Vlad kadoni personal. Paid services of a magical nature

Age: 32 years old

City Novosibirsk

Height: 171 cm Weight: 67 kg

On the project 1470 days

Real name - Viktor Golunov.

Vlad Kadoni was born in the city of Novosibirsk. All his childhood passed there. From about the age of 11, Vlad began to be interested in black magic and develop psychic abilities in himself. From the age of 17 he began to actively practice. But, as Kadoni himself claims, his first results began to work out only by the age of twenty.

A notable milestone in Vlad's life was his participation in the sixth season of the battle of psychics, in which he even managed to reach the final, and after that fame came to the guy.

After participating in the "Battle of Psychics", Vlad remained to work in Moscow, providing paid services " magical character", along with other participants of the famous show.

But, soon Kadoni realized that his popularity was rapidly declining, and people began to forget about his "merits" in the "battle of psychics." Vlad goes to the television project Dom 2, where he decides to "promote" himself and expand his "client base" due to the huge audience of the show. And, I must say, he did a good job! He became one of the most talked about members of House 2, and his "magic" deeds also went uphill.

Now about everything in order. From the very beginning, Vlad Kadoni began to have conflict situations with other members of House 2. His first "vis-a-vis" was Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky, whom Vlad tried to force to confess to the complete absence psychic abilities. But, the main enemy was Rustam Solntsev, with whom the black magician fought for the title of the main intriguer of the project.

With the girls at Kadoni, the project somehow does not add up. There was a series of petty romances in which the magician constantly showed his disrespect for his partners. So at first it was with Nelly Ermolaeva. After they settled in the VIP house, Vlad constantly bullied the girl, and tried to "bend" her under him, all the time carrying out uncoordinated trips outside the perimeter and other disrespectful acts. The black magician played so much that he missed the moment when Ermolaeva went to live with Nikita Kuznetsov in city apartments. After that, Nelly and Nikita formed a very bright couple, and most importantly, the girl’s attention was absolutely not attracted by her former young man. Since then, Vlad's heart has been entirely owned by a burning brunette, as a result of which, the young man is trying in every possible way to take Nelli away from Nikita Kuznetsov. But, it's all in vain.

On the this moment Vlad has a couple with Inna Volovicheva, and almost all members of House 2 speak out about the complete fictitiousness in their relationship. It is difficult to judge if they have a contractual relationship or not, but the fact that our "black magician" does not miss the slightest opportunity to participate in every possible way in the life of Nelli Ermolaeva, which leads to certain thoughts about the sincerity of his couple with Inna ...

September 13, 2010 Vlad was offered to go to the clinic plastic surgery, where Kadoni is going to increase his penis to 30 cm. Why would a magician have such a big dick, one can only guess: what would Nelli Ermolaeva like?

On September 1, 2011, Kadoni won the Man of the Year competition. The victory became possible, largely due to his conflict with Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, who at that time did not like the viewers very much and wished her a speedy departure.

On September 21, 2011, the black magician left the project for own will. There was a lot of gossip that he found his love outside the perimeter with Valeria Gai Germanika.

Bored, the sorcerer returned to House 2 on March 26, 2015 - but not as a participant, but as a co-host. He conducts the execution, arranges tête-à-tête, gives advice to the participants ... In a word, he helps Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina with all his might.

The charming brunette was popular with the fairer sex. In order to save himself from the excessive attention of the “Domovsky” young ladies, the magician publicly declared that his heart was busy, and there was no need to waste time seeking his location.

Page Vlad Kadoni Vkontakte.

The biography of Vlad Kadoni cannot be called the story of an ordinary provincial guy. Viktor Golunov (that was the name of Kadoni at birth) was born in the summer of 1986 to the famous Siberian sorceress Elena Golunova. She transferred the skills of clairvoyance to Vlad, and he became interested in esotericism.

Vlad Kadoni provided private services for love spells, lapels, removal of damage and the crown of celibacy. At some point, the young man realized that it would not be possible to gain fame in this way, and went to conquer the capital. There, Viktor Golunov officially became Vlad Kadoni (“Kadoni”, according to him, is translated as “warlock”) and began television career from the casting for the "Battle of Psychics".

