Club for communication in English. Interest club: communication in English

We are often asked: what do English Speaking Club meetings look like? We'll tell you:) We meet and speak English for 3 hours every day. We are fun, cozy and cultural - everything you need to practice English. Want to join? It's easy - we work every day, and the first meeting is free. Just sign up - through the schedule or the registration form below.

The most common question that potential guests ask us over the phone sounds something like this: “What is your English Conversation Club anyway?” Here, for example, is one of our meetings at Coffeshop Company. We sit, chat, drink coffee, discuss pressing problems in English. Like? Join our meetings!

Are you visiting us for the first time and don’t know how to find a table for the English Language Club in a cafe? It’s very simple: look for a table where they speak English! Here, for example, is one of our meetings at Coffeshop Company. We are always interesting, fun and we speak only English. Like? Come!!!

Do you think that starting to speak English is very scary? 90% of the guests of our English Speaking Club think so, but... 15 minutes after the start of the meeting, they forget about the language barrier forever!!! After all, we always have the friendliest atmosphere and the best moderators who will help and advise!!!

Friends, there is always a moderator and administrator at Club meetings. The moderator organizes the discussion, and the administrator registers guests, orders drinks and resolves all other technical issues. Everything so that you can talk for 3 hours without being distracted!

Each meeting of the English Speaking Club lasts 3 hours, and all this time we talk on a specific topic. Meeting topics are published in advance on the main page of the site so that you can prepare if you wish. For example, at this meeting the topic of Hypothetical Situations was discussed.

At each English Conversation Club meeting, we talk for 2 hours on a specific topic. Our questions are interesting, everyone has different opinions - it’s never boring!!!

Don't you know what the English Conversation Club is yet? We'll tell you:) At every Club meeting we communicate in English for 3 hours. Want to practice your English? Join us!

Those who are going to our English Language Club for the first time always ask who comes to us and whether it is easy to fit into our company. Friends, all our guests are not only smart and interesting, but also very friendly people!!! Look at the photo, you will understand everything yourself :)

Most of our guests come to the English Conversation Club to overcome the language barrier. And when it is overcome, they stay with us to practice English and... just communicate :)

Friends, at a meeting of the English Language Club, in addition to the host, there is always a person ready to take care of you, our administrator. The administrator meets you at the beginning of the meeting, registers guests, and resolves all issues. For example, Anastasia is the administrator of our meetings on Wednesdays.

If you think a cafe is too noisy for an English Conversation Club, don't worry. You'll always hear other participants, and a drink is already included in the price of admission - no need to worry about that.

Friends, have you never been to the English Speaking Club before? This is what it looks like: everyone sits, discusses questions on the topic, the presenter corrects the participants if necessary. We are always very fun, cozy and cultural - in general, the atmosphere that is needed to practice English!

At every meeting of the English Conversation Club there is always a moderator who involves everyone in the conversation, corrects minor mistakes and stops those who talk too much (it’s very easy to get carried away!). Want to practice your English? Join us!

Those who want to come to us for the first time often ask who comes to us. We answer: our guests are very different people in age, profession, etc. But they are all very positive personalities, because boring people don’t learn foreign languages!

Speaking English for 3 hours can be difficult, but it only seems so. Because at every meeting there is a topic for discussion and a moderator who not only helps and corrects, but also creates an atmosphere in which 3 hours fly by unnoticed!!!

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Today you can learn to write, read and easily understand the most common foreign language - English - in many ways, but any teacher will tell you that without communication practice there will be little sense in learning. Here, numerous English speaking clubs, of which more and more have been opening in the capital in recent years, will come to the aid of those who want to truly speak.

Clubs are different

There may be several reasons why you should come to one of the English speaking clubs: to get talking before traveling to an English-speaking country, to overcome embarrassment and uncertainty by communicating with native speakers, or simply to maintain your communication skills “at the level” or to meet interesting people who share your passion for language.

Today there are dozens of conversation clubs in Moscow, where people who like to chat in English gather. But in order not to get lost in the variety of chatterboxes, you need to know exactly how they differ.

First of all, English speaking clubs are divided into independent ones and those organized at English language schools. For example, there is such a club at the Windsor school or at the Bigwig school.

The styles of holding meetings also differ: in some clubs they talk about free topics, in others meetings are devoted to specific topics, for which materials with keywords are given, and regulars are even given homework. And in some clubs they even play “Mafia” and other popular games, and participants are required to communicate exclusively in English.

For example, you can visit one of the oldest English speaking clubs - Moscow English Conversation Club, they have been operating since 2000. Today, club meetings attract an average of 100-150 people. Here you can meet native speakers, as well as Europeans who speak English as a second language. Participants themselves divide themselves into interest groups and discuss topics of interest; during communication, they can move from one group to another. At the same time, the cost of visiting the club is almost symbolic by capital standards - 200 rubles, and guests are also offered a free buffet.

