How many years Malakhov was the leader. Celebrity biography - Andrey Malakhov

Celebrity biography - Andrey Malakhov

A famous Russian showman, whose TV presenter is known throughout the country and far beyond its borders.


Andrey was born on January 11, 1972 in the Murmansk region, the city of Apatity. Andryusha was long-awaited and late baby. He appeared in the family when my mother was already over 30 years old. My father worked as a geophysicist, studied the untold mineral wealth of the Kola Peninsula. Mom worked as a kindergarten teacher. Then she became the head of one of the kindergartens in the city, received the title of Honored Teacher of Russia.

Andrew inherited from his father appearance and manners of communication, politeness and delicacy, which are calling card leader. Mom invested in her son all her worldly wisdom and pedagogical knowledge. The image of the mother became for the already adult Andrei Malakhov a symbol of femininity.

Andrei studied very well at school and graduated with a silver medal. In parallel with studying at school, there were visits music lessons. But playing the violin did not give the boy much pleasure, so open lessons he was always set to perform first, so as not to disappoint the viewer. Andrey's classmate was now the famous DJ Grove Zhenya Rudin.

Baby photos of little Andryusha

A little later, Malakhov began to be trusted with the role of the host, because. he was much better at it than playing music. pride young man was satisfied, because before the concerts they hung posters on which his name appeared. Having learned the taste of fame, the young man began to dream of a stage and a standing ovation. Therefore, it was decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

Carier start

Student years were interesting and full of many events. Malakhov's course was lucky, students were sent to internships in the United States. The internship took place at the University of Michigan, all students had a scholarship and housing in a local hostel, but for the summer the students lost their scholarships and had to pay for housing themselves. The case helped the young man, the dean of the faculty sheltered him and allowed him to live in his house, helping with the housework in the absence of a family. The young man had to feed pets and water flowers, the work is not difficult and involves free time in in large numbers. This allowed Andrei to get another job at a hotel.

They say that when luck knocks at your house, you need to open the door for it and hear this knock in time. Luck came into the life of a young man, he was hired at a Detroit television studio. It was real luck. An excellent salary solved financial issues, while the young man raised his professional level. Returning to Russia, the experience gained abroad helped me find my place in life. In 1992, Andrei began preparing a script for Sergei Alekseev. The first work on television brought disappointment. A representative from Ostankino invited the most intelligent guys to do an internship. Andrey was selected from among others, but the conditions that were set for them soon led him to disappointment. In just one night, it was necessary to translate news from of English language. Many applicants dropped out immediately. Andrei made the translation, handed it over and decided that he no longer works with television. But apparently it was fate, since it was Andrei's translation that he liked the most, they found him and made a profitable business offer.

The first talk show with Malakhov - "The Big Wash"

So, work began on television in various television programs, all of them were a great success with the viewer, and Andrei Malakhov became a recognizable person throughout the country. A young, handsome, intelligent, resourceful and unmarried young man became an enviable bachelor and the idol of millions of girls. Andrei worked in such programs as " Good morning”,“ Big Wash ”, and since 2004 he has become the permanent host of the hit parade“ Golden Gramophone ”. In 2006 he was awarded "For Services to the Fatherland". In 2009, he worked as a host at Eurovision with such pop stars as Alsou and Natalia Vodianova. Having gained mega-popularity and won fame, Andrey did not forget about his hometown. Not without the participation of capital investments in the form of Malakhov's donations, a temple was erected in Apatity.

Personal life

For many years, Andrei bore the title of one of the country's most enviable suitors. But his heart was also busy. In 2011, Andrei married Natalya Shkuleva, before that their relationship lasted 2 years. Natalia is the daughter of the director of the Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev publishing house. Malakhov also works there as editor-in-chief. wedding ceremony took place in Paris - the city of lovers, in the Palace of Versailles.

Andrei Malakhov's childhood passed in Apatity. His father was a geophysicist who studied the fossils of the Kola Peninsula. Mom is a caregiver kindergarten. She continues to work with visually impaired children today.

Andrey graduated music school violin class. However, later he admitted that even then he liked to conduct concerts more than to perform himself.

Malakhov graduated from school with a silver medal and at the age of 16 went to conquer Moscow. On the first attempt, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. He studied well: he trained for a year and a half at the University of Michigan (USA), had an internship in the culture department of the Moscow News newspaper, was the author and host of the Style program on Radio Maximum. In 1995, Andrey Malakhov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism with honors.


