Facial care after 30.

Women after thirty should pay special attention to skin care, because it is at this age that the first signs of aging begin to appear, such as wrinkles, pigmentation, dull or uneven complexion, dark circles under the eyes. It is quite possible to neutralize these signs if you know the basic rules of skin care and make the necessary efforts. In this case, you will look fresh and attractive long after you turn 30.

Decide what colors, textures and makeup style suit you

Remember that cosmetics should highlight your most attractive features and disguise imperfections. The ability to choose the right makeup will be of great use to you in the future. Don't be afraid to experiment with color, just always remember what options are appropriate in a given situation. Know that simplicity is always the best solution, so don't overload your skin with makeup.

Use highlighter

Now almost everyone knows the ways in which professional makeup artists deal with red eyes and highlight the face - they use highlighter! You can easily achieve the same effect and use the highlighter yourself, highlighting your eyes or lips.

Try to eat more goji berries

Goji berries are a complete source of protein, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. In addition, this product is known for its ability to provide energy and strengthen the body, because it helps the body cope with stress. Eating goji berries will boost immunity, improve acid-base balance, strengthen liver health, and also provide an anti-aging effect.

Cleanse your skin twice in the evenings

Cleansing your face should be part of your daily skin care routine in the morning, but in the evening you should do a double procedure: first thoroughly remove makeup, and then cleanse the skin of impurities and plaque so that you can provide it with the necessary hydration. Also, try to eat a healthy diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables, which are high in beneficial phytochemicals that protect your skin from free radical damage.

Drink up to two liters of clean and fresh water every day

At any age, it is important to nourish and moisturize the skin from the inside. You will not be able to achieve the necessary hydration with juices, coffee, tea or other drinks, just like by eating fruit. Remember to choose moisturizing skincare products rather than those that simply contain water - such cosmetics can only speed up the aging process of the skin, because the water will naturally evaporate, making the skin even drier than before applying the cream.

Use natural hair products

Marriage, the birth of a child, career growth - all this leads to a busy life in which there is no room for properly caring for your hair. To achieve maximum results even with limited care options, use natural products containing protein - they maintain normal hair condition. This will help you restore its structure, moisturize your hair and provide it with a natural shine. Just use these products at least twice a week.

Shape your eyebrows

Try to create the perfect shape for your eyebrows by controlling their length and thickness. Don't pluck too much. As you age, the skin under your eyebrows can become loose and wrinkled. Over-plucked eyebrows will only draw more attention to this problem.

Have microdermabrasion treatments regularly

By the time you reach your thirties, cell turnover begins to slow and environmental damage from cigarette smoke, air pollution, and sunlight begins to take hold. Regular microdermabrasion will be a great way to encourage cell renewal. In addition, this way you can give your skin a fresher look - the procedure eliminates wrinkles and folds associated with dehydration.

Go to a cosmetologist for monthly skin cleansing

Try to visit a cosmetologist regularly, and also undergo a full examination by a dermatologist once a year to exclude the occurrence of a precancerous condition. Your skin care routine should include an eye cream for morning and evening, cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Use a cleanser with hydroacids to stimulate new cell growth.

Consider professional teeth whitening

Over the years, tooth enamel becomes yellow under the influence of coffee, tea, wine, tobacco, and food coloring. Fortunately, getting rid of such stains is quite simple and easy. You will need to use the whitening gel tray for several hours every day or have a whitening procedure done at your dentist's office.

Eat fish

Eating fish from cold waters, such as salmon, helps provide a healthy glow to your skin. It is enough to eat just one serving per day. Don't give up these products just because you don't like fish, you can use fish oil. In addition, you can eat seeds and nuts, which are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Wash your face with cool water

This is one of the most important self-care tips for women over thirty. Try to always use only cool water to prevent the aging process of the skin. Rinse your face with cool water two to three times every morning. This will provide your skin with a boost of energy and freshness. Repeat this process in the evenings before you go to bed.

Use anti-aging masks

Try a variety of facial masks and skin treatments to maintain glowing skin for years to come. For example, you can make a mask of egg whites and honey once a week to improve skin elasticity. You can also apply various products before bed; products with vitamin C work especially well, as they deeply renew the skin, restore cells and make the face youthful and radiant.

Use a scrub weekly

Exfoliation is an essential part of an intensive cleansing that helps draw out impurities from pores and get rid of dead cells accumulated on the skin. You can use an exfoliating scrub or natural remedies, such as gently rubbing a used green tea bag onto your skin.

