Conclusion on the first chapter. Typology of prostitutes in ancient Rome Ancient brothels

“Women are expensive, especially prostitutes. Spontaneous adventures are always interesting and will be remembered for a long time,” these two opposite conclusions were made by Minsk DJ Aleksey Kutuzov, whom an Italian swindler accidentally met in a bar led to a Roman brothel.

Saturday night in Rome, after the traditional running around the city at +36, I decide to spend it calmly - without clubs, parties and festivals. After all, tomorrow is the last day, and then I fly home. The Irish pub in Rome always saves in this situation, and it is right next to my hotel, where I finish my last glass of Grimbergen before the establishment closes. Visitors are quietly moving away, the waiters are counting the minutes, nearby a large company is saying goodbye to each other, kissing loudly. Of them there is only one man of an intelligent appearance, who looks about fifty years old. He got two whole glasses from friends, which the waiter immediately pours into plastic cups.

- Hi, where are you from?
- I am from Belarus.
- Oh, I know a little Russian, my wife is from Russia, do you mind?
- Oh sure.

Sergio proposes to continue the evening

My interlocutor’s name is Sergio (name changed), he is 53 years old, he is Italian, but lives in Budapest (“I fled Italy 7 years ago, I’m tired, there are such high taxes here, it’s impossible!”), He exports Italian products either to Hungary or throughout Europe. In general, a handsome man who inspires confidence.

- Listen, I would continue, how are you? I have a table booked in one place, let's go, I need company. I'll pay for drinks, taxis. Let's sit, talk, if you find a girl for yourself - these are already your problems.
“Okay,” I replied (I thought to myself: Saturday, after all, there is time, why not go, we love spontaneous adventures). - Only I need to go to the hotel, take a purse (otherwise 20 euros in my pocket - somehow it’s not serious to leave at night with such an amount).

On the way to the hotel, Sergio found out that I was also a DJ, after which he stopped, almost spilling his beer, and began to shout about the fact that (it turns out) he was in his time in the late 90s - early 2000s (“in golden age house music") was a famous Italian promoter, touring legends such as Marshall Jefferson, Frankie Knuckles ... and Joe T Vannelli - in general, his best friend. He knows the people from Manumission, both in Ibiza, Miami and London, and he can organize tours for me in Ibiza, for example, without any problems. “Well, the guy seems to be in the subject,” I thought confidentially, quickly popped into the hotel for my purse, and now we are already going to a taxi, where we continue the topic dance music.

– When I come to Milan I call Joe T Vannelli and we always go to dinner with him. Yes, of course, then I earned very cool. And then the Internet appeared and everything went to hell, everyone’s earnings dropped sharply, everything became too affordable. (“Well, yes, there is such a thing,” I thought). Although, even now it’s not bad, David Guetta is earning 150,000 per set, well done ...

Here Sergio begins to talk about his young wife, who is only 27 years old, and thanks to whom he knows a little Russian. Proudly shows me a photo of two girls of about the same age. “This is my wife, and this is my daughter from my first marriage.” It turns out that beautiful blonde from Moscow he met in Budapest, she worked in the Russian embassy - that's how they met.
- You know, I'm very happy now, she loves me, and I love her very much too, everything is fine with us. She is now in Moscow, and I decided to drive her home to Rome. On Thursday, she will come here, and we will go together to rest in Sardinia - such a plan. But, you know, I'm Italian! When my wife is not around, I love all women!

“Oops, are we going to a strip club?” I thought.

To be honest, I have never been to strip clubs, I have never been interested in it. I thought that this was entertainment for unsatisfied or too old men who were not lucky enough to find a wife half their age, as Sergio did. Although I have always understood that with good company, spontaneously and in interesting city like now in Rome, going to a strip club would ever happen in my life. Here we drove up to the establishment. Sergio handed his business card to the guard at the entrance, we were quickly shown and seated at a table with a large soft sofa, offering something to drink.

We modestly choose beer. The room is small, more like a dance bar for 80 people, with niches for such tables with sofas. We have the biggest one, I think. There are about ten girls on the dance floor, a couple of men sit in dark corners. The music sounds quite strange: such a mixture of Tarkan and Latino, but at slow speeds, so that it is convenient to move the booty, moreover, the sound is not tuned up at all, apparently, the quality here is of no interest to anyone. Instantly, two girls come up to us and sit next to each other, choosing a man for themselves (that is, me and Sergio). My "companion" is called Monica, she is from Romania, Sergio's girlfriend is from Hungary.

