Torso - what is it? The meaning of the word and photo. Nude male torsos of celebrities

At the height of summer stuffy office rooms I want to exchange for the azure coast. And unlike us office workers, many celebrities literally weekly delight with their beach photosets. Lady.tsn took this issue seriously and compiled a list of the sexiest male torsos of this summer.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Men know Cristiano Ronaldo as a first-class football player, but women cannot pass him by erotic photo shoots for fashion brands. Torso Ronaldo is rightfully considered one of the. The experienced hands of photographers have long turned Cristiano into a real sex symbol of our time. He earns his millions of fees not only by running around the field and driving the ball into the goal, but also by acting in commercials. Moreover, Ronaldo does not disdain either or engine oil. By the way, it was on the set for the Emporio Armani brand that Cristiano met his current lover, model Irina Shayk. Now, when the football player goes to the next candid photography, his girlfriend also boldly flaunts half-naked in front of the camera of photographers.

Sergio Ramos

Sultry Spanish men are liked by many women. And the 26-year-old defender of the Real Madrid club and the Spanish national team, Sergio Ramos, has something to brag about. He is not only famous and strong, but also very attractive. However, despite the obvious external advantages - a beautiful torso and relatively high growth, Sergio is a person, though secular, but modest and very family. The handsome man has not yet found his other half, although for several years now he has been dating sports journalist Lara Alvarez. But because of the jealousy of Ramos for her work, the couple constantly disperses, then converges again. We hope that Sergio will soon decide, because many girls apply for the place of Lara, and as you know, a holy place is never empty.

Mario Casas

The person of another Spanish is known to the Ukrainian audience mainly from the film "Three meters above the sky." However, if Mario were some kind of "squishy", he would hardly have attracted the attention of fans of this film. The actor has been engaged in his appearance and figure for a long time and stubbornly. In Spain, he has already been dubbed a follower of Antonio Banderas, and glossy magazines are lining up to shoot Casas for their covers. However, according to the press, the handsome man's heart is already taken, he meets with an actress, partner in the film "Three meters".

Kellan Lutz

Actor of the Twilight saga Kellan Lutz has repeatedly held a leading position in male rankings. According to Man's Health magazine, Kellan's torso is considered one of the most attractive. His perfect body with press cubes drives many girls crazy. The actor himself admits that he first realized that girls were paying attention to him at school.

" In Arizona, where I grew up, you would never see anyone without a shirt at school. But when I took it off, all the girls just froze in admiration: "Oh, look at your cubes!" - says the actor in an interview. Since then, the guy has become interested in an active lifestyle and prefers to keep his body in good shape.

David Beckham

Football player, father of many children and socialite David Beckham, at 37, boldly competes with many. And I must say, in the struggle for advertising contracts with brands like him, he does not have to fight. Thanks to his excellent physical shape, David is always number one on the list. Even in advertising his own football player starred almost naked. He also became the first man to appear on the cover of a summer Olympic Games in London. It's hard to even imagine how Victoria Beckham it's hard to keep calm when there are so many admirers around her husband.

Channing Tatum

American actor, producer and model Channing Tatum is also famous for his luxurious torso. Started my acting career Channing at the strip club. Later, he retrained as a model and starred for such famous clients as Armani and Pepsi. Having tasted all the delights of fame, Channing quickly realized that with good external data and determination, you can achieve a lot. He is known to the general public thanks to the film "Step Up". But Tatum is especially good in the movie "Magic Mike", where in the company of Matthew McConaughey the guy plays a stripper. The actor has previously stated on numerous occasions that he would like to make a film about his own experiences in the male stripper. By the way, film critics have already dubbed this picture "a model of male beauty with a heart and muscles."

The torso of the star of the Twilight saga Taylor Lautner makes hundreds of fans languidly sigh. But Taylor owes such an excellent physical form to martial arts, which he has been fond of since childhood. Especially for Lautner, he had to work hard on his body and build muscle. In this he was helped by enhanced training on simulators, swimming and a special diet. As a result, Lautner became not only one of the main stars of the saga, but also a real sex symbol.

Ryan Reynolds

Handsome Ryan Reynolds has repeatedly been recognized as the owner of the most beautiful torso in Hollywood. However, if it were not for the shooting in the film "Blade: Trinity", for which the actor had to work out a lot to make his body look so attractive, perhaps we would not be writing about him now. Since then, Ryan has been constantly training, as he cannot afford to disappoint his fans. By the way, after the divorce from the actor, he did not stay single for a long time, now he is being tied up romantic relationship from American.