Properly moisturize your skin

Moisturizing is an essential part of anti-aging care because every year the skin becomes more susceptible to dryness, dull color and damage. You should moisturize your skin properly - gently massage your face with natural oils like coconut or olive.

Take care of your skin before bed

Nighttime skin care is of particular importance for all women over the age of thirty. Night creams with anti-aging effect have excellent results. Apply this cream to deeply hydrate your skin and prevent wrinkles, fine lines and other problems associated with aging. In addition, such a product will stimulate the production of collagen, which will strengthen the skin and make it denser.

The age of thirty is considered the period of flowering of female beauty. But this statement is relevant only for those girls who have learned to properly care for themselves. The aging process of the body starts at the age of 25. From this point on, maintaining a blooming appearance requires some effort. Let's figure out what ideal facial skin care should be after 30 years.

Properties of covers

After 30 years, there is no drastic change in the condition of the skin, but processes begin to occur in the body that, years later, lead to the appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of skin color. The main ones:

  • slowing down metabolism;
  • decreased rate of microcirculation of blood and lymph in the skin;
  • thinning of the lipid mantle;
  • decreased sebum secretion;
  • weakening of muscle tone and dermis;
  • slowdown in collagen production;
  • inhibition of regeneration;
  • acceleration of moisture loss by cells.

The consequence of these processes is the appearance of the first signs of aging, which include “crow’s feet”, swelling and shadows under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sallow skin tone and so on. These imperfections are especially noticeable after sleepless nights, physical and emotional overload. Daily self-care will help delay skin aging.


Facial care after 30 years includes standard stages: cleansing, toning, nutrition and moisturizing. In this case, it is necessary to use suitable cosmetics. Most companies produce special product lines by age.

It is advisable not to use soap to cleanse the skin. It is better to remove makeup with milk or cream, and then wash with gel, foam or mousse. It is ideal to use mineral or purified water rather than tap water. You need to wash your face twice a day.

The cleanser should be selected according to your skin type: for combination skin and those prone to oiliness, light foams with a neutral pH and antibacterial ingredients are suitable; for dry skin, emulsions with nourishing oils are suitable.


After washing your face, pat dry with a towel and wipe with toner. It will help narrow pores, relieve irritation and disinfect the skin. Medicines containing alcohol should be avoided. It is good if the tonic contains extracts of medicinal plants and a small amount of acids. This product can be replaced with mineral water.


From the age of 30, it is important to regularly carry out deep cleansing of the skin at home, that is, peeling or scrubbing. If the skin is oily or combination, the optimal frequency of the procedure is once a week, normal - every 2 weeks, dry - every 3-4 weeks. Thanks to peeling, the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, thereby improving cell nutrition and accelerating their regeneration. Neglecting deep cleansing leads to the fact that the integument looks rough and uneven in structure.

For scrubbing, you can use both ready-made and homemade products. It is very important that their particles are small and not sharp. There are two types of preparations: with natural and chemical abrasives. The first includes products with pieces of fruit seeds and minerals, the second includes peelings based on synthetic substances, they act more carefully.

Making a scrub at home

The scrub is easy to make at home. Here are some recipes:

  1. For oily and combination skin. Combine a tablespoon of steamed oatmeal and sour cream;
  2. From peeling. Mix a tablespoon of coffee grounds and banana puree, add a few drops of tangerine and orange esters;
  3. For dry skin. Combine two teaspoons of oatmeal, aloe and lemon juice, add one small spoon of sugar and mineral water;
  4. The compositions are applied to a clean, damp face, then a light massage is performed for 2 minutes, after which you need to wash.

Moisturizing, nourishing and protecting

Girls over 30 need to use two types of creams: day and night. In the warm season, you should apply a moisturizer in the mornings, a nourishing one in the evenings, and vice versa in the cold.

Mandatory components of daytime cosmetics are filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays activate the work of oxidants - aggressive forms of oxygen that accelerate the aging process. The night cream formula should include retinoids (forms of vitamin A), which stimulate regeneration processes in the skin.

Other important ingredients after 30 years:

  • vitamins E, C, F – substances that protect against oxidants and relieve irritation;
  • phytoestrogens are natural analogues of hormones that prolong youth; they are found in hop cones, soybeans, and legumes;
  • collagen of plant or synthetic origin, as well as components that activate its production;
  • beeswax, which forms a thin protective film on the skin;
  • hyaluronic acid is a substance responsible for the hydration and tone of the skin.

