

A few more options include the American Pit Bull Terrier, Weimaran, English Pointer, Doberman or Rottweiler. The mysterious and poignant host path also matches the exotic spider. Like the "twins", these animals are also characterized by independence and autonomy and predatory instincts.

There is also an opinion that Scorpio is dear to all animals born under this zodiac sign, because of this their character is exceptional. Sagittarius ruthless and independent are chosen by Sagittarius. They harmonize best with horses, but they also find mutual language with dogs. When the owner spontaneously decides what he will do today, the dog will simply have to follow behind. The shooter appreciates any pet, friendly and playful pet. These properties are "self-adhesive" for the owner himself.

In addition, these signs of the zodiac are very strong internally and this attracts other people who flock like moths to the light of these signs.

Animals that will keep and improve fiery people are also distinguished by exuberant energy and special grace, such as a deer.

Aries should pay special attention to the following animals:

  • Deer. This mighty and beautiful forest animal will reliably protect all rams from any negativity and provide them with additional strength. If you get a chance to get yourself a piece of deer antler, be sure to use it. Such a talisman will be your best assistant in all endeavors.
  • Sheep and ram. Warm and quiet domestic sheep and ram will be the best helpers for rams in their main goal: creating a strong family and a large hearth. It is very good if you place a picture depicting these animals in your house, for example, above your bed.

Sheep Deer

People who are well prepared, friendly and ready to learn are ready for themselves and they themselves have a sporty and active lifestyle. The shooter will not regret choosing a Labrador Retriever, Shigella, Australian Shepherd, Weimaraner, Greyhound or Khashi, who are happy to be off the leash and, as soon as they get stuck, will return to the owner again. Well, and if you catch cats, it is likely that she will give birth to "hunting trophies" at home.

A smart, loyal and constantly bay dog ​​or cat is the Guardian of Capricorn. It won't be enough for you to have your pet praise the neighbors, your goal is to show. The low-level quadrant, which needs little care, is also in line with the lifestyle of the representatives of the zodiac sign and their constant presence on business trips. The option is a German boxer, a labrador retriever or a shaggy, loyal and intelligent dog, sometimes stubborn, like the owner himself. Regardless of what you think, the most important thing is that a pet will "force" you to not work at work and remind you that you still have a home.

If you are Sagittarius by date of birth, then you should ask for help from such animals:

  • Deer. This horned graceful beast, like the ram, will be able to provide protection for Sagittarius. You can decorate your home interior any image of a deer, as well as, for example, put his photo on the screen of a mobile phone.
  • Partridge. This mother hen symbolizes all those family values which are so necessary for any archer. She will give them to everyone born under this sign. In addition, the partridge is able to endow its owner with rich creative internal energy, which will help to effectively and quickly achieve their goals. Her stylized image can be worn as a keychain or decorate the walls of the apartment with a suitable picture.

Deer Partridge

Aquarius is so afraid of animals that they feel that the pet is invading their personal space too. If you're afraid of this, try keeping a turtle, lizard, or cat that loves to go where you want. Water loves unusual looking dogs. Their homeowner is interested in a wide range of things, so the quadrilateral, which is not too demanding of attention and hours of hours alone, can enjoy the surroundings of many toys - the most ideal option. The water will be adapted to people, the calm Whippet, the Alaskan Malamute, the Siberian Husky.

For Leo, the following animals will become talismans:

  • A lion. The king of beasts carries powerful strength and energy, which he willingly shares with his owner. Also, this solar beast will be able to bring with it an ebullient activity and warmth that can warm many around Leo himself. The image of the king of beasts is best transferred to the image of a plausibly executed figurine, but always of a large size.
  • Eagle. This bird also takes the place of the king, but of the heavenly world. He concentrates in himself higher power, which extends to Leo. In addition, he is able to improve personal relationships and provide Leo with a reliable family life. As a talisman, you can carry an eagle feather with you.
  • Ladybug. This completely harmless insect, which is simply not capable of harming anyone, compensates for Leo's hot temper and balances his quick temper. That is why Leos are advised to always carry a small figurine or picture depicting a ladybug.

a lion a lion eagle feather Ladybug Ladybug

Other options include a ferret or a bird. The fish in the aquarium is the most interesting thing to keep the characinids and cycloids in the order of the fish. Ideal for dogs to choose from calm, affectionate and obedient strains as this zodiac sign thrives on peace and patience knowing what it means to have true friend. The owner will gladly adjust his free time only to spend more time with four. One of them is hot air and noise reduction pug.