Cam Gigandet

Another hero mystical picture"Twilight" 29-year-old actor Cam Gigandet caught our attention with his luxurious body. Cam has a brown belt in karate, so it's no surprise that his torso looks so attractive. The guy loves active workouts, can ride a bike for several hours and always makes morning runs. As expected, Cam Gigandet has a girlfriend who has already had a baby and is now pregnant again.

Daniel Craig

The hero of "Bondiana" Daniel Craig closes our top ten star torsos. Craig's torso is very fond of girls, and all thanks to the episode in "Casino Royale", when Daniel comes out of the water in blue swimming trunks. By the way, in an interview, the actor admitted that he hates those very swimming trunks and will never wear them again in his life. But as they say: “did the job - walk boldly.” Although we are sure that many fans will be upset, because Daniel is luxurious in such attire.

This post is natural for girls. Although the guys will have something to strive for, because these are Hollywood popular torsos, on which the stars are probably working hard and constantly. When you are in the public eye, when you are a star, you need to keep yourself in good shape, and you need to do this regularly. So the girls can get comfortable and enjoy handsome men and their torsos.

1. Like God.
Chris Hemsworth in the movie "Thor" plays the role of Norse - God sent to Earth. Maybe he's just not used to wearing earthly clothes.

2. Hunter for predators.
Adrien Brody - Oscar Winner Best Actor” Flawlessly played his role in the film “Predators”. Taking an example from Arnold Schwarzenegger, for the purpose of disguise, he smeared his body with mud so as not to be noticed by vigilant predators.

3. Prince Percy.
The attractive figure of Jake Gyllenhaal added "heat" to the already hot desert where the film took place.

4. "Handsome" Peck
Bradley Cooper on film set in the film "A-Team", plays the role of Templeton's commando, nicknamed "Handsome" Peck. He really lives up to his name.

5. Admire Mark.
Mark Wahlberg, who plays the role of Holbrook Grant, a la James Bond-style hero in the film Mad Date, was not at all averse to exposing his torso, according to the script.

6. Beautiful werewolf.
Taylor Lautner, who played the role of Jacob Black in the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon”, demonstrates his inflated muscles, opponents will have to reckon with such a wolf - a werewolf.

7. A pack of werewolves.
In the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon ”we see not only the bare torso of Jacob, the viewer can appreciate the attractive figures of other werewolves of the Quileute tribe.

8. Love at first bite.
Vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight. Saga. New Moon did not often appear in the frame with a bare torso, but there were still several moments when the viewer could appreciate his figure.

9. Gorgeous Scot!
Gerard Butler conquered the female half of humanity with his sculpted torso in the movie Law Abiding Citizen.

10. Let's take a closer look.
And this photo is for those who did not have time to see the relief press of Sherlock Holmes, whose role was played by Robert Downey Jr.

11. Consequence of genetic mutations?
Hugh Jackman, playing the role of Logan, nicknamed "Wolverine" in the movie "X-Men" had incredible regeneration capabilities, and besides, if he wanted, three blades of impenetrable adamantium metal were removed from his hands. But not only unique abilities Logan attracted the attention of the audience.

12. Golden boy.
Not only due to the captivating plot of Fool's Gold, but also thanks to the tanned attractive body of the protagonist Benjamin Finnegan (Matthew McConaughey), more than 11 million US dollars in box office receipts were collected.

13. Super spy.
Daniel Craig, who played the role of James Bond in the movie "Casino. Piano ”, with his muscular body excited more than one million women.

14. A body to die for.
Although Jesse Metcalfe in Die John Tucker! played a negative hero, but, despite this, he had no end to the fair sex.

15. Nothing but a thong.
Sacha Baron Cohen is a British comedian best known for his fictional characters, among which there is a Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiev. Borat - main character pseudo-documentary film "Borat: Cultural Studies of America for the Benefit of the Glorious State of Kazakhstan", sometimes surprises viewers with his eccentric antics.

16. Supernacho.
Actor Jack Black dressed as Nacho, the protagonist of the Supernacho movie. According to the plot, Nacho is an orphan monk who dreams of entering the ring. In the end, his dreams come true.

17. Frightening nudity.
Ryan Reynolds, who played the role of George Lutz in the horror film The Amityville Horror.

18. Thriller in Manila.
Will Smith looks amazing as Muhammad Ali in the legendary fight that was dubbed Manila Thriller and Fight of the Year.

