Sick leave changes from July 1. Registration of an electronic sick leave: procedure, conditions, actions of the employer

This is an ordinary sick leave certificate, only the document is drawn up not on paper, but in a new, electronic form in a medical institution using a program that will transfer the completed registers to the portal of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation by e-mail. Then it is formalized by the employer and the personnel officer. When will electronic sick leave be available? For Moscow, and the entire Russian Federation, and not just for pilot regions. Everything about them is below in the article.

Why is sick leave social insurance in electronic form needed, when will it be introduced?

There was a pilot project, the bill has now been approved. The law on electronic sick leave has been adopted. From July 1, 2017, with the written consent of the patient, a certificate of incapacity for work can be issued in the form of an electronic document, and the sick leave will be electronically sent to the Social Insurance Fund.

It is provided that the assignment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth are carried out on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued by a medical organization in the form of a document on paper or (with the written consent of the insured person) generated and posted in the information system of the insurer in the form of an electronic document.

From July 2017, electronic sick leave certificates will be used along with sick leave certificates issued on forms. This approach will reduce paperwork and make the exchange of information faster and more transparent. And also stop falsifying sick leave.

The problem of fake sick leave has been made out of nothing. Their volume is catastrophically small in the total mass of all sick leaves. There is a problem fictitious sick leave, but electronic sick leave does not solve it. To issue a fictitious sick leave certificate from a pediatrician costs from 700 rubles. up to 1500 rub. depending on the place of work. If the shift worker is in the north (Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, etc.), then fictitious sick leave costs about 1,500 rubles. per day of sick leave.

To implement the receipt of a paperless document, it is required that both the medical organization and the employer of the insured person (disabled person) be participants in the information interaction system, and the insured person consents in writing to the generation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work.

Employees and employers can obtain information about generated electronic certificates of incapacity for work in their Personal Accounts posted on the website of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, access to which is provided with a login and password for municipal services (functions). This will be possible later also through VLSI and 1C programs. For example, SBiS recommends that an employee bring an electronic sick leave number, the organization sends a request to SBiS using this number and receives sick leave.

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Electronic sick leave from July 1, 2017 photos, pictures, YouTube videos, what it looks like, how to buy, download?

There is no way to buy a digital certificate of incapacity for work! See electronic form, sample filling.

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Law on electronic sick leave, normative act, regulations

  • Federal Law of May 1, 2017 No. 86-FZ “On Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Maternity” and Articles 59 and 78 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” »
  • Federal Law of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”
  • Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”
  • Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures”
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 584 “On the use of the federal state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form”
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 “On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remunerations for the two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work (service, other activities) or the year of applying for a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remunerations, and the current calendar year for which insurance premiums were calculated, and the number of calendar days falling in the specified period for periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave, the period of release of the employee from full-time work or partial retention of wages in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not accrued for the retained wages for this period"
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”

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Electronic sick leave infographics, diagram in pictures, presentation

  • memo for the Insured person (patient)
  • memo for a medical organization
  • memo for the Policyholder (organization)
  • memo for the establishment of the ITU (medical and sanitary examination)

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Standard forms of documents for organizing electronic interaction between the employer and the Social Insurance Fund

Note: Word format

  1. AGREEMENT on information interaction when generating an electronic certificate of incapacity for work. Download (17.4 kb)
  2. Agreement with government authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of health protection on organizational support for the participation of medical organizations located on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation in information interaction for the exchange of information for the purpose of generating an electronic certificate of incapacity for work Download (19.6 kb)
  3. AGREEMENT on information interaction when providing electronic information about insurance cases for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth. Download (30.5 kb)
  4. A standard form of informed voluntary consent for the formation of a certificate of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document and the processing of personal data. Download (19.9 kb)

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Should we switch to electronic sick leave? Pros and cons, disadvantages

For now, employers are switching to electronic sick leave voluntarily, but soon it will be mandatory for everyone. See the table for the pros and cons of the new sick leave.

