The most spectacular tricks of David Copperfield.

On September 16, one of the most popular and charismatic magicians in the world, David Copperfield, celebrates his birthday. He captivated the audience with his magic shows, in which he presented the most difficult and very spectacular tricks.

We decided to remember and show the most spectacular tricks Copperfield.

Fall from Niagara Falls

David Copperfield dared to conquer the world's largest waterfall - Niagara Falls. Many magicians did this, but, of course, David did the trick in his own way: he was tied to a board suspended on chains on a special raft, and closed on top with an iron box. For entertainment, the raft was also set on fire.

In order not to die in the waterfall, he had only one minute - of course, he used his time as he needed.

Passage through the Great Wall of China

Succumbed to the magic of Copperfield and the famous historical monument- The great Wall of China. Of course, even here they could not do without special designs and boxes closed with a translucent canvas.

The device detected the magician's pulse rate, which made it possible to monitor his movements. And soon he effectively stepped inside the wall and appeared no less effectively from the other side.

Disappearance of the Statue of Liberty

The trick with the disappearance of one of the largest statues in the world and the symbol of New York also became one of the most famous of all Copperfield's tricks. Two towers were placed in front of the statue, and a veil was stretched over them. The veil completely enveloped the statue, and when it suddenly fell, the monument was not in its place. Lights lit up the void. However, after the second lifting of the cover, the statue was again in its place.

The Mystery of the Orient Express

The Orient Express is a luxury train that ran between Paris and Istanbul in the 19th century. This luxurious composition often became the setting for novels and detective stories and was shrouded in secrets and mysteries. David Copperfield made one of the express cars disappear, and before that, with the help of a trick with cards, the viewers themselves chose the car that would disappear - or rather, David tried to guess their choice.

Everything that a person cannot explain or understand causes genuine interest and surprise. Famous sorcerers and magicians have been keeping the intrigue for decades, not revealing to the audience the secrets of the most amazing tricks.

Modern magicians

For many centuries, representatives of this kind of activity do not cease to excite the public with their crazy performances. Today, illusionists give unforgettable emotions at their performances and shows.

David Copperfield

Of course, this is the most famous and talented illusionist, hypnotist of our time. The most amazing magic tricks and productions of David's team are such multi-scale illusions as:

  • the disappearance of the plane, the Statue of Liberty and the carriage of the Orient Express train;
  • travel to the Bermuda Triangle;
  • flight through the Grand Canyon;
  • passing through the Great Wall of China;
  • escape from Alcatraz prison;
  • fall from Niagara Falls;
  • fire survival;
  • "saw of death";
  • release from the straitjacket.

The Saw of Death is a performance with a huge circular saw blade, 2m in diameter, set at a height of 5m. The magician is placed face down in a box on a table, where his head, arms and legs are fixed with fasteners. David has a hairpin to open locks and only 1 minute to free himself. Naturally, the allotted time is not enough, and the saw splits the illusionist's torso in half at the waist. After that, the assistants push the 2 parts of the table into different sides, for some time they move them around the stage so that the audience in the hall can see all the designs. Both halves of Copperfield's body all this time demonstrate a variety of movements. Later, the assistants put the parts of the table together, at the same time the saw is turned on, and the hypnotist rises from the box without any damage.

Experts believe that the secret lies in the presence of recesses in the table, in which the assistant first lies down in such a way that the legs protrude outward. David himself lies down later, also in a certain position, leaving his torso on top. All this happens behind the walls of the box on the table. After "sawing", the viewer is shown the result - 2 halves of the body. Later, the table is connected, the walls of the box are raised, because David and his assistant have only a few seconds to quickly change the position of the body. At first glance, the table appears thin enough, but the team always uses mirrors during their performances to help hide the real structure. Considering that viewers are strictly forbidden to use magnifying equipment and lenses during the show, this version of the exposure is quite likely.

Today, there are many varieties, such as sawing a lying woman or splitting a person who is standing in a closet into parts (2 participants are involved in this trick or fake body parts are used), but no one has yet succeeded in repeating David's production.