Other possible options- Bacon, retriever, large or one of the many terriers. It is worth remembering that in the Fish House and the heart there will always be a place for sick or old animals. It doesn't matter what it is - a cat was left by chance, a bird broken by wings or a wounded squirrel.

Animal mascots for air signs

Air signs include the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These signs are highly intelligent and generous towards other people. They value comfort very much and strive to provide it not only for themselves, but also for their family. However, the representative of the air element very tensely converges with new people, showing great distrust towards them when they meet. They are very rational and like to weigh their every step so as not to omit a miscalculation.

Also, people born under the indicated signs often have seething energy and a craving for travel and learning new things.

It is for this reason that the talismans of the animals of air signs are mainly birds.

Such amulets for animals for Aquarius include:

  • Pigeon. This free bird is capable of endowing any Aquarius with the energy that is required to carry out the vigorous activity characteristic of this sign. Also, such a bird provides Aquarius with successful travels and protects him from various troubles along the way. Many of these birds live in cities, Aquarius should take special care and participation in relation to them.
  • Goat. This pet, which has great integrity, brings good luck to the life of any Aquarius. Therefore, be sure to get a figurine of such an animal.

goat Pigeon

For people whose date of birth falls under the sign of Gemini, talismans will be:

  • Crow. This cunning bird, possessing an outstanding intellect, will support the craving for knowledge of the world in Gemini. In addition, the raven is able to strengthen intuition and develop magical abilities in an individual person. It is very good if at home you hang a talisman made from crow feathers with your own hands.
  • Elephant. This majestic beast will give Gemini peace and strength, both physical and spiritual. Be sure to place his portrait in the house.

Elephant crow feather

If you are Libra, then your assistants will be:

  • Goose. Such Domestic bird will give Libra more confidence and calmness, which they will need in many situations. Worth to carry big pen goose.
  • Pigeon. He, like Aquarius, will add a little strength to Libra and protect him from any negativity.
  • A donkey. Despite its seeming stupidity, this animal has a high intuition and will willingly share it with its owner. To attract his strength to his aid, Libra should have his stylized figurine at home.

Donkey Donkey goose feather dove

Animal mascots for water signs

Water signs, which include crayfish, fish and scorpions, are considered the most closed signs of the zodiac. They are characterized by a certain coldness and detachment, among these signs there are almost no too sociable people. But people born under these zodiac signs are distinguished by a high creative streak and a special worldview.

These signs of the zodiac are quite stable in their habits and decisions, and also somewhat overly touchy.

For Cancers, mascots are:

  • Crayfish, lobster and crabs. These freshwater inhabitants will help the Cancers to avoid troubles on their way and give them the activity and additional fortitude that they need so much. Try to organize a small aquarium in your house where these arthropods will live.
  • Hamsters, rabbits. Small pretty fluffy rodents will give Cancers balance and tranquility.



For people under the sign of Pisces, talismans will be:

  • Fish. Having got ornamental fish in your home aquarium, you can always communicate directly with them. Such talismans will give you good luck in any of your endeavors.
  • Turtles. Turtles will bring calmness and regularity to your home. In addition, they are able to give you health if you get them as pets.

The following animals are suitable for Scorpios:

  • Gazelle. A light and fast gazelle will give Scorpions exactly what they lack so much: vigorous energy and success in their endeavors. It is best if you have an amulet with a piece of gazelle horn.
  • Quail. This bird will provide family well-being and save Scorpions from chronic diseases.

Gazelle Gazelle Quail Quail

By the date of birth of any person, you can tell a lot about his character, future fate, and even pick up effective talismans. Natural stones and minerals, metals and trees, different in their effects, are suitable for certain signs of the zodiac. But a special place in this area is occupied by animal talismans.

Depending on which of the twelve zodiac signs you belong to, various animals will be able to protect you and make life easier, as they will be mentally suitable for you.

The meaning of the animal talisman

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of animals in our lives. Even in the modern world, our smaller brothers always remain close to us, and in ancient times, the life of the whole people as a whole often hung from them.

Many tribes had a sacred beast, the killing of which, even unintentionally, was punished in the most severe way: by execution. Such animals include, for example, a cat, which was worshiped by people in ancient Egypt, or a cow, whose cult was deified in India.