Since 1992 Andrey Malakhov has been working on television. He started with plots for the program "Sunday with Sergey Alekseev" on ORT, then he was the editor of the "Morning" program.

In 1996, he became the host of the Good Morning program.

In 2001, Andrei Malakhov began hosting the Big Wash talk show. Hot topics were discussed in the studio: family conflicts, adultery, divorces, private life stars. Nothing like on domestic television hasn't happened yet.

In 2004, the program changed its name to "Five Evenings" and began to cover more serious topics. A year later, there was another change in format - since then the show has become known as "Let them talk."

Since 2012, the Saturday talk show "Tonight with Andrei Malakhov" has been on the air.

Among the projects of the TV presenter are the programs "Flea Market", "Lie Detector", "Malakhov + Malakhov" and many others. He also hosted the television version of the Golden Gramophone hit parade and the Eurovision semi-final in Moscow.

In the summer of 2017, it became known that Andrey Malakhov was switching to the Rossiya TV channel. He will become the producer and host of the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live". “This is the same Andrey Malakhov in the frame that everyone is used to, just with more freedom of action, a greater understanding of what the viewer needs,” he said in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine.


  • 2005 and 2009 - TEFI award in the nomination "Leading entertainment program"
  • 2006 - Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree - for a great contribution to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful activity
  • 2017 - gold medal named after Lev Nikolaev
  • 2018 - TEFI award in the nomination "Best presenter entertainment show in prime time" for the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live" .



In 2007, Andrey Malakhov became the chief editor of StarHit magazine. Today it is one of the most popular publications about the life of stars.


A well-known TV presenter is often invited to play the role of himself. He has already appeared in several high-profile projects.

  • Kitchen: The Last Stand (2017)
  • Voronins (2015), TV series
  • Exchange wedding (2001)
  • One for All (2010), TV series
  • father's daughters(2009), TV series
  • Happy together (2007), TV series
  • Indigo (2007)
  • Zero Kilometer (2007)


In 2011, Andrey Malakhov married Natalya Shkuleva, publisher of Elle magazine. In the summer of 2017, the couple announced they were expecting their first child.

  • After the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Andrey Malakhov graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State humanitarian university(RGGU);
  • TV presenter - Godfather Alla Victoria and Martin, children of Philip Kirkorov;
  • Studying in his spare time French;
  • Andrey Malakhov is one of the most sports TV presenters. He is always in great shape and even received the title of "Mr. Fitness".

Adapted from,,,,

One of the most media personalities today is Andrey Malakhov, so his biography, personal life, wife and children are of interest to the townsfolk. Details are trying to find out both his fans and enemies. This is not surprising, because too many secrets are concentrated around this public figure.

The star hosts programs in which people talk about themselves. The information is sometimes very revealing. The presenter himself in the interview tries not to answer questions regarding his personal life. Despite this, some details have become available to the press.


Considering the question of what kind of person Andrei Malakhov is, you must first find out what his biography is, and then shed light on issues - personal life, wife, children.

The showman was born on September 11, 1972. Place of birth - the city of Apatity, Murmansk region. Andryusha's father is a geophysicist by profession. In particular, he was engaged in the study of fossil rocks. Mom worked in a kindergarten as a teacher.

Andrew was given a good upbringing. Thanks to his mother, or rather those theatrical scenes that were often learned in kindergarten, he fell in love with the stage. He liked the action taking place in an impromptu theater, and often he himself was an active participant in productions. Dad, in turn, brought up in the child willpower, masculinity and delicacy in relation to others.

Andrei was enrolled in the same class as Evgeny Rudin. Now he is better known under the pseudonym DJ Groove.

Already from the school bench, Andrey's career began, because he was an indispensable leader at all events. Even then, he decided on the choice of profession and did not refuse it for a minute. His active public life didn't interfere with my studies. For good performance, he received a silver medal.

Andrei attended not only general education, but also a music school. He mastered the violin. However, much success in the game on this musical instrument he didn't get it. His game was not perfect, so he was not put in the orchestra for performances in concerts, but was appointed leader. The name of Andrei Malakhov then first appeared on the posters, which he was incredibly happy about, according to the showman himself.

