Performances for children in English scripts. Fairy tale staging at elementary school English week

And today we congratulate everyone who takes part in the creation of amazing performances: from valiant wardrobe workers coping with an unprecedented influx of jackets and coats, to directors and actors who take us to another reality.

The best gift we can give (except going to the theater, of course) is to get to know the theater better and introduce our friends to it, because this is the purpose of the holiday.

In our article, we have collected useful resources in English that will be of interest to both beginners and avid theatergoers. You will know, where to watch english theater productions online, you will go through a brief excursion into the history of the theater, replenish your vocabulary with thematic vocabulary and get invaluable acting lessons.

Back To the Roots, or The History of the Theater

The theater has always been an integral part of society and incredibly accurately reflected all stages of its development. The modern world is no exception.

Video about the impact of theater on modern society.

Today is the time to touch the history of this art. We have found for you excellent materials in English, in which you can learn the history of the theater from the origin of primitive rites to today's sophisticated performances.

  • – a brief overview of theatrical history from ancient Greece to Shakespeare from the London Theater Direct blog.
  • - a version for those who are ready to delve into the jungle of the formation of theater as an independent direction and learn a huge amount of English vocabulary about the theater.

Through the Time and Space, or Theater at your home

We learned about the history - now we are going to watch the performances. If today you have not planned a trip to a real theater, we will help organize it at your home.

In the 21st century you can watch a Broadway show sitting comfortably in a chair with warm tea. Especially for you - a selection of online theaters that will compete with Netflix.

– Broadway HD- incendiary shows and musicals straight from the Broadway stage. A month's subscription costs $14.99, but the enjoyment is well worth it (plus, you don't have to buy tickets to New York).

– Digital Theater is a unique resource containing video recordings of cult performances from leading British theaters. It is possible to rent a video recording for 48 hours for $5.99 (ridiculous price for performances with the best British actors) or purchase for $12.99 to watch your favorite moments over and over at any time.

– Theater HD- magnificent productions of world famous theaters on movie screens in Russian cities. The list of cities involved is really wide. Look, maybe in your city the theater has become much closer to the audience.

No time or opportunity to watch performances? Listen to them! Audio performances will allow you to develop your imagination and listening skills in English.

Recorded is good, but live is better. Today we invite you to make a wishlist for visiting the best theaters in the world and start implementing it. A video about theaters, which are works of art in themselves and simply must-see, will help you make a choice.

Just don't forget that in countries with American English you will end up in Thea ter, and in the UK - in Thea tre. 🙂

The most beautiful theaters in the world.

Our set of words will help you prepare for the theatrical campaign. A is a good material for consolidating the learned words.

Theater Movies, or Another way to touch the beautiful

If for some reason the activities listed above do not suit you, we suggest touching the theatrical art in another way - watching wonderful films about it:

  • Birdman (2014) is an Oscar-winning drama about the former glory of the actor who played the superhero Birdman, and about the confrontation between theater and cinema.
  • Black Swan (2010) is a psychological thriller in which a ballet prima faces a dangerous competitor before the most important performance of her life.
  • Shakespeare in Love (1998) is a film based on the life of William Shakespeare and tells about the power of love and art.

Of course, all films are worth it, because we are talking about the theater, and everything is important here: from the vocabulary used to intonations and a delightful English accent.

Behind the Scenes, or For those who dream of creating

We decided to dedicate the final part of our theatrical article to those who yearn not only to visit the theater, but to be on the other side of the stage!

To get started, read the material. Perhaps soon you will be able to show off some of the items from this list. A video about English pronunciation in Shakespeare's time.

  • – how do you like the idea to perform “The Seagull” by A.P. Chekhov in English and surprise everyone? We like!
  • is a wonderful play with rich English about blackmail and corruption.
  • Farewell, Theater Lovers, or See you at the theater!

    We hope that our materials will help make theater a part of life and open the door to a world of amazing emotions. If you have additions to our article or a couple of useful resources, be sure to write about them in the comments to the article.

    And we once again congratulate the creators of theatrical magic and thank you for the inspiration!

    The Canterville Ghost

    By Oscar Wilde


    1. Mr. James B. Otis, American Minister
    2. Mrs. Otis, his wife
    3. Mr. Washington Otis, his elder son, 23
    4. Miss Virginia Otis, his daughter, 18
    5. Naughty twins
    6. Lord Canterville
    7. Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper

    8. The Canterville Ghost

    Scene I

    (The curtain is closed. A musical fragment sounds, conveying the mood of the play. The curtain opens. The room in the castle is a fireplace, a table with a tablecloth, a couple of armchairs, a window. A dry branch of a tree is visible outside the window. Lord Canterville and Mr. Otis are looking through papers. Otis with a cigar in his mouth )

    Lord – So, sir, as I told you before, here, in our old castle lives a ghost. He has been living here for more than 300 years.

    Mr. Otis – Rubbish! We, Americans don't believe in all these things. We live in an advanced country, where you can buy everything... for money.

    Lord- But not a ghost! I'm afraid that the Canterville ghost exists. He usually appears just before the death of the family member.

    Mr.O – In such cases only a doctor can help. The laws of nature are the same in Britain and in America.

    Lord - You, Americans, have always been so close to nature…But if you take the castle together with the Ghost, it's all right. Don't forget I've warned you.

    (Bending down to sign papers, thunder rolls, lights flicker on and off)

    Mr. O Poor old England! Something wrong with electricity… Doesn’t matter…

    (Takes out flashlight, signs papers, shakes hands, noise outside the door, Mr. Otis's family enters, light)

    Mr.O - Oh, here they are. Let me introduce you my family: my wife, Mrs. Otis, my elder son, Washington- a future diplomat. My daughter Virginia, she is very good at horse riding. And here are my twins- we call them “The stars and stripes’, you see, because I have to whip them for their monkey tricks sometimes.

    Lord - Glad to meet you. And here is Missis Umney, the housekeeper. She will show you to your rooms.

    Mrs. O - Look, there is something on the cloth! What could it be?

    Mrs. amny - It's blood, Mrs. Just on this place Lady Eleanor Canterville was killed by her husband, Sir Simon Canterville in the year 1575. Having done so he disappeared and his body was never found. The tourists who come to the castle like watching this spot of blood. It's impossible to take it away.

    Mr. wash – That is all nonsense! Pinkerton's Stain remover will clean it up in no time!

    (Pouring the tablecloth with a cleaner, showing everyone clean)

    It never lets me down!

    (Lightning flash, thunder. Mrs. Amni faints)

    Mrs. O - What a monstrous climate! Will she fall down every time she hears some noise? Mrs. Umney, get up, its time for supper. Would you join us, Lord Centerville?

    (Everyone leaves the stage for dinner, the lights go out, disturbing music sounds)

    Scene II

    (Night at the castle. A lamp is on in the room. Mr. Otis sits in an armchair, reads, puts down a book)

    Mr. O – Well, it was a hard day. It's time to go to bed. (Looks at watch) It's twelve! So late! (Stretches, yawns, sees a stain on the tablecloth) -Hm, what color is it now? Yellow? Isn't it strange? But what's this? (Listens. Footsteps are heard, clang of metal) Am I tired? (Checks pulse) Or ill?