On this topic: How did you get sexually active at school?

Let me explain the situation: traditionally, I bypass "commercial" clubs, where guys and girls shoot each other, although, of course, I flew in more than once. In our regions, girls usually believe that a man should take the initiative and get to know them (they will turn their nose (“tail”) for a long time, help themselves to drinks, and then in frankly “removable” places they announce a price tag of 100 bucks - and off we go. At least, it has always been like this in Minsk. I also want to note that I know how to treat women correctly, but I don’t know how to “roll up”. Making an acquaintance is quite difficult for me, no matter how much I like a girl outwardly. Therefore, I am always interested in the initiative on the part of a woman. This barrier has been present all my life, I am embarrassed and stupidly don’t know what to say at the first minute. And then everything is much easier. I’m sure that many men have this problem. In this case, they immediately started filming me frankly! Of course, I became interested.

Monica from Romania and four bottles of champagne

Sergio and I understand that we need cigarettes. In a second, a girl appears with a box of cigarettes, we choose Marlboro, which costs 10 euros per pack - you need to pay right away. So, we are with cigarettes, with girls and with beer - the party begins! Sergio orders a cocktail for his Hungarian, I have to too (my companion can't sit without a drink). A 45-year-old waiter in a good suit works with us, who brings everything in literally 10 seconds. The cocktail ends quickly enough, after which a bottle of champagne and ice appear for cooling.

Monica from Romania speaks very good English. She's really pretty in a revealing bodycon dress. Not a fool, well-groomed, clearly wants to improve relations with me. She asks me a lot of questions, standard prepared, for example:

- Do you like Rome?
- What other countries have you visited?
- What hotel do you live in? ("Soooo")
– Did you come for a long time?

All this time, a professional waiter pours us champagne, his assistant constantly brings ice. My Sergio is pinched with a slightly more magnificent Hungarian, laughing out loud. Everyone is having fun, the second bottle has gone, Monica and I are discussing Romanian festivals, life in Rome, I pretend that this is just communication, and Monica shows with her whole body that it is not.

It's time to dance, the girls are pulling us to dance. This, of course, does not work with me, but I agree to get up from the sofa in order to inspect the room and understand what is happening in it. Not much happens. Some old man is flirting with a big-breasted blonde around the corner, three girls opposite are watching us with sad faces, obviously jealous of our girls - they grabbed cool guys. I am pleased with the fact that after all Monica is the most attractive in this institution. Monica, at this time, wriggles in front of me, and then accidentally falls on my knees, which delights the couple next to me. Yes, after 30 minutes of dating Monica can already be caressed and stroked, which, apparently, she likes more and more. Gently pushing her onto the sofa, I continue to communicate at a distance, already realizing that I need to find out everything to the end in this " investigative journalism". The waiter, opening the third bottle of champagne, casually asks me "More?" “Yes, please,” I reply, chatting with Monica, which was my major mistake in this story.

– What are you planning to do tomorrow? Monica asks another prepared question.
– Tomorrow I’m going on an excursion with my aunt in the morning, and then I’m going to go shopping, if you want, let’s go together (“What if you get a dress as a gift, baby”). We can have dinner later, sit in another bar...
- No, tomorrow I'm going to the beach to sunbathe ("Of course, dear, this tan needs to be maintained somehow"), and then I work.
– Where do you work?
- Here. From 9 pm to 4 am. Come, let's sit.

Roman consummation rules

And then, behind all this flirting and champagne, I revealed to myself the picture of this event - this clean water consumption. Of course, it was clear from the beginning, but I wanted to clarify the details. As Monica said, 12 girls constantly work in the institution. Sometimes someone takes a day off or vacation (she will soon be leaving for Romania for a month, and, of course, I am already going to visit her). The girls have been working for a long time, Monica has been here for five years.

On this topic: Anna Trubacheva. "I'm already married abroad"

When I decided to go to the bathroom, Monica suddenly volunteered to walk me out. I replied that I knew where she was. Monica insists. We walk seven steps and she helpfully shows me the door. In the toilet, I imagine a slow motion movie: in this moment a tablet of clonidine or some other powder that knocks the buffalo down on the spot flies beautifully into my glass of champagne. I decide not to drink anymore. Oddly enough, Monica is waiting for me near the toilet, and we return to our couch. Then I realized that the trick was not done in vain: another girl could easily intercept me on the way, and Monica could lose such a cool gentleman.