For those who want to socialize in a more intimate atmosphere, a smaller club is suitable, for example, Blab Club, where “no one has the slightest chance to sit silently on the sidelines.” The cost of participation in Blab Club events, however, is slightly higher than in many other clubs in the city - 1,200 rubles. Here you will also be offered fresh coffee, tea and something to eat.

Of course, most conversation clubs are aimed at people aged 20 to 35 who want to improve their knowledge for work or travel. But what, for example, should schoolchildren do if they don’t have enough practice in class? The Lingved club thought about this and created special groups for teenagers (13-16 years old). Young Muscovites here can also not only start talking, but also make friends from different countries.

It is also worth taking into account the requirements of each club for the level of English language proficiency. Some clubs advise attending classes if your level is not lower than Intermediate, and even offer free testing, while others invite everyone to meetings, if only to listen to spoken language.

Learn through play

If the format of learning English over a conversation and a cup of tea seems boring to you, you can try other methods offered by conversation clubs.

Let's start with a banal and fairly well-known format - conversation clubs, and then move on to more original options.

Since more and more people understand the need for practice or simply want to meet like-minded people, or native speakers (native speakers), quite a lot of language exchange clubs, communication and practice clubs have appeared. Surely there are similar ones in your city; we will look at just a few examples of such clubs in Moscow.


Inexpensive or even free.
You can meet native speakers, play games, and have a good time.


To feel comfortable, you need to speak the language at least at level A2.
If the level is lower, it is better to visit a club where there is a presenter or teacher, but such meetings are usually paid.

The Hard Rock Cafe hosts Language Exchange Meetings every weekend. The meetings are attended by native speakers, or rather, of different languages. You can follow announcements of events in these groups on social networks: VK group - on Facebook

There is also a more “organized” format of meetings, for example, as in this club:
They even prepare some supporting materials for you so that you can learn new vocabulary in advance and communicate more effectively during the meeting. These meetings are already paid, 500 rubles. per lesson.

Nowadays the anti-cafe format is also gaining popularity. And they very often host language master classes, lectures and, of course, communication clubs. For example, meetings are regularly held in Tsiferblat English And German conversation clubs.

Of course, there are such clubs for other languages: for practice Spanish
here, in addition to communication, there is also a decent cultural program. For example, joint excursions along the metro, a cinema club, trips and travel along Jacob's trail in Spain, a culinary club.
There are two speaking clubs (divided by language proficiency level). Prices range from 500-800 rubles, there is a subscription.

For those who are determined - Couchsurfing


If you're lucky, you'll talk enough and part as friends.


There are no guarantees that the guest will not be away for the whole day to perform a cultural program)

The bravest and most determined can receive foreign guests at home; to do this, you need to register on the website

This method works not only for Moscow, but also for other cities (at least large and tourist ones).

Of course, there is no absolute guarantee that a sociable person will come to visit you, but often the host and guest manage to chat a lot and people part as friends - which means it will be possible to continue communicating online).

For the spontaneous - Spontaneous meetings in tourist places


Free, spontaneous, and at the same time finally see your city =)


There is no guarantee that the tourist you need will be in the right place at the right time.

Go to Red Square and help tourists find their way, why not? Nowadays, most people travel without a guide and will be happy to chat with locals and learn something about the city. In Moscow, you can safely go to Red Square. It is worth considering that not all tourists are equally ready to communicate. It is usually easiest to establish contact with Latin-speaking guests - Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese.

If you doubt that you are ready to communicate or are shy, start small. Try to come to a meeting with a teacher or say at least a couple of phrases to a random tourist, just be sure to try. Take a friend with you if it’s difficult to decide to go to a meeting alone.

If, due to reasons or a very low level of language proficiency, it is still difficult for you to go to such a meeting, try to start communicating online. We will tell you how and where to find a pen pal in the following articles.

In order for a master to hone his skills, and for a beginner to learn, a kind of “testing ground” is required: this is exactly what it can become.

“Language will bring it to England” - language practice without leaving Moscow.

And putting knowledge into practice is usually an expensive and lengthy process: it’s one thing to know it, and quite another to put it into practice. But you can get good language practice in Moscow and there is a free solution to this problem!

In Moscow there are meeting places for both amateurs and English gurus - conversation clubs that you can visit absolutely free and spend time usefully.

Discover a conversation club and “fall in love at first sight”

Conversation club

This is meeting new people and a lot of communication in English, which after several such classes becomes your native language!

The opportunity to visit the club for free opens up new horizons:

1. The perception of information by ear improves.
2. Conversation with an opponent - speed of reaction.
3. There are clubs for “beginners” - communication from scratch.
4. Allows you to master the format of “fluent speech” - fluency in the language.
5. .
6. Interesting and informal meeting format.

Meetings in the “no tie” format

Any learning involves rules, fear of the word “to the board,” a teacher and homework. In a conversation club, you acquire invaluable without these components: fun and exciting!