    That will help! (Leaves his room, sees a ghost, in rags, with chains on his hands)

    Sir, I have to ask you to oil your chains from this time onwards not to bother my family at night. Just for this purpose you can use this wonderful American oil “The rising sun of democracy”. The instruction is given. If you want some more, let me know. Good night, sir. (He goes to his room. The ghost grabs the vial, reads it, throws it on the floor, leaves, moaning muffledly. Before he has time to go a few steps, a pillow flies at him, the twins giggle is heard, howls of indignation,

    GH - I'll take revenge! Shaking chains, running away)

    (In the ghost room: goes through the wardrobe, looking for an image to intimidate:

    GH- Shall I put on this- to remind them a vampire? Or this- I remember Lady Johns fainted having seen me in her mirror. Probably this armor will do? Sir Statfield died immediately when he saw me in his wardrobe staying with a sward. No, no! I'll put on a shroud and play the part of Crazy Martin. That will work, I know! (He dresses in a shroud, smears his face with green, takes a dagger, goes out. Sneaks in the dark - the clock strikes - freezes, listens, goes on, muttering curses, brandishing a dagger - and suddenly comes across another ghost with a sign on his chest. Gets frightened, rushes to his heels with screams, runs in, hides with his head under the rags, fights fear, pride takes over)

    GH- No, never Simon Canterville was a coward! I'll make acquaintance with this powerful ghost and we'll fight together! We'll show these Americans! We'll make them estimate us! (Resolutely walks back, approaches the ghost, his head falls off. With trembling hands he takes the sign, reads:

    The Otis Ghost. The only trueand original ghost .Beware of imitations!

    (Raises hands to the sky:

    GH- They've played a trick! On me! Murder! No sooner the moon would rise again a murder would come to Canterville House! (rooster crowing) Damned bird! It's time to get back! (Backs back, legs slip, falls, gets up, groaning, rubbing his back, looks at his hands

    What's the hell is this? oil? I know who has done it- these hellish twins!

    Twins : Here we are, sir! (They jump out with a squeal, spit the ghost with peas from the tubes, he rushes about, covers his face with his hands. Mr. Otis jumps out at the noise with a candle and a revolver in his hands):

    Mr. O - Hands up!

    (Ghost blows on a candle, runs away, howling, stops, takes a breath, lets out devilish laughter, Mrs. Otis comes out with a potion in her hands)

    Mrs. O - Are you OK? I think you have a bad cough. Take this medicine three times a day and it will surely help you!

    (He grabs the bottle from her, drinks it in one gulp, groans, the twins sneak up to him with a rope, shouting in his ear. He, moaning, rushes to himself)

    (Morning, Washington drinks coffee, examines the stain on the tablecloth)

    wash . - Don't you think the spot has changed its color. Was it first red, then yellow? And now? look? It's green! Does it mean that my Pinkerton Stain remover doesn't work properly? I should write to the firm a reclamation letter. (Virginia enters) - Virginia! Here you are! We go for a walk to the forest all together. Will you join us?

    Virg. –Oh, yes, Wash, in a moment. I've forgotten my gloves.

    wash . - So, be quick. We'll be waiting for you in the park. (Leaves, Virginia goes to her room for gloves. At this time, the ghost enters. He is dejected, looks around timidly, listens, shudders, hearing the voices of the twins, goes to the window, sits down, freezes, looking thoughtfully out of the window. Virginia enters. At first she is frightened, wants leave, then stops, looks at him attentively, his face becomes sympathetic, inaudibly approaches him.)

    Virg. - Sorry to trouble you, sir. I just wanted to say how much I am sorry for you! Tomorrow my brothers are going back to school. Nobody will offend you, if you promise to behave well.




    GH - I am afraid, no, young lady. I have gone without food for 300 years. But it was rather nice of you to offer me a sandwich. Cheese, you say? You are a nice young lady, much better than all your American family!

    Virg. - You mustn't say so! It's you who is awful! Who has stolen all my paints to renew this stupid blood spot! First you took the reds so that I couldn't paint sunsets, then you stole the yellow ones. And yesterday you took the green emerald! How could blood be green?

    Virg - Every American family would be glad to have a true family ghost. Would you like me to ask my dad? He could buy you a ticket to America.



    Virg- Oh my poor miserable ghost! Don't you know such a place where you could fall asleep?

    GH -Yes, I do. Far-far away there is a small garden, the grass is long and soft there, the flowers are as white as stars and a nightingale sings there all the night.

    Virg - You are speaking about the garden of death, don't you?

    Virg - Me?





    Mr. Otis(

    Mrs. Otis

    Mrs. Umeny


    Mrs. Otis

    Mr. Otis - Please, never else play such tricks!

    Twins- Play tricks only on the ghost! Only on the ghost! Oh look!


    Twins - Look! The dry almond tree has blossomed! There are flowers in the moonlight! We can see them! (They point to a window behind which a branch covered with flowers is visible)


    (music plays)

    Virg. - Sorry to trouble you, sir. I just wanted to say how much I am sorry for you! Tomorrow my brothers are going back to school. Nobody is going to offend you, if you promise to behave well.

    GH . - But how can I behave well? I am a ghost! I must walk at night, must moan, and must clank my chains! This is the reason of my existence.

    Virg . - I see no reason in it. Mrs. Umney told us you had killed your wife.

    Gh . – Yes, I had. But it's my own business.

    Virg. - No, it isn't. It's very bad to kill people.

    Gh- But you didn't know her. She was ugly! Besides, she couldn't cook at all. Yes, I killed her, but why did her brothers made me die of hunger?

    Virg. - Did you die of hunger? Poor Mister Ghost! Are you still hungry? I've got some cheese sandwiches. Would you like one?

    GH - I am afraid, no, young lady. I have gone without food for 300 years. But it was rather nice of you to offer me a sandwich. Cheese, you say? You are a nice young lady, much better than all this your awful American family!

    Virg. - You mustn't say so! It's you who is awful! Who has stolen my paints to renew this stupid blood spot!? First you took all the reds ones and I couldn't paint sunsets, then you stole the yellow ones. And yesterday you took the green emerald! How could blood be green?

    GH - But what should I do! It's too difficult now to find real blood. You say “green”- well, why not? We, the Canterville have the blue blood. But I think you Americans don't mind.

    Virg - Why? You should go to America. Every American family would be glad to have a true family ghost.

    GH - I'm afraid, I don't like your America.

    Virg. - OK, sir, stay alone then. (is about to leave, the ghost rushes after her)

    GH - Don't leave, miss Virginia, I beg you! I'm so lonely and unhappy. I don't know what to do! Most of all I'd like to fall asleep, but I can't.

    Virg- You should just go to bed and close your eyes.

    GH - It's impossible. I haven't been sleeping for 300 years! I feel so tired!

    Virg- Oh my poor miserable ghost! Do you know such a place where you could fall asleep?

    GH -Yes, I do. Far-far away there is a small garden, the grass is long and soft there, the flowers are as white as stars and a bird is singing there all the night.


    GH- Yes, my child. How nice it would be to rest there. And this is you who can open me the gates of this garden.

    Virg - Me?

    GH - Yes, you. Have you ever read the oracle on the window?

    Virg- Yes, I've read it many times. I remember it:

    When young and pure virgin will deliver a prayer

    From all her heart to gracious skies

    When almond tree will blossom in the moonlight

    The Ghost will stop his endless painful flight

    And washed with tears prediction will fulfill

    And peace would come again to Canterville

    But I don't understand what it means.

    GH - It means that if you cry for me and pray for my soul, the Angel of Death would be merciful to me. It won't be easy for you, as demons would scare you, but if you stay kind and pure and loving as you are they won't do any harm to you.

    (Virginia does not raise her head, the ghost, looking at her, wrings her hands, suddenly the girl gets up)

    Virg- I am not scared. I'll pray for you and the Angel of Death would become merciful.

    (The ghost exclaims joyfully, approaches, bows with old-fashioned grace, kisses her hand. Leads her by the hand through the hall. Thunder rumbles, lights flicker, disturbing music sounds, lights go out)

    GH- Quick!Quick! Or it will be too late!

    (Music continues, fades, lights come on, Mrs. Otis sits in a chair on stage, wiping her eyes, Mr. Otis paces nervously, Mrs. Amney pours water into a glass, brings Mrs. Otis, Washington rushes in.)

    wash - Mum, dad, I haven't found her anywhere!

    Twins - (run in alarmed, out of breath, with flashlights in their hands) - We have looked for her in the garden. She has disappeared!