This illusionist from the United States is known for his street performances, which quickly became popular with residents of many cities. Engaged in magic from a young age, most allots his time to grueling body and endurance training, which gave him the opportunity to become the author of many extreme tricks:

  1. Burial alive in a plastic container for 7 days.
  2. Freezing in an ice block for 64 hours.
  3. Breath holding - 17 m 4 s (world record).
  4. Stay in a box without food over the river Thames - 44 days.
  5. "Drowned" - a week in a spherical aquarium.
  6. "Vertigo" - I was able to stand without the use of insurance for 36 hours on a column 22 m high.

This list goes on and on, as the man never ceases to impress the public with amazing tricks, which is confirmed by the appearance of a new video on the network. David also continues to practice other things that prove that there is no limit to human capabilities.

One of the most amazing tricks in the world is the transformation of American banknotes. At one point, Blaine manages to turn 5 one-dollar bills into the same amount of 100 dollars. The magician happily distributed money to people affected by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The experts could not come to a consensus regarding the exposure.

Some visitors to the mall found it hard to watch such an amazing trick as removing his front teeth. Passing by a young girl, the master of illusion removed several teeth from her mouth with his hands. Later, after some manipulations, he managed to return them to their place, after which the American was in a state of shock for a long time. The most popular version of this show's secret reveal is a fake girl-actor and a completely staged action.

David's arm piercing trick may seem shocking to many. With a long sharp needle, the magician pierces his biceps through and through, and later offers the audience to help pull it back out. There is no blood at all, the illusionist feels good. Critics and experts put forward several versions of the disclosure of this issue:

  1. Good knowledge of the anatomical features of the muscle structure.
  2. The puncture is carried out only at a certain point along a previously implanted safe channel inside the muscle.
  3. Penetration does not occur at all due to the specific structure of the spoke.
  4. The puncture is for real - due to the training of Blaine's body to the maximum possible level, this is quite possible.

Another option that many use is the forearm piercing. thin rod or a spoke. It is clear that there will be no puncture as such; such a simple but amazing trick can be performed even at home after a few workouts. On the inner surface of the forearm of the hand, it is necessary to apply a certain amount of glue with a brush, for example, you can use wallpaper glue, for gluing rubber, and others. The main criterion is transparency and invisibility on the skin after drying. Place the needle on this area, move it so that the sticking and fixation of the rod with the skin on both sides occurs.

For show, some magicians use a needle that is hollow inside, at the tip of which is a small pear with a red liquid. When moving the needle up and down, you need to imperceptibly press the pear, after which “blood” flows out of the hole in the needle, located approximately in the middle.

There are many amazing coin tricks on the net. Like many illusionists, Blaine also uses similar tricks in his performances. One of the most famous is coffee with change for a tramp from an American city. On the street, the magician approached a dark-skinned man and took his paper cup of coffee. Before the eyes of the astonished audience, the glass was filled with coins. The joy of the tramp knew no bounds! As it turned out later full staging, the glass was prepared in advance. The secret lies in the double bottom of the container, which was filled in advance with a trifle, and then coffee was poured. The drink was not chosen by chance - dark color helps to hide the contents inside, you can also choose Coca-Cola. With a deft movement, the magician from below presses on the bottom-blende, after the coffee flows out, coins remain in the glass.

To repeat at home, you need to use only chilled coffee!

Hans and Helga Moretti

This married couple knew how to prepare and make an amazing trick with a crossbow. The bottom line was that the husband makes shots from this type of weapon in the direction of his wife, who has a target on her head - an apple. Hans, with a crossbow in his hands, spins around its axis for some time, while Helga rings a bell over the fruit, directing her husband to the sound. The worst thing is that the man performed this trick blindfolded. The Moretti couple carefully concealed the secret of their success, but some skeptics accused them of props used equipment. Moretti's 3 children continued the professional path of their parents, becoming well-known illusionists in Germany.

They say that in 25 years of joint performances, Helga was twice injured of varying severity.

This famous American duo gained popularity after their TV show and action show called "Catching a Bullet". At the beginning of the show, viewers are invited to mark the bullets with a marker so that at the end of the test, no one has any doubts about its authenticity. Men in bulletproof vests, protective helmets and goggles aim their revolvers at each other (at a red laser dot), shoot through the glass and show a bullet caught in their mouths. This amazing trick and its secret caused heated debate among skeptics and experts, but experts called it legitimate.