  • it is impossible to lose or damage an electronic sick leave;
  • no need to monitor ink color, margin size, print location, etc.;
  • an employee will not be able to fake sick leave;
  • You can track the duration of your illness in your personal account.
  • you will have to master new programs, acquire an electronic signature, register on the government services website;
  • Internet connection required;
  • Frequent system failures are possible

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Instructions for those switching to online worksheets, 5 simple steps

From July 1, 2017, for sick pay, it is possible to receive from employees not only paper sick leave certificates, but also electronic sick leave numbers. The latter are issued by those medical organizations that have connected to the information interaction system with the FSS. In this case, the doctor does not fill out the paper version, but enters the data into an electronic database or electronic medical record when opening a sick leave. An electronic certificate of incapacity for work is equivalent to a paper document.

To work with electronic sheets, an organization will need a personal account at Here the accountant sees the employee’s sick leave and fills out his part of the sheet. This guide will help you figure out how to work with new online newsletters.

How to prepare for working with electronic sick leave

To issue a sick leave certificate electronically,

  1. medical organization,
  2. employer,
  3. employee
must become participants in a special information interaction system. If one of these three is not in the chain, then only a piece of paper is issued.

Step 1. Obtain an electronic signature for the organization

To register in the electronic interaction system, you will need a special electronic signature. It must be compatible with the Social Insurance Unified Insurance System. You can buy an electronic signature at any certification center. Find the nearest accredited certification center on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

If you already have an electronic signature for submitting reports via TKS, check with your operator whether it is suitable for working in your FSS personal account.

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Step 2. Register your organization on the government services portal

Before authorization in your personal account of the Social Insurance Unified Insurance System, first register your organization on the public services portal.

First of all register the head of the organization on the public services portal as an individual and receive a confirmed account. This is the last (third) level, which gives access to all the functionality of the portal. To receive it, the manager must confirm his identity. To do this he can:

  • contact the Service Center;
  • receive an identity verification code by mail;
  • use an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a Universal electronic card (if available)

After that, create an organization or individual entrepreneur account through your verified director account.

Step 3. Conclude an agreement on information interaction with the Social Insurance Fund

The FSS of Russia sends out letters to policyholders with a proposal to enter into a special agreement on the exchange of electronic documents. Submit the FSS agreement signed by the head of the organization on paper.

Step 4. Download and install a special program for a certificate of incapacity for work

You can fill out an employee’s sick leave either in your personal account on the FSS website or in a special program from the FSS. If you chose the second option, download the “Preparing calculations for the Social Insurance Fund” program and install it on your computer. There you can download instructions for working with the program.

Step 5. Ask employees to register on the government services portal

Electronic sick leave is available only to those employees who have an account on the third-level government services portal (i.e. confirmed). To create such an account, an employee must verify his or her identity. The algorithm is the same as for the director account. (see above)

Information in the electronic sick leave is signed with qualified electronic signatures of the medical worker and the medical organization (information from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia dated July 7, 2017).

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Filling out sick leave electronically in a medical organization is possible only with the consent of the employee

To issue an electronic sick leave, the doctor will ask the employee to give written consent. The Ministry of Labor prepared the form for such consent. The draft resolution is available on the website

After the end of treatment, the doctor will mark the closing of the sick leave in the program and inform the employee of his number. The employee will give this number to the accountant, who will calculate the benefits and fill out his part of the sick leave.

How to work in the policyholder’s personal account on the FSS portal

An electronic register of sick leave is maintained on the insurer's website. To log in to your personal account, enter the username and password for the government services website. The system will ask for confirmation to access the electronic signature and will ask you to select an electronic signature certificate if there are several certificates.

In the policyholder’s personal account you will see a list of all electronic sick leave of employees. You can get information about:

  • which employees are sick;
  • which medical organizations open and extend certificates of incapacity for work;
  • on what day the certificate of incapacity for work is closed and the employee must return to work.

You can find the required sick leave using filters: employee’s full name, SNILS, sick leave status and number.

It is impossible to find out a specific diagnosis from a certificate of incapacity for work. The sheet will only contain the code. It will also not be possible to view sick leave certificates that the employee received while working for other employers.