    Mr. Otis( nervously pacing the room) - Virginia should have told us where she went.

    Mrs. Otis Stop it, James! Our girl has disappeared! Someone has kidnapped her!

    Mrs. Umeny - It's the ghost! I've told you how dangerous he is!

    wash . - Rubbish! She'll be back, I know! She's just reading or painting in some corner.

    (The clock strikes, bewitching music sounds, Virginia enters with a small box in her hands)

    Mrs. Otis - My girl! Oh Lord! Where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere!

    Mr. Otis - Please, never else play such tricks any more!

    Twins- Play trick only on the ghost! Only on the ghost!

    Virg - Papa, he has died. I've been with him all the evening. He had done a lot of bad things, but he was very sorry. The Angel of Death came for him, now he rests in peace. He has left me this box of treasures.

    Twins - Look! The dry almond tree has blossomed! There are flowers in the moonlight! We can see them!

    Virg - God has forgiven him! And you all forgive him! Poor Sir Simon! He showed me what Life is and what Death means. And now I know that Love is stronger than both!

    (music plays)



    after Rudyard Kipling

    On stage: the background is the noise of the jungle. Baloo and Bagheera are lying, Mowgli is trying to get fire-rubbing his wand.

    Mo. –Look! look! Baloo! Bagheera! It's a wonder! How beautiful this red flower is! Oh, it's hot!

    Boo- Stop it, Little Frog, It's a dangerous flower. It can hurt you and us all.

    Mo- Not, it can't! I am its master!

    Boo Master! Look at him! Come here, man-cub, and tell Bagheera the Master words I have taught you.

    Mo- The jungle has many languages. Which shall I speak?

    Boo- Say Mater words the birds.

    Mo-We be of one blood, you and I! (whistling)

    Boo-And for the Snake-people?

    Mo- hisses We be of one blood, you and I!

    Ba- Well done, Little Brother. But remember, there is no word for Monkey-people.

    Mo- Never mind! I'll become their leader, I'll jump all day in the trees, eat bananas and throw dirt at old Baloo. (shows it all)

    Bo- (knocks him down with paw) You talked to Monkey –People!

    Mo-And they cared about me when you hurt me!

    Bo-What a shame!

    Mo-And they gave me nuts and tasty things to eat. They say I am their blood-brother. They want me to be their leader!

    Bo-Listen to me, foolish man-cub! They are very-very bad. They have no law. They are dirty and shameless. They are forbidden. Never talk to them. (hail of nuts)

    Ba-We do not notice them. Never play or go with them. (hail of nuts) - Bagheera gets up, growls menacingly, Baloo too. Behind the scenes, the crackling of monkeys, the clatter)

    MO- OK, OK, I promise I never play or go with them.

    Bo- All right, then. And now go to sleep. Night has come to the jungle. (Music, the light fades, Mowgli builds himself a hut of branches, lies down, the light goes out, banderlogs appear on the proscenium, sneak)

    M1- Hush! They are sleeping!

    M2 Look! The man-cub is sleeping in a hut!

    M3-How clever he is!

    M4-Wow! He can get a red flower! (sniffing ember)

    M3-How clever he is!

    M1- We want him to be our leader!

    M2- We'll live in huts!

    M4-We'll be warm!

    M3-How clever we are!

    (Monkey dance, then creep up, grab Mowgli by the arms and legs and quickly carry him away, then appear downstage, he is already walking, they drag him by the arms)

    M1-Run, Monkey-Brother, run!

    Mo-I am tired. let me have a rest!

    M2-Just for one minute. We'll bring bananas and water/ (run away)

    The kite is coming.

    Chil -Who are you, man-cub?

    Mo- We are of one blood, you and I. Tell Baloo and Bagheera where I am.

    Chil-In whose name, little Brother?

    Mo-Mowgli, the Frog.

    Chil-I'll fly and tell them at once! (flies away)

    The monkeys return, make a ruckus, eat the bananas themselves, Mowgli gets nothing. They grab him and drag him on. The kite flies to Baloo and Bagheera.

    Chil-Hello Brothers! Hurry up! The man-cub is in danger!

    Ba-Have you seen him?

    Chil-yes, and he said Master Words to me.

    Bo-Such a clever frog!

    Chil-The banderlogs are carrying him to the dead city. They can hurt him!

    Bo-Oh, poor man-cub! Fool that I am! Fat, brown fool that I am! How can we get them, they jump high. They are not afraid of us!

    Ba- I know where we go! WE go to Kaa, the Rock Snake. He can climb. He takes young monkeys at night. They are afraid of him, only of him!

    (music, go to Kaa. He is basking in the sun)

    Ba- Good hunting, Kaa!

    Kaa-Good hunting to us all. BALOO, Bagheera, what are you doing here.

    Ba- We are going to hunt.

    Kaa- Let me come with you. I am so hungry!

    Ba- I don't know if you like it. We are hunting for monkeys.

    Kaa-Hiss, they are evil. They call me a footless yellow earth-worm.

    Ba-Yes, they do. And today they've cried you lost your teeth and you are too old to hunt.

    Kasa-Me? Old to hunt? Lost my teeth? Hiss! They also called me a fish.

    Ba- Yes, a fish. And an earth-worm.

    Kaa-We must teach them to speak to their master. As-sh! Where are they?

    Boo-Chil said they went to the dead city.

    Kaa-All one. Let us go on. (They leave. Dead city. Mowgli among the monkeys.)

    Ma- I want to eat. Let me hunt!

    M1- No, stay here. We'll bring you food. (they run away, come running with fruit, start to push, drop everything in a fight. Mowgli tries to leave, catch up with him, drag him back. They say, interrupting each other)

    M2- No, no! Don't leave us! It's so foolish!

    M3- We are great!

    M4- We are wonderful!

    M1- Stay with us!

    M2-Be our leader!

    M3- We are the best!

    M4- What we say is true!

    M1 Look! There is a Black Panther.

    M2- He is alone! Kill him! (all banderlogs rush to Bagheera)

    M3-(Guarding Mowgli) Stay here !We'll kill your friend!

    Boo-I am here! I'm climbing! I hurry! Oh, the most infamous banderlog! (joins battle)

    Music, a spot of light on the appearance of Kaa.

    M1234-stop.- It's Kaa! It's Kaa! Run! Run!

    Mo-We be of one blood, you and I. You gave me life tonight, Kaa.

    Kaa-All thanks, Little Brother.

    Mo-If ever you are in a trap, I'll pay the debt.

    Kaa Well said. A brave heart and a clever tongue. And now go and sleep. It's not well for you to see what's going on here.

    (Ba, Boo, Mo- go away, the music of the fakir, the light fades)

    Kaa- The moon sets. Can you see me, banderlogs?

    M1234- We see you, Kaa!

    Kaa- Begins now the dance. Sit still and watch! (Kaa dance)

    Kaa- Banderlogs, can you move your foot without my order?

    M1234- No, Kaa!

    Kaa- Good, come nearer to me! …Closer! …Closer!

    (Bagheera and Baloo try to return, Mowgli holds them back:

    Mo-No! You stay with me!

    Ba- Keep your hand! Or I must go!

    Boo- I must go!

    Mo-No, friends! We'll keep together! forever!

    (The curtain is slowly closing - the banderlogs are getting closer to Kaa)


    Scene I

    prof . Well, Pickering, the performance was not bad. Let's go and find a cab.

    El -Two bunches of violets in the mud. And runaway without paying.

    Pick. -Look, where are you going, dear!

    El - I "m awfully sorry. Captain, buy a flower off a poor girl!"

    Pick.- Sorry.. I haven't any change.

    El - Oh, I can change half a crown. Wait a minute. Oh, yes, here is three ha "pence. Thank you, sir.

    policeman - Hey, you! Be careful, better give him_a flower for it.