If you want to quickly improve your skin condition at home, it is better to use serums - products with a high concentration of biological substances. They should be applied to clean surfaces until the cream is applied. It is best to use serums in courses twice a year.

An important step in self-care is applying the product to the area under the eyes. This area should not be treated with face cream. Eyelid gel should have a light texture and also have a moisturizing, tightening and toning effect. It's good if it contains vitamin C and caffeine.


Home care involves applying face masks 2 times a week. Compositions should be selected based on skin problems.

  1. Nourishing compress. In 100 g of olive oil add 1 small spoon of chamomile, 1 large spoon of rowan juice and honey. Heat the mixture (in a bathhouse), dip gauze into it and apply for half an hour.
  2. Anti-wrinkle mask. Grate 1 carrot, add 1 small spoon of starch and olive oil, 1 protein to the mixture. Apply for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cleansing composition for oily skin. Pour a large spoonful of white clay with green tea until a thick paste is obtained, add 1 small spoonful of honey. Steam your face and apply the mask for a third of an hour.
  4. Moisturizer for dry skin. Turn one banana into pulp, add 0.5 small spoon of starch and 1 teaspoon of cream. Keep on your face for a third of an hour.

For combination skin, cleansing compositions should be applied to oily areas, and nourishing compositions should be applied to dry areas.

Neck care

The phrase that the neck reveals one’s true age is one hundred percent true, especially if the girl does not take care of it. Let's figure out how to take care of your neck after 30. The daily ritual consists of the same steps as maintaining facial beauty:

  1. Cleansing. Before showering or washing, the neck skin should be wiped with cosmetic milk or regular kefir. Then you need to apply a face wash or gel with a neutral pH to the skin and rinse it well with water;
  2. Toning. Cosmetologists advise wiping your neck and face with one tonic;
  3. Nutrition and hydration. Special creams are produced for neck care, but if it is not possible to purchase them, the skin can be lubricated with ordinary nourishing facial products. They should contain oils (macadamia, avocado, almond), collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins E, F and other valuable components. It is recommended to apply the cream in a thick layer, and after 15 minutes remove excess cream with a napkin.


From 30 onwards, neck care is impossible without a light massage. It should be done every day at the same time as applying the cream: take the product onto your fingers and rub it lightly, and then make massage movements.

Basic techniques:

  1. Swipe 3-5 times on both sides from the shoulder to the earlobe;
  2. Grasp the left surface of the neck with your right hand and apply light pressure, moving from the collarbone to the chin. Repeat for the other side. You cannot put pressure on the thyroid gland;
  3. Place the backs of your hands under your chin and move towards your ears, making patting movements. You should do about 50 claps;
  4. Stroke the neck 3-5 times from bottom to top.

Twice a week, when caring for your neck, you should apply masks. A product made from yolk, 1 large spoon of honey and 1 large spoon of olive oil has a good nutritional and tightening effect. Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.

Salon treatments

After 30, professional skin care becomes especially important. It is advisable to visit a cosmetologist, whose task is to individually select cosmetic techniques and give advice on choosing medications.

The most useful procedures:

  1. Lymphatic drainage massage – manual or hardware manipulations aimed at improving microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  2. Superficial chemical peeling – removal of “dead” epidermal cells using acids – glycolic, lactic, salicylic and others;
  3. Mesotherapy is the injection of drugs under the skin, the formula of which includes hyaluronic acid, vitamins, collagen and other substances.

Proper self-care after 30 allows you to prolong the youth of your skin. It is important to regularly carry out basic procedures at home, and also visit a beauty salon if possible. But maintaining beauty only through cosmetics will not work. At this age, proper rest and healthy eating are key.

By the age of 30, a woman reaches an age when a complete revision of her attitude towards herself must occur. The sooner you start taking care of yourself, the less chance old age will have of getting to you.

Lifestyle after 30 years

An incorrect lifestyle will first be reflected on your face.

Protect yourself from passive pastime as much as possible. Your body is still young and needs to feel it. Spend more time outdoors and be active. However, remember to get enough sleep and rest. And of course, try to get rid of your bad habits.

Fitness after 30 years

After 30, many women face the problem of excess weight. In order to keep your body and mood in good shape, you need to make the presence of sports in your life mandatory.