When the doctor closes the sick leave, fill out the “To be completed by the employer” tab. In it, provide the same information as in the same part of the paper certificate of incapacity for work. Some information will be filled in automatically, for example, the name of the organization, full name, INN and SNILS of the employee.

The “Certificate of Incapacity for Work” and “Medical Organization” tabs are available for viewing only. Changes cannot be made to them.

When all the data has been entered by the “employer”, simply save the changes. The information will go to the FSS. . Electronic calculation of sick leave will occur automatically.

In addition to the list of sick leaves, there are tabs in your personal account:

  • Communication log. Here you can view system messages. This information is intended for software support professionals;
  • Journal of Registers. In this tab you can see the status of sick leave certificates sent to the Social Insurance Fund;
  • Benefits Magazine. This journal displays the benefits paid. If the FSS has detected an error in calculating benefits, you will see this information in the benefit log. You can also view notifications from the FSS in this tab.
  • The second month of summer has begun, which brings with it changes in many areas of metropolitan life. Read about the increase in prices for train tickets, housing and communal services tariffs, road restrictions and much more in the material on the website.

    Gas and water tariffs will increase

    Tariffs for water supply, sewerage and gas in Moscow by about 7 percent, and in - by almost 4 percent.

    Tariffs for cold water in the capital will increase by 7.2 percent, for gas - by 3.9 percent, for heat - by 4.7 percent, for electricity - from 0 to 7.2 percent, depending on the time of day. In the region, growth will be 3.6 percent for water supply, 3.9 percent for gas, 3.8 percent for heat and 4.8 percent for electricity.

    Hurricane SMS Alerts

    From July 8, operators must notify their subscribers about emergencies, the law says. The document also applies to the media. Cellular companies and the media will inform people about dangers as soon as possible: about natural and man-made threats and about the dangers arising during military operations. The service is free.

    Electronic sick leave

    The platforms of several metro stations will be closed

    Platform of the Kuntsevskaya station on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line when traveling from the center until October 1. Reconstruction work will begin here. To get to the station, passengers will need to get to Molodezhnaya and change to a train going to the center, or use the Filevskaya line.

    Platforms of the metro stations "Bagrationovskaya" and "Fili" in the direction to the center until November 1. There will be no boarding or disembarking of passengers at these stations towards the center.

    To travel from these stations in the direction of "Kutuzovskaya", you need to get to the "Kuntsevskaya" station and change to a train going in the opposite direction. You can also use the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line. To get off at the Bagrationovskaya and Fili stations, you need, on the contrary, to get to the Kutuzovskaya station and return to the platform from the center.

    Traffic on several streets in the capital will be limited

    July 1 at the Mosfilmovskaya Street alternate from 08:00 to 19:00 in connection with the festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the invention of the bicycle by Karl von Dres. On July 3, from 11:30 to 12:30, restrictions will be introduced on Oranzhereynaya Street. There will be a religious procession in honor of the feast of the discovery of the Kosinsk (Modena) Icon of the Mother of God.

    As part of the improvement under the “My Street” program, from July 1 to July 3, traffic will move on four boulevards in the center of Moscow: on Petrovsky and Sretensky - from 19:00 on July 1 to 06:00 on July 2. It will be impossible to drive along Tverskoy and Strastnoy boulevards from 19:00 on July 2 until 06:00 on July 3.

    All-Russian Olympic Day in Sokolniki

    The All-Russian Olympic Day will take place on July 1 in Sokolniki Park. It will be timed to coincide with the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in 2018, which will be held in Pyeongchang. The opening ceremony will be attended by the leadership of the Russian Olympic Committee and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Russia Park Ro Baek, as well as the champions and prize-winners of the Games.

    The celebration will begin with the 2018 and 5000 meter athletics races. To participate, you must first register, which can be done from 10:00.