19. Killer.
Cold-blooded killer Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale, liked to have his beautiful body always tanned.

20. No shoes? No clothes? No problem!
Brad Pitt plays the role of Tyler Durden in Fight Club.

21. Beautiful in clothes and without it.
Denzel Washington, playing the role of Jake Shuttlesworth in the film "His Game", showed the viewer his biceps in full glory.

22. Handsome Van Damme.
Just look at what great shape Jean-Claude Van Damme is in, playing the role young man studying karate at a martial arts school in No Retreat, No Surrender.

23. Magnificent Republican.
Could Arnold Schwarzenegger back in 1984, when he starred in the movie Conan the Destroyer, think that in a couple of decades he would become the governor of California.

24. On the last breath.
Richard Gere, who plays the thief in the film "Breathless", won many hearts with his beautiful body.

25. Italian stallion.
Sylvester Stallone in 1976 played the role of Rocky Balboa, a boxer named Rocky - "The Italian Stallion".

26. King of rock and roll.
After fans of Elvis Presley saw the bare torso of their idol in the movie Fun in Acapulco, they completely lost their heads.

27. In the Roman style.
Young Marlon Brando as Mark Antony in Julius Caesar.

28. Call of nature.
And this is a shot from the film "Tarzan", filmed in 1932, in leading role Johnny Weissmuller, American swimmer, five-time Olympian.

It is no secret that in modern reality the cult of a healthy body is gaining more and more popularity, and more and more attention is paid to physical form. Every year new trends appear in this regard, and all new phenomena acquire the status of a cult.

A beautiful, well-sculpted torso is one of the most important conditions for good physical shape today. In terms of the amount of effort applied during training, it can only compete with the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which are now no less fashionable to train.

From anatomy lessons

From this point of view, the torso is the upper part of the body, excluding the head and arms. Starting from the neck, it ends at the level of the lower lumbar and is, in fact, the most accurate indicator of a person's complexion.

Another understanding

Nevertheless, in the modern Russian language, the torso is not only actually. Under this definition, it is also customary to understand the variety of sculptures depicting it. Such manifestations of art were most popular during Antiquity, when the cult of a beautiful body was most developed.

Inner and outer beauty

For the ancient Greeks, aesthetics had a very great importance, the beauty of the form was given maximum attention. That is why it has come to this day great amount all kinds of sculptures depicting the human body. The antique torso is one of their most popular varieties.

The point is that for the Greeks outer beauty was equivalent to inner beauty, and, accordingly, the aesthetic properties of not only objects, but also people were of great importance. An ugly face or body was characteristic features bad character and dark mind, with which the features of the image are connected negative characters Ancient mythology.

Male and female options

As a rule, at the mention of the term referred to in this article, a guy's torso appears in the mind, which is not surprising, since such ideas are directly related to the cultural characteristics of the development of mankind.

The same Antiquity was characterized by much greater attention specifically to male appearance, not to mention the fact that in many countries a woman until the 19th century was considered an inanimate object and unworthy of attention.

A man, on the contrary, was supposed to be the embodiment of strength and courage. And accordingly, to have a powerful physique and well-developed muscles (including the upper body).

The question of ideal proportions

Of course, in this respect there is a fair amount of subjectivity, without which one simply cannot do. However, if you look back into the past - you can see certain trends in relation to aesthetic evaluation. After analyzing the features of the sculpture that has come down to our days, we can say that in the times of Antiquity, a relatively dry body with well-developed muscles and precise proportions was considered ideal.

In the Renaissance, which revived the culture of the image human body, the requirements for the aesthetic component in this respect were less stringent. Sculpture and painting of the Renaissance, as a rule, is distinguished by a fairly smooth depiction of the human body, not devoid of a certain percentage of body fat.

If you look at a typical female torso of this era, the fact of preference as models for ladies with a clear overweight. Especially if you compare the forms with fashion today.

Ancient sculpture of modernity

Even though the times ancient greece ended a long time ago, the legacy of this era remains with us to this day. Torso mannequins are a vivid confirmation of this. AT modern world they, however, in addition to the aesthetic function, also have an exclusively practical purpose: correct form best demonstrates the advantages of cut and material.

Another area of ​​application for such devices is martial arts, in which dummies of this type are used to practice strikes.

Ideal today

As mentioned earlier, today the cult of a healthy, beautiful body is gaining more and more popularity. Many of us are ready to spend our days in gyms for the perfect result. And what does he actually represent?