This technique has been done for several generations of sorcerers, so its exposure has long been known. It is believed that the bullets are not real, but are made of wax and painted with special paint. The marks put by the audience are usually similar: dash, circle, smiley. Moreover, they are deliberately loudly voiced by one of the participants so that the assistants behind the scenes can quickly mark real bullets. While putting on body armor next to the hanger from behind the curtain, assistants pass the marked bullets to the participants in the mouth. The whole performance is accompanied by a distracting conversation about safety measures when using firearms. After firing blanks, Penn and Teller show the "caught" bullets.

This illusionist, who is also called Dynamo, staged a performance on the Thames - he managed to completely cross the river. One of the explanations for such a show is considered to be the immersion of a perspex platform at anchor, along which this walk was made. The Thames was not chosen by chance - the water in the river is very dark and dirty, so it hides the entire structure well.

Swallowing various sharp objects, probably, will not surprise anyone, but swallowing a drill of a working hammer drill is not an easy task. Blackthorne managed to do this, and he also holds the Guinness World Records nomination for holding the heaviest object with his throat - a hammer drill weighing 38 kg and a drill diameter of 24 mm.

With cards

Amazing tricks with cards is the first step for beginners, which will help to master dexterity, memory, attention and concentration. To begin with, you need to choose simple tricks, constantly complicating the level of complexity. On the network, you can easily find a training video with a detailed step-by-step description.

It is considered the easiest, but amazing trick that even a beginner can do. Requires a deck playing cards(36 pcs.), Pre-select 4 aces from which and place them on top. Divide the deck into 4 approximately identical piles, there should be a pile with aces on the left or right, which must be monitored. In the last column, where there are no aces, remove the top 3 cards, place them on the bottom of the deck. Then, removing 1 card from above, it is necessary to cover the remaining 3 piles with it. Do this 3 more times with the remaining piles, including the one containing aces. Turn over the first card of each column - 4 aces should be on top.

The magic of numbers

For those who cannot imagine their life without numbers and equations, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with amazing mathematical tricks. Also, school-age children will be happy to solve such exercises.

Find out the date of birth

In each company or team, you can easily guess the date of birth of any of those present. To do this, you need to select a participant, ask to multiply the number of his birthday by 2, add 5 to the result, multiply the result by 50. Add the number of the month in which the participant was born, and say your result aloud. The leader needs to subtract 250 from this number, it will turn out three or four-digit number, this will be the day and month of birth.

The algorithm is the following:

  1. X, Y are the day and month of birth, respectively.
  2. X*2+5.
  3. (X*2+5)*50.
  4. (X*2+5)*50+Y=Z.
  5. Z-250=date of birth.

With coins

There is a significant variety of such tricks, the main requirement for learning which requires perseverance and focus. Even half an hour of training in some maneuvers and movements will give an excellent result in the form of an amazing trick with a coin.


The coin is shown to the viewer with the right hand, then imperceptibly moves to left hand and in a moment it is not there. And it is again in the right hand. It is necessary to show from the right angle, that is, look at the palms straight from top to bottom.

Cigarette in a coin

You will need an ordinary cigarette and a special prop coin, the secret of which is the presence of a hidden hole in the middle. Pressing on the center of the coin opens a hole through which the cigarette passes freely. When performing, it is very important to take the correct angle so that the audience cannot see the back wall of the coin, but only the part of the cigarette protruding from it.

For kids

Today in a specialized online store or in almost any mall on sale you can find children's sets for magic and sorcery. Such a box includes ready-made props for use at home - a rubber finger, rings and ropes with a secret, foam bunnies and more.

You can also find many interesting and amazing magic tricks for children on the net that do not require much preparation or special props, or search thematic literature on the shelves of bookstores.

Slicing a banana without peeling

It is necessary to prepare a banana and a sharp needle. Pierce a banana with a needle and move it in any direction at a distance of 3 cm. Stepping down a little, the same puncture and incision is made inside the peel. Repeat the action until the entire fruit is cut. After cleaning it, the child will see the cut pieces.

Copperfield learned his first tricks at the age of four, and at the age of sixteen he taught students this skill.

A popular illusionist known by the nickname "Davino". He was born in Mechaten, USA, New Jersey. David's grandfather emigrated from Russian Empire .

He started learning tricks at four, became a professional at the age of twelve, and at sixteen he was already teaching students this art.