    Those who wish will also be able to take part in mass exercise under the guidance of legendary Olympic champions. Fontannaya Square will feature venues dedicated to Olympic sports. Guests can enjoy master classes in judo, golf, karate, surfing, rowing, skateboarding, basketball, gymnastics, table tennis, handball, fencing, wrestling, ice hockey and luge. At 15:00 a traditional football gala match starts between teams of Olympic champions and medalists in summer and winter sports.

    The route of the capital's bus will change

    Bus number 597 in the north of Moscow along the new route. After the restoration of two-way traffic on Sorge Street, it no longer follows Novopeschanaya Street. The new route route runs along Alabyan and Zorge streets through the Zorge MCC station. The transfer from the bus to the MCC will take 5 minutes.

    The bus will travel along Kuusinen Street only towards the Novikov-Priboy embankment with stops “MFC Khoroshevsky”, “Kuusinen Street, building 13”, “Kuusinen Street, building 9”, “Polezhaevskaya metro station”. Buses will go towards the Sokol metro station follow Sorge street.

    Terminals with coupons for trains on the Yaroslavl direction

    Terminals for pre-sale of train tickets in test mode. The first ones will appear on the platforms of stations of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway. In total, it is planned to install 33 terminals at 11 stops, these will include Semkhoz, Buzhaninovo, Arsaki, Radonezh and other points.

    The terminal issues the passenger a coupon, which can be paid on the train at the cashier-controller, as well as at the ticket office or ticket machine after the trip at the destination station. There will be no additional fee charged.

    Drivers with Belarusian licenses will be allowed to work in Russia

    Russian authorities use driver's licenses issued in Belarus on the territory of the country. Earlier, on June 1, a law prohibiting professional drivers from working in the country without a Russian license came into force. For violation, carriers face a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

    State employees switch to the "World" card

    In April, the Federation Council approved a law on the gradual transfer of all public sector employees and persons receiving social benefits to services in the national payment system "Mir".
    July 1 is one of the stages of the transition to a new card; it should end no later than in a year. Photo: website/Alexander Avilov

    Applications will be accepted from July 1, and the results of the competition will be announced by the beginning of autumn. An expert jury will draw up a shortlist of the best sketches, after which Muscovites will vote for one of ten options on the Active Citizen portal.
    The creator of the best logo and wrapper will receive 500 thousand rubles.

    Documents for GPZU can only be submitted electronically

    Documents for obtaining an urban planning plan for a land plot are accepted only in electronic form, reports the press service of the Moscow urban planning policy department.

    This can be done through the portal of the mayor and the government of Moscow: you need to register a personal account yourself or in any branch of the MFC.

    The procedure for using cash register equipment will change

    According to changes in the Federal Law, cash register equipment can no longer be used according to the old procedure from July 1.

    Now the check is generated in the cash register and recorded on the fiscal drive, which signs the check. It is sent to the Fiscal Data Operator, and then the OFD transmits a signal to the cash register that the check has been accepted. The OFD stores this check and, if necessary, transfers it to the Federal Tax Service. All information about settlements is stored electronically and is available at the Federal Tax Service and the Fiscal Data Operator.

    Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated May 1, 2017 provides for the introduction of electronic sick leave (sick leave) certificates from July 1, 2017. What will the procedure for registering and paying for electronic sick leave look like? What does an employer need to do to pay electronic sick leave benefits? What does an accountant need to know about the innovation? How and when were the fines determined for the employer’s inaction in switching to electronic sick leave? Let's figure it out.

    Sick leave: introductory information

    Licensed medical organizations (for example, clinics) issue sick leave certificates to working individuals in case of loss of ability to work. Also, certificates of incapacity for work are issued to confirm the right to maternity leave, as well as for the period of caring for unhealthy family members (for example, children). Such leaves are usually called simply “sick leave”.

    As a general rule, an employee must present a sick leave certificate to the employer (company or individual entrepreneur) on the day he returns to work. After all, it is with this document that he can justify his temporary absence from work (clause 1 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

    Sick leave certificates are the primary accounting documents. Therefore, store them for at least five years. This period is established by paragraph 1 of Article 29 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

    An employer who received a certificate of incapacity for work before July 1, 2017 is obliged to assign and pay the employee the benefit due to him. Or transfer the package of documents to the Social Insurance Fund division, if there is a pilot project in the region to pay benefits directly from the fund. That is, in any case, the employer must interact with certificates of incapacity for work in one way or another.