    El - Why do you touch me! I "m a respectable girl! I" ve a right to sell flowers.

    Policeman - Oh, don't start!

    El - I "m making an honest living. Sir, "elp me! I "m a good girl!
    Prof.- Yes, dear, you are.

    El - I just wanted to sell flowers to the gentleman.

    Prof.- Well, ma'am. It stopped raining. You may take a bus and go to where you live. To Hampton Court, I mean.

    El .- How "d you know I live there? You spied ?!

    Prof.- never. The science of speech. It's my profession. And a hobby, too.

    El.- Kidding! And this cop?

    prof .- Irish. Sorry, officer, are you from Ireland?

    Policeman - Well, yes, sir, Belfast.
    Prof.- You see.

    Policeman-Woman, get away!

    El -I "ve a right to be here, if I like.

    Hear them down in Soho square,

    Dropping "h"s" everywhere. Speaking English anyway they


    You, sir, did you go to school?

    Man: Wadaya tike me for, a fool?

    No one taught him "take" instead of "tike"

    Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?

    The French learn French, The Greek learn Greek

    But use proper English

    You "re regarded as a freak.

    Why can't the English,

    Why can't the English learn to speak?

    Prof.- Well, Pickering, I bet in six months I could pass her off as a queen of... of Sheba to the ball.

    Pick. -Do you mean it?
    El.- Here, what did you say?

    Prof.- Yes, you, a squashed cabbage leaf, you, disgrace to the noble, I could pass you off to the ball as well, a queen of Sheba.

    Pick. -I can hardly believe. Well, we "ll discuss it at supper. You know, I" ve just come from India. There are a lot of dialects there...

    El .- Buy some flowers from a poor girl.

    Prof.- Sorry, Madame, no change.
    Pick. Sorry, Ma'am, no change.

    All I want is a room somewhere,

    Far away from the cold night air.

    With one enormous chair,

    Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?

    Lots of choc "lates for me to eat,

    Lots of coal makin' lots of' eat.

    Warm face, warm "ands, warm feet,

    Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?

    (Aow, so loverly sittin" abso-bloomin"-lutely still.

    I would never budge till spring

    Crept over me windowsill.

    Someone's "ead restin" on my knee,

    Warm an "tender as" e can be.

    "ho takes good care of me,

    Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?

    Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly)

    Scene II

    Mrs. P . - I "m Mrs. .Pearce, the housekeeper. Can I help you?"

    El .- Oh, good morning, missus. I "d like to see the Professor, please. Could you tell me, what it" s about? It's a business of personal nature.

    Mrs. P - Oh, one moment, please. Mr. Higgins!

    Prof.- What is it, Mrs. Pearce?

    Mrs. P - That "s a young woman who wants to see you, sir.

    Prof.- A young woman? What does she want?

    Mrs. P - Oh, You see, sir, she says it "s business of personal nature. She is quite a common girl, sir. Very

    common, indeed. I should have sent her away, only I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk to

    your machine.

    Prof. Has she an interesting accent?

    Mrs.P - Simply ghasty, Mr.Higgins.

    Prof.- Good, let her in.

    Mrs. P - Very well, sir. It's for you to say.

    Prof.- It "s just a bit of luck, Pickering. I" ll show you how I make my records.

    Pick. - Oh, really? I'll enjoy it!

    Mrs.P - This is the young girl.
    El.- Good morning, my good men.

    Prof.- Oh, no, no! She is no use. I don't want you, lady!
    El .- Don "t be so saucy. Did you tell "im I come in a taxi?

    Mrs. P -Nonsense, girl. Do you think a gentleman like Mr. Higgins cared what did you come in?

    El .- He ain "t said he" s giving lessons? I heard "im say. If my money is not good for him, I can go


    Prof.- Money? Good for what?

    El - For you! Now you know. I "m come to have lessons, I am. And to pay for "em.

    Prof.- Well, what do you want me to say?

    El -If you were a gentleman, you might ask me to sit down.

    Prof.- Eh, Pickering should we ask this baggage to sit down or just throw her out of the window?

    Pick. - What do you want, my girl?

    El .- I... I want to be a lady... in a flower shop. But they won't take me unless I can talk more genteel.
    He said he could teach me, but he...

    Pick.- What's your name, child?

    El.- Eliza Doolittle.

    Pick. -Won "t you sit down, miss Doolittle?

    Prof.- Well, how much do you propose to pay?
    El.- I can offer a shilling.

    Prof.- You know, Pickering, a shilling... her shilling is the same as 60 pounds of a millionaire. It "s the biggest offer you" ve ever had, Higgins. 60 pounds!

    El .- 60 pounds? Where would I get 60 pounds? I never offered you 60 pounds!

    Prof.- Oh, don't cry, silly girl. Nobody is going to touch your money.

    El .- What's this?

    Pick. - To wipe your eyes. That's your handkerchief. Use it, not your sleeve.

    Higgins, it's really interesting. I'll say you are the greatest teacher in the world if you can make a

    queen of this lady in six months. I "ll pay for her lessons.

    El .- You are real good. Thank you, captain.

    Prof.- It's nearly impossible. She is so deliciously low, so horrible dirty!

    El .- I ain "t dirty! I washed my face and hands before I come, I did!

    Prof.- Mrs. Pearce, take her away. Take off all her closes and burn them.

    El .- You are not a gentleman to talk so. It's my best dress!

    Mrs. P -I "ll wrap it in a brown paper. But where shall I put her?

    Prof.- Put her in a dustbin!


    Prof. Mew?

    Mrs. P - Do be sensible, sir. I "ll put her in the bath first. And you" ll sleep in a proper bedroom. Come with

    me, Eliza.

    Prof.- So, Pickering, in six month, no, in three month, I "ll make a queen out of this dirty chicken. You" ll



    You "ll be sorry, but your tears" ll be to late!

    You "ll be broke, and I" ll have money;

    Will I help you? Don't be funny!

    Just you wait, "enry "iggins, just you wait!

    Just you wait, "enry" iggins, till you "re sick,

    And you scream to fetch a doctor double-quick.

    I "ll be off a second later And go straight to the the-ateri

    Oh ho ho, "enry" iggins, just you wait!

    Ooooooh "enry" iggins! Just you wait until we "re swimmin" in the sea!

    Ooooooh "enry" iggins!

    And you get a cramp a little ways from me!

    When you yell you"re going to drown I"ll get dressed

    and go to town! Oh ho ho, "enry" iggins!

    Oh ho ho, "enry" iggins! Just you wait!

    One day I "ll be famous! I" ll be proper and prim;

    Go to St. James so often I will call it Jim!

    One evening the king will say:

    "Oh, Liza, old thing,

    I want all of England your praises to sing. Next week on the twentieth of May

    I proclaim Liza Doolittle Day!

    All the people will celebrate the glory of you

    And whatever you wish and want I gladly will do."

    "Thanks a lot, King" says I, in a manner well-bred;

    But all I want is "enry" iggins "ead!"

    "Done," says the King with a stroke.

    "Guard, run and bring in the block!"

    Then they "ll march you," enry "iggins to the wall;

    And the King will tell me: "Liza, sound the call."

    As they lift their rifles higher, I "ll shout:

    "Ready! Aim! Fire!"

    Oh ho ho, "enry" iggins,

    Down you "ll go," enry "iggins!

    Just you wait!

    Scene III

    Prof.- Say your vowels, Eliza. A E I O U


    Prof. Wrong. AEIOU

    El-That "s what I" ve said.

    Prof.- I know, it's difficult, miss Doolittle, but try to understand. Now say A.


    Prof.- If you don't say it correctly, you'll have no lunch, no dinner and no... chocolates!


    Prof.- No, A!


    Prof.- All right. Now say "The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain"

    El - The rine in Spine stais mainly on the pline.