He began to appear on television since 1978, where hosted his own show , also played minor roles in films, in the nineties he own show broadcast in the CIS countries. Wrote several interesting books together with science fiction, has big library"of magic".

Known for his handsome and spectacular tricks, some of them not revealed yet . Such stunts include: escape from one of the most reliable prisons - escape from Alcotraz, release from a straitjacket, passing through the great wall of China, traveling to the Bermuda Triangle, escaping from an exploding building; this is just a part of them.

There are all sorts of revelations on them, but they don’t even reveal half of the tricks, they managed to reveal only not complex illusions like the one we are considering today. I think from all this it becomes clear that the trick we are considering today for this guy was an innocent joke compared to his main repertoire.

What does focus look like?

The execution of David's tricks is built on the highest skill and calculation.

It is done using a deck, car glass or a super market and a marker (there is a variation without it).

  1. The illusionist takes the deck, often it is not unpacked provided by the viewer.
  2. Then he offers to choose any and sign on it, sometimes just choose the one you like, I note that the first option is more spectacular; the illusionist shuffles and betrays the deck to the viewer.
  3. After the assistant smears it on his side of the glass, and the magician takes out the same card from his side.


Copperfield is not intricate, the illusionist takes the card chosen by the viewer, glues it imperceptibly to the glass, and then takes it out and creates the illusion of taking it out right from it.

Exposure tricks Watch David Copperfield in the following video:

How to do it yourself?

We unpack the deck, give the card to the viewer for an autograph or any other inscription, wait until the marker dries and shuffle the deck.

Important: to perform the trick, you must be aware of false shuffles, for those who do not know, this is when you create a plausible illusion of a shuffle, and desired map stays on top.

Some tricks of David Copperfield can be repeated independently. Some, but not all.

You also need to know the movement called "palming", involves hiding the top card under the fold right hand in which the deck lies.

  • And so you shuffle with a fake shuffle leaving the marked card on top, carefully take it under the crook of your arm using palming and give the deck to the viewer.
  • Next, you need to pretend that you are yawning or coughing and spit on her shirt, because in the future it must be pasted.
  • You go to the opposite side, asking the assistant to smear the deck on the glass, and when he put them on, gently stick them after effectively pulling them out.
  • When all the general delight comes, you need to have time to not noticeably dry it so that you don’t have suspicions.

For reference: You can visually see the secret of David Copperfield's trick card through the glass at the link.

An illustration of this trick can be seen in the following video:


This focus is excellent. It is extremely spectacular, you do not need to prepare for it, which means you can show it at any opportunity. And of course, in the process, you will learn the movements that will definitely be needed in future tricks.

American illusionist and hypnotist David Copperfield managed to convince hundreds of thousands of people that magic is real. The eminent hoaxer became popular after the release of his author's TV show on the big screens.

On September 16, 1956, the owner of a clothing store, Hyman Kotkin, and his wife, insurance agent Rebecca (a native of Jerusalem), had a son, who was named David. The Jewish family lived in the city of Metachen, located in the state of New Jersey. From childhood, Copperfield was attracted by everything mystical and mysterious. As the illusionist himself recalls, a huge impact his future was influenced by his grandfather, who, in between studying the Torah and memorizing the psalms, entertained his grandson with card tricks.

At the age of 7, the boy, who perfectly mastered the technique of card fraud, performed in front of the parishioners of the local synagogue with a mini-show and received a standing ovation from the audience present at the performance. AT school years David continued to hone his skills as an illusionist, preferring to develop new tricks and tricks. At the age of 12, the young magician joined the American Society of Magicians, becoming its youngest member.

At the same age, the British television series Joan Craft "The Life of David Copperfield" caught his eye, after watching which the future popular hypnotist decided on stage name. Few people know, but at the age of 16 Kotkin began teaching the art of magic to students at New York University. Having received a certificate of secondary education, David entered Fordham University, which he never managed to graduate from.

In 1974, an active guy received one of the main roles in the musical "The Magician" and, preferring creative self-realization to a diploma, left educational institution. In 1978 Copperfield moved from theater stage on television screens: an ambitious young man hosted the program “ABC Magic”, in 1979 he played minor role in the film Terror Train, and in the early eighties he released the author's program The Magic of David Copperfield. During the filming of the series, David decided by all means to realize his long-standing idea with the creation of large-scale illusions.