- Well, guys, we are going to go together, have you already decided? - asks the magnificent Hungarian.
No, we haven't discussed it yet.
I really avoided the topic of possible sex with my beauty, despite all her sexuality. But at that moment I was pinned down.

Just the fourth bottle of champagne is poured into glasses, and the assistant of our adult waiter only manages to bring ice. Monica assures me that we are “just having a good time, it’s a kind of gentlemen’s club where men can relax, drink, chat with girls” (I remember Sergio sticking a bill to the waiter, and I understand what a little more is here for me and Monica and a room can be found), but if I want to take her to my hotel, then "it will cost 350 euros." I reply that it's not in my nature to pay for sex ("look at me, honey, I'm not that old yet").

At some point, I still decided to check what kind of champagne we drink. It turned out to be Dom Perignon. There was a small envelope lying next to it, similar to a menu, where it was written that the bottle costs the same 350 euros.

Four bottles of empty champagne looked at me menacingly. They were not removed from the table so that we would not forget how much we drank. Yes, and cocktails there for 30 euros - the menu is quite small, champagne and cocktails mostly.

Monica flirts and tells me I'm nice and she can give me a discount. Of course, I’m interested to know if we can stay friends for little money: “Well, you won’t go with me for 50 euros, and tomorrow we can also meet ...” Monica snorts and says that she can arrange everything for 250. I still once I explain that I don’t pay money for sex, no matter how beautiful it is. "Is this the final decision?" - "Oh sure".

Police siren signal

I decide it's time to leave the establishment. Yes, and Sergio seems to be going to leave with the girl. The price of champagne worries me, so I call Sergio to talk to settle the matter.

Sergio, I'm going to leave. Thank you, will you close the account as promised?
- Wait, let's cut it in half!

Our waiter is standing nearby, incorrectly listening to the conversation. "Are you guys in trouble?" “No, can we talk to each other without you, thanks!” At this moment, a 3-second siren signal is heard, a yellow light near the entrance lights up. Apparently, in order for the guards to be ready in case of flight.

- Alex, it's very expensive!
Sergio, I think so too. But you said you have a table here and you pay for drinks!

On this topic: Fake investors

The waiter brings our two bills with a total value of 1800 euros. Four bottles of Dom Perignon for 1400 euros and probably 500 euros for the rest of the cocktails: beer, table, girls, air in the bar and a waiter's tie. My inner voice immediately declared to me: “Lyosha! In no case do you pay 900 euros for one hour of alcoholic conversation with a stranger!” Everything really happened very quickly, in the institution they don’t waste time in vain: neither men, nor girls, nor waiters. Of course, the most interesting part of the evening began. Sergio clutches his head and shouts:

- Why did you ask for that bottle?! ... It's you who said - pour it!
– You know, the champagne was poured very professionally, I didn’t even know how much it cost, I thought you were in control, because you pay for the drinks.
“You should probably call the police here.

I understand that you need to include all the forces of personal diplomacy:

- Sergio, I'm sorry, you meet stranger, you promise a table, you pay for drinks, a taxi, you bring me to a place where champagne costs 350 euros, and where it flows like water. I thought you were in control. I can not afford it!
- Give me your card, let's pay off (“I can already see how all possible money is being withdrawn from the card, and my bank is happy about my overdraft”).
- Sergio, I'm a simple DJ from Belarus, consider me a parasite, what card? Look, I have 110 euros in my wallet, that's all! I can give them to you, the situation is really unpleasant.

Sergio clutches his head, saying "how is it, where did I end up, what a horror"! The self-confident Italian lost his dignity in five minutes, our girls also sit drooping. It must have been an embarrassing moment in their line of work—they had stooped to the level of those other girls across the street who were left without clients for the night.
- Don't you have more money? I don't have, - Sergio shows me an empty wallet. I feel really sorry for him, although my inner voice repeats "no, Lyosha, this is not exactly 900 euros." I show him the same empty wallet and say:

- Sergio, I gave you my 110 euros, and I have 100 more left at the hotel, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, so I left them for tomorrow.
“And if we go to your hotel, will you give them to me?” Sergio asked in relief.