Naturally, visible results will be achieved much more slowly than before. But this is no reason to despair. Watch your body, do not overload it. Fat will inevitably leave your body, although not at such a rapid rate. The main task is to maintain muscle and joint tone, maintain flexibility and plasticity. The lower half of the body requires the most attention.

Spend at least 3 times a week for 40 minutes and your body will thank you. Combine strength training and aerobic exercise.

Nutrition after 30 years

As you cross the 30-year threshold, your body begins to consume less and less energy. Substances are broken down in the body more slowly, activity decreases and, as a result, the amount of nutrition must be adjusted.

It is better to start the morning with those foods that will help activate intestinal activity. It is necessary to eat exactly the kind of breakfast that will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Products containing fiber will help with this. These can be grain products, a variety of vegetables.

For lunch, it is best to use carbohydrate foods, such as cereals and vegetables, but do not forget about the meat component. Try to exclude mayonnaise and fatty sour cream from your diet, as they are of no benefit, and they clog the body.

Fermented milk products with low fat content are suitable as a snack. If you absolutely cannot give up sweets, then consume them in minimal quantities and preferably in the first half of the day.

Dinner should consist of protein foods, such as fish, white meat, and a side dish of your choice. Don't overeat at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Compliance with these rules will eliminate the presence of excess body weight and you will enjoy your beautiful figure.

Skin care after 30 years

After 30 years of age, skin begins to require especially careful care. It's time to buy a quality anti-aging cream. Under no circumstances should you immediately rush to hormonal products. Make sure that the cream contains collagen, elastin and fruit acids. It will be useful to use ice to wipe your face, not forgetting your neck and décolleté.

You need to take care of your skin every day, without missing a single day. Remember about cleansing procedures and do not allow yourself the luxury of wearing cosmetics at night. Facial massage will be useful, but it must be done carefully and accurately.

All these methods together will allow you to delight the eyes of others for many, many years to come.

But no matter how it is, if your eyes glow with happiness and a smile plays on your face, you won’t be afraid of any old age. The main thing is to love yourself.

Dry facial skin looks more attractive compared to oily skin. But after 25-30 years, women with such dermis begin to appear the first wrinkles, and they are susceptible to earlier aging. Therefore, it is important to properly organize care for dry skin after 30 years, making it regular and surprising others with your youth and beauty.

Changes that occur to the skin after 30 years

The main cause of dry dermis is usually insufficient production of oil by the sebaceous glands, which is a natural protection. Other causes of dryness may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, lack of vitamins, prolonged exposure to the sun, and the use of soap in skin care. With age, the sebaceous glands work more slowly, and the natural lubrication of the dermis becomes even less.
After the age of 30:

  • Skin cell renewal processes slow down;
  • The formation of an oil-fat film is reduced;
  • Microcirculation is disrupted.

Therefore, the dermis becomes:

  • More dry;
  • Tight after washing;
  • Swelling appears;
  • Wrinkles appear;

Skin at 30-40 years old is considered mature, but it is too early to talk about fading at this age.

Beauty plan for dry skin after 30-40 years

In order for dry skin to remain young after 30 years as long as possible, you need to organize ongoing care, which includes daily, weekly and annual procedures, and salon care. Ideally, you need to do all of the following procedures.

Daily care for dry skin

The following facial care steps should be taken daily:

  1. Cleansing.

You need to cleanse your face and neck in the morning and evening with milk, cream, natural oils or other products that have the consistency of a gel or cream. Do not use soap or products containing alcohol as they will dry out the skin even more. Cosmetologists advise washing your face with warm mineral water or an alkaline solution (1 teaspoon of soda is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water)

  1. Toning.

Performed with tonic after cleansing. This necessary stage of care is needed to remove remnants of the cleanser, restore the PH balance, and prepare for the absorption of the cream. A toner for dry skin after 30 years should be alcohol-free and contain moisturizing glycerin, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and soothing ingredients - aloe, chamomile.

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing dry skin.

You need to moisturize your face in the morning, before going outside, and nourish it before bed. A day cream containing hyaluronic acid is ideal.

In the evening you need to use night creams. They are greasy compared to daytime products and take longer to absorb. At night, active cell division and renewal of the dermis occurs. Night creams help these processes by replenishing tissues with nutrients and vitamins.