Tricks and magic

David was assisted in all his stunts by his dedicated team of over 300 people. In the 1990s, when Copperfield was giving 50 performances a month, huge trucks loaded with his props crossed borders with special passes without inspection to keep the illusionist's secrets. As David's popularity grew, the scale of the illusions he showed to the public also increased. In 1983, a magician made the Statue of Liberty disappear for a few minutes.

People who saw this trick assumed that the image on the radar was an imitation, and that the spectators who watched and admired the trick were actors. Copperfield whistleblower from Russia Timur Abdulov explained that the audience is real, and the only montage is an empty pedestal of the Statue of Liberty taken from a helicopter. The rest has been achieved simple shutdown light around the sculpture. To prevent the statue from being seen, the spotlights on which the curtain was fixed were directed towards the audience present at the show.

In 1984 creative biography Davida added another trick. That year he flew over the Grand Canyon in Arizona. After a test flight, levitation became an integral part of the magician's ideas. It is noteworthy that on stage Copperfield flew through rotating hoops from time to time and flew into a glass cube, indirectly proving that the point is in magic, and not in the ropes on which the illusionist is supposedly suspended.

Nevertheless, skeptics believe that the illusionist is suspended from a special crane using special thin cables with a diameter of less than 1 mm. Such thin cables can withstand up to 100 kg, and they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Another trick of David Copperfield is the passage through the Great Wall of China (1986). A special tent was set up near the wall, into which the magician entered. On the walls of the tent for spectators outside, movements were projected in the form of shadows, allegedly created by the magician himself until he entered the wall. During the disappearance, David was hiding in a special secret compartment at the bottom of the tent.

When transferring the structure to the other side, the exact same trick with shadows was done. As a result, David, who had been in a specially prepared hiding place all this time, had only to crawl out of the bottom and out of the tent in front of the astonished audience, forcing them to believe in a miracle that had happened.

It is worth noting that not all performances, during which Copperfield played with death, ended successfully. So, in 1984, at the rehearsal of the "Escape from Death" trick, the hypnotist was chained and placed in a container of water. Copperfield got tangled in the chains and choked. The illusionist was pulled out of the water only after 1 minute 20 seconds. In the hospital, it turned out that the artist was not freed from imprisonment due to the fact that he pulled the tendons of his arms and legs.

Personal life

Despite the efforts of the master of disguise not to make his personal life public, crafty journalists always managed to find out the most juicy and scandalous details about the magician's communication with representatives of the weaker half of humanity. At one time, an affair with a blond German fashion model made a lot of noise. The whole world has been discussing for a couple of years love story which in fact did not exist.

The relationship between Claudia and David began at a time when Copperfield's popularity ratings were in decline. The PR manager of the artist Wendy Leyster, in order to return the client to the front pages of printed publications, signed a contract with the PR service of the supermodel. The essence of the agreement was that Schiffer, for a fee of $ 250 thousand, would play the role of Copperfield's bride, and the illusionist, in addition to the annual payment of the agreed amount, would regularly give gifts to his "beloved" as a bonus ( Jewelry, flowers), which also need to be flaunted.

The only thing that the charming blonde could not do in these pseudo-relationships was to appear in public with other men. Celebrities began dating in 1993, and in 1997 on the pages of a French magazine Paris Match a copy of the contract has been published. David said that the document was fake, and filed a lawsuit against the publication, and the model chose to remain silent. As a result, the romantic fuse of the stars lasted another two years, after which the couple broke up.

For a short time, David met with models Terry Holladay (from 1999 to 2000), Ambre Friske (from 2000 to 2002), Merili Journa (from 2002 to 2004) and Maria Petlichkova (2005).

On the this moment The 60-year-old artist is engaged to designer Chloe Gosselin. Copperfield met a charming Frenchwoman at a fashion show in 2006. In 2011, the chosen one gave birth to David's daughter, whom happy parents named Sky, and in 2012 the family moved from the bustling city to the island owned by the illusionist.

David Copperfield now

In March 2017, David appeared on Bravo TV's Top Chef Masters. As an invited expert, Copperfield assessed the culinary masterpieces prepared by the project participants.

In addition to visits television shows, film screenings and exhibitions, photos from which the artist uploads on Instagram and

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