There was, of course, the hope that we would not go to the hotel for a hundred, but I said:

The waiter has been watching our disassembly all this time and asks Sergio to start paying off. He finally leaves with him and, returning, reports that he paid for everything except 300 euros, which he promised to bring the next day.

“And I didn’t spend that kind of money ...”

On this topic: Sex harassment in Belarusian

We left the club in a slight shock, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a police car nearby. Since Italy is a very corrupt country, the signal was probably given to the police, who are paid extra in case of possible non-paying fugitives, which we could be. On the way to my hotel on foot, Sergio perked up with all his Italian spirit and began to tell how he “did not spend that much money”, “yes, champagne is expensive here, usually in our clubs and bars Dom Perignon for 250”, “they know in which hotel I stayed, it’s better that I return 300 euros to them than they throw me out of the hotel”, “you understand, it’s most offensive that I didn’t have enough money for this girl, and now I don’t have money in my pocket to even go to taxi home”, “and you are a cool dude, I’ll make you tour in Ibiza in any way”, and all that. We both agreed, of course, that it was an interesting adventure. And for myself, I realized that I received a big lesson, and three points can be deduced from it:

1. Never trust Italians, especially strangers.
2. Women are expensive, especially prostitutes.
3. Spontaneous adventures are always interesting and will be remembered for a long time.

I felt a little sorry for Sergio. There was a feeling that I owe him, at least, a cool ride through the establishments in Minsk and offer him girls there that are much more beautiful, and for only 100 bucks. My 210 euros spent so quickly on a girl I didn't know was a pity too.

We decided to exchange phone numbers outside the hotel. (“Let's continue tomorrow, it was cool, hang out somewhere, get drunk!”) Of course, we never got on the phone. And having made friends on Facebook, I easily figured out that my Sergio is not yet married to his Moscow girlfriend from Zhytomyr, but only engaged.

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Prostitution in ancient Rome took on a truly colossal scale. With whitened faces, cheeks painted with cinnabar and soot-lined eyes, Roman prostitutes conducted their ancient craft. They stood everywhere - at the walls of the Colosseum, in theaters and temples. Visiting a prostitute was considered a very common occurrence among the Romans. Cheap priestesses of love sold fast sex in the quarters of the old city. Prostitutes of a higher rank, supported by bath attendants, operated in Roman baths.

According to scientists, the fresco depicts a woman of easy virtue!! Judging by the clothes or the lack thereof!!

The trade in slaves who became prostitutes brought in revenues equal to those from the export and import of wheat and wine. New young, slender women were constantly required ("Rubens' figures" were not successful). The greatest demand was for very young girls, as well as boys, which corresponded to the pedophilic inclinations of the ancient Romans.

The extensive distribution of prostitution is proved by the wealth of synonyms in Latin to designate different kind prostitutes, which makes you think that they were divided into many castes, which in reality, however, was not.

"Alicariae", or bakers - prostitutes who kept close to the bakers and sold cakes made from grainy flour without salt and yeast, appointed for offerings to Venus, Isis, Priapus and other sexual gods and goddesses. These cakes, called "coliphia" and "siligines", had the usual form of male and female genital organs.

"Bustuariae" - called those prostitutes who wandered around the graves (busta) and fires at night and often played the role of mourners during funeral rites.

"Copae" or "Taverniae" - prostitutes who lived and traded in taverns and hotels.

"Forariae" - were called girls who periodically come from the villages to the city to engage in prostitution.

"Famosae" are patrician prostitutes who are not ashamed to debauch in brothels to satisfy their insatiable lust, and then donate the money they earn to temples and altars of revered gods.

"Nani" - were called little girls who began to engage in prostitution at the age of six.

"Junicae" or "vitellae" are bbw prostitutes.

"Noctuvigines" - prostitutes that roamed the streets and engaged in their trade exclusively at night.

"Ambulatrices" - prostitutes who sold themselves on the most crowded streets.

"Scorta devia" - prostitutes who received their clients at home, but for this they were constantly at the windows of their homes in order to attract the attention of passers-by.

"Subrurranae" - the lowest class of prostitutes - residents of the Roman suburb of Suburra inhabited exclusively by thieves and prostitutes.