A. Malakhov: famous TV presenter

Malakhov tries to achieve the perfect result in everything. This is evidenced by the highest marks in all subjects, thanks to which he received a red diploma in 1995. He studied at the Faculty of Journalism. With the choice of profession, he did not doubt for a minute, because from childhood he made a decision for himself who he wants to become. He received his first education at Moscow State University. In addition, Andrei graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Andrey Malakhov trained in the USA, and his biography will be incomplete without mentioning this fact, and issues such as personal life, wife and children will be discussed below. He received experience at the University of Michigan.

In those years, Andrei had not only to train, but also to work hard in order to somehow “make ends meet”. Andrei was provided with free housing only for study time, that is, only during the semester. When the holidays came, it became necessary to pay for the rent of a room in a hostel on their own.

Andrei was lucky, and he was invited to live by the dean of the faculty of journalism, while he was with his family in Miami. He knew about the deplorable financial situation student, and therefore made him such an offer. In return for this, Andrey looked after the plants on the territory of the cottage.

Andrey was also responsible for feeding the cat. At the same time, he worked in a hotel, selling newspapers and magazines three times a week. This brought Andrey an income of $ 5 per hour. When it came summer vacation, he was sent to Detroit to the Paramount Pictures TV studio. Here he was paid a fee, thanks to which Andrei got the opportunity to rent an apartment and improve his skills.

After 1.5 years of internship, Andrey received an invitation to the position of host in the show "Style". He had to work on the radio Maximum. From this began his dizzying career.

Malakhov was the host in the show "Style"

Since 2001, Malakhov began working on the Konstantin Ernst channel. He has his own show called The Big Wash. Andrei immediately fell in love with the public and established himself as a highly qualified, cheerful and tactful journalist. These qualities were appreciated not only by fans of the star, but also by television specialists. In 2004, Malakhov was offered the position of host of several more programs - Golden Gramophone and 5 Evenings.

Andrey Malakhov was the host in the Big Wash program

Further, his career develops rapidly. He already hosts several shows on Channel One - this is Malakhov + Malakhov with a namesake named Gennady, which covers issues of traditional medicine; “Let them talk”, where Andrei single-handedly broadcasts and “TV Star + Superstar”, where Anna Sedokova is his stage partner. Later, the arsenal of his show expanded. Andrey became the host of a number of other shows, which immediately became very popular.

Malakhov - host of the program "Let them talk"

Andrey Malakhov leads an active lifestyle. He visits the gym to keep in good shape, thanks to which he was a multiple member of the Russian national team in the international show "Big Races".

The year 2006 was really difficult for the showman. Then three misfortunes occurred - these are:

  • the loss of a father;
  • grandmother's death
  • the loss of a grandfather.

Despite this, the presenter continued to delight his viewers, not refusing to participate in the programs, which indicates a high level of professionalism of the showman.

In the same difficult year of 2006, Andrey received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. He was awarded this award for his great journalistic contribution to the development of domestic television broadcasting.

In 2009 Andrey was invited to host Eurovision. He agreed to this proposal and Alsu was his co-host for the first part of the show, and Natalya Vodianova helped him to lead the second.

Andrey Malakhov was the host of Eurovision

In 2012, and then in 2013, Andrei became the godfather for the children of Philip Kirkorov - Anna Victoria and Martin.

Recently, there have been changes in the showman's life. Andrey Malakhov, whose biography is known to the public, left the team of Konstantin Ernst in 2017. His personal life (wife and children) remains a mystery to many. Now the star works on Channel Two. He was appointed to the post of host of the program "Live".

Malakhov moved to work on the channel "Russia 2"

Andrey's predecessor switched to orthodox channel Saved. In addition, the showman is engaged in many other projects. In addition, he realized himself as a teacher. He teaches a course on the basics of journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

During his work in the team of Konstantin Ernst, Andrey was awarded 553 prizes. It is still unclear why the presenter switched to another channel. Any comments on this occasion refuses to give both one and the other side. Possible cause this is called a conflict with the new producer of the show "Let them talk."

Andrey Malakhov realized himself not only as a talented presenter. He also dabbled in an art called cinema. Let his roles be episodic, but even in them one can consider the showman's talent. He was also a member of the KVN program. Here he made a short speech as part of one of the teams, which caused laughter and applause from the audience.