In 2008, Kadoni was selected for the sixth season of the sensational show. However, the young man could not achieve the desired success and soon left the project. No one believed the 21-year-old provincial boy, who looked like a teenager, and the leading illusionist Sergei Safronov treated with irony. Vlad Kadoni explains this episode of his biography as follows: “If you really can do something, hide it, portray dementia and pretense, so that people always have the opportunity to doubt you. If society has no doubts that you are a sorcerer with power over life, it will not give you the right to choose at the main moment. By this, he hinted that he deliberately did not reveal his gift on the project.

After leaving the Battle of Psychics, Vlad unexpectedly came to Dom-2. Kadoni wanted to undermine the audience's trust in the "white magician" Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky and earn the title of the best psychic.

Having finished weaving intrigues, Kadoni set his sights on a relationship and started an affair with a bright brunette Inna Volovicheva. In 2010, after a period of quarrels and scandals, the couple broke up.

In 2011, Kadoni received the title of "Person of the Year" and effectively left the project to try his hand at the "Battle of Psychics" again. Among the magicians, he took third place and triumphantly returned to the TV set already as a presenter.

At Dom-2, the details of Vlad Kadoni's personal life became clear: he warned the participants that his heart was busy. It turns out that on the set of the 11th season of the Battle of Psychics, Vlad Kadoni fell in love with producer Anna Devitskaya and was in a relationship with her. Now Vlad's personal life is sealed with seven seals: he rarely posts pictures with his other half and does not answer questions.

Vlad Kadoni - incredible interesting person, strong man, positioning himself as a clairvoyant, a specialist in occult sciences, black magician. He took part in the TV project "House 2", as well as in the "Battle of Psychics".

The real name of Vlad Kadoni is Viktor Golunov. He was born in Novosibirsk, in 1986. The young man inherited his sensational abilities from his mother, the hereditary sorceress Elena Golunova. She passed on the gift of a soothsayer to her eldest son.

Vlad has two younger brother who also have abilities in esotericism. According to Elena, in her family all men have tremendous energy.

As a child, Victor dreamed of becoming a church minister. However, growing up, he radically changed his views and became interested in black magic. The young man arrived in the capital, having reached the age of majority. Here he first changed his name. Translated from his own language, "Kadoni" means "warlock". From that moment on, Vlad Kadoni took up exclusively practical esotericism.

Vlad's first appearance on the TV screen took place as part of the Battle of Psychics project. The young man took part in the sixth and eleventh seasons, but he failed to reach the final.

The guy did not take the first failure to heart and after a while appeared on film set TV project House 2. On the very first day of his stay on the perimeter of the infamous reality show, he stated that he had come with sole purpose- to expose the deceit of Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. He is sure that white magician"does not have any supernatural abilities and intends to prove it to others. Initially, Vlad Kadoni was not going to become a member of this "circus" called House 2. But just a few days later he came to Polyana and settled in the men's bedroom.

House 2 is a TV project for young people who want to find their love. This is what Vlad Kadoni did as soon as he stepped on the perimeter of the notorious show. On the very first day, he liked the beauty, with whom the young man very quickly settled into separate apartments. However, the relationship with the brunette was very difficult and soon the girl began dating.

After that, Kadoni drew attention to Inna Volovicheva. At first, the guys tried to maintain exclusively friendly relations, which eventually grew into mutual sympathy. For the rest of the participants in the television set, such a statement was more than unexpected, but Vlad struggled to prove to Inna and everyone around him that he felt for the girl strong feelings. And they were really strong, because they manifested themselves exclusively in insults, jealousy, aggression. In rare moments of truce, the guys dreamed of a wedding. However, in the future, quarrels became more frequent and began to develop into scandals, one of which was the last for the couple. Having quarreled with Inna, Vlad Kadoni persuaded the rest of the participants and, after another vote, Volovicheva went out of the gate. Soon the girl again returned to the perimeter to look for her love, but she no longer wanted to have business with Kadoni.