"Schaeniculae" - prostitutes who gave themselves to soldiers and slaves. They wore cane or straw belts as a sign of their shameful craft.

"Diobalares" or "diobalae" is the name of old, worn-out prostitutes who demanded only two aces for their love. Plautus says in his Pennulus that the services of this kind of prostitutes were used exclusively by unprofitable slaves and the lowest people.

It was equally offensive to all prostitutes to be called "scrantiae", "scraptae" or "scratiae" - very swear words, roughly meaning a chamber pot or a toilet seat.

Coins known as spintrii, or brothel stamps

Coins were made of bronze or brass alloy, and at the beginning of the 1st century AD. e. spintrii became widespread as a means of payment - they were calculated in lupanaria (brothels). The name comes from the Latin word "she-wolf" (lat. lupa) - this is how prostitutes were called in Rome

On one of the sides of the coin, some erotic plot or sexual organ (usually male) was depicted. On the other hand, numbers from I to XX were minted, while the denomination and exchange rate of brothel stamps for other monetary units is unknown, but it can be assumed that the cost of a “call girl” fluctuated in different cities from 2 to 20 ti asses (ancient Roman copper coin).

For example, here is an inscription on the wall of one of the bathrooms, which can be translated something like this:

The Roman historian Cassius Dio, in one of his works, suggests that the spintrii were born in order to “get around” one of the laws of the emperor Tiberius, who equated the payment in brothels with money with the image of the emperor to treason.
And others say that brothel brands, on the contrary, appeared to undermine the reputation of this Caesar, who is sometimes credited with sexual promiscuity.


The name comes from the Latin word for she-wolf.

(lat. lupa) - so in Rome they called prostitutes

The view of the lupanaria themselves, comfort and luxury were not the best in them!!

In the cubicles of the lower floor there are stone lodges (covered with mattresses) and graffiti on the walls

The prostitutes of ancient Rome were visible from afar!!

According to statistics, women's legs in high-heeled shoes delight 75% of men. Ladies of easy virtue understood this even more than 2 thousand years ago. Heels make a woman seductively sway her hips and take very small steps, which makes her more graceful and mysterious.

the prostitutes were also distinguished by their blond hair!!

Numerous campaigns of imperial commanders flooded the Eternal City with captured women from Germany and Gaul. The unfortunate usually ended up in brothels as slaves, and since blondes and redheads predominated among them, after a while a law was issued obliging absolutely all Roman "priestesses of love" to dye their hair in light color(or red) to thus distinguish them from "decent" brunettes
By the way, there is an opinion that it was from those times that men subconsciously consider blondes more accessible than women with dark hair.

Sometimes the excavations of the ancient lupanaria revealed the terrible secrets of the ancient "brothels"

This is probably what life and life looked like, and the inhabitants of the lupanari themselves looked like that !!

The brothels in the Eternal City were like dirt. Finding the nearest lupanar (in Rome, sex workers were called she-wolves - lupae) was not difficult.
It was possible to follow the signs - arrows in the form of a phallic symbol, carved directly on the stones of the pavement, which led those who wished to the nativity scene. Or navigate by the oil lamps installed at the entrance.

Bust of Solon, Archaeological Museum of Naples

It is believed that already in the VI century BC. lawyer and poet Solone(Athens 638 BC - 558 BC) founded the first brothels in Greece - where beautiful slave girls entertained clients for money and paid taxes to the state. Laws of Solon relating to marriage - the right of a woman in the event of her husband's impotence to remarry his closest relative, the restriction of dowry (3 dresses and some dishes) to avoid marriages of convenience and the permission of women to scratch, fight and cry loudly during funeral rites. Along with this, permission to kill a wife's lover, a fine of 100 drachmas for rape, and the right to sell sister and daughter in case of adultery.

Ancient Rome

Demosthenes in the 4th century reported that women are divided into three categories - wives give birth to legitimate offspring, concubines serve a man, and lovers entertain. The goddess Juno personified mother and wife, Minerva - a woman entrepreneur, Venus - an object of desire.

It seems that the oldest prostitute in ancient Rome known to us was Flora in the time of Anko Marzio (675 BC - 616 BC). She was deified and installed in her honor - banquets and performances with naked female mimes. In ancient Rome, prostitutes were called flava coma, due to the fact that they were blondes. They dressed in short tunics yellow color. Often, on the soles of their sandals, carnations formed words follow me and left such an imprint on the earth.