    Having received the sick leave, the employer must fill out the “To be completed by the employer” section of the sick leave. This section is filled out in block capitals using a gel, capillary or fountain pen with black ink or using a printing device. You cannot fill out this section with a ballpoint pen. In this case, all entries should not go beyond the boundaries of the cells.

    The FSS of Russia may not compensate for the costs of benefits that were paid on an incorrectly issued sick leave (clause 4, part 1, article 4.2, part 5, article 13 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). In addition, problems will arise if an unscrupulous employee submits a fake sick leave certificate to the accounting department or human resources department.

    In accordance with Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated May 1, 2017, medical organizations in all regions have the right (and must!) issue sick leave certificates electronically. As it will be?

    From July 1, 2017, both formats of sick leave will be in effect: “paper” and electronic. The doctor of the medical organization will issue a sick leave certificate either in printed form or electronically with the consent of the employee. The electronic sick leave data will be entered into a special database of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia. It will also be available to employers. The interaction diagram will look like this:

    How employers can prepare

    To work with electronic sick leave certificates, an organization will need a personal account at In your personal account, you will be able to receive a notification about the receipt of an electronic sick leave and electronically fill out the “To be completed by the employer” section.

    The policyholder’s personal electronic account performs the following functions:

    · obtaining data from a new electronic certificate of incapacity for work (ELN), closed in a medical organization;

    · viewing electronic certificates of incapacity for work, printing;

    · entering the policyholder's information into existing electronic registration documents, incl. with more than 3 periods of incapacity;

    · export of ELN data to an xml file with the possibility of subsequent loading of this file into the policyholder’s software for creating and signing registers for sending to the Social Insurance Fund

    · search and review of certificates of incapacity for work submitted to the Social Insurance Fund;

    · search and view benefits paid by the Social Insurance Fund as part of direct payments. The search is carried out by full name, SNILS and benefit status;

    · viewing the log of data exchange between the Policyholder and the Social Insurance Fund, with the ability to save requests and received responses to an xml file

    · viewing and uploading to an xml file (for further processing in the Policyholder’s software) a list of errors when checking the register and benefits;

    · generation of requests to the Social Insurance Fund (in terms of direct payments), with the ability to search by number, topic, status and date of the request submitted;

    · viewing notices generated by the Social Insurance Fund employee when working with the register and benefits;

    · submitting an application for an appointment with the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund (on the issue of consultations regarding direct payments).

    At the same time, employers have the right not to open a personal account and not to connect to the electronic exchange of sick leave. But in this case, employees of such an insurer will only be able to receive “paper” certificates of incapacity for work. Electronic sick leave will not be available to them, since employees from the Social Insurance Fund will not find the policyholder in a single information database.

    If the clinic and employer participate in an electronic exchange, the employee will be able to decide whether to receive a paper or electronic ballot.

    Mandatory details of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work are, in particular, information containing the employee’s INN and SNILS, the name of the employing organization, information on average earnings for calculating benefits, doctors’ signatures, etc. If the certificate is issued for more than 15 days, then it is also necessary signatures of the chairman of the medical commission and the chief physician of the medical organization (clause 11 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

    Pros of electronic sick leave

    Organizations and individual entrepreneurs do not have to connect to the electronic sick leave exchange system. There are no fines for the fact that the company has not switched to electronic sick leave. However, in our opinion, the transition to electronic sick leave from July 1, 2017 makes sense. An electronic sick leave is at least more convenient than a paper one. It is easier to fill out; you do not need to monitor the color of the ink, the size of the letters, the location of the seal, etc. Moreover, the Social Insurance Fund will not need to worry that the employee submitted a fake worksheet to the employer.
    Please note that electronic sick leave certificates are being introduced based on the results of a pilot project. In 2015-2016, electronic sick leave was issued in the Tambov, Astrakhan, Belgorod and Samara regions, as well as in the Khabarovsk Territory, Tatarstan and Crimea. Together with electronic forms, medical workers and doctors also generated sick leave on paper. During this time, 150 organizations took part in the experiment, and half a million people received certificates of incapacity for work electronically. As a result, the experiment turned out to be successful.