    Prof.- 50 times "The rain in Spain goes mainly on the plain" before you go to bed. Now, come closer.
    Do you see the flame? Every time you say the sound "H" correctly the flame will waver. Now repeat:
    "In Hampshire Hurricanes hardly ever happen"

    El - In "empshire" urricanes "adly ever"appen.

    Prof.- Oh no. You have no ear at all. Start from the very beginning. Say "Ha-ha-ha"

    Mrs.P - Poor Professor Higgins!

    Poor Professor Higgins! night and day

    He slaves away! Oh, poor Professor Higgins!

    All day long On his feet; Up and down until he "s numb;

    Doesn't rest; Doesn't eat;

    Doesn't touch a crumb! Poor Professor Higgins!

    Poor Professor Higgins! On he fruits Against all odds;

    Oh, poor Professor Higgins! Nine p.m. Ten p.m.

    On through midnight ev "ry night. One a.m. Two a.m. Three...! Quit, Professor Higgins!

    Prof.- Cup of tea.

    El Cuppatee.

    Prof.- Say "cup".

    El Cup.

    Prof.-Cup, cup, cup.

    El-Cup, cup, cup.

    Prof.- Now say "of

    El Of

    Prof.- Cup of tea

    El Cup of tea. I'm so tired.

    Prof.- Then go to bed. 50 times "The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain"

    Pick.- Quit, Professor Higgins! Hear our pleasure

    Or payday we Will quit, Professor Higgins!

    Ay not I, O not Ow, Pounding pounding in our brain.

    Ay not I, O not Ow, Don"t say "Rine," say "Rain"... Poor Professor Higgins!

    Scene IV

    Mrs. P - Three months of hard work, day and night. First I was sure she won't cope. But she did it! From my pard I did my best to teach her good manners. It was really difficult to make up a lady of a ... well, a... common girl she was. But now! Now she knows what is her handkerchief for. And she takes bath every day. And she dances and walks, and speaks as a lady. Frankly speaking, I like her. She is a good girl, a hardworking girl . To my mind, probably I shouldn't speak on this, but to my mind Professor has fallen .. .in love with her. It "s not surprisingly at all, because he created her. He is like Pygmalion...

    Prof.- So, Pickering, are you ready for the ball?

    Pick.- Yes, Professor, I am. But where is Eliza?

    Prof. Eliza! Hurry up!

    Pick.- You are a beauty!

    Prof.- Not bad, Eliza. You look quite decent.

    • How kind of you to let me come!

    Pick.- Bravo!

    Hampshire hurricanes hardly happen.

    Pick.- Bravissimo. Go on!

    The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.

    Prof.- We are making progress. So what about this rain?

    Eliza: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!

    Prof.- By George, she's got it! By George, she's got it! Now, once again where does it rain?

    Eliza- On the Plain!

    On the plain!

    Prof.: And where's that soggy plain?
    Eliza: In Spain! In Spain!

    The three :

    The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!

    Prof.- By George, she did it!

    Pick.- Yes, Henry. But not only she. You did it.


    You did it! You did it!

    You said that you would do it

    And indeed you did.

    This evening, sir, you did it!

    You did it! You did it!

    We know that we have said it

    But you did it and the credit

    For it all belongs to you!

    Prof.- Not only to me, my friend. We did it together. All of us. And you, Mrs. Pierce. And you, my fair lady!

    We did it! We did it!

    We said that we would do it

    And indeed we did.

    This evening, friends, we did it!

    We did it! We did it!

    We said that we would do it

    And indeed we did.

    Prof.- Would you like to take my hand, lady?

    Pick.- And mine, if you please.

    Prof.- Now to the ball!

    The four - To the ball!


    Aunt Poger: Well, Mr. Podger, when are you going to do something with

    the picture?

    The the

    Uncle Podger- Oh, darling! Don "t worry! Leave it to me. Don" t you, any

    you, worry yourselves about that. I'll do all that.

    U.P. Jane, you go and buy some nails for me.

    • Oh, Tom, run after Jane. Tell her, I need this size
    • Now you go and get me my hammer, Will.

    Where is he? I need a hammer. Could anybody bring me a hammer? Where's the dammed hammer?

    U.P. - OK guys, OK! And I "ll need a ruler, Bob. And a pencil, Ann, and a stool, Tom, and a spirit-level, Will. And a ...Oh, Maria, you don't go. You "ll hold me the light.

    And Tom, where's Tom? - Tom, you come here and hand me up the picture

    U.P. - Does anybody know where "s my handkerchief? It" s in the coat!

    And my coat? Six of you! And you can "t find the coat I put down not five minutes ago! Well, all of the...!

    Oh, you can give it up! I "ve found it myself. You can as well ask the cat to
    find anything as expect you people to find it.

    U.P. - Let's start. Where's my hammer? Chair? Ladder? Candle?

    • stay here! Hold the chair! Light! Nail!
    • There, now the nail's gone.
    • Shall I stay here all the evening? Or all my life?
    • And where's my hammer? Great heavens! Six of you and you don't know,
      what I did with my hammer!
    • Where's the mark? I can "t see it. Come and look, where is it! You, Tom! ! Jane! Bob! Will! Ann! Maria! Oh, no, Maria, you don"t come!
    • You are all fools! Let me see! I "ll measure it correctly. It" s 31 and 3 inches.
      Divide it in two. How much is it? tom? Jane? Will? Ann? bob? Oh, Mary, you
    • Give me a string! I"ll do it in another way.
    • Oh shit! You are all ...and this ... picture is ...

    A.P. -I wouldn't allow the children to hear such language, Podger!

    U.P. - OK, Maria, just see...

    A.P. - Next time, Podger, let me know in time when you are going to hammer

    a nail. I "ll go to spend a week with my mother!

    U.P. -- You women make such a fuss of everything. Why, I like doing a little

    job of this sort.

    Here you are! And some people would call a man to do a little thing like that!

    A.P. - And what about hanging the clock, Poger.! It was my aunt Mary's present for our marriage!


    Robin Hood

    Jester: (sings in recitative, in the manner of a medieval minstrel)Once there was a lad that killed a King's deer,

    And gave its meat to his mother.

    So he was to be hung at Nottingham Fair

    And with him five another…

    Guard: Listen! The Sheriff is coming to his castle in Nottingham!

    Soldier (leads arrested): Where's the Sheriff?

    Guard: Here. What do you want? Who is this man?

    Soldier: He is a Saxon. We caught him in the forest. He killed a King's deer!

    Sheriff: What? Did I hear correctly? Killed a King's deer?!

    John: We had no food. I had to kill it! I must feed my family!

    Sheriff: How often must I tell you, people? The forest belongs to the King! The animals belong to the King! You mustn't kill them! Hang him!

    John: We were hungry. We had nothing to eat!

    Sheriff: Take him away! You'll be hung tomorrow!

    (sings) Look! They want to eat!

    To have their piece of meat!

    But their only right is to work all day

    And to bring me money with no delay.

    Or I'll kill them, I'll hang them!

    For I'm the Sheriff of Nottingham!

    The curtain opens - on the stage there is a town square, merchants with baskets, one of them sells apples:

    Robin: Come and have a look! The best apples for a trifle! Take five-I'll give you a knife! Take ten-you'll get a hen!

    Sheriff: What are you doing? Why do you sell apples so cheap?

    Robin: My father left me a large apple garden, I don't know what to do with the apples, so I give them to people.

    Sheriff: Sell me your garden. Where is it?

    Robin: Not far from here, sir. I'll show you. But first I'd like to see the city.

    Sherif: What do you want to see? Here's the castle and the prison. I've got five of Robin Hood's men there. Come to the fair tomorrow and you'll see us hung them.

    Robin: Well, I'll come tomorrow. And now follow me. (leave stage, curtain closes)

    Sherif: We have gone so far, where is your apple garden?

    Robin: We have come -here it is!

    Sherif: But this is not a garden – this is Sherwood forest! And there lives….