Antique vessel depicting hetaerae with clients

In Rome of the imperial era (from the 1st century BC), the number of prostitutes was 35 thousand, at some times the number of male prostitutes (“Greek sin”) exceeded women. The brothels were called lupanari, from the name of the prostitutes who roamed the outskirts of the cities like she-wolf magnifiers. The legend about the founding of Rome says that Romulus and Remo were fed by a she-wolf - a magnifying glass, and raised by the shepherd's wife Akka Larentia, who was a prostitute - a magnifying glass.

Prostitutes differed in terms of wages and place of work - quadrontaries cost a quarter of an ass, cops worked for a glass of wine. Job titles - rostibula lured clients around the stables, bustiary- in cemeteries tabernaria- in taverns, custides- in houses, forari- along roads fornices- under bridges, arches and hippodromes. Name meretrix received prostitutes who worked in the afternoon. The same name was preserved for prostitutes in the Renaissance on different territories Italy. Delicacy e famozae sophisticated clients were educated and entertained, they were allowed to wear colored, light or transparent clothes to show a beautiful body. magnifiers attracted by peculiar howling sounds, skorta erratica wandered in a man's toga with open knees and dyed their hair red. Blitiday worked in osteria and got their name from the cheapest cut they sold there. At the lowest level were diobolari- low-grade and cheap, they worked in the slums and the poorest neighborhoods. Have you noticed that there are no names for prostitutes working in thermae?

In fact, scientists are still not sure that they were allowed to work in the terms. The only find in the baths of Pompeii can confirm the version of the followers of brothels in the baths. In the common locker rooms (therms were visited according to the schedule - in the morning women, from 14 o'clock - men) found 16 erotic pictures on the walls. Among them are the image of a naked poet and a lesbian scene with two women lovers (this is the only such image of the Roman era that has come down to us). Some scholars suggest that such scenes were purely decorative or even ironic for the entertainment of visitors, while others - that it was a "catalog" of services provided by caretakers - slaves and slaves. It is possible that the owners did not register the brothel, so as not to violate existing prohibitions, but in the rooms at the top of the thermal services were provided. For violation of the law in relation to underground brothels, the punishments were severe for the citizens of the Empire - shame and deprivation of the right to vote in elections.

Valeria Messalina (25 - 48 years old)

Prostitutes of the highest rank worked for their own pleasure - often they were noble matrons under false names - Faustina, Julia. Third wife of Emperor Claudius Valeria Messalina(25 - 48 years old) visited brothels, where she served clients under the name Lichiska. She was called the "August Prostitute". Messalina came to the brothel with gilded nipples, black-rimmed eyes, and received sailors and gladiators for several hours a day. Pliny the Elder wrote that she won the competition with the most famous prostitute, the "invincible" Messalina served 25 clients per day. Juvenal wrote about her “tired, but not satisfied ...” (attention, the sources are written by supporters of her husband’s political opponents, therefore exaggerations are not excluded, there was black PR in those days). Read the article built on the site of Messalina's assassination.

Many slaves - prostitutes could eventually become free and redeem themselves from the owner, of course, this applied to beautiful, educated and talented women. In the city of Pompeii with a population of about 10 thousand inhabitants, there were about 25-30 brothels, but only one building was specially built for the lupanaria. In Rome, with its million people, we are told about 44-46 brothels-lupanaria of the 1st century. The rest are not counted because they were not registered so as not to pay taxes. There were many brothels above taverns, with rooms where prostitutes worked and inns along the roads. The owner of the lupanar kept 2-3 slave prostitutes or (and) rented out rooms to free women - meretrics.

Tokens for paying for services in lupanaria

Prostitution in all Roman cities was widespread, but was considered a shameful occupation, along with actors and usurers. Patricians, visiting brothels, used wigs and masks so as not to be recognized. Around the 1st century, due to the ban on bringing money with the image of the emperor to the lupanaria, special coins were issued. sprint. Erotic tesserae - tokens for certain services in lupanaries (now this is a real rarity for numismatists). On one side there were 15 images of different sexual services, and on the other side there were numbers from 1 to 16. The letter A is sometimes written near the numbers 2, 3 and 8. It is assumed that the numbers indicated the value in asses (hence the letter A on the coins). So number 16 was worth 1 denarius. The coins were made of bronze or brass, their size is equal to the modern coin of 1 euro.