Andrey Malakhov wrote two novels. In 2006, his first book, entitled "My Favorite Blondes", was published. In it, the author talks about television and what morals reign in the Ostankino studios. The release of the second book dates back to 2009. Its name is "My other half." Here's how to be successful.

Such is Andrey Malakhov, his biography is fully disclosed, it's time to pay attention to such important issues as personal life, wife and children.

Personal life

For a long time, the personal life of Andrei Malakhov remained a mystery to the public. His fans speculated about whether he had a wife and children and could not find information about this anywhere. He did not share on the air details about his personal life. None of the fans knew about his lovers or plans for the future.

Malakhov with his wife

There is a version that Andrei had a lover, and he even planned to marry her. However, the groom's mother prevented the wedding. She categorically refused to accept her future daughter-in-law into the family. Andrey values ​​​​the opinion of his mother, so he broke off the engagement. However, these rumors were not confirmed by the host.

In 2011, the host's fans learned great news - their idol is no longer " tidbit" for free women because he stopped being a bachelor. He married Natalya Shkuleva, who is the daughter of HFS. The lovers met in 2009. It happened at work. Then Andrei worked as an editor for Starhit, and Natalya was the publisher of the Russian version of the world-famous Elle magazine.

The wife is 8 years younger than her husband. whole year the couple was in an unofficial marriage, after which Andrei presented his beloved with a diamond ring, offering at the same time to get rid of a single life and marry. She was appointed for 2011. It was supposed to take place in July. However, rumors about this in an incomprehensible way to the press, so the wedding was urgently postponed to the month of June.

To celebrate the celebration, the couple rented the Palace of Versailles. The time and date of the wedding was known only to the closest people of the young. According to information leaked to the press, 150,000 euros were spent on the banquet. The newlyweds spent their first night as spouses in Paris in one of the hotels, the name of which the lovers have not yet announced.

Andrey Malakhov, whose biography is discussed above, does not like to give information on issues - personal life, wife, children, and only rare photos appear on the web from time to time.

Spouses on this moment do not lead life together. However, this does not mean that the lovers are preparing for a divorce. They simply chose the form of such relations as a guest marriage, i.e. each of them lives in his own apartment and meet only on special occasions or when the lovers have free time. However, there is an opinion that this marriage is fictitious. The version that Andrei Malakhov has an unconventional sexual orientation, arose a long time ago and such a marriage only strengthened it. Now that opinion has been shattered after the couple announced their imminent addition in the family.

On August 7, 2017, Andrey Malakhov and his wife made a statement about Natalia's pregnancy. Now the couple is preparing for a new role for themselves as parents, since neither she nor he had children before marriage.

There were real misfortunes in Andrey's life. The star's cousin died in a traffic accident. Only a miracle helped his aunt, who was also in the car at the time of the misfortune, to stay alive.

Andrei Malakhov, whose biography has long been known, his personal life is also no longer a secret - he has a wife, and children will appear in the near future, he does not hide that he has no rights and loves to use the subway. Here are a few more interesting facts from the life of this presenter:

  • doing fitness;
  • prefers to shop in simple stores;
  • does not differ in punctuality and is late for any, even the most important event;
  • appointed chief of the entrance in the house where the leader's apartment is located;
  • Do you have a Yorkie dog?
  • collects stamps on the theme of the holiday New Year, as well as singles by Nina Simone;
  • made a contribution to the fund of the church, with this money a temple was erected in his hometown;
  • created a greenhouse of flowers on the balcony, which he learned during his stay in the United States of America;
  • the first meeting with his wife happened in the colony.

If we talk about the presenter named Andrey Malakhov, then the information provided by Wikipedia is sometimes incomplete, because there are dry facts, and fans are much more interested in personal life, wife, children than his career. However, the townsfolk also want to know what kind of person he is and how he achieved this high level. Therefore, not only information about the personal life of Andrei Malakhov was given above, but also his biography.

In the countries of the former USSR, there are almost no people who would not know about the show “Let them talk” and its host Andrei Malakhov. Every time you watch a TV show, attention moves away from the problem under discussion and concentrates on Malakhov himself. In the subconscious, the question arises: “How old is he? And why does he look younger every year?

The real age of Andrei Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov was born on February 11, 1972. This means that the popular presenter turned 45 in 2017. Already at this age, Andrei boasts a rich life history.