Apply cream light patting movements. You can alternate night cream with natural oils, which have a large amount of vitamins, healthy fats and penetrate well into the lower layers of the skin. Read how to choose an oil for your skin type

  1. Increases blood circulation and tightens facial muscles.

Facebook building— facial exercises performed daily or once every 2-3 days will help strengthen muscles and increase blood circulation, the flow of nutrients to the skin, and improve complexion. Self-massage gives an effect similar to face-building - it refreshes the skin of the face, makes it elastic, increases blood circulation and improves relief. Facial massage can be performed at home or take a course from a cosmetologist or massage therapist;

  1. Protection.

Dry skin after 30-35 years especially needs protection. At any time of the year, when leaving home, it is necessary to apply a product with SPF filters of at least 15-30, and when traveling to the sea, SPF should be at least 50. In the sun, you need to wear sunglasses - they will protect the thin dermis around the eyes and reduce the need squint. In winter, it is good to use special winter creams that protect your face from cold and wind.

Weekly care for dry skin

Every week you need to do:

  • Face masks. For dry skin after 30 years, moisturizing masks should be done 2-3 times a week, nourishing masks – once a week;
  • Peelings, scrubs, gommages. They should be soft and light. You can do the procedure at home once every 7-10 days. The simplest scrub recipes at home:
    • sugar and yogurt in a 1:1 ratio;
    • a mixture of coffee grounds with honey: this scrub is well stored on a shelf in the bathroom;
    • ground oatmeal + sour cream + a few drops of olive or other base oil.

A scrub for dry skin should not contain abrasive particles with hard edges.

An alternative to scrub is gommage - a softer peeling, without abrasive particles. This type of cleansing is the gentlest and best suited for dry, sensitive and aging skin. What is gommage and how to use it.

Annual care

Once or twice a year (preferably in autumn and spring), it is advisable to apply a course of serum for dry skin. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, thanks to which the dermis is transformed and freshened.

Salon treatments for dry skin after 30-35 years

If your skin is very dry and there are noticeable wrinkles that you want to get rid of quickly, you can seek the services of a cosmetologist. After 30 years, you can do the following procedures:

  • Massage courses a cosmetologist helps improve blood circulation and facial tone;
  • Emergency humidification programs– professional face masks that deeply nourish and moisturize the dermis;
  • Pillings– help cleanse the skin, remove flaking and refresh the complexion;
  • Biorevitalization— injections with hyaluronic acid, which actively moisturizes the skin from the inside;
  • Mesotherapy– injections of biological cocktails to restore cell functions and nutrition.

The last two procedures give noticeable results after the first visit to a cosmetologist. They have nothing to do with Botox, as they supply the dermis with the nutrients it needs. Botox only brings external improvements.

Tips for choosing cosmetics and creams for dry skin after 30 years

When choosing decorative cosmetics and creams, you should take into account the composition of these products. Cosmetologists advise choosing delicate care products for dry skin. In makeup, you need to give preference to creamy textures of eye shadow, blush, foundation and avoid crumbly cosmetic products.

Cosmetics for dry skin should not contain:

  • Alcohol - it dries the skin and makes it faded;
  • Petroleum products: ceresin, vaseline, ozokerite. They create a film on the skin that interferes with its renewal;
  • Glycolic and salicylic acids.

Ingredients that should ideally be contained in cosmetics for dry skin:

  • Natural oils;
  • Vitamins;
  • Moisturizing agents (hylauronic acid, glycerin, milk proteins, sorbitol);
  • Collagen;
  • Elastin;
  • Ceramides;
  • Fatty acid;
  • SPF of at least 15 in day cream or foundation;

In order for dry, tight skin to look young after 30 years, you cannot do without general recommendations related to a healthy lifestyle, these are:

  • Drinking enough water (about 2 liters per day);
  • Eating food rich in vitamins and minerals: fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils;
  • Course intake of B vitamins;
  • Regular physical activity;
  • Air humidification in the apartment, especially during the operation of heating devices;
  • Sleep in a cool room.

Follow the rules of skin care, take care of it regularly and after 30-40 years you will look younger than your peers.

Peace to the world, and ice cream to me!

Find out what salon and home facial skin care should include after 30 years: what age-related changes you will have to deal with, what procedures and products are recommended to choose to prevent early aging and fading, several useful recipes and tips.

Many women experience the thirty-year mark quite hard. Despite the youth, which seems to continue, the first signs of withering are already making themselves felt. Some people’s skin stays “well done” until the end, maintaining freshness and elasticity.