Tokens - sprints for sexual services in lupanaria

Registration was obligatory for prostitutes, they did not have the right to keep the family name, of course, no sanitary control was organized. The lupanaria were stuffy and dark, the basin of water in the room did not protect either from venereal diseases or from unwanted pregnancies.

Lupanar in Pompeii

Roman women often aborted unwanted pregnancies or killed the newborn or threw it away (we are not only talking about prostitutes, but free women). Apparently this was very common, because in the Roman laws Lex Cornelia, adopted by the dictator Lucio Cornelio Silla in 81 BC. punishment was provided for those who had an abortion (exile and confiscation of property).

The Romans liked to have fun for money,they were not stopped by venereal diseases.For example,Emperor Domitian attractedfecespeople on your sideandduring the holiday, he scattered coin tokens into the crowd for visiting lupanarii.Emperor Calligola imposed taxes on those who engaged in prostitution and himself opened a large lupanar in his Palace.


In the excavations of the city of Pompeii in the Regio VII quarter, there is a building specially built for the lupanar. This is the only brothel of ancient Rome that has come down to us. It was built shortly before the volcanic eruption in 79 that destroyed the city, an imprint of a coin from 72 AD was found on the plastered wall. At the time of the volcanic eruption, the owners of the lupanaria were Africano and Vittore.

A room in Pompeii's lupanarium

The lupanar was recognizable in the city by a special lamp at the entrance, and "pointers" on the walls of houses and on the streets led to it - an image of the phallus. It is often found in frescoes in houses, at entrances and in sculptures, the phallus is a symbol of good luck, fertility and abundance.

Direction sign to Pompeii Lupanarium

In the 19th century, during the first excavations, many scandalous frescoes and images were hidden from the public in the Secret Cabinet in Naples (now in the Archaeological Museum of Naples, the entrance to it is from 18 years old, or with the consent of the parents).

Fresco from Pompeii's lupanaria

The Pompeii lupanaria has 10 small rooms and stone beds on which mattresses were placed. Five rooms on the ground floor and five on the second, reached by a narrow wooden staircase. Under the stairs is a toilet - latrine. The building is located at the intersection of two minor streets, it has two entrances, one was convenient for those who walked from the Forum. Both entrances led to a small room (waiting room), where the doors of five rooms open. There was a name and a price on the doors, a sign Busy warned the client that he had to wait for his turn. The rooms on the second floor opened onto a balcony, from which one could descend directly onto the street. Apparently, the second floor was intended for richer clients.

Corridor of the lower floor of the lupanaria in Pompeii

In the corridor of the lower floor, the walls were decorated with erotic frescoes - a kind of advertisement for services. Most likely, the images are taken from books on the art of love of the 3rd-4th centuries BC, written by poetesses from Samo Filainis and Elefantis.

120 graffiti were found on the walls of the rooms - inscriptions with comments and names. Their study revealed 80 names of prostitutes and clients. Sometimes the inscriptions refer to venereal diseases, preferences or reviews of prostitutes, the girls' names are mostly Greek.

Inscriptions on the walls of Pompeii

We also learn about methods of contraception from ancient documents - the introduction of oil, black pepper after intercourse or wool soaked in lemon juice. At the entrance, condoms made from dried sheep intestines were sold to customers. The Romans did not invent the condom, but used and distributed it. For a Roman soldier, this is part of the mandatory “weaponry”, he was taken with him on military campaigns, washed after use. Such measures were taken so that the military campaign was successful, and venereal diseases did not wipe out all the soldiers instead of war. Venereal diseases were common - syphilis, gonorrhea, and gonorrhea were found in the Roman Empire.

In ancient Rome, prostitution was business as usual. Cator Censor was distinguished by a strict disposition, but according to the historian Orazio, having met young man at the exit from the lupanar, Cato praises him. "Satisfied my growing libido with a prostitute, without encroaching on other people's wives ...".

A room in Pompeii's lupanaria

The clients of the lupanarii were mainly of low social level, slaves, plebeians, merchants, foreign sailors. Prostitutes were slaves, the earnings were completely taken away by their owner - the owner of the lupanaria - lenon. The average price is 2 asses (the cost of a glass of wine), sometimes the price reached 8 asses for the most beautiful and skillful slaves ..