If we analyze the photos of the torso that occupy the first positions in the network, we can distinguish two main trends: a large number of muscle mass and striving for very distinct forms. Of course, this rule applies more to a man, because for the fair sex, a tightened stomach with barely traced cubes of the abdominal region is much more necessary today.

In the case of men, the muscles of the torso should be expressed as well as possible. This is especially true of the muscles of the thoracic and abdominal regions, the development of which is given maximum attention today.

Mistakes in training programs

As a rule, when it comes to the development of the muscles of the upper body, all kinds of pull-ups, push-ups and twists most often come to mind, called as if by a wave magic wand get rid of excess fat deposits and designate a distinct relief. A person who is far from the world of bodybuilding and proper training most often starts with just such a program and, quite naturally, does not get the proper result.

For the correct, organic development of the muscles of the upper body, an integrated approach is required, including several varieties of dumbbell and barbell presses and high-quality exercise using a block simulator and bars.

Equally important in this respect is the system for performing these exercises: their selection, combination, and the number of repetitions and approaches during execution. In fact, the same variant of effort, depending on the conditions, can be used both for building muscle mass and for the drying process. The key role in this regard is played by the number of repetitions and the speed of performing a particular exercise.

0 August 24, 2012, 17:50

Summer is coming to an end, but we can always dream about vacations, hot countries and stately beauties on the beaches. For inspiration - a selection of the best "hot" torsos from your favorite actors. Topless, of course!

After the film "Fellow Travelers" turned the head of more than one girl, and how to look away from such a torso! What can I say if she herself at one time could not resist this body!

Film "From wide eyes closed"abounded explicit scenes, so he often appeared naked in the frame. To the delight of numerous admirers of talent, eyes and torso of the actor.

Now, of course, not as pumped up as in the movie "I am a legend", but this does not prevent us from remembering those times and admiring the actor's impressive biceps.

James Bond must be good everywhere: driving, on a dangerous mission, in a bar and even on the beach. in the movie "Casino Royale" coped with this task perfectly well.

Most of the film "Troy" the hero Achilles was in armor, but, fortunately for the fans of the actor, there were explicit scenes in the picture.

Young and Matt Davis in "Tigerland" they played the difficult roles of soldiers studying in a military camp before being sent to Vietnam. But many girls remembered the naked bodies of the actors much more than their dialogues.

looking for a hero Paul Walker in the movie "Welcome to Paradise", the heroine who exchanged for him normal life on "heaven in a hut", it was easy to understand: this body was worth it!

However, the film was generally rich in male nudity, because the action in it develops mainly on the beach. Here in this form there, for example, flaunted a hero Scott Caan.

The star of the series "Gossip Girl" became the subject of girls' dreams for a reason. Even in the film "Stepfather", the actor showed everything that nature and long workouts in the gym rewarded him with.

Here, in the film "Good Will Hunting" is still very young, but how romantic! This one cross, touchingly swaying on a bare chest, is worth something.

Another young man with a burning gaze in our selection - Josh Hartnett. In the film "Virgin Suicides" his hero, albeit indirectly, causes the death of a girl. An excellent choice of actor for the role of the first guy in the village!

About Indiana Jones Harrison Ford dreamed of by millions of women, especially after the film "What Lies Behind". Here, the actor's hero is not at all young, but many spectators would not refuse to be in the place of Michelle Pfeiffer. What a look, what a hand!

This man only gets prettier over the years, and therefore he is not at all embarrassed to undress in films. In "Solaris" he won our hearts and the heart of the heroine Olivia Wilde.

The main advantages, many are sure, are his boundless charm and sense of humor. But we know that the actor has something to brag about. Which he did in Sherlock Holmes.

An actor of great dramatic talent, but this does not prevent us from evaluating not only his game, but also his form - in the film "The Talented Miser Ripley" he convincingly proved that he has it. And what a smile!

Heroes are equally good at breaking both girlish and men's hearts. In the movie "Tristan and Isolde" it becomes clear why.

And who inspires you? We are waiting for your comments and preparing the second part of the review!

A photo film stills

1. Like God.
Chris Hemsworth in the movie "Thor" plays the role of Norse - God sent to Earth. Maybe he's just not used to wearing earthly clothes.

2. Hunter for predators.
Adrien Brody, winner of the Oscar for Best Actor, played his role flawlessly in Predators. Taking an example from Arnold Schwarzenegger, for the purpose of disguise, he smeared his body with mud so as not to be noticed by vigilant predators.