Other nationalities believed that their family descended from a certain animal, which means that it is no longer just a smaller family member, but an ancestor who deserves the greatest honor. Such examples include, for example, the monkey cult in China.

Also, since ancient times, mankind has noticed that for certain people, specific types of animals are more suitable than others: they are able to store and protect a person, both on a physical and spiritual level.

Such animal talismans can share life energy and even heal people.

To determine which animal will become your amulet and amulet for life, you should refer to the date of your birth: it is according to the signs of the zodiac that such a gradation occurs.

How to use such a talisman

If you have already determined which animal is your amulet, then you may be faced with the question of how exactly to bring its power into your life. After all, if your amulet is, for example, a cat or a rabbit, then you can easily get such an animal at home. By caring for him, you will strengthen your bond and be constantly under his protection.

But what if your talisman is, for example, a snake or a bear? It is unlikely that an ordinary modern resident of a metropolis will have the opportunity to provide such an animal with everything necessary for life, so that it is constantly nearby. In this case, you will need to purchase or make your own stylized image or figurine of your talisman. It can be anything: an ornament with an image, an interior detail or embroidery on clothes.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to acquire a part of the animal itself: for example, its tooth or claw. Of course, it should be remembered that harm to the beast itself is unacceptable.

Animal mascots for earth signs

Earth-bound zodiac signs include Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus. People born under this zodiac sign are very stubborn and pragmatic. For them, the most important thing in life and everyday life is order and clarity; in chaos and creative disorder, they experience almost physical suffering.

They get the greatest surge of strength and calm when they are busy working with the earth: it can even be caring for indoor plants or just taking a walk in a small forest or park.

Animals, which are a talisman for them, are also tied to the earth, this allows you to create the greatest connection between a person and an animal.

The animal amulets of Taurus include:

Owl. This sacred bird will provide any person who is born under the sign of Taurus with great wisdom and patience. In addition, it will effectively replenish your internal reserves, concentrating energy and space on itself. It is not worth starting an owl at home, you can hardly provide this bird with proper care, but it is necessary to have an owl figurine for each Taurus. It is best if it is made of natural onyx, or made from improvised means by your own hands.

Golden Taurus. Such a symbol must be present in the life of every Taurus: it is such a bull that will give financial stability and abundance in the house.

Cow. This animal is able to make the family life of Taurus complete and harmonious.

Virgo is best for:

Grasshopper. This little insect is able to give Virgo almost everything: love, well-being and protection. Of course, you are unlikely to succeed in starting a live grasshopper at home, so get a yellow jasper figurine of it.

Pig. This gentle and kind little animal will give Virgo well-being and satiety for life.

Siskins and swallows. Small singing harmless birds are the best suited for Virgos by nature. Such feathered creatures will remove all unnecessary suffering and maintain the excellent mood of the Virgin, regardless of the external situation.

If you are a Capricorn by date of birth, then it is best for you to have:

Black cat. This strong and agile beast will bring good luck in all endeavors and luck for any Capricorn. Even if you cannot get such a cat at home, do not pass him on the street: feed and stroke, the cat will definitely thank you.

Goat. This small domestic animal will bring health to people born under the corresponding zodiac sign. Of course, it simply won’t work to have a goat in an apartment, but having his figurine, preferably from green malachite, is simply a must.

Animal mascots for fire signs

The signs of the fire zodiac include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These zodiac signs are very active and like to act immediately, without much prior thought. They strive, first of all, for family comfort and warmth, this is the primary goal in their life, which pulls everyone else along with it.

In addition, these signs of the zodiac are very strong internally and this attracts other people who flock like moths to the light of these signs.

Animals that will keep and improve fiery people are also distinguished by exuberant energy and special grace, such as a deer.

Aries should pay special attention to the following animals:

Deer. This mighty and beautiful forest animal will reliably protect all rams from any negativity and provide them with additional strength. If you get a chance to get yourself a piece of deer antler, be sure to use it. Such a talisman will be your best assistant in all endeavors.

Sheep and ram. Warm and quiet domestic sheep and ram will be the best helpers for rams in their main goal: creating a strong family and a big hearth. It is very good if you place a picture depicting these animals in your house, for example, above your bed.