The following articles are about famous courtesans in Rome, Venice and brothels in medieval Rome.

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With whitened faces, cheeks painted with cinnabar and soot-lined eyes, Roman prostitutes conducted their ancient craft. They were everywhere - at the walls of the Colosseum, in theaters and temples. Visiting a prostitute was not considered by the Romans as something reprehensible. Cheap priestesses of love sold fast sex in the quarters of the old city. Prostitutes of a higher rank, supported by bath attendants, operated in Roman baths.

The ranks of representatives of the ancient profession replenished at the expense of deceived village girls, with whom an agreement was signed, which they had to work out in taverns and brothels. The legal source was the slave trade. Pimps (they already existed in ancient Rome!) bought women like cattle, having previously examined their bodies, and then sent them to work.

The sexual use of slave girls was legal in Rome. The rape of a slave by a pimp was not punishable either. Brothel owners made extensive use of child prostitution. The trade in slaves who became prostitutes brought in revenues equal to those from the export and import of wheat and wine. New young, slender women were constantly required ("Rubens' figures" were not successful). The greatest demand was for very young tender girls, which corresponded to the pedophilic inclinations of the Romans. After 30 years, a prostitute in Rome was not quoted. Her lot was drunkenness, illness and early death. A rare woman managed to save a little money for old age.

Ancient images of "love chambers" in brothels have survived. It was, as a rule, a cramped room with a bed of stone, covered with a coarse cloth. Such was the haven of a quick sexual intercourse, where even shoes were not removed. A visit to a brothel was also available to the poorest sections of the Roman population. Its cost ranged from 2 to 16 as, and, approximately, corresponded to the price of a mug of wine or one loaf. At the same time, the services of famous courtesans could cost the client thousands of aces. The cheapest was oral sex (Monica Lewinsky from Washington, of course, did not know this). The women who practiced it were considered "unclean" in Rome, they did not drink from the same glass with them, they were not kissed. But women with shaved genitals were especially highly valued. Slaves in Roman baths specialized in removing pubic hair.

Little was known about venereal diseases in ancient Rome and they were considered the result of sexual excesses and perversions. Starting from the 40th year new era prostitutes had to pay taxes. Their calculation was based on unus concubitus - that is, one act per day. Earned above this rate was not taxed. All Roman Caesars held fast to the tax on living goods, which brought a fair amount of income to the treasury. Even already in Christian Rome, a profitable tax was preserved for a long time.

Only men enjoyed freedom in matters of sexual life in Rome. For women, patriarchal customs reigned, although, a different Roman matron allowed herself love joys with a young slave. Roman philosophers and poets often referred to the theme of free love. Horace wrote: "If your penis is swollen and a servant or a slave is at hand, are you ready to give them up? I - no, I love erotica, which easily gives pleasure."


Abstract on the topic:


Lupanaria building in Pompeii

Lupanary(also lupanar, lat. lupānar or lupānārium) - a brothel in ancient Rome, located in a separate building. The name comes from the Latin word "she-wolf" (lat. lupa) - so in Rome they called prostitutes.

The degree of prevalence of prostitution in Roman cities can be judged from the example of Pompeii, where 25-34 premises used for prostitution were found (separate rooms are usually above wine shops), and one two-story lupanar with 10 rooms.

In Pompeii, they tried not to advertise such places. A low and inconspicuous door led from the street to the lupanarium. However, finding a lupanar was not difficult even for visiting traders and sailors. Visitors were guided by the arrows in the form of a phallic symbol, carved directly into the stones of the pavement. They made their way into the lupanar after dark, hiding behind low-drawn hoods. A special pointed headdress, called the cuculus nocturnus, hid the face of a noble brothel customer. Juvenal has a mention of this subject in the story of the adventures of Messalina.

The inhabitants of the lupanariums received guests in small rooms painted with erotic frescoes. Otherwise, the furnishings of these tiny rooms were extremely simple, in fact, it was one narrow stone bed about 170 cm long, which was covered with a mattress on top. At the request of the authorities, all women of easy virtue wore red belts raised to the chest and tied at the back, called mamillare.

Frescoes on the walls of the lupanarium in Pompeii (from the Secret Museum)


  1. Juvenal, Satyrs (Satvrae) VI, 118; VI, 330
This abstract based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/12/11 21:07:44
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