However, most representatives of the fair sex begin to suffer from age-related changes and develop complexes. So that everything is not so catastrophic, you need the right facial care after 30, which every young lady who cares about her appearance is able to provide for herself. You need to approach this very responsibly, so that later at 40 you don’t look 50.

Changes in the skin after 30 years

You need to understand that age-related changes that occur in the skin after 30 years manifest themselves differently in everyone. Despite this, they are inevitable. Some will encounter them as early as 32, and some only at the age of 40.

One way or another, their appearance can be delayed if you perform proper and regular facial care after 30 years, which can include both salon techniques and procedures, and the use of various products at home. But you need to know the enemy by sight, so all the changes that occur in the skin at this age should be known to you.

  • Synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in cells gradually slows down, but they are the ones who form connective tissue, are responsible for its restoration, and maintain the turgor (elasticity) of the skin.
  • Water balance begins to disturb: Precious moisture evaporates from the cells in ever greater quantities. Slow but sure dehydration and drying out of the epidermis begins.
  • The regeneration processes of damaged cells slow down. The result is that the skin loses its tone, becomes dull and looks stretched.
  • Loses clarity, the contour of the face blurs.
  • Exactly after 30 years facial wrinkles appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, in the corners of the mouth and eyes.
  • More and more often in the mornings, a 30-year-old woman is forced to observe swelling, bags, and dark circles under her eyes in the mirror.
  • The complexion deteriorates, becomes earthy-gray, dull, heterogeneous. This is especially evident if a woman smokes or abuses alcohol.
  • Persistent pigment spots and freckles form.

All these age-related changes spoil your mood and make you think about your age and appearance. Provide literate, timely skin care after 30 becomes a priority before it's too late.

Regular daily moisturizing will no longer be enough. You will have to use products and arrange procedures that can maintain youth and delay the aging process.

All this cannot be called full-fledged rejuvenation: it is simply too early to talk about it at this age. It would be much more correct to call such care the preservation and extension of youth.

If, looking in the mirror at 30 years old, you do not observe any of the age-related changes described above, you still should not relax. Cosmetologists say that in such cases, aging comes suddenly and unexpectedly. So, still take care of caring for your skin after 30 years, even if it is in perfect condition. Remember: this doesn't last forever.

Facial care after 30 years in the salon

30 years is the age when you are no longer ashamed to seek professional help at a beauty salon. If you care about prolonging and maintaining the youth and freshness of your skin, be sure to visit a cosmetologist.

After an appropriate examination, he will recommend a set of procedures aimed at improving the condition of the epidermis. Regular salon facials make any woman of this age much younger than her age. What recommendations can a professional give you?

  1. Face cleaning after 30 years, it ensures freshness of the skin and promotes its successful perception of other anti-aging procedures. The salon may offer manual or machine cleaning. If there are no financial restrictions, it is better to give preference to hardware ultrasound: it provides gentle care for the skin, causes a minimum of side effects, and has a tightening effect. The recovery period after it is only 1-2 days. The cosmetologist himself will prescribe a course of procedures. Usually this is 1-2 times a month.
  2. Facial peeling after 30 years it is simply necessary: ​​it rids the epidermis of surface impurities, sebaceous plugs, the upper “tired” layer, and dead cells. The skin that undergoes peeling care “breathes” more easily and is better able to accept masks, creams and other care products. At this age, the salon may offer chemical peeling. It is traumatic, but perfectly smoothes out the first wrinkles.
  3. facial treatment involves the introduction of active substances using a needle under the skin. At the age of 30, solutions with vitamins and antioxidant compounds are injected in small volumes to maintain youthful skin and strengthen the oval of the face.
  4. Biorevitalization Facial treatment is essentially reminiscent of mesotherapy, but is completely different in content. Most often, women after 30 years of age are injected with a solution of the famous hyaluronic acid into certain areas of the face: these can be nasolabial folds, the area around the lips, the corners of the eyes, the chin, etc. It is organically integrated into the structure of the skin, fills its voids, wrinkles, maintains elasticity, retains moisture - provides necessary care.
  5. Individual cosmetics has very high efficiency. It is aimed at specific problems that you want to get rid of. An experienced cosmetologist will select an exclusive composition and can even create for you a natural lotion, cream, serum, mask, which can be used to maintain a youthful face at home.