    Robin: Robin Hood? Yes, I do! (takes off his hat and cloak) Welcome to my place! We've got a lot of apples over here. And here is one for you! (takes out an apple and puts it on the sheriff's head, the curtain opens, archers stand on the stage, aiming their bows at the sheriff)

    How much would you pay for your apple? (the sheriff trembles with fear, takes out his wallet, gives it to Robin)

    Robin: No, it's not enough, give us your ring also. (the sheriff hands over his ring)

    Now you may go, but don't forget you've got a lot of friends in Sherwood. Don't leave your apple!

    (the sheriff runs away)

    Brothers (whistle after him, then dance and sing)

    Hey-ho, brothers,

    Our homeland is Sherwood,

    With no King, with no Sherif

    Our life is very good! (a curtain)

    Jester: The sweetest apples grow in Sherwood,

    The sheriff will never forget,

    He wants to catch our friend Robin Hood,

    But never he will Robin get! (the curtain opens, Robin Hood and his friend Monk Tak are on stage)

    Tuck: So what have you decided to do, Robin?

    Robin: I'm going to Nottingham fair. You and the brothers follow me. Let's see what we can do to save John and our men from the Sherif.

    Tuck: But how do you want to enter the city? Sherif is looking for you everywhere!

    Robin: Don't worry, I'll invent somethig.

    Tuck: Good bye, Robin, take care!

    Robin: Meet you at the fair, fat monk!

    (Robin walks through the woods and meets a beggar)

    Robin: Good morning, poor man. Where are you going?

    Beggar: To Nottingham, sir. I don't have any money on me. Look, sir, only empty pockets. May I go further by my way?

    Robin: No, stay where you are. I like your clothes.

    Beggar: My clothes? But they are so old and shabby! Who needs them?

    Robin: I do. Put them off.

    Beggar: Oh, sir, if you take my clothes, what shall I wear?

    Robin: I'll give you good money for them. four gold coins.

    Beggar: Four gold coins for these? Are you kidding? You must be a king to pay four gold coins for this rubbish. But you are not a king. Oh, I know who you are! Here, my clothes, my shoes, everything!

    Robin: Wait! I don't need everything! Pooh! Your shoes are so smelly! But here you are. Four gold coins and your new clothes.

    Beggar: For me? New clothes and four gold coins? I feel like a new man!

    Robin: You are a new man. And I am a poor beggar. Sorry, I must go. I should get to Nottingham quickly. Good bye and thank you!

    Beggar: Thank you, good man. Thank you R...

    (dancing and singing)

    I was a poor beggar,

    But one day in the wood

    I met a man, he gave me gold

    His name was Robin Hood!

    Do you know his name?

    If you do, don't say!

    He is so brave, he is so kind,

    This man in long green hood

    All poor people praise his name

    For he is Robin Hood!

    Do you know his name?

    If you do, don't say!

    (People gather in the square, soldiers come out, music sounds, the sheriff enters)

    Sheriff: Quiet! You know the law! These men are criminals! They killed the King's deer! They must die! Who of you will come and kill them? I give forty gold coins to the man who hangs them. But remember, he must be a Saxon, because according to the law only Saxons can kill Saxons.

    Robin: I'll hang them for that money.

    Sheriff: Are you a Saxon?

    Robin: Ye, I am. Give me the money and I'll hang them gladly!

    Sheriff: Here is your money. Hurry up, hang them! (drums)

    Robin: Stop. First I must hear their confession. It's also a law, isn't it, Sheriff? (approaches the forest brothers, standing in the crowd with closed hoods, whispers with them)

    Sheriff: Come on. Perform your job quickly, beggar. I want to have my dinner.

    Robin: Dinner? Some more apples for dinner, Sherif? (takes out a horn, gives a signal, people in the crowd take off their hoods, pounce on the guards, free the brothers, everyone runs away)

    Sheriff: Catch them, why are you staying here? The city is full of Robin Hood's men!


    Ha-ha-ha! What a day!

    Robin helped them to escape!

    Ha-ha-ha! All Saxons laugh!

    Robin Hood is our love!

    Robin: Welcome to Sherwood, brothers! We need good shooters to fight the Sheriff.

    Tuck: Don't worry. We'll help your mother. We'll send her food and money.

    Brothers: Thank you, friends. We've always dreamed to stay with you and to fight for all the poor!

    Robin: Let me introduce you to my stuff. Here are my best shooters!

    (curtain opens, brothers sing and dance)

    Hey-ho, brothers,

    We all live in Sherwood!

    With no King, with no Sherif

    Our life is very good!

    Robin: So these are my brave men!

    Marian: And women!

    Robin: And a woman- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood forest- Maid Marian.

    Marian: Thank you Robin. Don't be so pompous! Half of your "brothers" are women!

    Robin: What do you mean Marian?

    Marian: I mean what I say: half of your brothers are...sisters! Girls, he doesn't believe. Let's persuade him! Our hero! Our Glorious Robin! He thinks only men can firght properly!

    (girls dance)

    Marian: Robin, how do you feel?

    Robin: I'm overhelmed, thrilled, stuperfied! My best shooters are women!

    Marian: We also want to fight for freedom and justice! We dont' like just sitting at home changing nappies and cooking!

    Tuck: Cooking! Marian, I want to eat again!

    Marian: Then go and cook your meal yourself!

    Tuck: But you must cook for me! You are a woman!

    Marian: I must? Not in this play! Have you ever seen a law saying women MUST cook? So, go and find it, then I'll cook for you. And meanwhile you may eat this. (gives him an apple)

    Robin: Stop, you two! Don't argue. Only all together we can win over the King and the Sherif. Let's better sing our song!

    We live in this green forest, the forest of Sherwood

    We fight the rich, we help the poor with our Robin Hood!

    Jetser: And if you're in danger or needing any help,

    Just say this name, just say this name

    Just say this name again!

    All together: Robin Hood! Robin Hood! And life will change for good!


    Jester: Let me introduce the company:

    Robin Hood – the brave hero of Sherwood

    Prior Tuck- our favorite fat monk

    Maid Marion- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood

    Brothers and sisters- Robin Hood's shooters who fight with him for freedom

    And some day we'll certainly win, because we are all


    (sing Friends will be friends)

    The script of the musical performance in English, based on the English fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

    Winnie the Pooh.


    Develop and maintain interest in learning English;

    To evoke positive emotions during rehearsals and performances in English;

    To activate the use in speech of the studied lexical and grammatical material on the topics: "Greeting", Acquaintance", "Animals", "English teams", "Birthday", "Colors", "Qualities and characteristics";

    Develop memory, attention, thinking.



    Winnie the Pooh(Bear cub)





    donkey Eyeore(donkey Eeyore)

    author. It's the story about a nice and funny bear - Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends. Oh listen! Somebody's coming. Yes, it's Winnie.

    Winnie the Pooh. I'm Winnie Pooh, I'm Winnie Pooh a funny, brown bear. I can climb and I can dance and I can sing. I'm hungry. Oh honey. I like honey.

    author. And who's this? Yes, it's Winnie's friend Piglet.

    Piglet. I'm a pig, I'm a pig. I'm a little pink pig. I can sing and I can run and I've got a friend. Hello Winnie!

    Winnie the Pooh. Hey Piglet. How are you?

    Piglet. I'm tip-top. Thank you, and you?

    Winnie the Pooh. I'm OK.

    Piglet. What's this? Winnie the Pooh. It's honey. It's a present for donkey Eeyore.

    Piglet. Yes, it's his birthday. And I've got a red balloon. Let's go to him!

    Winnie the Pooh. Yes, let's. author. And friends go to Eeyore. Suddenly, they meet Tiger.

    tiger. I'm big, big Tiger and I'm very strong. I can jump and climb and I say hello. Oh hello friends.