He was born in the city of Apatity in the family of a teacher and a geophysicist. Andrei's mother possessed irrepressible energy, which she laid in her son. From his father, Andrei inherited manners and self-esteem.

Energy did not allow Malakhov to sit still in his city, and after graduating from school he enters Moscow State University. Already in the second year, Andrei is noticed and offered to write stories for the television program "Sunday with Sergey Alekseev." After a while, he goes to Michigan for an internship with a $200 scholarship. However, in the summer the scholarship is not paid, and Malakhov finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. But fortune smiled at Malakhov: the dean offers to live in his mansion on the condition that Andrei will feed the cat and water the flowers. After completing the internship, Malakhov goes to Moscow, where he combines work on television with work in a magazine.

Age of Malakhov's wife

Malakhov begins working in the StarHit magazine with publishing house"Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev", where he meets his chosen one Natalya Shkuleva. Natalya was born on May 31, 1980, she is 8 years younger than Andrei.

Natalia was born into a family that is very closely connected with the media business. Natalia's father is a journalist, president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing. Mother is an HR director in her husband's company.

Natalya herself supports family business and is the publisher of Elle magazine.

The wedding of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in the fall of 2011 in Paris. Only the closest people were invited to the wedding. However, since 2011 married couple so there was no offspring. Someone is trying to see Natalia's belly, and someone grins evilly and talks about the unconventional orientation of Andrei Malakhov, because the husband and wife do not live together, but only sometimes visit each other.

The married couple, in turn, made a statement that no replenishment is expected yet, but as soon as Natalya is in interesting position the public will know about it.

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Personal life of TV presenter Andrey Malakhov (Andrey Malakhov) today - be the first to know

Learn all about Andrey Malakhov now: Name: Andrey Malakhov Date of birth: January 11, 1972 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Place of birth: Apatity, Murmansk region Profession: Lecturer in journalism courses at the Russian State University for the Humanities , Chief Editor magazine, TV presenter and showman, presenter of the programs of the studio of special projects of the First Channel OJSC, journalist, showman, actor, writer, radio host.Andrey Malakhov on Twitter:

What is the height and weight of Andrey Malakhov?

Weight: 79 kg Height: 183 cm

W screen stars: Russian TV presenter Andrey Malakhov photo look

Presenter Andrey Malakhov practically does not leave the screen, presenting his projects to the attention of viewers. In addition, he has to lead numerous parties and ceremonies, where he is invited by politicians and representatives of show business. Such an active professional activity leads to the fact that the personal life of Andrei Malakhov is arranged very difficult. He loves to travel, he has enough money for this, but absolutely not enough time. Even with friends, for the same reason, he is seen very rarely. However, Andrey always finds time to visit gym, because it allows him to be in shape and cope with the incredible pressures that his career brings him.

Do you know what pFull name - Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov.
He entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and graduated with honors in 1995.
Graduated from school with a silver medal.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov and Elena Korikova

From his personal life, Andrey Malakhov tries to exclude secular parties, which he does not like at all. As for women, according to numerous observations, the presenter likes blondes. For two whole years he was engaged to Margarita Buryak. Andrei had an excellent relationship with her children, but life in this case played a destructive role, and they parted. great place in his personal life, Andrei Malakhov was occupied with relations with actress Elena Korikova, he was even going to propose to her, for which he bought a ring, but the capricious beauty did not want to formalize their relationship.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov with Marina Kuzmina

For several years, the presenter lived in a civil marriage with Marina Kuzmina, a successful business woman. Relations developed excellently, despite the difference in age - Marina was eight years older than Andrei. Malakhov did not spare anything for his beloved woman - neither expensive collectibles, nor other luxurious gifts. Despite passion and strong feelings, they quarreled very often and, in the end, completely parted. Andrey Malakhov generally believes that Kuzmina simply used him for her own promotion, because after her relationship with him, her name began to appear frequently in the press, they began to recognize her. Another woman who entered the personal life of Andrei Malakhov became the stewardess Alla Ruga whom he met on board the plane. But this relationship did not last long due to the constant absence of Alla, who could not pay enough attention to Andrei. In addition, Malakhov was credited with an affair with Anna Sedokova. To end the status of an inveterate bachelor helped Andrei Malakhov marriage to Natalya Shkuleva, daughter of the director of the publishing house Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev / InterMediaGroup.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva

The wedding was played in June 2011 - a month earlier than planned. The dates are said to have been changed after there was media hype about the upcoming celebration. Therefore, they signed in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy and the lovers did not invite star guests to the wedding. Andrei Malakhov and his wife The wedding was played in a family circle in the Palace of Versailles, renting one of the halls of which costs at least 150 thousand euros.And the honeymoon night of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Le Meurice in Paris, one of the most expensive hotels in the world.By the way, the couple met at work.They first appeared together at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.