If you are Sagittarius by date of birth, then you should ask for help from such animals:

Deer. This horned graceful beast, like the ram, will be able to provide protection for Sagittarius. You can decorate your home interior with any image of a deer, and also, for example, put his photo on the screen of a mobile phone.

Partridge. This mother hen symbolizes all those family values ​​\u200b\u200bthat any archer needs so much. She will give them to everyone born under this sign. In addition, the partridge is able to endow its owner with rich creative internal energy, which will help to effectively and quickly achieve their goals. Her stylized image can be worn as a keychain or decorate the walls of the apartment with a suitable picture.

For Leo, the following animals will become talismans:

A lion. The king of beasts carries powerful strength and energy, which he willingly shares with his owner. Also, this solar beast will be able to bring with it an ebullient activity and warmth that can warm many around Leo himself. The image of the king of beasts is best transferred to the image of a plausibly executed figurine, but always of a large size.

Eagle. This bird also takes the place of the king, but of the heavenly world. He concentrates in himself the highest power, which he extends to Leo. In addition, he is able to improve personal relationships and provide Leo with a reliable family life. As a talisman, you can carry an eagle feather with you.

Ladybug. This completely harmless insect, which is simply not capable of harming anyone, compensates for Leo's hot temper and balances his quick temper. That is why Leos are advised to always carry a small figurine or picture depicting a ladybug.

Animal mascots for air signs

Air signs include the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These signs are highly intelligent and generous towards other people. They value comfort very much and strive to provide it not only for themselves, but also for their family. However, the representative of the air element very tensely converges with new people, showing great distrust towards them when they meet. They are very rational and like to weigh their every step so as not to omit a miscalculation.

Also, people born under the indicated signs often have seething energy and a craving for travel and learning new things.

It is for this reason that the talismans of the animals of air signs are mainly birds.

Such amulets for animals for Aquarius include:

Pigeon. This free bird is capable of endowing any Aquarius with the energy that is required to carry out the vigorous activity characteristic of this sign. Also, such a bird provides Aquarius with successful travels and protects him from various troubles along the way. Many of these birds live in cities, Aquarius should take special care and participation in relation to them.

Goat. This pet, which has great integrity, brings good luck to the life of any Aquarius. Therefore, be sure to get a figurine of such an animal.

For people whose date of birth falls under the sign of Gemini, talismans will be:

Crow. This cunning bird, possessing an outstanding intellect, will support the craving for knowledge of the world in Gemini. In addition, the raven is able to strengthen intuition and develop magical abilities in an individual. It is very good if at home you hang a talisman made from crow feathers with your own hands.

Elephant. This majestic beast will give Gemini peace and strength, both physical and spiritual. Be sure to place his portrait in the house.

If you are Libra, then your assistants will be:

Goose. Such a poultry will give Libra more confidence and calmness, which they will need in many situations. It is worth carrying a large goose feather with you.

Pigeon. He, like Aquarius, will add a little strength to Libra and protect him from any negativity.

A donkey. Despite its seeming stupidity, this animal has a high intuition and will willingly share it with its owner. To attract his strength to his aid, Libra should have his stylized figurine at home.

Animal mascots for water signs

Water signs, which include crayfish, fish and scorpions, are considered the most closed signs of the zodiac. They are characterized by a certain coldness and detachment, among these signs there are almost no too sociable people. But people born under these zodiac signs are distinguished by a high creative streak and a special worldview.

These signs of the zodiac are quite stable in their habits and decisions, and also somewhat overly touchy.

For Cancers, mascots are:

Crayfish, lobster and crabs. These freshwater inhabitants will help the Cancers to avoid troubles on their way and give them the activity and additional fortitude that they need so much. Try to organize a small aquarium in your house where these arthropods will live.

Hamsters, rabbits. Small pretty fluffy rodents will give Cancers balance and tranquility.

For people under the sign of Pisces, talismans will be:

Fish. Having got ornamental fish in your home aquarium, you can always communicate directly with them. Such talismans will give you good luck in any of your endeavors.

Turtles. Turtles will bring calmness and regularity to your home. In addition, they are able to give you health if you get them as pets.

The following animals are suitable for Scorpios:

Gazelle. A light and fast gazelle will give Scorpions exactly what they lack so much: vigorous energy and success in their endeavors. It is best if you have an amulet with a piece of gazelle horn.

Quail. This bird will ensure family well-being and save Scorpions from chronic diseases.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...