    Piglet. Hi Tiger. We go to Eeyore's birthday. Let's go with us.

    tiger. OK. And I've got a ball. It's for Eyeore.

    author. And friends go further and meet an owl.

    Owl. I'm an owl, I'm an owl. I can fly and I can cook. I like cakes. Oh hello dear! Where are you?

    All together. Hello, owl!

    tiger. We go to Eeyore. Let's go with us.

    Owl. Yes and this cake is for Eyeore.

    author. And the friends go further and meet Rabbit.

    rabbit. I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit. I can count and I can read. I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit. I'm a clever rabbit, bit. Hello, dear friends. I'm glad to see you!

    All together. Hi Rabbit.

    Owl. We are glad to see you too. Let's go with us to Eeyore.

    rabbit. OK. And I have got a candle. Let's go.

    author. At this time near the lake… Donkey Eeyore is sad. No friends. No gifts.

    Eyeore. I'm poor donkey Eeyore. (2x) I can't dance and I can't smile. I'm poor donkey Eeyore. Oh poor me. And who's there?

    All together..) Happy Birthday Eyeore.

    Eyeore. Oh, thank you dear friends. I'm very glad to see you!

    rabbit. How old are you?

    Eyeore. I'm 3.

    All together. It's for you.

    Eyeore. For me? A red balloon, honey, a ball and a cake. Fantastic! Thank you very much!

    Friends stand in a circle and sing a song for the donkey.

    A song Happy Birthday.

    author. It's great when you have many friends!

    School theater in English as a means of creating a foreign language game environment in elementary school.

    In our school, learning English begins in the first grade. When my students were in the first grade, I put on small performances with them in English, used a lot of chants and songs.

    In the fourth grade, we put on a play called The Snow Queen.

    They are now in 5th grade. After reading the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, the guys decided to put on a play based on it.

    What competencies does theater form? First of all, this communicative competence which includes the knowledge and use of the English language, improving the knowledge of the children, enriching their vocabulary, developing their memory and fluency.

    The program is designed taking into account the age characteristics of children, the desire to express themselves in creative activities, which increases the motivation for learning a foreign language, as well as our experience in that it allows the transfer of educational knowledge to practice, in situations in which verbal free communication is organized.

    Goals and objectives

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Development and improvement of the communicative competence of students.

    2. Expansion of the content basis of education by mastering a certain amount of lexical and grammatical knowledge by students.

    Educational Goals:

    1. Creation of positive motivation, cognitive activity and the need for the practical use of the language in various fields of activity.

    2. Development of a sense of responsibility for the result, learn to work in a group together;

    3. Using elements of competition to increase the motivation of students in speaking;

    4. learn to work in a group, listening to each other;

    5. arouse a desire in children to do something good for a classmate;

    6. Learn to listen to the speaker

    Development goals:

      Development of the creative potential of students through participation in the production and presentation of theatrical action.

      Learn how to present your work publicly.

    Educational Purpose:

    Expanding key competencies:

    Multifunctionality (allows you to solve various problems in everyday social life)

    Significant intellectual development (abstract thinking, defining one's own position, self-assessment of critical thinking, etc.)


    Students must:

    To improve in competent and expressive reading of texts (roles);

    Improve the ability to communicate in a foreign language and listen;

    Learn to express your opinion on a particular issue;

    Learn to perform creative tasks of a different nature;

    Develop the ability to work in a team.

    Educational and educational tasks:

      To develop the creative abilities of children, their desire to fantasize and realize what they want in reality.

      To promote the development of theatrical creativity, artistic and individual abilities of children.

      To teach children to skillfully use speech techniques of storytelling: intonation, logical stress, expressiveness, pauses, voice power.

    Stages of work:

      Preparatory stage:

    Reading a fairy tale

    Script writing

    Organization of children in groups:

    a) artists

    b) decorators

    c) dressers

    2. Main stage:


    Costume preparation

    Selection of musical accompaniment.

    3. Final stage:

    Performance for students in grades 4-6.


    Creative Group:

    1. Students of the 5th grade of GBOU school 457

    2. Yastrebova O.N. - English teacher GBOU school 457

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    (After Brothers Grimm)


    Narrator Once upon a time there lived a Queen. One day a little daughter was born to her. She was named Snow White. The princess had skin as white as snow, lips as red as a rose, and hair as black as ebony.

    Soon the good Queen died. The King married again. The new Queen was very beautiful, but cruel and selfish. She spent a lot of time looking in her Magic Mirror.

    Scene 1.

    Setting: A room in the palace,


    Magic Mirror in my hand

    Magic Mirror :

    Narrator :

    The Queen was very pleased to hear that. She knew that the Magic Mirror always spoke only the truth.

    But Snow White grew up and she became very pretty. So one day…

    Queen :

    Magic Mirror in my hand

    Who's the fairest in the land?

    Magic Mirror :

    You who hold me in your hand


    The Queen became very angry when she heard the Magic Mirror's words. She turned green and yellow with envy. She sent for one of her huntsmen who lived near the forest.

    Queen (to the huntsman):

    Let me never see this girl. Take her to the forest, kill her and bring me her heart.


    Yes, Your Majesty!

    Queen :

    Here's a bag of gold for your work. (throws it to him)

    Scene 2.

    Setting: In the forest.

    Narrator :

    The Huntsman took little Snow White deep in the forest. Then he took out his knife. He was ready to kill the poor girl.

    snow white:

    Oh, dear Huntsman, leave me alive! Don't kill me! I'll run far in the forest and never come home again! I promise!


    Well, run away then, poor child I will not hurt you. (To himself) I cannot do such an awful thing. I will trick the wicked Queen. I'll give her the heart of some wild animal that I will kill.


    And he did this. He left poor Snow White all alone in the dark forest. She was so frightened and did not know what to do and where to go. She wound and ran and became very tired. Suddenly she saw a little house in front of her.

    Scene 3.

    Setting: In the little house.

    snow white:

    I'll go inside it. (She pushes the door and opens it)

    Oh, how small it looks! And how neat, clean and tidy it is! And how many different little things are here! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven beds, seven little beds, seven plates, cups, knives and forks on the table. I'm so hungry and thirsty. (She sits at the table, eats a bit of bread and some porridge out of each plate, and drinks some milk out of each cup.)

    Oh, I'm so sleepy! (She tries to sleep in each of the beds. Finally she finds the most comfortable and falls asleep at once.)


    Soon it became quite dark. The owners of the little house came back. They were seven little dwarfs. They worked hard every day in the mountains. They entered the room and understood that somebody had been in their house, for the things were in disorder.

    The First Dwarf:

    Who has been sitting on my chair?

    The Second Dwarf:

    Who has been eating off my plate?

    The Third Dwarf:

    Who has been eating my porridge?

    The Fourth Dwarf:

    And who has been eating my bread?

    The Fifth Dwarf :

    Who has been using my fork?

    The Sixth Dwarf:

    Who has been cutting with my knife?

    The Seventh Dwarf:

    And who has been drinking out of my cup?

    The First Dwarf :

    Who has been lying on my bed?

    Someone has been lying on my bed.

    (The Seventh Dwarf sees Snow White sleeping in his bed. He calls his brothers to come up and look.)

    All the rest Dwarfs (together):

    What a beautiful girl she is!

    (Snow White awakes. She is quite frightened when she sees the seven little men. But soon she understands that they are friendly.)

    The Dwarfs:

    Don't be afraid! We won't hurt you. believe us! We are your friends!

    The First Dwarf:

    Dear girl, what is your name? Why have you come to our house?

    snow white :

    I'm a princess. My name is Snow White. My mother died when I was a child. And my stepmother wanted to kill me. I can't go home. May I stay with you, dear friends?

    The Second Dwarf:

    Certainly, you may. And we'll take care of yours. You'll become our sister.

    The Third Dwarf:

    If you stay with us will you look after us? Will you cook, make the beds, wash and keep everything neat and clean while we are working?

    snow white:

    With great pleasure!