    ​You can receive an electronic sick leave certificate from July 1, 2017. It is from this day that the new Law comes into force with changes in the issue of processing documents on temporary disability. Now sick leave certificates can be issued not only in the classic version (on paper), but also in electronic form. Interestingly, the preparation of electronic documents was available before, but only in test mode. Since the beginning of July it has received legal force.

    General provisions

    Bill number 27110-7 on the introduction of electronic sick leave certificates was submitted to the State Duma for consideration back in November 2016. The purpose of the innovation is to process the technology of interaction between medical structures, as well as territorial branches of the Social Insurance Fund. At the same time, the transfer from paper to electronic form is planned to be carried out gradually.

    It is interesting that in Federal Law No. 86 an electronic sheet is considered not from the position of replacement, but as an alternative to an existing document. A medical institution has the right to issue sick leave only with written consent from the insured person. In addition, the hospital and employer must be part of an electronic sick leave information sharing system.

    The issue of introducing this type of document has been discussed since 2011. It was then that the first project involving direct payments was launched. Three years later, sick leave began to be used in certain regions of Russia as a new project for the introduction of electronic sick leave. The only thing that has changed since July 1, 2017 is the approach to implementing the new practice. Now sick leave in electronic form can be used everywhere on the basis of Federal Law No. 86.

    How it works?

    It is planned that the transition to a new type of sick leave will make life much easier for employees in the HR and accounting departments. Now there is no need to check the correctness of registration and completion of documents, enter data for patient calculations, and also look for a place to store numerous paper forms from the hospital. On the other hand, the introduction of electronic sheets does not free you from work - some manipulations will still have to be done.

    After entering electronic sick leave certificates, the procedure is as follows:

    1. Using the software, the hospital employee enters data that corresponds to the details of the issued disability certificate.
    2. The created document is certified using an electronic signature by employees of the hospital and the medical institution itself.
    3. The prepared electronic sheet is sent to Social Insurance.
    4. The insurance company, using software, enters data into the register of information on payment of benefits, verifies the document using an electronic digital signature, and then sends it to the Social Insurance electronic system.
    5. Based on the available data on insured events, benefits for childbirth, pregnancy and temporary disability are assigned and made.

    How to get sick leave?

    Now let’s consider an equally important point - how to issue an electronic sick leave certificate. If desired, the client of a medical institution can receive any of the existing types of document - standard (in paper form) or electronic. Information about the latter is entered into a special database of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which is also open to employers.

    The full cycle of obtaining a document occurs according to the following algorithm:

    1. The company, through its personal account in the Social Insurance Fund, fills out its part of the sheet and pays sick leave to the employee.
    2. An employee of the enterprise gives permission to issue an electronic sheet, after which the doctor enters information about the sick leave into the Social Insurance Fund database. As noted above, these same functions are also performed by representatives of the company where the patient works.
    3. The information is sent to the FSS.

    A key function in the process is the policyholder’s personal account, with which you can solve the following tasks:

    • Receive information via an electronic certificate of incapacity for work.
    • View issued documents and print them.
    • Export information to an xml file with the possibility of further loading the file into the software of the insured person to create and sign registers with subsequent sending to the Social Insurance Fund.
    • Search and study of benefits paid by the Social Insurance Fund
    • View notices issued by employees of the social insurance fund.
    • Submitting an application for registration to the regional department of the Social Insurance Fund and others.

    What are the advantages?

    Today, almost 92% of employers use electronic document management. At the same time, the main information is sent to authorities in electronic form and only 8% in paper form. The peculiarity of the innovation is that its implementation does not require large expenses. Moreover, there is an opportunity to reduce costs. Few people know, but in 2016 alone, temporary disability sheets worth more than 120 million rubles were printed. And every year the costs are only growing.