Salon facial skin care after 30 years is highly effective. The professionalism of cosmetologists and modern innovative technologies in this area make it possible to hide the first age-related changes that occur in the skin. This instills self-confidence in a woman, eliminates unnecessary complexes, and promotes an objective assessment of her appearance.

However, not everyone rushes to the beauty salon after discovering annoying wrinkles in the mirror. Some people don’t have extra money for procedures, some value every minute of their time, and some are simply accustomed to trusting only themselves. What to do in such cases?

Even if you are sorely short of time or money for professional facial care after you turn 30, use all your reserves of strength and finances to visit a cosmetologist at least once. He will identify the main problems of your skin and suggest the right direction in which you can then move on your own.

Home facial care after 30 years

Facial skin care after 30 years at home involves two ways. Firstly, the active use of store-bought products: creams, tonics, lotions, scrubs, etc. Secondly, the preparation of such products with your own hands from the products that are in your kitchen, cosmetic bag or medicine cabinet.

If you choose the right skincare products specifically for this age and master the art of home cosmetology using recipes, age-related changes are unlikely to bother you in the near future.

  1. Face massage- the basis of home skin care after 30 years. It ensures active blood flow to the surface layers of the epidermis, ensuring adequate nutrition of the cells. It enriches them with oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which the cells are restored and renewed faster. If desired, this effect can be enhanced by a contrast massage using ice cubes, which are recommended to be used to wipe aging skin. Facial massage in Moscow can now be done in various beauty salons. It tightens, refreshes, improves complexion, and enhances the protective properties of the epidermis.
  2. Soft peeling, properly performed at home, is safer than a salon one. It does not injure the skin; it is recommended to do it twice a week after 30 years. You can use store-bought finely abrasive scrubs or crushed oatmeal, candied honey, coffee grounds, nut kernels, etc.
  3. Homemade masks after 30 years they can work real miracles as part of anti-aging care. Firstly, they are natural, and therefore completely safe and effective. Secondly, they save money. Thirdly, their great variety allows you to choose a product that is suitable specifically for your skin type and your problem.

Home skin care after 30 years also includes careful and very competent use of decorative cosmetics. It must be of high quality, i.e. you should not skimp on it at this age.

And don’t forget to take it off at night, otherwise contamination of the pores and sebaceous plugs cannot be avoided. And this will speed up the aging process several times. Of all the home treatments and remedies, you should pay special attention to scrubs and masks.

Do you think that homemade masks are ineffective, but take a lot of effort, time and products? It’s worth trying at least once to pamper your delicate skin with a homemade mask or scrub - and you’ll probably forget about the problems of your 30s. After all, now you will use them constantly.

Homemade masks and scrubs after 30

The main function of homemade masks and scrubs intended for skin care after 30 years is freshness, moisturizing, toning and rejuvenation. It’s too early to think about a lifting effect at this age, unless it’s very mild and not so pronounced. In order not to get lost in the variety of recipes, you can use ours.

Rejuvenating mask

Pluck a few fleshy leaves from the bottom of the aloe. Keep them in the refrigerator for two weeks, wrapped in gauze. After this, peel them and extract the pulp. Mix it (1 tablespoon) with warm olive oil (the same amount). This mask perfectly moisturizes facial skin after 30 years and promotes cell regeneration. Action time is from 15 to 30 minutes.

Nourishing mask

Turn banana pulp into puree, mix it (1 tablespoon) with crushed oatmeal (the same amount), add egg yolk, warm honey (1 teaspoon). Dilute with warm olive oil to the desired consistency. This mask improves complexion, removes signs of fatigue, and makes facial wrinkles less noticeable. The duration of action is half an hour.

Firming mask

Mix pharmaceutical glycerin, honey and oatmeal in equal quantities. With the help of such a mask, you can quickly and efficiently give the contours of your face the desired shape. Action time - 20 minutes.

Coffee-sour cream scrub

Mix used coffee grounds with sour cream in equal proportions. Apply to skin and massage for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Ordinary home facial care after 30 is available to every woman, who thinks not only about her current skin condition, but also about what awaits her in 10 years. To prevent total age-related changes in the form of ptosis and wrinkles, it is necessary to regularly and properly care for your face.

A minimal set of natural products, coupled with daily 10-minute procedures, will ensure youthful and beautiful skin for many years. You just need to think about it in time, and 30 years is the most suitable time for this.

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