Andrey Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva - photo

It includes the StarHit magazine, led by editor-in-chief Andrey Malakhov. However, by latest information, Andrew in recent times very often they see one, and rumors appeared in the press about his divorce from his wife, who, as they say, has already found a replacement for him - the publisher of Yachts magazine Sergei Rybakov.

Personal life of TV presenter Andrey Malakhov(Andrey Malakhov) today - be the first to know


Family of Andrey Malakhov
Father Nikolai Dmitrievich Malakhov (1947 - March 22, 2006) was a geophysicist, he was sent to Apatity to study the fossils of the Kola Peninsula.
Mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malakhova was a kindergarten teacher, then head.
Since June 2011, he has been married to Natalya Shkuleva (born May 31, 1980), publisher of the ELLE magazine group, with whom he celebrated his wedding at the Palace of Versailles in Paris.
The godfather of Alla Victoria (since April 8, 2011) and Martin (since June 9, 2012) are the children of Philip Kirkorov.

Hobby Andrey Malakhov (Interesting facts)
Malakhov collects stamps. And not all, but only New Year theme. This passion came in the fourth grade. Now the TV presenter has about 300 stamps in his collection. Among them are all Soviet and American for 1972. However, Andrey does not go and run around special clubs in search of the copies he likes. From time to time, he just goes to a philatelic store. Andrey Malakhov grows flowers at home. This passion came while studying at the University of Michigan.
Andrei collects audio recordings of the singer Nina Simone and loves to go to the gym.

Films with Andrey Malakhov - Wikipedia

Filmography - film roles
2007 - Zero kilometer
2007 - Indigo
2007 - Happy together
2009 - Daddy's daughters
2010 - One for all
2011 - Exchange wedding
In 2008, he starred in Anna Sedokova's video "Get Used" on YouTube.
He starred in the video of Natasha Koroleva "Lilac Paradise"

Awards and prizes
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree (November 27, 2006) - for a great contribution to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful activity

Andrey Malakhov on TV (Television)
Since 1992, he has been making stories for the program "Sunday with Sergey Alekseev" (Channel One Ostankino), voiced and wrote author's texts for the "Weather on the Planet" section.

Since 1995 - editor of the international information program "Morning", author and presenter of the column "Style".

From 1996 to 2001, he was a special correspondent and host of the Good Morning program (ORT).

From July 23, 2001 to July 2, 2004 - host of the Big Wash program (ORT / Channel One).

From February 2004 to June 2007, he was the host of the Golden Gramophone music hit parade (ORT / Channel One) (later this program received a different name, Major League and lasted until 2007).

From September 13, 2004 to July 29, 2005 - talk show host Channel One "Five Evenings".

From April 10 to May 19, 2006 - co-host of the TV show about traditional medicine"Malakhov + Malakhov".

In September 2007 he was the host of the second competition day festival "Five Stars" together with the singer and TV presenter Anna Sedokova.

In 2008 he was invited to the jury major league KVN.

From 2005 to 2007 he was the host of the Golden Gramophone program on Russian Radio.

In 2008, together with Anna Sedokova, he hosted a show on the Ukrainian television "Telestar-Superstar" (TV channel "Ukraine").

In 2008, he participated in the second season of the television project of the First Channel "Two Stars" in tandem with singer Masha Rasputina.

At the end of 2008, he filmed a New Year's program with People's Artist USSR Lyudmila Zykina - "Lyudmila Zykina: drinking songs from the main one" as part of the talk show "Let them talk."

In 2009, he was co-host of the Eurovision semi-final in Moscow, paired with fashion model Natalya Vodyanova, and also co-host at the Eurovision opening ceremony, paired with singer Alsu.

Columnist for the Infomania program on STS.

From July 24, 2010 to March 19, 2011 he was the host of the Lie Detector TV show.

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