    It is also worth remembering that certificates of incapacity for work are strictly reporting forms, which requires medical institutions to take a responsible approach to storing documents. They must be kept in special places - archives, which occupy considerable space. The emergence of digital documents allows us to avoid such problems, because all information is stored in electronic form.

    The innovation has a number of advantages for patients who do not need to constantly go to a medical institution to correct mistakes, apply for re-registration or issue new sheets in case of loss. According to statistics, more than 2 million sick leaves are issued every year, which are filled out with errors and are not accepted by personnel officers.

    Another important point is the impossibility of falsifying a document, because it is transferred from the hospital to the employer and the insurance company through special and secure communication channels.


    The introduction of electronic sick leave from July 1 is the path to real budget savings. According to officials’ calculations, already in the 2nd half of 2017 it will be possible to save 12 million rubles. Over the years, the amount of savings will only increase. Initially, the FSS expected that the new law would come into effect from the beginning of the year, but for a number of reasons, the implementation of the innovation was postponed to mid-2017.

    On July 1, 2017, a law comes into force that provides for changes in the procedure for issuing sick leave (Federal Law dated May 1, 2017 No. 86-FZ). They can be issued not only on paper, but also electronically. Although there was a pilot project based on electronic sick leave earlier. We will tell you about electronic sick leave certificates in 2017 in our consultation

    Sick leave in electronic form in 2017

    Regarding electronic sick leave certificates being introduced in 2017, bill No. 27110-7 was submitted to the State Duma back in November 2016. In the explanatory note to the Draft Law, it was noted that the purpose of its adoption was to develop the technology of electronic interaction between medical organizations and territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund and to transfer the temporary disability certificate into electronic form with the abolition of its paper form.

    At the same time, in the adopted Federal Law No. 86-FZ of May 1, 2017, an electronic sick leave sheet is still considered as an alternative to a paper one, and not a complete replacement for it. An electronic sick leave certificate can be issued by a medical organization to the insured person only with his written consent (Part 5, Article 13 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006). At the same time, the medical organization and the employer must be participants in the information interaction system for the exchange of “hospital” information in electronic form.

    Questions about when electronic sick leave certificates will be introduced for all medical organizations and insurers began to be discussed especially widely in 2011, when the “sick leave” Pilot Project was adopted (Government Decree No. 294 dated April 21, 2011), which provided for direct payments to insured persons from FSS. And since 2014, sick leave in electronic form began to be used in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of the new Pilot Project “Electronic Certificate of Incapacity for Work.”

    Thus, according to the electronic sick leave in 2017, regions that use electronic document management with the Social Insurance Fund as part of the Pilot Project “Electronic Sick Leave” are guided by the rules of this Pilot Project until July 1, 2017, and from July 1, electronic sick leave can be used everywhere on the basis adopted Federal Law dated May 1, 2017 No. 86-FZ.

    Electronic sick leave: how it works for HR officers

    The transition to electronic sick leave is expected to make life easier for both accountants and personnel officers. After all, for sick leave in electronic form, you no longer need to check the correctness of their registration, fill in information for calculating sick leave, and also ensure the storage of completed sick leave forms. However, Federal Law No. 86-FZ of May 1, 2017 does not exempt people from work related to the calculation of temporary disability benefits based on electronic sick leave 2017.

    • The medical organization, using software, enters information that fully corresponds to the details of the certificate of incapacity for work in accordance with the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n;
    • the generated electronic certificate of incapacity for work is certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a medical worker and a medical organization;
    • the signed electronic form is sent by the medical organization to the Unified Integrated Information System "Sotsstrakh" (UIIS "Sotsstrakh");
    • The policyholder, using software, fills out a register of information for payment of benefits, certifies it with an enhanced qualified electronic signature and sends it to the Social Insurance Unified Information System;
    • Based on information about insured events contained in the Unified IIS “Sotsstrakh”, the Social Insurance Fund, using electronic sick leave, directly assigns and pays benefits for temporary disability and pregnancy and childbirth.
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