Rita Agibalova is another friend of Vlad. The guys claimed that they were connected exclusively by friendly relations. But, after Rita broke up with her husband, Kadoni admitted that he loved her. However, this time the magician did not wait for reciprocity from the girl.

In the fall of 2011, the predictor decided to leave the project, saying that he intended to build love beyond the perimeter.

Now Vlad Kadoni is friends with Valeria Gai Germanika, provides assistance and holds meetings for everyone who is interested in his activities. In addition, the young man continues to appear on the air of the Dom 2 television project, advising participants on the psychology of relationships.

Vlad Kadoni, real name Vladislav Golunov - black magician, finalist television show"Battle of Psychics", reality show participant.

Vlad grew up in the family of a black magician, his mother is the well-known throughout Russia Siberian witch Elena Golunova. He thought for a long time about what he should do, but after graduation he decided to follow in his mother's footsteps.

The country learned about Vlad Kadoni after the release of the “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT, where young Vlad introduced himself as a hereditary black magician. With great enthusiasm, if I may say so, he approached the fulfillment of all the tests. Something he did well, but something did not work out, but in the end he got to the final. He did not become a winner, but reaching the top three is also an excellent result.

After the "Battle of the Psychics", Kadoni did not want to go home, he stayed in the capital, opened his esoteric salon and began to help the population in solving their magical problems.

Even at the “Battle of Psychics”, the producers of the reality show Dom-2 drew attention to Vlad. A young and extraordinary guy - great character for a TV set, and he was invited to become a member of the project.

Kadoni thought about the invitation for a long time, but finally agreed. And in February 2009, for the first time, he appeared on the frontal place of the television long-term construction. The history and occupation of the guy aroused great interest among the audience and participants in his person. And Vlad quickly fit into the project life.

He skillfully controlled people, built intrigues and brought people to emotions. First of all, when he came to the project, he forced him to admit that he was not a white magician, which he did at the frontal. Vlad's next and most memorable fight was with Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova. The reason for their squabble was the contest "Person of the Year" at Dom-2, in which they both became leaders in the voting. Vlad won the competition, but at the same time made himself an enemy in the face.

love stories Vlad had several on the project. He built his first relationship with the most characteristic brunette of the project. But love did not work out, Vlad longed to remake Nelly for himself, but the girl with a hard core did not want to change into any. She did it easier, changed Vlad to.

Vlad Kadoni and Nelly Ermolaeva in a club with a mutual friend

Vlad was not upset about Nelly's departure, he was actively engaged in social life. A couple of times, apparently for the show, he tried to return Ermolaeva, but soon forgot her completely.

Vlad's next relationship began with. Unlike his first darling, Inna turned out to be more pliable, and the guy gladly took up her "alteration". Thanks to him, Inna, in a difficult battle with Irina Alexandrovna, won, and became the editor of the Dom-2 website. It was with his filing that she began to actively engage in herself and take the first steps towards losing weight. Vlad's work was not in vain, very soon Inna began to show independence and personal initiative. And Kadoni let the girl go "free floating" and broke up with her.

Kadoni and Inna Volovicheva

In 2011, Vlad received several interesting invitations from abroad, and he left the project as a participant, but constantly maintained relations with the hosts and the producer and the "old men" of the project.

Since the beginning of 2015, Vlad can again be seen on the Dom-2 television site. He often broadcasts, replacing the presenters, conducts "teta". His name appears in the list of participants in the show on the official website. True, he does not live in the men's bedroom, and comes to the project, rather as a guest.

Biography of Vlad Kadoni will interest not only fans of such shows as "House 2" and "Battle of Psychics", but also people who have not watched these TV shows. After all, this man from distant Novosibirsk came to the capital and on his own achieved great heights in his career on Moscow television.