3. Prince Percy.
The attractive figure of Jake Gyllenhaal added "heat" to the already hot desert where the film took place.

4. "Handsome" Peck
Bradley Cooper on the set of the film "A-Team", plays the role of special forces Templeton, nicknamed "Handsome" Peck. He really lives up to his name.

5. Admire Mark.
Mark Wahlberg, who plays the role of Holbrook Grant, a la James Bond-style hero in the film Mad Date, was not at all averse to exposing his torso, according to the script.

6. Beautiful werewolf.
Taylor Lautner, who played the role of Jacob Black in the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon”, demonstrates his inflated muscles, opponents will have to reckon with such a wolf - a werewolf.

7. A pack of werewolves.
In the movie Twilight. Saga. New Moon ”we see not only the bare torso of Jacob, the viewer can appreciate the attractive figures of other werewolves of the Quileute tribe.

8. Love at first bite.
Vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight. Saga. New Moon did not often appear in the frame with a bare torso, but there were still several moments when the viewer could appreciate his figure.

9. Gorgeous Scot!
Gerard Butler conquered the female half of humanity with his sculpted torso in the movie Law Abiding Citizen.

10. Let's take a closer look.
And this photo is for those who did not have time to see the relief press of Sherlock Holmes, whose role was played by Robert Downey Jr.

11. Consequence of genetic mutations?
Hugh Jackman, playing the role of Logan, nicknamed "Wolverine" in the movie "X-Men" had incredible regeneration capabilities, and besides, if he wanted, three blades of impenetrable adamantium metal were removed from his hands. But not only the unique abilities of Logan attracted the attention of the audience.

12. Golden boy.
Not only due to the captivating plot of Fool's Gold, but also thanks to the tanned attractive body of the protagonist Benjamin Finnegan (Matthew McConaughey), more than 11 million US dollars in box office receipts were collected.

13. Super spy.
Daniel Craig, who played the role of James Bond in the movie "Casino. Piano ”, with his muscular body excited more than one million women.

14. A body to die for.
Although Jesse Metcalfe in Die John Tucker! played a negative hero, but, despite this, he had no end to the fair sex.

15. Nothing but a thong.
Sacha Baron Cohen is a British comedian best known for his fictional characters, which include Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiev. Borat, the protagonist of the pseudo-documentary Borat: Cultural Studies of America for the Benefit of the Glorious State of Kazakhstan, sometimes surprises viewers with his eccentric antics.

16. Supernacho.
Actor Jack Black dressed as Nacho, the protagonist of the Supernacho movie. According to the plot, Nacho is an orphan monk who dreams of entering the ring. In the end, his dreams come true.

17. Frightening nudity.
Ryan Reynolds, who played the role of George Lutz in the horror film The Amityville Horror.

18. Thriller in Manila.
Will Smith looks amazing as Muhammad Ali in the legendary fight that was dubbed Manila Thriller and Fight of the Year.

19. Killer.
Cold-blooded killer Patrick Bateman, played by Christian Bale, liked to have his beautiful body always tanned.

20. No shoes? No clothes? No problem!
Brad Pitt plays the role of Tyler Durden in Fight Club.

21. Beautiful in clothes and without it.
Denzel Washington, playing the role of Jake Shuttlesworth in the film "His Game", showed the viewer his biceps in full glory.

22. Handsome Van Damme.
Just look at what great shape Jean-Claude Van Damme is in, playing the role of a young man studying karate at a martial arts school in the film No Retreat, No Surrender.

23. Magnificent Republican.
Could Arnold Schwarzenegger back in 1984, when he starred in the movie Conan the Destroyer, think that in a couple of decades he would become the governor of California.

24. On the last breath.
Richard Gere, who plays the thief in the film "Breathless", won many hearts with his beautiful body.

25. Italian stallion.
Sylvester Stallone in 1976 played the role of Rocky Balboa, a boxer named Rocky - "The Italian Stallion".

26. King of rock and roll.
After fans of Elvis Presley saw the bare torso of their idol in the movie Fun in Acapulco, they completely lost their heads.

27. In the Roman style.
Young Marlon Brando as Mark Antony in Julius Caesar.

28. Call of nature.
And this is a shot from the film "Tarzan", filmed in 1932, starring Johnny Weissmuller, an American swimmer, five-time Olympic champion.

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