The meeting place cannot be changed or “shall we speak English?”:

  • For those who have the opportunity to visit the club for free at the Institute for Humanitarian Development. Meeting format: friendly communication in English over a cup of tea, discussion of news or films and entertainment in the form of English board games. By the way, this is the most common format for holding meetings in English speaking clubs.
  • There is a cinema format for meetings of “English speaking people”, like the conversation club “Movie Discussion Club” with free admission, which is located in the ZIL cultural center. In the evenings there are group viewings of English-language films with English subtitles. This format is suitable for language users at an intermediate level and above, since after viewing there is an active discussion of the film and all kinds of discussions.
  • The “lecture plus communication” format, answers to questions and a lesson in a “narrow circle” are quite popular For example, such meetings are held in the English HOG-Words conversation club. An interesting option for those who speak English at an intermediate level and want to improve it as much as possible.

The golden rule of the conversation club

This rule of ethics is very important in such “meetings”: do not interrupt each other, and respect the opinion of each member of the club! Since a conversation club is a place for gaining knowledge and honing language skills in a comfortable environment of casual conversation.

The main thing is to “be on topic”

In English speaking clubs, meetings are usually devoted to a specific topic.. You need to find out about the topic in advance by phone or on the “Vkontakte” page, by email and prepare in advance.

Especially if this is not just a conversational meeting, but speeches and further discussion on the topic (such meetings are held in English HOG-Words). Participants can also propose their own options for topics, and the organizer will choose the best one for the event.

Topics at meetings

  1. news – discussion of the “hottest” latest news;
  2. films - joint viewing and discussions;
  3. narrow-profile topics: holidays, “how I spent my summer,” first-person narration;
  4. wide-format topics that are always relevant: sports, travel, healthy lifestyle, culinary topics.

Free conversation clubs in Moscow for beginners

In 2011, there was a wave of opening of all kinds of speaking clubs in Moscow and there were quite a lot of “free” options. Now most of them have closed or reclassified as paid ones.

Basically, there are conversation clubs with free access for those who speak the language at an upper-intermediate level. But there is still gunpowder in the flasks!

We need to take a closer look at the current free conversation clubs for beginners:

How to get to the free conversation club?

There are a lot of options: either you need to get a library card, as in the Russian Library for Youth; or register in a VK group or send an email, as in the Institute for Humanitarian Development.

There are options when entry is absolutely free- this is the anti-cafe Tsiferblat and Woodendoor, and the English Club Oxbridge, so we welcome newcomers everywhere!

Since the dates and times of all conversation clubs are different, you can visit them all and choose the most comfortable place for yourself. The main thing is not to think too long: knowledge comes with practice and real communication. Good luck!

For those who want to hang out

For those who want to help

In Moscow, recently there has been a social project to help travelers with city orientation. It is called Wowlocal. Those wishing to take part in it can take a simple test on the website for knowledge of the city and, if the outcome is positive, receive an Ask me I’m local badge at the Fabrika gallery-hostel. Actually, that's all - there are no duties in the project, and, having received the badge, you can simply walk around the city whenever you want, helping foreigners who have applied. In addition, the project team holds English speaking club meetings and city orienteering games.

Another way to help tourists coming to Russia is to provide them with a place to stay. There is a Couchsurfing portal for this - after registration, you need to check the box where it asks if the user provides an entry, indicate the location, timing and write a couple of phrases about yourself. After this, you can choose your roommates yourself - all travelers carefully fill out questionnaires, hang up photos and talk about themselves. This is probably the easiest way to communicate in a foreign language with a nice person right at home. In addition, on the portal you can find one of the most complete posters of language meetings in Moscow.

For those who just want to talk

In English

Moscow English Conversation Club is one of the oldest conversation clubs in Moscow. And he really is very English. Visitors (and there are quite a few of them) are usually divided into groups of 5-7 people and disperse to the corners to chat about secular topics. The new arrivals move from group to group, listen anxiously and look for somewhere to join. Some people just stand and watch the discussion, comprehending the delights of English phonetics, while others actively participate in the conversation. As a result, the time allotted for communication - and this is a whole 4 hours - flies by.

Separately, at MECC there are meetings of the English psychological club - for those who are interested in talking in English about character accentuations and psychological trauma, this is the place.

You can find out the schedule of meetings on [the club website.


For those who want conversations and lectures in German, we can recommend the Russian-German House in Moscow - this is a pompous building in Khamovniki, where all kinds of cultural events regularly take place - concerts, opening days, discussions and meetings to maintain the patriotic spirit in Russian Germans. In addition to all of the above, the Einfach Deutsch discussion club is regularly held there - and this is where you can communicate in German with native speakers and amateurs. Each meeting has its own topics.

In Spanish

There are even fewer Spanish language clubs in Moscow than places where you can speak German and French. But nevertheless they exist. One of these places is a club

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