Youth and early childhood of the son of a Siberian witch

While still a small child, Vitya Golunov lost his father, whom, in his own words, he does not remember at all. His mother almost immediately married and were born two brothers - the youngest Leo and the middle Dmitry. The character of their older brother was not sugar, the boy did not respond to his name and dreamed of changing it when he came of age. He responded to his own pseudonyms. Once young man turned 18, he fulfilled his wish, turning from Viktor Golunov in the well-known Vladislav Kadoni . Interestingly, the surname means "warlock" based on the translation from the ancient language, but it is ideal for Vlad, who became interested in mysticism in his youth and studied all available sources about mysticism. As a teenager, he found out why he was so attracted to the occult, the history of religions and various secrets - his mother said that they have a family gift that is inherited (she was the first to transfer the vocation in magic and communication with the spirit world through the male line). After such a discovery, the young man began to move away from his peers and delved into the study of magical practices (including their dark sides) and extrasensory perception.

One day, his mother had to use her abilities to save her son's life. All the boys are drawn to abandoned places, Vlad and his friends were no exception and once explored the old building. But suddenly, a part of the concrete slab collapsed due to someone's careless step and the guy was locked up. The guys were cowardly and fled, leaving a friend without food, water and help. A day later, help came - it was my mother.
Having entered a local university for a specialty related to sociology, but due to frequent conflicts with teachers (he always defended his point of view), he was quickly expelled by the university leadership. What did not drive him into anguish, but allowed him to prepare and study in medical a year later. A part-time job as an intern in construction company ended with a promotion to management and an offer to move to Moscow, to which he gave a positive response.

Magic and television in the 21st century

In his school and university years, the young man did not give up his magical practices and, having moved to the capital of Russia, he continued to help people. In his work, services for removing spoilage, the crown of celibacy, love spells, as well as attracting wealth were popular. To realize his potential, he decided to take part in the 6th season of the TV program "Battle of Psychics". However special talents during the broadcast, he did not show, but he fell in love and was remembered by the audience as a constantly conflicting and arguing participant. He entered the top five finalists, after which he dropped out of the project. After half a year, he was seen in another program on TNT - "House 2". As it later became known, the hero, who fell in love with the audience, did not want to act, but then changed his mind. He was not afraid to open up intrigues and talk about them on camera. Find his love he tried in the face Inna Volovicheva but this attempt was unsuccessful. Fans were also very attracted by Vlad's hitches with another "wizard" who calls himself "white" - he became Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. On the net you can find many videos of their skirmishes. At the end of the period of participation of Kadoni in the scandalous TV show, he amazed the audience with the news about the increase in the penis, Inna managed to check his dignity. Soon Vladislav left the "city of love" and again switched to a program specializing in magical abilities. This time, in the "Battle of Psychics" (Season 11), he reached the final three, but he could not go beyond it. The following year, his mother became a member, Elena Golunova, the woman made a very strong impression both on the audience of the show, but the participants could not remain indifferent.
Few people played themselves in films, but Vlad Kladoni is one of them. It turned out to be a very sensational tape - " Short course happy life" directed by Valeria Gai Germanika. With whom the magician has a friendly relationship.

After a short period of time, Vladislav returned to the Dom 2 project (in 2015) with a new, improved image that all his fans liked. There were some operations, but rhinoplasty favorably emphasized his face. He became the first male leader in the place of the search for love and proved to be a strong side.

He contrasted favorably with Olga Buzova and Xenia Borodina, who were soft on the members, on the set of finding a couple. His statements are always categorical, ironic and very provocative. The charisma of such an anti-hero attracted a large audience to the project, which breathed new life. And Vlad's popularity skyrocketed.

Although "House 2" did not bring him love, it did something else. show - "Battle of psychics". With the producer of which he has a long and strong relationship. Beloved name - Anna Devitskaya, however, both of them carefully hide their personal lives from the public, which is understandable given their media exposure. But in the photos on the Internet you can see their common photos, including selfies in which Anna and Vladislav are smiling and enjoying each other's company. Which confirms the words he said about leading a double life: a serious, but periodically acting out role on TV, a man.

Success and Kadoni's plans for the future

Having escaped to the central channels, the Moscow Siberian has a constant and rather large income, which made it possible to purchase a large house in the suburbs and a luxury car. But he is not going to stop there. In the future plans of the leader to continue climbing career ladder on television, as well as open his own school, in such a rare discipline as conflictology. However, good specialists in this field are very important in Russia and abroad.
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