    And the Snow White stayed with the seven little dwarfs and kept their house tidy. Every morning the dwarfs went into the mountains. In the evening they came back home. Snow White had the house clean and the supper ready. But for the whole day she was left alone. The dwarfs are worried about the girl. So when they went away they warned her about her stepmother.

    One of the Dwarfs:

    Dear girl, you must be on your guard against your stepmother.

    She will soon learn that you live here. Take care and don't let anybody come into the house.

    Scene 4.


    Magic Mirror in my hand

    Who's the fairest in the land?

    Magic Mirror:

    You who hold me in your hand

    You were the fairest in the land;

    But, today, I'll tell you true

    Snow White is more fair than you!

    Among the forest, dark green,

    She lives with dwarfs - the hills between.


    The Queen was astonished. But she knew that Magic Mirror always spoke the truth. So she understood that the Huntsman had deceived her and the Snow White was still alive.

    She made a poisoned apple, the dressed up as on old peasant woman and hurried to the house where The Snow White lived.

    Scene 5.

    Setting: In the forest.

    (The Queen finds the house and knocks the door)

    snow white:


    I want to give you an apple, dear girl.

    snow white:

    Oh, sorry, old lady I can't open the door.


    Why? Are you afraid of me? Look, the apple is so ripe and tasty! I'll cut the apple into two halves. You'll eat the red part and I'll eat the white.


    Only the red part was poisoned. Snow White stretched out her hand and took the poisoned half of the apple.

    (Snow White takes a bite of the apple and falls down as if dead on the floor)


    White as snow, red as blood!

    The dwarfs will never wake you up!

    Scene 6.

    Setting: A room in the palace.

    (The Queen comes back and wants to talk to the Magic Mirror)


    Magic Mirror in my hand

    Who's the fairest in the land?

    Magic Mirror:

    You who hold me in your hand

    You are the fairest in the land.

    Scene 7.

    Setting: In the little house in the forest.

    (The seven Dwarfs come back. They see Snow White lying on the floor)

    The First Dwarf:

    The wicked stepmother has found her. Our dear girl is dead.

    The Second Dwarf :

    But her cheeks are so rosy!

    The Third Dwarf:

    And she looks as if she is not dead!

    The Fourth Dwarf:

    We cannot take her.


    And the Dwarfs began to make a glass case for Snow White. For a long, long time Snow White lay peaceful in the glass case looked as if she was asleep. The dwarfs took guard over the case in turn.

    One day a King's son came riding by.

    Prince: (addressing the Fifth Dwarf who was on guard on that day)

    Who is this beautiful girl?

    The Fifth Dwarf:

    She is the daughter of our King. Her name is Snow White. Her stepmother killed her. And who are you, noble man?

    Prince :

    I'm the prince and my country is not far from here. May I have a look at the King's daughter?

    The Fifth Dwarf:


    The Prince looked at Snow White. She was so lovely. The Prince fell in love at once. He opened the glass case. Then he kissed the beautiful girl. The witch's spell was broken. snow white came alive.

    (All the rest Dwarfs appear on the stage)

    All the Dwarfs (together):

    How happy we are that you are alive, dear Snow White!


    I love Snow White and I want to take her to my palace.

    The Dwarfs : We are happy to hear that! But promise that you will come back and see us often.

    We'll miss you so much, Snow White.

    snow white:

    I promise, I promise. I'll never forget you, dear dwarfs!

    In total, there are more than 150 theaters of various genres and directions in Moscow, but, as it turned out, there are not so many productions in English in the capital. Where you can enjoy a noble British accent, watch a world theatrical premiere, listen to the best English-language musicals - in our review

    Moscow English Theater - the first theater in Moscow in English

    Moscow English Theater (MET) is a unique phenomenon for the capital: it is the first and only theater in the capital where absolutely all performances are in English, and the actors of the troupe are British. Some of them specially fly thousands of kilometers away to play in front of the Moscow audience.

    MET was founded in 2013 by famous English actor Jonathan Bex and a professor at Moscow State University. Lomonosov Karina Sagoyan. The purpose of its creation is to bring professional modern English-language theater to Moscow, with its high standards and the best productions from leading British theaters and American Broadway.

    Educating Rita ("Educating Rita") - the first performance presented to the Moscow public in 2013 - was met with an absolute full house. Willie Russell's lyrical comedy, a modern take on Bernard Shaw's world-famous Pygmalion, was highly acclaimed by theater critics. And the well-known British BBC presenter Lord Melvin Bragg later enthusiastically shared his impressions of the production he saw in his blog, calling it "a magnificent creation."

    Photo: Facebook

    Each season, the theater surprises its fans with new popular and little-known performances for the Russian audience. On October 25, theater actors will present a play that won the prestigious Evening Standard Best Play Award in 2012. Constellations ("Constellation") Nick Payne also received the highest ratings from such authoritative publications as The Daily Telegraph and Time Out.

    Today, basically all the performances of the Moscow English Theater take place in the halls of the Mayakovsky Theatre, but in the future the actors dream of performing on their own stage, where they will be able to invite fans and fans of the English-speaking theater.

    Where to see: Mayakovsky Theater (Small Stage on Bolshaya Nikitskaya St., 19/13 or Pushkarevsky Lane, 21)

    Ticket price: from 1200 rubles (19$)

    Upcoming performances: not announced

    Rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" in the original

    The rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" is one of the most famous works of the "rock opera" genre, it does not need not only advertising, but often even an introduction. And for almost half a century of its existence, it has been recognized as a musical classic, a masterpiece and a legend in the world of music. The work of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice was initially ambiguously accepted by critics, but it immediately gained tremendous popularity among British youth.

    In the original, the well-known rock opera in Moscow can be watched and listened to at the Stas Namin Theater, which has been successfully staged there for more than 10 years. According to the theatre's artistic director, today this production is the closest in its sound to the author's version of Jesus Christ Superstar, released on a record in 1970. By the way, the very first part of Jesus was performed by the vocalist of the legendary Deep Purple.

    Be careful when ordering tickets, because since 2011 the Namin Theater has also presented a Russian-language interpretation of the rock opera, which alternates with the English version.


    Where to see: Theater of Music and Drama Stas Namin (st. Krymsky val, 9, building 33)

    Ticket price: from 900 rubles (14$)

    Singin "In The Rain - the legendary musical for the first time in Moscow

    Another legendary musical that you can watch in Moscow in the original language is Singing in the Rain. Its plot was based on the story of the film of the same name, which was recognized by the American Film Institute as the best musical film of the last 100 years.

    Almost thirty years ago, one of the best musical comedy films received a second life, presented on the stage of one of the theaters of London's West End. The premiere thundered with such success that two years later the musical was staged on Broadway and was soon awarded one of the most significant theater awards - Tony.


    On October 3, the long-awaited premiere took place in Moscow. For many months, producers and directors have been looking for talent all over Russia. By the way, one of the main roles went to the famous singer Anastasia Stotskaya. When staging the musical, special attention was paid to special effects, and it is not surprising that the main one is rain. Each time, twelve cubic meters of water will be poured onto the stage and, by the way, the audience sitting in the front rows will also have to take a shower.

    Where to see: Theater "Russia" (Pushkinskaya Square, 2)

    Ticket price: from 1000 rubles (16$)

    TheaterHD - British theater in cinema

    Without exaggeration, this is an amazing project, thanks to which dreams come true. Would you like to visit the Royal National Theater in London? - Please. Looking into Shakespeare's Globe Theatre? - no problem! Metropolitan Opera in New York? Easily! And all this can be seen in Moscow. TheaterHD is a broadcast of the most famous performances from the best theaters in the world on the screens of cinemas.

    William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet. Photo:

    The mission of the project is to give everyone the opportunity to see the masterpieces of world theater and fine arts without leaving their hometown.

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